Dirty Showdown

The live broadcast room was bristling with barrages from water users.

"Urgent, what is Instructor Ai doing all this time, why isn't there any update at all?"

"Indeed, the viewers who don't know thought Instructor Ai's wild practice had folded in some nook and cranny of the wilderness area."

"Celadon Gym, wife, wife detector activated!"

"Miss Erika is so beautiful, today's Miss Erika is so gorgeous in her clothes, her makeup is also beautiful, this live broadcast has paid for itself, I'm Miss Erika's dog!"

"No, Instructor Ai is also beautiful, why don't you say Instructor Ai!"

The audience who were urging for more, the audience who were flirting, the audience who were dogs, the audience who were Instructor Ai's dogs filled the live broadcast room in a moment.

Aisha, on the other hand, didn't bother with them.


Looking at the Exeggutor on the battlefield that was obviously deformed and now even had three heads, Aisha also frowned.

Exeggutor was a Pokémon that was Grass and Psychic type.

In the first generation where the Psychic type was very strong, this guy, with a handful of terrifyingly powerful Psychic type moves and Grass type Pokémon's change-type moves, there was almost no Pokémon that could be counterbalanced except for Alakazam, the Psychic type Pokémon's overlord.

It belonged to the unquestionably powerful.

Eevee had met a powerful enemy in its first Gym Challenge.

"Eevee, Shadow Ball!"

Aisha had no doubt and quickly gave the order to fight.


Little Eevee instantly took a step back, and the energy of the Ghost type was rapidly condensing, transforming into a shadow ball that was spinning at high speed.

"Exeggutor, Psychic!"

Erika also swiftly gave the command to counterattack.

This noble lady was obviously very serious about Instructor Ai, and even though she was commanding Exeggutor to defend, she didn't hastily counterattack with Psychic.


The three heads of Exeggutor also roared together.

Surging mental power surged out of their eyes, and the pink-colored Psychic type fluctuations spread to half the range of the opposing battlefield at once, after which, they quickly closed in and took control towards one of Eevee's Shadow Ball that had suddenly shot at it , attempting to take direct control of it with the surging Psychic.


Exeggutor's mental power was in full swing.

However, even so, it still underestimated Eevee's strength.


Accompanied by Eevee's shout, once the high-speed rotating Shadow Ball erupted, it broke through the interception of Exeggutor's spiritually strong mind's mental power network with a forceful force, and blasted on top of its large face with a single breath.


Exeggutor let out a cry of pain.

Its heavy body staggered back a few steps, and the pain of one face also touched the distress of the other two, and the psychic power fluctuations of Psychic were instantly interrupted.


Aisha also glanced at Eevee with a surprised expression.

He knew that Eevee had been following him in the field to exercise and spar during this period of time, and its strength had rapidly increased quite a bit, and its real-world combat experience had also risen by leaps and bounds.

However, the fact that Eevee was already strong to this extent was something that Instructor Ai hadn't anticipated.

The child had grown up...


Aisha revealed a smile.

However, the positioning that Eevee had assumed within this sparring match still hadn't changed much, and its mission was still fixed.

"Eevee, grab this opportunity and use Calm Mind!"


Hearing his master's order, Eevee instantly closed its eyes and channeled the energy of its Psychic attribute into nutrients that strengthened its body.

"No good, Exeggutor, Seed Bomb, make sure you interrupt that child's ongoing strengthening!"

Erika's eyes also jumped as soon as she heard Aisha's command, and she immediately commanded Exeggutor to attack.


Berserk Grass-type energy condensed on top of the Exeggutor's leaves into seeds filled with explosive energy, and in one gulp, it shot towards Eevee.

However, Eevee's progress was not only terrifying in terms of attack power, but the release speed of non-damaging moves was just as good.


Eevee rushed to complete the strengthening with Calm Mind before the Seed Bomb hit it, and its watery eyes suddenly deepened.


