Arrive at Kalos, Caitlin's Friendship

"A metropolis of technology and art in the center of the Kalos region... The City of Light is Lumiose City."

Aisha was holding a magazine in the first class cabin of a luxury jet, reading the magazine's description of Kalos region's Lumiose City.

"It seems that Lumiose City's position in Kalos is the same as Saffron City's position in Kanto and Goldenrod City's position in Johto."

"That's right."

Next to him, Professor Oak who was looking at the newspaper also put down his teacup, smilingly picked up Aisha's words, and said, "Last time I went to Lumiose City, I was even mesmerized by the construction there, and even got lost for a little while before I found the place where I was talking about my work."


Aisha gave a helpless smile.

He was familiar with getting lost in Lumiose City.

Along with the development of time and technology, Pokémon games gradually changed from pixel style to 3D style, and "Pokémon: X/Y" was the first 3D style game in the series.

At that time, Instructor Ai didn't feel anything special in the initial town.

However, once he arrived in Lumiose City, he was the one who entered the Grand View Garden and was mesmerized by the true metropolis of Lumiose City.

The city was ridiculously large, the roads were very winding, and there were countless buildings to interact with, so if he wasn't careful, he would get lost...

This is unprecedented, and even Castelia City is no match for Lumiose City in terms of "winding" and "getting lost".

And as a metropolis is a metropolis...

"If I'm not mistaken, Lumiose City is the most populous city in Kalos region."

"That's right."

After thinking for a while, Professor Oak said: "Because of its large population and the fact that Clemont, the Electric-type Gym Leader who is good at inventions, is stationed in the city, Lumiose City, which is famous for its Prism Tower and Lumiose Gym, is also a tourist attraction. A city with developed industries..."

"Tourism is the main economic pillar of Lumiose City, and in addition to the Prism Tower and Lumiose Gym, there are many cafes, restaurants, and various small business stores in the city... oh loto~"

Rotom phone flew out from Instructor Ai's bag, and picked up Professor Oak's words, and introduced the local customs and scenic spots of Lumiose City to Instructor Ai like a responsible tour guide, saying: "Lumiose City is simply a perfect high-end city that has developed all the low-end in the city. Its central square, north-south streets, and four spring, summer, autumn and winter avenues each have their own advantages, and each has its own outstanding Internet celebrities. If you are interested, Instructor Ai, we can lead you all the way around loto~"

"You're too excited."

Aisha laughed and shook his head, complaining about Rotom Phone's excitement.

Rotom Phone was excitedly circling around Instructor Ai.

The translucent lightning-like objects on both sides of its body flashed brightly, a proof of Rotom Phone's happiness.

"Well, after all... when I was studying at Rotom phone academy, my major course of study was traveling, in addition to fighting."

"Lumiose City is a world-famous tourist destination, and I've already listened to countless lectures on the city's customs and places to visit, so it's really great." Rotom phone's voice is a little bit expectant, said: "I haven't followed the Instructor Ai travel, is especially want to travel there, I didn't realize that this seminar just happened to be held in Lumiose City ~ great loto!"


Instructor Ai smiled with a helpless face.

"Then~ after we settle the matter of seminar, let's take some time to go around Lumiose City and have some fun."

"Yes~ long live Instructor Ai loto!"

Rotom phone was overjoyed on the spot.

After leaving a message that said "I'll start planning a trip now, loto", it went back into Aisha's bag and started messing around with it for a while.

Aisha and Professor Oak smiled at each other.

Professor Oak happily watched his interaction with the Rotom phone.

"You're very gentle with your Pokémon."

"Rotom is usually so busy with me, it wants to play, so it's not a big deal to play with it." Aisha shook his head.

Indeed, Rotom Phone is the full-time nanny of his team.

I rely on it when I go out, without it, I don't know how many more things I would need to use my brain and effort to do.

Even when I'm at home, Rotom phone is also my assistant.

