Nemona, Let's Fight

The streets were bustling with people.

In the midst of the crowd, a young girl with gray hair stood out.

Because her appearance, compared to her status as a "girl", was too special.

Her short, simple gray hair was tied up halfway with a black hair band that had a pair of rabbit ears on it.

She had eyes the color of steel, and between those eyes was an unbreakable will like steel.

The most noticeable thing was her outfit... It wasn't a normal outfit, but a short top and shorts in black and white with some orange accents, and the fist-shaped logo and the words written on it made it clear that it was a competition outfit for a certain arena.

The exposed brown skin of the girl's body is a clear indication of her love of sports and exercise.

Her short top was swaying as she walked, revealing her abs outlined by the black tights that made people smack their lips.


After noticing the gazes from all directions, the girl's eyes appeared a touch of puzzlement.

She turned her head to look around the bustling crowd.

After she didn't find any malicious stares, she didn't care and continued to turn her head towards her destination.

"Address... This should be the address."

Moving forward without any distractions, twenty minutes later, the gray-haired girl in the competition uniform stood in front of a gymnasium.

She took out her cell phone and after confirming the address of the venue for the competition she had signed up for, she ignored the gazes of amazement and scrutiny from the surrounding area and walked straight in.

There were a few signs in front of the stadium.

On them were the words World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

In addition, there was the name of Mustard himself, who was the organizer of the event and the sign, as well as the words Isle of Armor, which was the destination.


After entering the stadium, the girl realized that it was still too early in the day for the match to start.

So, she found a place to sit down in an unobtrusive corner and rested her eyes.

At that moment, among the people around her, there were some conversations that she was concerned about.

"Hey, did you hear?"

A young man spoke with a complicated expression, saying, "Instructor Ai is also attending the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference organized by Master Mustard."


At those words, the woman beside the young man froze.

"You mean that master tactician, Indigo Plateau Conference champion Instructor Ai?"


The two of them cried out together.

The woman couldn't help but complain, saying, "With Instructor Ai here, what hope do we have of winning, really, why does this guy fry fish all day long..."

The girl felt a hint of disapproval.

According to her understanding, martial arts practitioners and those who study martial arts should not be afraid of failure.

It's an honor to fight the strongest, and only by fighting the strongest, can a martial artist perfect himself.

If you can't help complaining because your opponent is too strong, how can you call yourself a martial artist?

When facing a strong opponent, one should go forward with gratitude and hope, and fight with all one's might even if one knows one is going to lose.


At this time, the young man shook his head, denied the woman's words, and said: "There are still rumors, because Instructor Ai's strength is really too strong, or his own research on martial arts is really too strong. Therefore, in order to ensure the participation experience of other contestants and considering other issues, the organizers arranged that Instructor Ai does not need to participate in the previous competitions, as long as he competes with champion in the end, and afterwards both he and the champion will have the opportunity to go to the Isle of Armor to practice with Master Mustard."


Now, the woman's terrible expression eased a little.

"That's good."

"It's the organizer who won't let Instructor Ai fry the fish, hah."

The two men laughed and gossiped away, leaving the gray-haired girl alone in her thoughts.

"Instructor Ai..." She recited the title over and over again.

She had heard of this name when she was in the Galar region.

This person had several large fan groups in the Galar region.

He was said to be very powerful, and his understanding of Pokémon battles was one of the best in the world.

He's also good looking... That's why Nessa has been watching him.

However, Instructor Ai's abilities were rumored to be a miracle.

However, the girl, as a fighter who didn't care about the rest of the world and was only interested in getting stronger, didn't care much about him.

I didn't expect to hear the name of this man in Dayan today...

"Knowing that I was in the tournament, the organizers arranged for him to skip the match."

A flash of color flashed in the girl's steel-like eyes.

She knew the strength and reputation of the organizer, Master Mustard, and thus, she did not doubt that the organizer's decision was wrong.

In that case...

Then there was only one reason why the organizer had given Aisha preferential treatment.

"It means that Master Mustard has decided that even I don't stand a chance against him, and that if he participates, the winner of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference will be him, so the organizers have arranged for him to protect the rights of the other participants...? Is that so?"

The girl's mind was quick, and she immediately came up with a "reasonable" reason.

In fact, it was the right thing to do.

"... Okay." After clearing up the logic, the gray-haired girl couldn't help but reveal a look of excitement.

She had come to the Dayan region in order to challenge the best of the best.

The purpose of attending the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference was also to challenge Master Mustard after winning.

