Caught Chi-Yu

Beneath the frozen waterfall, Aisha stood with his sword.

He looked at the lake in front of him with an indifferent expression.

The bronze sword in his hand was buzzing uncontrollably, conveying a joyful emotion.


The cold air from the ice wall diffused out, the rock wall around the waterfall, vegetation quickly covered with a layer of white frost.


Above the waterfall, the overflowing water rolled down from the ice wall.

Most of the water was assimilated into ice by the cold air, and merged into the thick ice wall.

The few that escaped the cold fell into the lake below... After falling into the lake, they continued to freeze, and a thin layer of ice spread out on top of the lake.


Holding his sword, Aisha laughed softly.

He felt that Chien-Pao was becoming more and more comfortable to use.

With just a single stroke of the sword, the area that was originally a quiet, dense forest lake in front of him was transformed into an icy scene.


In front of the ice wall, there was a faint and indiscernible sound of breaking.

Aisha's ears moved and accurately captured this sound.

He fixed his eyes and saw a flash of red light between the deep blue ice walls.

The appearance of this flash of red was incredibly sudden...

Immediately, between a large area of deep blue, this blinding red color rapidly expanded.

The surrounding temperature, which had drastically lowered due to the appearance of ice and snow, once again violently rose.


Accompanied by an ear-piercing sound, like a spider's web as thin and deep cracks from the waterfall condensed into the ice wall quickly spread out.


At the next moment, the hundred-meter-high wall of ice suddenly shattered into a cloud of powder.

Under the bright sunlight, the white powder that swept out from the sky was glittering with colorful rainbow luster, which was very beautiful.

However... This beauty only existed for less than a second.

Raging flames roared out from behind the broken waterfall and swept up into the sky, burning up the ice powder that was floating all over the sky.

They didn't even have the chance to melt into water, but turned into steam that rose into the sky.


The broken waterfall once again poured down a torrent of water.

The heavy column of water smashed the thin ice that had condensed on top of the lake in one breath, and the deafening sound of the water once again resounded through this quiet space like thunder.

"It's coming..."

Looking at the flames dissipating in the sky, Aisha revealed a very serious and earnest expression.

Gripping the hilt of his sword tightly, he stood against the waterfall with its raging current.

He knew that the enemy he was going to face this time was hidden behind the curtain of water that flowed three thousand feet straight down.

"Gulp..." There was a bubbling sound.

Aisha saw a red and orange figure swim into the deep blue water curtain.


At the sight of the figure, the bronze sword he held in his hand suddenly emitted a clear buzz.

That was the sword's excitement.

After many years, the Bronze Sword of the Four Treasures of Ruin had finally met Jades once again.


In between the currents of the waterfall, Chi-Yu looked at Chien-Pao with indifferent eyes.

Its posture was not shaken by the heavy impact of the waterfall, and it swam with the same elegance as before.

Then, Chi-Yu's eyes gradually shifted from Chien-Pao to the human holding it.

"..." Beautiful.

Between Chi-Yu's jade-encircled eyes, a rare hint of emotion appeared.

It was the kind of look it had when it was admiring something beautiful.

"..." This kid is even better in person than when he was detected.

But... What does he mean?

Looking at the beautiful boy standing on the shore with a sword through the water screen, a question mark appeared on Chi-Yu's head.

Chi-Yu used Nasty Plot, and Chi-Yu's special attack increased dramatically.

Is this kid really going to fight it with a sword in his body?

That's not right, it's too dangerous...

Wouldn't it be a waste to hurt his pretty face in the fight?

What's wrong with Chien-Pao?

How could he let his beautiful owner risk her face in battle?

"..." Chi-Yu's heart was filled with anger.

Heh, Chien-Pao, you're an Ice-type Pokémon.

You don't know how to care for your master.

If it were up to me, I would never put my master in danger.

That's why I'm more suitable to be his weapon than you!


Opening his mouth, Chi-Yu, who had been silent until now, let out a melodious song.

Beads of Ruin, power up!


On the shore, watching Chi-Yu's movements between the waterfalls, Aisha, who was thinking that if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move, suddenly felt a lightness in the bronze sword in his hand.

"Good..." Aisha realized the cause of the problem.

Chi-Yu's specialty, Beads of Ruin.

Its effect is to lower the special defense of Pokémon other than itself.


You're lowering Chien-Pao's Special Defense.

What's that got to do with me?


With a sneer, Aisha held her Bronze Sword in front of him.

"Snow Leopard, let's go."

Evil power spread out and directly swept over the red figure in the waterfall.

Sword of Ruin, power up!


The eyes of Chi-Yu, who was swimming in the waterfall, flashed.

It clearly felt its defense power decrease a bit.

This is Chien-Pao's power...

"..." Chi-Yu was staring at the sword-wielding figure on the shore.

