Ten Against Thousand, the Beast Tide Was Quelled

Aisha walked towards the entrance of the canyon.

Over there, thousands of rioting wild Pokémon were gathering.

Along the way, some frightened Gold Miners and Trainers brushed past him, and those people ran towards the interior of the canyon.

Aisha, on the other hand, didn't say a word since the beginning, silently walking against the crowd and towards the front.

"Hey, little brother over there, it's dangerous over there, you'd better follow us inside the canyon to find your way out!"

An enthusiastic trainer saw Aisha and anxiously called out to him.

Aisha twisted his head around and recognized that it was the coordinating trainer who had been talking with his companion earlier, preparing to mine in Grampa Canyon in exchange for beautiful scales.

"No need."

Aisha returned a gentle smile.

The Coordinator looked at his smile and was in a trance for a moment, but still immediately ran to his side and said, "Forget it, it's really dangerous over there!"

"You... uh?"

He was about to say something, and then, with a glance of his eyes, he saw Aisha wearing the badge of an international search officer above his chest.

"Don't worry."

Aisha's tone was gentle.

He had always treated those who cared about him with such gentleness as well.

Aisha took the coordinating trainer's hand off the top of his arm and said, "There is Gym Leader Brock leading the way inside the canyon, so you can go over and find him to protect you."

He then turned his head and walked straight ahead.

"Beast tide, I'll hold it off."

His voice was flat, without any excessive emotional fluctuations, and fear and cowering were naturally nonexistent.

This Coordinator then stared blankly at this slender teenager walking away.

His figure was clearly just so slender, but the sunlight fell, reflecting the figure that was so magnificent.


Looking at that teenager's back, watching him walk towards danger, this Coordinator's throat suddenly felt like it was blocked with something.

He choked a little, and his eyes were even more inexplicably a little sour.

It was clear that they had only known each other for a while, and they hadn't spoken a single word, but that teenager wearing an overcoat and walking straight towards the mouth of the canyon had given him a sense of security.


That was a sense of security.

It was as if, as long as he stood behind him, even a wave of thousands of wild Pokémon couldn't harm him in the slightest.


Covering his chest, this Coordinator's eyes were complicated.

He glanced at the six Poké balls he wore around his waist, and glanced at Aisha's back that had gradually left his field of vision.

In the end, he thought for a while, and as if he had made up his mind about something, he stifled his head and ran into the shadows of the canyon, running in the direction of the location of Brock that Aisha had pointed out for him.


At the mouth of Grampa Canyon's canyon, roars shook the sky.

An unknown number of wild Pokémon had gathered this way.

They raged.

They roar.

They clench their fists.

The Pokémon Disruptors placed in the shadows were constantly releasing supersonic waves that could lure the wild Pokémon into agitation, intensifying the emotions of the wild Pokémon that had been shocked by the previous explosion.

Fear transformed into anger.

Countless wild Pokémon that thought their homes were threatened by humans spontaneously gathered at this time, forming a natural army.

They were ready to fight...




The roars with different tones gradually mixed together and rushed up into the sky.

Most of the Pokémon inhabiting the neighborhood were ground and rock-attributed Pokémon living in Grampa Canyon, followed by Pokémon living in the forest, and occasionally there were some scattered water-attributed Pokémon living in the nearby rivers and lakes, mainly playing a variety of flowers.


A Nidoking with a violent temperament roared.

It punched a large tree that was the thickness of two people's arms and took the lead at the front of the group.

Behind it, several Nidorino and Nidorina followed in its footsteps, and an equally robust Nidoqueen stood at the very back.

It was the Nido family.

There were several other similar Nido families within the Beast Tide.

The other Pokémon also had powerful individuals that had evolved into their final forms as the leaders of their teams, and quite a few Pokémon in their base or second stage forms followed them.

Some spike-covered Sandslash rubbed their sharp, steel-claw-like claws and led countless Sandshrew.

Golem, Graveler, and Geodude of various sizes tumbled along with them in a powerful manner, resembling a tsunami of rocks.

Diglett and Dugtrio disappeared into the ground, followed by Onix, who also burrowed into the ground.

Other Pokémon such as Rattata and Raticate, Ekans and Arbok, and the Machop family need not be mentioned...

If not for the fact that the nearby environment was not suitable for the survival of Bug type and Flying type Pokémon, adding a few Spearow, Pidgey, or Butterfree or Beedrill's clans to the Beast Tide's ranks would have made the beasts' march even more powerful and overbearing.


Along with the roar of the leading Nidoking, the countless Pokémon in the rear also roared out in unison.

Such an aura was enough to make any Pokémon trainer tremble.

They were advancing.

Vaguely, the entrance to Grampa Canyon had been reflected in the eyes of several Dodrio with excellent eyesight, which undoubtedly made them even more furious.

They knew that those who had tried to destroy their home and upset them were within the canyon.

All they had to do was charge into the canyon in one breath and tear those bad guys apart.

"Ah, what a breath of fresh air."

At the mouth of the canyon, Aisha, clad in his coat, stood.

