Aisha's Double Martial Arts and Magic Training


Within the quaintly decorated Fighting type Gym, the lanky man in the white karate outfit stood at one end of the opposing field with a hot face, shouting out the command to attack with bravado and dominance.

"Low Sweep!"


Listening to his master's roar, the headless, torture-like Hitmonlee also shouted out a stirring battle cry from within its mouthpiece that was hidden somewhere.

In the next moment, its slender right leg in a spring stance also violently kicked forward.

With a wide, thick palm wrapped in strong Fighting type energy, Hitmonlee's right leg was strangely lengthened, and in one breath, it kicked the chest of the enemy in front of it, who was ten meters away from him.


Howley, who was gasping for breath and whose stamina had already reached the end of his days, was mercilessly blasted on top of his chest by such a powerful Low Sweep, and his robust, tall body was immediately turned into a kite with broken strings, and he fell to the ground with a loud crash after taking a few steps backward.

"Machoke has lost its ability to fight, so the winner of this match is the Gym Leader, Kiyo!"

The wrestler next to him temporarily moonlighted as a referee and immediately declared the defeat of Howley as well as its trainer.


Retracting its elongated right leg, Shavarou then stood dashingly on top of the field with its arms around its chest.

Behind it, its trainer and also the Gym Leader of this Fighting type Gym - Kiyo - was pulling the black belt he wore around his waist tightly with great vigor.

It was his pride as a karate master.

"Master Kiyo is truly awesome, I am humbled."

Machoke's trainer retrieved his Pokémon and praised Kiyo so archly towards Kiyo who had defeated him.

"To actually train Hitmonlee's kicking technique to such a strong point, and even tapped into Hitmonlee's secret technique of extending the length of his legs, worthy of Master Kiyo."

This wrestler was also not hiding his reverence.

"That's Master Bruno's famous stunt!"

"Ha~ overexaggerated, everyone."

Kiyo, on the other hand, waved his hand in a hurry.

Of course, although he said that he was being modest, Kiyo's smug eyes betrayed his true thoughts.

The praise from his peers was very flattering to him.

Kiyo was very proud of having developed the secret technique of extending the length of Hitmonlee's legs.

This maneuver was not something that all Hitmonlee could do to the same extent.

There is only one Hitmonlee in a million that can extend its legs to attack.

In this regard, the most well-known fighter was naturally Elite Bruno, who could make his Hitmonlee elongate its legs by hundreds of meters, and the power of its attacks was as terrifying as it was.

That man was the unquestionable sage within the realm of fighters.

An absolute master!

Whenever Kiyo showed off his Hitmonlee skills on a normal day, his peers around him would mention Elite Bruno as if he was a reminder of him.

As a result, Kiyo thought, "I'm using the same moves as Bruno!"

His vanity was greatly satisfied.

"My Hitmonlee still has a long way to go, right now it doesn't have the ability to compare to Elite Bruno's monster-like powerful Hitmonlee."

That statement was true.

"Well, indeed."

"Elite Bruno is the idol I've been trying to chase all my life."

"I really want to see the power of that lord, and if I can witness the image of how he trains his Pokémon and hones his martial arts skills, I would have no regrets in this life."

Those fighters beside him echoed his words in the same way.

Bruno was their common idol.

They sat on the ground and talked and laughed about what they had gained and seen during this period of time.

"Aye, the path of a wrestler is also really difficult, my Hariyama, although it has initially mastered the technique of 'soft power', however, he still doesn't have much of a clue about the technique of 'rigid power'. "

The wrestler held his head in agony.

"Luckily, we martial arts practitioners are ourselves desperately carving out a path for ourselves to follow on top of a grueling and dangerous cliff, and the same is true for the path of a trainer, I think if you can quiet your mind, you will be able to get through even the toughest of things someday, which is why the yoga practice that my Medicham and I have been doing for a while now seems to be very effective. "

The yoga master who had unconsciously assumed a meditative posture even while chatting confessed so.

"It's still my old brother who sees through, hah~ However, the path of me and my Machamp is one of extreme rigidity and destruction, so I probably won't be able to borrow your ideas."

The magnificent fighter was laughing.

Looking at these Machoke who had gathered at the Fighting type Gym because of his fame, Kiyo, who was the host, was feeling especially proud as well.

"Machoke still need to travel more to places where they can share some experiences together with their peers."

Kiyo also joined in the conversation, speaking out his own thoughts, saying, "Once, after I failed miserably under that witch's hands, I was once ready to give up my path as a martial artist, and I wasn't even ready to continue as a Pokémon trainer, but in order to get away from it all, I went to a lot of areas, and I also met a lot of great fighters."


"Master Kiyo, it would be good to tell your story."

"I am willing to listen with all ears."

Once Kiyo opened his mouth, those martial artists still gave a lot of recognition.

After all, he was a trainer at the level of a Gym Leader, and if he hadn't had the bad luck to meet Sabrina as a competitor, he might have become a true fighting master with fame and fortune by now.

The words of such a person still had more or less some value.

"Ha~ good!"

Kiyo slapped his thigh.

