Grampa Canyon's Hunter J

"Say, getting a piece of Prism Scale, that kind of thing is nothing for you at all, right?" Instructor Ai idly asked Misty this.


Within the Rotom phone's video screen, Misty, who was wearing a one-piece swimsuit with a thin jacket over it, her slender and exquisite figure still on display under the outline of the water-stained swimsuit, also nodded her head in agreement with Aisha's words, and then with a spread of her hands, she said, "But as you know, it's not possible for me to cultivate a Milotic to be used as a look-alike vase."


Aisha nodded.

Misty was also an excellent Gym Leader, her strength was at the level of an Elite Four, so naturally, it was impossible for her to go to great lengths just to breed a look-alike vase.

This one Feebas future evolution of Milotic was bound to become her main Pokémon as well.

"That's why I prefer to manually nurture Feebas' beauty..."

Misty rubbed Feebas' Pokémon ball, her eyes a little complicated, and said, "Before, I also crossed paths with that Gym Leader Juan in Sootopolis City."


Listening to Misty's words, Aisha remembered that gentleman who was gorgeously dressed and acted elegantly.

That person had given him a deep impression.

After all, that was a Gym Leader who would be willing to live and die with the city he was guarding even if all the citizens of Sootopolis City had run for refuge.

He was not afraid to face the Primal Kyogre's 'Origin Pulse'.

If it wasn't for him stalling Kyogre on the front line of Sootopolis City, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Well, that Master Juan, like Master Wallace, is a powerful trainer who combines the strengths of both coordinated and traditional trainers." Misty had a face of emotion, and within her voice there was also a touch of longing, saying, "I really feel that they are very powerful, clearly their job is only to be a Coordinator, but now they are so strong that they are at this level, and Master Wallace is even a Champion caliber top trainer."


Aisha responded.

He also felt that Teacher Wallace was very powerful.

Of course, if it meant that he could let go of his weird aesthetics and not wear those pervert-like revealing clothes, he should respect him more.

"Back to the point."

Misty collected some of her flowery expression and cleared her throat.


"It's that when I crossed paths with Master Juan, I understood the advantages of Coordinators."

"You mean Coordinators who pursue flamboyant moves, when they train Pokémon, they themselves can hammer the Pokémon's mastery of moves, which in turn increases the Pokémon's control over their own energy?" Looking at Misty's expression of "Come on, I'll share a trick with you", Aisha was a bit speechless as she told what Wallace had idly told herself earlier.


Misty was astonished.

She didn't expect Aisha to know these things as well.

Then, Misty examined Instructor Ai up and down with a complicated face.

She remembered that Aisha had previously been invited to Elesa's offline event and participated in the opening ceremony of that event as a guest.

Above the opening ceremony, his battle against Elesa was the performance nature of a magnificent contest filled with splendor.

"Instructor Ai..."

Misty's voice was a bit complicated as she tried to ask Aisha a question, saying, "You're still a Coordinator?"

Her emotions were also a million times more complicated.

Aisha was already a Pokémon trainer and researcher, and now if he had an additional identity as a coordinating trainer, it would be so scary.

What all-around talent?

How did this person's brain grow to look like this...

"Oh no, you're mistaken."

Aisha waved his hand and said, "I have no interest in coordinating, and I have no interest in the Coordination Contest, I'm a trainer of essence."


"I mean manually nurturing Feebas' beauty level is itself a disguised way of nurturing its combat power." Misty tossed the Poké ball of Feebas and said, "It's thanks to that video you sent on Milotic's tactical analysis and the video on the way to increase the Beauty Degree from Instructor Ai that I formulated a guideline on nurturing Feebas to evolve into a Milotic, so I'm kind of indebted to you again for this. "


Aisha denied Misty's words.

"If you put it that way, after I posted the video, the trainers who bred Milotic all owe me a favor."

"That would be true..."

Misty spat out her tongue and gave a playful expression.

"Anyway, thanks to Instructor Ai for the fossilized Pokémon!"

"It's fine, anyway, I got quite a few at that moment, you took two and sold all the others to Steven."

"Then I'll get Steven to help estimate the price as well, and then I'll call you with the money?"

"Forget it, just think of it as a favor I purposely made you owe." Aisha smiled and found a few words for Misty, saying, "In the future, if something happens on my side, you have to remember to help me out!"

"No problem!"

Misty patted her somewhat barren chest, and the Basculin of Cerulean City's aura was on full blast in one breath.

Her expression was serious.

"In the future, Instructor Ai's business is my business, if Instructor Ai has something to do, we definitely won't shirk!"


Instructor Ai was overjoyed, and began to calculate which First-level Legendary Pokémon he should arrange for Misty to deal with when the 'Hoopa and the Clash of Ages' storyline broke out...


Misty was also smiling broadly.

She had no idea that within the video screen in front of her, the teenager that she had treated as a good brother was calculating what he wanted her to do.

