Second Generation Mewtwo? Team Rocket Patrician!

"Hey, did you hear?"


"That monster, which refused to participate in our Team Rocket's daily mission of harvesting wild Pokémon, it actually already has the ability to think on its own."

"Normal, it's a replica of that First Generation Mewtwo, and First Generation Mewtwo is a Pokémon made with Mythical Pokémon Mew as a blueprint, with attributes that are still Psychic, and having this level of intelligence isn't something that's surprising. "

"But, it actually dared to reject our mission... isn't it too arrogant?"

"Boss Giovanni isn't in a hurry either, what are you in a hurry for?"

Above the dimly lit corridor, two Team Rocket squad leaders in black uniforms walked while talking about something.

The junior captain who was the first to bring up the topic sighed and said, "Earlier, after I heard from the senior captain's side that our Team Rocket had created a Pokémon whose potential was comparable to Legendary Pokémon, I was expecting that the boss would be able to ask it to help us to take in a Pokémon, but in the end, since that bioweapon refused on its own, it pissed me off to no end. "

"This pattern of yours is a bit small."

The companion next to him shook his head helplessly, his tone filled with speechlessness within.

"You said it yourself, that monster's potential is comparable to Legendary Pokémon, the boss must have created it in order to let it go on to bigger things later."

He spread his hands and said, "If such a low-level task as taking in wild Pokémon to sell for money and fill up its combat power also requires such a combat power to do it, then, what does the organization need us bottom-level squad leaders and those even lower-level grunts for?"


Upon hearing his companion's words, this squad leader who had expressed his dissatisfaction also had a look of sudden realization.

He himself wasn't exactly smart, his brain was dull, and it was only by luck that he had made a merit and gotten out of his position as a junior soldier.

If he had been asked to think carefully about these things, he definitely wouldn't have thought of it.

"I see, I see."


Next to him, his companion was piqued to discuss the topic, phrased his words, and said, "Haven't you noticed that Boss Giovanni hasn't appeared for a long time?"

"It's still true... what about this?"

"That is, according to our private speculation, Boss Giovanni should be training that Second Generation Mewtwo himself during this time."


"That's for sure!" His companion looked proud, mentioning Giovanni, as the bottom layer of Team Rocket, for Giovanni has the same extreme admiration as a fan to his idol, he even got excited in his tone, saying: "Our Giovanni Boss, that's a super trainer that even the League Champion can't put in front of his eyes, he and the Legendary Pokémon have been training that Mewtwo. He and the biochemical weapon with Legendary Pokémon potential are a perfect match. If Boss Giovanni steps in, he can definitely cultivate this monster into a real Legendary Pokémon!"

He slapped his chest with a proud expression, as if the trainer who defeated the champion with Beedrill was himself.

The squad leader next to him then pursued, saying, "And then, what?"


"You are truly clueless!" His partner glanced at him and shook his head with a bit of high blood pressure.

"Think about it, during this time, our Team Rocket has been so frantically hounded by the League, losing so many brothers, even General Proton and that Carr what's-his-name went in, isn't it a heavy loss?"


"But, I think Boss Giovanni, is definitely not the one who lost the battle of wits to the League." He immediately defended Giovanni, saying, "A lord like Boss Giovanni is the best in the world in terms of intelligence."


"I think that Boss Giovanni isn't worried at all that something will happen to General Proton, and that's exactly why he's not in a hurry right now." He said with a confident expression, "Boss Giovanni is definitely preparing to cultivate Second Generation Mewtwo, and then rely on Legendary Pokémon's power to counterattack the League with a thunderous force, and rescue all of General Proton and Carr who have fallen into the net, and at that time, all of the anger we have suffered during this period of time can be taken away. will be able to pay back all the anger we've suffered during this period of time!"

"Then, that Aisha..."

"Although, I also like to watch Instructor Ai's videos, but, Proton-sama was taken into custody by him, and if we really meet, the boss will definitely show no mercy!"


The duo gradually walked away.

The walls had ears, but their voices reached Second Generation Mewtwo's ears.


Within the dark room, Second Generation Mewtwo retrieved its drifting spiritual energy.

This was something that it had been doing often during this period of time, trying to use it as a way to try its luck at prying out some information from the mouths of the Team Rocket members who were passing by near the room.

The problem was that Second Generation Mewtwo's room was very remote, and there were few people on this side.

It only had to spread its psychic power as far as possible.

After a few days in a row, Second Generation Mewtwo finally captured some valuable information.

"Proton of the Four Admins and Carr of the Three Beasts were arrested by Aisha?" Second Generation Mewtwo recalled the information that the party had acquired and muttered to himself, saying, "No wonder, Giovanni was bent on inducing me to kill him, so it's because he has repeatedly and repeatedly ruined Giovanni's plans and arrested Giovanni's people."

"Giovanni is really using me."

Second Generation Mewtwo's heart brightened.

Although it was said that Giovanni usually wasn't much of a hypocrite when talking to it, however, Second Generation Mewtwo being a Pokémon that Team Rocket had spent a huge amount of money to create, it was also natural for Giovanni to not want to be so offended by his own attitude and whatsoever to the point that Second Generation Mewtwo didn't cooperate with himself and the organization.

