Mega Evolution and Gigantamax

Aisha looked Alain up and down.

This is a heavyweight.

However, judging by his demeanor, the Alain who looks like this hasn't been a trainer for very long, and he should still be Professor Sycamore's assistant.


After getting Aisha's answer, Alain showed an excited look.

"Professor Sycamore is waiting for us over there, let's go over there!"


Alain led the way, with Aisha following behind him.

The two of them passed through the halls and corridors, and finally saw Professor Sycamore under a high platform.

He was a long and slender man, wearing a blue shirt and a white coat, his chin was covered with untrimmed stubble, but his hair was stylishly permed, and he didn't look too old.

At this moment, Professor Sycamore was surrounded by a large group of researchers wearing white coats.

Looking at the faces of these people who were excitedly asking questions, Aisha realized the status of Professor Sycamore in the research world.

It was only natural that Professor Sycamore, who had the power to issue Three Royal Families Pokémon to new trainers, would not have a lower status as a professor.


Alain waved his hand at Professor Sycamore.

Over there, after Professor Sycamore heard Alain's call, his gaze shifted to Aisha.

Suddenly, he showed a smile of excitement and surprise.

Aisha saw Professor Sycamore say something to the researchers around him.

Afterwards, the researchers showed a look of dismay and disappointment, but they dispersed and didn't pester him any further.

Professor Sycamore who got rid of these researchers was also relieved and gave a helpless expression and shrug towards Aisha and Alain in the distance.

This set of molding was done in a smooth and natural way.

It's obvious that he's a true Kalos.

Then, the romantic Kalos man walked over to Aisha with big strides.

"Hello, Fellow Aisha, I'm Augustine Sycamore."

"Hello, Professor Sycamore, I've heard so much about you."

They shook hands.

Professor Sycamore gave Aisha an apologetic smile and said, "I'm really sorry for calling you here so suddenly..."

"No problem."

Aisha smiled understandingly, then closed his mouth and stopped talking, waiting for Professor Sycamore's next words.


Professor Sycamore pondered for a moment, seemingly thinking about how to talk to Aisha.

Next to him, as Professor Sycamore's assistant, Alain couldn't help himself.

He looked at Professor with an excited face, and then at Aisha, saying, "Professor, didn't you say that you were looking for this Mr. Aisha to talk about Mega Evolution?"

"Yes..." Professor Sycamore gave an embarrassed smile.

Aisha, on the other hand, rubbed his chin thoughtfully.


"You mean Mega Evolution?" Aisha cocked his head.


Professor Sycamore gave Alain a "I can't help you" look.

Then, he stopped hiding and looked directly at Aisha, showing a sincere expression, and said, "I heard that Aisha-san is also an excellent trainer who has mastered the Mega Evolution, and it just so happens that the main topic that I have been working on in the past few years has been the phenomenon of the Mega Evolution of Pokémon."


Professor Sycamore fixed his mind and spoke out his request, saying, "I wonder if Mr. Aisha would be willing to cooperate with us to conduct some data measurements of Mega's evolution?"


Aisha had a thoughtful look on his face, but in his heart, he was overjoyed.

That's exactly what he wanted.

Aisha was still struggling with how he could get his hands on Professor Sycamore's research on the phenomenon of Mega Evolution, since he was just a stranger to him.

You know, this kind of information is very precious to a researcher.

It's no exaggeration to say that in order to prevent the researchers from stealing it, this kind of information needs to be locked up as a secret.

The difficulty for Aisha to get hold of it, could be imagined.

I didn't realize that... Professor Sycamore actually took the initiative and invited Aisha to work with him.

Now as a partner, and with Professor Oak, Cynthia, and others vouching for his character, it must not be difficult for him to fight for an assistant position.

At that time, it wouldn't be a breeze to check Professor Sycamore's research materials on Mega's evolution up to that point.


Finally, when Professor Sycamore and Alain were filled with nervousness, fearing that Aisha would not agree, Aisha gave them both a positive answer.



They were ecstatic.

Looking at these two people's reaction, Instructor Ai was also convinced.

There were only a handful of trainers who possessed the Mega Evolution, and among them, those who were willing to cooperate with Professor Sycamore's research were even fewer.

