No Longer Enemies

On the airplane.


Umbreon made a sweet noise.

It nestled in Aisha's lap, its furry head rubbing against the trainer's belly.

Stroking Umbreon's head, Aisha leaned back against the soft chair, looking through the booklet Caitlin had given him.

Professor Oak was looking at him with an ambiguous expression.

"Oh, pink book, what's in it?"

Aisha: "..."

Aisha's heart was full of complexity when he looked at this disrespectful old man.

Professor Oak is good at everything, but he's just too contrasting.

When he is serious, he is a kind, reassuring, and reliable elder.

When he's being funny, he's an old kid who can go crazy with Ash.

And now he likes to make fun of the younger generation... Is this an old man's problem?

"It's just experience in breeding Pokémon."

Aisha backhanded the contents of the pamphlet to Professor Oak, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Professor, you're overthinking it, you're really overthinking it."


Professor Oak had a bad smile on his face.

He shook his head in a similar manner and said, "I don't know if it's the old man I'm overthinking, or a certain little guy is underthinking."

"During this period of time, regarding 'Spirit Poison', Haunter's learning has entered a critical stage, I wonder if we can ask Granny Agatha to come to Pallet Town to teach us a bit."


As soon as he saw Aisha picking up his cell phone and preparing to make a big move, Professor Oak very decisively conceded.

"Great Instructor Ai, please forgive me for being a demented old man who only talks nonsense all day long!"

"Not so much, not so much..."

Professor Oak smiled and sat back down.

However, after mentioning Agatha, there was an unknown emotion between the old man's seemingly bright smile.

Clearly catching Professor Oak's micro-expression, Aisha also secretly sighed.

He didn't understand what happened between Professor Oak and Agatha when they were young.

However, it was a pity.

Agatha had taken good care of herself, though, ultimately, it was for the sake of the Elite Summer.

But... Aisha had always respected Granny Agatha as a junior.

If he could, he would be willing to help Professor Oak and Granny Agatha resolve their conflict.


Shaking his head, Aisha once again looked through Caitlin's pamphlet.

Psychics are really superhuman beings who have the power to change in many different ways, and their knowledge of psychic power is completely incomparable to that of ordinary people.

Aisha also had Sabrina's experience in nurturing the Gardevoir family.

After comparing them, he could see the experience of these two Elite Four trainers on the attributes that they were good at.

Simply put, Sabrina's use of psychic power and the cultivation of Psychic-Type Pokémon tends to be more functional, focusing on an all-around, all-encompassing, micromanaging field, where an almost all-around Psychic-Type Pokémon is able to face all kinds of situations.

Caitlin's cultivation direction is pure destructive power and defense, focusing on extreme power, improving the quality of the Pokémon's psychic ability, and breaking through all the difficulties with a single blow - this is also related to her own habits and situation, like a person with a phobia of insufficient firepower.


After carefully reading through Caitlin's experience in nurturing the Gardevoir family and learning about Caitlin's own style of nurturing Pokémon as a trainer, Aisha closed the booklet she had given him with great benefit.

This pamphlet was a real eye-opener for him.

It wasn't just a piece of cake.

On the contrary, the two experiences of Caitlin and Sabrina could be combined perfectly.

Sabrina's functionality made up for Caitlin's lack of control.

Caitlin's power makes up for Sabrina's lack of output...


Moreover, mastering these two advantages at the same time was a piece of cake for Ralts, whose learning ability and potential could not be described as outstanding even if they were gifted.


Instructor Ai looked at the top of the cabin with a happy face, as if he saw the future Psychic Queen beckoning to him.


Why is this Psychic Queen playing with fire?

Explosive magic?

"Uhh!" Aisha hurriedly shook his head to dispel the thoughts in his head.


No way!

My Ralts is too cute to become a foolish, chuuni, one-shot KO'd wizard.

"Speaking of which."

Next to him, Professor Oak looked at Aisha as if he remembered something.

"Ash has collected the eight badges needed to participate in the Indigo Plateau Conference."


Hearing this news, Aisha revealed a look of surprise.

"He got the Earth Badge from Blue?"


