Instructor Ai Who is Beautiful as a God


The sound of a raptor chirping came from above the azure sky.

This chirping was very majestic and cold, as if it could freeze one's soul and blood.

Between the white clouds, a large bird covered in ice-blue feathers waved its wings as it danced across the endless sky.

Between the dancing wings, the ice crystal-like feathers were rubbing together, scattering white and clean ice powder.

Its deep blue tail plume, on the other hand, was like a raging and rushing river, accompanying the trajectory of the flight as it continuously fluttered above the sky.


The ice bird chirped, its sharp eyes piercing through the large clouds and locking onto the surface of the sea below.

Above the sea over there floated two islands with identical molds and mountains linked together.

That was the Seafoam Islands, its habitat.

The ice bird had stayed over there for a long, long, long time, to an incalculable extent.

It had forgotten whether the caves of Seafoam Islands themselves were filled with cold air, or whether it was because of its own arrival that the interior and exterior of that island had become a paradise for Ice-type Pokémon.

In any case, nowadays, it was the overlord of that island.

It was one of the Three Legendary Birds that had been passed down in the Kanto region since ancient times, and represented Articuno the ice bird.


Tilting its neck, Articuno let out a high-pitched chirp.

The three-petaled ice crystals set on its forehead reflected a rainbow-like brilliant luster under the light of daylight.

Articuno flapped its wings and swooped down to rush towards the Seafoam Islands.


Suddenly, as if it had sensed something strange, its sharp bird's eyes glanced at the sea surface near Seafoam Islands.

It was such a casual glance that almost made Articuno stare out of his own eyes.

After its stance lurched, it hastily flapped its wings, wrapping itself in the icy powder that filled the sky to stabilize its stance.


Trembling as it hung above the sky, Articuno was still a bit uncertain.

It glanced over there again.

Two strands of extremely hot energy met its eyes, energy that only Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon possessed.

It was... at least two Fire-type Legendary Mythical Pokémon were near Seafoam Islands?


Articuno was at a loss.

It didn't know what the purpose of these two peers was...

A land grab?

But Seafoam Islands was clearly a cold place, and the floor and walls of the cave had turned into solid tundra under the erosion of time. If it was a Water-type Pokémon, it might still like this kind of shelter, but a Fire-type Pokémon wouldn't like this kind of place at all.

Then what do they want?


Having nothing better to do than to break into someone's home and visit them?


Articuno's chirp echoed in the sky above, its voice urgent and angry.

Anyone who suddenly realized that the home they had lived in for thousands of years had been invaded by a few outsiders would react like this.

It wasn't that Articuno hadn't thought of charging down immediately to start a fight with those two guys who didn't know how to die.

The main reason was that when it was preparing to charge, it suddenly realized that the two guys' energy patterns, no matter who they were, were not inferior to its own.

There was even the advantage of attribute restraint and the suppression of numbers...


Articuno fell silent.


This dumb loss could only be eaten with a pinched nose.


Finally, after a sharp growl that was not sure if it was a complaint, or an angry chirp, Articuno flapped his wings and flew away from the Seafoam Islands.

Flying further and further away...

Of course, he had lived in Seafoam Islands for such a long time, surely he wouldn't just leave.

Articuno couldn't let go either.

It thought that it would wait around for a while, and see if those two guys would stay for a while and leave.

That way, they would be considered safe and sound.

If those two Fire-type Pokémon were really ready to cause trouble... even if it lost its life, Articuno would definitely have to break it off with those two guys!


"Seafoam Islands are ahead, Instructor Ai, look."

As Lapras got closer and closer to Seafoam Islands, Lorelei's emotions became more and more excited.

I don't know if it was because she really liked Seafoam Islands, or because she was really looking forward to watching Aisha fight Bruno.


Aisha glanced at Lorelei.

Although he didn't know why this woman was so happy for some inexplicable reason, whoring out a trip down the river and arriving at Seafoam Islands in comfortable Lapras was also an unquestionably good thing for Instructor Ai.