The wind blew the hem of his coat.

He was the only one here.

However, it didn't matter...

In the distance, the roar of the wild Pokémon had followed the wind into his ears.

Smoke and dust filled the sky, and the army of beasts that had gathered there, approaching the mouth of the canyon, undoubtedly numbered in the thousands.

Such a terrifying beast tide was enough to tear apart some man-made defenses.

However, such a horrible situation like a natural disaster was a disaster for the vast majority of people.

However, for Instructor Ai, these wild Pokémon that were raging and charging over with a murderous aura were just a trial to test him and his Pokémon...

A trial with a great harvest of experience.

"It's a trial."

Aisha smiled and threw out seven Pokémon balls.

Marill, Charmeleon, shiny Metang, Eevee, Chansey, Larvitar, and shiny Haunter stood in a line in front of him.

Rotom phone also withdrew from its cell phone stance and rejoined the line in the form of Wash Rotom.

These were Aisha's normal fighting force of eight Pokémon.


Aisha flashed an encouraging smile at Caterpie after a long time.


Caterpie understood its master's meaning.

It proudly stood in front of the eight Pokémon like that, becoming the main character of this battle.

In this way, all nine Pokémon that Aisha had taken in stood on top of the battlefield.


A marvelous fluctuation was detected by Aisha.

He looked down at the Pokémon egg in his arms.


Looking at the white and green egg, Instructor Ai also let out a light laugh rather helplessly.

"You child is actually a militant as well..." He tenderly stroked the glossy and cold eggshell and said, "Don't be in a hurry, you'll have plenty of chances in the future, to participate in such a wild practice."


As if hearing Aisha's words, the spiritual power fluctuations that permeated above Ralts' eggshell stopped a bit.

"...It's really something."

Aisha sighed.

It was clear that it was still just a Pokémon egg, but this child was able to sense the outside world from inside the egg.

It could even utilize psychic power fluctuations for some emotional feedback...

"The favor owed to Sabrina is a big one, and after this child is born, the future will be unlimited."

Shaking his head, Aisha set up his long absent live drone.

Well, according to Instructor Ai's habit, the wild practice must be paired with a live broadcast in order to have flavor.

Today, with such an interesting wild practice content, how could an anchor like him who favored his fans so much not give his aquatic friends a view?

Yes, this beast tide made up of thousands of wild Pokémon was just a strong enough and enjoyable wild practice for Instructor Ai.


Aisha smiled and changed the title of the live broadcast to "The Strongest Wild Training Ever, Please Don't Imitate" before starting the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast began, countless fans swarmed into his live room, and the popularity of the live room soared to the top of the leaderboards in a single breath.

"Here we go, look what I found."

"Instructor Ai's characteristic lack of preview suddenly opened the broadcast (sad)."

"Wild practice again today?"

"What did Instructor Ai do this is... how come there's a canyon in the back?"

"Probably ran to Grampa Canyon to dig for fossils."

Seeing the background, some smart water users had already guessed Instructor Ai's trip.

Aisha, on the other hand, tuned the drone's lens and aimed it at the beast tide in the distance.

The image of thousands of wild Pokémon rioting en masse stunned the audience watching the live broadcast.

"What's the situation?"

"A beast tide?"

"A beast tide of this size, Instructor Ai doesn't say that this is the object of today's wild training?"

"Scary, why isn't Instructor Ai running?"

"It's bad, the anchor is on top!"

The screen above the live broadcast immediately brushed through a screen full of question marks, as well as the water friends' doubts about the current situation.

Instructor Ai then very thoughtfully explained the reason for the Beast Tide, the explosion within Grampa Canyon, and the fact that he had already arrested the infamous Hunter J. After that, he stopped talking.

After that, he no longer paid attention to the fans in the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room had exploded.

The infamous Hunter J being arrested by Instructor Ai was already shocking enough.

Now, he was actually trying to fight such a terrifying beast tide with his own strength...

How dare he be so wild?

Aisha, on the other hand, looked to his Pokémon.

"Those who have reinforcement moves start reinforcing them immediately now, those who don't have reinforcement moves cover their partners to reinforce them, all of them to full reinforcement for me!"

Having reinforcement and not having reinforcement were two completely different things.

Once their reinforcement values were pulled to full, it wasn't impossible to fight this beast tide head on.

For a moment, the light of each color was also flashing continuously.

Wash Rotom very thoughtfully opened the double wall.


At this time, the rushing tide of beasts finally arrived at the mouth of the canyon.

Aisha laughed lightly, took a few steps forward, and stood beside Caterpie.

"Please, Caterpie."


One person and one Pokémon smiled at each other.

Ahead of them, thousands of Pokémon were already rolling in smoke and running.

Those guys were like warriors harnessing iron horsemen, with an aura as if they were determined to trample these people and Pokémon that were blocking the way.

The hearts of the fans watching the live broadcast were also in their throats.

Whoever was watching was also very nervous as they looked at Aisha and Caterpie who were close to the beast tide.

Many people had even imagined the image of one person and one pet being trampled into pieces by the raging tide of beasts.


