Leon Is My Fan?


Sonia sat down in front of a small round table by the window, a silver fork in her hand as she scooped a piece of cake and brought it inside her mouth.

The butter and bread melted inside her mouth, the sheer aroma as well as the sugar making the pretty researcher squint her eyes in great happiness.

"This is Kalos region's special dessert, made in a special way, but it tastes very good."

Across from Sonia, Instructor Ai, who was scratching his cell phone, also spoke at the right time.

Sonia looked surprised and said, "Instructor Ai also knows desserts?"

"Cuisine is my interest."

Aisha smiled and said, "Desserts are also cuisine, more or less."


Sonia was in awe.

It was really a human comparison.

Thinking about what the male trainers Sonia had met before were like?

A sparring maniac whose head was full of sparring and Pokémon, with no understanding of romance or fun at all.

A certain roadie who got lost all day long would even take the Champion level Charizard and participate in the top of the new trainer matchups in front of his house.

His little brother who won't let go of Wooloo when he hugs it.


Once she thought of her childhood friend and her childhood friend's little brother, Sonia couldn't help but feel exhausted.

On the contrary, Instructor Ai.

Also an excellent trainer, this one had not only traveled far on the path of a trainer, but also in all other aspects.

He knew how to do scientific research, and had created a world-renowned project.

He knows how to cook, and knows a lot about desserts and drinks that girls like.

He knows how to cultivate, and his relationship with Pokémon is enviable, with handsome men and cute pets poking at people's hearts.

In addition, his emotional intelligence is also very high, even in the face of people who are not of the same age, he is also able to chat without being cold.

Sonia's looks are the best she's ever seen.

She felt that Mr. Steven from the Hoenn area was not as good looking as Instructor Ai...

This was the perfect man.

A combination of a thousand talents.

Well, Sonia is a face control...

What's wrong with face control?

It's the face that's real!

I'm proud of being a face control.

"Speaking of which."

Aisha put down his phone and looked at Sonia with a smile.

The two locked eyes.

Instructor Ai then asked a question, saying, "I see that Sonia you didn't rub Professor Magnolia's face into the seminar, you should be a senior researcher as well."


Sonia played with her orange curls with an expression of "No way, you caught me out after all."


She nodded and said, "Actually, I'm a researcher who specializes in mythology."

"Mythology?" Instructor Ai deliberately showed a surprised expression.

Sonia, on the other hand, gave a very flattering smile of satisfaction and crossed her arms.

"The subject of my research is mainly the myths and legends passed down in the Galar region."

"You mean the Sword and Shield Heros?"

"Ah?" Sonia looked at Instructor Ai with a surprised face and said, "Instructor Ai still knows the myths of our Galar region?"


Aisha's hand shook slightly as the silver spoon stirred inside the coffee cup.

The pulls on the surface of the coffee shattered, a small swirl appearing above the cloudy black liquid, and the fragrant scent then filled the air between the two of them.

"Personally, besides the evolution and breeding of Pokémon, I am also quite interested in mythology..."


Sonia's eyes lit up as if she had found a kindred spirit.

Due to the existence of Pokémon, archaeology and mythology in this world had always been a top priority in terms of research.

However, because mythology and archeology are often accompanied by the operation of going deep into ruins, and dangers are always present, there are very few researchers who devote themselves to this.

Sonia really chose mythology for her interest.

Therefore, meeting Aisha, who was also a myth lover, the excitement in her heart could not be overstated.

"Ah~ it's been a busy time~"

Sonia lowered her posture - though it was said that she hadn't been putting up much of a front in front of Instructor Ai.

"Grandma handed me a commission."

"A commission?"

"Well, it should be for us to find out that Dynamax is connected to Galar's Darkest Day legend three thousand years ago."

"Darkest Day?"

"Ahem~" Sonia cleared her throat and began to talk about what she knew, saying: "Grandma's research shows that the dark night is inseparable from the Gigantamax. Maybe it will trigger the Pokémon movement. The energy of the Dynamax is the energy emitted when the Dark Night occurs. So, after the Dark Night occurred three thousand years ago, the two heroes solved it with swords and shields, and the Galar region returned to its original state. "

"So, Professor Magnolia's direction of researching Dynamax involves Darkest Day with two heroes... You happened to be a researcher studying myths, so she commissioned you to help investigate the connection behind these myths to Dynamax?"


