Fight Ruby and Sapphire


Instructor Ai looked at the pair of boy and girl with some surprise.

The young girl was wearing a red and black tank top, special material shorts underneath, and a yellow and green bag on her waist, making her look full of vigor.

The young man is a scholarly, very elegant looks, just wearing a strange white woolen hat, at first glance like a head of white hair...

These two are obviously the protagonists of Hoenn's special manga, Sapphire and Ruby.

"You guys..."


While Instructor Ai was sizing them up, Ruby behind Sapphire took a step forward and violently pulled Sapphire behind his back, somewhat awkwardly and apologetically showing an apologetic smile towards Aisha and Caitlin.

"This child is too excited, please make sure you don't blame her, I apologize on her behalf!"

The sensible and polite Ruby bent down slightly towards the duo and said, "I'm sorry!"

"Ah, oh, I'm sorry!"

Sapphire, who realized how rude she had been in inviting a fight, apologized promptly at Ruby's suggestion.

Caitlin looked at Aisha with interest, as if waiting for him to deal with it.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, smiled helplessly and stood up, helping the apologizing idiot couple.

"There, it's okay."

"I understand how you feel." Aisha patted Ruby's shoulder, then, looking towards Sapphire, said, "Trainers sending out requests for sparring matches to trainers is a very normal thing in itself."

"Besides, we just finished eating, so this isn't really an intrusion..."

"Heh heh heh~"

Sapphire was relieved to have Aisha's understanding instead of being scolded.

This outspoken girl was not the type to hide her thoughts.

After relaxing, she gave an apologetic smile to Instructor Ai and Caitlin.

When she smiled, her sharp fangs were exposed, adding a murderous aura to her smile.


Sapphire's side, Ruby looked at her appearance, helplessly sighed.

He covered his face with an expression of "I don't know this guy".

"Aren't you the daughter of Professor Birch and Wallace's favorite student?"


Hearing Aisha tell her and Ruby's background, Sapphire's face showed a surprised expression, and even the headband tied around her head shook.

"Instructor Ai knows us?"

"I met with Professor Birch when we first entered the venue today." Aisha's response was short and to the point.

Then, as if deliberately teasing Sapphire, he said, "At that time, Professor Birch said that his child was a lively girl, and now that I've seen her, it's true."

"Actually, it's not as good as dad said..."

Being praised by the big handsome boy, Sapphire smiled shyly and scratched her brown hair with her little hand.

"It's not a compliment..." Ruby, with a pair of dead eyes, spat at Sapphire's inexplicable shyness.


Ruby secretly looked at Aisha who was smiling in front of him.

He really is a beautiful young man with an extraordinary demeanor, so it's no wonder that master holds this person in high esteem.


Thinking about Aisha's research on the concept of 'beauty degre' and his 'feat' of developing the 'beauty degree' Pokéblock, Ruby's heart was on fire.

This was the "reformer" of the Coordination Contest!

As an extreme fan of the Coordination Contest, Ruby was as excited to meet Aisha as he was to meet hisidol.

"Hello, Instructor Ai!"

So, Ruby graciously introduced himself.

"I'm Ruby, I live in Littleroot Town, my father is Norman, the Gym Leader of Petalburg Gym in Petalburg City, and my master is your friend Wallace. I'm a big fan of the Coordination Contest, and I'm a big admirer of the Milotic evolution that you developed alone. I'm also a loyal customer of your 'Beautiful Degree' Pokéblock, so for this reason, please give me an autograph!"

The introduction of the signature is normal.

However, after Ruby's introductions were over, his demeanor and tone suddenly became fervent when he talked about Aisha's achievements.

Towards the end of his speech, Ruby even grabbed Instructor Ai's hand and shook it like an avid fan.


Seeing Ruby's action, Caitlin's eyes turned cold, and a sharp line of sight like a knife was cast on him.

At that moment, Ruby felt a chill climb up his spine.

It was like some kind of beast was staring at him.


He involuntarily shivered, and Instructor Ai took the opportunity to withdraw his hand.

Then, he took a step back away from Ruby without any trace.

This kid...

Instructor Ai makes a small gesture to shake his slightly numb hand.