Professor Oak showed an inexplicable expression and said, "He lost the Gym Challenge, however, that kid was too desperate, and his Pokémon were desperate enough, that Blue kid probably got infected by them, and gave him an Earth Badge, allowing him to collect all eight badges."


Aisha's eyes flashed with a hint of realization.

It wasn't necessary to win a Gym Challenge to get a badge.

Apparently, Ash was recognized by Blue.

I guess it's true that apart from his abilities, this kid resembles Red in many ways.

His emotions for Pokémon, and his love for Pokémon...

It's no joke that he's really dedicated.

Ash's bond with Pokémon was recognized by Blue is a normal thing.

"So..." Aisha remembered someone else.

"What about Gary?"

"Oh, Gary."

Professor Oak shook his head.

Aisha understood.

"Lost, and Blue didn't give him a badge, and the kid's supposedly been depressed for a while."


Unlike Ash, Blue treated his own brother with a different level of strictness.

Now Gary is still not mature enough, ability in Ash above, however, some special aspects are behind.

"But... Blue couldn't stand it anymore, and gave him a lecture, but that kid was immediately energized." Professor Oak smiled and shook his head, saying: "Gary also said that he wanted to find Ash in the Indigo Plateau Conference, so as to compare who is the best new trainer in Pallet Town this year."


Aisha's eyes lit up.

Ash and Gary, they were a classic rivalry.

These two have been fighting since they were young, and besides the idea of comparing and contrasting with each other, they also have a deep bond.

In the original anime, Ash didn't have much to do with Gary during his trip to the Kanto region, and in most cases, Gary outperformed Ash.

The real clash came much later.

They bumped into each other at Silver Conference 16-8 and had a real showdown.

At that time, everyone realized that Gary's trump card Pokémon and starter Pokémon was a Blastoise.

Then, Ash defeated Gary, and Charizard defeated Blastoise.

Without realizing it, this silly guy, with his buddies, overtook Gary, who was so far ahead of him.

As a result, Gary changed, becoming calm and collected, and abandoning his arrogance and rudeness.

He gave up being a trainer and became a researcher, taking over his grandfather's mantle.


Recalling the storyline related to these two, Instructor Ai revealed an amused smile.

Gary in this world, because of Blue's influence, was calm and collected from the start, unlike the Gary from the beginning of the anime, who traveled constantly with beautiful cars and women.

His strength is certainly stronger than his anime self... And so is his heart.

Likewise, the Ash of this world is not the impulsive, stupid Ash of the anime.

After traveling alone in the Kanto region and having some strange encounters that Aisha didn't even know about, his strength is just as remarkable - the Rainbow Hero is a gold standard that needs no introduction.

Aisha is curious to see where Ash and Gary will end up as rivals.

"I hope they meet at the Indigo Plateau Conference."

"Well, I hope not."

Hearing Aisha's self-talk, Professor Oak spread his hands helplessly.

"Pallet Town has only had four new trainers this year, and as a result, the kid who got Charmander became a coordinator, the girl who got Bulbasaur gave up on being a trainer in the end because she couldn't beat Lt. Surge's Vermilion Gym. The only kids persevered, got eight badges, and are qualified for the Indigo Plateau Conference were Gary and Ash."

"Ah, I see."

Aisha laughed and laughed.

After all, Professor Oak was still hoping that Pallet Town's new trainers would do well at the Indigo Plateau Conference.

The later Ash and Gary were at the Indigo Plateau Conference, and the later the Pallet Town Civil War was staged, the higher the chance that they would do well at the conference.

"A 50% chance of participating in the Indigo Plateau Conference right after their debut is not bad at all."

Aisha rubbed his chin with a sigh of relief.

After all, the Indigo Plateau Conference wasn't a tournament that any dog or cat could participate in.

Going to the Indigo Plateau Conference on your own might be a bit of a fish fry, but it was an extraordinary challenge for Ash and Gary.

The fact that they managed to collect enough badges in their first year of play to compete in the League Conference was in itself a sign of Ash and Gary's potential.


Aisha glanced at Professor Oak.

