Second Generation Mewtwo's Goal

Celadon City, Celadon City Game Corner - Team Rocket Base.

Beneath the deep and dark underground, there was a room that was exceptionally isolated.

There wasn't a single light in the room, and suffocating darkness filled the space.

Second Generation Mewtwo was sitting quietly on top of the lab bench, eyes closed, oblivious to the darkness in front of it.

This lab bench was also its bed, though it was said to be hard and cold, not at all like something a living creature would use for sleeping, but it didn't care at all.

"Who am I?"

Second Generation Mewtwo asked itself so.

It didn't know who it was.

All it knew was that when it first opened its eyes, it was inside an incubator.

The glass of the tank was broken, and the nutrient solution used to accelerate the development of the creature's embryo was flowing all over the floor.

It was a laboratory.

Inside the lab, countless people in white coats surrounded Second Generation Mewtwo's culture tank, and their eyes and faces were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy and excitement.

They were... were happy about their birth.

But why were they born?

What was the significance of being born in this world?

Who was it...

"Why am I here?"

Second Generation Mewtwo asked itself again.

Ever since it was born, it had been equipped with complete thinking ability and notable intelligence, so it was not difficult for it to think clearly like a human being.

Thus, it naturally fell into a state of confusion.

Those researchers had been actively examining its body since it stepped out of the incubator, analyzing its physical and mental strength.

Was this concern?

Second Generation Mewtwo didn't think it was care from the researchers.

It could see that those people were coveting something on it.

Perhaps it was its power, perhaps it was its existence itself.

Still, Second Generation Mewtwo didn't have anywhere to go...

It opened its eyes within this underground base, so this underground base was its home.

Even though this base is very dark and cold, it is not something it likes.

However, this is the only place for it to stay.


Although it could think like an adult with a mature mind, in the end, it was still a Pokémon that had been born less than a month ago.

It's still a child.

Still craving for something, like recognition.

Therefore, the researcher arranged a battle for it, and Second Generation Mewtwo accepted it gladly.

Its power was strong.

Not only its psychic power fluctuations, but its physical strength was also uncharacteristically strong, completely unlike a Pokémon that purely had only Psychic attribute.

Every time Second Generation Mewtwo defeated an enemy, those fellows would be all smiles.

As such, it also fought more aggressively and became stronger.

Until... it heard the whispers of those fellows.

The researchers might have thought that Second Generation Mewtwo didn't know where it came from, but they had overlooked the fact that "Mewtwo" was a Psychic type Pokémon with combat power that rivaled Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and that its senses in every aspect weren't comparable to those of ordinary Pokémon.

They couldn't hide Second Generation Mewtwo's eyes and ears...

Thus, it learned from the mouths of those loud-mouthed researchers that it was not the only "Mewtwo".

Before him, a researcher named Blaine had created the First Generation Mewtwo.

It, on the other hand, is Second Generation Mewtwo, which Team Rocket coveted the power of First Generation Mewtwo and purposely created along the lines of Blaine.

It was just a replica...

Those researchers privately called Second Generation Mewtwo with such unpleasant words as "monster" and "replica".

Second Generation Mewtwo understood.

The passion and love in front of them was just a disguise.

Their disgust and fear of themselves were the real emotions.

No matter how much he fought and became stronger, those guys would only see itself as a biochemical monster...

Second Generation Mewtwo's confusion gradually turned into anger.

Its genes were filled with destructive molecules, and nowadays, it was still not mature enough, and after being stimulated like this, its emotions naturally flared up.

However, Second Generation Mewtwo did not rush to explode.

It was very smart.

It knew that although it was powerful, there existed existences within this base that were even more powerful than itself.

For example, that inch-headed man...

The researchers called that man the Boss.

That Boss's body had an extremely dangerous aura, and it was so well hidden that if it wasn't for Second Generation Mewtwo's very sharp psychic, it wouldn't have been able to discover that Pokémon's existence.

Therefore, it pressed down its anger.

After that, Second Generation Mewtwo began to participate in the battle very actively.

It wanted to show its power.

However, it was no longer showing it to the fellows.

It showed its power to itself. It wanted to show itself that it was stronger than First Generation Mewtwo, that it wasn't a replica.

It is the real Mewtwo.

At the same time, Second Generation Mewtwo also thought of a plan to escape.

That's right.

Since those guys were only treating themselves as fighting weapons and horrible biochemical monsters, Second Generation Mewtwo wasn't willing to serve them.

It had already thought about it.

For now, for the time being, it would use Team Rocket's resources as a springboard to make itself stronger by leaps and bounds, and when it was truly strong, then it would run away.

Second Generation Mewtwo didn't know how it should describe its behavior...

Then, it thought about it, read a little bit of information, and felt that its behavior should be called 'Born to be Rebellious'.


It said it was ready to run away.

However, the world outside of Team Rocket's base was something Second Generation Mewtwo could be said to know nothing about.