What did Wallace teach him?


Caitlin snorted and withdrew her gaze.

"And you're talking about me..." Sapphire grunted in dissatisfaction, saying, "You were so excited to see Instructor Ai, weren't you?"

"Not the same!"

Ruby couldn't help but retort.

"Master Wallace is my Master, and Instructor Ai is a friend of Master's, so, I'm-"

"What's this?"

Ruby stifled half a day also did not tell a decent excuse, Sapphire is mercilessly whipped him up, said: "Some people really usually pretend to be serious, once met their own interest in things is the original form, huh, false seriousness!"

"Sapphire, you savage girl!"

Seeing that the two idiots were about to get into another fight, Aisha stopped them.

"Okay, I accept your challenge."

"Really?" Sapphire just abandoned Ruby and looked at Instructor Ai with starry eyes.


Instructor Ai smiled gently.


His words changed, and he said, "It's a bit of a waste of time to play one match against another, so in that case, why don't you try a double battle?"



Hearing Instructor Ai's words, Sapphire and Ruby looked at each other blankly.

"You're from Hoenn, and doubles matches are very popular in Hoenn, aren't they?"

Instructor Ai said with his arms wrapped around his chest, "Double battle test the tacit understanding and cooperation between two co-trainers, you two... should not doubt each other's tacit understanding and cooperation, right?"



After thinking for a while, Sapphire and Ruby came to an agreement.


"A double battle is a double battle!"


Aisha smiled and looked over to Caitlin at her side.

"So... I wonder if Miss Caitlin would be interested in fighting alongside me?"

Upon hearing this, Caitlin's face showed a bit of joy.

However, she still stroked her golden sand-like beautiful hair, made a haughty look, and said, "Since you've already proposed a double battle, it would still be awkward if you don't have a partner, right?"

"In that case, this lady is willing to be your partner."


The four of them walked out of the seminar hall in two directions.

However, Lumiose City was very large, and there were Pokémon battle grounds everywhere in the plazas along the road.

So, Aisha, Caitlin, Sapphire and Ruby found an isolated but spacious field, and each stood at one end of the field.

"Toro, attack!"

"Zuzu, it's your turn!"

The idiot couple each threw a Pokeball.

With a flash of light, two well-bred Pokémon appeared on the battlefield.

They were a glowing Blaziken and a muscular Swampert.

These two Pokémon were the second of the Three Royal Family in Hoenn, and were proof that Sapphire and Ruby were the third generation of Pokédex holders.


Looking at the two Pokémon, Caitlin looked a bit surprised.

Obviously, she didn't realize that these two young boys and girls, who didn't look too smart, were actually two powerful trainers.

"I see, Wallace's disciple." After recalling Ruby's words, Caitlin's eyes became serious when she looked at these two.

Unova's Psychic-type Elite Four, serious!


With a wave of her slender hand, a high-level ball shot out, wrapped in a wave of superpowers.

"Woo~" Wrapped in a bubble of green liquid, Reuniclus waved its thick arm and floated above the field.

This is Caitlin's strong attacker.

"In that case, on my side!"

Instructor Ai released his strongest regular Pokémon.


With a heart-stopping dragon roar, a huge creature with a scorching aura appeared at Reuniclus' side.

Its wide wings created a large shadow on the ground, causing sand and dust to fill the air between its flaps.

Its stubby tail wagged continuously, and the flames burning at the end of the tail were so hot...


Ruby's eyes widened at the sight of Instructor Ai's Charizard.

He ran to the other end of the field and repeatedly looked up and down the Charizard, whose height exceeded three meters.

"Oh my god!"

Ruby couldn't stop exclaiming, her eyes fluttering, saying, "Such good skin, such strong muscles.... Pokédex written above Charizard's average height is clearly only one meter seven, Instructor Ai, how did you cultivate this Charizard beyond three meters in height, if you take this Charizard to participate in the Coordination Contest, even if just standing spray a mouthful of Fire Blast, I think it will also be able to breath to win the 'Cool' Category champion with one breath, wouldn't you?"

Sapphire: "..."

The girl looked at her partner with a blank expression.