It takes care of all the jobs that other Pokémon can't do, such as editing videos, checking information, and so on.

The help Rotom phone provides to me is much more than just a half a star.

When it's time to get busy, Rotom phone can do it all.

When it's time to play, Instructor Ai won't let Rotom phone have all the fun!

"I'm kind of in the mood to play myself."

Leaning on the soft back of the chair, Instructor Ai laughed and said: "Some time ago, in order to challenge Blue, I and everyone else were tired for a month without sleep, this time it's not easy to have an opportunity to travel at public expense, how can we not have a serious dash?"

"That's true."

Professor Oak smiled and agreed with Aisha's words.

Yes, this trip was actually reimbursed by someone.

Professor Oak was the undisputed leader of the scientific community, and Aisha was the rising star of the research community.

With these two together, there's no way Seminar officials won't take it seriously.

Including first class on this luxury jet, Professor Oak and Aisha were promised reimbursement for all expenses incurred after their arrival in Lumiose City.

Well... Aisha's not going to take it lying down!

"Have fun for a while, go back to the Indigo Plateau Conference and win a championship, and return to Dayan in style." Professor Oak looked at Aisha with a smile in his eyes, and said: "Sure enough, this world is still a young man's world, and I'm an old man who can't play anymore~"

"Professor don't say that."

Hearing Professor Oak's self-deprecation, Aisha was also dumbfounded and said, "Who doesn't know how powerful Professor Oak was when he was young, the gold content of the first generation Kanto Champion."


Old things are brought up again, Professor Oak that is full of vicissitudes of life above the face is also showed a touch of helpless expression.

He sighed, eyes inside flashed some unknown emotions, like remembering the past, silent for a moment.

After a long time, Professor Oak revealed a helpless bitter smile and said, "What's the point of talking about these things now?"

"It's over, everything is over... Now I'm just a bad old man who only knows how to do research~"

Aisha didn't say anything and looked out the window.

It was at this moment that he realized that there was a psychic power fluctuation in the sky outside the window that was not easy to detect.


Aisha revealed a smile that was not easy to distinguish.

It was a gloating smile.

As expected, when the being outside sensed Aisha's expression, its psychic energy fluctuation became much more unsettled.

Mewtwo Y appeared and showed a grudging expression towards Aisha.

Aisha was silent and gave it a "Go for it" gesture.

After that, Mewtwo Y sighed audibly and re-hid itself.


Instructor Ai comfortably reclined on the chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, Aisha's main purpose of traveling to Seminar was to meet Professor Augustine Sycamore, to see if he could get some information about Mega Evolution from him.

This is for Mewtwo Y.

So Mewtwo Y came along.

But it couldn't get on the plane, so it flew along with it.

That's why Mewtwo Y, who was flying by itself, was so upset when he saw Instructor Ai enjoying his life in the first class cabin of the airplane.


"Lumiose City will be arriving soon, please prepare in advance."

About ten hours later, after Instructor Ai and Professor Oak had slept, the announcer's sweet voice rang out.

Ready "Uh..."

Aisha closed the guidebook, yawned, and moved his stiff body.

Over there, Professor Oak was also packing up his luggage - actually, there was only a suitcase containing the documents of the reports he had written during this period of time, as well as his own computer.

The supplies... the official seminar hotel will have them all.

So there was no need to bring them.

That's why Aisha was empty-handed.

He wasn't here to present his new research.

He was just here to make friends and join in the fun, so he was happy to bring nothing with him to save him the trouble of having to carry things back and forth.

"Professor, let me help you."

"Thanks Ai-chan."

However, adhering to the Dayan region's traditional virtue of honoring the elderly and loving the young, Instructor Ai still helped Professor Oak carry his computer.

The two of them took their belongings and left for the airplane.

Miare Airport is the largest airport in Kalos.

Hundreds of contributing and accomplished researchers from all areas of the research community were invited to participate in the Lumiose City seminar.