The Pokémon he was good at using were Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, so he wasn't strictly bound by the fighting styles he practiced.

Kiyo was considered the strongest person present.

"As the saying goes, there are people outside of people, and there is a sky outside of the sky."

Kiyo sighed with a sigh.

He had also seen quite a few trainers who had balanced their own cultivation and Pokémon breeding while traveling over the years, and could still become strong.

"I'm sure everyone already knows about that Master Brawly in the Hoenn region who challenged waves."

Most of these people were trainers active in the Kanto and Johto regions, and they naturally knew about the fame of the Fighting type trainers in the Hoenn region, which wasn't that far away from the two regions, so Kiyo decided to cite some rarities and said, "Mount Coronet in Sinnoh is a workout area that many fighters are fascinated by, and there are two types of humanoid Fighting type Pokémon called Sawk and Throh."

"There's even a little girl in the Galar region who can fight a Rhydon undefeated with her bare hands."

Kiyo remembered the Fighting type Gym Leader of Galar.

That little girl almost killed him with a single punch.

"They progress along with their Pokémon and become stronger, and instead of being an obstacle for them, the Psychic attribute that restrains Fighting type even promotes their growth."

Kiyo said those words with firm eyes.

"So, I won't be afraid of that witch!"

The so-called "witch" was naturally Sabrina, who had defeated him.

Once upon a time, Sabrina had left a psychological shadow on Kiyo.

However, after traveling the world, Kiyo feels he can do it again.

"This time, I'm not just dealing with the gym." Kiyo's resolute eyes swept around within the gym, and he also confidently spoke of his goal, looking at those fellow martial artists around him, saying, "I'm going to challenge Sabrina once again, not for the right to set up a gym in Saffron City, but purely and simply just to test my own will and strength!"



Behind Kiyo's back, his partners-Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan-also looked like they were pumping their fists, clearly ready to take some revenge as well.


Suddenly, a cheerful male voice entered the ears of all the martial artists present.

"In that case, this Master Kiyo might as well spar with me first, and then think carefully about whether or not it's really okay to challenge Miss Sabrina."

His words caused all the Machoke who had been ready to agree with Kiyo to swallow their words back into their throats.

All of them looked towards the door of the Fighting type Gym in unison.

"Who are you?"

Kiyo frowned.

Before the gate, a teenager in a trench coat stood over there with a smile on his face.

He was followed by a Marill that looked as if it was harmless, with a very friendly appearance.

"I've heard that today's Fighting type Gym is full of experts, so I've made a special effort to visit on this day."

Aisha maintained a polite smile.

Today, as soon as he woke up, he went straight to the Fighting type Gym and happened to hear Kiyo's words about his preparation to re-challenge Sabrina outside the gate.

"I wonder if I could ask the Gym Leader, Master Kiyo, about the power of Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee?"

"It's not a problem if you spar."

Kiyo stood up straight.

His eyes were constantly darting over Aisha's body.

Suddenly, Kiyo's eyes glazed over.

"You're a psychic?"


Hearing Kiyo's words, Aisha's expression was a bit surprised.

Those martial artists around Kiyo also revealed unkind expressions.

Those unkind gazes suddenly fell on the teenager's body.

"Actually found out?"

Aisha and Marill exchanged a glance.

Kiyo did have a bit of something - however, I wondered if this keen observation skill had been developed because of the brutal beating received from Sabrina.

"I'm a psychic, but I'm just an apprentice who hasn't been initiated for a day."

Aisha had no intention of starting a dispute with these people, so said chose to tell the truth.

"My Pokémon isn't a Psychic type Pokémon either, and I did come to visit you all today for the sake of sparring."


Marill also walked in front of Aisha with an unfriendly face.


"This child has been raised really well."

"Even though it's not a Fighting type Pokémon, this muscle is toned and lean without being bulky, this little brother is also a master."

Seeing Marill, those martial artists also immediately revealed expressions of amazement.

Most of these people did not have a bad heart.

Aisha had told the truth, and they weren't willing to bother questioning anything.

"In that case, then follow me to the top of the confrontation ground."

Probably confirming that Aisha didn't have many psychic power fluctuations in his body, Kiyo also believed his words, and his tightly furrowed brows relaxed a bit.

Aisha followed him.

So did those martial artists who liked to join in the fun.

The group took up positions around the sparring ground.

"You take the lead this time, Hitmonchan."


Hitmonchan, who was wearing a pair of red gloves and looked as tough as a Roman gladiator, made a jump and landed on top of the sparring ground in a dashing manner, his fists swinging several times in succession.


Without needing Aisha's command, Marill stood on top of the field as well.

"It should be the Iron Fist characteristic."

Aisha stared at Hitmonchan's lustrous gloves and immediately judged its characteristic as well as its sparring style.

The guy who specialized in using boxing-type moves to fight fiercely with the help of the Iron Fist characteristic power boost.

"It's a little interesting."

Aisha did not take the enemy lightly.

Although it was true that Kiyo was only a trainer at the level of a normal Gym Leader, completely no match for the eight official Gym Leaders of the Kanto region.

