Separation Is For a Better Reunion

"So, you called me back just because you were hungry?"


Inside the villa's lobby, a giggling Caitlin blep her tongue out at Aisha.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, sighed.

Thinking back to the first time we met, Caitlin was still a tall, cold, unsmiling young lady with an excessively strong aura.

However... That was only two days ago.

Nowadays, Caitlin, with her silly look, does not have the cool look of a flower in the mountains at the beginning?


Aisha shook his head.

He still couldn't figure out why Caitlin's attitude towards himself changed so quickly.

Could it be because he was too good looking...

It's true, boys should protect themselves when they go out.

"Forget it."

Aisha stood up and walked to the kitchen, saying, "It's about time for lunch. Cynthia's not coming back, so it's just the two of us today, so what do you want to eat?"

"Anything, Instructor Ai's cooking is my favorite!"

"You're so easy to feed..."

Looking at Caitlin's "I'll accept everything from you" look, Aisha was dumbfounded.

Shaking his head, he walked into the kitchen.


Behind him, Caitlin, who was curled up on the sofa, was holding her pale face, revealing a happy smile.

Instructor Ai was a very efficient cook.

After a round of stir-frying, he brought out two bowls of beef noodles.

Simple, but full of color, aroma and taste.

Caitlin, who also knows how to use chopsticks, had no problem with the simple lunch.


After eating the noodles, Caitlin's pretty face showed a happy expression.

"It's true, Instructor Ai's cooking is the best." It was a heartfelt compliment.

Hearing Caitlin's praise, Aisha was also in a good mood.

Like Caitlin such as from childhood to enjoy all the glory and wealth of the big lady, her praise, is really gold.

For a moment, Instructor Ai was also very proud.

"Eat, make more if you don't have enough, you'll be full!"

"No need."

Caitlin smiled and waved her slender hand, said: "Even in the delicious food should be eaten one bite at a time, too greedy words can not."


She dragged out her voice, with a playful look at Aisha in front of her, eyes hidden a not easy gap between the expectations and apprehension.

"This isn't the last meal... I'll have many more chances to eat Instructor Ai's cooking in the future, won't I?"


Aisha smiled.

Seeing Aisha's attitude, Caitlin was also happy in her heart, and she couldn't wait to pursue the victory, saying, "In that case, I'll have to order Darach to prepare some excellent ingredients for Instructor Ai."

"It doesn't matter."

"High-end ingredients are often cooked using the simplest methods, and likewise, some delicious meals can be prepared using only plain ingredients."

"Oh..." Caitlin nodded her head.

"So, it's true that meals made with high-end ingredients are better, Instructor Ai don't worry, Darach is a very conscientious butler, I'll make sure he prepares countless fine ingredients for you!"


Aisha was overwhelmed by the richness of the young lady in front of him.

But it's not a bad thing to spend money on food.

At least, the desire to eat is a human desire.


Holding her cheeks, Caitlin gazed at the helpless Aisha, a trace of sourness inexplicably appearing in her heart.

She wasn't a young lady who didn't care about the world.

The reason why Instructor Ai didn't use expensive ingredients to cook was something she could probably guess.

In the end, it's because he doesn't want to...

Caitlin had asked about Instructor Ai's lifestyle when she talked to Cynthia.

In short, she is frugal.

She spent all her money on her Pokémon, on improving their quality of life.

As for her own quality of life, it was maintained at an acceptable level.


Caitlin sighed.

She felt like she couldn't just sit back and do nothing...

Instructor Ai was clearly the type who would do anything for his Pokémon.

If some bad woman from somewhere tempted Instructor Ai with a precious Pokémon item that he couldn't afford, but which would be of great help to him, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Just the thought of Instructor Ai being cheated away by a bad woman made Caitlin feel choked and sad in her heart.

Eh... Why does it hurt?

Never mind!


"Instructor Ai!"

Caitlin suddenly called out to him.

The beautiful boy in front of her looked up with a confused expression and said, "What, what's wrong?"


The words came to her throat, and Caitlin suddenly realized something, and fell silent.

