Three People Journey? Battle in Lumiose City


The girl's wail resounded in the villa.

Inside the living room, Caitlin was lying on top of the table, her slender hand still holding a handle.

The big screen TV in front of her showed the words "Game over".

Next to him, Instructor Ai was laughing his ass off.

Apparently he beat her.

More than once!

"This game doesn't work!"

Caitlin raised her head and gritted her teeth.

"Change it!"

She pounced on Instructor Ai's cassette case, and after a bit of rummaging, found a new fighting game that tested her reflexes.

Fighting games test muscle memory and the player's proficiency with characters and moves.

Caitlin was confident that as a psychic, she would not lose to anyone in a game that tested her reflexes alone.

Even if Aisha is a psychic!

How can a non-born psychic be better than a born psychic?

"Come on!"

Holding the cassette of the game, Caitlin showed a stubborn expression.

Seeing this, Instructor Ai's desire to win was completely ignited.

"Come on!"

The cassette was inserted into the game console, and a new image appeared on the big screen.

Caitlin and Aisha looked at each other and saw the desire to win in each other's eyes.

Well, this is a good opponent - Caitlin and Aisha thought.

"This time, I won't lose!"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

The beautiful girl and the beautiful boy smiled confidently together.

Then, the game began!


Cynthia sat down on the sofa next to her, looking helplessly at the two of them as they competed in the game, and shook her head with a smile.

She knew that Caitlin had a strong desire to win.

However, she didn't realize that the always mature Instructor Ai had such a childish side... Well, Instructor Ai himself is only eighteen.

"That's really..."

Leaning her slender body against the soft sofa, Cynthia put her hand on her face and gazed at Aisha, who was sitting beside Caitlin, tapping the buttons on the joystick with a smile on his face.

Aisha had always given her the impression that he was very reliable and mature.

When traveling, when fighting, when facing enemies, even if the Pokémon in his hand was not strong, as long as he stood there, he could still give people a sense of absolute security.

It's as if you don't have to be afraid of anything when he's around.

He would take care of everything.

Now, it was refreshing for Cynthia to see the age-appropriate childishness of this beautiful boy in her spare time.

It was nice...


Cynthia let out a comfortable nasal sound and looked out the window.

Today's weather was actually quite nice, not as hot as Aisha and Caitlin had said.

But... If Aisha and Caitlin were willing to play games at home, she wouldn't force the two people she cared about to play with her.

Although, she wasn't really interested in gaming.

However, sitting next to them and watching them play was something that would make Cynthia happy.


Sighing softly, Cynthia rubbed her brow.

I guess it's not so bad if the three of us live like this...


That's not right.

Cynthia shivered, her eyes regaining their clarity.


She shook her head.

What was she thinking?

In any case, it was a strange thought...

No way!

Absolutely not.

"What's wrong?" A gentle voice reached Cynthia's ears.


Cynthia looked up and saw Aisha and Caitlin pausing their game and looking at her blankly.

"Are you feeling sick?"

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Instructor Ai suggested, a little worried, "Anyway, the seminar isn't today, so there's no need to rush."

"No, no."

Cynthia waved her hand, revealing an awkward smile.

"Really?" Caitlin frowned a little suspiciously.

"If you're not feeling well, say so."

Instructor Ai did the same.


Cynthia's heart warmed at their concern.

She smiled and took a blanket, saying, "It might be a bit cold, it's fine, you guys play yourselves."



Aisha and Caitlin could see the difference between Cynthia's and Caitlin's, but if Cynthia didn't want to talk about it, they didn't want to keep asking questions.

So, after Cynthia covered herself with a blanket, Aisha and Caitlin started their game again!

It was an hour long battle.

"Oh, yeah..."

After shutting down the game, Caitlin, who had had a good battle, flopped down on the sofa, and without the elegant and confident Missy demeanor she had at the beginning, she very happily patted Instructor Ai's shoulder next to her, and her words were full of appreciation for his skills.

"Instructor Ai, you're really great, I almost couldn't take it at the end, but you still managed to hold on."

"Caitlin, you're almost as good, your technique is so strong, worthy of being the strongest psychic... The reaction speed is really enviable."

The result of the hour was a 50-50 split.

Instructor Ai had won enough, and Caitlin had saved face.

So they were very happy.

Their relationship had changed from friends who relied on Cynthia's connections to real friends.