It didn't even know the laws of human society, and even more so, it didn't know what the distribution of the terrain in the wild looked like.

When it came time to escape, as soon as it flew out of this pitch-black base, it would get so lost that it wouldn't be able to take a single step.

This was a very helpless thing.

No one taught Second Generation Mewtwo these most basic things.

Because, including the doctor who led its research, everyone, from the very beginning, thought that Second Generation Mewtwo was a machine without feelings.

A fighting machine.

They thought that machines only needed to fight, and didn't need to care about those boring things.

Therefore, today's Second Generation Mewtwo has no knowledge other than fighting.

Second Generation Mewtwo itself didn't have much motivation to learn...

After all, although it had made up its mind to escape.

However, it was still in a daze after all.

Second Generation Mewtwo didn't know what the meaning of its birth was?

Was it really just to chase after the First Generation Mewtwo that he had never met?

But... is it possible that First Generation Mewtwo was once as confused about the meaning of its birth as it was about itself?

Nor was it born with the intention.

The ones at fault were the humans who made them, not themselves.

Was it really right for them to pour all their anger and resentment on that blood relative they had never met, just because, those researchers had treated them as an imitation of First Generation Mewtwo?

It's not right...

Second Generation Mewtwo knew it well.

However, if he gave up the goal of chasing First Generation Mewtwo, what was the point of continuing to fight and live?

Second Generation Mewtwo was frantic over this.

"You're confused?"

At this time, that Team Rocket boss stood in front of Second Generation Mewtwo.

"Since you're lost, let me show you the way." He said so, looking at Second Generation Mewtwo with a bit of a teasing look in his eyes, saying, "Become the strongest Pokémon despite everything."

"The strongest?"

Second Generation Mewtwo's eyes lit up.

This goal, to it, did have an extraordinary appeal.

Second Generation Mewtwo wanted to become the strongest!

"Then, defeat him."

Giovanni said so, pulling out a picture of a teenager, revealing a cruel smile and changing his words, saying, "No... not beat, I need you to kill him."


Second Generation Mewtwo immediately asked back.

It knew what 'kill' meant.

It meant taking a person's life.

The teenager on the picture was very good looking, at least Second Generation Mewtwo had never seen anyone better looking than him within its short life.

Moreover, his looks endeared to Second Generation Mewtwo.

It was unwilling to take away this teenager's life...

"Because he's strong."

Giovanni didn't understand what Second Generation Mewtwo was thinking, he just spoke his thoughts of wanting Second Generation Mewtwo to decapitate Aisha.

"I made you for the purpose of dealing with this guy."

Giovanni was very domineering and spoke words that were enough to make Second Generation Mewtwo freeze for half a day, saying: "This guy is the source of your human genes, biologically, he should barely be considered as your father, and his strength is also recognized by the entire human society, if you kill him, it is can prove that you are the strongest Mewtwo."

Giovanni didn't bother to lie.

He directly clarified Aisha's relationship with Second Generation Mewtwo.

Besides, he didn't think that a biochemical monster would know what affection was.

Especially a monster like Mewtwo who was full of destructive factors.


Second Generation Mewtwo silently recited this title.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in its heart, which was originally a pool of stagnant water.


Second Generation Mewtwo knew what that title meant.

Giovanni and the researchers thought it was a monster that didn't know how to feel.

It wasn't.

Second Generation Mewtwo's mind was very sensitive, and it had once envied those Pokémon that fought with it in the gladiator arena.

Because they had blood relatives.

If they had relatives, they would not be rootless in this world.

However, Second Generation Mewtwo did not...

It was born in a culture jar.

It had always thought it had no family, and now, Giovanni was the one who told it that it actually had a father defined above biology.

As if... suddenly it found the motivation to move forward.

Giovanni said that its father was very powerful.

I'm afraid that I inherited my extreme physical strength from him.

I'm looking forward to it.

What kind of person is that...


Second Generation Mewtwo raised its eyes, gazing at Aisha's picture, and said, "I will find him and kill him, just like you said."

This was a lie.

Second Generation Mewtwo had no ill will towards Aisha.

Rather, it was Aisha's existence that made it more determined to escape.


If it had decided to run away in the past, but didn't take action because there would be no place for it to stay after leaving this Team Rocket base, it was different now.

Now it was different...

I still have a relative in this world.

If it was him, he would be able to tell itself the meaning of his existence and birth.


Giovanni's smile widened.

It was as if he foresaw the image of Aisha being killed by Second Generation Mewtwo.

"As powerful as he is, he ended up being killed by his own genetic creation... heh." Giovanni laughed coldly and turned around to leave Second Generation Mewtwo's room, only dropping a sentence that said, "However, that guy isn't an easy existence to deal with, if you want to defeat him, you'll start a harsher training tomorrow."


Second Generation Mewtwo accepted Giovanni's offer.

