Second Generation Mewtwo's Doubt


On top of the training ground that Saffron Gym had specially prepared for the psychic apprentices within the gym who had enrolled in the psychic training course, Aisha also stood still with a concentrated look on her face.


A marvelous buzzing sound entered his ears.

Instantly, an excited smile spread above Aisha's face.

Sabrina, who was in charge of the caretaker next to him, also revealed a look of surprise.

At his fingertips, a strand of psychic power tinted with a purple halo rose.

"It's only been a couple hours."

Sabrina glanced at the time and gazed at Aisha with a strange color between her beautiful eyes.

"Aisha, you are actually already exercising psychic power."

Her name for Aisha had changed from "Instructor" to his real name.

Sabrina herself was originally going to use the reason that "since we've almost become a teacher-student relationship, we naturally can't address each other as stiff as before, so a little bit of intimacy isn't a big deal" as a reason to call him by a more intimately.

Aisha couldn't stand it and politely rejected her.

Correspondingly, his name for Sabrina also canceled those polite honorifics, leaving only the word "Sabrina".

Instructor Ai also asked why Sabrina did not let him call her "teacher".

Sabrina's response was "the title of teacher represents too much meaning, I just teach you how to start psychic, other aspects are far inferior to you, not enough to take up the title of 'teacher', maybe in addition to other aspects of psychic, you are still my teacher".


So Aisha didn't force anything.

Of course... Sabrina herself just didn't want to let her identity as a "teacher" get in the way of her further actions in the future.

Although she was an otaku who wasn't good at socializing with others, she had read a lot of entertainment works, so she naturally knew that some intimate identities, although they could make the relationship between the male and female protagonists rapidly progress in the early stages, but once they were not handled well, that grand identity could become an obstacle that prevented them from breaking through the last layer of the barrier in the later stages.

You see, some don't like to play straight ball, just like the side of the sneak brush good feelings of the female protagonist, always like and the male protagonist into a kind of "good brother", "iron brotherhood" relationship.

At the end of the day, the favorability of the brush is indeed overwhelming.

But the hero also really treats her as a good brother.

At that moment, the poor heroine even if the hard head to play straight ball, the hero is also right to take her as his own family good brother in the usual joke.

How can this be justified?

All the efforts were lost.


That's why Sabrina isn't going to do anything fancy, she's just going to play it safe and not roll over, that's success.

Besides, she didn't think she really had the strength to become Aisha's "teacher".

Aisha is a man who can kill her without injury with a sword.

Sabrina's heart was more or less certain.

She was now very curious about how powerful this beautiful boy, who had made her heart pound for a long time, really was...

A champion?

It was very possible.

This was a genius trainer that could make Blue treat him with respect, and that Red also chanted about looking forward to fighting him day in and day out.

That's why it would be better for the two of them to maintain their current relationship as teachers and friends.

Maybe after they reached a certain level of goodwill, it would be easy for them to become lovers...

That's great.

The plan worked!

Aisha naturally didn't know what Sabrina was thinking.

After listening to Sabrina's "explanation", he also felt that he had made the right friend.

There is strength, no nonsense, care for friends, thoughtful ideas.

Although in some places a bit of riddler.

However, there is something she is really giving away, the technology that should be taught is also not hidden at all, especially powerful.

Her own face value was also first-class high, and her body even hanged a lot of fellow female trainers, even standing next to her was very eye-pleasing.


Aisha dissipated the wisp of psychic power.

He carefully felt the weight of that power, and half-jokingly looked at Sabrina next to him, saying, "According to my current psychic power, is it possible to bend a spoon?"

Psychic seems to have an extraordinary obsession with things like "bending spoons".

In addition to those psychic apprentices, Sabrina herself also has the "Kinesis" this kind of special magic trick.

The standard weapon of the Abra family, the "first ever" Psychic type Pokémon, is a spoon.

Even in the special manga, Mewtwo, who is a Psychic type First-level Legendary Pokémon, carries a huge silver spoon as its weapon.

One had to wonder if there was some special bond between the spoon and psychic.


Sabrina let out a petulant laugh.

"Your talent is undoubtedly the first within the psychic I've seen over the years, although the time spent practicing isn't as much as others, however, the most important thing in psychic is really the talent in this area, if you work hard, mastering a special operation such as telepathy is just a matter of time."

Her eyes flickered, and her tone was also serious and incomparable as she said, "Your psychic talent should never be wasted, since you have now memorized how to exercise your psychic power, then you must not waste it halfway because of other reasons."


Aisha also felt Sabrina's seriousness as well as her concern for herself, so that was why she also immediately affirmed her words.

"The number of psychics is too rare, and psychics with talent are even rarer."

Sabrina's tone was suddenly a bit lost.