Being able to meet himself, the one who accepted the invitation, could be a godsend for Professor Sycamore and Alain.

"So... After the seminar, we'll do the data collection at my institute."

Professor Sycamore handed Aisha a business card with a grateful face.

On the card was the address of the Sycamore Pokémon Research Institution, which was located on the south side of Lumiose City, not far from Caitlin's villa.


Alain took the initiative and said, "At the risk of sounding presumptuous, which Pokémon are you holding that can Mega Evolve?"


"Charizard!" Alain showed a surprised expression.


Professor Sycamore was a little better, but it was normal for a researcher to get excited when he met something that interested him.

"Indeed, my guess was correct... Elite Siebold's Blastoise can be Mega, Mr. Aisha's Charizard has the ability to be Mega, and maybe Venusaur, the last remaining Venusaur of the Three Royal Families in the Kanto region, can also Mega Evolve!"


Aisha tilted his head.

If he remembered correctly, this was the Water-type Elite Four of the Kalos region, and a ten-year veteran chef.

Alain, who was traveling to collect Mega Blastoise and become the strongest trainer, tried to challenge the Mega Blastoise of this Elite.

In the end, Alain's Mega Charizard X was defeated...

After all, he was still Battle Chateau's Baron, and was much stronger than that.


Instructor Ai showed a thoughtful expression.

In the future, if there's a chance, I can ask this king about his cooking skills...

When it comes to cooking, I'm sure he won't refuse, right?

"Speaking of which... I forgot to ask."

After the excitement, Professor Sycamore scratched his curly hair in embarrassment.

He looked at the white coat on Aisha, and realized that the young scholar in front of him was not like Alain beside him, who entered the symposium by rubbing others' faces, but was a type with real talent. After that, he tentatively opened his mouth, and inquired about Aisha's details, and said: "I don't know, what kind of subject is Mr. Aisha studying?"

"Hmm... Pokémon evolution and breeding."

Instructor Ai gave this answer after some thought.

Indeed, 'Beauty Degree' involves the evolution of Milotic, and after all, he is also a researcher who studies Pokémon evolution.

Not only that, but the increase in 'Beauty Degree' was also related to the breeding of Pokémon, so there was no problem at all.


Before Professor Sycamore could say anything, an old voice entered Aisha's ears.

Aisha, Professor Sycamore, and Alain looked up together and saw an old woman with a cane.

"Oh, Professor Magnolia."

Professor Sycamore rushed forward.

The Professor Magnolia smiled and nodded at him, and then, looking at Aisha, said, "How young and promising."

"You flatter me."

"Mr. Aisha, this is Professor Magnolia of the Galar region, and her main research direction is the phenomenon of the Pokémon Dynamax, which is unique to the Galar region." After Professor Sycamore introduced Professor Magnolia's identity to Aisha, he then introduced Instructor Ai's identity and details to Professor Magnolia, saying, "Professor Magnolia, this young man is Researcher Aisha, he is also an excellent trainer who has mastered Mega Evolution.."


Professor Magnolia showed a surprised look, and after looking Aisha up and down, he showed a satisfied look.

"Not bad, really an excellent trainer."

"Aisha?" Behind Professor Magnolia, an orange colored head poked out.

Her figure was tall and slender, with a pair of large-rimmed glasses perched on her forehead, her long orange hair in a chic ponytail, and her makeup very delicate.

"I've heard that name before!"

The woman looked at Aisha with a look of surprise, crossing over Professor Magnolia and striding over to shake Aisha's hand.

Aisha, on the other hand, looked at her with a bit of surprise.

She held his hand, which was painted with exquisite manicure, and her long orange hair, which was permed into a ponytail, was wearing beautiful hair accessories.

In addition, she was dressed in a fashionable and beautiful manner, not like a researcher, but like a fashion model.

It is such a woman... but she is the granddaughter of the serious Dr. Mulan.

Aisha knew her, too.

Sonia... a childhood friend of Leon, the Galar League Champion.

"You know me?" Aisha shook Sonia's hand and took a step back.

Sonia looked at him with admiration and said, "Of course!"

"The researcher who researched the brand new concept of 'Beauty Degree' and discovered two definite ways of Milotic's evolution!"