These Fighting type specialized trainers didn't have much of a routine either.

However, Machoke usually have some special fighting techniques.

Their "martial arts" had been synchronized with their Pokémon, and the trainer and Pokémon became stronger together.

"Marill, Aqua Jet!"

"Hitmonchan, Bullet Punch!"

Both sides chose pre-emptive skills together in the first round as a test.



Two figures quickly shot out.

Marill's speed was something Hitmonchan couldn't match by any means - Aqua Jet smashed into the latter's body first.

"Play Rough."

Having seen the true level of this Hitmonchan at a glance, Aisha also flatly gave the command to attack further.


After Marill borrowed the speed of Aqua Jet and effortlessly caught up with Hitmonchan that had taken a few steps backward, its fist that shimmered with pink light also mercilessly smashed on top of its chest.

Sea Tiger Explosive Fist!


Caught off guard and eating such a powerful punch, Hitmonchan's eyes almost glazed over.

The effect of the double restraint harvested its otherwise still healthy stamina in one bite.

Hitmonchan was knocked down on top of the ground by Marill's punch, fainted.


Kiyo was also astonished.

Immediately afterward, he also looked seriously at Aisha.

Kiyo had seen a lot of things, and had just said "There are people outside of people, and there are heavens outside of heaven", so he didn't lose his temper in the face of Marill, who had killed his Hitmonchan in two quick blows.

"Little brother, Pokémon breeding is really good."

"Gym Leader Kiyo is too kind."

Aisha, on the other hand, smiled politely and said, "However, I still want to ask for some lessons on the greatness of Hitmonlee, which Kiyo Gym Leader uses most skillfully."


Kiyo also knew that he had indeed met a genius today.

The fervor of being a martial artist made him unable to refuse Aisha's challenge.



As soon as Hitmonlee entered the ring, even Kiyo's aura changed.

"Double Kick!"

Hitmonlee leapt in the air at Kiyo's command, his legs lengthening quickly like springs, dragging a heavy force to attack Marill.

"Aqua Tail, Protect."

Hitmonlee's kicking technique was very swift.

Marill, on the other hand, swung her tail around in place, and the spinning Aqua Tail continuously received the opponent's second series of kicks.

"I see... I can't believe it have mastered the same ability as Bruno's Hitmonlee."

Looking at Kiyo's Hitmonlee, Aisha was also pondering.

This Hitmonlee should be his trump card.

Its legs that had been developed to perfectly utilize the advantages of its kicking technique moves, and its bonuses to the speed and strength aspects were also completely unimaginable increases.

"This is the power of a martial artist with a Fighting type Pokémon."

It was just like the mental power link between a psychic and a Psychic type Pokémon.

Despite being Sabrina's underdog, however, Kiyo did have something...

"Rolling Kick!"

Kiyo's command came again.

Hitmonlee's paws grazed the ground while its torso, which had a pair of eyes, spun around at a rapid pace, its elongated legs acting like a fan as they followed its body in an extremely fast rotation.

"Something, but... not enough!"


Aisha and Marill revealed a smile together.


Hitmonlee's Rolling Kick also hit Marill at just the right time.


Hitmonlee's high-speed spinning movement stalled.

Its paws were grabbed by Marill's hands, and it was unable to break free - not only did the powerful attack not do much damage to the little water bear, but it exposed Hitmonlee's weakness.



Dragging Hitmonlee's leg, Marill slammed it onto the ground.

"Play Rough."


Hitmonlee had absolutely no time to react before Marill's fist was already imprinted on top of its torso.


While Hitmonlee was dizzy, Marill added an Aqua Tail as well.


Hanging Mosquito Eyes, Hitmonlee lost its ability to fight.

"Not bad, Marill."

Aisha praised Marill, who won two matches in a row, so much.

On Kiyo's side, he retrieved Hitmonlee in silence.


He pondered for a moment and opened his mouth, saying, "I don't think you're a martial artist?"

Kiyo could also see that although Aisha's Marill was powerful, there was no special technique between the moves, and it was pure strength that had crushed his Pokémon.

Aisha's strength was that of a trainer.

This teenager had no martial arts background.


Aisha also spread his hands helplessly.

"I have the intention to learn the techniques of martial arts, but there's not much of an avenue."

"Ah, I see."

Hearing Aisha's words, Kiyo and the several martial artists beside him also swept away their depressed emotions.

They had always been very friendly to newcomers who might become a martial artist.

"I don't think little brother is from Kanto?"

"Well, my name is Aisha, a Dayan native."

At the mention of Dayan, a few martial artists instantly became quite excited as well.

"Little brother, in this aspect of martial arts, we people definitely can't help you." Kiyo spread his hands and smiled helplessly, saying, "You are much better than us."

"However, since you are from Dayan... Why don't you seek a path of martial arts in Dayan?"


Aisha was also interested.

"After all, Dayan is the true home of the martial way... Of course, if you have the conditions, it's not impossible to ask Master Bruno in person."


Aisha's eyes lit up.

On his own, it seemed that it wasn't impossible to find this person.

"This is really both martial arts and magic training..."