Second Generation Mewtwo's Potential

"Amazing, too amazing!"

Within the dark laboratory, the old man wearing a white lab coat gazed at the large screen in front of him with a shocked expression.

The big screen showed a Pokémon's battle, and next to it, several displays showed its various data and three views of its body.

At this moment, along with the battle entering a white heat, the data calculated on the display screen was also soaring extremely fast, frequently breaking through the original limit.

"This... amazing!"

The old professor was already numb.

His pair of cloudy old eyes were exploding with light at this moment, staring at the data that was insanely expanding above the display screen, and inside his mouth, he was constantly chanting a few words to express his amazement.

"Too terrifying, such combat power..."

He couldn't close his mouth.

"After such a short development cycle, Second Generation Mewtwo possesses such terrifying combat power, its potential even exceeds that of the Mewtwo of the first generation recorded in the data!"

The old professor's face revealed a look of ecstasy.

The more wonderful Second Generation Mewtwo's performance was, the more it illustrated the magnitude of their team's research results.

Originally, they had been holding their breath in their hearts as they had borrowed Blaine's data to conduct research like "those who planted the trees in the past will enjoy the coolness of those who come after them".

Now, every aspect of Second Generation Mewtwo's data had completely blown away the original First Generation Mewtwo.

How could they not let the old professor and his team raise their eyebrows?


The door to the laboratory opened.

A man in a suit with a straight posture walked into the lab with a steady and full aura.

"How is it?"

His sharp eyes looked at the old professor.

It was clearly just a simple inquiry, and the other party's tone was very plain, however, the old professor was still shocked out of a cold sweat by his gaze and inquiry.

This was the aura of a superior...

Especially when the topic of Second Generation Mewtwo was involved, this Boss's attitude was even more severe and intimidating.


It was rather incongruous for an old professor with a scholarly demeanor to call out such a gangster-esque title.

However, even though he had fear in his heart, under the support of the experimental results, the old professor still straightened his back and looked towards Giovanni with a joyful face, saying, "Second Generation Mewtwo's powerful genes have already exerted their effects, the one that originated from the human side of the genes has allowed it to speedily pass through its growth period, and has now completely entered the mature stage. completely stepped into the mature stage, possessing considerable combat power!"


Giovanni revealed a playful smile and said, "How is its combat power?"

"What criteria did you guys use to judge that it possesses considerable combat power?"

"According to Baine's information, First Generation Mewtwo, after its birth and up to this point in time, did not have such terrifying combat power as Second Generation Mewtwo at all!"

The old professor was eager to show his results to Boss, and said a large string of proof words in one breath, saying, "Second Generation Mewtwo, not only is its physical development extremely fast, the expansion speed of its psychic power fluctuation is also one of a kind, it is not at all a speed that can be compared to a normal Psychic type Pokémon! In addition to that, Second Generation Mewtwo's physical body also possesses a level of toughness that First Generation Mewtwo cannot be compared to, as a Psychic type Pokémon it even possesses a close combat ability that is not inferior to that of a Fighting type Pokémon!"

"Ha... Boss!"

After finishing talking about Second Generation Mewtwo's abilities in one breath, the panting old professor also looked at Giovanni with a red face.

"I can guarantee that the future Second Generation Mewtwo will definitely be able to far surpass First Generation Mewtwo in strength!"


After listening to the old professor's words, Giovanni on the other hand responded with a salty nasal sound, indicating that he understood.


The hot-blooded old professor suddenly calmed down as if he had been splashed with cold water.

It was only then that he reacted to the fact that his own Boss was a ruthless person who could single-handedly obtain a tube of blood from First Generation Mewtwo's body for his own team to use as a research reference.

Such a big man, he had only made a blank check, completely unable to make him look sideways.

"Boss, please look this way!"

Mentally cursing himself, the old professor immediately pointed to the large screen next to him.

Since the data couldn't explain the problem, presenting a piece of evidence was the best choice.


Giovanni took two steps forward and looked at the large screen.

The screen showed Second Generation Mewtwo's battle.

It stood on top of a very wide area of battlefield, eyes closed, and that kind of bland stance made Giovanni couldn't help but think of someone.

"Heh... is this the bloodline connection?"

Looking at Second Generation Mewtwo's expression, Giovanni sneered.

Immediately afterward, he remembered a red-haired teenager and quickly curtailed his smile.

That kid was not like himself...

At this time, a change appeared within the screen.

Some gates opened around the battlefield, and some very fierce Pokémon that looked fierce and strong gradually entered the training ground.

Despite this, Second Generation Mewtwo remained calm and did not even open its eyes.

It just quietly floated in mid-air only a few meters above the ground.


Several Houndoom stared at it with unfavorable faces.

Although Second Generation Mewtwo's aura made them feel a bit oppressed, the innate malice and "suppression power" that Dark-type Pokémon had over Psychic-type Pokémon still provided them with some courage.

"Woof!" "Woof!" "Woof!"

