Rainbow Rocket

Today's weather is not too good.

Outside, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the rain drizzled down, and the cold wind was blowing the treetops around.


Leaning on the bed, Giovanni's eyes gazed at the shadow of the lamp on the ground and remained silent.

The drizzly weather was as bad as his mood.

In the past, when the weather was good, the warmth of the sun would have filtered through the window sills of the clean, tidy hospital room.

The sunlight through the treetops cast a shadowy pattern of light on the floor of his hospital room, the trees swayed with the breeze, and the pattern of light was the same, like a wave swaying slightly on the floor, beautiful.

His hospital room was decorated in normal white, with white walls, white floors, and all kinds of white equipment.

Giovanni's bed was tucked away in the only shadow in the room, at his own request.

After checking that the location did not allow him to escape, the nurses and attendees obeyed the dark emperor.

Giovanni was then immersed in darkness once more.

He believed that darkness was his destiny.

The so-called light was not something a man like him could touch.

That's why it's raining today.

The bandages on Giovanni's face have come off.

It was proof that his body was changing for the better, and that he would not be long in recovering.

Now, his gloomy, stoic face is expressionless.

Giovanni wasn't afraid of going to jail.

There was only one thing he cared about...

The request he made to Lance.

Lance was a man of his word, Giovanni knew that.

If he'd agreed to his request, he'd deliver, no matter what.

Several days had passed since that day.

Lance hadn't come back.

Neither had the two men he wanted to see.

That's... Even Giovanni, as calm as he was, couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness in his heart.

It didn't matter if Aisha didn't come to see him.

He and Aisha had no friendship, not even a rivalry.

It was only he who had been planning what he thought to be a subtle, deadly, and unguardable plan against Aisha.

However, Aisha probably didn't pay much attention to himself in the shadows.

He should have dealt with the members of Team Rocket, and taken them all to prison.

He should have sabotaged Team Rocket's plans, so he did.

In the end, the Second Generation Mewtwo, whom he had used against him, chose to betray Giovanni and defected to him, who was supposed to be the target of the kill.

He was also beaten up by Rayquaza...


Giovanni sighed.

Thinking about the whole process of targeting Aisha, and the result, his emotionless eyes had a ripple within them.

If you look at this incident as a story, then Aisha was the undoubted protagonist, and he was just a clown who couldn't even be called a villain...

Now, the clown has met his rightful end.

The powerful Pokémon he had worked so hard on had become someone else's wedding dress, the organization he had built up had been torn apart, and he was facing endless jail time.

And even his son didn't want to see him...

Yes, that's what saddens Giovanni the most.

Lance was a man of his word, and since he'd promised to deliver Giovanni's wishes to Silver, he would do so.

And, after all these days, Silver still hasn't come...

That meant that Silver really didn't want to see his father.


Giovanni laughed dryly, shaking his head.

Gradually, the dry laugh turned into a bitter one, and a tinge of sadness crept into his face.

His pride did not allow him to cry, but the sourness of his heart was reflected on his face.

A father abandoned by his son... A father abandoned by his son is something no one can bear.

Giovanni was no exception.

Not to mention his love for his son, which is obvious to all.

He's spent half his life trying to find him.

Laying out, building, exercising the Deoxys to find his son.

And now that he's found his son, he won't recognize him as his father.

Giovanni doesn't blame him.

Giovanni understands Silver's frustration.

Silver was a good boy, a very kind boy.

When he was a child, Giovanni knew that his son was a very gentle boy.

He loved Pokémon and his family.

As a child, Silver gave away all his tenderness...

And then, disaster struck.

Silver was nowhere to be found, and Giovanni searched like a madman for any sign of him.

However, nothing was found.

In search of Silver, Team Rocket grew under Giovanni's hands and became an underground organization spanning two regions.

Giovanni himself, after much difficulty, finally found his son.

By then, Silver had grown up.

He had matured, grown cold, and become a powerful trainer.

He was surrounded by companions, seniors he could respect, and juniors he could protect.

