Lumiose Gym Gym Challenge

Prism Tower.

Aisha stood underneath the tower, looking up at it with a sigh.

Prism Tower, as its name suggests, is filled with blue prisms of a special structure.

Under the sunlight, the tower reflects the light in a beautiful way.

This is the landmark of Lumiose City and also of the Kalos region.

Not only that, but Lumiose City's gym, Lumiose Gym, is housed in this tower.


Aisha pronounced the name of the owner of Lumiose Gym.

He was an inventor and a trainer specializing in Electric-type Pokémon.

The future Rotom Pokédex was his creation.


Laughing and shaking his head, Aisha entered Prism Tower.

His goal today was to challenge this gym.



While Aisha was searching for the way to Lumiose Gym, a young voice entered his ears.

"Excuse me..."

With the little girl's voice ringing in his ears, Aisha felt someone tugging at his coat.

He lowered his head and saw a little girl with yellow hair looking at him with a curious face.

"Wow, it's really Instructor Ai!"

After seeing Aisha's face, the girl showed a surprised expression, as if she had seen her idol.

At the same time, Aisha also saw her face clearly.

It was a cute little girl with yellow hair and blue eyes.

She was Clemont's sister, Bonnie.

"Ah, sorry!"

The little girl gave Aisha an embarrassed smile, and then, took a few steps back.

"My name is Bonnie, the sister of Clemont, the Gym Leader of Lumiose Gym."

After introducing herself, Bonnie clasped her hands together and looked at Aisha with starry eyes, saying, "Excuse me, are you Instructor Ai."

"Yes... Why does it feel like everyone knows me?"

Aisha spread his hands helplessly.

Bonnie, on the other hand, scratched her head and laughed.

"After all, Instructor Ai is so famous that everyone speculates that you're the future Elite Four of the Dayan region."

"Oh?" Aisha froze and said, "I haven't heard of that."

Of course, Instructor Ai's ambition wasn't the Elite Four.

His goal was above that...

"Did Instructor Ai come to Prism Tower to challenge Lumiose Gym?"


"So." Aisha looked around the halls on the first floor of Prism Tower and gave Bonnie a friendly smile.

"I wonder if Bonnie could take me over to your older brother?"

"No problem!"

Bonnie patted her chest and said, "I'll leave it to Bonnie!"

After that, this little girl took over the task of tour guide and led Instructor Ai around Prism Tower.

After walking through the long corridors and taking the elevator, they stopped in front of the gym.

"Actually, if you want to challenge your brother, you need to go through Bonnie's test." Bonnie told them about the Lumiose Gym's gym test as she typed in the entry code, saying, "Only those who answer Bonnie's puzzles correctly are eligible to enter the gym... Of course, Instructor Ai doesn't need to!"

"Thank you very much."

"Heh heh heh~"

After hearing Instructor Ai's thanks, Bonnie let out a happy giggle.

After chatting along the way, Instructor Ai had gotten to know Bonnie quite well.

For example, this little girl's dream is to become a great trainer like her older brother Clemont.

Thinking of Bonnie in the anime, Instructor Ai is a bit embarrassed.

This is also a tough guy who had the protection of a First-level Legendary Pokémon right from the start...

"Eh, Bonnie."

On the grounds of the gym, Clemont, dressed in work clothes and carrying a large backpack on his back, saw Bonnie.

He then noticed Aisha behind Bonnie, and with a look of realization, he said, "I see, a new challenger has arrived."

Clemont walked towards Aisha, extended his hand, and said, "Nice to meet you, Instructor Ai, we met at the seminar."

"Nice to meet you, Gym Leader Clemont."

Aisha shook Clemont's hand, and after trying to remember, he did recall that he had seen Clemont at the seminar yesterday-at that time, Clemont was discussing things with several researchers who were also fanatical about mechanical research, and Aisha didn't expect that Aicha didn't realize that Clemont had actually noticed him at that time.


Clemont noticed the Rotom phone beside Aisha and showed a surprised expression.

He smiled and pushed up his glasses, saying, "I can't believe it's a Rotom phone, and to be honest, I've been studying Rotom's form changes for a while now."