As expected... For Pokémon trainers, it's really easy to make friends when people with similar interests meet.


Caitlin stood up, and immediately returned to her elegant young lady self.

She unleashed her psychic power, and her blonde hair, which had been a bit messy after two hours of gaming, was instantly stretched into a stylish look.

Instructor Ai gave her a thumbs up.

"That's convenient, psychic power."

"Hmph~" Caitlin was very pleased with her hands wrapped around her chest, showing a haughty expression, saying, "If you want, I can teach you."

"Thank you very much, Miss Caitlin."

"Hmph~ Instructor Ai's mouth is very sweet!"

Caitlin rubbed her face, feeling a little dizzy.

She didn't know what was wrong... Aisha had an aura about him that made people want to get close to him.

She didn't realize she wanted to be friends with him.

It's weird.


Caitlin took one look at Aisha, and, well, he's a good-looking guy.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to make friends with him.

Well, thankfully, you're allowed to be Miss Caitlin's friend!

"Let's go shopping!"

"Huh?" Cynthia, who had fallen asleep watching them play, asked.

"I thought you didn't want to go out?"

How come two hours of gaming has energized you?


Caitlin was a little embarrassed, and then, with her arms folded in front of her, she said, "The weather was bad, and my psychic power warning told me that if I went out at that time, something bad would happen... Now the weather is good, and the psychic power warning has been lifted, so it's a good time to go shopping!"

Actually, it's just that she's had enough of gaming and wants to go out for a break...

Cynthia also saw Caitlin's little heart and shook her head helplessly.

"Okay, okay."

"Instructor Ai wanna come along?" Caitlin took the initiative to invite Aisha.

Since she's already considered him a friend, it's not young lady's place to snub her friend.

"Then I'd be happy to oblige."

Aisha answered with a smile.

As it happens, he was also interested in wandering around Lumiose City.


Caitlin and Cynthia took out their sunglasses and put them on.

Aisha: "..."


You two are dressed so beautifully, you're the type that gets a lot of attention.

Does wearing sunglasses really help?

"Let's go."



The three of them went out together.

Aisha took out the sightseeing brochure she took on the plane, and Caitlin and Cynthia came over to look at it together.

The three faces almost came together.

After Cynthia and Caitlin reacted, they immediately pulled away from Aisha, their faces slightly red.

Afterwards, the three of them looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"In that case, Instructor Ai will be our guide today."

"Thank you, Instructor Ai."

Caitlin and Cynthia gave Aisha a "It's up to you" look.

Aisha patted her chest and took over the job of guide.


"When it comes to Lumiose City, apart from the five-color plaza, there's the North-South Boulevard and the Four Season Avenue, which are just scenic... One thing you have to try is the cafes here." Aisha flipped through the guidebook, describing the attractions of Lumiose City.

"Cafes?" Caitlin showed an interested expression.

"If there's a cafe, then you can buy a cup of coffee and sit in the store until the evening..."

"Hey, Caitlin!" Cynthia interrupted Caitlin's fantasies with a bit of dissatisfaction, saying, "You're the one who wants to come out and have fun, so don't just sit around and not move!"


Caitlin spat out her tongue.

"Anyway, a cafe can be used as a place to rest after you're tired of playing."

Aisha smiled and said, "Besides, there's a wide variety of cafes here, so you won't get bored when you're taking a break... So, let's play outside first~ Centrico Plaza and Magenta, Rouge, Jaune, Bleu, Vert Plaza are places to visit and play, South Boulevard, North Boulevard, Vernal, Estival, Autumnal, Hibernal Avenue are places to shop and play. Hibernal Avenue is for shopping and buying, it's not too late in the day, so you can do a lot of shopping if you make the effort!"

"Yay~ Charge!"

Caitlin happily took the lead.

She's a little over-exuberant.


Cynthia looked at her back and gave a faint smile.

Before today, even if she had asked Caitlin to go out to play, Caitlin wouldn't have appreciated it.

Now... Caitlin even had the behavior of proposing to go out and play by herself.


Cynthia glanced at Aisha next to her, feeling more and more that it would be a good thing to introduce these two to each other.

Maybe... Instructor Ai could really change Caitlin.

"What's wrong?"

Aisha, who was looking at the guidebook, noticed Cynthia's gaze and raised her head, giving her a smile.

