Distortion World, God of Nightmares

Proton was the leader of this Team Rocket operation.

Giovanni had specially selected him, one of the Four Admins, to lead the team.

Proton was also a rare type within the Four Admins, humble but cruel, cautious in nature, without the bad habits of pride and carelessness, very suitable for important missions.

Their trip to Lavender Town this time had a threefold mission.

The first mission was to massively subdue the Ghost type Pokémon inhabiting the Pokémon Tower.

There were quite a few trainers within Team Rocket who specialized in the Ghost Attribute.

Ghost-type Pokémon were also the best partners for trainers when carrying out some underground work.

Their combat power is not to be underestimated and their potential is not low.

The main reason is that there are not many areas where wild ghost-type Pokémon are distributed. The only place in the Kanto region that is confirmed to have a large-scale gathering of wild ghost-type Pokémon is the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town... So Team Rocket's goal can only be achieved by venturing into the Pokémon Tower and conducting large-scale conquests.

The second mission is to kidnap Mr. Fuji.

The identity of this old man is not ordinary.

Although Mr. Fuji was just an ordinary old man who ran a wild Pokémon shelter in Lavender Town, there was nothing special about him.

However, this fellow was actually a veteran Pokémon researcher.

When Blaine, who was still a member of Team Rocket, was conducting cloning experiments on First Generation Mewtwo, Fuji, who had the same ambition, was his assistant.

Now that Team Rocket was working on the creation of Second Generation Mewtwo under Giovanni's leadership, there was no fear of information.

The researchers who had participated in the cloning program of First Generation Mewtwo were naturally the targets they needed to recruit.

Blaine, who had been the leader of the experiment and was now the head of Cinnabar Gym, naturally could not be moved... As such, Mr. Fuji, who had no backing or fighting strength and was undoubtedly a weakling, was the best choice.

Now, the mission of kidnapping Mr. Fuji had been accomplished.

Proton didn't need to be responsible for torturing this old man with information about the Mewtwo program, and he wasn't really interested in it either.

Proton's mission was only to bring him back to the base...

As for the task of massively collecting Ghost type Pokémon.

There was no rush.

Those Pokémon had no other place to run to anyway.

Taking in Pokémon was also bound to be a big move.

Although it was said that those residents of Lavender Town had already been hypnotized by the Psychic type Pokémon, however, Proton, who was cautious in nature, was not willing to take any risks.

After he completed the third mission, he immediately commanded the minions to carry out the Pokémon subjugation, and after the subjugation target was completed, they immediately ran away... In that case, the risk that they, Team Rocket, might be exposed and fall into the net was also undoubtedly minimized.

Then, what was the third mission that Proton needed to carry out this time?


Proton stood between the halls on the top floor of the Pokémon Tower, scrutinizing that one photo.

Yes, his third mission was to investigate Dakrai, who was suspected to have appeared in Lavender Town.

Dakrai was also a Mythical Pokémon, with a status equivalent to that of Mew.

For Team Rocket, which was now frantically collecting any information about Mythical and Legendary Pokémon in an attempt to assist the Second Generation Mewtwo manufacturing program, Dakrai's traces were something that must be investigated no matter what.

That was the real reason Proton had gone out.

If Dakrai did appear, Proton will be ready to battle and take it in.

Even if Dakrai didn't appear, Proton, one of the Four Admins, would ensure that the other two tasks were carried out completely.

It's not a loss anyway.

And... Team Rocket itself had some information about Dakrai.

As we all know, Dakrai is a Pokémon of Illusion that is unique to the Sinnoh region.

For such a Pokémon from Sinnoh to have appeared in the Kanto region, something unusual must have happened.

Giovanni suspected that this one Darkai was Sird's Darkai.


Proton read out the name of this former colleague.

Sird was one of the Three Beast within Team Rocket, with a status equal to that of the Four Admin.

As a result, this powerful and mysterious woman was actually an undercover agent sent by Team Galactic to infiltrate Team Rocket, with the actual goal of usurping Deoxys that Giovanni had once gotten his hands on - this undercover agent had once held Darkrai with extremely terrifying strength, but in the end, due to gradual loss of control on Darkrai, she had to finally gave up such a Mythic Pokémon.

That one Daktari belonged to the Distortion World.

Sird exiled it.

"The Distortion World... The world of Giratina."

As one of the senior members of Team Rocket, Proton naturally knew that the Distortion World was the land of the legendary Giratina, who had mastered anti-matter.

He certainly didn't have the guts to mess with the Giratina.

However, there was nothing wrong with paying attention to Dakrai.

After Sird had exiled Daktari, there had been no news of that one Pokémon.

Even Sird herself had as little information after that one incident.

Team Rocket reasonably suspected that Daktari had been staying within the Distortion World.

This time, the sighting of a Darkrai in Lavender Town could be the result of that Dakelite finding a way to escape within the Distortion World, and finally succeeding in escaping - the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town, as a resting place for Pokémon's souls, had once witnessed the soul of a Marowak materialize in such a godly manner, so if the Distortion World had opened an entrance in the Kanto region, it would not have been possible for the Distortion World opened up in the Kanto region at Pokémon Tower's enterance, it seemed somewhat plausible.