Silver is not as gentle as he was when he was a child, and a cold and icy shell has been added to his body.

However, Giovanni, as a father, could see at once that it was just a shell of self-protection...

Inside, Silver was always gentle.

He was still his son, the good boy.

Giovanni was happy about that...

Time hasn't changed Silver.

He's still the same pure child.

Giovanni was sad...

Because time has changed him.

He's not the same father.

It's true that Team Rocket was the organization he created to find his son.

But the men of Team Rocket were not the tools Giovanni used to find his son.

Aside from the real bad guys, Team Rocket was full of poor guys who had no way out and had to become bad guys.

They worshipped Giovanni, they followed him, even if Giovanni's goal was to find his son, they supported him and followed him unconditionally.

Giovanni could not abandon them...

even if he had found his son.

Being the leader of Team Rocket has exposed Silver to a lot of criticism and harassment from search officers and Interpol.

But being the head of Team Rocket is also Giovanni's responsibility to the countless members of Team Rocket who supported him in his quest to find Silver.

He was caught between a rock and a hard place...

In the end, Giovanni went to jail.

Silver wouldn't see him.

The Rockettes couldn't see him either.

Giovanni lost the two things he cared about, everything.

"That's the kind of ending that suits a guy like me..."

Giovanni smiled bitterly as he stared at the white ceiling.

He was saddened by this, but had no complaints.

If you've done something bad, you have to be punished - Giovanni understood that very well.

So, his punishment came.

"Is this retribution...?"

Yes, isn't it?

Heroes don't care about their deeds, and neither do villains.

His heart was to find his son, but Team Rocket had been in business for years, committing crimes, doing terrible things.

Giovanni doesn't sugarcoat his crimes.

He knows he's an evil man.

And that's why he should be punished.


While Giovanni was torturing himself with a bitter smile on his face, the voice of a teenager, so familiar that it was carved into his soul, entered his ears.


At that instant, Giovanni's eyes widened.

His mind was paralyzed for a moment, blank, unable to think of anything.

Then, as if his strength had been drained from his body, he raised his head with movements as stiff as rusty machinery.

Giovanni saw that the door to his hospital room had been pushed open at some point, and a young man in black with red hair stood there with a coy look on his face.


Giovanni broke the silence by tentatively calling out the boy's name.

Silver looked at Giovanni with complicated eyes.

Giovanni was a mess.

The bandages wrapped all over his body were very new, obviously changed several times, in the past, the face that was not always full of confidence and pride was now also full of distress and vicissitudes, obviously after a fiasco and countless mental torture, the appearance of the woeful.


Silver secretly sighed.

His line of sight moved to Giovanni's head, that a head of black hair between the inches, do not know when there have been a few Silver white.

The man was still getting old.

"Silver, you're here?"

On top of the hospital bed, Giovanni tried to pull out a smile towards Silver.

But, fearing that Silver would hate him, he immediately withdrew his smile.

His expression was quite comical because of that.

Silver, on the other hand, tried to put on a smile and said, "Yes, I'm here..."



Outside the hospital room, Aisha and Gold stood in the hallway.

The two men were each leaning against a wall, facing each other.

Silver entered the hospital room, and the two of them waited outside.

Instructor Ai wasn't interested in the father-son relationship, and Gold didn't try to eavesdrop on the conversation.

They didn't know each other well, so the atmosphere outside the room was much more awkward than inside.


'The smell of disinfectant is really pungent...'

In Instructor Ai's arms, Ralts covered its little nose and showed a somewhat complaining expression.

For a child who hadn't been born for a long time, the pungent odor that filled the hospital was still too irritating.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think this through."

Aisha apologized as he stroked Ralts' little head.

After that, Ralts went into the Poké ball.


'I'm sure it's better to stay inside the Poké ball...'

Hearing Ralts' voice, Instructor Ai revealed a helpless smile.

That said, the environment inside the Poké ball was the type of environment that Pokémon generally liked, and only a very small number of Pokémon didn't want to stay inside the Poké ball.

