Invitation From Bruno and Lorelei

Kanto region, Seafoam Islands.

These are two small islands that are connected, and the interior is extremely cold.

Seafoam Islands look like nothing special from the outside, just two islands located in the waterway that look like twins.

However, the interior of these two islands is covered with thick frost all year round, and the horrible cold air permeates the underground caves.

As a result, a particularly large number of water-attribute and ice-attribute Pokémon inhabited this side.

Likewise, this area had also become a favorite training ground for many special Pokémon trainers.


With a furious shout, the man wearing a white karate practice uniform with a black belt tied around his waist stabilized his feet and blasted out a punch without hesitation.

His casserole-sized fist smashed on top of a rock encased in frost.

Under the perennial coldness, the hardness of such a rock was not even comparable to that of steel.

However, it was precisely this hard Ice Stone that actually split apart and completely crumbled under this martial artist's punch.


The well-built martial artist, on the other hand, remained in his punching stance.

He exhaled evenly, and the cold air that filled the entire cave did not intrude on his body, not even interfering with his breathing.

After a few moments, the man resumed his upright position with a stance as smooth as a traveling cloud.

His fist turned into a palm and retracted in front of him.

If anyone else was here, they would inevitably let out a shocked gasp when they saw this man's face.

Because, his face was practically known and recognized by everyone in the Kanto and Johto region.

He was Bruno, who was Fighting type Elite Four of these two regions at the same time.

He was also a household name as a martial artist.


The man revealed a smile.

It wasn't that this period of time's exercise had made his strength improve again.

In fact, after decades of immersing himself in the path of martial arts, his strength had risen to a level that was beyond the reach of ordinary people, and that even his fellow martial artists could only look up to.

In short, he had reached the pinnacle of martial arts, and the difficulty of reaching new heights was not ordinary.

However, Bruno's long-established habits had kept him in the habit of exercising.

His character also didn't allow him to slack off on his workouts for a moment.

"If I keep on doing this, even if my talent is mediocre, one day I'll be able to go further, right?"

Bruno, who had already made millions of people look up to him, thought so in Versailles.

He moved his body, and a crackling sound of bones rubbing together sounded above his robust body.

Bruno and Lorelei loved using Seafoam Islands as a place to practice.

The latter was because the attribute she specialized in was Ice, and Seafoam Islands was the favorite living environment for Ice type Pokémon, so exercising over here would be twice as effective.

Bruno, on the other hand, simply believed that the extreme cold could refine his body and will.

And naturally, body and will were the most important factors for Fighting type Pokémon.


The sound of rock shattering came from within the cave next to him, and Bruno also felt a shaking of the ground.

He didn't panic much.

With a smile on his face, Bruno walked into the cave next to him and saw a monster with an equally stocky build, full of muscles that looked like exaggerated bulges like a monster, with four thick arms growing on its body at the same time, and an ornament that looked like a gold belt for boxing hanging around its waist was swinging its fists with high intensity at a very high speed, beating the air in front of it.

Yes, it wasn't even attacking the mountain wall.

Those four fists, bigger than casseroles, were simply blasting the air, and the wind from the exploding fists was crushing the rocks around them.

The thick mountain walls were also shaken.

This was not a stance, it was just pure power.

This kind of power could only be described as "terrifying".

This was the fighting attribute Elite Four's ace Pokémon, Machamp.

"Good job, Machamp."

After waiting beside him for his Machamp to finish a set of punches, Bruno greeted him with a smile.


Machamp smiled back nervously, looking at its trainer.

Suddenly, after waiting for Bruno to come closer, its eyes glazed over and without warning, it flew up and threw a punch at its trainer's chest.

If this punch had hit the ground, even if Machamp hadn't used much force, an ordinary person would have been killed or crippled.

However, Bruno's eyes lit up.

His reaction was very fast, and he stood in a horse stance at a speed that could not be detected by the human eye, then quickly raised his arm.


Machamp's fist smashed on top of Bruno's arms that were blocking and waving.

At once, a dull sound erupted along with a terrifying force.


Bruno held his breath with strong support as his robust body retreated backwards at great speed.

His feet plowed two deep traces on top of the frost-covered ground.

However, Bruno, who had lowered his arms and was panting heavily, was beaming with joy.

"Purity, enhanced."


Machamp struck a bodybuilding pose with all four arms.

Bruno gave it a thumbs up back.

After that, the one-man Pokémon ended their workout for the day and walked out of the cave of Seafoam Islands and back to the edge of the island.

"Ha... hmm?"


While Bruno was facing the sea breeze and exercising his unique breathing technique, his phone rang.

Picking up the phone, it was a call from Lance.

"Hello." Bruno picked up the phone and inquired what Lance meant, saying, "What's up, Lance?"

"There was a Beast Tide riot as well as the Pokémon Hunter Association mobilizing en masse in the Grampa Canyon earlier." Lance's voice reached Bruno's ears.

"The person who led the group was Hunter J, the one who was active in the Shinoh region, however, she fell off the grid and is now placed in the Fuchsia City Police Station by Officer Jenny."

"Ah... that Hunter J actually fell into the net." Bruno was a bit surprised.