Most of them wore their trademark white coats, which made it obvious that they were researchers.

However, there were a few outliers.

Cynthia, for example, is dashingly beautiful in a black trench coat.

Her blonde waterfall hair was casually slung over her back, bangs covering her left eye, slim pants framing her tall figure, and sharp high heels emphasizing the Sinnoh champion's aura.

As well as followed by her side, changed into an elegant princess dress, a head of golden sand like brilliant blonde hair like a bushel separated Caitlin.

She was very different from when she was alone with Cynthia.

Instead of a childish expression on her face, the young lady had an elegant and sensual smile.

She had a smile that was mesmerizing and charming.

"That must be the champion of the Sinnoh League, right?"

"Yes, I've heard she's a scholar of ancient languages and an archaeologist in her own right, so it seems she's been invited to the seminar... But who's the one beside her?"

"Idiot, you've really messed up your brain by doing research, the lady next to you is clearly the Unova League's Psychic Elite Four!"

"Oh, oh, oh, this is the owner of Battle Castle, isn't it?"

Once Caitlin's identity was mentioned, the people around her were in awe.

Together with Cynthia by her side, for a moment, the eyes of all the researchers were filled with respect as they looked at these two.

Powerful people were always respected, no matter where they went.


Caitlin was a little nervous.

Sensing the stares from all directions, she clenched her delicate hands a bit uneasily.

Cynthia sensed that Caitlin's mood was not quite right and looked down, giving her a concerned smile, saying, "How was it?"

"Are you feeling sick or uncomfortable?"

"No, no..."

Caitlin mumbled her response like a kitten.

She noticed the lines of sight that the surrounding researchers were casting towards her, however, with her psychic ability and sharp senses, she could also tell that there was no hostility in these lines of sight, but only a series of positive emotions such as admiration, adoration, and respect from these researchers towards her.

"So, how does it feel?"

Cynthia asked after reading Caitlin's reaction.

Caitlin took a deep breath, and after feeling that her emotions and psychic energy were not fluctuating excessively, she tried to show a smile.

"It feels, well..."

"Uh-huh." Cynthia nodded.

"That's a good start."

"Uh-huh." Caitlin nodded back, very nicely.

"Yay, Cynthia and Caitlin, long time no see!"

At this time, a cheerful female voice came over.

Cynthia and Caitlin looked over and realized that it was Aurea Juniper, the professor of Unova.

This female professor with a chic haircut, wearing a white lab coat, walked towards the two of them with great strides.

"Professor Juniper, long time no see."

Cynthia smiled politely at the female professor and they shook hands.

After that, Professor Juniper looked at Caitlin beside Cynthia with surprise and said, "I didn't expect that Caitlin would also come."

"This seminar has a Champion and an Elite, the organizers are afraid that their mouths are going to be crooked."

Professor Juniper was very talkative, and her jokes came out of her mouth, causing Cynthia and Caitlin to laugh.

"Professor Juniper is really joking."

Caitlin smiled and covered her mouth, said: "In the end, seminar is still a place for researchers to communicate, people are rubbing Cynthia's face to have the opportunity to participate in such a high-end party, how can it be that people's arrival to make the organizers happy, compared to the presence of senior researchers such as Professor Juniper and Professor Rowan, would make everyone happier, wouldn't they?"

"Speaking of which . Professor Rowan seems to have arrived."

Professor Juniper wisely changed the subject.

"Professor Rowan?"

Hearing the name of this professor who was also her teacher and friend, Cynthia also reacted and said, "I didn't see him."

"I saw Professor Rowan under the airplane over there, and I said hello to him at that moment. If Professor Rowan didn't come to look for you, he probably went to the lodging place first." Professor Juniper spread his hands and said, "As you know, Professor Rowan is always like this, he always focuses on maximizing efficiency in everything he does, he probably thought that he would meet up with you at the seminar anyway, so there is no need to wait for him at the airport at this moment."

"That's so Professor Rowan."