Cynthia sighed at how nice Instructor Ai's smile was while shaking her head and said, "Caitlin had a great time today, thanks to you."

"Aren't we friends?"

"That's what friends do." Instructor Ai closed the guidebook and pulled Cynthia to catch up with Caitlin.

"Let's go, if we don't hurry, Caitlin will go far away!"


Cynthia smiled sweetly.

What's with the parent-daughter vibe?

Lumiose City was beautiful, thanks to its architecture.

The cobblestone streets surround the office buildings on the outside of the city, the inner boulevards are lined with typical Parisian buildings, the roads are wide enough to provide safe and convenient driving conditions for the city, but also pleasant to look at, clean and tidy, the sloping canals run through the center of the city, and several bridges cross the canals, which make the buildings in the city look grand and dignified.

It was a beautiful day.

The sun was shining brightly and warmly, not too hot.

It made the city even more beautiful for tourists.

The trio headed to South Boulevard on the south side of the city, where Caitlin had the good sense to find the Gogoat Transportation Service at the corner of the street.

Gogoat rentals are available to take customers around South Boulevard and North Boulevard.

This was a welcome relief for Caitlin, who was too lazy to walk... She was tired and worn out after just a short walk.

So the young lady clasped her hands together and asked Instructor Ai for a day's rental of a Gogoat, with stars in her eyes.

Cynthia wasn't sure about her request, so she turned to Aisha.

Aisha had no choice.

After some discussion, Aisha and Cynthia agreed to rent a Gogoat for a day, so that Caitlin wouldn't be discouraged from shopping.


The young lady got on a gentle Gogoat.

The Gogoat wasn't fast, but it was sure-footed, not bumpy, and suited their needs perfectly.

Aisha and Cynthia didn't rent a new Gogoat.

For the traveling trainers they are, walking on the ground is the best way to measure the world.

So, on South Boulevard, there was a scene like this - a blonde girl in a gorgeous long dress happily sitting on the back of a Gogoat, smiling brightly and happily looking around the stores and the beautiful scenery on the side of the road, and a man and a woman, both equally good looking and handsome, were escorting her like knights, matching the princess's travels step by step.

These three handsome male and female combination in the street can not be said not eye-catching.

But because of their powerful aura, no one dares to go up and talk to them.

Everyone just guessed, which family's young master and young lady came out to play...

The three of them didn't care about the stares of the others.

They went from South Boulevard to Vert Plaza, where Caitlin took pictures under the green stone tower of the plaza; Instructor Ai looked at the canal in the distance and wondered whether sitting there and fishing would be a risk of air force; and Cynthia wondered which of the remaining streets and plazas should be visited first.

"Loto~ this time it's time for Rotom guide to come out!"

Rotom phone, which had been held back for a long time, flew out of Instructor Ai's pocket.

As soon as it came out, it took out a detailed tour plan of Lumiose City, which made Aisha, Cynthia, and Caitlin stare blankly.

"Amazing..." This is the voice of the lovely Caitlin, who doesn't understand but is still very enthusiastic.

"You're in too much of a hurry..." This is Instructor Ai's helpless voice.

"How can you not be obsessed?" This is the exclamation of a person who has trouble choosing.

Rotom phone has been longing for Lumiose City for a long time.

With Instructor Ai's approval and Cynthia and Caitlin's support, it puts its tour guide skills to work and leads the trio on an adventure through Lumiose City.

They went through several plazas in Lumiose City.

The city's natural environment is very nice.

The plazas and trails were so lush and green that it felt like they were in the natural world.

Caitlin was so happy.

Looking at her expression, Instructor Ai was a bit curious and said, "Caitlin, haven't you traveled before?"


Caitlin shook her head a bit sadly.

"Because of my psychic power, I grew up learning about Pokémon battles and Pokémon trainers within my family."

"Because of my talent, I became an Elite Four level trainer in the academy, directly defeating one of the former Unova Elite Four to become a Psychic-type Elite Four." Caitlin recounted her experience in a very Versailles-like manner, her tone of voice unable to hide her loss, saying: "So, I haven't traveled, in the words of the outside world, I should have been an academy trainer."

"I see..."

Aisha patted Caitlin's shoulder as she looked disappointed.

"There must be a way to solve the problem of psychic power."

"Hmm... hmm?"

Caitlin showed a strange expression.

She felt that her irritable psychic power instantly calmed down after coming into contact with Aisha's psychic power.