"Your name is all over our Galar region, everyone knows it!" Sonia looked at Instructor Ai with starry eyes as if she had seen her idol.

"Besides, he's so good looking, I can't possibly mistake him!"

The last sentence is what she had in mind.

"Sonia, that's rude!"

Behind her, a disgruntled Professor Magnolia tapped her cane, lecturing her granddaughter, who had no sense of boundaries whatsoever.


Hearing her grandmother's lecture, Sonia revealed a displeased expression and said, "It's not easy to go away for once, but you're still being so strict..."

However, even though she was complaining, Sonia didn't dare to defy her grandmother's authority.

"I didn't realize Aisha was so powerful?"

Alain exclaimed.

He knew that Aisha was a great trainer, but he didn't realize that Aisha was as famous as he was in the research world.

"Of course!"

As if someone had triggered a switch, Sonia proudly raised her well-developed chest and said, "Not only that, but the 'Beautiful Degree' Pokéblock that's circulating in the market nowadays is also from the hands of Instructor Ai, who is not only a highly valuable tactician and a rising superstar in the research world, but also a rare and unrivaled genius in the field of breeding Pokémon!"


Alain applauded.

"It's true, a powerful trainer can utilize his talents in any field..."


Sonia choked on Alain's words.

She's been bragging about Instructor Ai so much, but she didn't realize that this kid is still preoccupied with Instructor Ai's status as a trainer...

Why do you trainers all look like this?

You can't think of anything else but battles and trainers.

On Galar's side, there's an idiot who can't read a map and gets lost all day long because he's so full of battles.


"I'm a fan of Instructor Ai." Sonia gave up on Alain's question and looked at Instructor Ai with a sincere face.

"I've watched every Instructor Ai's video, and I've watched every live broadcast, but I didn't expect to see Instructor Ai in real life at this seminar today, so I've come to the right place this time!"

"I came here with Professor Oak..."

Sonia's enthusiasm was a bit too much for Instructor Ai to handle, so he simply brought up the name of Professor Oak.

Instead, it inspired Sonia's admiration even more.

"Professor Oak... I didn't realize that Instructor Ai was related to Professor Oak, he's the most talented researcher in recent years."

Such exaggerated praise, instead, caused the nearby Professor Sycamore and Professor Magnolia to recognize it.

Both of them looked at Aisha with pure admiration in their eyes.

This was because Instructor Ai had underestimated the impact of his 'Beauty Degree' report on the research world...

The 'Beauty Degree' doesn't affect much of a Pokémon's actual combat power, but it does have a crucial effect on a Pokémon's face value.

This is directly related to the Coordination Contest.

A Pokémon with a high 'Beauty Degree' will often win the Coordination Contest.

Unbeknownst to Instructor Ai, countless Coordinator Trainers were frantically raising their Pokémon's Beauty Levels and purchasing Beauty Level Pokéblocks.

These people were the main customers of the Beauty Degree Pokéblock.

This was the main reason why Wallace had exclaimed more than once that Instructor Ai really had a head for business.

As long as the Coordination Competition and the Coordinators exist, the 'Beauty Degree' Pokéblock will never be afraid of not selling out.

These people will always be their most loyal customers!

When... these people are the gold standard for Instructor Ai's soaring status in the research world.

Although the research world is large, there are many different fields and a variety of research topics.

However, there are not many topics that can truly benefit society and the public.

However, the concept of 'Beauty Degree' has truly benefited a large number of coordinators and non-trainers who love Pokémon.

Those who keep Pokémon as pets naturally want their Pokémon to look better and cuter.

The coordinators are the ones who want to make their Pokémon look better and cuter.

It's no exaggeration to say that the 'Beauty Degree' report released by Instructor Ai, which pointed out the concept of 'Beauty Degree', has shown the way forward for these Coordinators.

His reputation is undoubtedly high.

Nowadays, if Instructor Ai were to visit the site of a certain beauty contest, the organizers would definitely treat him as a guest of honor and arrange for him to sit on the judging panel.

This was the good reputation that the 'Beauty Degree' report had given to Instructor Ai.

Even Professor Birch, Rowan, Sycamore, and Magnolia, who had been busy researching all day and night, had heard about the concept of 'Beauty Degree'.