Cynthia laughed.

The image of that serious old man appeared in her mind .

"Professor Rowan..."

Caitlin repeated Professor Rowan's name with a bitter face.

"Almost forgot." Cynthia shook her head, and said, "Caitlin was afraid of Professor Rowan."

"Hey, Cynthia... Stop it!"

Caitlin grabbed Cynthia's arm in shame.

Cynthia and Professor Juniper were laughing even harder.

Professor Rowan gave Cynthia and Caitlin the opposite impression.

Cynthia remembered Professor Rowan as a serious, but not rigid, scholar, very knowledgeable and generous, with a bit of a tough attitude, but if he was the type who was genuinely interested in learning, Professor Rowan's attitude wouldn't be so bad all the time.

Cynthia was once helped by Professor Rowan when she traveled around the Sinnoh region and examined the ruins.

She was also favored by Professor Rowan for her dedication to learning, and the two of them became friends over the years.

However, the serious Professor Rowan gave Caitlin a less favorable impression...

Although Professor Rowan is not a strict person, but when he meets an immature kid like Caitlin, he can't help but give her a lecture.

Caitlin doesn't like lectures.

But it had to be said that Professor Rowan's lectures made sense, not just annoying mumbling.

Caitlin couldn't afford to lose her temper... After that lecture, Caitlin learned a lot, but it left a lasting legacy.

Since then, she's been terrified of Professor Rowan's seriousness.

"Professor Juniper is better..."

Caitlin muttered in a low voice.

Professor Juniper, being a younger person, naturally had more in common with Caitlin, and it was much easier to communicate with her.

In response, Professor Juniper tilted her head in a favorable manner.

Who could resist a compliment from such a cute kitten?

"So... If you two aren't waiting for Professor Rowan, why aren't you leaving?" Professor Juniper looked at Cynthia and Caitlin with a bit of confusion, saying, "Who are you two waiting for?"


Hearing this question, Caitlin gave a very arrogant snort and turned her face away.

She didn't want to talk about Cynthia's love brain.

She hadn't even gotten to the bottom of it yet, but now she was so passionate...

She's even waiting with her.

Doesn't she know she's been abused twice by that guy?

That's too much!

"Ah, waiting for a friend?"


Hearing Cynthia's words, Professor Juniper looked over at the plane that was departing the passengers with a bit of suspicion.

What kind of person would make the Sinnoh Champion wait here?

Professor Juniper's spirit of gossip was burning!

Soon, there was a gasp from the crowd.

The researchers also looked over, and all of them showed expressions of surprise.

The old man with white hair and a white coat carrying a suitcase was obviously Professor Oak from Pallet Town in the Kanto region!

A leading researcher.

On the other hand, when Cynthia saw the young man who was following Professor Oak, she finally revealed a happy smile that she had never seen before.

"That man..." Professor Juniper narrowed his eyes and looked at Aisha, who was carrying the computer for Professor Oak, and revealed a somewhat surprised expression, saying, "Is this the researcher who published the concept of 'Beauty Degree', Aisha?"

It wasn't just Professor Juniper.

Many of the surrounding researchers were also surprised when they saw Aisha arrive with Professor Oak.

The young boy could not hide his elegant and easy-going scholarly demeanor.

In addition to that, there was also a sharp aura on his body... This is an aura that only someone with absolute confidence in himself can possess.

"What a young researcher. Could this be Professor Oak's assistant?"

"This seems to be the scholar who researched the evolutionary method of Milotic, what a talent."

"Doesn't look familiar... Hey, with that kind of talent, and with Professor Oak's team, it looks like another rising star."

Looking at Aisha, the surrounding researchers couldn't help but start a discussion.

The fact that he was invited to participate in the seminar this year was an indication of his ability.

There was no one here who would gossip about him.

After realizing that Aisha really has real talent, and considering his age, everyone looked at him a little bit more favorably.

"Nice to meet you, Professor Oak."

