Ralts Egg

Sabrina and Aisha wandered around within Saffron Gym.

The former led the latter to understand a little bit about the daily routine of the psychic apprentices who had enrolled in the psychic training course within the Saffron Gym.

Even Instructor Ai had to admit that although there were idiots everywhere, they were still a minority.

Psychic cultivation required talent.

However, Sabrina as a strong person at the top of the psychic pyramid, those who had the talent and intention to exercise psychic fluctuation naturally all gathered within her Saffron Gym, so Aisha had seen quite a number of talented psychics who could utilize psychic fluctuation to perform some operations in the course of her visit.

At the same time, although it was said that psychic needed talent, however, hard work was not useless.

Some Sabrina's own evaluation is also talent stupid students, after unremitting efforts, the same is the initial mastery of some shallow operation.

As for the guy Aisha encountered before the Gym Challenge...

Sabrina's evaluation was that he had no talent and didn't work hard enough.

Pure trash.

Her arrogant attitude was also annoying.

She didn't know why those psychic apprentices who had no talent were arrogant to a degree that she couldn't match.

Anyway, Sabrina didn't have any good feelings towards people who didn't work hard and had no talent.

"Instructor Ai, how does it feel?"

"Not bad for a student of Miss Sabrina."

Sabrina asked Aisha's thoughts with an expectant face, while the latter satisfied her vanity.

She was not a vain woman.

Sabrina just wanted to obtain a share of Aisha's praise and recognition.

She didn't know what was wrong with her...

Anyway, after really losing to this beautiful boy, Sabrina felt that she had developed some unusual thoughts about Aisha.

Or maybe it's a fling?

The long autistic psychic didn't understand these mundane feelings.

Sabrina only knew that she could be happy as long as she stood by Aisha's side, looked at his good-looking smile, felt his varied and complicated feelings, and listened to his gentle words.

"If, Instructor Ai is also interested in psychic cultivation, I can prepare a secret method for exercising psychic power as a gift..."


Aisha's expression froze.

He was originally prepared to pay the money to enroll into Sabrina's psychic training course, and learn the way of psychic exercise in a disciplined manner, without owing any favors.

Who knew that Sabrina was actually prepared to give herself a secret workout method for nothing.

What's the situation?

Why do these big brothers one and two like to give gifts so much?

What's wrong with them?

"How can it be good... I'd better sign up myself."

For a moment, Aisha was a bit overwhelmed.

Sabrina's attitude, however, was very resolute.


She was a bit emotional, and even grabbed Aisha's hand, gazing earnestly into the teenager's eyes as she spoke her thoughts word by word.

"Today, I've already comprehended something more important and precious under your teaching!"


"But it's just a copy of the secret method of psychic cultivation, it's completely unable to repay Instructor Ai for his help to me, so that means please do accept it."


Listening to Sabrina's words, Aisha finally sorted through the complicated amount of information after a period of brain downtime.

Combined with last night, Sabrina's request for her to engage in an undifferentiated wild fight with her, Aisha also finally understood that this fellow probably needed an undifferentiated wild fight of sufficient intensity to hone something.

Now, looking at the way she was treating herself, it was clear that this refinement had been successful.

Sabrina's psychic level, or Pokémon trainer level was most likely already on the verge of further advancement, which was why it was said that her party had spoken those words.

It was a bit puzzling...

Aisha was speechless at Sabrina's chatter.

Are psychics all like this?

Top riddler.

"Ah... I'm not really sure about these things."

Aisha scratched his hair.

"But, in that case, I'll take it."


Hearing Aisha obey her words, Sabrina also smiled joyfully.

However, she also immediately revealed a serious expression.

"However, as much as psychic cultivation is accompanied by no less danger, at least at the beginning of cultivation, there must be professionals around to accompany you, or else it is very easy for dangerous situations to arise!"


For this issue, Aisha was non-committal.

After all, psychic exercise was still an operation carried out in terms of mental power, and it was reasonable for problems to arise if one was not careful.

Aisha didn't have the idea of taking risks.

So that being said, he decided to hold on to Sabrina's big white leg for the time being.

"What does Teacher Sabrina think?"


Hearing Aisha's joking title, Sabrina in turn turned red.


Teacher and student... ahem!


Breathing slightly sharply, Sabrina, as if she was a little girl who was showing off her results, spoke with a confident face about her own experience with psychic workouts, saying, "On top of my secret method, I've actually recorded the most efficient and safe psychic workout, and after that, there's no problem if you learn it all by yourself, but , in the early stages of exercise, when you don't know anything, of course, it's still safer to accompany a senior by your side."

"However, if say you have a Psychic type Pokémon by your side, it can also guarantee your safety to a certain extent."


Aisha's eyes lit up.

The thing he needed was this.