Sonia affirmed Aisha's statement.

"Of course."

She smiled and spread her hands, saying, "I have a personal interest in this... the myths of the Galar region are really wonderful, Instructor Ai shouldn't miss it if he's also a fellow lover of myths and legends!"


"I'll definitely come over to the Galar region to look for you when I'm free later on." Aisha made a promise to Sonia.


Sonia swallowed the cake on her plate with a happy face.

This was followed by covering her face with a face so delicious that it was full of happiness.

Looking at her, Aisha smiled helplessly.

"Then... Let's talk about another topic alright." After Sonia swallowed the cake in her mouth, the conversation changed.


"Actually, our Galar region has been carrying out a program to draw talent from outside over the years."

"I'm not going." Aisha spread his hands and shook his head.

He was a Dayan and had Summer behind him.

He was not willing to betray Elite Summer who had been taking care of him for so long.

"No, no, you misunderstood." Sonia waved her hand.

"We're not here to steal people."

Sonia revealed a helpless smile and said, "Earlier, when Grandma was talking to Professor Sycamore didn't she say something about how she said that her research on Dynamax was mainly due to the strong support of our Galar Region's Chairman Rose."


Aisha responded and said, "Professor Magnolia did say something like that."

"Right... Chairman Rose and some people with high-level licensing rights, such as Champions and Gym Leaders, or professors and researchers distribute Dynamax Bands to outstanding trainers, encouraging them to fight in the wilderness area using the Dynamax method, thereby collecting information on Dynamax fighting as capital for grandma's research on Dynamax and a certain amount of degree of financial support is the payment we give to these trainers."

"Chairman Rose himself is very concerned about Dynamax research." Sonia spoke of the shrewd businessman.

"After all, Dynamax is the biggest core competence of the Galar region that he has to care about, so Chairman Rose is very supportive of Grandma's research."


Instructor Ai went silent.

This President Rose you're talking about, he supports your research, in fact no one knows the source of Dynamax better than him - Instructor Ai couldn't help but complain.

Chairman Rose didn't only care about Dynamax, he cared even more about the Pokémon that triggered the Dynamax phenomenon, Eternatus.

Of course, Instructor Ai was in no position to say anything about Chairman Rose.

After all, he himself was very concerned about the two First-level Legendary Pokémon in the Galar region... oh, to be precise, it was Zacian within the two First-level Legendary Pokémon.

The gold content of the sword dog is something that I'm sure no player who has experienced Generation 8 pvp.

Intrepid Sword understand?

Under Behemoth Blade, all are equal!

What, did you say Zamazenta?

Don't know!

"Well~ Researchers and mythologists have always been a very scarce talent in our Galar region, so Instructor Ai you're on that list of talents."

"Plus... Our Galar region, the cyber industry is actually growing quite popular." Sonia revealed a helpless smile, spread her hands, and said, "So, even though you may not believe it , I'd still say that Instructor Ai, as an up-and-coming big anchor, your influence in the Galar region is already no weaker than that veteran online famous Gym Leader, Dragon type Gym Leader Raihan, and there are even a few large fan groups over there you don't know about."

"This..." Aisha froze.

This was something he hadn't really expected.

He didn't realize that he possessed such a great influence in Galar, which was thousands of miles away.

"Chairman Rose himself holds you in high regard, so... giving you a Dynamax Band isn't a big deal."

"In the future, after you arrive in the Galar region, you only need to symbolically fight a few Dynamax matches, and the task of gathering information will be able to be handed over." Sonia spared no effort in persuading Aisha to accept this Dynamax Band.


Aisha looked at Sonia with a bit of amusement and said, "I'm picking up a Dynamax Band for nothing?"

"Uh huh~"

Sonia laughed along.

"It's not impossible if you want to think so~"

"Okay, then I accept, this mission."

"If that's the case then it's a good thing..."

Sonia reached inside her satchel and took out a long box, opening it to reveal a wristband with a white background and red and blue designs.

The styling was still quite pretty.

The aesthetics on Galar's side were still good.

"This is the Dynamax Band, welcome, Instructor Ai, to Galar's talent program."

"Please take care of me." Aisha took the box and was quite emotional in his heart.

The Dynamax Band's degree of cherishing was even if it wasn't comparable to the Stone of Keys, it was at least comparable to the Z-Move Ring.