"It's been a long time, Aurea. How's your father doing?"

Professor Oak shook hands with Professor Juniper, and the two of them began to talk about family matters.

"Yes, you know my father, he's very stubborn, he doesn't care about anything else until he finishes his mission." Professor Juniper shook his head and said, "No, I'm the only one who came to this seminar, he didn't."

"Ha ha ha."

Professor Oak laughed, said: "It's not a bad thing, in the end, it's a good thing that our scientific researchers here have such a character."

"You're right."

Over there, Cynthia also walked up to Aisha.

Cynthia's gaze was soft, and her eyes were filled with longing and nostalgia when she looked at Aisha.

When their eyes met, Cynthia smiled and said, "It's been a long time."

"It's been a long time."

Aisha smiled, a little emotional.

After the two of them parted ways in Lavender Town, he had experienced a lot of stories.

Eindoak Town, New Island.

It's been a long time.

Come to think of it, the trip to Cameran Palace was the one that stuck with Instructor Ai the most.

On that trip, Instructor Ai met Cynthia, encountered Mew, and obtained the Discovery Slate that controls the Three Legendary Pillars...

Together with Rayquaza, he saved the Tree of Beginning and saved Lucario's life.

Aisha and Cynthia's bond was formed without their realizing it, so much so that they stayed together for a while after their trip to the Cameran Palace.

Celadon City, where Cynthia watched Instructor Ai challenge Erika at Celadon Gym.

Lavender Town, where they dismantled a Team Rocket plot and arrested Proton...

Afterwards, although they parted ways, Cynthia gave Aisha a promise to see her again.

And now, she's honored that promise.

The two of them meet again...

"Welcome to the Kalos region." Cynthia blushed a little, but put on the look of a big sister and guide.

"Although, I'm not familiar with the Lumiose City area, but if Instructor Ai wants to go somewhere, you can ask me to come along~"


Aisha smiled and nodded, saying, "It's just as well, this time, apart from the seminar, I also want to bring the Pokémon to have some serious fun in Lumiose City, and with you as a traveling companion, the fun of the trip will surely be much more colorful."

Caitlin :"..."

Watching these two people chatting so familiarly, the expressionless Caitlin's heart was full of displeasure.

This kind of... only herself is ignored, it's a terrible feeling!

And why is Cynthia so close to this guy?

How long have you two known each other?

I was here first...

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you!"

Caitlin was mentally playing with the white album when Cynthia's hand rested on her shoulder.

"This is my good friend, Caitlin."

Then, Cynthia looked at Caitlin and said, "Caitlin, this is Instructor Ai, Aisha, who I always tell you about."


Aisha didn't react in any particular way, he treated Caitlin as he had done countless times before when meeting new people, plainly and politely.


Caitlin, on the other hand, was uncomfortable.

They shook hands, and there was a quick parting of the ways.

Aisha and Cynthia were talking about Kalos and Lumiose City.

Caitlin, on the other hand, was a little distracted.

For no other reason than that she had detected an aura of psychic power fluctuations in Aisha's body during the handshake.


Caitlin peeked at Aisha.

So this guy is a psychic too...

Her favoritism towards Instructor Ai has increased.

Since we're both psychics, it's not impossible to forgive you for your previous online offense...

Psychics are a group of people who are very much in the same boat.

Since almost all of them have been discriminated against because of their own specialties, psychics maintain a good relationship with each other.


Caitlin gave Aisha another look.

She always felt that this person's psychic power attainment was a bit strange.

Not too high, not too low, but something special.

What is it?


To find out his secret.


Caitlin gave a wicked smile.

If you took Cynthia, it's okay if you pay me something for it, right?


"Hey, Caitlin, wake up!"

While Miss Psychic was enjoying the thought of prying into Instructor Ai's secrets, Cynthia's jade hand waved in front of her eyes.


Caitlin looked back at Cynthia with a confused expression.

Cynthia showed her a helpless smile and said, "You were lost in thought, we should go, don't stay here at the airport."

