Fuchsia Gym, Strategy


A dark shadow jumped between the dense bushes.

With her dexterous stance, her toes only touched the branches of the trees and she quickly left, continuing to jump towards the front.

With the help of the thick branches and leaves, the black shadow concealed her figure between the trees.


The black shadow brushed through the leaves, making a "rustling" sound.

The slender female ninja took the time to glance back at the rear.

After seeing the figure in hot pursuit, she frowned.

After that, the dexterous female ninja took advantage of the opportunity to jump, and without hesitation, she threw out a few sharp shuriken.


The high-speed rotating shuriken tore through the air like sharp arrows, attacking straight towards the figure at the back that was chasing the female ninja all the way.

The special throwing method made them extremely fast, and the arc of their flight was exceptionally tricky, making it hard to dodge and defend.

However, above the ground, that figure easily dodged the female ninja's shuriken.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

Several shuriken nailed above the ground, making a series of crisp sounds due to the collision.

Aisha didn't care about them, didn't even look at them, and continued to walk as leisurely as if she was strolling, chasing after the female ninja who had fled ahead.

Rotom followed by his side with a relaxed face.


He was relaxed.

Even if the female ninja had deftly jumped between the bushes and used her familiarity with the grounds to quickly escape, her speed was nowhere near as fast as his footwork.

Even if his opponent had used the shade of the trees for concealment and launched several surprise attacks, that lame method of throwing a shuriken always failed to hurt him in the slightest.

"Heh~ looks like it's the daughter."

While chasing after him, Aisha let out a light laugh, confirming that the fleeing figure in front of him should be Koga's daughter.

It was also Janine, who had taken over the position of Fuchsia Gym's Gym Leader from her father's hand, but actually still lacked the test to grow up.

This girl's strength is not weak, and her training in the Way of the Ninja and the Way of the Poison cannot be said to be shallow.

Unfortunately, as a daughter, Janine is also under a lot of pressure due to her father's honor.

Especially compared to the other Seven Gym Leaders in the Kanto region, her decent strength also appeared to be a bit insufficient.


A slight sound of leaves shaking caught Aisha's attention.

"Rotom, Discharge."


Following Instructor Ai's command, Rotom, who had withdrawn from its cell phone form, did not hesitate to release a powerful electric current that swept over their heads.


Suddenly, large streams of cloudy yellow powder gushed out from behind the bushes.

Aisha was familiar with these powders.

"A mixture of Poison Powder, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder..."

While thinking, the mixed powder was burned by Rotom's current.

Aisha lowered his eyes as a hint of psychic power fluctuation drifted out.

A moment later, he pointed in a direction to the left and said, "Rotom, use Thunderbolt towards that side!"

"Yes~ loto!"

Rotom also followed Instructor Ai's command without hesitation, and dryly released a golden current that cleaved towards the top of a large tree.


Facing the lightning attack, the guy who had hidden over there finally moved.

An individual Venomoth waved its wings and flew out from between the tree canopies, its eyes flashing with a brilliant pink light as it used Psychic as resistance.


The golden current then dryly tore through Venomoth's mentally strong thoughts and struck its body.


Enduring the raging current, Venomoth let out a very ear-piercing chirp under the extreme pain.

"Insect chirping?"

Aisha frowned.

Rotom backed up in front of Instructor Ai due to Venomoth's insect chirp, shielding him.


Aisha raised his head.

Within his line of sight, a large net suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped himself and Rotom.

"Charmeleon, Flamethrower."

Instructor Ai flung his sleeve and Charmeleon's Poké ball flew into the sky.


The robust red dragon appeared in mid-air between flashes of white light, and it immediately spewed out a beam of scorching flames that burned the large net above it.

"Rotom, over there!"

At the same time, Aisha was again finding the enemy's location.

He pointed to a grassy area with no peculiarities, ordinary no more, while Rotom slashed out a Thunderbolt.

The lightning was so fast that it surpassed the enemy's reaction.


Accompanied by a mournful wail, a large, mottled spider rolled out of the dense grass wrapped around the golden current.


Charmeleon landed on top of the ground at this point, seamlessly connecting a Flamethrower shot that burned on top of Ariados' torso.

Over there, Venomoth also fell to the ground, incapacitated.


A strange sound reached Aisha's ears.

He looked towards the spiderwebs that hadn't been completely burned by the flames.

Wherever the spiderwebs fell, both the soil, grass, and trees were also emitting white smoke, and the places that came into contact with the spiderwebs showed signs of melting.

"The spiderweb carries poison on top of it."

Aisha marveled with a look of admiration.

"Worthy of being a ninja steeped in the way of poison."

Both Venomoth and Ariados.

Their appearances and actions within the forest filled with grass and trees, the sound was cut down to the extreme, almost to the point of no sound at all.

If the challenger was a normal person, the powder that Venomoth spread at the beginning would be a big challenge.