In the ring, Blaziken Toro and Swampert Zuzu also look confused.

Zuzu raised its hand to cover its face in a very humane manner - its trainer was still the type who couldn't stop looking at pretty Pokémon.

He had the same look when he was rescuing Professor Birch in the field and praised the malicious Poochyena.

"Uh, hahaha~" After looking back, Ruby scratched his head in embarrassment and retreated back to Sapphire's side.

"I'm kind of tempted to join the enemy."

Sapphire had a pair of dead eyes.

"Three of us against one of you."

"Great Lord Sapphire, please don't do this!"

Ruby slipped to his knees.

"This guy, could he be stupid?" Caitlin looked to Instructor Ai, nonchalantly defining Ruby's attributes.

"Both of them seem to be..."

Instructor Ai responded to Caitlin's whisper.


The battle begins!

"Charizard uses Hurricane on Blaziken!" Instructor Ai led off with a sharp command.

Caitlin was silent, but the light of her psychic power shone brightly between her beautiful eyes.


Reuniclus exclaimed as he straightened its arms and a shield of superpowers appeared in front of it and Charizard.

This is Reflect.

Behind the shield, two spiral hurricanes whipped out and swept crosswise toward Sapphire's Toro.

"Toro, jump up and use Blaze Kick on Reuniclus!"

"Zuzu, use Waterfall on Charizard!"

They ordered together.


Blaziken exploded into a powerful jump, leaping twenty meters in a single bound and dodging the Hurricane, which had an alarming hit rate.

Then, like a masked knight using the Knight's Kick, its right foot was ablaze with flames, and it threw a flying kick at Reuniclus.

"Roar!" Swampert roared as it charged at Charizard, running, a raging stream of water rippling through its body.


Instructor Ai called out to Caitlin without looking away.

His psychic energy drifted out and linked to Caitlin's psychic energy without any obstacles.


The ease of the mental link froze Aisha for a moment, but, this being the middle of a battle, Aisha immediately conveyed his thoughts.

"Uh-huh." Caitlin glanced at Instructor Ai with her afterglow and gave a snort in response with a smile.


Blaziken's Blaze Kick arrived first.

Blaziken felt something wrong underneath its foot when he kicked it.

It lowered its head, and was shocked to find that the Reuniclus that had originally floated here had somehow been replaced by a muscular Charizard.


Charizard showed a fierce smile to Blaziken, and it grabbed Blaziken's leg with two claws.

Then, its wings flapped!


The hurricane hit Blaziken's body head-on, with great effect.

Blaziken flew backwards with the hurricane.

On the other hand, Swampert's Waterfall hits Reuniclus... a slit scrape.

Ally Switch.

Swap your position with a teammate's for defense.

It's a very basic maneuver.


Against Swampert's fist, Reuniclus raised its arm, and Psychic was released in one breath.

However, it was not aimed at Swampert.


Blaziken flew out of the sky and was frozen in mid-air, unable to move.

Reuniclus's mental power grabbed Blaziken, and it flung Blaziken to the ground.

"Zuzu, stop it, full Waterfall!" ordered Ruby nervously.

"Charizard, use Solar Beam on Swampert."

Instructor Ai's calm voice made his heart tighten.


Charizard opened his bloody mouth and aimed it at Swampert in the distance, and bright daylight burst from his mouth.


Ruby was in a cold sweat at Charizard's move.

Solar Beam are four times more powerful against Swampert's Water and Ground type. Since it's not Sunny Day, Solar Beam needs to build up its power, and according to Swampert's speed, it's not a problem to dodge it.


If Swampert dodges, he's giving up on Blaziken.

Blaziken just took Charizard's Hurricane, and now Reuniclus' Psychic, and the consequences will be disastrous.

The problem was, if Swampert insisted on attacking Reuniclus, Solar Beam would be able to kill it in seconds.


Ruby's mind was racing, but he was in a dilemma.

"Ruby, don't worry about me and Toro, Toro can do it!" Sapphire's voice was firm.


Ruby chose to trust Sapphire.

"Zuzu, get out of the way."

"Toro, break free!"

Their trust in each other was evident at this moment.