At this moment, Sonia was actually casually giving it to himself?

The Galar Region and Chairman Rose were really rich...


Now, one was considered to have mastered two systems.

Mega Evolution and Dynamax... Within his own Pokémon, there were quite a few players who could perform Super Dynamax, and he was still one Z-Move away from mastering all three systems.

I wonder if Professor Kukui attended this seminar?

Oh, I forgot, it's four systems now.

Then, I'll ask Iono to whore out a Tera Orb some day, and Instructor Ai will open up the four systems.

Anyway, there's no problem to be overpowered.

At critical moments, there might even be strange effects.


Watching Instructor Ai accept the Dynamax Band, Sonia also revealed a delighted expression.

"This month's target is complete~"

"You're using me to make up the quota?"

"Hey~" Sonia spat out her tongue and gave a playful expression, trying to muddle through.

"Okay~ Next time when you're waiting for Instructor Ai to play in the Galar region, remember to contact me~"


"Speaking of which, that Leon guy is also a fan of yours."

The name that Sonia suddenly mentioned startled Instructor Ai.


Aisha's expression was a bit complicated.

This one was even more of a heavyweight.

As the undefeated champion of the Galar region, Leon could be considered the faith of the Galar people.

His ace Pokémon was the classic Charizard, the Gigantamax Charizard was ridiculously strong.

The task that the system had released to him was to command Charizard and defeat Leon's Charizard.

There is no doubt about his strength.

This man's influence in the Galar region is equivalent to Red's in the Kanto region.

As a result, many people speculated about who was stronger, Leon or Red.

However, because the Kanto region and the Galar region are too far apart, these two people have never met in an official large-scale tournament for many reasons.

Therefore, the question of who the strongest Pokémon trainer in the Pokémon world was was still unknown...


Sonia, a bit helpless, said, "He was the one who dragged me to watch your videos in the beginning too."

"This guy is the one who literally never misses a single video, and keeps watching every live broadcast... He studied the live broadcasts of your Charizard battles and changed his Charizard moves, and said that you gave him a lot of inspiration, and that he must thank Instructor Ai when we meet someday."

"Ha... hahaha."

Aisha gave a few dry laughs.

He'd forgotten that Leon was also a Quality Player, the mine-based trainer who'd brought Thunder Punch to Charizard.

It's normal for him to fall in love with him.

"When you get to the Galar region later, maybe I'll even pull some strings and let you play against him..."


Instructor Ai waved his hand and directly rejected Sonia's offer.

Just kidding, Red had to wait in line to find me for a sparring match, how can you, Leon, cut in line?

No fight!

At least, not at this moment.


Sonia blinked with a blank expression.

She was under the impression that sparring was the first priority of these trainers.

Normally, there were plenty of trainers who wanted to fight Leon.

What... Instructor Ai wasn't willing to fight?


Noticing Sonia's gaze, Aisha explained, saying, "Leon's usually so busy with work, and I can see that his cape is covered in advertisements, so it's better to save his free time for him to take a break, and sparring... This kind of thing can be done anytime, it's still most important to rest."

At those words, Sonia shuddered.

Afterwards, there was some extra softness inside her eyes when she looked at Aisha.

"Instructor Ai, you are so gentle."

Indeed, Leon's energies were all focused on his work.

Normally, it was indeed time to take a proper break.

"Hmm..." Sonia's heart was filled with emotion.

I didn't realize that Instructor Ai could be so caring to people he didn't know.

He's so nice...

There's one more impression point.


Aisha looked at the clock and realized it wasn't long now until the seminar broke up.

Cynthia was okay.

Caitlin, that character, Instructor Ai wouldn't feel too comfortable if she was left alone in such a crowded place for too long.

"It's almost time, I should go find my friends too."

"Uh-huh." Sonia wiped the cream stain on the edge of her mouth and stood up after Instructor Ai.

"I should go find Grandma too."

Saying that, Sonia shook her head with a helpless expression and said, "Really... Grandma has always been quite kind when it comes to other people, but I don't know why she's always been so strict with me... I don't feel like I've been too much of a pain."


Looking at Sonia's look like a child who was being disciplined by an adult and throwing a tantrum, Aisha laughed helplessly.

He patted Sonia's shoulder and said, "Professor Magnolia still cares too much about you."

"If she didn't care about your future, how could she control you so tightly."