There was a lonely color between her words.

Aisha also understood what was going on.

As a psychic, Sabrina was inherently different from others around her, and it was normal for her to be ostracized and isolated, and even discriminated against and feared.

Many psychics suffer from mental illnesses due to their upbringing.

The peculiarities of psychic themselves were also enough to make their personalities go to extremes, and all sorts of bad problems arose.

"I don't really know the exact level and talent of that Psychic type Elite Four in the Unova region."

Sabrina mentioned Caitlin.

"However, I can assure you..."

She was also gazing at Aisha's face.

"If, you work hard to exercise your psychic power, your future achievements in psychic will certainly not be weaker than mine!"

"...Good, I believe you."

Sabrina's words were more than just concern for Aisha, they were filled with the joy of having met a confidant.

For that reason, Aisha just smiled and expressed her thoughts.

"In the future, after your psychic becomes big, maybe we can be a good pair in double battles."

"That would be too much of a bully."

The duo said and laughed.

Two Sabrina level psychics playing doubles together, what's the difference between this and cheating?

"What's wrong?"

Sabrina tapped her chest.

"We opened the hang with our strength, the officials don't even prohibit psychic from using psychic against psychic, who can say anything else?"

"Also, it's on then!"

Not turning it off means it's on?

Instructor Ai open the path to cheat with his ability!


Sabrina raised her fist as well.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

In just one day, their relationship went from strangers to good friends who could make familiar jokes.

This was of course due to Sabrina being a fake iceberg.

Aisha also liked Sabrina's type of friend who didn't have any attitude.

Sabrina's heart for Aisha was also naturally needless to say...

"And this."

Sabrina picked up a notebook from the side and handed it to Aisha, saying, "This is my experience on breeding the Psychic type Pokémon as well as some of the side knowledge, and some of the techniques on how Ralts Eggs should be cared for and hatched, you can take it for reference."


Aisha took Sabrina's notebook.

Then, he remembered the scroll that Wallace had given himself when he was on top of the ruins of Sootopolis City - the things that other girls used were normal notebooks, but you, Teach Wallace, a man, had to be flirtatious and use a scroll to record his experience in cultivating Pokémon, you're really a stuffy guy.


Instructor shook his head helplessly, forcing the image of Walllace wearing a performance suit and doing a ballet on the water while winking at Steven out of his mind.

Those two were too weird...

One look and I knew they weren't serious people.

"I did ask the person in charge earlier, and that one Ralts egg you chose is no more than a few months away from hatching." Sabrina pointed again at the green and white colored egg next to the training ground and said, "According to my estimation, if you're still traveling at the current rate, this child can probably successfully hatch before you end up going back to Viridian City to fight Blue."

"Though, it might not be strong enough to participate in some high-intensity sparring."

Sabrina looked at Aisha again.

"However, by that time, your psychic power will certainly not be of a strength that can be compared to now."

"Don't forget the combined effects of psychic and Psychic type Pokémon." Sabrina reminded Aisha, saying, "If it's said that you're willing to do so, utilizing psychic to increase Ralts' all-around strength won't be a problem, and this child should be able to participate in the preliminaries of the Indigo Plateau Conference."


Aisha also nodded her head thoughtfully, indicating that he understood.

It was also fine.

Anyway, he had just collected Larvitar and Gastly two days ago, and there wasn't that much of a need to immediately get his hands on another Ralts.

After Larvitar and Gastly adapted to the team's rhythm, it wouldn't be too late for him to start breeding Ralts.

As for the maintenance of the egg...

It didn't matter, Chansey would step in.

This child was a natural babysitter, and could be good at taking care of small children and newborns.

"It's not too early."

Aisha glanced at the time.

Psychic exercise did kill time, one had only learned the preliminary use of psychic power from Sabrina, and the time was already arriving at dusk.

"It's almost time to say goodbye."

Aisha prepared to leave.

There wasn't much going on at Saffron Gym itself.

If Sabrina hadn't suddenly come to the door, this Gym Challenge shouldn't have been any different from the previous ones, and he should have left after beating the Gym Leader and getting the badge.

Learning psychic and whoring out Ralts egg, on the other hand, was a complete surprise.

Of course, Aisha was more than happy to have made Sabrina a friend.

"So... what to do after that?"

Instructor Ai fell into deep thought.

Saying that it was a trip, he hadn't actually done anything in these cities himself, Pewter City, Cerulean City, and Vermilion City were all about hitting the gym and leaving right afterward.

Celadon City had gone to a game corner, and there was still Blue dragging himself there.

He didn't look like he was enjoying the trip at all.

He is truly a Pokémon trainer, and the essence of traveling is to train Pokémon and participate in league conferences.

"Ai-chan could perhaps find time to visit that Fighting type Gym."