For example, Ash's Pikachu, and Meowth from the Team Rocket trio.

"Instructor Ai, that Ralts of yours, does it look like it hasn't been hatched for long?" After standing by and watching Instructor Ai and Ralts interact, Gold, who was embarrassed to be a light bulb, found a chance to chat and took the initiative to ask.

"Uh, yes."

Aisha flashed a friendly smile at Gold and said, "It hasn't even been a month since this baby hatched, and I hatched it myself."

"It's quite an accomplishment, isn't it?"

Gold smiled and came up, looking like he knew his way around.

He stood beside Aisha and said, "Hatching a Pokémon out of an egg with my own hands, and seeing how cute and petite they looked when they first broke out of their shells... I don't know about others, but if it were me, I'd be very happy!"

"You're right, I feel the same way."

Her slender fingers rubbed Ralts' Poké ball, Instructor Ai's tone was also filled with emotion, saying: "Carefully maintaining the Pokémon egg, worrying about whether it would be affected no matter where I went when I went out, thinking of this egg first when I had something good, and then... It's a great sense of fulfillment to take care of it until the day the newborn Pokémon breaks out of its shell."

"You know what I'm talking about!"

Gold looked at Instructor Ai as if he had found a kindred spirit, and his eyes were filled with recognition.

"It hasn't even been a month since your Ralts were born, but it looks like it should already have the ability to fight, I think it's developing very well." Gold put his hands around his chest and said: "Instructor Ai, you are also a senior egg-hatching master, as well as a master hatcher!"

"I don't dare to be a master hatcher."

Aisha waved his hand and said, "However, this is the first time I've hatched eggs with my own hands."


Gold was surprised.

"That's a lie, isn't it?"

"It's obviously the first time I've hatched an egg, but the Pokémon that came out of it had so much spirit... You know, newborn Pokémon spend most of the day sleeping due to mental problems, but this Ralts obviously doesn't have such a situation, so it's obviously due to the fact that it was hatched well and received too much care when it was still inside the egg." Gold spoke out a large string of specialized knowledge, looking at Instructor Ai with a face of disbelief, his tone trembling, saying, "Instructor Ai, could you be a genius at hatching eggs?"

"Uh... maybe I've been doing too much prep work."

Referring to the eggs that hatch from boxes of eggs while playing the game.


Aisha shook his head with an expression of helplessness and said, "As long as a trainer who has affection for Pokémon can do something like carefully maintaining Pokémon eggs, right?"


Gold nodded, a bit emotional, and said, "Affection is everything."

"Not bad for a 'Hatcher'."

"Hah!" Gold laughed out loud.

He crossed his arms, and his nose turned up like Pinocchio.

Finally, someone complimented him on his title!

As a 'Hatcher', Gold's position as a Pokédex holder was actually a bit awkward.

The first holders of the head are 'Fighter' Red, 'Breeder' Blue, and 'Evolver' Green.

Each one of them was so powerful that the titles were quite impressive.

Then, in Gold's term, there was also the Crystal as the 'Catcher'.

Gold's status as a 'Hatcher' dropped dramatically.

When people talk about Red and Blue, they boast about the invincibility of the 'Fighter' and the fact that the 'Breeder' are able to pull out a large army with their hands.

When Gold is mentioned, people just say, "Oh, that little egg hatching rogue, he's really something when it comes to hatching eggs."

It's a compliment, but it's not even close!

Although Silver's 'Exchanger' wasn't much use, Silver didn't care about titles and popularity.

That's why, in the end, Gold was the only one who sulked...

Today, Gold was thrilled to meet a big shot who recognized the value of his 'Hatcher' title.

"Aye, nowadays trainers, one by two are all thinking of accepting powerful Pokémon, they don't know that the empty powerful strength is just a castle in the air, only the Pokémon hatched from the egg, all the way to cultivate up, that kind of power is the real power."


Gold was happy to hook up with Instructor Ai.