They just didn't have the time to care about anything else.

Today, after realizing that Aisha was the researcher who had developed this theory, they were naturally overflowing with admiration.

Especially since the concept of 'Beauty Degree' was linked to the evolution of the Milotic Pokémon...

This added fuel to the fire of Instructor Ai.

At this point in time, countless scholars in the research community believed that Aisha's future would be as a Professor...

Instructor Ai had mixed feelings about this.

What's the situation?

The reason I released this report was just to sell the 'Beautiful Degree' Pokéblock and make money to buy Mega Evolution Stones for my own children.

Why is there professor here?

I'm a trainer!

Don't be like Hop... The myth of the Galar region's invincibility, who went into self-imposed isolation and became a researcher.

Isn't that Gary's route?

"Ha ha..."

Facing the admiration of the two professors and the adoration of the two researchers, Instructor Ai only scratched his head and laughed a few times.

"Speaking of which, how is Professor Magnolia's recent research going?"

"It's going well..."

Professor Magnolia responded to Professor Sycamore's words.

"Due to the strong support of President Rose, many outstanding trainers voluntarily equipped themselves with Dynamax Band to use the energy of Dynamax in the wilderness to conduct Dynamax battles... corresponding to the speed of data collection. It's very fast and it's very helpful for my research."


Professor Sycamore showed an envious expression and said, "This is really great."

Afterwards, he shook his head with a helpless expression and said, "Unfortunately, the requirements of Mega Evolution for trainers and Pokémon are too harsh, and so far we have not been able to find many trainers capable of Mega Evolution, and among them, the trainers willing to cooperate with us in our research are even more rare, even if we are willing to pay for them, it's too bad."

Alain also showed a disappointed expression next to him.

"Take your time, all research is the same."

Professor Magnolia smilingly consoled Professor Sycamore who was wearing a mask of pain.

In response, Professor Sycamore only spread his hands and said that he knew what he was doing.

"Researching Dynamax?"

Aisha listened with interest.

As a versus player, Dynamax was his favorite.

However, he was even more curious about the fact that Professor Sycamore, who researched Mega Evolution, and Professor Magnolia, who researched Dynamax, shouldn't have much interaction.

Why... why is it that the current Professor Magnolia looks like she's in a close relationship?

"That's right."

Sonia explained the reason for her grandmother's close interaction with Professor Sycamore, saying, "The Gigantamax phenomenon, which is similar to the Mega Evolution, exists in Dynamax, which is also a special change that exists in a small number of Pokémon, so Grandma and Professor Sycamore kept the information small to a certain extent, and researched these two phenomena together."

"I see..."

Instructor Ai got it.

On second thought, yes.

There are many connections between Gigantamax and Mega Evolution.

For example, the classic Kanto's Three Royal Families have privileges, and Blastoise and Venusaur are in the Charizard's favor.

However, these two fighters have their own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, the requirements for Mega Evolution are too harsh, and there are too few types of Pokémon that can perform this evolution.

There are fewer Pokémon that can be Gigantamaxed, but all of them can perform a normal Dynamax... However, Gigantamax is limited to a few places.

Many players prefer Mega Evolution to Gigantamax.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, doesn't have a choice, she likes them all!

"We still don't know where Gigantamax's energy is coming from... Anyway, let's continue our research." Professor Magnolia shook his head.

"The same goes for Mega Evolution."

Professor Sycamore spread his hands and said, "Recently, according to our research, we believe that the phenomenon of Mega Evolution involves a distant ancient time."

"Of course, the exact circumstances... We still don't know."

The two professors looked at each other and smiled, but there was no trace of dismay in their eyes.

The unknown in front of them is what they as researchers are most eager to explore.

Even if the road of research is incredibly hard and difficult, they have to do what they have to do to explore the truth through thick and thin.

This is the so-called spirit of research...

"I can't stand you guys!"

Sonia had a headache when she talked about the difficulties of research.

"Instructor Ai, there's a buffet restaurant for researchers inside the conference hall, do you want to go there and fill up your stomach?" Sonia rubbed her hands together, looking like she was ready to escape her grandmother's sight.

"Uh... Okay."