He selectively ignored Lorelei's anomaly.

"Seafoam Islands."

Aisha stood up on top of the Lapras' large shell and looked out at the islands in the distance.

With his eyesight, he was naturally able to cross the far distance and see the appearance of that island clearly.

"As expected, it's a paradise for Ice-type Pokémon..."

It was also Articuno's habitat - a sentence Aisha didn't say.


While listening to the first half of Instructor Ai's sentence, Lorelei turned her head with a happy face and said, "The Seafoam Islands' cave leads underground and has several floors."

"As I recall, there are also dark rivers within Seafoam Islands?"


Lorelei smiled proudly and said, "Because of this, countless Water-type and Ice-type Pokémon inhabit the interior of Seafoam Islands."

"In the beginning, there were only Pokémon from the Kanto region, but later on, thanks to the help of a kind-hearted trainer, Seafoam Islands introduced a lot of Ice-type and Water-type Pokémon unique to other regions that were suitable for pairing with the local indigenous Pokémon."

"So~" Lorelei crossed her arms and said with an expression that said, 'I'm super awesome!' "Nowadays, the Pokémon ecosystem of the Seafoam Islands has become particularly diverse! "


Instructor Ai was also very cooperative with Lorelei as he put on a surprised, astonished expression and clapped his hands.

"That beautiful and kind-hearted trainer is truly a great person, simply the savior of Seafoam Islands~"

"That's right!"

Lorelei pushed her eyes up, uncharacteristically showing a playful smile.

She was certainly not a childish little girl.

This kind of speech was just to test the character of Aisha as a person.

Of course, the result of the test was also very pleasing.

She liked Aisha's character very much.

"Instructor Ai, has anyone ever told you..."

"What?" Aisha was puzzled.

Lorelei had a delicate smile on her face and said, "Talking with you will put people in a good mood."


Upon hearing that, Instructor Ai did think about it with a serious face.

He recalled and realized that N had said something similar at that time.

"There actually is!"


Lorelei is amused by how serious Aisha looks like this.

Instructor Ai flashed a smile as he spread his hands.

"It's a good thing to make friends with you."


Looking at Lorelei's smile, Instructor Ai's eyes sharpened as if he had committed PTSD.

Aisha had heard such big shots inexplicably say things to him about wanting to be friends several times.

In the end, these big shots would always be willing to give him something.

Either excellent Pokémon, or notes on breeding Pokémon, or precious Pokémon breeding supplies...


Instructor Ai fell into deep thought.

He was recalling the means Lorelei would use.

Naturally, there was no need to say much about the level of cultivation of Ice-type Pokémon.

However, the most terrifying part of Lorelei's body was her ghostly, stealthy, and defenseless ice control method.

Her Jynx could create "ice dolls".

It seems that only the hot springs of Mt. Silver can cure the frozen wounds of "ice dolls".

Red was the victim of Lorelei's move.


Thinking back on Lorelei's handiwork, Instructor Ai smacked his lips at it.

It was too ruthless.

Once the "Ice Doll" was created, the enemy's life was almost in her hands.


A loud bark interrupted Instructor's thoughts.



Aisha raised his head, and Lorelei's eyes were cast in the direction from which the cry came.

The duo saw a Poliwrath with bulging muscles and a very stocky body, staring at them with big eyes and half of its body floating above the surface of the water.

"Such a powerful Poliwrath?"

Aisha was a bit surprised, and after examining the Pokémon up and down, he said, "This is not a wild Pokémon, there are clearly traces of artificial breeding on its body."

"As expected of Instructor Ai, you have a sharp eye." Lorelei gave a thumbs up towards Aisha.

After that, she waved her hand towards Poliwrath.


Poliwrath saw Lorelei as well, turned around with a serious expression, and swam in the direction of Seafoam Islands.

Lorelei's Lapras followed it.