I see... You're already able to utilize Chien-Pao's power with ease?

No wonder that stupid panther thinks so highly of you, you really are something.

In that case...

I'm going to fight at full power!


With a swing of his tail, Chi-Yu accelerated out of the waterfall.

Carrying a stream of water, Chi-Yu gracefully leapt into the sky - it had the ability to float in the sky itself.

"It's out!" As soon as it saw Chi-Yu rush out of the waterfall, Aisha didn't hesitate to kick his feet, and ran out of the waterfall.


Chi-Yu faced the boy who jumped up into the sky, and the rings around its eyes flashed red.

Its proud fighting style is to spit out extremely hot flames, completely incinerating all the enemies in front of it.


Aisha was faster than it!


The bronze sword filled with an evil aura cut through the sky with a flash of cold light.

It carried Aisha and stabbed at Chi-Yu in the air with great speed.

A surprise attack!

If your opponent uses an attack move, it is a move that can move faster than your opponent.


Chi-Yu's eyes narrowed.

It watched as the boy quickly approached from afar, approaching with his sword.

The sword stabbed through, and flames as thick as blood spread into the sky.


Chi-Yu's Flamethrower came out a little late.

By that time, Aisha had already used the power of his thrust to rush to its back.


The teenager turned in the air and stepped on the rock wall near the waterfall.


He then looked down to the lake below with a surprised look on his face.

A few flames were burning quietly above the lake - it was Chi-Yu's blood that had spilled out from his own stabbing attack.


Swaying its flame-like tail and fins, Chi-Yu was not angered by its injuries.

It quietly turned around and gazed at Aisha, who was standing on the rock wall as if she was walking on a flat surface.

Chi-Yu's eyes exploded with color.

Chi-Yu clearly saw Aisha's eyes when it brushed past it...

Pure and clear, with a cold fighting aura wrapped around his body.

If you look at it from the perspective of a weapon, it's a perfect master.

However, Chi-Yuu was not a pure weapon, it was a Pokémon, with a consciousness of its own.

Therefore, its thoughts are...

Oh, my God! Crazy beauty!

That's awesome, I can do it!

Chien-Pao is so kind to find me a master who's to my liking!


"..." The flames on Chi-Yu's body burned even more fiercely.

It had to fight with all its might.

After all, Chi-Yu doesn't want to be inferior to Chien-Pao in its new environment.

If it didn't want to be inferior to that stupid panther because of first-come-first-served, it had to show its full worth at this moment!


A beam of flame roared out.

Aisha's expression changed at the heat.

It was too late to hide...

"Swish!" Aisha simply raised his sword in his hand, and a shield of glowing green light was placed in front of him.



Chi-Yu's Flamethrower engulfed him and Chien-Pao, and the shield protected them.

However, the rock walls on both sides quickly melted into flowing lava as the extreme heat of the flames burned them mercilessly.


Aisha slipped and realized that the rock wall she was stepping on was flowing along with the magma around her.

Jumping out decisively, she dodged Chi-Yu's follow-up shot.

"Strong flames..."

In the air, Aisha couldn't help but exclaim.

He swung his sword, and an evil aura spread out in the form of a sound wave.



Chi-Yu's fire-breathing action stalled, and the strength of the output of the flame dropped by one degree.

Immediately, it stopped in place, its body flowing with enhanced power.

"Nasty Plot..." Seeing that Chi-Yuu was making up for its reduced power, Aisha let out a dark smile.


He landed on the shore and raised his sword just the same.

Sword Dance!

"..." Chi-Yu's eyes widened.

It realized that it had been tricked.

Aisha's intention was not really to lower its special attack.

His intention was to strengthen Chien-Pao's attack while he was in a hurry to strengthen himself due to the lowering of his special attack.

If it uses Nasty Plot to strengthen itself as it wishes, he can safely use Sword Dance to strengthen himself as well... He can also use the Sword Dance to strengthen his sword, which will give him more benefits than he would have gotten.

If it didn't strengthen itself, it would be able to fight more favorably with the effect of its Special Attack dropping.

"..." Chi-Yu's eyes sharpened.

It was only now that it truly realized the power of Chien-Pao's master.

To be in the middle of such a fierce battle, and still be able to maintain such a terrifying battle mindset...



Chi-Yu chanted.

A vortex of flames roared out, wrapping itself around Aisha and Chien-Pao like a rope.

Aisha did the same thing again, her sword-wielding figure rose up into the sky, dodging Chi-Yu's Flame Wheel with another surprise attack, and grazed its body with his sword.


Aisha brushed past Chi-Yu, and just as he was about to land on the rock wall, he was surprised to find... The surrounding rock wall had been turned into flowing lava.

Chi-Yu's Flame Wheel wasn't just targeting them.

