The Defeated Hunter J and the Incoming Beast Tide


Brock's Golem crushed the earth beneath his feet, and rock-attributed energy erupted from between the cracks that crumbled underneath his feet, transforming into a large, tumbling mass of rock that slammed into the gray-haired woman in front of him with an expression as cold as ice in one gulp.

Brock was no pedantic trainer.

He knew the truth that there was no need to be moralistic with the wicked.

Rather, if he could defeat Hunter J by directly attacking the trainer, it would be a heavenly good thing.


Facing the Rock Slide that had attacked him, Hunter J let out a cold snort and stood there without moving.


A shocking dragon roar came from the sky behind her.

A beam of destructive light also shot out, sweeping away Golem's Rock Slide.


Brock raised his head, and his eyes were a blood-red color.

The huge dragon with blue skin, wearing pure white armor, waved its huge wings in a blood-red color and flew above Hunter J's head.


Brock's expression was serious as he pronounced the name of this big-name Pokémon.

This was none other than Salamence, one of the two major Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon in the Hoenn Region and known as the Bloodwing Flying Dragon.

Also Hunter J's partner, her ace Pokémon, was a powerful enough existence to make even Brock, who was the dojo master of Pewter City, feel the pressure.


Hunter J was still standing still.

However, Brock clearly felt her line of sight, hidden under her wind mirror, locking onto him.


He let out a cold laugh.

It seemed that Hunter J was on to him.

It was on him, the only Gym Leader who could possibly stir the pot and ruin the Pokémon Hunter Association's plan to hunt fossilized Pokémon on a large scale this time.

"Golem, Rock Slide!"


Brock took the lead and commanded Golem to attack.

"Salamence, Dragon Pulse."

Hunter J also opened his mouth for the first time, speaking the command for Salamence.


Salamence roared and spat out a dragon-shaped wave that blasted above the flying rocks, causing a fierce explosion.

It was deliberate on her part.

Between the smoke, Hunter J dropped a Poké ball covertly without a trace.

"Hydro Pump."

Following that, Hunter J commanded Salamence to launch another attack.


Salamence spewed out a fierce stream of water above the sky, sweeping away the surrounding smoke in a single breath and pointing it straight at Golem, who was four times weaker in water.

Brock, true to his word, made a split-second decision and commanded Golem to use Gyro Ball, in a high-speed spinning stance, with steel-attribute energy wrapped around his body, mitigating most of Hydro Pump's damage.



Ash in the back seemed to hear some strange noises.

He was holding Pikachu and had just lifted his head when he saw thin cracks splitting out of the land behind him, which were still spreading rapidly.

"Brock, behind you!"


Ash had just shouted, when the ground behind him crumbled in one breath with a roar.

A stocky Drapion breaks out of the ground, a dangerous purple glow on its pair of sharp claws, and rushes straight for Brock's back.

Brock, on the other hand, as if he had never heard of Ash's call, remained fully focused on Hunter J in front of him, and in the process gave a new order for Golem to interfere with the flying Salamence in the sky above with falling rocks.


Steelix was moving at this time.

With a speed that didn't fit its massive size, it swiftly raised its thick and uneven steel pit-covered tail and mercilessly lashed it above Drapion's chest.

Cross Poison was completely ineffective against the steel attribute.

Instead, Drapion was smashed into the nearby mountain wall with a dumbfounded face by Steelix's iron tail.


Steelix roared fiercely.

It snaked its long stance of steel to catch up with Drapion.


Brock looked slightly sideways at Ash in the rear and said, "You watch yourself."


Having lost Steelix's protection, Ash understood what Brock meant.

Without much bravado, he pulled away some distance to provide Brock with space where he could let go of the fight with Hunter J.



Right on cue, Salamence and Golem engaged in another move counter.

Golem threw Stone Edge into the sky.

Salamence turned around and slapped the sharp rock with a Dragon Tail.


Between the crumbling rocks, it was a series of rocks seen shooting from between the drifting dust, hitting the chest of Salamence who couldn't dodge.


Salamence roared in pain.

Hunter J was also frowning at Brock's Golem.

That Rock Blast was hidden behind a rock attack that was too fast.


Her expression was a bit irritated.

Salamence's advantage of being able to fly was greatly limited if it fought within the canyon, and it was also a bit awkward in terms of speed and dodging.

So much for taking advantage of the terrain.


Suddenly, Pikachu's voice came from behind Brock, along with a series of intense and incomparable sounds of electricity.

"What's going on?"

He was startled and hastily turned his head back.

The image that met his eyes was Ash being stopped in his tracks by an Ariados, and Pikachu vaporizing the large spider's venom with Thunderbolt.


Brock couldn't help but wear an angry expression as he glared at Hunter J.

Even after greatly predicting the woman's lower limits, he didn't expect that Hunter J would actually be so underhanded as to be willing to send out her main Pokémon to attack a ten-year-old.