"This is Bruno's Pokémon."

Lorelei wrapped her arms around her chest, her slender arms strangling her breasts into a tantalizing shape, a flash of white as if they were about to exhale.

"It will lead us to Bruno, that guy is practicing above the Seafoam Islands during this time, Instructor Ai can ask him questions related to this aspect if he also plans to exercise his Pokémon over here."

"I see... I see."

Aisha nodded.

"Elite Bruno..."

Chanting that man's name, a hint of anticipation rose in Aisha's heart.

He himself had the idea of looking for Bruno to ask for martial arts instruction and teach it to Marill, so this was a coincidence.


Lapras tilted its head and sang out a melodious song.

It swam into a safer, more soothing current, led by Poliwrath, and finally entered the confines of the Seafoam Islands.

Lapras leaned over a reef, and Lorelei skillfully rolled off its back.

Aisha, on the other hand, made a leap to the far side, above the flat land.


Lorelei's eyes lit up.

She realized that Aisha's physical strength was unusual.

Just in time, when Bruno came later, he could see a different kind of sparring.


Poliwrath climbed onto the bank as well.


Before seeing the person, one could first hear his voice.

Immediately following Poliwrath was a big man with a stocky build and a height of at least two meters.

He wore a white karate outfit and had a handful of unkempt black hair hanging behind his back, resembling a wild and unruly knight-errant in a martial arts novel.

"Nice to meet you, Elite Bruno."

Seeing the man's appearance, Instructor Ai also stepped forward to meet him.

Bruno, on the other hand, shook Aisha's hand with an enthusiastic face and said, "You little brother must be the Aisha that Lance reads about day in and day out, it's really a pleasure to meet you!"

"I am a martial artist, a roughneck."

"Elite Bruno is joking, I'm also used to hearing your name in Dayan, and your name will be among today's martial arts masters."

There was a polite exchange of words, and Aisha and Bruno laughed heartily.

Lorelei was beside her with dead eyes, looking at these two men speechlessly.

Bruno, on the other hand, was indifferent.

Lorelei had worked with Bruno for so many years and knew that this was a fool with a head full of muscles.

But Aisha... this little guy would clearly still be shy about seeing something on her that he shouldn't.

How did it come to pass that as soon as he saw Bruno, he just left herself alone?

What's wrong with these men?


Lorelei smacked her lips, reaching within the pocket of her jacket and pulling out a mirror, checking her face for any makeup that was drawn crooked.

She was a bit skeptical of her own charm.

Over there, Aisha and Bruno were chatting more and more happily, rather like brothers.

However, while chatting, these two were also keeping their own eyes open.

"I've heard that Instructor Ai seems to be quite knowledgeable about swordsmanship?" Bruno brought up Instructor Ai's doorway seemingly unconcerned, saying, "Your Excellency must have studied special sword techniques."


Aisha said indeed as soon as he heard that.

During those few days in the Unova region, he had indeed learned swordsmanship under the three Swords of Justice, and was rather on his way to the top.

Bruno had a good point.

"Oh~" hearing Aisha's admission, Bruno's eyes lit up.

"I have traveled the four seas in the clouds with the purpose of fighting various martial artists and perfecting my fighting techniques." Bruno took a step back, arched his hand towards Instructor Ai, and said, "The reputation of Dayan Sword Cultivator, I have really heard about it, and when I see Instructor Ai today, I really see that he is a young hero, I wonder if Your Excellency would like to spar with me?"


Aisha smiled.

Bruno's words were just right for him.

He had intended to ask Bruno to teach Marill martial arts, but at first he didn't know how to ask.

Now, in the name of sparring, everything was much simpler and more reasonable.

Moreover, if it wasn't a Pokémon battle, but a sparring match between trainers, Aisha wasn't afraid at all.


Bruno laughed out loud and threw a punch without hesitation.

Instructor, on the other hand, deftly sidestepped and dodged his attack.

