I'll Find You a Few Hardworking Guys


Eelektross rushed to Larvitar's face and raised his arm, which was glowing with white light.

Then, he slashed down.

"With a swish, the steel whip-like arm tore through the flying sand in front of him and slammed into Larvitar's head.

Larvitar flew out like a rag, the power of this Drain Punch is amazing, for the two times weaker fighting Larvitar is caused by a ridiculously high damage.

Due to the special effect of Drain Punch, Eelektross was able to recover his lost stamina from the previous battle.


Clemont pushed up his big round glasses and revealed a winning smile.

Although the Fighting-type Moves were not Eelektross's natural moves, he had emphasized on Eelektross's moves, and they were just as powerful now.


Suddenly, he realized something was wrong.

So did Eelektross on the field.

Eelektross looked at its hands, the scars were still there, even more so due to the sand and rocks.

In the distance, the Larvitar it had sent flying with a Drain Punch turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared without a trace.


Clemont was shocked, saying, "Substitute?"

"But... when?"

He hadn't realized when Larvitar had opened Substitute.

Drain Punch couldn't draw energy from Substitute to recover from its own injuries!

Then, if that was the Substitute, where was the real Larvitar hiding?


At that moment, the ground underneath Eelektross' feet cracked open, and Larvitar, with a powerful aura wrapped around its body, jumped out of the hole in the ground.

Inside the hole, he completed a Dragon Dance enhancement.

Now, its attack power and speed have increased to a new level.

"Larvitar, show him how it's done."

Aisha smiled and said, "Stone Edge!"


The sharp-eyed Larvitar quickly created a huge, sharp rock and threw it out like a javelin.

The blow struck Eelektross squarely in the stomach.


Eelektross' eyes almost popped out.

The big eel was bowed down like a boiled prawn by the huge rock that came from the bottom up.

Then, it flew backwards into the air.


Clemont shouted.

Aisha, on the other hand, didn't miss the chance to make up for it, and shouted out the command to pursue, saying, "Larvitar, make up a Rock Slide!"


Larvitar, who had stabilized himself, called out a large rock at his side and smashed it mercilessly into Eelektross, who was flying upside down.

"Eelektross, Protect!"


Eelektross hastily put up a shield of energy and blocked Larvitar's attack just in time.

"I can't believe you used Dragon Dance and Substitute right under my nose, and even made a section enhancement?" Clemont was shocked.

As an analytical trainer, the thing he was best at was analyzing enemy and enemy data.

There was a clear difference between the power and speed of Larvitar's previous and subsequent attacks, so he could easily deduce Larvitar's actions.

However, this surprised him even more.

"Could this Larvitar have the Sand Veil characteristic?" Clemont frowned.

He looked at the field.

Larvitar's Sandstorm was apparently going to last for a long time.

If this Pokémon really has the Sand Veil characteristic, the rest of the battle will be very difficult.

In that case...

"Eelektross, Gastro Acid!"

"Larvitar, Stone Edge."

They gave their orders one after the other.

Eelektross's hideous mouthpiece spewed out a large amount of foul-smelling Gastro Acid, and then, having given up the chance to dodge, it was hit by a series of sharp rocks, which caused it to take a heavy hit and the Levitate's altitude to drop considerably.


Larvitar was sprayed with Gastro Acid by Eelektross.

It looked at the slime with a bit of confusion.


Larvitar looked disgusted at the stench.

But... It doesn't hurt.

What's going on?

You don't use damaging moves against me?

Larvitar looked at Eelektross in the sky with a confused look on its face.

At the same time, Eelektross was also confused.

Clemont: "?"

Looking at Larvitar's unchanged body, Clemont looked at Aisha and saw Aisha smiling at him.

"I'm sorry, you were fooled by me." Aisha made the gesture.

Then, he shouted his final command, saying, "Larvitar finish Eelektross with Rock Slide!"


Larvitar, who was furious because it was covered in Gastro Acid, waved its hand and created a wave of rocks.

Even though Clemont commanded Eelektross to use his full strength Discharge to defend, the Rock Slide broke through the golden electricity and hit Eelektross's body with a single blow.