Therefore, Giovanni treated Second Generation Mewtwo and more or less concealed some key information.

Especially the intelligence about Aisha.

Then, these hidden information, it is necessary for Second Generation Mewtwo to find ways to obtain it by itself.

In addition...

Because Second Generation Mewtwo's strength had progressed too fast, just for such a short period of time, its mental power and physical body had already reached a level that could not be compared to that of a regular Pokémon.

As a result, its training target was naturally changed to those high-level cadre trainers of Team Rocket.

Occasionally, Giovanni would become Second Generation Mewtwo's companion trainer if he felt like it.

As such, Second Generation Mewtwo gradually realized how terrifying Giovanni's strength was.

It was a power that could not be seen at a glance.

That man, he and his Pokémon just stood over there, giving Second Generation Mewtwo an incomparably great pressure.

It was like thick earth, indestructible and full of terrifying power.

Being as immovable as a mountain and as powerful as a thunderclap were the adjectives that were tailor-made for Giovanni.

Among the Four Admins and Three Beasts of Team Rocket, there was no existence that could make Second Generation Mewtwo afraid.

It could defeat those people at any time if it wanted to.

Giovanni was different.

Second Generation Mewtwo thought that even if it put its best foot forward, it was afraid that it would not be able to gain an ounce of advantage at his hands.

Especially... That man was also hiding a Beedrill.

That was a special Beedrill.

Second Generation Mewtwo always felt that if he were to rank all the Beedrills in the world, Giovanni's Beedrill would undoubtedly be number one.

The remaining Beedrills together were not as powerful as this one.

There was no other reason, because Second Generation Mewtwo, who had sharp senses, felt the threat of death in that Beedrill's body with just a fleeting glance.

That Beedrill... that Beedrill was fully capable of killing Second Generation Mewtwo before it could react.

Now, Second Generation Mewtwo was puzzled instead.

Giovanni himself was already strong enough to be called a supermodel.

Then, to what extent was the Aisha who had left him helpless, the very same biological father, terrifying?


Second Generation Mewtwo scratched its head.

It was truly puzzled.

It was very strange.

Giovanni's hatred towards Aisha was unquestionable, as Aisha had destroyed his very important plans and captured his beloved ones more than once.

But, even so, not once had Giovanni actually stepped in to deal with Aisha, or even sent someone to trip him up.

The only operation he did that was considered against Aisha was creating himself as Second Generation Mewtwo, intending to kill Aisha in his place once he grew up.


"Could it be because Aisha is so strong that even Giovanni doesn't dare to say that he can eat him steadily?"

After thinking about it for a while, Second Generation Mewtwo could only come to this conclusion.

Moreover, Giovanni had also said "Aisha is ridiculously strong" when he first met him.

So, what level of trainer was his father?


Second Generation Mewtwo read out the title that represented the ceiling of human trainers.

Giovanni was also a champion.

Since that was the case, Aisha, who could make Giovanni fear and throw his weight around, must also be an existence at the apex within the Champion Trainers.


Second Generation Mewtwo smacked its lips with mixed feelings.

It wasn't that it was discouraged.

The main reason was that a Giovanni had made Second Generation Mewtwo realize what it meant to be truly powerful, and that its own father was actually a trainer with at least the level of a Giovanni.

His goal was to gain Aisha's approval.

Seems like that even with its current strength, not to mention Aisha, it won't be able to get into Giovanni's eyes.

It's really a long way to go...

"I still need to work hard..." Second Generation Mewtwo clenched its fist with three sucker-like fingers, and a brilliant light erupted between its eyes.

It was not deterred by Aisha's power.

On the contrary, Second Generation Mewtwo was also surprised and proud of its father's power.

"If it's such a powerful person, he, surely, can tell me what the meaning of my existence is..."

Clenching its fists, it stood up and walked out of the room.

Second Generation Mewtwo walked towards the training grounds, it didn't want to waste any moment where it could become stronger.

Giovanni was strong, Aisha was strong, so what?

It had only been born for such a short period of time, and its future was still so unlimited.

It was impossible for it to have no hope of surpassing them!

Since it was still staying inside Team Rocket's base, it would do its best to become stronger with their resources.


Watching the mechanical gate open, Second Generation Mewtwo stood in the center of the training ground unapologetically.

It looked towards the camera placed within the training ground, and its voice was also neutral, saying, "Giovanni!"

"Come out and train!"

Giovanni: "?"


Kanto region, Fuchsia city waters.


The melodious and melodious song echoed over the endless sea.

The sea was azure blue, with white wave after white wave passing by.

Lapras' four large fins danced slowly and rhythmically between the cold seawater, and its swimming speed was actually not slow at all.

A wave hit above its neck, exploding the water splashing above Lorelei and Aisha's faces, giving them a share of the coolness of the sea.


Facing the cool sea breeze, Instructor Ai gave a jolt.

The feeling of riding the Lapras was really great.

It wasn't slow, and its body was so stable that it didn't make one feel seasick at all.


Aisha twisted his head and glanced at Lorelei, who was next to him, reaching out to hold Lapras' neck.