Without needing Aisha to make a command, Eevee took the initiative to make a Quick Attack, and with the help of the move providing a speed complement, it dodged Exeggutor's Seed Bomb in a flash.

"Shadow Ball."


The distance between Eevee and Exeggutor quickly closed under Quick Attack.

Although it was said that Eevee had coalesced Shadow Ball in time.

Exeggutor, however, had already spat out Bullet Seed under Erika's command.


The energies of Ghost type and Grass type collided.

In the end, it was Exeggutor, which possessed the enhancement of its own moves, that was superior, and Shadow Ball, which had gone through a period of Special Attack enhancement, did not lose to Bullet Seed.

Eevee was blown a few meters by the hurricane of the explosion.

Exeggutor was also slightly affected by the explosion.


"Shadow Ball!"

"Seed Bomb!"

Aisha and Erika gave the order to attack together at this time.

Eevee and Exeggutor were in the middle of the smoke from the explosion that hadn't dissipated yet, and shot out dangerous Shadow Balls and Seed Bombs towards each other.


Shadow Balls and Seed Bombs hit each other at the same time, but Eevee and Exeggutor's bodies turned into smoke and exploded at the same time.


Aisha frowned.

"All Substitute?"

Erika glanced at Aisha and understood what had just happened.



After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Exeggutor and Eevee each saw the other at one end of the opposing field, a smirk hidden between the latter's eyes.

Above the field in the center, a piece of venom was corroding the grassy field.

Why was there only one piece?

Because the other piece of venom had already stained Exeggutor's body.


Exeggutor revealed a pained expression.

It had fallen into the "highly poisoned" state.

"As expected of Mr. Aisha..."

Erika also spoke out in praise.

Just now, Aisha and Erika had tacitly chosen to use the assistance of smoke, implying that their Pokémon had created a Substitute and released Toxic.

Susbtitute was lifted together.

Exeggutor's Toxic fell short.

Eevee's Toxic, on the other hand, hit Exeggutor with precision.


Erika's expression was not good.

Especially at this time, she actually saw Aisha on the opposite side take out a Poké ball.

"Eevee, Baton Pass."

Instructor Ai recited this command silently.


With a shake of his body, Eevee's sturdy body flew back within the Poké ball under a burst of red light, and Exeggutor and Erika, who didn't have any chase-type moves, just watched as Eevee, carrying a section of Special Attack and a section of Special Defense reinforcement, safely returned within Aisha's Poké ball and, released a new comrade.


With a burst of light, the muscular Charmeleon stood on top of the sparring ground, and hot flames followed its roar as it rushed up into the sky.

"Ha... Mr. Aisha is really something."

Erika was still wearing a warm smile.

She wasn't at all afraid of Charmeleon, a fire-type Pokémon.

"Exeggutor, Sleep Powder."

Finally, Erika recited this sinister move.

"Charmeleon, Flamethrower."

Aisha, on the other hand, didn't have a problem with it and still commanded Charmeleon to attack.


Erika's expression changed and she said, "Exeggutor, Protect!"

As it turned out, Erika's choice was very correct.

Exeggutor's Sleep Powder had absolutely no effect on Charmeleon - Erika finally saw that Charmeleon's carrying prop was Safety Goggles.

Instructor Ai himself was a master of sleep, so how could he not guard against a handful of Erika's Sleep Powder?

Instead, Exeggutor's move instead transformed into Protect because it had withdrawn Sleep Powder halfway through, causing a bit of a delay in the convergence of energy, and the leaves that were growing above its head were burned by Charmeleon's Flamethrower.


Exeggutor wailed in great pain, its heavy body shivering as it finally extinguished the flames.

"Charmeleon, Fire Blast!"

Aisha also gave the order to attack with full force.


Charmeleon was roaring.

"Exeggutor, Light Screen."

Erika, however, didn't get hot blooded at this time and foolishly choose to engage in a frontal big move against it.

She just calmly commanded Exeggutor to open a wall of light.

