Back to Kanto and Team Rainbow Rocket's Operation

The two-day seminar came to an end.

It was undoubtedly an academic event, where numerous scholars from all walks of life exuded their inspirations on the stage.

They exchanged ideas and made use of each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Many of them confirmed the direction of their next study and research, and just as many of them presented their latest research results in the symposium.

It is expected that these researchers will soon publish new reports.

Professor Oak and Cynthia are two of them.

Together with Professor Juniper, Professor Birch and Professor Rowan, they've had a busy couple of days.

Sapphire and Ruby had complained to Aisha that Professor Birch had no time for them after he brought them here.

Aisha only laughed.

In fact, Professor Oak didn't care about Aisha, who came with him, for two days, as if he had forgotten about him.

It was not until the night before the day of his departure that Professor Oak contacted Aisha.

Aisha was not happy about it.

But, after two days of being idle, he was about to get busy.

The Indigo Plateau Conference was just around the corner.

The final battle of the Kanto journey had finally begun.

"Ah... The next conference seems to be in the Alola region." Professor Oak walked into the airport with his luggage in hand.

Over the past two days, he had exchanged research experiences with countless researchers.

Young people have a young perspective on research, and old people have their own experiences.

None of the researchers who were able to participate in the seminar were watered down, and all of them had snagged a spot with their own skills.

With such a group of top talents gathered together, the atmosphere and quality of the discussions were ridiculously high.

This is a very enjoyable thing for Professor Oak, who has lived and learned for a long time.

"Alola region?"

After hearing Professor Oak's words, Aisha was a bit surprised and showed a puzzled expression.

He remembered that Alola region was not a big player in the league at this time, and could not even establish a league champion.

Now, this poor region had won the right to host the next symposium.



With a twinkle in her eye, Aisha thought of an organization.

The only organization left in the Alola region that was worth mentioning was the one led by that woman.

"Well, it's mainly because of the Aether Foundation."

Professor Oak told Aisha the secret he knew without a care in the world.

It's true that the Aether Foundation is behind this.

"The chairwoman of the Aether Foundation is very concerned about the development of research, and she has invested heavily in researchers' programs and studies."

"So... She got a lot of votes, didn't she?" Aisha looked thoughtful.


Professor Oak spread his hands, confirming Aisha's guess.

He himself looked unconcerned.

Professor Oak didn't care about the bidding tactics.

As far as he was concerned, it was a good thing to be able to develop his research career in a legitimate and legal manner.

Not to mention, the chairwoman of the Aether Foundation has invested heavily in countless researchers, and has indeed contributed intuitively to the advancement of many fields of study.

She's done a great job, regardless of her intentions.

"Rather a strong woman ."

Aisha laughed.

"Who says it isn't?" Professor Oak spread his hands.

The two of them walked towards the boarding gate.

"Instructor Ai!"

At that moment, a pleasant voice with an anxious color rang behind Aisha.

"Oh~" Professor Oak looked at him with a teasing expression.

Then, the old man patted Aisha on the shoulder, took a step forward with a smile on his face, and quickly disappeared behind the boarding gate.

Aisha: "..."

Professor, you really don't want to be a light bulb.


After taking a moment to compose herself, Aisha turned around with a smile and saw a panting Caitlin, who had obviously run all the way here.

Behind her was Cynthia.

The two of them had changed out of their fancy clothes and into two plain, unattractive civilian outfits.

Even so, these two casual clothes on their bodies, but still presents a "simple but full of inner" flavor.

Let people have to sigh, not only people rely on clothing, clothing in many times also look at the person's appearance...

"Ha, ha..." Caitlin's face was so weak that she bent over and gasped for air.

Afterwards, she walked quickly to Aisha with an excited look on her face, and kept muttering to herself, saying, "Luckily, I made it."


Aisha looked puzzled.

When they left the house this morning, the three of them said their goodbyes.

To say that they were in a hurry to say goodbye again... He didn't believe it either.

Caitlin and Cynthia weren't exactly dawdlers.


Caitlin took out a small pink book and handed it to Aisha.

As the girl's small, white, slender hand pressed the book against her, a fresh scent entered Aisha's nostrils.