However, Bruno's movements were not the only ones, the body that stretched forward along with the punch kicked out a powerful kick in the process.

Aisha also accurately captured his action, and with a point of his toes, his body immediately withdrew back a few meters.


Bruno's kick hit the rock next to him, and instantly, a large piece of rock crumbled into rubble all over the ground.

"Good stance!"

Bruno's eyes glistened as he complimented Aisha's agility.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, smiled speechlessly.


Bruno bellowed, and with a kick of his feet he rushed forward.

Aisha also stepped in a flexible pace and rushed forward, finally bowing to avoid Bruno's wide-open forward punch, and turned to slam his fist into his abdomen.


With a muffled sound, the two of them touched each other.


Bruno staggered for a bit before standing still, and he subconsciously touched at the spot where he was hit by Aisha.

The vague pain over there was enough to show the magnitude of Aisha's strength.

However, that teenager's movements really didn't look like he was exerting any force.

He originally thought that Aisha was an agile type, but now that he looked at it, this guy was truly uncomplicated.


Bruno revealed an excited smile.

He was the one who longed to fight strong people.

"Ai-kun, I'm coming!"


Bruno stepped out with one foot, but the sound of a harsh breaking wind reached his ears.


A few icy lights broke into Aisha and Bruno's line of sight and landed in front of them.

Aisha waved his hand to dispel the cold air, and saw an ice sword sticking above the ground in front of him, its crystal clear appearance very delicate.

Over there, Bruno, on the other hand, was already wearing a pair of ice gloves.

"Bruno, I think you've lost your head."

Lorelei's flirtatious voice carried a hint of teasing.

She leaned against Jynx's side and said, "You also know that Ai-chan is a swordsman, and as a result, you're sparring with someone else's fists?"

"Uh... I didn't think it through well."

Bruno looked embarrassed.

"Holding a weapon is the only way to be able to let go of the fight." Lorelei smiled and looked at Aisha, saying, "I wonder if Ai-chan likes this ice sword?"

"That's true..."

Gripping the chilly hilt of the sword, Aisha revealed a meaningful smile and said to himself, "Coincidence."

His matching sword, itself, was also Ice-attributed.

Although, Lorelei's sword was missing the Dark-attribute.

However, it didn't matter if the righteous Instructor Ai had the Dark-attribute or not.


Carrying his sword, Aisha looked at Bruno with a smile.

He changed his strategy of dodging from just now, and his aura instantly became a lot more powerful, and in a single breath, he rushed to Bruno's front, and the Sword of Ice slashed down on his head.


Bruno hastily raised his hand to parry with his ice gloves.

However, the force from the sword was what made his heart feel bad.

That wasn't all, Aisha didn't give Bruno the slightest time to counterattack and change his stance, her slender arm danced ice sword out of a hard residual shadow, and continuously slashed at Bruno.

Bruno had no choice but to continuously swing his fist to resist the countless sword lights from the front.

The sword collided with his fist, and ice powder swung.

The sword light was bitterly cold.

Bruno didn't know how many swords he carried, he only felt some stinging pain spreading through his body, obviously Aisha had broken through his defense a few times.


At the same moment, the sound of ice breaking resounded.

Aisha and Bruno's movements both lurched, and the two of them stepped back.

The ice sword and ice gloves could no longer withstand Aisha's use and attacks, and together they crumbled and exploded into a sky full of ice powder.


Between the ice and snow satsang, only one person shone brightly and eye-catching.

Lorelei looked dumbfounded.

Her red lips lightly opened, and only Aisha's figure remained between her eyes.

"So beautiful..."

The Ice type Elite Four unconsciously spoke out.

The figure of that one who fought furiously with a sword was indeed beautiful, beautiful like a deity who controlled ice.


Lorelei's smile gradually colored with a touch of sickness.

In her eyes, at this moment, even a true deity was not half as good as Aisha.

"This is the ultimate beauty I seek..."