Lorelei's Lapras was clearly a special case.

However, even if it was a normal Lapras, it could at least carry three people across the sea at the same time, and for two people, the space on its back was even more spacious.

If Lapras deliberately controls its forward speed, then even fishing on its back is perfectly fine.

It's really a hit-and-miss Pokémon for fishing guys.

And then...

Instructor Ai glanced at the Poké ball he wore on top of his belt.

His own Water-type Pokémon position was Marill.


Aisha fantasized about the image of Marill swimming while desperately lifting himtself out of the water, and all of a sudden, he didn't manage to burst out laughing.

"What's wrong?"

Lorelei noticed Aisha's reaction.

She reached up and ruffled the red hair at the side of her face, smiled towards the teenager, and leaned in a little closer, saying, "Instructor Ai is having a problem with people's Lapras?"

"No, Elite Lorelei misunderstood." Aisha also waved her hand in a hurry, explaining, saying, "Elite Lorelei's Lapras are great, I like them a lot."

"That's good~"

Lorelei was clearly in a good mood.

Even she knew that Aisha's words had more parts of compliments and giving her face in them.

However, the Ice Witch didn't want to think about that much, she was happy as long as her Pokémon was praised by someone powerful.

In a sense, Kanto Elite Four were very simple people.

"Instructor Ai if you want to take in the Pokémon to cross the sea, this body of water along with our destination, the Seafoam Islands, are both good places to take in." Lorelei suggested to Aisha, saying, "Maybe we can meet wild Lapras."

"That's a tantalizing suggestion, but unfortunately, I already have a Water-type Pokémon."

Aisha instead politely declined her offer, saying, "Besides, taking in so many Pokémon would be a bit much for me to take care of."


Lorelei looked skeptical and said, "A breeder like Instructor Ai would also have a headache because of the number of Pokémon?"

"That's not true."

Aisha spread his hands and told the truth, saying, "I'm just not willing to take in Pokémon at will."


Lorelei froze.

She hadn't heard such a statement before.

In theory, power-seeking trainers had never been reluctant to accept things like Pokémon.

How... you're still an exception?

"I think the prerequisite for a human and a Pokémon to become partners is friendship." With a smile, Aisha rubbed his fingers over his Poké ball and released Marill, saying, "If they don't make friends, it's inevitable that there will be friction and conflicts over things in the future.

"I'm not willing to forcefully take in Pokémon in order to fill up combat power, Pokémon are not props for humans, but partners."


As soon as Marill came out, it dominated Instructor Ai's embrace.

"Ah..." After hearing Aisha's words, Lorelei was also a little surprised as her red lips parted.

"No wonder, Lance said you're a special person."

She hooked her lips in a smile.

Within the Kanto Elite Four, Lorelei was most similar to Lance.

Lance had once dared to take on the world because of the poor living conditions for Pokémon, creating a world where only Pokémon and worthy people lived.

Lorelei also once saved a dying Lapras in a sewage-contaminated zone, and that Lapras became her current ace Pokémon, the same one that carries her and Aisha across the sea today-which is precisely why she accepted Lance's invitation to become one of the one of the Elite Four.

They're pretty much the same as N...

N and Lance recognized Aisha's love for Pokémon.

Nowadays, it was only natural that Lorelei, who thought similarly to Lance, wouldn't hate Aisha's idea either.

It's more like... liked it a lot.

"Cute little guy."

Lorelei leaned down to Marill's face, her slender hand stroking the little water bear's head.

When she came down like this, the white and tender piece of her chest that was made comfortable by the red bustier one-piece dress and the deep gully was unreservedly reflected in Aisha's eyes.


Instructor Ai moved his eyes away in silence.

He gazed at the seawater and saw the Water-type Pokémon swimming in the sea through the water.

Water-type Pokémon were the most numerous and the ocean was very extensive, Fuchsia City waters were still closer to the edge of the Kanto region, the number of Pokémon inhabiting this side of the sea was extraordinarily large and extensive, in addition to Magikarp, Goldeen, these iconic Pokémon of the Kanto region, Aisha even saw Corsola, Remoraid, Qwilfish, the Water-type Pokémon of the Johto region.

"There aren't many trainers over here..."

Aisha spat to himself.

He also remembered that inside the game, there were trainers swimming everywhere above this one waterway as well, and these people would fight when they said they would, completely disregarding the venue.

Wouldn't a trainer be such a powerful person?

"Come back to your senses, Instructor Ai."

Suddenly, Lorelei's jade hand broke into Aisha's sight.

This mature imperial sister smiled and waved her hand, pointing to a distant silhouette that gradually appeared within view, becoming clearer and clearer.

"Seafoam Islands is ahead."


Aisha froze and looked up.

"Lapras are actually going this fast?" He glanced at the time and realized it was not even noon yet.

"This side we come here often, it's like going home, Lapras is already familiar with the currents around Seafoam Islands, naturally the speed isn't slow" Lorelei smiled, squinted his eyes and gazed out at the Seafoam Islands in the distance, saying. "Instructor Ai don't worry, there are people waiting for us over there."