Unfortunately, Pallet Town was too much of an example.

Red, Blue, and Green, all three of them were trainers with top-notch talent and potential.

In their first year, Red and Blue won the Indigo Plateau Conference and finished second, making the Pallet Town Twins a name to be reckoned with.

In contrast... Ash and Gary were more than a step behind.

"By the way, you've only been training for a year."

Suddenly, Professor Oak's derisive eyes turned to Aisha.

Then, he looked at Umbreon, who was nestled in Aisha's arms, and revealed a strange expression.

This Eevee ran away from his institute, fell in love at first sight with Aisha, and became his Pokémon.

And then... In less than a year, Aisha had bred this talented Eevee to this level.

Eevee evolved into Umbreon.

As a powerful trainer in the past, Professor Oak could see that even if Ash and Gary's ace Pokémon teamed up, there was no way they could defeat this Umbreon.

It's... It's really scary.

This kind of nurturing ability is rare even for the extremely experienced Professor Oak.

He's the unquestioned leader of his age group.

Likewise, as long as he participated in the Indigo Plateau Conference, Ash and Gary had no hope of winning.

"The winner of the Indigo Plateau Conference is a foregone conclusion."

"Professor is joking."

Aisha naturally understood Professor Oak's words.

He still had a modest look, but his eyes and tone were filled with absolute confidence.

"The Indigo Plateau Conference is full of experts, and even unknown trainers have the possibility of being hidden, so I have to go all out against them."

Professor Oak: "..."

You mean you're going to go all out even if it's a fish fry?

Be a human, Instructor Ai!


Hearing their conversation, Umbreon's big ears twitched, and its furry touch swept over Aisha's belly.

It lifted its head, a small smile spreading between its sharp eyes.

Fish fry?

I like it...

The evil Umbreon loves to bully children.

It's true that Pokémon follow their trainers!


Kanto area, Viridian City.

"I'm back... I thought I'd never get a chance to come back."

At night, on a high platform, Giovanni, wearing a black coat, stood in front of the railing, looking down at the dimly lit Viridian City with complicated eyes.

In the distance was the Viridian Forest.

Today Viridian City has grown to a level of prosperity that is comparable to that of second-tier metropolises.

Over the years, the economy has grown rapidly, producing many light industries and crafts ip.

Viridian City is closely associated with the Viridian Forest, and many people enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

That's why there's a lot of people from outside the city.


Giovanni raised his head with a soft grunt.

His eyes looked toward the Viridian Forest, which stretched far into the distance, covering mountains and rivers, and rushing out of his sight.

The hustle and bustle of the city could not affect the silence of the forest under the moonlight.

The relationship between Viridian City and Viridian Forest is such that they are closely related, yet distinct, and dependent on each other for their existence.

The people living in the city have their own lives, and the wild Pokémon living in the forest also have their own lives.

They don't bother each other, and each is fine.

This is probably why many people love Viridian City... It's full of nature.

But looking at Viridian City today, who would have thought that 20 years ago, it was just a poor town with nothing?

"It's really different..."

Looking at the night sky, Giovanni sighed.

This sigh brought out the vicissitudes of his life.

"Indeed, it's different."

A cold voice entered Giovanni's ears.

Giovanni didn't turn around, still looking at the starless night sky.

The darkness, the blackness of the night was like Giovanni's heart, dark and without any light.

He didn't hate the night sky.


"When you've been in the dark for a long time, you can't help but chase after the light."

The voice behind him drew nearer and nearer.

And then, with the sound of crisp footsteps, a red figure clad in a leather cloak arrived at Giovanni's side.

"With the stars, the night sky is perfect."

He followed Giovanni as he gazed into the starless night sky.

A flash of light appeared in the dark night sky without warning.

The light came and went, moving fast - an airplane swept across the sky and landed at Viridian City International Airport.

"Ah, an airplane."

Lance was like a child, his eyes fixed on the glint in the sky.

"When I was a kid, Viridian City didn't have an airport."

"Well, that's true."

Now Giovanni and Lance had something in common.