Seeing Aisha's distress, Sabrina suggested as much.

"Fighting type Gym?"

Aisha was stunned.

"Isn't that thing abandoned and unoccupied?"


Sabrina spread her hands and said, "However, the rent of that gym is due, so the trainer who said he left to practice somewhere is back these days, and seems to have accepted the challenge of some trainers, and there are quite a few trainers over there who are good at real-life fighting, so if you're interested in sparring with them on their fighting skills, you can go there in the daytime tomorrow. "

"Rent is due..."

Aisha kind of sympathized with what happened to that fighter.

Because a city could not have two gyms at the same time, so much so that his own preparatory gym was forced to turn into a gym, the fighting techniques he specialized in were perfectly restrained by Sabrina's Psychic type Pokémon, the Fighting type Pokémon he specialized in were perfect prey for the Psychic type Pokémon.

Self-imposed exile to learn fighting techniques in various areas, and as a result, at the end of the day, the gym left behind in Saffron City was still facing the problem of rent expiration.


Sabrina was fine with that.

She had also defeated her opponent squarely before acquiring the power to be able to serve as a Gym Leader in Saffron City.

"Marill seems to have an itchy hand these days, so it would be good to bring it over tomorrow for some lessons."

Instructor Ai thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that the only physical attacker within his team that wasn't afraid of the fighting attribute was Marill.


Marill showed an excited expression within Aisha's Poké ball.

It did have an itchy hand.

It was also good to give those Fighting type Pokémon some tiny Strong Poower shock.

The Fairy type Pokémon went to the Fighting Gym to fry fish!

"It's good to take a break at the Saffron Gym tonight."

Sabrina felt that it was almost time, and immediately extended an invitation towards Aisha, saying, "As great as your talent is, however, a few hours is still too short, and there's still some time for me to help you stabilize your psychic power from the workout tonight after we have dinner."

"Good, in that case it will be a trouble for you, Sabrina."

"It's fine~"


At night, Aisha sat within the guest room of the Saffron Gym, and along with the reflection of the moonlight, carefully took a handkerchief and wiped Ralts egg.


Gazing at the beautifully patterned egg, Aisha's mind was quite novel.

Although it was said that when playing the game in his previous life, Instructor was also hatching eggs in dozens of crates in order to brush up on shiny versus breeding the perfect pair of Pokémon.

However, those things were still game data in the end.

To squarely embark on nurturing an unborn little life within reality, this kind of thing was undoubtedly a first for him.

"Although it is said that nurturing a Pokémon is also the process of raising a child, however, a child that one starts nurturing from within an egg is indeed a bit special..."

Aisha couldn't help but sigh.

There were also quite a few children within his own team that had evolved into a majestic stance.

For example, the Charmeleon and the shiny Metang.

Every time he saw them, Aisha couldn't help but think of the time when the two big guys hadn't evolved yet, and were just two small things, pestering himself and then being held in his arms.

They would evolve into an even more majestic form in the future, with the ability to carry themselves above the sky.

Caterpie that had evolved into Rayquaza was even more so - even if it hadn't completely evolved, Caterpie was now a monster of very small size.

Larvitar, on the other hand, was still a little guy... However, this little guy will also one day evolve into a robust and imposing Tyranitar.

These children would no longer be pampered in their arms in the future.

"How did it become a parental mentality already?"

Aisha also shook his head helplessly with a complicated smile.

Stroking Ralts egg, Instructor Ai also quietly revealed a smile and said, "You must help me grow up healthily."


Suddenly, Ralts egg shook very slightly.


Aisha revealed a surprised expression.

It wasn't an illusion.

Because, he also clearly detected a shallow trace of psychic power overflowing above Ralts eggshell.

Its psychic power resonated itself.

So much so that between Aisha's palm that was caressing the eggshell, it was covered with a layer of purple halo just the same.


Aisha was dumbfounded.

No wonder, Caterpie chose this child.

Sure enough, it was extraordinary.

"In that case, I'll look forward to your future."


Celadon City, below the ground of Celadon Game Corner, Team Rocket Research Institute.


Within the petri dish filled with nutrient solution, the indeterminately shaped embryo trembled violently as if it had sensed something.

"Doctor, Second Generation Mewtwo has appeared with psychic power, we've succeeded!"

A researcher who was paying attention to the embryo instantly shouted in excitement.

After that, the entire research institute also fell into a wave of excitement.

"Good... good!"

The leader who was leading the team for Second Generation Mewtwo's research was even more excited.

"We've succeeded!"

He was in a state of ecstasy.

The clamor of the outside world did not want to dry up with the sleeping embryo within the petri dish.

Within the flesh and blood body, a touch of consciousness was also quietly born.

'Who am I?' .

It asked itself.