Is Reshiram Jealous?

Chansey's sudden evolution froze everyone in the room.


It was Shiny Haunter who had the quickest reaction.

The Soul Temple Elder "Jie Jie" laughed like a gust of wind and put down the empty bowl in his hand, and in a flash, he floated to Blissey's face.


The eyes of shiny Haunter were filled with curiosity.

It was as if it wanted to see the difference between the Blissey of today and the Chansey of the past.


Looking around, it didn't find any major changes in Blissey's body.


At this time, Aisha also hurriedly stood up and quickly walked to Blissey's side.

He had long realized that Chansey was about to evolve.

However, he didn't expect Chansey's evolution to come so suddenly.

Evolution after one meal?


On second thought, Instructor Ai was relieved.

Chansey's evolution into Blissey relied on its affinity with the trainer.

What was needed was more of an emotional attachment rather than a boost in strength or the excitement of battle.

Aisha naturally did not doubt his own feelings for Chansey, and Chansey's feelings for himself.

In that case, this kind of evolution is reasonable and logical.

Moreover, although Chansey's battle frequency is not high, its strength is already very strong.

Today's evolution was completely natural!

"That's nice."

Reaching out and stroking Blissey's head, Aisha couldn't help but raise a happy smile.

Now, Blissey, who had completed its final evolution, was no longer the little pink chubby guy it was at the beginning.

Blissey was more than a head taller than Chansey, Instructor Ai estimated that it was about 1 meter 6 to 1 meter 7 tall, which was much taller than the average height of Blissey.

In addition, along with the evolution, Chansey's six pigtails like hair, in Blissey's head into a beautiful curly hair.

Its already round body has now become even wider, rounder and more solid.

The pockets on the belly and the eggs inside the pockets remain the same, but Blissey's bottom half has changed from pink to pure white.

In addition, it has a wing-like skirt around its waist and a sleeve-like white veil over its shoulders.

At that moment, it became a lovely and gentle white angel, just like the world's stereotype of the Blissey family.


Feeling Instructor Ai's white and soft palm on top of his head, Blissey narrowed his eyes in happiness.

It took the initiative to rub against Instructor Ai's palm, and then, fiercely stretched out its arms, which had lengthened considerably, and hugged the teenager in front of it.


"Uh, Blissey!"

Instructor Ai's waist was wrapped around Blissey's arm, and his whole body was directly pressed into the body of this big egg that was not much shorter than himself.

The soft, warm sensation, accompanied by Blissey's constant rubbing against his cheek, made Instructor Ai blush.

"After Chansey evolved into Blissey, not only has its appearance changed from a young girl to an adult, but its personality has also changed from being subtle to a cheerful personality that doesn't hide its love and happiness."

Rotom phone floated to the side of Aisha and Blissey at the right time, and while surrounding this person and a Pokémon and taking pictures, it was like a living Pokémon illustration, telling Instructor Ai about Blissey's personality change.


After taking several photos and a video to record this happy moment, Rotom phone ignored Instructor Ai's gaze for help and immediately drifted away.


Aisha looked at the drifting Rotom phone with a sad look of "This is a betrayal, Rotom".

Afterwards, he didn't resist - in fact, Instructor Ai hadn't made any resistance so as not to break Blissey's heart.

He realized that one of his children was a guy with a backbone in the back of his head.

Charizard counts one, Azumarill counts one, shiny Metagross counts one, these are all the type of people who rely on their own arms when they are young, and stuff themselves into their arms when they grow up.

Now there's Blissey...

Come to think of it, the only person who hasn't bear-hugged Instructor Ai like this is Umbreon.

But Umbreon wasn't big enough to bear-hug Instructor Ai on all fours, and it didn't have the hardware to do it.


Glancing at the remaining children who had not yet completed their final evolution, Instructor Ai's mind unconsciously conjured up a picture of them hugging him.

Shiny Gengar... It's okay, at least it has arms and legs and can fly.

Not to mention that after it evolves, you'll have to learn some Ghost type secret techniques together with it, so close contact is inevitable.


Well, Instructor Ai just wishes the boy would go easy on him.

Gardevoir... More, please!

This is the only one Instructor Ai will gladly accept.


Not realizing that Instructor Ai was already thinking about other Pokémon in his arms, Blissey smiled at his trainer's warmth and spun around before releasing him.


'Sister Chansey has evolved~'

After seeing Blissey let go of Aisha, the people around it gathered around.

Among them, Ralts, who had the best relationship with Blissey, rushed to the front with a Teleport, looking at the much taller one with a curious and envious face.