Instructor Ai glanced at the Rotom phone and said, "The ability of Rotom to enter electrical appliances is a great help for some inventions..."


Clemont's eyes lit up, as if he had flipped a switch, his tone instantly became fervent, saying, "Instructor Ai is also interested in Rotom research?"

"Well... I have some ideas, like Rotom Pokédex or Rotom Bike?"

"Ah, I've thought about those too!"

"Oops!" Bonnie interrupted Clemont's follow-up question at this point.

The little girl was furiously lecturing her elder brother, saying: "Big brother, you idiot, Instructor Ai is clearly a challenger who came here to challenge the gym, you don't pull him to ask about invention things!"

"I'm sorry, Instructor Ai!"Afterwards, Bonnie apologized towards Instructor Ai, saying: "Brother is always like this, when it comes to the topic of his own interest in research, he will be fanatical."

"It's okay."

Aisha smiled.

This pair of siblings was interesting.

"I myself have some thoughts about what Gym Leader Clemont said." He shook his head, and said, "However, it's better to wait until after the Gym Challenge is over, then we can have a good chat."


Clemont's interest in Instructor Ai gradually grew.

He thought that Aisha's research was limited to Pokémon breeding, but he didn't realize that this person had ideas in the field of mechanics and inventions as well.

It was really something to look forward to...

Afterwards, the two of them stood at opposite ends of the battlefield, with Bonnie acting as the referee for the dojo challenge.

"The rules of Lumiose Gym are three-on-three Pokémon battles, and the dojo trainer cannot change Pokémon!" Bonnie shouted out the rules of the Gym Challenge in a clear voice.

Despite her young age, she had no stage fright at all.

Obviously, she was familiar with such things.

That's a good sister.

"Instructor Ai, show me what you're made of!" Over there, Clemont, who was carrying a backpack, showed a serious expression.


Instructor Ai also took out his Poké ball.

"Let the battle begin!"

With Bonnie's shout, the two Poké balls were thrown up into the air by the two trainers.

The Pokémon opened up, and with a flash of light, two Pokémon appeared on the battlefield.


In front of Clemont stood the electric Pokémon unique to the Kalos region, the bipedal, upright-walking Heliolisk.

This Heliolisk was bred very well, and its height alone was more than a meter and a half taller than a normal Pokémon.

Its orange scales and yellow skin are shining brightly, and it looks like it's been taking care of itself.


After seeing the Pokémon on Instructor Ai's field clearly, Clemont showed a surprised expression.

The chubby, stumpy pink egg stood in front of Aisha with a big smile on its face, making it look very cute and silly.

"Wow, Chansey!" Bonnie, the referee, called out the name of the Pokémon.

This is a Pokémon that is not normally used in battle.

Now Aisha was using it in the Gym Challenge.

Clemont's expression was a bit ugly.

As a Gym Leader, he was aware of the "Pink Demon" trend.

Clemont knew that most of these cute pink Pokémon had disgusting fighting abilities that didn't fit their cute appearance.

Chansey, in particular, had a ridiculously high Special Defense.

On the other hand, the Electricity Pokémon that he specialized in were basically all strong attackers who were good at special attacks...


Clemont glanced at Aisha, and after seeing the seemingly absent smile on his face, his mood became even more gloomy.

He could be sure that sending Chansey was not an unintentional move on Aisha's part, he had chosen this pink demon as a combatant after recognizing his own fighting style.

"Heliolisk, Thunderbolt!"

Clemont waved his hand, and shouted the command to attack first.

Heliolisk on the field glared with both eyes, the umbrella-like structure on the top of his neck like a scarf opened up, surging electric current exploded from the countless orange scales at the end, and along with the trembling of the scarf, it quickly gathered into a thick pillar of thunder, and slashed at Chansey in front of it.

"Chansey, Stealth Rock."

Aisha, on the other hand, unhurriedly gave a breathtaking command.

At those words, Clemont's expression changed.

Rock Spike wasn't very effective against Electric-type Pokémon.

However, once Aisha shouted out this quality, it meant that he wasn't going to be human.


Heliolisk's Thunderbolt struck Chansey's body with a fast, accurate, and vicious blow.