Now that she met such a strong Instructor Ai, how could the girl miss the chance to fight him?


Clenching her fists, she looked a bit excited.

At that moment, the gym's announcement came on.

It announced the names of the two men and the start of the first match of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

"Mr. Bea, Mr. Morn, please come to court one."

As soon as Bea's name came out, there was a lot of chatter around the room.

For no other reason than that it was the name of the gym leader of the Galar Regional Fighting-type Gym.

Because the name was so unique, there was little doubt that it was a duplicate of Bea.

What's more...


In the corner, Bea stood up violently.

Her movement attracted a lot of attention.

After seeing the girl's face clearly, those people immediately recognized her identity.

Facing the gazes of admiration and respect from the surrounding people, Bea did not look away, but raised her feet and walked towards the passageway of the No.1 venue.

"I must win, become the champion, and challenge Instructor Ai and Master Mustard!"

She took off the Poké ball she was wearing at her waist, and inside the ball, her best partner Machamp shared her eyes with the fire of fighting spirit.



At home, Aisha sneezed in the living room.

He rubbed his nose and looked around a bit confused.

"Who's talking about me?"

Yeah, he's home.

After subjugating Chi-Yu, Aisha didn't have much else to do in that remote southern county.

So, he stayed there for one night, and the next morning, he took the train and quickly rushed back home.

Summer was shocked at his efficiency.

At the same time, Summer was also surprised at how quickly Chi-Yu recognized Aisha.

You're really a chimera who can attract both human and Pokémon - these were the words of Summer who saw Chi-Yu's very affectionate surrounding Aisha at that moment with a complicated face.

"As a matter of fact, I still have some concerns about your contact and battle with Treasure of Ruin."

On top of the sofa opposite Aisha, Summer tapped on the table.

Aisha didn't say anything, waiting for Summer's next words.


Summer thought for a moment, and said, "You've been using Chien-Pao for so long, you should have felt it, the unsettling aura that Four Treasures of Ruin carries."


Aisha nodded, agreeing with Summer's words.

He did feel it.

The Four Treasures of Ruin were legendary for being unsettling Pokémon...

Their unsettling aura is a curse for those who are not recognized by them.

Luckily, Aisha is a human recognized by Chien-Pao and Chi-Yu and chose to follow them.

That's why he's not afraid of such things.

"So, how are you feeling?"

Summer asked with a concerned face.

She was afraid that Aisha would be affected by Treasure of Ruin.

"I'm feeling pretty good right now." Aisha struck a fit pose towards Summer.

"Chien-Pao and Chi-Yu have been very kind to me, I've had no trouble with them, and likewise have not been corrupted by their powers."

"You kid..."

Summer laughed and shook her head.

She herself wasn't an ordinary person, so she could naturally see that Aisha hadn't been affected by Chien-Pao and Chi-Yu.

But care is messy.

If she could ask the answer from Aisha's mouth, Summer could feel more at ease.

"That's good."

Summer wrapped her arms around her chest.

In this way, there was no need to worry about the subsequent operations to subdue Ting-Lu and Wo-Chien.

"Hmm..." Summer calculated the time.

"You should have enough time to get the remaining two before you go to Isle of Armor."

Speaking of this, Summer looked at Aisha with complicated eyes.

If she remembered correctly, Chien-Pao had taken the initiative to test him, which meant that the Snow Leopard had been interested in him from the beginning.

Now, Chi-Yu, who was supposed to be quite bad-tempered according to the records, easily recognized him, and willingly became this boy's Pokémon...


Summer narrowed her eyes and smacked her lips.

A very absurd, but unexpectedly reasonable thought came to her mind.

Could it be that the remaining Ting-Lu and Wo-Chien would also fall in love with him at first sight?

The Four Treasures of Calamity are so powerful in the legends.

Why are they all face dogs in reality?

Oh, I'm a face dog too.

It's okay then.


Summer shook her head and looked at Aisha with a bit of a grudge.

This kid, I'm stuck with him for the rest of my life.

"Today is the first day of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference." Glancing at his cell phone, Aisha showed an interested expression.


Summer was a bit distracted.

She nodded and picked up Aisha's words, saying, "When I came here just now, I heard on the way that the Fighting-type Gym Leader from the Galar region also came over to participate in that tournament."

"The Fighting-type Gym Leader and the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference..."

Aisha smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's quite a match."

"Should we go over there?"

He asked Summer.

Summer was stunned.

"Go to the scene?"