Not that he was familiar with Hunter J.

However, as a League person, Bruno did hear the codename Hunter J mentioned often enough to know that it wasn't a light.


"Who did it?"



Hearing the name again, Bruno's eyes lit up.

Because Lance had been whispering about Instructor Aisha's various good qualities in his ears day in and day out, Bruno had also been subconsciously assuming that Aisha was a trainer at the same level as them.

With such strength, solving a Hunter J wasn't a problem.

So Bruno directly ignored Hunter J's problem and dished out Instructor Ai's matter.

"Fuchsia City." He pondered on Lance's purpose of finding him again, and made his request, saying, "Do you need me to go over and escort them back to the League?"

"Ah, no."

Lance explained, saying, "No need, I know you're in the Seafoam Islands, close to Fuchsia City."

"However, Lorelei has been hanging around the area lately, so I'll send her over to take care of it."


Bruno was a little sorry.

He had clearly been looking forward to sparring with Instructor Ai for a long time, and now that he had such a good, natural opportunity, it was Lorelei who stole the show.

"You don't have to be sorry either." Listening to Bruno's tone, Lance who knew that he wanted to spar with Aisha was also a bit amused and said, "Instructor Ai's next stop is Cinnabar Island, he should still be in the area of Fuchsia City right now, and if he's preparing to travel to Cinnabar Island, he'll inevitably pass by Seafoam Islands."


Bruno's eyes lit up and he said, "Okay!"

He glanced back at Seafoam Islands.

It couldn't be more appropriate as a place for martial artists to spar.

"I have yet to spar with a high level sword cultivator, and this Instructor Ai is still a high level sword cultivator from Dayan." Bruno couldn't help but raise his heart in anticipation.

"Let me see your sword..."


Machamp also sensed its master's anticipation and revealed an excited expression.

Martial arts nerds, I'm afraid this is the pair of masters and slaves they are talking about.


Kanto region, Fuchsia city coast.

"Ah...tThe day and night of the beach are really two different things."

Standing on top of the golden sandy beach, Instructor Ai welcomed the cool sea breeze and moved his body, which was slightly stiff from lying down all day.

He had spent the day today lying on top of the beach looking at bikini-clad big sisters, accompanying Chansey and Larvitar to build several sand castles.

It was cozy after a long time.

The beach was warm during the day.

By night, it was a bit cooler.

So, by dusk, the tourists on this side were pretty much gone.

Now that the sun has set, only Instructor Ai and a few tourists are left on the beach.

Aisha didn't care much about these people.

The seascape at night, compared to the daytime is not a little inferior.

The evening breeze blew, entrapping the scent of the sea, and the azure sea shimmered with sparkling waves under the dark night, as if the stars in the sky had fallen into the water.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Ah, it's beautiful."

A soft female voice entered Aisha's ears as she inquired about the teenager's feelings about this scene of seascape under the moon.

Aisha responded to her with a smile as well.

As soon as he turned his head, what entered his eyes was a red-haired beauty.

Her figure was slender, and her figure was the best of anyone Instructor had ever seen, filled with the charm of a mature woman.

This person's feet stepped on a pair of thick-soled sandals, round and white toes were exposed, the plump body was wrapped in a very prominent figure, but not how exposed one-piece bathing suit, delicate shoulders were blocked by a blue jacket, the bathing suit was still dripping with water drops, obviously enjoying the taste of the cool sea here.

Her face was serene, looking at the sea within the eyes hiding a deep attachment.

This was not an affection for a certain person, but a love for the sea.


She stretched out her white jade-like slender finger and pointed to a direction on the sea, saying, "That's the direction of Seafoam Islands."

"I know, that's a paradise for Ice type Pokémon."

Aisha replied back.

"You like Ice type Pokémon?"

"Uh-huh." Instructor Ai spoke the truth, saying, "I like Ice type Pokémon very much, this attribute's offense is very strong, although the defense aspect is a bit weak, but if the offense aspect is made extreme, defense is not that important, besides, most of the Ice type Pokémon are very beautiful."


Hearing Aisha's response, Lorelei's smile grew a few shades wider.

"It sure is pretty."

She only cared about that last sentence of Aisha.

No matter what, as long as you like Icee type Pokémon, we are good friends.

"The fragile ice also has a sharp side, if you underestimate them, you can get your hands cut."


Aisha was a bit puzzled.

He felt that his words just now shouldn't have meant that.

How did this woman artfully embellish his words herself?


"Nice to meet you."

The woman turned around and faced Instructor Ai squarely, a gentle smile appearing above her pretty face that appeared more mature from wearing glasses.

"Instructor Ai."

"Nice to meet you, Elite Lorelei."

Aisha similarly recalled the smile and called out the woman's name.

Lorelei, one of the Elite Four of the Kanto Region, skilled in the Ice attribute.

She was extremely strong and her personality was versatile, with the title of Ice Witch.

"Instructor Ai is traveling here?"