"Instructor Ai, you're one of the few trainers who understand the importance of hatching eggs." The more Gold looked at Instructor Ao, the better he looked at him.

This young man about the same age as himself had not only done Silver a favor, but had also recognized the significance of his 'Hatcher'.

What a good judge of character!

No wonder Red, Blue, and Green like him so much.

There's a reason for that!

"Instructor Ai, if you have any eggs to hatch in the future, don't forget to call me!" Gold patted his chest and said, "I'll take care of it all, no charge!"

"No, no..."

Instructor Ai waved his hand, politely refusing Gold's generosity.

The character of a Pokémon hatched will indeed be inherited from the trainer who hatched it.

Instructor Ai's own Ralts were the same as Instructor Ai's in terms of their delicate minds and belligerence.

Gold's Togepi was a second-generation gambler who played cards and balls from birth.

Instructor Ai doesn't want his children to become like that...

"I still like to breed my own Pokémon, even when they're still in the egg, I have to do it myself."

"That's great, with a trainer like you, your Pokémon must be very happy, right?" Gold's face was filled with emotion, and in his heart, Instructor Ai's favoritism rose again.

"Come on, Instructor Ai."

Gold took out his cell phone, said: "Add a Line, we are considered friends from now on, if you are short of people when you are playing live battles, you can also take me to play."

"Young Master Gold is a god of online battles, I don't lack any of the skills you need for your tactics instructional videos!"

Gold gave a thumbs up.

"Yes, Gold also said that he was 50-50 with Blue, so he is indeed a great god."

At this time, the door of the hospital room opened, and Silver walked out while revealing Gold's old background.

"Hey, you kid, how to talk nonsense?"

"What do you mean, you said it yourself?"

Gold was furious, and Silver choked him back, but he didn't say anything.

Instructor Ai smiled but did not say anything.

He knew that Gold was a character who liked to pretend.

However, he was not a bad person, but rather, he was very affectionate, cheerful, and undoubtedly a very suitable type of friend.

"Are you done talking?"

After adding Gold's Line, Aisha looked at Silver.


Silver nodded, his eyes a little red, obviously he had been crying.

However, his mood had stabilized a lot, and there was a smile at the corner of his eyes, which was also proof that his heart was untied.

Instructor Ai sighed in his heart.

This kid is really suffering... He's had a rough life.

It's good to talk to Giovanni today.

"Instructor Ai."

Silver called Aisha softly.

Aisha looked at him and said: "What is it?"

"Father, he..."

Silver used the name.

"Wants to see you."

"Uh, I see."

Aisha crossed over to Silver, pushed open the door to the hospital room, and entered.

Inside the room, Giovanni looked at him as he pushed through the door, his eyes filled with complexity.

"You're the one who talked Silver into meeting me, aren't you?"


Aisha nodded.

"Why?" Giovanni's face showed a curious expression, he stared at Aisha, his sharp eyesight as if he wanted to see through the teenager's heart, said: "I'm really curious, me and you are obviously just enemies, hating each other to death, why would you help me like this?"

"Help you?"

Aisha snorted.

He looked at Giovanni, the corner of his mouth hooked up a mocking arc, said: "Don't be mistaken, Mr. Giovanni, I'm not helping you!"

"I'm just helping Silver."

"..." Giovanni fell silent.

Aisha was relentless in his output, saying, "You don't know how distressed Silver was when he heard about your idea to meet him."

"He even went so far as to ask me to help him... So, I suggested that he meet you."

"After all, even if you're a criminal, you're still his father after all." Aisha shook his head.

"...Then thank you very much."

Giovanni deflated and sat down on the bed in silence.

Aisha, on the other hand, paced to the window and glanced at the hospital's ledge.

Well, there were barred windows.

It was a hospital, but it was also a prison.

"So, Mr. Giovanni, what do you think?"

"What?" Giovanni looked at Aisha in disbelief and said, "What idea?"

"Do you want to live in prison as a criminal, so that Silver can have an evil father for the rest of his life?"

Giovanni understood what Aisha meant.