Aisha softly pronounced the name of that move.

"Caterpie, 'Dragon Ascend'."


A regal sound of a dragon's roar resounded through the canyon and plains, going straight to the clouds.

The clouds in the sky seemed to tremble from this divine dragon roar.

Caterpie's figure transformed into a lightning fast thunderbolt under the raging dragon attribute energy and disappeared in a flash.

It charged into the tide of beasts.


Accompanied by the sound of a fierce, deafening explosion, the Caterpie tore a long, deep rift in the earth.

This rift also tore through the beast tide of those wild Pokémon.

Those Dugtrio and Onix that had hidden underground were blown up into the sky, and countless wild Pokémon lost their fighting ability under this blow.

This round of 'Dragon Ascend' cleared at least half of the enemies.


Aisha's smile grew a few shades wider.

"Everyone, attack!"


"Attack loto!"

Charmeleon and Wash Rotom took the lead and unleashed the ranged damage Flame Burst and Discharge together.

Berserk fire and thunder energies were released at the mouth of the canyon.

The raging fire slammed into those who had rushed to the forefront of the vanguard army, the power of the explosion swept through countless wild Pokémon, the spattering flames caused secondary damage, and the intense electric current was released in a fan-like pattern, like a thunderbolt that fell from the sky, destroying those who had flames burning on their bodies.

"When practicing in a large-scale field, it's common sense to strengthen Pokémon and then have them clean up the enemy with a large-range AOE move."

Aisha looked at the camera of the live drone and said, "First, use a large-range AOE to grab the upper hand and shock the enemy, and after that, it's teamwork."

Behind him, Marill had already wrapped itself in the water current and mangled into the beast tide.

It had gotten the true essence of Caterpie, and it knocked over a dozen wild Pokémon with a single Aqua Jet.

As soon as it landed on the ground, it blew away a Golem with a brutal punch, and then turned around and knocked over an Onix with an Aqua Tail, displaying the power of Huge Power to the fullest.

Marill was confident that none of the wild Pokémon in the room would be a match for it.

This was the confidence given by Huge Power and Belly Drum.


A Nidoking that was nearly two meters tall rushed towards Marill.

Marill jumped up and threw a punch at its chest, and an Aqua Jet collapsed the Nidoking's chest armor.


After Eevee knocked over the Nidoqueen that was ready to avenge its husband with a Shadow Ball, Marill followed up with an Aqua Jet to make the couple return their home.

Haunter, on the other hand, floated above the beast tide, laughing maniacally and releasing Shadow Balls and Sludge Bombs with reckless abandon as there were no flying units within the opposing team's army.


This Soul Temple Elder was like a machine gun, indiscriminately blasting the enemies below.

Along with Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb, Larvitar's Rock Slide was also bombarding the beast tide.


This little guy's strength was far from being as weak as it looked.

Now that it was still a Ground and Rock Attribute, it used its Rock Slide and Earthquake Attribute moves to perfection, and a large number of wild Pokémon were attacked with a single punch.



A silver-white light flashed.

The shiny Metang was like a steel chariot, carrying Chansey in a crazy rampage through the sea of wild Pokémon.

Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt.

Each hit is also incredibly heavy.

It could even distract itself from sniping at the guys who stood far away and harassed it with long range attacks with its Flash Cannon.

Chansey, on the other hand, was at ease with its job as a support, always taking care of the shiny Metang's stamina and injuries, and occasionally healing Marill and Eevee, who were also fighting deep behind the enemy lines, and using gravity to interfere with the nearby enemies, making its a very qualified support and nursemaid.

"Long-range firefighter, melee attacker, and auxiliary, this is the missing personnel for a leader."

Aisha smiled and explained to his water friends.

The water friends watching the live broadcast, on the other hand, had gone numb.

What did they see?

They saw Aisha's nine Pokémon actually suppressing the beast tide of thousands of wild Pokémon.

In the beginning, the raging beast tide had fallen into a decline, and some of the wild Pokémon had even become disheartened and had a tendency to run away.

This was quite normal.

At first, Caterpie's 'Dragon Ascend' had crushed their army in one breath.

Aisha's other Pokémon were again individually far more powerful than these stragglers.

After a few encounters, these wild Pokémon had been completely scared out of their wits.

Although it was said that there were still a few hundred wild Pokémon left on the field.

However, it was only a matter of time before these guys were reunited.

"I'm also a bit itchy."

After leaving such a sentence, Aisha was in front of the entire audience, and in a blink of an eye, he swept within the beasts and punched a Primeape away.

Eevee aptly added a Swift, blowing up the miserable Primeape.

"Without a sword, I'm not without a fight."

Side-stepping a Dodrio's sharp beak, Instructor Ai grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and did a big pirouette in place, slamming it on top of a nearby rock.


Dodrio wailed and crooked his neck, and his three heads were shaking in all directions.

"You guys..."

Carrying this Dodrio, Aisha shouted so towards the hundred or so wild Pokémon in front of him, saying, "It's already surrounded by us!"