Just now, after Venomoth's whereabouts were deciphered by himself, it knew that it could no longer escape, so it endured the pain and emitted an insect chirp to provide Ariados, who was hiding in the dark, with the opportunity to weave a spider web - the insect chirp. The noise covered up the inevitable sound Ariados made when weaving a spider web at high speed, and at the same time attracted the attention of Rotom and Aisha.

"Not bad for a ninja's Pokémon."

While praising Venomoth's fighting consciousness, Aisha dodged the kunai flying from the darkness.

After that, he kicked his feet and instantly exploded with terrifying speed, arriving before a large tree in a flash, and blasted his fist on top of the thick tree trunk.


A dull sound resounded through the woods between the flying wood chips.

The large tree collapsed.

Above the treetop, the female ninja who had already set up her jumping maneuver and was preparing to leave this place also slipped and fell to the ground.


Janine's eyes widened in panic as she was caught off guard by her mistake.

Thanks to a Crobat that flew over from the distance in time and grabbed her shoulder, she was prevented from being crippled by the fall.


In doing so, she and the last of her Pokémon were also completely exposed to Aisha's eyes.

"Rotom, Discharge," Aisha read out the command to attack, saying, "Charmeleon, Flamethrower."


The diffusely released current was like a large net, blocking Crobat's path from the bottom up.


A beam of flame, on the other hand, caught the precise moment when Crobat's flight had stalled because it had no way out, and blasted it on top of its wings with a single breath.


Crobat wailed and dropped a few meters.

"Rotom, Thunderbolt."

Aisha then seized this opportunity and commanded Rotom to attack once again.


Golden electric currents overflowed from above Rotom's body, and even though Crobat had already desperately flapped its scorched wings, the rushing lightning still caught up with it.


Crobat, at the end, threw Janine away with one hand.

After that, it sank between the raging currents, completely losing its ability to fight.


Janine's body crashed on top of a large tree and rolled down between the bushes.


She endured the pain and forced herself up.

Janine looked over to Aisha, who was looking down at her over there, and revealed a bitter smile.

"I lost, challenger."


Janine pulled out something from within her ninja suit, flicked her wrist, and threw it at Aisha.

Aisha, on the other hand, released his psychic power and pinched the object through the air.


After seeing the object clearly, he revealed an expression of realization.

It was a badge in the shape of a love heart.


At the same time, the system's beep resounded in his mind.

[System Quest: Collect the badges of the eight major gyms in the Kanto region.]

[Mission Progress: 6/8.]

The mission progress went up.

"I see."

After checking that there was no hardening on top of the badges, Aisha incorporated the pink badge into his palm.

"The Gym Challenge started when I stepped into the woods... Right?" He looked over to the female ninja, who had stood up, and said, "Miss Janine."


Over there, the female ninja who had no advantage in terms of body shape, and who was so flat to the point of humiliating her ninja uniform, also sighed helplessly.

She took off her mask, and a hard expression appeared on her green face as she said, "Hmm."

"I lost, you were great."

"Thanks a lot for the badge."

Aisha pinched her badge and thanked Janine.

This dojo challenge was a novel experience.

The Gym Challenge in Undifferentiated Wild Battle was a bit interesting.


Janine sighed again.

He looked at Aisha like she was looking at a monster.

It wasn't like Janine hadn't seen a fighter who could break a tree with one punch.

It wasn't like she hadn't fought psychics that could make their psychic power work like an arm.

The problem was...

The two in one, such a person, it was not that she had not seen it before.

"Janine, I told you, your practice isn't good enough."

A voice traveled into the woods.

The black-clothed Koga made a flash and appeared between Aisha and Janine, issuing a lecture to Janine, saying, "Now, are you convinced?"


Janine spread out her hands and said, "My father knew about this gentleman's power, and today he deliberately sent me to fight with him in a dojo challenge match with no difference between the two, just to let the daughter know what the sky and the earth are, and I also understand these things."


A trace of satisfaction finally appeared within Koga's eyes.

It doesn't matter if you've taken the wrong path, it's also a great thing to be able to learn from one's mistakes.

Koga was naturally very happy that his daughter had such enlightenment.

"There's one place, you're wrong."

However, he still corrected Janine where she was wrong.

Janine was puzzled.

Koga, on the other hand, looked at Aisha and said, "Before today, I didn't know how strong this gentleman was, purely just knowing that he was very powerful."

"That's all."

"Huh?" Janine's face crumbled.

Knowing that the other party is powerful, but not knowing how powerful the other party is.

And then, you made me sneak attack him.

In case this is a master who kills without blinking an eye, Pops, do you really have the confidence to save your daughter from the other party?


Janine had a blackout.

"Elite Koga knows me?"

After listening to the father and daughter, Instructor Ai also looked at Koga and inquired about some of his key questions, saying, "Could it be Lance?"

Thinking about it, the only place where he and Koga crossed paths was Lance.

That Johto Champion was also Koga's colleague.