Several Houndooms ran towards Second Generation Mewtwo with frantic faces.

Their posture was as if they couldn't wait to eat it.




Those few Houndoom's strikes were like a trumpet to start a war, invoking the ferocity of the other Pokémon.

Following the pitch-black hell hound, Pokémon with different postures let out their own distinctive roars and coincidentally followed in their footsteps, either charging or flying towards Second Generation Mewtwo in the center of the field.




Hundreds of Pokémon attacked at the same time with roars that shook the sky.

Such a shocking scene was full of visual impact.


Nonetheless, Second Generation Mewtwo remained oblivious to the cacophony.

It didn't even raise its eyelids, and as if it was a mountainous tsunami of terrifying spiritual power fluctuations were whistling out.

The sea of spiritual energy swept in all directions, indiscriminately bombarding the bodies of those Pokémon that rushed towards it.


Above the field, the sound of an explosion seemed to ring out.


This was followed by a whimpering wail.

Those Pokémon that had rushed towards Second Generation Mewtwo all flew backwards at a much faster speed, tragically crashing into the walls of the battlefield.

They fainted on the spot, and the walls on all sides were covered with deep craters of different sizes and shapes, with cracks spreading far and wide.

"Woof... woof!"

Some of the Dark type Pokémon had escaped the tsunami of psychic energy that hit them just now.

For example, the few Houndooms that had rushed to the front.

However, nowadays, they were scared out of their wits and no longer had the courage to advance.


Second Generation Mewtwo remained silent.

Its figure disappeared into thin air.

When it appeared again, it was already standing in front of a Houndoom.

A fist was swung out and imprinted on top of this pitch-black hell hound's head.


The whimpering sound shattered above mid-air.

As this one Houndoom flew backwards, Second Generation Mewtwo had already repeated the same trick to knock away several other Houndooms, as well as other enemies who had managed to escape the tsunami of psychic power.


It then returned to where it had been, silent and waiting for the next round of enemies to enter.

Its performance, on the other hand, was fed in real time all over the lab's big screen through the camera on the Rotom, the drone lurking outside the battlefield.

"Look, please look!"

The old professor had an excited look on his face.

The lab's big screen had already splashed a few - Second Generation Mewtwo's psychic power tsunami had indiscriminately shot down several Rotom drones.

Such an effect, paired with Second Generation Mewtwo's performance, was enough to make the old professor proud.

"Just now, it didn't use a move?"

Giovanni, on the other hand, had sharp eyes, and with a single glance, he was able to see the core problem of that battle just now.

Second Generation Mewtwo did not use any offensive moves.

Its spiritual tsunami was pure spiritual power, and the attacks that sent Houndoom flying were also pure physical power.

If Second Generation Mewtwo used any moves, I'm afraid it was only Teleport, which was used for displacement.

"This is the quality of Second Generation Mewtwo... It's much more than a normal Pokémon, and its casual attack is comparable to the best moves of those miscellaneous Pokémon!" The old professor tried his best to use his brain, which was a bit stiffened by joy, to find words to praise Second Generation Mewtwo's power, and after half a day's thought, with his eyes fixed on that one Pokémon, he dryly uttered, saying, "It's simply a god..."


He immediately revealed a frenzied expression, like a mad scientist within a sci-fi movie who could do anything for the results of his research.

"Second Generation Mewtwo can accomplish the regrets that First Generation Mewtwo didn't accomplish!"

The old professor even forgot about the status gap between himself and Giovanni, with a fervent and anxious face, he said: "Its potential has gradually unfolded, and it's much more than that, it still has a long way to go... it can become a real god!"

For a scientist whose life was also devoted to scientific research, there was nothing that made them more excited and ecstatic than creating a god with their own hands.

Creating a god...

This matter itself was also a forbidden area for Pokémon research.

The tragedy of First Generation Mewtwo seemed like yesterday.

The old professor, on the other hand, thought he had done it.

They, Team Rocket, had created a true god!


While expressionless, Giovanni listened to the fervent words of the man next to him, he gave a mocking smile.


It wasn't as if he had ever seen a true Legendary or Mythical Pokémon.

His own Beedrill had made First Generation Mewtwo bleed just a short while ago...

Once upon a time, Deoxys from the universe had been his tool as well.

The potential Second Generation Mewtwo was showing nowadays was really good, but Giovanni wasn't so happy about it that he forgot about it.

He was more concerned about the future.

"Hopefully, this god can fulfill the mission I gave it."

Looking at Second Generation Mewtwo, who had launched a second round of crushing battle above the opposing battlefield, the corner of Giovanni's mouth pulled out a dangerous arc.


The old professor was a bit curious.

Giovanni, on the other hand, looked at him sideways and spoke the content of the mission, saying, "I hope that Second Generation Mewtwo's human genetic source can also feel the power of the so-called 'gods'."


Unova region, Dragonspiral Tower.


The stocky old man with white beard combed into a mask-like stance, protecting half of his face, stomped on the broken steps and looked out above.

