Battle of Pokémon Tower

"Come on, hurry up, don't dawdle!"

"But captain, what about these Pokémon?"

"Fool, we've been discovered, who cares about what to do with these Pokémon, taking care of our own lives is the right thing to do!"

"Who, who attacked us, could it be someone from the League?"

"I don't know, anyway... It's said that Lord Proton's Elite Four level Hypno was defeated, the other party is an Elite level trainer even if it's weak, it's not an existence that we can deal with!"

The interior of the Pokémon Tower was in chaos.

Most of these Team Rocket grunts were weak, and their psychological quality was also poor.

As soon as they heard that someone from the league side might have discovered them, these guys with poor mental qualities were victimized by fear.

For a moment, even though Proton had given the order to go out and deal with the enemy on the top floor of the Pokémon Tower, those Team Rocket grunts that were evenly distributed within each floor of the Pokémon Tower, preparing to take in Ghost type Pokémon, thought of escaping at the first moment.

It was normal for them to have this thought.

It was fine if they had successfully defeated the enemy.

However, if they were captured by the other side, the pressure from the league's side would not be small at all...

After all, during this period of time, the Pokémon League, in order to crack down on the momentum of Team Rocket's resurgence, had punished each and every member of Team Rocket that was captured with severe penalties.

The purpose is naturally to deter those who have a longing for Team Rocket, or those who have already joined Team Rocket.

These Team Rocket grunts were also working and acting in fear all day long, afraid that they would accidentally fall into the net and cut off the rest of their lives.

"Come on, guys, take your Pokémon and fight outside the Pokémon Tower!"

"How many enemies are there?"


"Don't be afraid, the other party is only one person, even if the other party has the strength of an Elite, there are close to a hundred of us on this side, everyone release all of your Pokémon, and we can even drown him!"

"Right, it's not a problem at all, that guy is simply looking for death!"

Seeing the cowering and hesitation of those Team Rocket grunts, after Proton's close troopers followed the windows of the Pokémon Tower and saw that there was just one person standing outside the gate, they immediately seized this opportunity and started to bring the tempo, which could be described as doing everything to induce the grunts to go out and fight.

"Right, guys don't be afraid, if we defeat that guy, we'll have made another great achievement!"

"This is a merit that's delivered to the door, everyone, charge!"

"I'm not afraid of these league people, how about I've long looked at those guys with displeasure, settle him!"

Proton's crony troops proved successful.

Most of these Team Rocket pawns did not have any opinion, their ferocious appearance was just pretending, but when they met real difficulties and dangers, they could reveal their true form, and once they were incited by the crowd, they would easily become hot-blooded, and by taking advantage of the large number of people, they naturally turned into other people's swords and shields easily.


It was unknown who kicked open the door of the Pokémon Tower, and a group of Team Rocket grunts rushed out of this tower in a swarm.

A teenager blocked their way.

He was wearing a league search officer's coat and had a search officer's badge on his chest, and was clearly the most hated nemesis of the Team Rocket grunts.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

Aisha, who was wearing the coat for the first time for making arrests, also looked up.

He looked at the Pokémon Tower's main door where Team Rocket grunts were constantly pouring out, and the windows of the upper floors were constantly flickering with running figures, and at a glance, he revealed a smile after realizing that most of the tower's combat power had all come out to prepare to deal with himself.

"It just so happens that I can use you to make up for the field training I didn't do while on the road this time."

Instructor Ai's insistence on traveling on foot was because he could take the opportunity to engage in large-scale battles with wild Pokémon in the middle of a field trip, which he used to hone his Pokémon.

However, this time, the trip to Celadon City was by airplane, and the trip to Lavender Town was lost to wild training because of Cynthia.

So it was said that Aisha's Pokémon had actually had itchy hands for a long time.

This time, answering the battle against Team Rocket was just the right time to give the group, who had been idle for a while, a little intensity...

"Hey, sure enough there's only one."

"So young, I guess it's the young master of a rich family who went through the relationship to enter the gold-plated scum inside the search officer's team, knowing that our big troop is over here and still dares to do it by himself, I guess it's because the strength of having a Pokémon on his body is good that he's gotten carried away."

"One to fifty, the advantage is on us!"

After seeing that Aisha was really the only enemy, those Team Rocket grunts that had rushed out of the Pokémon Tower were even more arrogant.

Of course, some of the grunts who had a brain also realized that something was wrong.

After their bloodlust subsided, they realized what the concept of a trainer who could defeat an Elite Four level Hypno was.

The strength of a high-level trainer could not be measured in numbers.

Although this teenager looked very young, however, the strength of a trainer could not be measured by age - were there still fewer young monsters?

Wasn't there another Steel type Elite Four in a toddler's outfit in the Paldea region?

"There's something odd about this kid..."

"Bad, we're afraid we're being used as cannon fodder."

"Damn it, how come Lord Proton's squad didn't come down?"

These people retreated to the back of the crowd and discovered something.

However, new information was immediately passed down.

"A small portion of the troops are continuing the type Attribute Pokémon capture mission on the upper floors of the Pokémon Tower, our mission is to do our best to intercept the enemy as well as any enemies that may follow, and endeavor to buy our partners on the upper floors who are carrying out the mission more time to collect the Pokémon!"