'I'm envious.'

Under Ralts' long green bangs, a pair of big watery eyes were filled with little stars, and envy was written all over its cute face.

It was born late in life, but after its birth, it has seen the evolution of several of its companions, including Caterpie, who temporarily evolved into Rayquaza.

Being taken care of as the youngest sister by everyone in the family all day long, Ralts naturally longed to grow up.

And, when it comes to Pokémon growth, the fastest and easiest way to evolve is of course...

Ralts had seen the evolution paths of Pokémon of its own race, and whether it was Kirlia, who was as graceful as a ballet dancer, or Gardevoir, who was as beautiful as a queen, they were all what it wanted to become.


Ralts remembered the image of Blissey picking Instructor Ai up and spinning it around.

Although it could have picked Instructor Ai up with its psychic power if it wanted to.


It's true!

It's better to pick up Instructor Ai by itself anyway!


'I also want to evolve...'

Ralts hung its head for a while.

But how could the little princess of Instructor Ai's family consume itself?

Immediately, Ralts clenched its small fists and raised its head to show a look full of passion.


'It's decided, in order to evolve soon, I'm going to work out harder!'


Larvitar was just like it.

To be honest, its desire to evolve is no less than Ralts'.

As a late-blooming Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, Larvitar's desire to evolve is instinctive in its blood.

Especially when there's already a Final Evolution, or even a Shiny Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon that has mastered Mega Evolution...

Larvitar was under a lot of pressure!


Blissey smiled at the two little ones.

Then, it picked them up with one hand.




Princess Ralts didn't react to Blissey's hugging behavior and laughed happily.

However, Larvitar was different.

It was first startled by Blissey's action, and then it couldn't help but blush and burn on its face.

Instructor Ai laughed as he watched.

"The child is getting older, give the child some face."


Blissey looked a little disappointed.

Larvitar, after some mental struggles, finally accepted Blissey's embrace.


Larvitar reached out its hand to comfort Blissey, and said that it didn't mean it that way, and that it really didn't dislike Blissey.

Blissey was happy once again.


Blissey hugged Ralts and Larvitar in circles.

Listening to Ralts' happy laughter beside it, Larvitar felt that Pokémon and Pokémon don't share the same feelings for each other.

It just felt like it was going to die!


After listening to Ralts and Larvitar's conversation for half a day, Shiny Haunter rubbed its chin thoughtfully.

It was in no hurry to evolve...

It's not like it's in any hurry to evolve... although it's true that the Soul Temple Elder also desires to improve its strength.

However, as a shiny Pokémon, its potential was recognized by Aisha, Sumner, and Granny Agatha.

For now, it's more interested in learning more about 'Spirit Poison' than evolving into a Gengar.


Trying to get to a level where every Shadow Ball can poison an enemy!

Also, fast enough to lick Instructor Ai!


While its mind was flickering, Shiny Haunter's body shot out like a ghost, leaving a scarlet shadow in the air.

Ting-Lu was dumbfounded from afar.

What kind of maneuver is this?

Shiny Haunter flicked its tongue and rushed towards Instructor Ai's back.

But Instructor Ai, as if he had eyes on his back, easily dodged the high speed attack of shiny Haunter with a sharp downward movement.

"You're not even close!"

Straightening himself up, Instructor Ai gave tiny Haunter an expressionless blow to the head.

This blow was wrapped in superpower, and it almost hit the crispy skinned tiny Haunter.


Shiny Haunter covered its head and rolled on the grass underneath it, wailing.

Ting-Lu was dumbfounded.

This... So this is the master's exercise routine?

It's so, so scary.


Thinking about how it was beaten up by Instructor Ai during the day, Ting-Lu couldn't help but feel a little bit of pity and recognition for shiny Haunter.

Knowing that it would lose, it kept issuing challenges.

This kind of willpower to catch up with the strong and become stronger is really good!


Instructor Ai twisted his neck.

Glancing at the time, he realized that it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The sun had completely gone down, and the reddish color of dusk like a fire had quietly disappeared, and the hazy night curtain had replaced it.

The stars filled the night sky, and it was clearly night time, but the sky was not dark.

The stars were spread into a spectacular Milky Way, and the moon hung high in the sky.


Even though she already knew about the beauty of this place, Aisha was still touched by this scene.

Also looking up at the starry sky was Reshiram.

[This world is so beautiful.]

Reshiram's tone was filled with emotion.

However, Aisha could hear a hint of sadness and despair in its words.

[Every time I wake up, I want to see more of this world.]