"This is my experience in nurturing Gardevoir, all written in this book." Caitlin revealed a smile at Aisha, and she changed back to her confident and proud young lady look, saying, "Although Instructor Ai is the only one who can breed Pokémon, as Unova region's Elite Four, I have a lot of reference value in the breeding of Pokémon with Psychic attribute, so I'm sure I can help Instructor Ai, absolutely!"


Aisha smiled helplessly.

He raised his eyes to Cynthia behind Caitlin, and saw that Cynthia was also shrugging helplessly towards him.

Now he understood.

This scene was probably Caitlin's idea.

In that case...

"Okay, I'll take it." Aisha smiled and took Caitlin's book.

At once, Caitlin's pretty face showed a happy expression, as if her efforts had been recognized by the person she was expecting.

"Instructor Ai."

At that moment, Cynthia also came forward.

She looked at the boy in front of her with affection.

Thinking about it, Sinnoh's Valkyrie couldn't say anything poetic - she was more of a hands-on type than a mouthful.



After a moment of staring at each other, Cynthia and Aisha laughed together.

Aisha shook his head, while Cynthia pulled her blonde hair out of her face.

When they looked at each other again, there was something in their eyes that only they understood.

Caitlin: "?"

Caitlin, who had just finished giving her baby not even a minute before, froze.

She looked at Aisha and then at Cynthia, and something just didn't feel right about those two.

When did you guys sneak up on each other in a way that I don't know about?

Why are you so good at this?


An unhappy Caitlin puffed her cheeks.

Cynthia, on the other hand, smiled and said, "During this time, the world has been busy with the League Assembly, so after I return this time, I will have to completely devote myself to my work."


Aisha said with a look of emotion.

It's a tough job to be a Champion.

When I think about it, I think I'd be happier as an anchor.


Cynthia smiled at Aisha.

"Even if I'm busy with work, I'll still watch all of Instructor Ai's performances at the Indigo Plateau Conference."

"And me!" Caitlin broke into the shot with her hand up.

"Me too, I'll watch it all!"

"Caitlin are you sure you won't fall asleep before you start?"

Cynthia added with a smile.


Caitlin looked torn, and finally, as if she had made some difficult decision, she made a decision and said, "I can stay up!"

Now, even Cynthia was in awe of Caitlin.

As Caitlin's best friend, she had a deep understanding of the severity of this little girl's narcolepsy.

It's physical.

But, over time, Caitlin developed a habit of laziness.

Now... It's amazing how she's decided to overcome her narcolepsy to support Aisha.


Cynthia frowned.

Cynthia's eyes sharpened.

She glanced at Caitlin and then at Aisha, feeling that things were moving a little too fast between the two of them.

Also, she wasn't home yesterday afternoon... What were they doing?

[The flight from Lumiose City, Kalos to Viridian City, Kanto is about to depart, please board your flight as soon as possible.]

While Cynthia was pondering the strangeness of the situation, an announcement came from behind the gate behind Aisha.


Caitlin wore a disappointed expression.

She knew it was Aisha's call to leave.

It was time to be separated again...

However, remembering what Aisha said to her yesterday afternoon, "Separation is the best way to meet again", Caitlin managed to hold back her sadness and put on a smile.

Cynthia was also upset.

Cynthia was also saddened. She had been looking forward to the reunion for so long, but she had been so busy with her work that she had not even had a chance to be alone with Aisha, except for that one night of good conversation.

"So, I'm off."

Aisha gave Cynthia and Caitlin a gentle smile.

Then, as they watched, he turned and walked into the gate, gradually disappearing into the crowd.


Cynthia sighed, her expression a bit unpleasant.

However, she still revealed a smile and looked towards Caitlin.

At this exact moment, Caitlin also looked at her.

"Come on, we should go too."

"Yeah, let's go."


Vermilion City, Vermilion Gym.

"Ah, a headache."

Inside the office of the Vermilion Gym, Lt. Surge was slumped over his desk, his tough-guy face full of frustration.

"What can I do...? Tsk!"

Lt. Surge stood up, staring at the ceiling with an expression of hopelessness.