A squad leader shouted out Proton's arrangement thus.

"Lord Proton wants us to go all out!"

At these words, the crowd of grunts were immediately energized as well.

Some of those who were still hesitant also finally took out their Poké balls.

Proton's prestige within Team Rocket was naturally self-evident - as a humble and brutal person, it was indeed easy for him to gain a big enough reputation within the group of grunts in a place like Team Rocket.


They cheered but alerted Aisha across the room.


Instructor Ai revealed an expression of "I knew it".

His and Cynthia's guess was not wrong, the leader of this Team Rocket operation was indeed one of the Four Admins.

"Kind of interesting."

Several Poké balls fell into Instructor Ai's palm.

"Charmeleon, Flamethrower!"

Before those Team Rocket grunts had released their Pokémon, Aisha violently threw Charmeleon's Poké ball and shouted the command to attack.


Along with Poké ball opening, Charmander with flames between its fangs landed on the ground, and a mouthful of Flamethrower spewed mercilessly at the Team Rocket grunts gathered before the Pokémon Tower's gate.

Facing the hot flames, those Team Rocket soldiers almost bared their eyes.

When did the league's search officers become so unkind?

Directly attacking trainers was too ruthless.

Thanks to a few seasoned veterans who immediately released their Pokémon under the approaching danger, they fended off Charmeleon's Flamethrower.

Otherwise, if this Flamethrower hit the crowd, at least half of them would be in trouble.


Even so, the few Gravelers that had fended off the flames were seriously injured.

"Assholes, a bunch of assholes, don't freeze, hurry up and release your Pokémon!"

A knife-edge veteran team member shouted so angrily.

The Team Rocket grunts next to him also released their Pokémon as if they were waking up from a dream.


Aisha's smile grew a little wider.

Worthy of being the ones who could carry out Lander Town attack mission, even as grunts, the strength of these people comprehensively exceeded the Team Rocket squad that he had encountered in Mt. Moon at the very beginning - all of these grunts were equipped with three Pokémon, and they were of the unified types of Golbats, Gravelers, and Raticate, the quality was very high, and the quantity was also guaranteed because of the number of grunts. and were guaranteed.




In a moment, hideous rock monsters with arms and legs and half-human-tall yellow-furred rats were already paving over the earth, and above the sky as well flew countless large blood-sucking bats that were flapping their wings.


Charmeleon didn't need Aisha for command, seeing the enemies appearing, it was already spewing out Flamethrowers.

"Everyone, the long overdue wild fight, it's starting!"

Instructor Ai threw out a new Poké ball.

Wash Rotom and shiny Metang also stood behind Charmeleon.

Chansey and Larvitar, who hadn't experienced the wild fightning with Instructor, guarded the front of their master.

Of course, next to Aisha was Caterpie.

So rather than Chansey and Larvitar protecting Aisha, it should be said that Caterpie was protecting their two newcomers in passing.




The Team Rocket grunts commanded their Pokémon to begin their attack.

Graveler's main attack moves were Rock Slide and Rollout, with a particularly good spread of combat units that were half long-range and half close combat.

Raticate, on the other hand, was fully inclined to use Quick Attack and Crunch for close combat, with some of the better-ranked individuals hiding at the back of the group and using Sword Dance to stack up reinforcements.

In this way, the long-range units were naturally given over to Golbats, and a large swarm of bloodsucking bats simultaneously used either Air Cutter or the advanced version, Air Slash, or Cross Poison and Leech Life were also powerful moves.

In this way, the long-range units were naturally handed over to Golbats. A large number of vampire bats used Air Cutter or Air Slash at the same time, or Cross Poison and Leech Life scenes were also huge.

"Rotom, Hydro Pump!"

Following Aisha's order, Wash Rotom also naturally moved its attack on the Graveler army's side.

Quadruple times more effective, Hydro Pump was completely fatal to these guys.

"Charmeleon, Flamethrower."

Charmeleon's targets were Raticate that had rushed towards them.

This Raticate thing didn't look very powerful, but in reality, its racial value was even higher than Gravelers, and some of the individuals might have mastered Super Fang, a move that was impossible to defend against.

If these large rats were allowed to get close, it would indeed be a bit of a problem.

It was naturally best if some could be intercepted.

"Larvitar, Chansey, use Rock Slide together!"

Shiny Metang floated in front of Chansey and Larvitar at this time, and took the entirety of Cross Poison head-on.

Chansey, on the other hand, resisted the Air Cutter and Air Slash.

The two shields displayed their impenetrable defense at this time.

"Metang, Psychic assisted Chansey and Larvitar to finish off those Golbats!"

Rock Slide and Psychic restrained the Flying and Poison attributes of Golbats respectively, so they were naturally the best choice to deal with them.


Aisha glance at the side of the Pokémon Tower.

A chaotic battle was about to break out.


A group of Raticate rushed at the front.

Charmeleon's Flamethrowers also erupted in a sweeping manner, directly engulfing a large number of rats that had pounced on it with open teeth and claws.