If she explicitly said that she wanted to sponsor Instructor Ai... Wouldn't that be adoption?


It's great, but Instructor Ai's character wouldn't agree to it anyway, right?

If that's the case, we have to find a reasonable excuse, so...

"Instructor Ai, cough." After pretending to cough and clearing her throat, Caitlin revealed a serious expression, "Thank you for helping me stabilize my powers as well as my emotions."

"For your help, my family and I will do our best to fulfill any request you may have, so..."


Aisha interrupted Caitlin helplessly.

"Eh?" A bewildered Caitlin felt a weight on top of her head.

Aisha put her hand on top of her head.

"I'm helping you because we're friends, it has nothing to do with profit."

Gently stroking Caitlin's hair that was as brilliant as golden sand, Aisha used her technique of petting Pokémon for years on her.


Caitlin froze.

Originally, she hated people touching her body.

Even Cynthia couldn't touch her head.

Normally, she would have exploded into a rage and ripped the person who dared to disrespect the young lady to shreds.


Instructor Ai's hands are so soft.


Enjoying the gentle touch of the beautiful boy, Caitlin squinted her eyes like a kitten in comfort.

For a moment, she even forgot to resist.

Or maybe she was subconsciously unwilling to resist at all?

"I know you're trying to help me."

Instructor Ai sighed.

Caitlin's mind was too easy to guess.

She has almost all her thoughts written on her face, and it's easy to see.

However, Instructor Ai really didn't need her financial support.

The reputation of the 'Beauty degree' Pokéblock had already been established, and after that, all he had to do was lie back and make money.

The only things he had to worry about were things like Mega stones and Z Crystals.

"I'll ask when I need something, so... Don't worry." Nevertheless, Instructor Ai promised Caitlin on the surface.

After all, this child had the best of intentions, and Aisha wasn't about to let her down.


Hearing Aisha's response, Caitlin burst out laughing happily.

Afterwards, she realized the ambiguity of her and Aisha's position, as well as her own embarrassment.

The aura of the big lady suddenly red face.

Aisha moved his hand away.


He seemed to hear Caitlin make a sound like a poor little beast.

It was an illusion... Right?


Aisha sat back and glanced at the clock.

The seminar was two days long, which meant they were going back tomorrow.

The only time they had left to play in Lumiose City was this afternoon.

"Where do you want to go this afternoon?"

"I don't think we finished Lumiose City the day before yesterday."

Caitlin cocked her head.

Aisha recalled, and said, "Indeed, there are still quite a few places we haven't visited."

"Then~ Why don't we take the opportunity to go there today?"

"Well... But if we sneak out without Cynthia, I wonder if she'll be angry when she finds out."

"Oops..." Caitlin waved her hand and said, "Don't think too much, Cynthia won't care..."


Aisha shook his head.


"Yes... loto!" Rotom phone, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation for a long time, floated over to Instructor Ai with a look of impatience.

"What places in Lumiose City haven't we visited yet, plan a route!"

"OK~ The route was already planned when I came home the day before yesterday loto~ The first battle this afternoon is the Lumiose Museum!"


The Lumiose Museum is an art gallery located on the north side of Lumiose City, featuring paintings by many great artists.

Unlike the Marine Science Museum in Slateport City, which was occupied by Team Aqua and had to pay 50 dollars for admission, the Lumiose Museum doesn't charge an admission fee.

Instructor Ai would like to refer to it as "free"...

The only thing you have to pay for inside the museum is the 200 bucks to listen to the explanations of each painting.

But Aisha and Caitlin are accompanied by a super tour guide, Rotom phone.

Even the staff of Lumiose Museum is not as professional as Rotom phone.

Aisha and Caitlin even had 200 bucks left over.

It's the ultimate free ride!

"Rotom, you're really a good help to me." That's what Aisha said to Rotom phone when he was deeply moved.

"...Well, a good helper, huh?" This was the reaction of Caitlin, who was standing on the side with a thoughtful look on her face after Aisha said this.

The paintings on display at the Lumiose Museum are all of the highest quality.

Caitlin was in awe of the two paintings on the west side of the first floor.