"Boss, boss, should we put up a recruitment notice?" Next to him, Lt. Surge's little brother made a suggestion.

"You think I haven't thought about it?"

Lt. Surge glanced at him.

Then, with a sigh.

"Young men don't want to be seafarers these days. Those guys can't take the pain."

"At this time of the year, even if we are recruiting now, we can't recruit any experienced seamen, and those half-assed seamen and those who don't know anything about this business, we have to go through the trouble of teaching them the knowledge of the sea and the operation of the sea for nothing." Lt. Surge shook his head, his face showed a pained mask-like expression, said: "It's not so bad if we teach them well and they are willing to follow us, but if we teach them well or teach half of them and they run away, it's a huge amount of money that will be wasted for nothing."


Hearing Lt. Surge's words, my little brother also sighed.

Their Vermilion Gym is now facing a big crisis, that is, the financial deficit.

Originally, Vermilion Gym's side business was sailing.

However, the financial crisis of a dojo is not enough to rely on the efforts of Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader.

Lt. Surge rightly thought of hiring and training more seafarers and crews to sail on a large scale, so as to earn money to relieve the gym's finances.


At this time of the year, all the young people are rushing out to become trainers, and the old people have big ships that they follow all the time, so they won't jump ship.

Lt. Surge is in an awkward situation.

After he left Team Rocket, he no longer has the ability to respond to the call of duty.

The team members and die-hard followers that he had built up in the early years of his career have now moved on, and Lt. Surge is too embarrassed to beg them to work for him for nothing.

At a glance...

Sabrina's superhuman training class has a steady stream of students, so she doesn't have to worry about making any money.

Koga has become one of the Johto region Elite Four, eating high class meals with Lance all day long.

Lt. Surge was the only one of the Rockettes who couldn't make it.

It's a real challenge.


Lt. Surge's legs buckled and he leaned back in his chair, emptying his mind.



At that moment, his cell phone rang.

Lt. Surge put down his feet in confusion and picked up his cell phone.

After seeing the name of the person on the phone, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It was a call from a person with the handle [Giovanni (ex-boss)].


Lt. Surge froze for a couple seconds, and gave his little brother a look.

The little brother got the message and walked out of his office.

Lt. Surge answered the phone.

"H-hello... What's up?"

"Lt. Surge."

Giovanni's cold voice came out, causing Lt. Surge to break out in a cold sweat.

Even after such a long time, he still had a heartfelt fear of Giovanni.

"How have you been?"


Hearing Giovanni's greeting, Lt. Surge froze for a moment.

Giovanni was the one who would ask such a question?

"Oh, it's alright, it's alright..." Lt. Surge replied to Giovanni's inquiry with a sarcastic smile.

Giovanni over there seemed to sigh helplessly.

"I'll introduce you to a little business, if you want."


Lt. Surge froze.

Then a serious expression appeared on his face in front of the cell phone, and his tone hardened.

"Boss, I still call you boss."


Giovanni's voice was as flat as ever, as if he was waiting for Lt. Surge's words.

Lt. Surge took a deep breath, and a thousand words came to his throat.

However, it seemed that he had taken into account the old friendships and the constant fear of Giovanni in his heart.

Finally, he simply said, said: "I won't do illegal things, I have left the Rockets, of course, is not to eat the food given by Team Rocket."

"What if it's not Team Rocket?"

"What?" Lt. Surge froze.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean it's not Team Rocket?" He frowned, wondering what Giovanni meant.


Giovanni's voice was too flat.

He simply stated the decision he had made some time ago, saying, "I have disbanded Team Rocket, which was full of sin and evil."


Lt. Surge froze in his tracks.

"Well, disbanded."

"Today's Team Rocket is the Rainbow Rocket of the heart, Team Rainbow Rocket has given up all the mob business such as poaching, robbing, and so on that the old Team Rocket had done, and now, Team Rainbow Rocket has shifted all its focus to the white business in the open, you don't need to worry about getting your hands dirty by eating Team Rainbow Rocket's food."