"Not bad."

Koga immediately complimented Instructor Ai, saying, "Intelligent as you are, I did listen to Lance's words before I became interested in Your Excellency."

"I see..."

"Earlier on, I heard Lance say that Your Excellency's strength was strong, and when I see it today, it is indeed true to its name."

Astonishment emerged within Koga's eyes as he looked towards Aisha.

Combining the sharp senses and magical powers of a superpower with the physical strength and fighting skills of a fighter, I'm afraid that there would be no one else in the world today who would be able to find such a person.

Koga naturally knew exactly what level Janine's Undifferentiated Wild Battle was.

It was a level that was among the highest in the ranks of Gym Leader.

Aisha had easily defeated her...

Koga could see clearly from the shadows that Aisha had defeated Janine with a playful attitude.

His true strength was much more than what the party had shown...

"Janine, the rest of your Poké balls, give it to me."


Although puzzled, however, the obedient Janine pulled out three Poké balls and handed them to her father.

The six Pokémon she was carrying on her body had lost three of them within the Gym Challenge just now, and now there were just three left.


After receiving Janine's Poké ball and confirming the strength of the three Pokémon through the cover of the ball, Koga looked at Aisha again.

"I know that Your Excellency is only carrying newly bred Pokémon, so I will also use my daughter's Pokémon to fight against you in a three-on-three Pokémon battle." Koga's tone was still as flat as ever, however, the eyes that weren't covered by the mask revealed a touch of fiery battle intent as he said, "I wonder, if Your Excellency has the heart to give me the qualifications to ask for a lesson?"

Since, it was already known that Aisha's strength was unfathomable.

Then, Koga also wanted to try out his Pokémon battle level, just how good was it?

"No problem."

Aisha wasn't the least bit surprised.

These high-level trainers are all a bunch of fighting maniacs.

It just so happened that he was going to face that Blue guy afterward...

Since that was the case, he might as well take this Tenno level trainer and test his sword first.

Therefore, he agreed to Koga's invitation to fight.

"Please follow me."


Koga led Aisha in the direction of Fuchsia Gym.

Almost ten minutes later, the three of them walked out of the woods and arrived at a large courtyard decorated in a Japanese style.

The courtyard was surrounded by white walls and tiles, while the interior was filled with trees, occasionally a few small lakes could be seen, and the main building was a Japanese-style attic.

This was the Fuchsia Gym.

The decoration is not too flashy, but it is full of the flavor of life.

This style also fit right in with Koga and Janine's low-key style as ninjas.

"Mr. Ai, the sparring ground is over here."

Janine brought Aisha above an open-air field.

At one end of the field, there was a white curtain with the word "Ninja" written on it.

Koga took the lead, stood under the white curtain, took out one of Janine's Pokémon balls, and said, "Mr. Aisha, please teach me!"


Aisha, not quite accustomed to Koga's way of speaking, stood up on the sparring ground and threw his Poké ball.


With a strange grunt, a stocky Toxicroak stood on top of the field.

On Aisha's side was Haunter who was laughing comically.

"Haunter, Nasty Plot."

"Toxicroak, Thunder Punch."

Haunter deftly avoided Toxicroak's Thunder Punch and completed the reinforcement.

After that, it used Shadow Ball under Aisha's command and delicately exploded on top of Toxicroak's spine who couldn't dodge it.

Koga's face hidden by his mask was a bit ugly.

Toxicroak's attributes were very inferior to Haunter.

And, because of the Levitate characteristic, it barely had a few moves that could hit Haunter.

Aisha's Haunter's strength was again above Toxicroak in all aspects...

This was not a good battle.

"Haunter, Shadow Ball."

"Toxicroak, Sucker Punch."

Toxicroak surged towards Haunter like an arrow, however, its footsteps stopped halfway and its moves were lost.

In front of it, Haunter didn't use the Shadow Ball anymore.

A Will-O-Wisp burned between its ghostly hands and was thrown at Toxicroak's body.

A Will-O-Wisp!

Aisha telepathically gave secret commands to Haunter, fooling Koga and not only inducing Toxicroak to use the wrong move, but also granting it a negative effect of burns.


A ghostly shadow shot out and enveloped Toxicroak.


Toxicroak half-kneeled above the ground.

Haunter added a final Shadow Ball, completely destroying it.


Koga's face was as normal as ever, he had foreseen this ending from the very beginning.

Next to him, Janine looked ashamed.

She thought that it was because of her weakness that she had lost her father's face.


Janine clenched her fists.

While looking at his daughter's appearance, Koga revealed a light smile.

As a ninja, he didn't care if he lost face or not... his daughter's willingness to strive was the only thing that mattered.

He looked at Aisha again.

"Thanks a lot." He thanked him softly.

As a ninja, Koga knew how to return the favor.

Because Aisha had inspired Janine twice in a row, along with a few other favors, Koga had prepared a thank you gift for him.