The two paintings were of buildings in the Battle Frontier in Sinnoh, depicting the Battle Tower, Battle Factory, Battle Roulette, Battle Arena, and Caitlin's own Battle Castle.

The second painting is of Castelia City in the Unova region, where humans and Pokémon of all shapes and sizes converge in a spectacular circular metropolis, with countless ships of all sizes moored in the water of the harbor, like a miniature world.

"Battle Frontier is so nostalgic."

Caitlin said.

She is the owner of Battle Castle, but because of her own emotions, Battle Castle has been left in the hands of the housekeeper Darach

After she traveled to the Unova region, she became one of the Unova Elite Four, and never returned to Battle Castle.

"If the side effects of the supernatural abilities and emotions are resolved, we can find some time to go back to Sinnoh." Caitlin looked at Aisha thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, Aisha looked at Castelia City's words and said, "Castelia City, I ate Casteliacone from the branch with Cynthia in Celadon City, I wonder, what is the flavor of the authentic Casteliacone?"

Caitlin's face darkened.

Even if Cynthia was her best friend, she didn't really want to hear other people's names from Aisha's mouth when she was alone with her.

Aisha, on the other hand, turned her head as if she had never heard of it, and looked at a painting of Ecruteak City in Johto.

This is a natural landscape full of artistic beauty, the ancient Ecruteak City and the distant sky, snowy mountains together fell under the artist's brush, bloomed brilliantly, beautifully touching light, towering into the clouds of the Bell Tower, such as the flame like brilliant maple leaves, the sunrise rising in the mountains are telling the legend of the sleep in the town above.

"Johto area, Ecruteak City." Aisha said with emotion.

Ecruteak City itself was the goal of his trip.

Now, he was even more motivated to go to this town.

Afterwards, the two of them were guided through the museum by Rotom Phone.

The splendid atrium of the Parfum Palace, the mysterious Glittering Cave covered with gems, Laverre City, which is full of soft beauty like a fairyland in a fairy tale, and the Anistar City sundial, whose shining sundial reflects the afterglow of the setting sun, interprets the beauty of the Kalos region.

The two paintings on the west side of the second floor show the beauty of humanity.

Caitlin and Rotom phone find Aisha giggling at a painting, they walk in and find an old man in a boat with a Wingull flying up into the blue sky - the sea is endless and sparkling. The old man driving the boat through the waves is stroking his white beard and looking lovingly at the Wingull in the sky.

The name of the painting is "Mr. Briney's Care".

"Mr. Briney?"

Caitlin had a thoughtful look on her face.

She'd heard the name before.

"I've heard it's the best sailor in Hoenn, and that the 'S.S. Tidal' he sails can navigate between the great waves of the legendary Kyogre." Caitlin smiled and spoke, saying, "Instructor Ai know this old man?"

"No, no."

Aisha shook his head.

Then, he looked at the picture and laughed out, saying, "But, very familiar."

"Who knew the process of challenging Rustboro City and then taking a boat to Dewford Town... That Rusturf Tunnel that requires Rock Smash to pass through really stuck me for a long time."

Instructor Ai spoke words that no one else could understand.

He had been stuck in Rustboro City for a long, long time without a guide and not paying attention to what he was being told, and he realized that Mr. Briney was an important role in furthering the process.

After that, Aisha and Caitlin didn't care about the Pokémon Factory and Kalos Power Plant on the east side of the second floor.

But in the center of the third floor, there was a huge painting.

The painting depicted the king of Kalos 3,000 years ago, holding a golden key, with his beloved Floette by his side.

Caitlin lost interest at first glance.

She took Rotom Phone with her and headed for the rest of the galleries on the third floor.

Instructor Ai stared at the painting with interest.

The painting has been given a romantic treatment of sorts.

Unbeknownst to the others, Aisha knew it all - this king held the key of Ultimate Weapon when his beloved Floette had left him.

"Uh... AZ."

Aisha pronounced the king's name.

He knew that the king was still wandering the world, alone.

If he wanted to collect Zygarde cells and perfect Zygarde, he would inevitably cross paths with him.