After that, Exeggutor then dodged extremely hard, and half of its body ate Charmeleon's Fire Blast.


After the flames, Exeggutor, who was covered in scorched blackness, rolled its eyes and fell on top of the ground.

"Exeggutor has lost its ability to fight, Gym trainer side send out the next Pokémon to battle!"

The beautiful kimono-clad referee also competently confirmed Exeggutor's condition and immediately announced the current situation.


Erika retracted the Exeggutor in silence.

The audience watching the live broadcast also boiled over.

"Eevee's Baton Pass has worked."

"Instructor Ai's Charmeleon killed Erika's Exeggutor, which had at least three-fifths of its remaining hp, with a single Fire Blast against Light Screen bizarre, what kind of firepower is this?"

"Bull, it's worthy of being a Charmeleon that I've watched grow since it was in the form of a Charmander."

"Such a Charmeleon with such terrifying firepower, what level it is when it evolves into a Charizard, I don't dare to imagine!"

"It's too awesome, Instructor Ai, but Miss Erika is also especially powerful, at least opening the Light Screen is considered a successful aid."

Everyone marveled at Charmeleon's power.

Of course, Eevee's Calm Mind, and for Exeggutor's weakening were also instrumental.

"Aisha-san is really powerful."

Still smiling warmly, Erika closed her sleeves, after which she parted them and took out a Poké ball.

"Now it's the second stage."

She threw the Poké ball.

With a flash of light, the massive shadow landed on top of the ground, triggering a shaking of the confrontation ground.

"Prepare for battle, Torterra!"


Erika's gentle smile overlapped with the behemoth's hiss, and the contrast between the beauty and the beast was something to behold.

In front of them were Aisha and Charmeleon.

"Torterra is also weak to fire, but Charmeleon is also weak to ground, and being the same Three Royal Family Pokémon, the former is in its final evolved form while the latter is only in its second stage evolved form."

"Bad, this time I can't stand Instructor Ai, Erika-chan is awesome!"

"Miss Erika is too beautiful, I'm Miss Erika's dog!"

"No, dogs wake up a little bit, usually when normal Gym challenge matches are conducted, Erika Gym Leader also didn't dress up so grandly, so it's clear that it's Erika Gym Leader who dressed up in this beautiful and grand way especially for Instructor Ai's challenge party, all of you are clowns."

"My god, my husband is Instructor Ai and my wife is Erika, so happy."

There were also quite a few barrages of hair epilepsy.

Of course, today's situation was still quite a few water users who saw the point.

Charmeleon, who originally had a huge advantage over Grass typee Pokémon, was now instead falling in front of Torterra.

"Charmeleon, Fire Spin!"


Charmeleon relied on its presence advantage to successfully release Fire Spin.

Torterra's body stalled.

Charmeleon, on the other hand, took this opportunity to build up the energy of Fire Blast.

Erika laughed a little.

"Torterra, Earthquake."


Torterra forcibly endured the burning sensation of Fire Spin and violently raised its front limbs, its thick feet wrapping around the ground type's energy.


At the same time, the flames of Fire Blast had flown out of Charmeleon's mouth.


Fire Blast struck the body of Torterra.

Torterra also stomped down its forelimbs wrapped in ground attribute energy at this time, and the collapsing earthquakes surged forward with force.

"Charmeleon, come back!"

Aisha took out the Poké ball, and red rays of light shot towards the Charmeleon.


However, even with the speed of Aisha's hands, Charmeleon was still more or less damaged by the Earthquake.

"It's almost time to come out, Chansey!"

Instructor Ai threw that pink demon's Poké Ball.

Chansey appeared on the battlefield, taking the place of Charmeleon and bearing the subsequent damage of Earthquake - with a physical defense value of 5, it could not be defeated by Earthquake. Here is Instructor Ai on the defensive value of this Chansey, which is also the reason why Aisha chose it as a member of this Gym Challenge.

Shield, too thick.

"Chansey, Icy Wind."


Chansey released Icy Wind with a wagging finger.