Eelektross said it was numb, and fell to the ground.

It fainted.

Clemont retrieved Eelektross and looked at Aisha's Larvitar with a strange look.

Eelektross's Gastro Acid had no effect, meaning that the Larvitar's trait was Guts, not Sand Veil.

A Larvitar with the trait of Guts can move so nimbly and stealthily within a Sandstorm?

This can only be attributed to the Larvitar's exceptional control over the Sandstorm...

Also, the Sandstorm lasted too long.

Even with Smooth Rock, the Sandstorm lasted too long...


Clemont revealed a shocked expression.

The control of the Sandstorm was this strong in its initial form, so when this Larvitar evolved into a Tyranitar, how terrifying would its Sandstorm be?

Larvitar's Guts trait would turn into Sand Stream when it evolved into Tyranitar.

"It's... it's an unbeatable weatherman."

Clemont couldn't help but exclaim.

Aisha, on the other hand, smiled without saying a word.

In Giovanni's 'Secret of the Earth', the cultivation method of the Tyranitar family was written in great detail.

It included the basic six attribute enhancement, as well as the learning and practicing of moves, and the secret method of developing characteristics.

This Larvitar will definitely be a great general in the future.


Clemont threw out his last Pokémon.

A Lanturn appeared between the flying sand and rocks with a current of water.

As usual, Sandstorm and Stealth Rock were at his disposal, and Lanturn came out with two damage.

"Lanturn, Hydro Pump!"

"Larvitar, come back."

Instructor Ai demonstrated the speed of his hands.

The moment Lanturn's Hydro Pump was discharged, a beam of red light shone on Larvitar's back, retrieving it.

Larvitar even turned off the Sandstorm before it left.

Clemont's eyes were jumping at the power of this control.

Instructor Ai then threw the third Poké Ball, and a giggling shiny Haunter floated onto the field.

"Haunter, Shadow Ball!"

"Lanturn, Discharge!"

Haunter slapped his hand and shot out a high speed spinning Shadow Ball.

The Shadow Ball hit the golden electricity and exploded.

"With a loud bang, the smoke from the explosion filled the air.

Haunter used the cover of the smoke to hide himself.

Clemont didn't hesitate to give the command, saying, "Lanturn, omni-directional Discharge!"


Lanturn, with two light beads on its head, released a breath of air that spread to all corners of the field in an instant.


Haunter was attacked by Discharge and was forced to reveal its form.

Nevertheless, it gritted its teeth and threw out a Shadow Ball, which hit Lanturn's head in a lightning fast manner.

"Haunter, Toxic!"

"Lanturn, Aqua Ring!"

Lanturn nimbly rolled around, and large streams of water appeared around it.

This healed its wounds from Sandstorm's scrape, and cut off the Toxic Haunter had thrown at it.



Suddenly, Lanturn, which had Aqua Ring wrapped around its body, showed a pained expression.

Above its head, where Haunter's Shadow Ball had hit, a purple color filled the air... That's poison!

After the poison appeared, the Toxic that was isolated by the Aqua Ring seemed to be pulled by something, and it surged into Lanturn's body without any problem.


Lanturn let out a cry of pain as the Toxic kicked in on its body, and Aqua Ring's recovery effect was just a drop in the bucket compared to the Toxic's damage.

"What the hell?" Clemont was dumbfounded.

He'd never seen such a bizarre tactic before.

Larvitar and Haunter that Aisha had produced in quick succession had changed his previous understanding of these two Pokémon.

How the hell did this guy breed Pokémon?


Aisha smiled at Lanturn's reaction.

The 'Spirit Poison' had been used for the first time in a real battle, and it was effective.

"It's worthy of the power that Granny Agatha spent her entire life developing... It's really treacherous, fierce, and hard to defend against."

Aisha was in a good mood.

Haunter had only mastered the 'Spirit Poison' at a preliminary stage, and the effect was already this strong.

Then, how strong would it be when it had fully mastered 'Spirit Poison' and evolved its form into Gengar?


Instructor Ai laughed even more wildly.

It's really exciting to think about it.