They were both born in Viridian City, and like Yellow, they were blessed by the Viridian Forest and possessed a magical power.

This makes them love the city and the forest deeply.

They saw the changes in Viridian City and were happy to see them.

"Mr. Giovanni, I admire you and I thank you." Lance looked at Giovanni beside him and spoke from his heart.


Giovanni stared at Lance with a playful look.

"Aren't you supposed to hate me? Hate me?"

"Hate me for helping that little girl and Red ruin your plans and ideals, hate me for leading Team Rocket to continue to do evil after that?" Giovanni told some past events.

Once upon a time, when Lance was trying to change the world by awakening a legendary Pokémon with his passion and hatred for the world, Giovanni appeared without warning like a mechanical séance and helped Yellow defeat him with his ridiculously strong Beedrill.

That time, they were enemies.

Afterwards, Lance became a reformed detective to fight evil, while Giovanni led the remnants of Team Rocket to continue their criminal activities.

That time, they were still enemies.

"Dislike and hate." Lance responded to Giovanni's question quite frankly.

" code equals another."

Lance shook his head, and said, "Your sins are unforgivable, but I will not forget your accomplishments."


Giovanni frowned, a little confused by Lance's words.

With his hands in his pockets, he said, "What are you trying to say?"

"I said that when I was a kid, Viridian City didn't have an airport."

Lance grabbed the railing in front of him and said: "Nowadays, Viridian City has two international airports in the north and south, and all those heavy industry factories that pollute the environment are gone, replaced by light industries that are convenient for the people and don't pollute the atmosphere and the rivers, and the Viridian Forest."

"The people became rich, their faces were full of smiles, and even... many wild Pokémon in Viridian Forest also like to nest around Viridian City."

Lance looked down at the city below with an emotional expression.

His eyes were filled with emotion.

Then, Lance looked at Giovanni, who was beside him, and gave credit to the person who caused all of this, saying, "All of this is thanks to you."

"Mr. Giovanni..."


Giovanni remained silent, his eyes complex.

Lance didn't know what the man was thinking.

But Lance knew what he was thinking.

There was something that had to be said.

"You're a sinner, but you're also a credit... At least to the people of Viridian City, you are a true hero."

Lance told the story.

It was after Giovanni became Viridian City's Gym Leader.

It goes without saying that Giovanni was a very smart man.

After becoming a Gym Leader whose power and influence is comparable to that of a mayor, it was only natural for a man with such a business mind and a passionate ambition to start something big and fulfill his ambitions in front of Viridian City, which was in the midst of a period of rapid development.

Under his management, Viridian City gradually eliminated heavy industries that polluted the environment.

They developed their own direction, and, in that direction, they moved forward.

Giovanni, who had a natural affinity for the Viridian Forest, developed it.

Since then, Viridian City's economy has gone from strength to strength.

People's lives got better, and Viridian City got better as well as the Viridian Forest.

Lance, who was also born in Viridian City, saw what Giovanni did.

That's why he had mixed feelings about Giovanni.

Giovanni was a talent.

Even the righteous Lance could not help but feel sorry for a man who had gone to jail.


"Luckily, there's that guy."

Thinking of that young man, Lance couldn't help but pull out a smile.

That person did something incredible.

He convinced Giovanni to be good.

It was a completely unbelievable feat...

Team Rocket was disbanded, and Team Rainbow Rocket were born.

Instead of a mysterious black hole, a warm, welcoming rainbow is what people really want.

Giovanni was given a chance to redeem himself, and a new light was shed on the Kanto and Johto region, which had suffered under the rule of many dark organizations.

This... It reminded Lance of what he wanted to do.

To create a better world.

The man who loved Pokémon as much as he did.


Lance smiled and looked into the night sky.

The dark, starless night was filled with bright stars, as if the rain had cleared.

"Then, please teach me more."

Lance looked seriously at Giovanni and extended his hand.

"Mr. Giovanni of Rainbow Rocket."

"...Huh." Looking at Lance's hand, Giovanni laughed violently.

There was something in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

Finally, Giovanni took the hand.

"Please, Lance of Elite Four."

This time, they were no longer enemies.