It wanted to meet Aisha.

At the same time, it accepted the path that Giovanni pointed out to it.

That is...

"I can become the strongest Pokémon!"

It wasn't to surpass First Generation Mewtwo or to prove its worth to anyone.

Purely, it was just to become strong in order to become the strongest!


During this time, the rumors of Grampa Canyon's fossils intensified, so Aisha then finally moved to leave Fuchsia City.

Following the map, Instructor Ai advanced for some time and finally came across a large canyon.

This was Grampa Canyon, the original canyon where countless sleeping fossilized Pokémon and even a powerful Aerodactyl resided beneath the ground.

"If I remember correctly, originally, Ash's Charmeleon would have evolved into Charizard at this time."

Standing on top of the cliff and looking out at the canyon below, Aisha also recalled the plot.

"Now... I wonder if his Charmander has evolved now?" Aisha pondered about Ash's situation and muttered to himself, saying, "If it has evolved, it shouldn't be so disobedient."

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it.

"Rotom, let's go."

"Okay~ loto!"

Aisha walked down the cliffs with Rotom phone and went deeper into Grampa Canyon.

The deeper they went, the more Instructor Ai felt the fervor of the people for fossilized Pokémon.

Grampa Canyon is a large area, even so, along the way, we still see some people dressed as miners, carrying drafts and shovels, digging dirt and stones on the rock wall and ground.

They were all avid gold miners.

Besides that, there were also quite a few trainers who came here in admiration.

"Hey, if I dig up a fossil here, I'll immediately go exchange it for a Prism Scale and evolve my Feebas into Milotic."

"Milotic, then I'm still more inclined to evolve it by cultivating Prism Scale, that way, it will definitely have an advantage over the proverbial Milotic when it participates in the Coordination Contest later on."

After passing by a mountain wall, Aisha heard the two gold diggers talking.

He was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, his own Beauty Report and Milotic's analysis video had actually attracted two Coordinators to come from thousands of miles to dig for gold.

"I wonder if Ash is here yet?"

Aisha looked around and saw no sign of Ash.

He was a bit curious, after he had gone to Unova for two weeks, had Ash's progress caught up with his?

However, it was hard to say, considering the boy's downright troublesome attraction physique...

"Instructor Ai, there's an incoming call~ loto!"

Suddenly, the Rotom phone floated in front of Aisha.


Aisha stopped his steps and saw Misty's name displayed on the screen of the phone.


Instructor Ai mentally realized and said, "Answer it."

"Okay, loto!"

Rotom phone helped Aisha connect Misty's call.

Misty's face also appeared above the cell phone screen.

"Hi, Misty."

"Instructor Ai is such a busy man, not saying to give someone a call after so long." As soon as the phone was connected, Misty on the other side was complaining about Aisha in a pretense of grumbling, saying, "Is it hard to believe that Elesa's modeling performance is even better than our water ballet at Cerulean Gym?"

"It's a tie, both sides are beautiful, I really have a hard time choosing."

"Hey~ you're good at talking."

Misty smiled, then pulled out two Poké balls and waved them.


"This is... fossilized Pokémon?"

"Uh-huh." Misty brought the Poké balls in front of the camera, and from that, Aisha saw that the Pokémon placed within the Poké balls were Omanyte and Kabuto.

"Two Water-type fossilized Pokémon that just happen to fit into my Rainy Day Team system, if we meet next time, we might be able to let Instructor Ai appreciate my weather tactics." Misty patted her chest with confidence.


Aisha had a smile on her face and said, "I can also show you my weatherless tactics."

Rayquaza of the Air Lock trait was also a weatherless tactic.

Hopefully Misty wouldn't be intimidated.

"Then people will wait and see~"

Misty obviously hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter and was still smiling brightly, as if she was very much looking forward to a rematch with Aisha.

"By the way, look at this!" Misty pulled out another Poké ball from somewhere, saying, "This is the Feebas that people got from Master Wallace's side, thanks to your Beauty Degree Theory, before, people have always wanted a Milotic, but as a result, they didn't know how to evolve it, and now they can finally fulfill their dream!"


Aisha applauded cooperatively.

In the back, he pondered for a while and said, "I'll give you a piece of information."


Misty was curious.

"I've actually developed a Pokéblock that can enhance the beauty of Pokémon," Aisha gave a beat and said, "After that, I'll entrust Erika and Wallace to help me sell it... If you want Milotic, I can give you a copy of such Pokéblock in advance."


Misty raised her hand and said, "Long live Instructor Ai!"

She wasn't surprised by Aisha's research and development.

After all... Instructor Ai could always do these amazing acts of genius.

She was already used to it.

While looking at the happy Misty, Instructor Ai's mind wandered a bit.

If she wasn't mistaken, Misty was still wearing that one-piece swimsuit.

Then... where did she pull out her Poké ball from?

Bad, can't keep thinking about it!