In the face of Brock's anger, Hunter J then hooked her lips to reveal a mocking arc.

For the sake of victory and profit, she could certainly fight by any means necessary.

In terms of Pokémon and trainer strength, it was true that she couldn't compare to the incredibly strong Brock who was one of the eight Gym Leaders in the Kanto region.

However... Brock had Ash as his weakness in this battle.

Morality was the greatest weakness of these League trainers!

She knew this very well.

If she didn't utilize it, Hunter J would feel sorry for himself.

"Salamence, Hydro Pump!"

"Golem, Protect!"



Fierce jets of water fell from the sky and smashed on top of the shield of energy.

Brock pondered how to deal with Salamence's attack while, incidentally, needing to keep a constant eye on Ash and Pikachu, who were retreating under Ariados' attack.


Behind them, the colorful spiders climbed up the rugged mountain wall and caught up with the fleeing Ash and Pikachu in a matter of seconds.


It landed in front of them and opened its mouth to spit out poisoned silk threads.



Facing the danger, Ash decisively hugged Pikachu.

He used his body to face Ariados' spitting silk.


Hearing Pikachu's terrified voice, Ash also closed his eyes in fear.

However, the expected, bone-deep hurt did not come.

Instead, a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Meow, little brat open your eyes!"


Ash opened his eyes and saw that Meowth had actually appeared in front of him at an unknown time, with a pair of cat claws waving frantically in front of him.

"Watch Meowth's stance, crazy Fury Swipes meow!"

The erupting Meowth swung its cat claws and cut off as many of Ariados' silk threads as it could.

The white silk threads fell all over the place and Meowth lowered its claws with a handsome face.

"Piece of cake ah-meow!"

"So handsome, Meowth!"

"Meowth, well done!"

James and Jessie in the back were also very facetious in their support.


Meowth was also handsome for no more than three seconds, and after worshipping the pose, he immediately raised its reddish paw with tearful eyes as well.

"This bastard big spider burst paralyzing toxin into the web ah-meow!"


Ash was a bit confused, looking at the trio of Team Rocket that had protected himself and Pikachu in front of him, saying, "And Jessie and James?"

"You guys..."

"Cut the crap!" James rushed forward in a single bound, pulling up a paralyzed Ash.

Jessie, on the other hand, picked up Pikachu.

"If you and Pikachu are done, we don't have a mission anymore meow!" Meowth, who was rubbing a red, swollen paw, looked back at Ash and said, "The only people who can defeat you and capture Pikachu are Meowth, Jessie, and James yay meow!"


James released his Weezing.

"These despicable Pokémon Hunter, totally unworthy of grabbing our prey!"


Jessie also released her Arbok and looked at Ash, saying, "As much as people hate to say this, this guy really doesn't look weak, let's fight together!"


Under the crisis, Ash didn't bother thinking about anything.

Anyway, although the trio of Team Rocket gave him trouble day in and day out, they gave him a much better outlook than Hunter J did.

He nimbly climbed up, threw out a Poké ball, and said, "The opponent is an Bug Attribute, and according to the Attribute Restraint Method that Instructor Ai taught me... then it's decided that it's you!"



Charmeleon landed in front of Weezing and Arbok, Pikachu jumped to his side, and next to him stood Meowth, who was in pain from his cat's claws, but still held on and showed a resolute expression for the sake of being cool, they were the team Ash and the trio of Team Rocket used to fight Ariados.

"Big brother over there!"

The meticulous James also remembered to shout Brock, said: "This little kid this side here there are adults to watch, for the time being it does not matter, you cheer to defeat that woman!"


Brock skimmed and put his heart down for the time being.

"Golem, Stone Edge!"


Golem stepped forward and in one breath unleashed a barrage of sharp rocks that looked like missiles, not only intercepting Salamence's Dragon Pulse, but also landing quite a few on his opponent's body.


Salamence's body shook, nearly hitting the rock wall behind him.



On one side, Drapion, who didn't have a trainer to command, was suppressed by Steelix.


Hunter J's expression became even more ugly.

Originally, he thought that he could utilize Ash to interfere with Brock's battle rhythm, thus accomplishing the end of the weak over the strong.

As a result, those two people and a cat were the ones who ran out of nowhere and disrupted her plans.


Hunter J smacked his lips, and while commanding Salamence against Golem's attack, he thought about his actions afterward.

Fighting was out of the question, and he wouldn't be able to stall much longer if he relied on himself...

Besides, Hunter J didn't have the confidence to retreat under Brock's hand.

In that case... It seems that some special measures are needed.


She sneered and took out a mechanical device in front of Brock.

Hunter J pressed the button.


Brock frowned.