At this moment, Misty was still immersed in the joy of having gotten her hands on two fossilized Pokémon.

She smiled heartlessly and said, "Now I have to find Brock to show off."

Omanyte and Kabuto were all Pokémon with the Water and Rock composite attributes.

Brock and Misty both liked to use such Pokémon.

"How's Brock doing these days?"


Misty smiled and said, "Ever since he learned that Mt. Moon can also produce fossils, this guy has been digging over at Mt. Moon during this period of time, and the man is almost a mine, but he still hasn't dug up anything... do you think I'd be pissed off if I took these two Pokémon and waved them in front of him?"


Misty paused and said, "In the past two days, he seems to have run off to that Grampa Canyon or whatever it is, and it's rumored that there are traces of fossilized Pokémon appearing over there."


Aisha froze, and then she was revealing a smile, saying, "That's quite a coincidence."


"I'm in Grampa Canyon right now."


Before Aisha's words fell, a deafening explosion was accompanied by the sound of a mountain crumbling into his and Misty's ears.

Rotom phone was shaken by the shock.

"What's going on?"

Over there, Misty was also startled by the sudden situation and looked at Aisha with a bit of concern.

"...Something happened."

Looking in the direction of the explosion, watching a dark smoke rise into the sky, Aisha also realized what had happened over there.

He looked at the Rotom phone's screen and said, "No more chit chat, I'll go take a look!"

"Okay, you take care of yourself."

Misty didn't stop Aisha, she just instructed him.


Aisha responded.

After that, Rotom phone also took the initiative to hang up on Misty in a very colorful manner.

"Instructor Ai, what should we do~ loto?"

"Go over and take a look."

Aisha frowned.

Originally, he thought that he had come early.

It was only after this wave of explosions that Aisha realized that Ash and the trio of Team Rocket that had followed him all the way, were afraid that they had already arrived in Grampa Canyon.

Grampa Canyon is a place where blowing up mountains and mining is strictly prohibited.

Not to mention that the gold miners and trainers who came to this side to pan for gold also know in their hearts that if they forcefully blow up the mountain, they will easily damage the fossils, which is not worth the loss.

Anyone who dares to blow up Grampa Canyon in broad daylight is either a fool or a member of an evil organization.

It just so happens that the trio of Team Rocket occupies both of these identities.

After all, in the original story, these three idiots are smartly prepared to use explosives to blow up the rock layer in one breath, so as to open up a way to the underground, directly into the underground to look for fossils to sight to get rich... even the stupid Ash from the original series knew that such behavior was completely self-defeating!

And yet, the Team Rocket trio did it anyway.

Not only did they do it, they even succeeded.

The overwhelming Omanyte and Kabuto awoke from within their slumber, and the mighty Aerodactyl was brought back to life.

In the end, the consequences would have been unimaginable if that one magical Jigglypuff hadn't rushed to the spot and sang to hypnotize these rioting armies of fossilized Pokémon...

"Those idiots!"

Frowning, Aisha ran at full speed towards the place where the explosion occurred.

Along the way, along with getting closer and closer to that place, his face became more and more ugly.

There was no other reason, because explosions of varying sizes were still occurring at the place where the explosion took place - the trio of Team Rocket had buried more than just a little bit of explosives.

The severity of the explosions far exceeded the original plot!

"What's going on?"

Murmuring, Aisha felt that something was a bit off.

He quickened his pace.


"Those guys... What the hell are they?"

"I don't know meow, Meowth didn't even know when they got over here, it's so scary."

Behind a mountain wall, a blue-haired man and a human-speaking Meowth were cowering and cuddling together over here.

In their ears, a series of explosions of varying sizes rang out unceasingly.

The fierce explosions shook the rock walls around them, and the entire canyon trembled, with rubble constantly crumbling out along with the smoke.


After the explosions finally stopped, Meowth quietly poked his head out.

After seeing the situation in front of him, his cat face was immediately covered with a look of fear.

The mountain walls on both sides of the canyon had been destroyed by the explosives, and as far as the eye could see, they had collapsed on a large scale, plus there were many hollows under the ground of Grampa Canyon, so the collapsed cliffs mixed with the debris and slag, and had slid into the collapsed huge pit on a large scale.

Below that, there wasn't even much of a place to land.

This was a landslide as terrifying as a natural disaster.


James and Jessie poked their heads out from the side.

These two had the same shock and surprise on their faces.

Although it was said that they had the same idea of blowing up the mountain and conquering the fossilized Pokémon... however, the explosives they had prepared would only blow a hole at most.

I didn't expect that the three of them would meet their counterparts with the same idea before they even got started.

What's more, they didn't expect that these peers would be so ruthless as to blow up a large portion of the canyon in one breath.

"Hey, you guys look at those people!"

Jessie pointed downwards as if she had discovered something, calling out to Meowth and James.