However, Aisha and Caitlin's coordination wasn't so simple.

"Charizard, attack Blaziken with Air Cutter."

Charizard's mastery of energy is a mastery of control.

Halfway through the Solar Beam's buildup, it easily dissipated the energy.

Then, with a wide flap of its wings at Blaziken in the distance, two crescent-shaped Air Cutter blasted out.

"Ow... ow?"

Over there, Blaziken, who was trying to fight back against Psychic, felt a lightness in its body.

Reuniclus had removed Psychic from its body, and had taken control of Swampert instead.

As soon as Blaziken hit the ground, Charizard's Air Cutter was in its face.

Charizard dodged, but the Air Cutter still grazed its legs.


Aisha laughed.

Without the Speed Boost feature, this Blaziken was no threat.


Reuniclus laughed as it formed an Energy Ball.

Charizard followed Instructor Ai's command and used Air Cutter on Blaziken again.

"Toro, see through."

"Zuzu, Protect!"

Sapphire and Ruby chose defense.

Blaziken and Swampert each defended against a deadly attack.

However, defense was not a good idea.

The initiative to attack had already fallen into the hands of Aisha and Caitlin.

"We have no choice but to try to attack, otherwise, we don't stand a chance..."

"Well, use that move!"

Both of them gave their orders at the same time.

"Toro, Fire Pledge!"

"Zuzu, Water Pledge!"

The two Pokémon roared out together.

Stomping on the ground, the raging pillars of fire and water rose up and intertwined with each other.

This is a combined move.

By using both moves together, their power increases and they successfully break Reuniclus' Psychic and Charizard's Fire Blast.

A rainbow hangs in the sky.


Aisha was a bit surprised at the rainbow state created by these two.

This was not what he had expected.

He didn't realize that Sapphire and Ruby had practiced this combined move.

Rainbow status doubles the additional effect of your Pokémon's moves, so Swampert's next move...

"Charizard, Protect."

"Zuzu, Rock Slide!"

"Toro, use Flare Blitz on Reuniclus!"

Rocks tumbled into the sky.

Charizard put up a strong shield before the rocks fell.

Reuniclus, however, took the damage from the Rock Slide and launched an Energy Ball.

The Energy Ball hit Blaziken, who was charging with flames.

"Nice counterattack."

Aisha smiled as he watched Blaziken's Flare Blitz crush Reuniclus.

Well, shattered.

That's Substitute.


The real Reuniclus appears behind Swampert, an Energy Ball is pressed into its back, and it explodes!

Swampert was blown away and hit the ground.

Blaziken, whose stamina was already on its last legs, took Charizard's second Hurricane and fell to the ground, completely incapacitated.

"Ah, Toro!"

Sapphire retrieved Blaziken with a heartbroken expression.

Over there, Ruby's expression changed for the worse.

Because Swampert, who still had a fighting chance, was being suppressed by Reuniclus' Psychic.

Charizard was using Solar Beam.

Instructor Ai's finger pointed at Swampert.

"Charizard, Excalibur!"


The dragon's roar blossomed with the sun's light.

Light was rushing!

After the light cannon, Swampert was also hung with mosquito eyes.


Ruby cried out and withdrew his Swampert.

"It's too ugly to lose." He covered his face, looking ashamed.


Sapphire, on the other hand, was taking it easy.

She patted Ruby's shoulder with an old-fashioned look and said, "It's alright, the other team is Instructor Ai and Unova's Elite Four."

"It's not a loss for us to lose!"

"That's true." Ruby shook his head, revealing a bitter smile.

Over there, Aisha and Caitlin also retrieved Charizard and Reuniclus.

"Good, marvelous feeling..."

Looking down at her hands, Caitlin muttered.

"What's wrong?" Aisha spoke up just in time.

He noticed that Caitlin's psychic energy was fluctuating at a high frequency during the battle.

However, this high-frequency fluctuation of psychic power was not out of control, but was becoming more and more stable.

This was the reason why Reuniclus was so powerful in this battle - the combination of Psychic-type Pokémon and psychic was too strong.


Caitlin raised her head blankly and flashed a smile at Instructor Ai.

"It seems that I've found a solution to the problem."