"Never mind, don't think about it, this class of Mythic and Legendary Pokémon has always burned my brain."

Proton rubbed his forehead with a bit of a headache.

He had never liked thinking about this category.

It was too godly.

Giovanni's guesses weren't necessarily correct, and that one Darkrai might not be Sird's Darkrai... Everything was still uncertain, and it wasn't really necessary to constantly worry about a guess, not to mention that Proton himself wasn't really confident that he could capture Darkrai in one single operation.

It was a Pokémon of Illusion.

Whether he could deal with it or not was another matter...

Proton was sober.


Proton called out aloud to the team members who were now holding special instruments and conducting Pokémon trace searches, saying, "The trace search operation for the Dark type Pokémon will continue for twenty minutes, and after twenty minutes, if there are no results, immediately notify your teammates below to proceed with the Mythic Pokémon's subjugation."

"Yes, Lord Proton!"

Those team members immediately responded to his words respectfully.

Proton was humble and ruthless, and he had a high reputation within Team Rocket.


After giving the order, Proton also smoothly leaned on top of a tombstone.

He wasn't going to fight to the death against Daktari.

Right now, it was just a formality, after collecting a sufficient number of Pokémon, successfully kidnapping Mr. Fuji, and returning to the base himself, the chief wouldn't be blamed for anything...

Proton had a feeling that Giovanni wasn't actually looking forward to Daktari's subjugation as much as he was.

The Phantom Pokémon was like that... Can't force it.

"It's almost time for dinner."

Proton glanced at the time, realizing it was nearing dusk, and joked towards the angry-looking Mr. Fuji.

"You guys... absolutely nothing good will come out of this!"

"By your good fortune."

Proton's clouded look infuriated Mr. Fuji, who had let out harsh words.

"Right now, the league can't notice you guys." He revealed a sarcastic smile and said, "Who made you unwilling to set up a police station in Lavender Town?"

"The beautiful name is to keep the souls of Pokémon from being disturbed."

Proton was smiling, but his words changed flavor.

"A bunch of superstitious fools."

Proton's words were the truth.

But if Lavender Town had a police force led by Officer Jenny, there was no way their operation could have gone so smoothly.


Mr. Fuji sighed helplessly and painfully after a long silence.


"A town is all gone."

Aisha looked at the time and spoke his thoughts without lifting his head, saying, "I've heard of this kind of thing a few times in a similar situation."

"..." Cynthia was silent for a while, and seemed to have understood Aisha's meaning, saying, "You mean the news about invoking Hypno and Gothita abducting children?"

"You know it well."

"... I haven't embarked on a similar case." Cynthia covered her forehead, shook her head, and said, "The main thing is that there are as many cases of Pokémon crimes recorded inside the archives of the Sinnoh League, of which, probably due to the versatile uses and wide range of operations of Psychic attribute itself, a long time ago, there were really too many cases of crimes committed by evil trainers with evil intentions usingPsychic type Pokémon. "

"Anyway... hah."

Cynthia sighed.

"Fortunately, the League issued a timely decree at that time and severely punished some of the culprits, and now it has finally succeeded in restricting those guys."

"Indeed." Aisha also laughed a bit and said, "That's why I'm even more confirmed that it's indeed Team Rocket that's up to no good this time."

"After all, nowadays, other than those criminal organizations, not many people would dare to risk capital punishment by using Psychic Pokémon to commit crimes."


Cynthia agreed with Aisha.

"That's why it's still our priority to uncover that... Or those Psychic type Pokémon that have taken control of the residents of Lavender Town."

She looked at Aisha and said, "I think their target should be at the Pokémon Tower."

"Me too."

Aisha and Cynthia thought together.

It wasn't that they looked down on Lavender Town.

It was mainly because the only place in this shitty place that was worth someone else's thoughts, thinking about it was probably only the Pokémon Tower.

"The large force that Team Rocket dispatched to Lavender Town should be at the Pokémon Tower, and that one Psychic type Pokémon that has taken control of the residents of Lavender Town probably isn't too far away from the Pokémon Tower... Prioritize finding and resolving that one Pokémon, and then, we'll open up a group and regiment those Team Rocket grunts."

Looking out at the Pokémon Tower in the distance, Aisha spoke his thoughts.


Cynthia didn't say anything more and accepted the proposal.

The duo was not spotted by the enemy for the time being.

It could be because they had already put away their Pokémon before entering the boundaries of Lavender Town, or it could be because the other party had controlled too many residents to care about the entrance to Lavender Town.

All in all, Cynthia and Aisha were still in the shadows and had the advantage of sneak attacks and pre-emptive strikes.

So they took advantage of the gradually descending night, and walked along the narrow alleys, between the buildings that were lined up, but the highest was only a three-story small building, and felt their way to the direction of the Pokémon Tower.