Aisha remembered what Professor Oak and Professor Rowan and the others had said about Sonia.

"Speaking of which, Professor Oak and the others called you the young man most likely to become the next professor... You see, quite a few people are looking forward to your future."


Sonia blinked.

Obviously, she was not expecting to receive such a high evaluation on the side of Professor Oak and the others.

This was obviously Professor Magnolia's usual effort to keep Sonia from being blinded by vanity, and not putting her in between the bragging rights of the people on the sidelines.

"Really, really?"

The pretty girl scratched her head a little embarrassed.

Aisha, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Really."


Sonia clenched her fists.

"In that case, I'll stop visiting hair salons and clothing stores and save all this time to do research full time!"

"Not that there's any need to be so extreme..."

The duo smiled at each other.

"Anyway, the Galar region won't let you down, I'm always waiting for Instructor Ai to come and visit first in Wedgehurst~" Sonia left behind this sentence.

After that, she was waving her small hands that were coated with shiny manicure and bounced away.

Aisha looked at her back, shook his head, and walked towards the direction where Caitlin was in his memory.


The morning's activities came to an end, and at this moment of noon, everyone gathered in a large dining room.

Taking this opportunity, Aisha also saw a lot of "familiar faces".

For example, there was Professor Kukui, who was wearing a white coat, but in the end, he was wearing nothing underneath it, revealing his bronzed skin and strong muscles, and laughing in a very cheerful manner.

The field of study of this unusual doctor was the Z-Move.

However, after pondering for a while, Instructor Ai still didn't choose to go up and strike up a conversation.

Mainly because he's not familiar with him...

Anyway, there would be plenty of opportunities to travel to Alola in the future.

There's no rush to master the Z-Move.

Too bad there was no Lillie in sight...

"So, according to time, Lillie is not Professor Kukui's assistant yet?" Looking at Professor Kukui, Instructor Ai had a thoughtful face.

Over there, Professor Kukui was also noticing Aisha's sight and waved his hand towards him very kindly.

Aisha returned the smile.


A lazy, sappy voice reached his ears.

Aisha turned around and saw Caitlin, who was stumbling and looking pitiful towards herself.

"What's wrong?"

"You two..." Caitlin puffed up her cheeks and complained in a cute manner with a silly tone, saying, "That idiot Cynthia was busy with her reports and projects all morning, and then, you ran off somewhere... I'm so bored here by myself."

"And, well, hungry!"

"Hungry is just right." Aisha checked the time and pulled Caitlin to a seat.

"It's about time the chef opened fire."

"I still want Instructor Ai's cooking."

"The chef here is also a great chef, let's deal with one meal and I'll fix you your favorite food at home tonight."


Looking at Caitlin's well-behaved look, Aisha's heart sighed a little.

This big brother said she was capricious... Actually, she's quite cute when she's cute.

While the two of them were eating, Cynthia made a trip over.

"Excuse me." Cynthia looked at Aisha and Caitlin with a somewhat ashamed expression and said, "I still have some work to report at the seminar in the afternoon, so I won't be able to accompany you during lunch."

"Hmph, it's fine~"

Caitlin turned her head away with a haughty expression.

"I still have Instructor Ai anyway!"

"Don't give Instructor Ai any trouble..." Cynthia frowned.

"Don't worry."

Aisha, on the other hand, spoke out to reassure Cynthia, saying, "It's still important to work, Caitlin's side is fine with me watching over it, and besides, Caitlin isn't a willful child."


Cynthia smiled at Instructor Ai, her heart warmed.

Sure enough, Instructor Ai was still the best.

Caitlin... The little heartless one!


Cynthia retaliated by rubbing Caitlin's head, causing her blonde hair to turn into a messy mess, before leaving in style under Caitlin's sultry gaze.

Aisha couldn't help but laugh at Caitlin's look of a frizzy kitten.

Afterward, accompanied by Caitlin's occasional comments, the two of them chatted and ate, sort of filling their stomachs.


"That... are you Instructor Ai?"

"Uh, yes."

Instructor Ai looked up and saw a brown-haired girl with a red headband standing in front of her table, and behind her stood a teenager wearing a white woolen hat.

"Please have a match with us!"

"Hey Sapphire, it's rude like that..."

  1. no, not the one on Wikipedia, this 'face control' refers to people who likes to look at other people's good appearance
  2. -as a fan