It was indiscriminately destroying the nearby terrain in order to destroy the place where Aisha, who had no ability to fly, could land.


Releasing a cold aura, Aisha froze a stream of water coming out of the waterfall.

Stepping on the ice, he caught himself in the air and jumped again.

"..." A cold light flashed between Chi-Yu's eyes.

My flames can melt even rocks, do you think... You think it's hard to vaporize all this water?


With an extremely hot aura emanating from his body, Chi-Yu opened its mouth and a hot wind mixed with flames gushed out in one gulp.

That's Heat Wave!

The ice that Aisha had created in the air melted into water in an instant.

In turn, the waterfall and the lake received the breath of Heat Wave.


An ear-splitting sound was accompanied by a thick cloud of water vapor.

The water vapor, which was hot enough to cause severe burns, spread out violently in all directions.

The surrounding vegetation withered...

The waterfall was cut off, and the water level of the lake dropped as fast as the eye could see.


Chi-Yu unleashed the Heat Wave with great gusto.

It's been a long time since he's seen the light of day, and he's getting a little high... After all, fighting is what Treasure of Ruin craves.


The sound of water vaporizing disappeared.

Under the Heat Wave, the cool, clear water of the lake had completely disappeared, and what flowed in the original lake instead was hot magma.


A viscous sound rang out.

That was the sound of the surrounding rock walls melting into magma and flowing into the magma pool.


It changed the terrain of this place by itself, turning the lake into a lava lake.

But... It was only after the water vapor around them dissipated that Chi-Yu, who was in the middle of a fight, suddenly realized that there was no Aisha and Chien-Pao in front of him.


The hot head immediately calmed down.

A chill crept up Chi-Yu's spine - it wasn't a psychological effect, but a real chill came from its back.

"..." Chi-Yu turned around violently.

The image that caught his eyes was Aisha floating in the air, swinging her sword at herself.

Psychic power...

Chi-Yu saw clearly that the thing supporting Aisha in the air was psychic power.

This person was a psychic, and it hadn't even realized it before.

He was able to dodge its Heat Wave with the Teleport technique that only a high-end psychic can use.

While it was in the heat of the moment, he Teleported to his back...

I realized it.

But it's useless.


A scoff came out of Aisha's mouth, and the glittering bronze sword slashed Chi-Yu's head.

Holy Sword!

A fighting attribute move that ignores the opponent's defense and increases their evasion rate.


With two levels of enhanced physical attack and a two-fold restraint, the Holy Sword stunned Chi-Yu.

After the sound of gold and iron, Chi-Yu's deformed head was like a cannonball, and flew backwards to the bottom.

But Aisha was faster.

He stabbed his sword, and the light of Sheer Cold erupted, freezing the flowing, steaming lake of magma in one gulp.

The sizeable lava lake turned into a pool of ice - Aisha wouldn't give Chi-Yu a chance to recuperate by hiding inside the lava lake.


Chi-Yu smashed into the thick ice, not penetrating it, but still making a big hole.

"Swish!!!" A flash of sword light fell from the sky.

The Holy Sword shattered the ice around it, along with Chi-Yu.


As at the beginning of the battle, a white powder exploded.

The ice powder once again lowered the distorted temperature of the surrounding area.

Underneath the shattered ice, Chi-Yu, whose body was covered in cracks, lay between the cooled solid lava, incapacitated.


The jades on its eyes flickered dimly.

"You're just a fragile skin, and you're not prepared for a sneak attack..." Standing on top of the ice, Aisha spat at Chi-Yu's recklessness while casually waving her sword, releasing a surge of cold air, extinguishing the flames burning on the surrounding vegetation, and preventing a forest fire from occurring in time.


Chien-Pao buzzed excitedly in his hands.

It was so high that it couldn't stand it.

Back in the day, it had never beaten Chi-Yu once because of the attribute restraints...

But Aisha not only beat Chi-Yu, it didn't even hurt itself, so it won.


That's what I'm talking about!


Chien-Pao buzzed even harder.

"Okay, I know you're happy."

Aisha laughed and scolded, but he couldn't stop the smile from rising on his face.

The battle just now, he fought soundly.

After winning the battle, the Chi-Yu that he was about to acquire had greatly increased his strength...

What could be better than this?


With a light laugh, Aisha threw a Ultra ball.

The Ultra Ball took Chi-Yu in, and the unconscious Chi-Yu didn't put up a single fight, so the Ultra Ball was able to subdue it without a hitch.

"Oh?" Aisha tilted his head.

This meant that Chi-Yuu recognized his strength and was willing to become his Pokémon.

"That went well."

Dayan Sword Saint, who was completely unaware of his charms, smiled and picked up the Poké ball containing Chi-Yu.

Fire attribute...

Well, now I can be an arsonist.