The beautiful blue eyes of the White Dragon reflected the stars in the sky.

It seemed to be talking to itself, or to someone about its pain and unhappiness.

[But, as fate would have it, every time we wake up, Zekrom and I are the tools of two human beings, driven by them to fight until one of us is victorious, and then fall back to sleep, waiting for the next one to wake us up, and so on and so forth.]

Laughing to himself, Reshiram's voice was weary.

[Although we are the fabled founding dragons of Unova, we have never actually lived a day for ourselves.]

Turning his head, Reshiram looked at Aisha, who was also under a starry sky.

The stars in his eyes had turned into a black-haired boy, but the light reflected in his eyes was undiminished.

[Likewise, no one ever thought of taking me to taste the beauty of the food, to see the beauty of the scenery... until I met you.]

"How does it feel?"

Aisha asked with a soft smile.

[Great, my hero.]

"Don't worry..."

Walking slowly to Reshiram's side and stroking its white feathers, Aisha smiled confidently.

Turning back, he looked towards the Milky Way in the sky.

"The fate of the Black and White Dragons will be cut short by me."

[I believe in you, my hero.]


The next day, Aisha left the basin where Ting-Lu had been living.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't get to experience the splendor of the Guding Gorge, but instead left on a flying Pokémon.

Yesterday, Instructor Ai rode Charizard.



The eyes of the shiny Metagross were cold, and it was as strong and powerful as a Prime Pillar, the roots of which were fitted to the heavy body.

Like a flying saucer, it took on a flat appearance and floated in the sky, relying on super power fluctuations and electromagnetic force.


Instructor Ai grunted lightly, wrapped his arms around his chest, and stood upright on top of shiny Metagross' head in a very dashing, arrogant and uninhibited posture.

As shiny Metagross flew at high speed in the sky, a strong wind came along with it, but it could only blow the hem of Instructor Ai's clothes.

His feet seemed to be glued to the body of shiny Metagross. No matter how fast shiny Metagross flew, or whether it changed its direction, his body did not shake at all. This was indeed the case. As a psychic, Instructor Ai used psychic power fluctuations to link his psychic power with shiny Metagross's psychic power, and his entire body was fixed on shiny Metagross's body with his psychic power.


But awesome!


Instructor Ai, with his arms wrapped around his chest and the hem of his shirt fluttering, let out a big laugh in the sky.

Shiny Metagross flew even faster.

[Hero, why don't you ride me?]

Reshiram's somewhat dissatisfied voice sounded in Aisha's mind.

"That's too flashy..."

Instructor Ai couldn't help but sweat as he listened to the jealous voice of the White Dragon.

Shiny Metagross was already eye-catching enough, let alone the Truth Dragon of the Unova region's legends.

And... Why are you jealous as a First-level Legendary Pokémon?

Anyway, because of shiny Metagross's wild ride, it wasn't even noon when Aisha got back to town.


As soon as Aisha landed on the city's landfall with shiny Metagross, it caused the surrounding trainers to cry out in surprise.

Shiny Metagross... This is one of the only two in the world.

There are only two people who own this kind of Pokémon, and they are all famous celebrities.

That's why Aisha's identity was recognized by passersby almost instantly.

As soon as Instructor Ai had retrieved shiny Metagross from the Poké ball, he was greeted by several excited fans holding books and asking for his autograph.


Aisha couldn't help but laugh and cry.

However, nowadays, he was able to deal with the fans in a calm manner.

After signing autographs and taking pictures, Instructor Ai finally got rid of them and walked down the street.

At that moment, he received a phone call.

It was a call from his new friend, Nemona.

"Aisha, I'm back in Paldea!"

Inside the phone, Nemona, still looking full of energy, smiled and informed Aisha of her trip.

"You're going back?"

"Well, after all, a new semester is about to start."

Nemona replied with a simple smile.

Then, the girl's tone became more serious.

"Aisha, I lost to you in this sparring match, after I go back I'll definitely work on my Pokémon's strength and improve my sparring level!"

"Hey~" she smiled slyly over there.

"At that time, when I become stronger, I'll definitely challenge you again and defeat you!"

"Then you have to work hard."

Aisha smiled and said, "I won't stand still, you'll have to work harder if you want to beat me."

"Then let's compare who has improved more in this period of time!"

Nemona looked undaunted.

Aisha was thoughtful.

If nothing else, by the time he met Nemona again, she would already be a champion trainer.

That's... Interesting!


Aisha agreed.

Last time I beat you with Chi-Yu, next time I'll use Reshiram!