However, after a long silence, he still painfully responded to Aisha's words and said, "...I can't give up Team Rocket."


"Those people followed me because they trusted me, even when they knew that my wish and purpose was to search for Silver, they never objected and helped me until today... Therefore, I can't abandon these soldiers who have been with me for so long just because my wish has been fulfilled."

"I see..."

Aisha looked at Giovanni with complicated eyes.

Now, he understood.

Why did the people of Team Rocket have an almost obsessive admiration for Giovanni?

Because Giovanni was really a responsible and good leader.

"You know, Instructor Ai."

Giovanni sighed and said, "There aren't many real criminals in Team Rocket, and those who join Team Rocket are more likely to be desperate for a bite to eat."

"Because we at Team Rocket give out Pokémon to our pawns, some people who don't have a solid family background to make themselves trainers also join Team Rocket with the almost childish idea of 'realizing their dreams'."

"But... You did poach." Aisha spread her hands.


Giovanni sighed, and said, "So, I'm not going to break out of prison."

"It's the price I should pay for being the leader of Team Rocket, for being Silver's father."

"Perhaps there is another way out for you." Aisha gave Giovanni a knowing smile.


Giovanni frowned.

He had a feeling that Aisha didn't come to him today just to do Silver a favor.

This teenager should have something else in mind.

"Silver and Team Rocket are things you can't leave behind, but... Silver obviously won't accept the current Team Rocket, the evil Team Rocket doesn't have the qualifications to let him accept it."

"Silver is a cynical teenager." Aisha leaned against the window, looking out, tapping his fingers on the sill.

"Evil Team Rocket and him have a position, an absolute clash of views."

"So, what do you think?" Giovanni asked Aisha.

He was really curious about the answer that the teenager gave him.

"It's simple."

Aisha turned to Giovanni and said, "Change Team Rocket."


"Make the 'evil' Team Rocket into the 'good' Team Rocket... Since the purpose is to get Silver to accept Team Rocket, changing the organization's position is the most important thing, if we make Team Rocket's image in the public's heart change from a vicious villain to a synonym for righteousness, will Silver still be unwilling to accept it?"

"An evil organization, turned into a good organization..." Giovanni stared at Aisha and said, "Instructor Ai, are you talking in your sleep?"

"Am I talking in my sleep, or do you not dare to think about it?"

Aisha helplessly rubbed his forehead, said: "Just now, you also said it?"

"Within Team Rocket, there aren't too many truly vicious people, more people, in fact, are still people who joined Team Rocket in order to make a living, these people actually don't have any lofty ambitions of being bad guys, even if your purpose is to find your son, they're still willing to help you, to follow you." He looked at Giovanni with a smile on his face, and said: "If you, the leader, chose to abandon the dark side, then, it is logical that these people will also follow you, isn't it?"

"Or does our Lord Giovanni have doubts about his charisma?"

Giovanni stared, then burst out laughing.

He was on the verge of tears.

After stopping his laughter, he looked at Aisha with amused eyes and said, "Worthy of being a person favored by Legendary Pokémon, Instructor Ai, you really surprised me."

"You're the first person to say such words to me."

"It can't be helped." Aisha sighed and said, "I have to admit, you're really good... Not to mention how crazy the remnants of Team Rocket will become after you go to jail. After Kanto and Johto's dark world vacate the top position, the countless sub-levels that have been suppressed by Team Rocket will organization, in order to carve up the Rockets' whales, what kind of trouble will it cause, it really gives me a headache just thinking about it."

"I'm not interested in chasing fame and fortune in the underground world, but..."

Aisha aggravated the tone, expression also become serious, said: "I am just as unwilling to see, those full of sense of justice of the search officers and Interpol, because of these boring reasons and risk their lives, against these outlaws, they still have their own thing to do, should not be injured or sacrificed."

"Their families should not have to suffer the loss of their loved ones... Behind the countless heroes who have died fighting evil are countless broken families."

Giovanni gave Aisha a deep look.

"Your sense of justice is no less than Lance's, Instructor Ai."