Chansey was unharmed, it didn't even take a step back from the attack, and threw out a large handful of sharp rocks against Heliolisk's Thunderbolt.

The rocks hit the ground and disappear.

The rock spikes were buried.


Clemont fell silent.

He calmly analyzed Chansey's situation.

Clemont knew exactly what level of output his Heliolisk had.

Even so, the damage caused by its specialty Thunderbolt to Chansey was almost invisible...

This Chansey's defense was already evident!

"Tricky... But it's not impossible to fight."

Clemont gave an excited smile.

"Chansey, Toxic."

"Heliolisk, Agility!"

Chansey, under Aisha's command, gathered a large mass of foul-smelling venom and threw it at Clemont's Heliolisk.

However, Heliolisk, with a strange light wrapped around its body, ran wildly across the field in a very comical manner.

However, it dodged Chansey's Toxic.


Clemont's eyes flashed with a peculiar light underneath his large round glasses.

Heliolisk possessed a move that could do great damage to Chansey...

As it happens, Chansey's output isn't likely to take down Heliolisk anytime soon.

This way... If I use that move when I have the chance, the disadvantage on the field will be reversed!

"Heliolisk, Thunder Wave."

"Chansey, Toxic."

They gave their orders together.

Running at high speed, Heliolisk turned his head and unleashed a light beam of electricity towards Chansey.

Chansey seized the momentary delay in Heliolisk's attack and splashed his face with the foul venom.


Heliolisk screamed and almost fell to the ground.

Chansey's body was flooded with a slight electric current, and it fell into a Paralyzed state.


Chansey's movements slowed down.

However, in terms of condition, Heliolisk was much worse.

Heliolisk's strength has been reduced by the Toxic.

"Heliolisk, Focus Blast!" Clemont gave the command, seizing the opportunity that Chansey was slowed down by Paralyzed and had a certain chance of not being able to move.

Focus Blast, as a powerful fighting move, is a huge threat to Chansey, even if it is a special attack.

So, Clemont had Heliolisk control Chansey with Thunder Wave.

"Chansey, Protect."

Aisha calmly read out the defense command.

Chansey raised its small hand against the electricity that was crackling through itsbody.


Heliolisk quickly gathered Focus Blast and fired.

The pure white ball of energy swept across the field and reached Chansey's face.

The moment before Focus Blast hit Chansey, a glowing green energy shield was erected in front of Chansey, blocking it.

"Chansey, Seismic Toss."

"Heliolisk, Dragon Tail!"

Hearing Clemont's command, Aisha wore a strange expression.

As expected, facing Chansey who was charging towards him, Heliolisk let out a high-pitched scream without panicking.

It turned around fiercely, and its slender tail was covered with a layer of dark green energy, and it mercilessly lashed at Chansey's body like a steel whip.

"Chansey?" Chansey, who ate the Dragon Tail, turned into a beam of red light and returned to Instructor Ai's Poké ball.

Then, the other Pokémon on Aisha's waist opened up, and Larvitar, who also looked puzzled, appeared on the battlefield.

Clemont: "?"

"It seems that your luck is not too good." Aisha looked at him with a smirk.

"Gym Leader Clemont."

Using Focus Blast to attack Chansey, once it hits, Heliolisk pursues the attack, dealing further damage to Chansey.

If Chansey is able to avoid the Focus Blast, Clemont will have Heliolisk use Dragon Tail to force Instructor Ai to switch...

That's a good plan.

Clemont, as an Electricity Specialist, is not a head-to-head trainer like Lt. Surge or Elesa.

He's more of a field control trainer, and his excellent speed and output of most of the Electric Pokémon complement his combat prowess.

"In that case, I'll have a serious fight with you."

Aisha smiled and said, "Larvitar, show him your power, Sandstorm!"


Larvitar swung its hands without hesitation.

Strong wind and sand appeared out of nowhere, sweeping the field of battle in one gulp.


Clemont was surprised to see Larvitar hidden under the Sandstorm.

It was clearly in its original form, and it was manually powered up.

This Larvitar's Sandstorm traveled so fast that it was as powerful as some powerful Sandstorm Pokémon.