"This terminal is linked to a Pokémon jamming device." Hunter J, on the other hand, answered without asking, saying, "The Pokémon jamming device can trigger a riot of wild Pokémon, you should know how many wild Pokémon there are in the vicinity, our association has already pre-distributed several jammers before the operation begins, and it won't take much time for the Pokémon inhabiting the nearby forests and canyons to rush into this canyon in one gulp, and then send the Amoy this side that hasn't left yet into the canyon. And then tear the gold diggers and trainers who haven't left here to pieces."

At the end of her words, she revealed a cruel smile.

This was Hunter J's last resort.

Originally, it was a backhanded move prepared to prevent Officer Jenny from arriving early.

While the wild Pokémon were rioting and the police had no time to deal with them, these guys who had made a lot of money were able to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

The surrounding trainers then became the police's weakness, as well as a shield for them, the poachers.

Now, although Officer Jenny is not everywhere, but there is a more difficult Brock.

The jammer that had been set up ahead of time had worked.


Hunter J sneered as he questioned Brock, saying, "Mr. Great Gym Leader, are you prepared to waste time on my side and watch those innocent trainers and gold miners get torn apart by a wave of wild Pokémon beasts?"


Brock also bared his eyes in anger.

Threatening human lives, or twice, Hunter J was completely dancing on his bottom line.


Brock gritted his teeth with a terrible expression.

Hunter J couldn't take this perennial knife-fighter on his own for a moment if he was determined to stall for time.

He had to choose...

Whether to deal with Hunter J, or to protect those innocent trainers.

In fact, he didn't have the right to choose at all.

It was just that, unwillingly.

"Damn it, if only there was help..."

"Abyss Strike."

A flat voice descended from the sky.

In the next moment, a heavy Calamity aura wrapped around a silhouette that descended from the sky like a meteor, furiously and incomparably blasting above Salamence's spine.


In an instant, Salamence let out a heart-rending sound of agony.

The sound of swords buzzing reached everyone's ears.

The rays of the sword tore through the mountain walls and tore through the earth.

Salamence's wailing sound broke off.

That silhouette, on the other hand, took advantage of the fact that everyone was also unable to react, and ghost-like swept towards Hunter J at the back, blasting him between the rock walls with a single punch.


Debris and smoke splattered as the evil-doing woman lost consciousness and fainted.

Calamity's aura dissipated, and the bruised Salamence was already incapacitated.

"Don't freeze!"

A soft shout called back Brock's attention along with Ash and the trio of Team Rocket.

They saw a teenager in a search officer's coat, carrying a sword, standing next to Hunter J.

"Instructor Ai!"

Ash had a look of surprise on his face.

After encountering so many dangers in a short period of time, he naturally felt relieved after seeing someone familiar.


Brock was also surprised.

He was still praying for assistance, but Aisha appeared like a divine weapon from heaven, instantly resolving the enemy and reversing the predicament.

So magical?


Aisha looked at Brock, and without any nonsense, said, "You go gather the trainers who are staying within the canyon."


Brock answered Aisha's command.

Those stragglers were more or less combatants.

Brock, as a Gym Leader, undoubtedly had a call to arms in the face of disaster.

"Ash you follow Brock, be safe."

"Uh, Instructor Ai!"

Ash had always listened to Aisha.


Pikachu hung starry-eyed at Instructor Ai, who had handsomely saved the day.

It was too handsome!


Beside them, the Team Rocket trio exchanged glances and took a few steps back without any trace.

Although they hadn't seen Aisha before, however, this name was one they had heard like thunder.

"I heard that this person specializes in catching Team Rocket members."

"Well, I heard that all the team members who have seen him are all spared a prison sentence ah-meow, scary meow!"

"Let's run away then... the twerp is safe anyway."

The trio decided to slip away.


Aisha, however, was not prepared to let the three go.


"You three follow Brock," Aisha gave the order with an expressionless face, and that tone of voice made the trio of Team Rocket unconsciously bow down.


"Good meow, don't hurt us meow!"

"I'll listen to the handsome guy."

Aisha ignored these three living treasures.

He grabbed the fainted Hunter J with one hand and directly walked towards the entrance of the canyon.

The wild Pokémon living in the neighborhood had already begun to riot, and combined with the explosions that had occurred over here earlier, they had been frightened, and at this time, their aggressiveness was undoubtedly even stronger.

It wouldn't take long for them to rush into the Grampa Canyon.

"Instructor Ai, what are you going to do?"

Ash asked with a bit of concern.

Aisha, on the other hand, stopped slightly and inclined her head to give him a smile, saying, "I'm going to stop those wild Pokémon."

"Instructor Ai!" Brock was slightly worried and said, "I'll gather those trainers and head over to support you right away!"

"No need."

Aisha rejected his words and said, "You guys take care of those poachers, they should have already captured quite a few fossilized Pokémon, and as for the beast tide..."

He let out a light laugh, his words filled with strong confidence.

"I'm enough on my own."