He was traveling, so naturally, he didn't have the luxury of staying by Sabrina's side for long periods of time to perform psychic exercises.

If he had a Psychic type Pokémon with him, this problem would be solved.

"However, Psychic type Pokémon aren't exactly a big deal."

Speaking of this problem, Aisha's expression was also a bit helpless.

As everyone knew, Dragon type Pokémon were the most precious and necessarily rare in number.

Psychic type Pokémon were no less valuable than them.

Most of the Pokémon with this attribute were very intelligent and had their own little minds.

They are not willing to become human companions completely.

Moreover, because many Psychic type Pokémon have mastered the bug move Teleport, it is not difficult for trainers to forcibly take them in, even if they decide to do so.

However, if it was psychic, maybe there were Psychic type Pokémon that came forward?

"This is not a problem!"

Realizing Aisha's distress, Sabrina, on the other hand, waved her small hand in a bold manner.

"Since you called me a teacher, then, naturally, I can help you solve this problem!"


"I have bred quite a few types of Psychic type Pokémon within my Saffron Gym, so if you like, you can pick a favorite Pokémon as a partner."

Sabrina slapped her chest, causing a wave to rise.

Aisha's expression, on the other hand, was a bit taut.


He didn't know what words to say.

These big guys really did especially like to give away Pokémon for nothing.

Why were there so many people use Pokémon as gifts?

A big handout of failed egg hatching and shiny Pokémon brushing?

It's so weird.

How many other people's Pokémon have they themselves received so far?

Couldn't count!


Sabrina, on the other hand, looked as if she was afraid that Aisha would reject her, and hurriedly took his hand and ran towards the incubation base that had opened up within the Saffron Gym.

Originally, she was still worried about how to give Aisha the gift she had prepared as compensation.

Now there was barely a suitable reason.

Not bad!


Psychic type Pokémon's survival environment was a bit special.

Aisha followed Sabrina and stepped inside the cultivation base, and immediately felt a strange aura sweep over his body.

"Psychic Terrain?"

Looking at the ground that was churning with a shallow fluctuation of psychic energy, Aisha also recognized what this was.


Sabrina agreed with Aisha.

"Psychic type Pokémon like the feeling of Psychic Terrain." She spread her hands, a touch of pity coloring her tone, and said, "However, we can't artificially create a long-lasting Psychic Terrain as their habitat, so the task of creating this living environment is given to some older Pokémon, although it doesn't last long, they can use it to practice their mastery of their moves, so it's not a bad thing."


Aisha said that he understood.

Every Pokémon of every attribute had its own terrain and environment that it liked to live in.

The greenhouse-decorated Celadon Gym was the favored environment for Grass type Pokémon, and Cerulean Gym's Water type Pokémon breeding base was a miniature ocean.

"There are quite a few types of Psychic type Pokémon bred here, and the big ones are naturally the Alakazam family, which I specialize in." Sabrina hinted at Aisha intentionally or unintentionally, and then, leading Aisha towards the area where the Pokémon were living, she said, "Alakazam, the Slowbro family, Hypno, Mr. Mime, Jynx, and the Exeggutor family are the largest number of Pokémon within this breeding base. "

Aisha showed an emotional expression from the side.

Indeed, the rare and precious Pokémon in the outside world were all over the place here.

High-grade Pokémon were all hidden in unknown places, and along with the continuation of the tour, he also saw quite a few juvenile Psychic type Pokémon.

Abra, who liked to sleep, got together with the unresponsive Slowpoke.

The somewhat lewd Drowzee was hooking up with the bad-intentioned Mr. Mime.

Smoochum, who for the time being still maintains a cute stance in this form, can also be welcomed wherever it goes - well, let's hope these kids don't evolve.

Aside from these Kanto region-specific Pokémon, Aisha also saw some natural birds resting on top of a large tree, with a few Exeggcutes rolling underneath it.

Half the bodies of Solrocks and Lunatones were buried under the earth, and Baltoys were circling around them.


Aisha paused, a bit surprised to see a tail-surfing electric mouse, and a rainbow pony of remarkable cuteness.

"I'm very interested in the fact that regional differences have led to Pokémon that were originally unattached to the Psychic type to have psychic."

Sabrina's eyes were also locked on top of the bodies of Alola Raichu and Galar Ponyta.

A touch of interest colored between her beautiful eyes.


Sabrina sighed and said, "I'm not a pro at studying Pokémon, and I still can't find a plausible explanation even after breeding them."

"Pokémon are marvelous, they harbor many secrets."

Aisha responded to Sabrina's doubts with a riddle.

Riddler to riddler.

It's just a matter of pulling blood pressure!

"Instructor Ai is right."

Sabrina didn't care about the matter either and laughed it off.


She asked an important question, saying, "Has Instructor Ai chosen a child of his choice?"