"I'm just doing what I want to do." Aisha shook his head.

"Your Team Rocket has a lot of legitimate financial resources to work with, in addition to crime."

"At the same time, with the armed forces of the Rockets can also in turn deal with those small criminal organizations, as well as in the name of the Rockets outside the evil clowns, this is a serious for the people to do good things, for the Rockets of the change in public opinion is also a huge help." Aisha for Giovanni out of attention, finally, the topic is to shift to Silver.

"When Team Rocket has gone from being a criminal organization that poaches for money to a reputable organization that uses legal means to grow, Silver won't have a reason to refuse to go home anymore, will he?"

Giovanni, after listening quietly, said, "I, indeed, thought so..."

"If that's the case, why don't you do it?"

"Because, there were a lot of stubborn guys in the previous Team Rocket, and those guys weren't easy to deal with... Of course, it doesn't matter now, because those guys are topped by Proton and Carr." Giovanni smiled and looked at Aisha, saying, "Now, their umbrella is gone."

Aisha's expression turned very strange.

I'm fighting against evil, but I'm also helping you to get rid of dissidents?

Then why did you rush to create Second Generation Mewtwo against me?

Why don't you let me get a little more credit for your nastiness?

"Now, we could make a new Team Rocket, Mr. Giovanni."


"Lead those who are still good by nature, those who are willing to follow you for a change." Aisha smiled, and said, "Start a new Team Rocket, a new Team Rocket free of evil and crime, accepted by the people and the League, a new Team Rocket that your son can say his name with pride... Wouldn't that be nice?"

"You are an excellent lobbyist, Instructor Ai." Giovanni laughed out after Aisha, saying, "Your proposal is very tempting, I agree."

Aisha's words went to his heart.

Giovanni had the idea of starting a new organization.

But, at the time, he was thinking of joining up with other large organizations in the area and merging them into one giant criminal organization.

Team Magma, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, etc... These organizations are as ambitious as they are powerful, and Giovanni is looking for them.

Giovanni is also confident that he will be able to take the lead in the organization with his own strength.

Now, these guys shouldn't matter to Giovanni.

Getting his son to accept the Rockets is the most important thing to Giovanni.

So... Aisha's offer was the best way to go - of course, it was also because Aisha showed his strength and brought Silver's problems with him, if not, Giovanni, as the leader of Team Rocket, wouldn't have accepted the offer from a stranger anyway.

"You agree?"

"Yes, I agree."

Giovanni looked out of the window as he met Aisha's somewhat surprised gaze.

At some point, the dark clouds in the sky had cleared.

Instead of rain, it was sunny.

After the rain had cleared, a rainbow bridge was built over the sky, which was as clean as if it had been washed.

The seven-colored light, brilliant and stunning, beautiful and touching.

"Instructor Ai."

"I'm here."

"You said..." Giovanni's eyes reflected the rainbow in the sky.

"Does the name Rainbow Rocketry sound like a righteous organization?"

"Rainbow, that's a beautiful symbol." Aisha laughed along with him and said, "Mr. Giovanni, you have really good taste in names."

Instructor Ai's smile was a bit complicated.

He didn't realize that the Rainbow Rocket team, as horrible as it was in the original game, would be created in such a way... The format was changed.

He even took credit for it.

He has mixed feelings.

"By the way, Instructor Ai, I have a question." Giovanni looked at Aisha as if he remembered something.

"You ask."

"Well... I've thought about uniting large organizations from other regions, so I've been in contact with their leaders." Giovanni paused, and said, "However, almost half a year ago, I lost contact with the leaders of Team Magma and Team Aqua, and these two organizations were destroyed by the Hoenn League not long after, do you have any clue about this?"

"Oh, yes!"

Instructor Ai had a look of "You're asking the right person".

"You mean Maxie and Archie, right?"


"I took care of them!"


Giovanni's eyes popped.

You know, if I hadn't taken you up on your offer to transform Team Rocket today, would you have taken me out along with Team Rocket?