Aisha was a bit unsure of the way to talk to this woman, and had words to pick up on in response to her inquiry, saying, "I'm preparing to participate in this Indigo Plateau Conference, so I'd say I'm collecting the gym badges of the Eight Gyms in the Kanto region, and I just defeated Janine of Fuchsia City a few days ago, so I'm preparing to head to Cinnabar Island next. "


Hearing Instructor Ai's words, Lorelei had a look of 'sudden realization'.

Then, she showed an indifferent expression, but she deliberately put a finger in front of her bright lips and said: "I remember, on the way across the sea from the coast of Fuchsia City to Cinnabar Island, you can just pass by the Seafoam Islands. ."


Aisha didn't know what Lorelei wanted to do, however, if there was a question, he answered, saying, "Seafoam Islands is indeed a good place."

Not only did it have a large number of Ice type Pokémon inhabiting it, there was also an Ice Attribute Second-level Legendary Pokémon over there.

This Articuno thing was a real scene-stealer in the first generation, but unfortunately, it fell off the face of the earth later on.

Still, this guy is the face of the Three Legendary Birds.

Also, according to the game's plot, after the volcano on Cinnabar Island erupts in the future, Sharper will move his Cinnabar Gym to the Seafoam Islands.

This island is considered a more important place.

"If I have time, I'd be prepared to stay over there for a while." After recalling the information about Seafoam Islands, Aisha muttered to himself with a thoughtful expression.


Lorelei's eyes lit up.

She remembered that Bruno was practicing in Seafoam Islands during this time.

That martial arts nerd had been wanting to spar with Aisha for who knows how long, and this time, if Instructor was caught by him, that muscular fool would surely be pestering him to death wanting to spar.


Lorelei's smile grew a few shades wider.

She was also quite interested in Aisha, however, unlike Bruno, she didn't intend to pester Instructor Aisha to spar.

After all, Pokémon sparring wasn't about fighting and killing, it was about human feelings.

Although Lorelei herself was considered a militant, she was undoubtedly a lot more human and harmless compared to the rest of the Kanto League.

However, Lorelei definitely still had some curiosity about the strength of Aisha, whom Lance had been praising all day long.

In that case...

"Since, Instructor Ai is preparing to travel to the Seafoam Islands, why don't you travel with me?"

"Travel with you?"


Lorelei nodded with a petite smile.

She was lazy to fight again, but still wanted to see how strong Instructor Ai was.

So, wouldn't it be fine to let Aisha and Bruno fight while she watched from the side?


This idea was fantastic.

As if she was afraid that Aisha would reject her, Lorelei took a step closer, and her line of sight also crossed over to Aisha, glancing at his Pokémon, and said, "I see that the Pokémon Instructor Ai is carrying right now, and there doesn't seem to be anything that can ride on your Lance Sea's children, since that's the case, people can help you out a bit~"


Aisha glanced back at his Pokémon.

Indeed, from an outsider's point of view, there were no Pokémon within his own team that could carry him for a long flight or Lance Sea.

However, that was only from an outsider's view.

How could Instructor Ai not prepare the means for traveling the sea?

Caterpie was perfectly capable!

Whether it was flying, or swimming, Caterpie whose attributes had become Dragon and Flying was perfectly capable of carrying Instructor Ai for a long sea ride.

"Actually, I..."

Instructor Ai was just about to say that he actually had the means to travel across the sea, so he didn't need to bother Elite Lorelei, when he saw Lorelei waving her hand towards the distance, and a special-looking figure gradually approached the coastline accompanied by a melodious song.

"Is that... Lapras?"

Instructor Ai recognized the identity of that Pokémon as he fixed his eyes on it.

With a blue body like a snake-necked dragon and a thick shell on its back, it was the Lapras known as the "Riding Dragon".

"Good." Aisha immediately changed her tone and said, "If the Elite Lorelei doesn't mind, we can travel together."

Just kidding!

Lapras was a very suitable Pokémon for traveling across the sea.

The experience of riding it on the sea was comparable to that of a Dragonair, emphasizing the comfort.

It wasn't that Caterpie's body wasn't comfortable, it was just...

For traveling, it was true that Lapras were a bit more enticing.

"What an excellent Lapras."

Looking at Lorelei's Lapras, which was big enough to carry three or four people, Instructor Ai couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration as well.

With Lapras like this, the space given to trainers to move around when traveling on the sea wasn't small.


"Thanks for the compliment~"

Lorelei then smiled and winked.

"Woo~" Lapras purred ethereally, bending its neck and rubbing against Lorelei's face.

Lorelei stroked Lapras' head.

"In that case, we'll depart tomorrow."


Hooked up to Ai Instructor, Lorelei was visibly happy.

After she continued to climb a few words with Aisha, she indicated that she was ready to go back and rest.

"See you tomorrow, Instructor Ai."

"See you tomorrow, Elite Lorelei."

"Uh?" Halfway down the hall, Lorelei remembered that she had one more job.

She reached between her own breasts and pulled out her cell phone, dialing Lance's number.

"Hello, Lance."

"Hey Lorelei, what's up?" Lance sounded a little tired.

"I've got Aisha, I'm taking him to Seafoam Islands tomorrow to find Bruno, and I'll leave the escorting of Hunter J to you."

Lance: "..."

Dragon Elite Four felt like he was going to die from overwork.