The movement of Torterra accumulating its mallet was interrupted, and its speed was reduced by one level.


Miss Erika raised her eyes and glanced at Chansey.

This Chansey seemed to have a high level of attainment in Special Attacks - otherwise it couldn't have interrupted Torterra's move so easily.


"Chansey or not, what can a Chansey do?"

"Didn't Instructor Ai's new video already say, Chansey, Pink Demon!"

"Chansey beats Torterra. Instructor Ai forgot how much defense this thing has.?"

"Bad, Instructor Ai has had an epileptic seizure!"

In any case, the water users gathered in the live broadcast room still sang negatively.


Aisha also glanced at Erika's Torterra - it was protected by a Light Screen, so even though it had eaten that section of Charmeleon's special attack-enhanced Fire Blast head-on, it was still maintaining a relatively healthy stamina.

"Chansey, Reflect."

Doesn't matter, it's always good to open the wall early anyway.


Chansey wagged its finger, opening a wall of light in the process.

"Stealth Rock."

Erika, meanwhile, directed Torterra to scatter spikes.

Charmeleon winced within the Instructor Ai's Poké ball.

Bad, rock spikes.

"Chansey, Toxic!"

"Torterra, Wood Hammer!"

Chansey's little hand shook so fast that a cloud of venom coalesced almost instantly between its little hands, churning and bubbling with a fishy odor, and all of a sudden glued itself on top of Torterra's big face - the latter's Wood Hammer didn't interrupt, and still slammed into Chansey's sturdy body.

And then...

"Chansey, Soft-Boiled."

Aisha gave that sinful command.


Chansey's stamina flew back to a healthy level under its constant "Chansey~ chansey~" sound.

On the contrary, Torterra's stamina completely fell into the unhealthy range under the torture Toxic.

Erika, on the contrary, wasn't too flustered.

"Torterra, Synthesis."

Because Torterra can also restore physical strength - this is the case for grass-type Pokémon, which are very... tenacious.

"Chansey, Sing."

Aisha, however, was waiting for this very command from Erika.

"Chansey~ chansey~ chansey~"

Taking advantage of the fact that Torterra was trying to accumulate sunlight and regain its strength, Chansey immediately showed off its charming singing voice.


Torterra's legs went limp, carrying the highly toxic state into a new sleep state.

Reality's negative status could exist in more than one type.


Erika was also speechless.

"Sleep Talk!"

Miss Erika showed a smile in the darkness - a sinister smile.

She was a master of hypnosis herself, so how could she not have prepared her own countermeasures for being hypnotized...


Torterra built up the preparation for her move under her sleep, and then, a shot of Giga Impact slammed into the top of Chansey's Substitute, successfully attaching a period of hardness to herself.

Erika: "..."

This time really speechless.

Enough configuration but not enough luck.


"Chansey, Stealth Rock."

On the opposite side, Instructor Ai pondered for a moment before directing Chansey to scatter nails in the same way - although it was said that Erika's grass type Pokémon wasn't afraid of Stealth Rock, a little scrape was good for a little bit.



Chansey's stamina was completely restored to its peak.

While Instructor Ai was still pondering whether he needed to use Calm Mind for a while, Torterra had almost opened its eyes as well.

"Chansey, Icy Wind!"


The scraping Icy Wind turned out to be the last straw that completely crushed the turtle - Torterra, which already had little stamina left under the torture of poison, finally closed its eyes and completely lost its ability to fight, representing the loss of Erika's second Pokémon.

"Torterra has lost its ability to fight, the Gym trainer side send out the next Pokémon to battle."

The referee's voice was a bit shaky, however, still dutifully declared the result of the battle.


Erika-sama just retracted her Torterra in silence.

She glanced at Chansey and then at Aisha.

"Thanks to Mr. Aisha, convinced me."

Erika revealed a bright smile.


"After that, I'm also prepared to take in a Chansey..."

As expected, people with black hearts agreed on the dirty side of things.