"If I remember correctly, AZ is related to Hoenn's Sootopolitan."

According to the legend, a "tall exotic man", after witnessing the performance of mega evolution, gave the message "This thing is born from the chaos of the world, also known as Delta...". Combined with the prayers of the people and the bond of the stone, it will quell the plague that is destroying the world".

It seemed that he could ask AZ not only about perfecting Zygarde, but also about the Mega Rayquaza.

"I wonder where that guy is now?" Aisha shook his head and stopped thinking.

Anyway, there's a time and a place for that.

According to his intense involvement in the plot, he and AZ will meet one day.

At the very least, I can ask Zinnia if AZ left any messages when she left...

"Instructor Ai, come on, look at this!"

Caitlin's call came from over there, Aisha smiled and walked over to see Caitlin laughing at a painting of a subway battle.

Inside the speeding train, trainers and Pokémon were having a great time.

Speed and excitement.

"Hmmm," said Instructor Ai with a nostalgic look on her face.

"The first time I went to the Unova region was to Nimbasa City, and I went through the Battle Subway by myself several times..."

Aisha was not ashamed to tell the story of how he used everyone in the Battle Subway as experience packs.

Caitlin was silent for a while.

"Remember to bring me with you next time when you fry fish."


The air of happiness filled the third floor of the museum.

Unfortunately, happy times pass very quickly.

The afternoon passed quietly between Aisha and Caitlin.

It was still sunset when they realized that they had spent the afternoon at Lumière.

They had spent the afternoon at the Lumiose Museum.


Walking out of the museum, Caitlin couldn't hide her sadness at the setting sun.

Aisha, on the other hand, was looking at the burning clouds in the sky as if she was still in the same state of mind.

On the spacious street, in front of the beautiful art gallery, the girl and the boy stood side by side, and under the setting sun, they were also a picture in themselves.

"Instructor Ai."

Caitlin whispered after a long time.

Aisha turned her head to her side and saw Caitlin's head hanging low, looking reluctant.

"What's wrong?"

"When's the next time we meet?"

"I don't know."

Aisha shook his head.

Before Caitlin could show her loss, the teenager in front of her laughed.

A slender hand held her shoulder, his voice was as gentle as ever, saying, "Because you don't know, that's why you have to look forward to it."


Caitlin's eyes widened slightly.

"Because I don't know when I'll see you again, that's why I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

"That's how it is with people, with Pokémon." Aisha looked at the sun in the sky and said, "This is our 'destiny'."

"Resting in order to travel farther, parting in order to meet again..."

"So." Aisha gave her an expectant smile and said, "There is no need to be sad, the next time we meet, it will be better."

A golden light gilded his body, not brilliant, but soft and reassuring.


Holding up her moist eyes, Caitlin reappeared with grace and elegance.

Missy smiled lightly as she gazed at the young man beside her, her eyes, smile and tone of voice all filled with confidence.

"The next time we meet, I won't let you down." She promised.

"Have you made an appointment?"

"Yes, it's a date!"

Caitlin's nose ached.

Her blonde hair, which was as brilliant as golden sand, was flowing freely, but it wasn't raging spiritual power.

On the contrary, the psychic energy that flowed out was as soft as the breeze of a spring day.

It was soothing.

How long had it been since Caitlin had experienced peace of mind?

The first time was when she met Cynthia.

The second time was with Aisha at sunset.


Caitlin closed her eyes, trying to memorize the soft psychic waves she was experiencing.

There was hope.

It wouldn't be Caitlin's style not to do it.

Once upon a time, in response to Cynthia's expectations, she traveled to the Unova region with fear and anxiety.

In the end, she became one of the Unova Elite Four.

Now, in order to fulfill her promise with Aisha, what's the harm in trying to control her psychic power?


Caitlin laughed softly.

I'm sure it can be done.

"Come on, it's getting late. It's time to go home for dinner."

"Okay... I want to eat Sinnoh region's food for dinner!"

"Eh... But I don't know much."

"It's okay, just try to cook it."


Laughing and talking, the two of them walked home, the setting sun stretching their shadows.