Cleansing Rotom's water cannon also accurately attacked above the heads of those Gravelers that had used their rolls.

Gravelers with the dual attributes of rock and ground were as weak as lambs to the slaughter under the water-attribute moves that restrained them fourfold.


Those Golbats were even more unlucky.

Although Chansey's Rock Slide was only scratch damage, however, the Rock Slide and Psychic of the two Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, Larvitar and shiny Metang, were no joke of power.

After the double blow, the pink demon blew another round of Icy Wind.

These Golbats were also attacked by Shadow Ball that flew over from who knows where, falling one point faster than Raticate and Graveler.


Aisha gave a new order at this time.

Charmeleon and Chansey also quickly took a few steps back.

"Rotom, use Discharge towards the group of Golbats."

A new battle order also fell on the three Pokémon in front of them, saying, "Metang and Larvitar use Earthquake towards the ground units!"


As soon as Wash Rotom's Hydro Pump stopped, intense lightning struck the sky in an instant.



Larvitar and shiny Metang roared loudly as well, their four fists wrapped in ground-type energy and struck the ground, setting off a double Earthquake.



The legions of Golbats and Gravelers were all of a sudden also heavily injured under the attribute restraint attack.


Several Raticate took advantage of the chaos to run out of the three Pokémon's attack circle.

Their small eyes rotated and they made an electric flash to run wildly towards Aisha, the trainer.

However, the waiting Chansey grabbed one with one hand, and the power of the Seismic Toss exploded from the pink demon's small short hand.

The two Raticates flew back within the brigade with more speed than they had come.

Charmeleon also swung its fists after a long time, using Flame Fist to fight a few other Raticates in close combat, and without wasting much effort, it similarly crushed them.


Looking at the Chansey and Charmeleon, Instructor Ai revealed a satisfied expression.

Their battle sense was very top notch.

There was no new command on the side of the Team Rocket grunts - because, with a series of Shadow Balls attacking them from the shadows, these people's ranks were in disarray.

This was Eevee, who had hidden in the shadows, lashing out.

Because of this, their Pokémon were even fighting on their own because they had no one to command them, and they became targets for the Wash Rotom, Larvitar, and shiny Metang, who had even more battle experience and hard power.


Aisha caught a tiny sound of a snake chirping.


Instructor Ai frowned.


Marill's voice also reached his ears at this time.

An Arbok was thrown into the range of Wash Rotom's attack by Marill, and after receiving a fierce electric shock, it landed on top of the ground with a charred body, ate a double Earthquake from Larvitar and shiny Metang, and died violently on the spot, fainting and losing the ability to fight.



Eevee and Marill, who were originally hiding in the dark, also appeared within Aisha's field of vision.

Marill was beating up a few Arboks.

Eevee also took care of a Weezing with a shot of Shadow Ball - presumably the second favorite that was sneaking up on Team Rocket's grunts from the shadows was spotted by the opposite squad leader.

Eevee also used a Shadow Ball to eliminate a Weezing - probably the second Pokémon who was sneaking up on Team Rocket's soldiers in the dark was discovered by the team leader on the opposite side.


Suddenly, the harsh sound of breaking wind whistled behind Aisha.


Caterpie intercepted the sneak attacker in time.

A Sandslash was blasted into the sky by Dragon Pulse.


Aisha realized that this Sandslash was not the Pokémon of those Team Rocket grunts within the Pokémon Tower.

That is to say, not all of the Team Rocket that had been deployed this time were nestled inside the Pokémon Tower, and there were some defense forces hidden outside the Pokémon Tower as well.

As expected of one of the four generals, the deployment of combat forces was very reasonable.

"I see..."

He had thought that he and Cynthia would be exposed because Hypno had sent out a spiritual signal before losing the battle.

Now that he looked at it, he guessed that the scene where Hypno lost to Spiritomb had been seen by those who had lurked around the Pokémon Tower.


Aisha sneered.

These people were not the ones he needed to deal with - Cynthia's Togekiss and Lucario had stayed outside, and these two Aura Pokémon couldn't possibly spare a single enemy, whether it was the defense force that had originally been guarding the outside, or the pawns that had taken advantage of the chaos to run away just now, all of them were their prey.

"Raticate, it's you!"

At this time, Aisha also grabbed a fainted Raticate without any warning, and threw it into the sky with a burst of force from his arm.

The poor Raticate blocked a Sludge Bomb in mid-air.

Aisha, who had taken the enemy Raticate as a shield, then looked to the top floor of the Pokémon Tower - behind the window, a green-haired man was wearing a polite smile, and a Weezing floated next to him.


Proton was also recognizing the identity of the teenager below who had almost regrouped most of the grunts he had led this time.

"Proton of Team Rocket's Four Admins..."

Suddenly, a crisp female voice interrupted Proton's thoughts.

Proton turned around and saw Cynthia, who was riding on Garchomp, watching him from beyond the window in the other direction of the Pokémon Tower.

"You can't run away."

There were no grim reapers within the Pokémon Tower, however, Instructor Ai and the Sinnoh Champion replaced those ghosts as the grim reapers that Team Rocket would need to face.