"Jie..." Haunter did the same.

After realizing how powerful its new power was, the Soul Temple Elder let out a villainous laugh.

Clemont: "..."

Looking at the laughing Haunter and the laughing Instructor Ai, Clemont realized.

Are you looking for me to test your Pokémon?

"No, I have to get rid of one!" Clemont's eyes were burning with the desire to win.

His sister was still watching him fight, and if he lost so badly, he really wouldn't be able to make a living!

"Lanturn, get your spirit up, Discharge!"


Lanturn endured the erosion of Toxic and released a surge of electricity in one breath.

It was so fast, Haunter almost missed it.

Luckily, Haunter's strength is not limited.

After dodging Lanturn's Discharge, Haunter unleashed a series of small Shadow Balls, hitting Lanturn's body like machine guns.

Lanturn's speed was completely inferior to Haunter.

Even if he tried to dodge, he couldn't avoid the speed-specialized Shadow Balls.

When it chose to counterattack, Lanturn spat hot water under Clemont's command and hit Haunter, making him grimace.

"Haunter, Sludge Bomb!"

"Lanturn, Hydro Pump!"

Finally, Haunter and Lanturn's attacks landed on each other.

Lanturn, who had been tortured by Toxic, died on the spot, while Haunter survived.

"With Lanturn fainted and all of the Pokémon on the Gym Leader side defeated, the winner of this Gym Challenge is Instructor Aisha!"

Bonnie immediately announced the result of the match from outside the arena.

Clemont shook his head and retrieved the tortured Lanturn.


He sighed and retrieved his Poké ball.

By the way, Clemont pulled out a golden badge.

It was a beautiful golden triangle with a few lightning bolts on it.

Clemont smiled bitterly as he walked over to Aisha and shoved it into his hand, saying, "Although, Instructor Ai, you don't travel in the Kalos region, but as a symbol of your victory over me, the Lord of the Lumiose Gym, this Voltage Badge still belongs to you."


Aisha took the Voltage Badge and showed an embarrassed smile towards Clemont, saying, "I'm still troubling Gym Leader Clemont today."

"It's fine..."

Clemont shook his head with a helpless face, saying: "As a Gym Leader, my job is to test the strength of trainers... This time, I'm just being approached by a trainer as a testing stone, so it doesn't make much of a difference."


"But..." Out of guilt, as well as human feelings, Instructor Ai still chose to give some inspiration to Clemont, who had helped him test the strength of Larvitar and Haunter, and said, "If you're working on Rotom mechanics, I'd suggest that you move closer to the Pokédex as well as the bike... after all, a lot of new trainers don't really know how to use the Pokédex, if there's a Rotom Pokédex equipped with an intelligent system, the utilization rate of the Pokédex should increase quite a bit, and as for the bike, in the end, it's still an increase in power."


Upon hearing that, Clemont revealed an interested smile and said, "About the Rotom Pokédex and the Rotom Bike, I've really thought about it."

"I didn't realize that Instructor Ai and I had the same idea, it's not a bad idea to fight you today."

"I'm sorry, I'm just standing on the shoulders of a giant to see the world." Aisha smiled and waved his hand.

He exchanged contact information with Clemont.

Afterwards, Aisha saw a message from Caitlin.


Aisha froze, and then, gave Clemont an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, it looks like we can't talk freely, I still have some things to do."

"Okay, that's fine, Instructor Ai has already helped me by coming up with the idea of Pokédex and bike." Clemont was very understanding.

"Bonnie, you see Instructor Ai out."


The little girl hopped up and led Instructor Ai towards the easy way out of the dojo.

"So why don't we just go this way from the start?" Instructor Ai was puzzled.

"It's Instructor Ai's first time at the Lumiose Gym, so there has to be some kind of ceremony."



After walking out of Prism Tower, Aisha started walking down the street towards his home.

Without realizing it, he passed the Rocket Cafe that Matori had mentioned.


Out of curiosity, Aisha looked inside from the outside.

The cafe was doing well, probably due to its decor.

Between the many Kalos-style buildings in the neighborhood, Rocket Cafe's décor, as a standard Kanto style, had its own freshness to it.