"Or what Pokémon is Instructor Ai interested in?"


Aisha did not hesitate to pronounce the name that haunted him.

The original form of the Psychic Queen - Gardevoir, Ralts!


Sabrina stalled.

"Although I already have Marill as a physical attacker for the Fairy type Pokémon, the strategic importance of this attribute is so important that it wouldn't be a bad choice to get an additional special attacker."

Aisha spoke his reasoning.

Of course, this was only superficial words.

Instructor actually just simply wanted a Queen.

It wasn't that he didn't like Alakazam either.

Simply because of the big yellow fox and the white-skirted beauty, who knew what to choose...

Wouldn't it be a wasted journey if you traveled to the Pokémon world and didn't keep a Gardevoir?

Aisha complied with his inner thoughts.


After hearing Aisha's explanation, Sabrina felt the same way on second thought.

Gardevoir's racial value was still a bit higher compared to Alakazam, and this Pokémon's Mega evolved form was just as powerful.

"For Ralts, there are some excellent individuals over here as well."

Sabrina led Aisha towards the Gardevoir's area.

She also liked the beautiful Gardevoir family, so she was sort of uptight about breeding Pokémon in this category.


"You said that all the female Ralts evolved into Kirlia some time ago, and now there are only male Ralts?"

"Yes, miss."

Sabrina asked the staff member in charge of managing the Gardevoir area with a surprised face.

The staff then responded to her words with an embarrassed face.


Instructor Ai fell into silence.

He looked at the playful Ralts in the distance.

Hmm, cute.

Too bad it's a male.

Instructor Ai had no interest in the Gardevoir that hid a large rhizome.

"Too bad, Instructor Ai..."

Sabrina also looked at him with an embarrassed face.

Obviously, she also knew that Aisha was targeting Gardevoir.

At the same time, Sabrina also knew about the male Gardevoir's terrier.

"No, it's nothing."


When Aisha wanted to refuse, Caterpie's voice suddenly reached his ears.


The three people present looked at it together.

Caterpie had drilled out of Aisha's Poké ball at some point, and at this time had plopped down next to a large thermostat, its watery eyes gazing at a Pokémon egg inside, revealing a resolute look towards Aisha.

Trust me, it's a girl.


Aisha's expression was a bit marvelous.

Your divine power can still sense the gender of an unborn Pokémon?


As if reading Aisha's expression, Caterpie firmly called out.

"Ah, this is a Ralts egg."

The staff hurriedly introduced them, saying, "If it's said that this gentleman is not satisfied with the male Ralts, these eggs are also a good choice."

"Instructor Ai?"

Sabrina looked towards Aisha, seeking his meaning.


Aisha didn't have much hesitation and decisively chose to trust his Caterpie.

Well, Caterpie surely didn't want a future Gardevoir with a large rhizome hidden under its skirt dangling in front of it...


"In that case, at least until the eggs hatch, Instructor Ai may not have an assistant to aid in psychic exercise."

Sabrina pretended to be regretful, but inwardly she was happy, saying, "Unfortunately, originally, this period of psychic bonding should have been a particularly valuable exercise for you and Ralts, in favor of matching up against each other in the future."

"However, right now, then, it seems that I'm the only one who can help you with your introductory psychic workout... It will take at least a few days, what does Instructor Ai think?"

Even though she was inwardly ecstatic, Sabrina's expression remained a clouded one.

Hold it back, no laughing.

Must hold back.

I've won, and I've had so many chances by using my identity as a psychic teacher.

I've already stabilized!


Silently waiting for Aisha's response, Sabrina still involuntarily raised the corners of her mouth.

"In that case, thanks a lot, Miss Sabrina."

Aisha then solemnly thanked Sabrina.

He didn't know exactly where he had helped Sabrina, however, the help Sabrina had given him was real and vital.

The secret psychic method that was not to be shared, the precious Psychic Pokémon egg.

It's a bit of a godly thing, but it's a really good person!

Since that was the case, if there was a chance in the future, it would be good to repay her help properly.


Aisha made up his mind.

"Instructor Ai might have a particularly powerful psychic talent, the introduction time might not need to be too long, after completing the initial exercise, after that, the danger can be reduced quite a bit, and at that time, you won't need to worry about injuries due to exercising psychic power."


Sabrina was cajoling Aisha.

However, there was nothing wrong with her words.

"Pick a day, anyway, my Saffron Gym is quite big, so I can rest when I'm tired, why don't Instructor Ai start exercising now, as if it's a good use of time, how about it?"


The two reached a consensus.


Outside Saffron Gym, a granny on crutches stood over here for quite a while, looking like she was waiting for someone.

However, she waited from noon until afternoon, and still no one came out from within the gym.

"...Why hasn't this kid come out yet?"

Agatha frowned.

"What's Sabrina that little girl doing with him?"