Though, the next moment, her irritability returned.

However, this momentary calmness was really there...

"No way?"

Looking over at Aisha, Caitlin's mind wandered.

It wasn't an illusion.

In that case...

"What's wrong?" Cynthia inquired about Caitlin's strange behavior.

"No, it's nothing!"

Caitlin smiled sweetly, dismissing Cynthia's concerns.

However, on the way, she looked at Instructor Ai with a look of surprise in her eyes.

For the rest of the tour, Rotom phone added a shopping session because of Caitlin and Cynthia in the group.

Caitlin and Cynthia bought a couple of outfits at the Kawasaki Fashion House.

They also bought a pair of sunglasses for Instructor Ai.

So, the sunglasses duo became the sunglasses trio.

The three of them rode their Gogoats on the road with a sense of oppression, just like the mafia in the movie.

"Hoo... tired."

At dusk, Caitlin laid down on top of a Gogoat.

She let out a sigh, which made Cynthia giggle.

"You've been riding a Gogoat all day and you're still tired..."

"Nonsense, it takes effort to get down there and take pictures!"

Caitlin argued.

Oh, one more thing.

Originally, Gogoat can only be ridden on South Boulevard and North Boulevard.

But when Miss Caitlin said, "I'll add more money if it's not enough," the store owner gave her a "good judgement call" look and agreed to let the three of them ride wherever they wanted, as long as they didn't lose their Gogoat and didn't get out of Lumiose City.

Well, the power of money is a powerful force.

Instructor Ai expressed his envy...


Aisha looked at his cell phone and said, "Indeed, it's time to eat after playing all afternoon."


Caitlin looked at Cynthia with a smug look on her face, a look that said, "Look, Instructor Ai has spoken up for me, I'm the one who's right."

Cynthia sighed, pushed Aisha's shoulder, and said, "You just spoil her."

"Find a restaurant for dinner?"

"I agree!"

Caitlin cheered.

Cynthia was fine with it.

"By the way, Lumiose City's restaurant, the Battle Restaurant is very popular loto." Rotom phone muttered thoughtfully to itself as it was locating the restaurant.

However, it was this self-talk that aroused the interest of the three trainers present.

"Battle Restaurant, okay, find one!" This is the itchy Instructor Ai.

"I won't go to a place that's not high-end enough," said the arrogant Caitlin.

"I'd like to see what a Kalos trainer can do." Champion Sinnoh pulled out her Pokéball, and a fierce Garchomp roared inside.

"That's too much, isn't it?" Caitlin turned her head to Cynthia, saying, "Sinnoh Champion bullying someone's restaurant trainer or something..."

"Aren't you one of Unova's Elite Four?"

Cynthia asks back with a bit of a headache.

"Spoken like you're not a bully for bringing out your Gothitelle."

"Yeah, well..."

Putting away their respective Pokéballs, Caitlin and Cynthia both turned their attention to Instructor Ai.

"Instructor Ai."

"The battle before dinner, please!"

Aisha: "?"

Finally, the three of them were guided by Rotom phone to a two-star restaurant.

Cynthia and Caitlin didn't want to be too high-profile, and this class of restaurant was just right for them to have fun.

Upon entering the restaurant, they were greeted by a butler-like waiter.

After inquiring about Aisha as the trainer to be challenged, the butler arranged for the three of them to be seated in a private room on the second floor, and called the waitress in charge of the fight.

Finally, Instructor Ai and the waitress stood on the battlefield outside the box.

Caitlin and Cynthia were able to watch the battle from the box while waiting for their food to be served.

"Thank you!"

The waiter took out his Pokéball and gave Instructor Ai a friendly smile.

Instructor Ai thought for a moment, then pulled out Ralts' Pokéball and said, "Please teach me more."

In the next moment, they threw their Pokéballs together.



Ralts landed on the field of battle with a bewildered look on its face.

The little guy looked around with a curious expression, a little confused.

Then, it saw a smiling Aisha.

"This is your first proper battle against another trainer's Pokémon, Ralts."

Instructor Ai's voice was as gentle as ever, not demanding anything from Ralts.

"So, behave yourself!"



Ralts clenched its fists and looked seriously ahead.

Over there, the Pokémon released by the waitress was an Emolga.



Ralts was a bit excited.