The cozy, restrained decor is a good choice for a cafe.

At the very least, it was attractive to Aisha to sit in such a clean, tidy, and distinctive cafe for a while.

So, Matori was really something.

No wonder that Giovanni sent her to the Kalos region for a business change.


Even if Matori's business skills were superb, it would be too much to ask for a Team Rocket leader's secret skill as a cafe owner.

At this moment, Matori is working inside the cafe.

Naturally, she's not a greeter or a waitress at the door... She's more of a cook than that!

Aisha stood outside the window, looking at Matori behind the counter, smiling and listening to the customers' requests, brewing all kinds of coffee, and going into the kitchen to bake some cupcakes or desserts together with the other chefs, she was so busy that he couldn't help but shake his head.

It's too much work.

It's a good thing I'm not in charge...


Suddenly, Aisha gave an embarrassed smile.

It was because Matori, who was behind the counter inside the store, looked up and saw him outside the store as if she had a feeling.

Both of them were stunned.

Then, Matori whispered something to the other chef beside her, and hurried out the door to Aisha.


Matori was obviously still a bit scared of Instructor Ai.

She wasn't laughing, she wasn't crying, she didn't even know where to put her hands, and she was looking at Aisha with a very nervous look on her face.

"Is there something wrong with my job?" Matori inquired with some trepidation.

"No, there isn't."

Aisha relieved her worries and said, "In fact, you're doing a great job."


Hearing Instructor Ai's praise, Matori raised her head sharply, and an unbelievable radiance shone between her beautiful eyes.

InstructorAi... Complimented her?

"You've never worked in a profession like this before, have you?"

"Uh, yeah." Matori shook her head in embarrassment and said, "Because I really didn't know much about it, I spent a few days to brush up on my knowledge, and now I'm finally able to get to work."


Aisha was shocked.

It only took a few days to brush up on her specialized knowledge, but the techniques she learned can be used.

Besides, he had just watched the reactions of the customers outside the store, and Matori's skills were quite good.


"You're an excellent talent, too."

"Yes, thank you."

Matori scratched her head in embarrassment.

Admin, you're a very nice person~!

Matori raised her head, and for the first time, he looked at Aisha without any fear.

Afterwards, this twenty-something leftover woman was shocked by Aisha's face value.


"What?" Aisha showed a puzzled expression.

"No, nothing!"

Matori shook her head and said, "If you have time, please take a seat inside the café, the Rocket Café won't let you down!"


Aisha smiled at her.

The pretty boy's smile was like a sharp sword, poking Matori's heart.

The ol' eyeglasses girl suddenly turned red in the face.

Ah, really... Her puzzled expression and smile are also cute.

Seeing her in real life is completely different from looking at her profile picture.

Thank you, Lord Giovanni, for letting me meet Admin!


Aisha didn't notice Matori's abnormality as he was looking inside the café again.

As the start of Rainbow Rocket's white business in Kalos, this Rocket Café was of great significance.

Although business was good at the moment, it was only "good".

It would be a fool's errand to try to make a fortune out of this café.

So, this coffee shop needs some hard work!


Nodding, Aisha looked to Matori.

This honest girl was obviously not capable of doing anything serious.

So... Aisha knew of three suitable candidates.

They were bad as bad guys, but if it came to doing business and fixing things, they were definitely good at it!

"So... You can't stay in the Kalos region for long, I know, so I'll find some hardworking people to fill your shoes in a while."

"Huh?" Matori was stunned, and then her heart was filled with emotion.

Admin, really, I'm crying!

He actually cared about the business of the store.

But... Who's this great guy she's talking about?

Never mind.

Admin is a big shot in both the black and white worlds, he's got tons of champions as friends in the white world, and in the black world, he's even got Giovanni's boss on his side.

It's not strange for such a person to know some special talents.

"Thank you, Admin!"

"Okay, I'll leave now, you do your best." Aisha patted Matori's shoulder.

Looking at the young man's back, Matori, who had been in a daze for a few moments, saw the flame of fighting spirit flickering in his eyes.

"Yes, sir!"

I'll do my best!