"If you two stay here for a while, you might cause a traffic jam."

Aisha joked along with Cynthia.

"What?" Caitlin looked around with a blank face, and realized that the researchers who had gathered here had already left, and followed the seminar organizer's car to the hotel they were staying at.

Professor Oak and Professor Juniper had already left first.

They have a paper to present at the seminar, so they have to go to the seminar venue to prepare for the workflow.

Now, only Cynthia, Caitlin, and Aisha were left at the airport.

Some people have already recognized them as the Sinnoh Champion and Unova Elite Four, and a crowd is gathering.

If we wait a little longer, it'll be hard to leave when the real fans arrive.

"It's clear that Instructor Ai has a lot of fans."

Cynthia skillfully caught Aisha's joke and said, "Look, there are quite a few people in the crowd looking at you too."

"I'm just taking advantage of you guys."

"Let's go... Let's go!"

Caitlin, a bit of a sociophobe, couldn't stand the sight of all these people talking about her.

So, in order to prevent her emotions from getting out of control, she hurriedly walked ahead.

Aisha and Cynthia looked at each other, smiled helplessly, and followed the footsteps of this big lady.

After leaving the airport, Aisha followed Cynthia and Caitlin into a limousine.

"Where are we going?"

"My family has a house in Lumiose City." Caitlin sat beside Aisha, ruffled her hair as if she didn't care, and said, "Cynthia and I are going to stay there for a while, and Instructor Ai can rest with us for a few days if he wants to."

"Is... Is that okay?"

"No problem."

Caitlin gave a polite and elegant smile.

She glanced at Cynthia, who was sitting in front of her and driving, and then turned her head to look at Instructor Ai, who was a bit confused, and said, "Cynthia's friends are my friends, besides, it's not like I don't know you all that well, so could it be that Instructor Ai refuses to make me a friend, and therefore refuses to come and stay at my house?"

"Well, of course not."

Aisha shook her head and revealed a polite and grateful smile towards Caitlin, saying, "Then thanks a lot Miss Caitlin."

"Just call me Caitlin."

"Okay, Caitlin."

Hearing that Aisha had obeyed herself and changed her name, Caitlin's mood changed for the better.

Although she didn't know why she was happy because of Aisha's opinion and attitude.

But... This guy, he looks good to me!

Cynthia does have a good eye.

"Instructor Ai is psychic?"

Caitlin asked her most important question.

Aisha was a bit confused, but told the truth.

"Yes, I'm a psychic."

"Hmmm~" Cynthia let out a chuckle.

Her amused gaze locked onto Aisha's body through the rearview mirror.

"Instructor Ai is really a good psychic, so I think you two would have a lot in common."

Hey, don't act like you two are an old married couple!

Caitlin was grumbling in her mind with a pair of dead eyes.

On the surface, she still maintained an elegant young lady's posture.

After carefully feeling Aisha's psychic power fluctuation, suddenly, Caitlin's brows frowned, revealing a somewhat surprised expression.

"It's really surprising..."

Caitlin looked over to Aisha, her slender jade hands resting on her face, and said, "If, I'm not mistaken, Instructor Ai learned psychic later in life, and so became psychic... Right?"

"Psychic after birth?"

Cynthia sounded a little surprised.

Nowadays, everyone knows the power and advantages of a psychic.

However, everyone knows how difficult it is to learn psychic abilities.

Powerful psychics are basically innate psychics.

Learning psychic powers later in life is not only difficult, but the upper limit is also not high... You may not be able to move things with your mind even after a lifetime of learning.

I didn't realize that Aisha was a psychic who learned her powers later in life?


Aisha nodded and said, "I learned my psychic ability from Miss Sabrina, the Gym Leader of Saffron City, and it was Miss Sabrina who discovered my talent for learning psychic ability..."