Since it was born, its only "battles" have been under the command of Instructor Ai, picking on the bugs, rats, and birds in the outskirts of Pallet Town.

Those guys aren't very powerful, but Ralts, who has inherited Instructor Ai's warlike character to a certain extent, isn't satisfied with this level of "fighting".

Ralts was curious about the battles they were talking about, and had seen them in the movie many times.

But this was the first time it'd experienced it for itself.



'Have to win!'

Ralts' eyes, hidden under its long green bangs, showed a determined light.

This period of exercise was not useless, and it was not a weak child!

For the sake of Instructor Ai, I must win.

And a beautiful victory!

"Emolga, Air Cutter!"

The waitress on the other side of the room was the first to give the order to attack.

Ralts used Double Team under Instructor Ai's command.

Swarms of phantoms appeared around Ralts, and he easily avoided Air Cutter's attack.

"Ralts, Calm Mind."


Groups of Ralts did the same Calm Mind move.


The waitress frowned, but didn't panic, calmly commanding Emolga to use a move that dealt massive damage, saying, "Emolga, Discharge!"


Emolga flew up into the sky and released a surge of electricity in one breath, continuously destroying Ralts' Double Team.

However, Ralts' Calm Mind's speed far exceeded her phenomenon.

"Ralts, Psybeam." Aisha gave the order to attack.


With Ralts' shout, a brilliant ray of light flew out from between the remaining Double Team, striking Emolga's wing membranes with precision.

"Oooooh." Emolga screamed, and crashed to the ground.

"Ralts, Dazzling Gleam."

Instructor Ai pronounced an amazing name.

Yes, Dazzling Gleam!

This is the move that Instructor Ai purchased a Technical Machine for it to learn.

A powerful Fairy-type move, and Ralts has learned it as expected.

It's a great weapon for blowing up fish in the lower brackets!


Ralts waved its little hand, and a brilliant beam of light was released in one gulp, landing on the falling Emolga's body.

Even though Emolga, under the trainer's command, used Thunderbolt in time to fight against Dazzling Gleam, it still suffered a lot of damage.

"Confusion, Ralts, hold it down!"


Ralts waved its small hands, and the heavy Confusion pressed down on Emolga's body like a mountain, making it unable to move.

This was Ralts' inherent advantage - its psychic power was too strong, making its Psychic and Fairy-type moves as powerful as ever, and its power was far beyond that of a Pokémon of the same level.


With Ralts' invisible Confusion on its body, Emolga felt like its body had suffered a thousand cuts, and there were tingling pains of varying sizes coming from all over its body.

After some struggling, Ralts added a Psybeam and it was incapacitated.


The waitress glanced at Instructor Ai and Ralts in surprise.

This Ralts was obviously still a child, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Inside the box, Caitlin's eyes were glowing as she looked at Ralts.

"This Ralts has been bred so well, and... why can't I see how Instructor Ai bred it?" Caitlin wondered.

As a Psychic-type Elite Four in the Unova region, what Psychic-type Pokémon had she not seen before, and what Psychic-type Secret Treasures had she not used?

Gardevoir is also Caitlin's favorite Pokémon.

However, even Caitlin couldn't guarantee that she would be able to train a Ralts that hadn't even been born for a month to be this strong.

Little did she know... that Instructor Ai's Ralts were born to be tough.

"Instructor Ai is no less a master breeder than Blue, and it's not surprising that he has secret breeding techniques that we don't know about." Cynthia smiled.

"The Pokéblocks that my Pokémon use today are specially customized by Instructor Ai."


Caitlin froze for a moment.

"Well..." She was deep in thought.

Should I ask Instructor Ai to customize a Pokéblock and see how it looks?

While Caitlin was thinking, the waitress had already released a second Pokémon on the battlefield outside the box.

It was a Sigilyph with Indian style wings.

It was also a Psychic-type Pokémon.

It seemed that the waitress was going to use Sigilyph's Psychic against Ralts' Psychic.

"Just in time."

Aisha showed a confident smile as he and Ralts exchanged a glance, and a slightly flustered Ralts grew in confidence.

"Ralts, Confusion."

"Sigilyph, Confusion, Gravity!"

Both trainers gave orders that were not far off from each other.


Sigilyph, who was flying in mid-air, let out a raptor's cry that didn't fit its strange appearance, and between the flaps of its wings and tail, a wave of psychic power was released from the eye in the center of its torso, and it crashed into the psychic power that was released by the Ralts on the ground.