Dragonspiral Tower was more dilapidated compared to Drayden's last visit.


Drayden smacked his lips.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Dragonspiral Tower's dilapidation was more than just having endured the ravages of time, and part of the destruction was man-made.

"Who invaded Dragonspiral Tower?"

Drayden pondered inwardly.

His mind was rather complicated.

On the one hand, he sincerely hoped that the legendary dragon could recognize a hero.

On the one hand, he was also afraid that he had guessed the wrong person for the hero, and at the end of the day, Zekrom and Reshiram would be grasped by evil people with bad intentions.


Sighing and shaking his head, Drayden climbed the steps of the tower.

Born in the Village of Dragons, even at his advanced age, his physical strength was far stronger than that of normal people.

The Dragonspiral Tower, which took a lot of effort to climb to the top, was no challenge at all for Drayden.

After twenty minutes, Drayden, who was very familiar with the tower, climbed up to the upper floor of the tower.


Drayden saw a series of footprints on top of the steps of the upper level.

The footprints stood out amongst the snow.

Drayden's heart thumped.

He accelerated his steps, followed the footprints, and immediately chased after them to the top floor of Dragonspiral Tower.


Finally, Drayden, who stood at the top of the tower, looked at the dark sky dripping with snowflakes and revealed a complicated expression.

In front of him, the stone monument that originally sealed the Dark Stone had disappeared, leaving scorched black traces all over the ground.

Not only that, the top floor of Dragonspiral Tower also had some traces of lightning strikes everywhere, clearly the handiwork of an extremely terrifying dragon.

"Hero, appear."

Aisha's appearance appeared before Drayden's eyes.

He wondered if this teenager was Black Hero or not...


At this time, Drayden pulled out his ringing cell phone.


He picked up the phone, and on the other side of the line came the information he had sent to probe.

"...Uh, good."

The more he listened, the more wonderful Drayden's expression became.

In the end, even he, who was almost joyful, revealed an expression of incomparable surprise.

"I see."

Drayden put down his cell phone and fell silent.

He had commissioned a professional from the Village of Dragons to investigate Aisha's whereabouts during this time in the Unova region, focusing on whether or not he had been to Eindoak Town.

The scout's intelligence was also very clear.

Been there, not only been there, but messed up no small amount.

The Light Stone guarded by Sword of the Vale was nowhere to be found, which meant that the sleeping Reshiram had recognized its White Hero.

The time was when Aisha had arrived in Eindoak Town.

In this way, there was already no need to say more.

Combined with the special aura that Drayden had detected on Aisha's body, he could already confirm... Aisha was this generation's White Hero who had obtained Reshiram's approval.


After clearing his thoughts, Drayden looked towards the place where the Dark Stone was sealed.

Reshiram had awakened, and Zekrom's Dark Stone was nowhere to be found.

What did this mean?

Drayden couldn't be clearer.

"White Hero has appeared alongside Black Hero..."

"Who should Village of Dragons help?" Drayden looked distressed.


This old man sighed.

He ultimately chose Aisha.

Compared to the Black Hero whose identity was unknown, nowadays, White Hero, whose identity could already be clarified, was clearly a better choice.

Moreover, Aisha had a good relationship with Elesa, so he thought that he shouldn't be a person with a bad heart.

"Investigate the details of this teenager..."

Drayden turned his head towards the steps of Dragonspiral Tower.

The things that should be confirmed had already been confirmed.

He should also get down to business.

Within Opelucid Gym, something special had been stored.

"That thing... I'm sure it's better if White Hero holds it."


Kanto region, Fuchsia city.

"Fuchsia Gym is in this forest?" Looking at the map displayed on the Rotom phone, Aisha walked into a thick forest and looked around at the tall trees.

"It's really an environment that ninjas would love, this forest is like a natural fortress, easy to defend and hard to attack."

Rotom phone also added at this time, saying, "If you're not familiar with the terrain, it's entirely possible that you'll get lost within this forest and then become the prey of the ninjas, loto."

"I see..."

Aisha was also on some alert.

He and Rotom phone continued deeper into the forest, following the map's guidance towards the Fuchsia Gym.

As they went deeper and deeper, the trees became denser and denser.

The shade of the trees made it cloudy as if it was a dark sky within the woods.

The leaves were also obscuring the view ahead.


The sound of the wind breaking out of nowhere was particularly abrupt within the silent woods.

Aisha only lightly took a step back, and completely dodged the sword that attacked him.


He looked in the direction of the sword attack.

Instead, he watched a black shadow jumping between the bushes, gradually moving away.


Instructor Ai laughed dumbly.

"An unimpressive ninja." He revealed a smile without temperature.

"Rotom, let's give chase!"


Rotom immediately turned into a bolt of lightning, even giving up its speaking habit, and shot forward without hesitation.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, followed closely behind and ran in that direction.

  1. the raw was written as "big brother", but "boss" would also work