"Sabrina." repeating the name, Caitlin showed a clear expression and said, "Indeed, Sabrina is a qualified teacher, her psychic attainments are not inferior to mine, with her as a teacher, learning psychic will naturally be twice as effective."

"Of course."

Caitlin looked towards Aisha, with undisguised admiration and appreciation in her eyes, and said: "Even if it's a psychic ability that you learn later in life, you can still become a psychic so quickly, and your psychic ability attainments aren't too low, Instructor Ai is also a psychic with excellent talent."

"I'm embarrassed." Aisha smiled helplessly.

He didn't realize that his identity as a psychic had aroused Caitlin's interest in him.


"You should be proud when you're proud." Caitlin smiled and patted her slender palm, saying, "Instructor Ai's talent is a rarity in my lifetime... If there is anything you are curious about or don't understand about the use of psychic power, feel free to ask me, even Sabrina has areas she is not good at, and I can help you answer those questions that Sabrina can't answer."

"In that case... Thanks."

Aisha accepted Caitlin's kindness with a look of helplessness.

Cynthia was smiling happily in front of her.

She didn't realize that Aisha's identity as a psychic had helped to mature his friendship with Caitlin.

Now Cynthia doesn't have to worry.

Look at this two people climbing look, already do not need to guide them to make friends.

It was just...


Through the rearview mirror of the sedan, Cynthia watched Aisha and Caitlin's conversation gradually change from raw and awkward to natural and harmonious, and always felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It felt like two precious things were moving away from her.


No, what am I thinking?

Cynthia shook her head and focused on driving.

I was the one who introduced Instructor Ai and Caitlin to each other.

She also sincerely wanted Caitlin to befriend Instructor Ai...

At this point, I'm having these strange thoughts.

That's no good!


Steadying herself, Cynthia blasted the gas pedal in the afternoon and the sedan accelerated in the direction of the villa .


Caitlin's villa is a European architectural style, looking very beautiful, like a small castle.

"Inside the house, the housekeeper and the maid have already packed a good place to live in advance, we go in directly." Caitlin got out of the car with a lazy face, and since there were no more people around, she used her psychic ability to make her body float up, and floated towards the gate of the villa.

Cynthia smiled helplessly.

Aisha followed.

The problem of accommodation was nothing.

The villa itself was unused, and Caitlin didn't usually come to the villa, but only used it for times like this.

So in addition to Caitlin who lived in the master bedroom, Aisha and Cynthia each chose a guest room, put down their luggage, and then finished.

"The seminar is tomorrow... So what are we doing today?" Caitlin sat gracefully on a chair on the terrace, looking at Aisha and Cynthia.

"Lumiose City has some great places to hang out." Cynthia made a suggestion, with an excited look on her face, saying, "Why don't we do some shopping?"

At those words, Aisha and Caitlin's eyes jumped at the same time.

Shopping with Cynthia?

This is a very tempting thing.


Shopping means buying, and buying means picking.

And, Cynthia is another patient with severe difficulty in choosing!

This woman can spend an hour in front of an ice cream stand trying to pick out an ice cream flavor!


The sociophobe and physically challenged Caitlin felt dizzy at the thought of being out there with Cynthia for hours.

"I don't want to go out..."

She slumped down onto the table, ignoring Aisha's presence, and showed a weakened look.


Cynthia was shaken.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, capitalized on Caitlin's advantage, riding the wave of victory, saying, "Yeah, besides, there are too many people outside today, and it's hot, so it's really not a good time to go shopping."

"I brought a game console, when the weather is hot, playing games at home in the air conditioning is the best choice."

"Right!" Caitlin praised Instructor Ai's assist.


Cynthia looked disappointed.

However, looking at Aisha and Caitlin's expressions of "Stop shopping, let's play", she had no choice but to give in.




Aisha and Caitlin gave each other a happy high five.

Looking at each other, the two of them saw a touch of sympathy in each other's eyes.

It turns out that you have also been tortured by phobia of choice...

Then we're good friends on the same side now!