Ralts made a gesture of pushing something.

This was a contest of psychic power, no skill, just the strength of psychic power.

"Hmph," the waitress on the other side of the table gave a confident smile.

No matter what, Ralts was only a young Pokémon.

Her Sigilyph has been through many battles and has developed the ability to use Confusion and Gravity together.

Sigilyph is sure to win in a contest of psychic power!

"Come on, Ralts."

Aisha cheered Ralts on.


Ralts increased its psychic power release.

Sigilyph on top did the same.

The two sides' psychic power was eroding each other, and the sound of air friction in mid-air was ear-splitting.

Aisha looked at Ralts' back, right now, if he was linked to Ralts' psychic power, it would be easy to defeat Sigilyph.


Instructor Ai didn't want to help Ralts fight.

It's not cheating to say that a psychic can assist a Psychic-type Pokémon in battle.

However, to become a full-fledged warrior, Ralts can't fight with his assistance forever.



Hearing Aisha's voice, Ralts tilted his head slightly, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"I believe you."


Those words were like a bomb that exploded in Ralts' heart.

Yes, he trusts me...

In that case, I can't lose!

Bring... bringing him victory is what I should do!

Ralts' mind cleared up, and the strength of its psychic power increased.

Without realizing it, the secret treasure that Mew had given to Ralts in the ruins of New Island had really come into play.

Ralts felt its physical strength and psychic power increase rapidly.

The Confusion released from its small hand was also getting heavier, the quality and quantity of the Confusion was overpowering Sigilyph's Confusion.


Sigilyph screamed and increased the release of Confusion.

Ralts gritted its teeth and waved its hand, the psychic power that came out like a tsunami crushed Sigilyph's Confusion in one gulp.

Confusion's wave fell on Sigilyph's body, not doing much damage, but extremely insulting!

"Sigilyph, Air Cutter!"


Sigilyph's wings flapped violently under the waitress's command, swinging out several sharp blades of hurricane wind.

Ralts was confidently used Confusion, psychic power forced to change the trajectory of the Air Cutter.

Sigilyph's attack missed.

Ralts' hands blazed with flames.

It was good at more than just Psychic...


Ralts raised its small hands high, manipulating a flame like a magician.

The flame quickly grew in size, and the extreme heat made the waitress at the end of the field realize something was wrong.


What the hell?

This powerful fire move... what's with you Ralts?

"Sigilyph, Psychic!"

"Ralts, Mystical Fire!"


Sigilyph was in a hurry, and unleashed its strongest move in a single breath, psychic power transformed into pure killing power and roared out.

However, its body was a bit slow... that was Ralts' Confusion, which was attached to it with two minds!

As Sigilyph unleashed Psychic, Ralts threw Mystical Fire.

Psychic's blasts couldn't stop Mystical Fire, and the flames landed on the slow-moving Sigilyph, with Ralts taking some Psychic damage along the way.



After a round of fighting, Sigilyph landed on the ground, its body blackened and smelling like it had been roasted.

Ralts was lightly wounded - it was still too fragile to fight with a wound for a wound.

"That's... what a powerful Mystical Fire." Looking at the incapacitated Sigilyph, the waitress couldn't help but marvel at Ralts' power.

"This is Explosion Magic."

Aisha spoke words that no one else could understand.

However, Ralts proudly crossed its arms.


'It's Explosion Magic.'

It looked so cute.


The waitress shook her head helplessly and released a third Pokémon.

It was Mantine, who was gliding in the sky with its big wings, using the current.

"Mantine, Hydro Pump!"

"Ralts, Dazzling Gleam."

Mantine's wings fluttered, and he spat out a gushing jet of water from its mouth.

Ralts, on the other hand, left the spot with a Teleport, and then, the shimmering light slammed down on Mantine's side of the wing.

"So fast!" The waitress exclaimed.

Instructor Ai laughed.

Ralts' killer move was its incredibly fast Teleport.

When Ralts first learned this move, it brought Instructor Ai to escape from Giovanni's Pokémon.

I have to admit, it's quite impressive!


Caitlin in the box had the same reaction.

She looked at the flickering Ralts on the field with amazement and a flash of color in her eyes.