Giovanni spoke out his request in a nonchalant manner, saying: "You don't have to hide, I know that your Vermilion Gym has been in a financial crisis for some time now, it just so happens that you are the big head of the Vermilion City's sea voyage, Team Rainbow Rocket can provide you with enough manpower, those are all senior trainers as well as craftsmen, which is very suitable for your job."


Lt. Surge was dazed by the good news that fell from the sky.

After staring for half a day, he said, "Is it true that you'll only work in the white business?"

"Well, I don't want to repeat this too many times."

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" Lt. Surge asked, a little worried, "If there's a disease, it needs to be cured."


Giovanni's blood pressure skyrocketed at those words.

A few moments later, a nervous Lt. Surge heard a helpless sigh on the other end of the line.

There was a rustling sound, as if Giovanni were rubbing his brow.

He opened his mouth once more, saying, "Aisha convinced me."

"Instructor Ai?"

Lt. Surge was startled.

His mind went to the beautiful boy who had physically broken through the high voltage grid of his gym without a scratch on his body.

How did they get mixed up?

Oh no, the clown is actually myself?


"Could it be Silver?"

Lt. Surge wasn't stupid, he was just lazy.

In fact, as the former third admin of Team Rocket, and once a pilot for Unova, how could he not think straight?

It took only a moment of thought for Lt. Surge to realize the reason for Giovanni's sudden change of heart.


Hearing Lt. Surge mention his son's name, Giovanni sneered and said, "Lt. Surge, it's not good to be too smart."


At this point in the conversation, Lt. Surge let go.

His tone changed back to that of a humorous man, and said: "We are talking about business now, how can we not be a little bit smart?"

"I don't fuck with my own people, so take it easy."

Giovanni sighed.

Then he gave Lt. Surge a figure for his share.

Lt. Surge's jaw dropped.

"Boss, I'm on my knees for you, boss!"


Giovanni on the other end of the line seems to be amazed by Lt. Surge's shamelessness.

He made a new claim, saying, "I've got another job here, will you do it?"

"What kind of job?"

"Handling people."

"Didn't you say we don't do things that violate the law?"

"What if it's in the name of 'justice'?"


Giovanni sneered over there.

"The old Team Rocket were a big, rotten ship, and the vast majority of the people supported me in joining Team Rainbow Rocket, but the hardened criminals were as nasty as ever."

Giovanni's voice went cold, without a trace of warmth.

Even through the phone, Lt. Surge seemed to see his expressionless face.

"Without a reason to do evil, I don't know what they'll do... So, I'm going to do it first."


Lt. Surge mentally gave Giovanni a thumbs up.

Worthy of being his former boss, even after turning to the white way, this killing aura was still so strong.

"I applied to Lance for a warrant, and you, as a dojo master, are in a natural position to apply for the job."

"Lance..." Lt. Surge looked surprised.

"And you have Lance's support?"

"Aisha pulled the strings..."

"It had to be him."


Giovanni said something rare.

It was a rare occurrence.

Then, Lt. Surge's expression became more curious.

He really wanted to know how these two guys, who used to hate each other's brains, had gotten together.

Could it be an accident with Second Generation Mewtwo?

"So, do you want to do it?"


Team Rocket's food smells good!

Oh, it's Team Rainbow Rocket. now

"Don't let me down on your abilities, Lt. Surge."

"And then, your demolition squad awaits your leadership. Heh." With those words, Giovanni hung up.

Lt. Surge was left alone in his office in silence.

"Demolition Squad..."

That was the combat squad he led when he was an officer in the old Team Rocket.

It was full of brothers who had fought and and willing to die with Lt. Surge.

When he got out of Team Rocket, he almost thought he was going to have to fight them.

After a long absence, Lt. Surge didn't think he'd have the chance to fight alongside them.

"This is really... heh."

After lamenting, he revealed an icy smile.

He knew who those "stubborn people" were that Giovanni was talking about.

Those people, he had already seen the wrong way.

"Time to settle the score, scum!"

The long-disheveled man once again revealed himself as a man of honor.

"By the way, Sabrina and Instructor Ai have a very good relationship, why don't we ask about their relationship?"

But he's still the same Lt. Surge.

  1. '电灯泡' is a Chinese word for light bulb, also a word to refer to someone as the 'third wheel'