Shrinking behind the wall of a sacrificial goods store building a hundred meters from the Pokémon Tower, Aisha revealed a surprised expression.


Cynthia also smacked her lips in displeasure, her expression a little hard to read.

The operation to find the enemy's Psychic type Pokémon went very smoothly.

It was because the guy didn't hide himself at all.

A Hypno was sitting on top of the Pokémon sculpture at the entrance of the Pokémon Tower with boredom, and its yellow fluffy fingers were flinging a rope with a circular stone attached at the end - without a doubt, this guy was the aid Team Rocket used to hypnotize the residents of Lavender Town.


Aisha's expression was a bit complicated.

The moment he saw this one Pokémon, countless strange things flashed within Instructor Ai's mind.

"This guy has Elite Four strength."

In contrast, Cynthia, whose heart wasn't as dirty, was the first to notice the strength of this Hypno.

"...Well, it looks like this time, Team Rocket did send out a cadre of four Admin and Three Beast level."

"It should be one of the Four Admins."

Aisha analyzed it slightly and said, "Sird, one of the Three Beast, is an undercover agent of Team Galactic, Carris squatting, and that guy, Orm is obviously not a guy who specializes in Psychic attributes... I wonder which one of the Four Admins is inside the Pokémon Tower?"

He took out a Poké ball.

"Unfortunately, my unit doesn't have a Pokémon with Shadow Tag characteristics, and Eevee can only learn the Mean Look move after evolving into Umbreon." Instructor Ai thought for a moment, took out another Poké ball, and said, "We have to fight quickly, it's best if we can get rid of Hypno before those Team Rocket grunts in the Pokémon Tower realize it!"

Shadow Tag and Mean Look were effective within the matchup.

It's even more of a godsend in Undifferentiated Wild Fighting.

Well, the Mega Gengar's entry was also imminent.


Cynthia took out Spiritomb's Poké Ball.

It's just a Hypno.

Not much of anything.

"Spiritomb, Shadow Sneak!"

Cynthia opened the Poké balll, and a beam of pitch-black shadow swept into the shadows of the house along with her command.


In the next second, Spiritomb's weird drilled out of Hypno's shadow, and the latter didn't even react before the former wrapped around its body.


Hypno let out a cry of pain and fell out a few meters.

A Shadow Ball, on the other hand, happened to hit the back of its head, so much so that the hypnotized criminal fell back once again towards Spiritomb before it could even stand up, defenselessly eating its Dark Pulse.



Aisha's Eevee stood with Cynthia's Spiritomb, and the two Shadow Balls once again struck at the wounded Hypno, who was crouched on the ground.


Hypno raised its head violently under the approaching danger, a purple light flashed within its eyes, and its Psychic crashed into the two Shadow Balls.

As they exploded, Hypno's body was also quickly wrapped under a cloud of shadows.

The submerged spirit made a strange attack!

Instead of preparing to fight, it decided to escape.


Before Hypno's body was completely wrapped into the shadows, Marill took advantage of Aqua Jet's speed and blasted its fist on top of the back of this obscene fellow's head, interrupting its concealment by a hair's breadth of an inch.


Hypno was instantly startled.

It tried to resist Eevee's Shadow Ball with Psychic.

However, Spiritomb seized the opportunity that Hypno had used an attack move and released a surprise attack first, the illusory flower body seemed to have turned into a sharp blade that heavily blasted above Hypno's chest - Eevee's Shadow Ball followed suit and struck its arm.


Marill's Liquidation hit Hypno's back without any intervals.

Hypno still tried to resist, but Spiritomb's Dark Pulse transformed into the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely crushing the lewd fellow.


Hypno lost its ability to fight and fell to the ground with swirly eyes.

"Eevee and Marill rubbed off on Spiritomb's damage."

Aisha commented so from behind.

"Spiritomb is the MVP, it's worthy of being the Sinnoh Champion's Pokémon, this one draws Hypno's loss without a loss."

"Over praised me."

Although Cynthia was happy with Aisha's praise, however, having entered a serious state, she tensed up a serious pretty face at this moment and stared at the entrance of the Pokémon Tower.


At the top of the Pokémon Tower, Proton, who was still boredly waiting for his subordinates to search for Dakrai's traces, also suddenly revealed a serious expression.

"How could..."

Above his belt, a device emitted a piercing buzz.

Proton's voice also suddenly raised in pitch as he said, "Quickly, notify everyone of an enemy attack!"

The top floor of the Pokémon Tower burst into a cacophony.

This cacophony quickly spread to an entire Pokémon Tower along with the transmission of the communication - the communication device used within Team Rocket was naturally unaffected by the signal blocker.


Even from a hundred meters away, Aisha still saw countless silhouettes flashing past the windows of each floor of the Pokémon Tower.

They were moving in a hurry.

"We seem to be exposed."


Cynthia also realized this.


Aisha slightly moved the joints in his body.

"Abandon the infiltration and prepare to attack!"