"This Ralts' Teleport is so powerful, and the power of its moves is also surprisingly great, is this really a Pokémon that hasn't even been born for a month?" Caitlin tsked and said, "This is the first time I've seen a trainer whose skill in breeding Psychic-type Pokémon is higher than mine. I'll have time to find Instructor Ai to exchange techniques in breeding Pokémon, and it might even give me some inspiration."

"You're changing your attitude too quickly... you were so cool this morning..." Cynthia spat with dead eyes.

While the two of them were chatting, Ralts outside had already kited the waitress's Mantine.

Aisha carried Ralts into the box.

"Food still haven't arrived?"

"Ah?" the butler-like waiter at the beginning led a group of chefs to put the dishes on the table one by one.

Afterwards, he solemnly congratulated the three of them, saying: "Congratulations to the guests for completing our challenge, it was a very beautiful win!"


'Of course…'

Ralts showed a cute reaction, which made Caitlin happy.

"Well, so on behalf of our Restaurant Le Yeah, I'd like to offer you the Battle Set Meal, please enjoy!"

After serving the food, the waiter and the chefs retreated together.

Aisha, Cynthia and Caitlin took their seats and enjoyed their own dinner.

"Kalos is so over the top..." Caitlin complained about the exaggerated attitude of the waiter.

"After all, it's Kalos that emphasizes on romance."

Instructor Ai shook his head and said, "Maybe the attitude we can't stand is the tone they like."

"Who knows~"

Caitlin shook her head and savored her dinner.

After dinner, the three of them returned to Caitlin's villa.

By this time, it was already late in the day.

A crescent moon hung in the somewhat gloomy sky of Lumiose City, and a few dark clouds could not block the bright moonlight.

"What time is the seminar tomorrow?"

Cynthia leaned against Togekiss' back, yawning tiredly.

Instructor Ai also leaned against Togekiss's body, he sat side by side with Cynthia, and said, "Nine o'clock in the morning, it's not too early, it's good to rest early tonight."


"Ha~" Over there, Caitlin was already yawning.

She herself is a sleepy body, and it's a rare thing for her to play outside all day like a normal person.

Even Cynthia couldn't say anything to her when she dozed off.

"You guys talk, I'm going up to bed."

"Okay, good night."

"See you tomorrow, Caitlin."

Caitlin waved at Aisha and Cynthia, then, floated up the stairs.


Togekiss adjusted its position so that the two of them could lean more comfortably.

"Thanks, Togekiss." said Aisha, stroking the little airplane's head.


Togekiss rubbed Aisha's palm comfortably.

At this, Instructor Ai was thinking that Cynthia's airplane was much better behaved than Gold's airplane.

That boy is a bad influence on children... I wouldn't dare give him an egg to hatch.



Cynthia's Garchomp stood in the garden of the villa, and behind her came Instructor Ai's Charizard.

"Roar... roar?"

Garchomp took one look at the Charizard, and its eyes nearly glazed over.

You're that Charmeleon?


"Ho-ho," Charizard scratched its head in embarrassment.

Not hormones.

He ate something good.

Over there, Ralts and shiny Metang have become the toast of Caitlin's Psychic-type Pokémon.

Caitlin's Gothitelle and Gardevoir are holding Ralts like a treasure.

Her Metagross, on the other hand, was looking enviously at shiny Metang's platinum skin...



Instructor Ai's shiny Metang, on the other hand, was looking at Metagross's final evolved body with glowing eyes.



On the terrace, Aisha and Cynthia couldn't help but laugh as they watched the Pokémon interact.


Umbreon walked over to Aisha with a graceful step, and nestled into his arms.

Cynthia, on the other hand, was surprised, saying, "Little Eevee evolved too, it really has been a long time."


Aisha picked up Umbreon, and Cynthia stroked the child's head.

Umbreon rubbed against Cynthia's finger.

"It's been a long time, and a lot has happened."


Cynthia smiled serenely in the moonlight.

She ruffled her blonde hair behind her ear, and said, "Would you be interested in telling me a little bit about that time?"

"Sure." Aisha smiled back.

"It's a long story, what's the best place to start?"

"I'll tell it all!"

"In that case, I'm not going to sleep today."

  1. French for 'Spring'
  2. French for 'Summer'
  3. French for 'Fall'
  4. French for 'Winter'
  5. Megumin KonoSuba reference
  6. incase if you're curious, the waitress in question is Talia from Restaurant Le Yeah