"It's worthy of being Instructor Ai..."

Clemont sighed in admiration, and then, with an ugly expression, he looked at his Heliolisk.

After a few rounds of Toxic's torture, Heliolisk's stamina wasn't good.

Now, the wind and sand blowing on the field had further weakened his stamina...


Aisha looked at the gasping Heliolisk and smiled happily.

He could tell at a glance that Clemont's Heliolisk's characteristic was Dry Skin, not Sand Veil or Solar Power.

That's why he dared to command Larvitar to launch Sandstorm.

Clemont couldn't borrow his weather.

"Larvitar, Earthquake!"

"Heliolisk, Focus Blast!"

Following Aisha's command to attack, Clemont shouted the name of the move once more.

Focus Blast had the same two-fold restraints as Larvitar.

However, Larvitar's speed and attack power were different from Chansey...


When Larvitar stomped its foot, the ground shook violently.

With a loud rumbling sound, the pure ground energy quickly approached Heliolisk's face.

This was an unavoidable attack.

Heliolisk, who was still building up his Focus Blast energy, was caught off guard by Larvitar's Earthquake.


The half-finished Focus Blast dissipated and Heliolisk fell to the ground.

Larvitar didn't hesitate to follow up with a second Earthquake.


As the mountain crumbled, Heliolisk was incapacitated with coiled eyes.

"Ah, Heliolisk..." Outside the arena, Bonnie exclaimed.

However, she did her duty by announcing the situation on the field.

"Ahem, Heliolisk fainted, Gym Leader please send a new Pokémon!"

"...What a powerful attack."

After retrieving Heliolisk, Clemont looked at Instructor Ai's Larvitar with amazed eyes.

As the dojo owner of Lumiose Gym, Clemont was considered a member of the high society, and he had seen many Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon.

As we all know, Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon are also known as late bloomers.

This type of Pokémon only evolves to its final form and has a racial value of up to 600 before it can close the gap with ordinary Pokémon... However, in their initial and transitional forms, these Pokémon's combat power is not much different from that of other Pokémon.

Aisha's Larvitar has the power to kill Heliolisk at speed.

Its speed with Earthquake is even faster than Heliolisk's Speed Plus 2!

Focus Blast isn't Focus Punch, and it doesn't take long to build up power.


"It's amazing."

"Heh~" Noticing Clemont's look, Aisha laughed lightly.

His Larvitar was a Pokémon that had been cultivated strictly according to 'Secret of the Earth' and Instructor Ai's own opinions.

It was strong in every aspect.

If you underestimate Larvitar just because it's in its original form, you'll be in deep trouble.

"However, I also have a good partner on my side." Clemont threw the second Poké ball.

The Poké ball opened, and a large, horrific-looking eel with sharp teeth and claws in its mouth and hands appeared in front of Larvitar.

As soon as it appeared, it was attacked by Sandstorm and Stealth Rock.

However, the monstrous creature floats in midair.

This is a Levitate trait.

"Eelektross?" Aisha frowned.

This was a Pokémon that was said to have no weaknesses.

It didn't have any redeeming qualities, but considering its racial value and skill pool, it would be good to use it against Larvitar.

"Larvitar, Rock Slide!"

"Eelektross, Coil."

Larvitar smashes a large rock with a wave of his hand.

Eelektross, on the other hand, formed himself into a big ball and resisted the attack.


Eelektross then unfolded his body, his scarlet eyes fixed on the Larvitar in front of him.

At the same time, Clemont's command arrived: "Eelektross, close combat!"

"Larvitar, Protect."

Larvitar put up a shield of energy, and Eelektross, who came like a cannonball, crashed through it.


Aisha exclaimed, saying, "Larvitar, show it your power too, Stone Edge!"


The overwhelming Sandstorm accelerated Larvitar's speed of gathering rock energy.

Soon, it launched countless sharp rocks.

These rocks hit Eelektross's body one after another like missiles.

"Eelektross, Brick Break!" Clemont's voice reached Eelektross's ears, which had grown somewhere.

The great eel flung up its whip-tough arms, smashing away the rocks that Larvitar had launched at him, and charged at him.

"Drain Punch!"