"Me?" She looked at herself incredulously, pointing a slender finger at herself.

Summer looked as if she was asking - I'm a shut-in, and you want me to go to a place like that to watch a game?

"Go~ go~"

Aisha smiled, and pulled Summer's arm.

He forced Summer up from the couch.

"Let's go, let's go~ Just stay with me. I haven't walked around the city much since I came back."


With a face like that, Summer reluctantly stood up straight.

In fact, she was laughing like crazy inside.

"Uh..." Summer glanced at Aisha, who was laughing happily beside her.

Hey, you, you usually act like a piece of elm, how come you're so skillful at using your beauty to coax a beautiful girl to go out and play with you?


If you say it's just for fun, then I'll take it as an invitation to go out on a date.

But isn't it a bit strange to go on a date and watch a battle? Never mind, we Pokémon trainers are like that.


Summer had a weak look on her face.

In fact, she was already saying "Yes!" in her heart.


After pulling Summer and telling Caterpie to keep an eye on her, Aisha went straight out the door.

Watching the interaction between the two, Rotom phone couldn't help but sigh in his heart, youth is good, and then quickly followed.


Looking at Aisha's back, Caterpie's eyes were very determined.

Don't worry, Instructor Ai... With me here, no one can invade our house!

This is the confidence that evolving into Rayquaza gives me!

Instructor Ai naturally didn't know the thoughts of the bug that was about to become a dragon.

He and Summer said they were going to watch the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

In fact, they slowed down as they walked.

Dayan was on summer vacation, and most of the people on the streets were students.

As a result, there were more vendors on the streets, and the gift stores and drink stores on the side of the road were doing a lot of business.


Standing on the side of the road, Summer called Aisha's name out of the blue.

"Huh?" Aisha froze for a moment.

It was the first time anyone had ever called him that.

Everyone else either called him by his first name or Instructor Ai.

Those who called him by nicknames, like Professor Oak, Blue, and Steven, called him Ai or Ai-kun.

But he's not used to being called "Natsu".

However, it can't be ruled out...

"I want to eat that!"

The geeky Summer lazily pointed to the donut on the street.

"Okay." Aisha smiled, and went straight over to buy two, handing one to Summer.

"Ehehe~ It's really good."

Holding the donut, Summer smiled brightly.

I don't know if she meant the donut or someone else.


Aisha was also surprised.

His image of Summer had always been that of a reliable big sister.

This was the first time he'd seen Summer smile like a little girl.

"Let's go, don't you have a game to watch?"


The two of them continued to walk around the city.

The weather and the temperature are perfect for a day out.

As a nerd, Summer doesn't really like to go out.

But with Aisha by her side, she doesn't rule out shopping and walking.

Aisha's shopping experience is also very good.

Because Summer and him are like brothers.

Summer wouldn't go out and buy a big bag and ask him to carry it like a girl would normally do.

After two hours of shopping, the two of them were still relaxed, and there was no gender conflict at all.

"That's nice..."

Aisha sighed.


Summer hooked her arms around his neck and rubbed her face against his in a somewhat ambiguous way.

"Marrying me, you are equivalent to gaining a beautiful girl brother, or a beautiful girl who has all the common topics and the same hobbies with you."

"I'd be so happy." Aisha said.

"Hey, you!"

Summer was about to hit him.

Aisha took off running.

The two of them chased each other, laughing.

They arrived at the stadium where the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference was held just before dusk.

"Ah, today's match is over."

Aisha looked at the crowd of people walking out with a bit of regret.

It's obviously over.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Summer shook her head.

She had a great day anyway.

"I'm tired..."

With her calves aching, Summer wailed.

As a shut-in, she has always been physically weak.

If she were to stroll around for an afternoon like today, she would have to stay at home for at least a week to recover.


Not far away from the two, a young girl cried and complained, "Why don't you let me compete?"

"I want to fight."


Hearing her voice, Aisha turned her head.

When he saw the girl's face clearly, he froze.

Her ponytail and green bangs were her trademark features.

Aisha knew her...


The girl noticed Aisha's line of sight, and she ran over with a surprised look on her face, chatting herself up.

"If you're a trainer, you have to fight when you see each other, right?"

"I'm Nemona from the Paldea region!" Nemona smiled and pulled out a Pokémon ball, saying, "Little brother, let's have a battle!"

  1. 'Sha' (夏) is the first name while 'Ai' (艾) is the family name (last name), Sha also translates to "summer" (夏; it's the same word), which also translates to Natsu in Japanese
    (author really likes this word)