James took a closer look, and his face hardened considerably as he said, "Those are the gold diggers that were wandering around this area earlier."

"There's something strange about the uniforms they're wearing meow!"

Jessie's expression wasn't very nice as she said, "That's the Pokémon Hunter Association's uniform..."

"Pokémon Hunter Association!"

Meowth was so shocked that he didn't even say "meow" anymore.

"They're all Pokémon Hunters?"

James nodded and said, "Well, it looks like they're preparing to poach Grampa Canyon's fossilized Pokémon..."

"You call that poaching?"

Jessie pointed down at the mess.

If they hadn't been lucky, they would have been buried under the collapse of the cliff by now.

"How dare those guys do that... didn't they just want to get rich and not harm lives?" James frowned and looked down below with a worried expression, saying, "But what about the safety of those innocent gold miners and trainers after they blew up this large area of the canyon today?"

Jessie was silent for a while.


With a slightly complicated expression, she said, "They, probably didn't harm lives."


"You forgot?" Jessie asked rhetorically, saying, "There are very few gold miners over here, and none of the trainers have gone deep into this area for the time being... the only trainers who wandered around this area before that I can remember are those Pokémon Hunter Association guys... I don't know if it's because they intentionally dispersed the loiterers, anyway, they didn't hurt any innocent people this time when they blew up the mountain."

"And then."

Jessie paused and said, "Fuchsia City is some distance away from Grampa Canyon, and even if someone called the police, it would have taken some time for Officer Jenny to arrive."

"But that time is enough for them to collect the Pokémon and run away..."

"I see..."

James also heard it.

He and Jessie were elite members of Team Rocket themselves, and were not unfamiliar with the Pokémon Hunter Association's tactics, so after their minds were opened, they immediately figured out what they were planning to do.

"Us, what should we do?"

"No way." Jessie spread her hands and said, "There are at least dozens of people down there, and since it's such a large-scale and high-profile operation, there must be a high-level Pokémon Hunter leading their team."

"We can't deal with them meow..."

Meowth had a lost look on its face.

Afterward, the two of them exchanged glances, and then they crawled to the back with a cat's waist, tacitly agreeing.

They were ready to run away.


Suddenly, Meowth's footsteps stopped as if he had remembered something.

"What's wrong, Meowth?"

"Meowth, go quickly."

Jessie and James also inquired and urged the halted it.

"Jessie, James, who did we run after to get here in the first place?"



The duo in the back were also stunned.

They hadn't actually prepared to come to Grampa Canyon in the first place.

It was mainly because the little kid with Pikachu that they had been following had run over screaming when he heard that Grampa Canyon was infested with fossilized Pokémon, and only then did the trio of Team Rocket get the idea of taking in fossilized Pokémon to make money.

Including the three of them mistakenly entering the area that the Pokémon Hunter Association had purposely cleared and prepared to blow up the mountain, they were also following that little kid...


The two and the cat were silent for a moment.

"Little brat, hold on!"

"Don't be afraid, obnoxious but kind-hearted little brat, we're here to save you!"

"And Pikachu, and Pikachu to save too meow!"


"Pikachu, how are you?"

In a trance, Ash, who had been shaken by a series of explosions, instinctively called out to Pikachu.


A familiar touch broke into his arms, and Ash subconsciously hugged Pikachu tightly.

Because Pikachu was reluctant to enter the Poké ball, Ash was most worried about its safety when the disaster occurred.

"Are you guys okay."

A familiar and unfamiliar voice reached Ash's ears.

Ash rubbed his head, stood up and looked ahead.

Into his eyes was a stocky hunk of a man.


Ash's eyes lit up as he shouted out the man's name.


Looking at the lively Ash and Pikachu, Brock let his heart drop as he marveled at the strength of the ten year old's physique.

Behind him stood a Golem, Steelix in a circle around them, keeping his master and Ash safe.

"Thanks a lot, Brock!"

"It's okay."

Brock's expression was very serious, and a hint of anger was faintly visible above his rigid face.

His tone was serious as he said, "I was just preparing to look for traces of fossilized Pokémon over here, but I didn't expect that I would actually happen to meet such a dire situation."

"Just now, what the hell is going on?" Ash pursued with a bewildered expression.

"Hunter... or Pokémon hunter."

Brock looked around and said, "They should have been plotting for some time, or else they couldn't have planted so many explosives within the canyon."

"And... they intentionally cleared the surrounding area, otherwise the gold diggers and trainers would have gotten involved, reducing the risk of the poaching process being interrupted."

Brock grunted and said, "But they didn't expect me to be over here, too!"

He turned away, leaving Ash with a solid and dependable back.

"You find a chance to hide somewhere safe."

Brock threw Ash this.

Steelix, who was coiled up, then lifted his head as well, and along with his gaze, looked ahead.

There stood a gray-haired woman, wearing a special uniform and windscreen.

"Hunter J..."

Brock frowned and said, "Golem, Rock Slide!"