Lusamine Is Willing To Do Anything

Nemona on the other side of the phone had no idea what a horrible person she was talking to.

She didn't know what a miserable life she was going to have.

She was still in high spirits, telling Aisha all about the Paldea region and the school she was attending.

She looked like she wanted to seduce Aisha to go to Paldea with her.

"Seriously, Aisha, are you sure you don't want to go to Paldea with me?"

Nemona asked.

Aisha shook his head helplessly.

"You know, I participated in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference organized by Master Mustard, and my next trip is to the Galar region's Isle of Armor for training."


Knowing that Aisha's answer would be like that, Nemona couldn't help but feel down.

It seemed that this silly girl had completely regarded Aisha, who was bullying her with a Second-level Legendary, as her arch-enemy for the rest of her life.


Listening to Nemona's lost sighs from the other side of the phone, as well as Nemona's pace, which had obviously changed sharply along with Nemona's depressed mood, Aisha laughed.

"But it's okay."

"I just can't get away during this period of time, in fact, I'm quite interested in the Paldea region, I also have a friend over there, after I'm done with these troublesome matters at hand, if I'm free, I can indeed go to the Paldea region to play like you said." Aisha looked up at the sky, remembering his royal sandbag... Ahem, anchor's partner, Levincia's Gym Leader, Ms. Iono.

Instructor Ai was often invited to Levincia by Iono.

But he really doesn't have the time.

However, Instructor Ai himself felt that traveling to the Paldea region was a necessity.

Whether it's Koraidon or Miraidon, which he might have picked up for nothing, or the Paradox Pokémon that are hidden in the Paldea Region's Area Zero, it's important to go to the Paldea Region.

Rain Day Team General Walking Wake, Paldea's Flutter Mane...

These are all things that interest him.

Not to mention the fact that the Paldea region hides some even lesser-known secrets.


Upon hearing Aisha's words, Nemona's emotions, which had been a bit dampened, immediately rose again.

The young girl's voice came alive.

Aisha could even visualize Nemona's smiling face as she walked forward while answering the phone through her voice.

"Then it's a deal!"

Nemona's tone was very serious, saying, "At that time, when you come to the Paldea region, you must remember to call me!"

"At that time, I'll give you a warm welcome!"

"Good, good..."

A helpless look appeared on Aisha's face.

This was another person waiting for him to go over as a guest...

The last person who invited him to their old home was Sonia of Wedgehurst in the Galar region.

I wonder if Master Mustard is traveling directly to Isle of Armor this time, or if he's going to Wedgehurst first and then transferring to Isle of Armor.

If it's the latter, I'll be able to fulfill my promise to Sonia.

Well... I hope I don't run into Leon, that battle-crazed maniac, when I'm there as a guest.

Otherwise, I can't say if I'll pull out any excessive Pokémon battles.

I hope the Galar people are smart enough not to push him.


With the sound of a train arriving at the station on the other end of the line, Nemona's tone was tinged with a sense of helplessness.

"Hey, I have to go back to school, I'll get on the train first!"

"Well, have a safe trip."

Listening to Nemona's complaints, Instructor Ai laughed a little.

The summer vacation was almost over, and the students should start school.

Two days ago, his Dayan fan group's friends had sent messages to complain about the start of school.

Instructor Ai is still talking about school life, the learning environment that has become more and more voluminous since the start of the new semester, and the college tournament and other topics.

Instructor Ai laughed and said that he didn't need to go to school.

That's right...

Aisha's original one-semester vacation from school was extended indefinitely.

Due to the fact that he won the Indigo Plateau Conference in his first year of debut, and that the folklore was so horrific, the school officials, for the sake of the Summer King and Instructor Ai himself, granted him unlimited vacation time.

There's nothing they can do about it.

Is there anyone in this school who can teach Aisha anything?


He's a tactical genius and a master trainer who's probably a top-level trainer.

Aisha doesn't need to stay in the school, and the school's senior staff knows it.

Instead of humiliating yourself, you should make things easier for others.

Maybe if they think of you, they'll help the school in return.

Anyway, you can't offend...

So, anyway, Instructor Ai got the right to travel indefinitely.

He's very happy about it.

Instructor Ai had been in Dayan for over ten years, and he really didn't want to go back.

Especially since their rolls were nothing more than a bunch of children's pranks to the truly powerful trainers.

Instead of being an academy trainer, a traveling trainer, who is in the field fighting, practicing and adventuring, is where he belongs.

"Bye, Aisha."

"Well, goodbye, Nemona."

After saying goodbye, Nemona, who was the type of person who had a very fast and furious style, simply hung up the phone.

Aisha didn't think about her anymore and walked straight to the airport.

He has already booked a ticket, today directly to Wo-Chien's location.

The main thing is efficiency!


Sitting in the waiting room of the airport, waiting to board the plane, Aisha reviewed the information Summer had gathered about Wo-Chien with him.

There wasn't much to say.

Summer had already guessed that each of the Four Treasures of Ruin specialized in Attack, Special Attack, Defense, and Special Defense.

Aisha has now collected Chien-Pao, Chi-Yu, and Ting-Lu, and these three Pokémon's ability values and fighting styles perfectly corroborate Summer's suspicions.

Next, there's Wo-Chien, who focuses on special defense.

Summer said that if nothing else, Wo-Chien should have the Grass and Dark attributes.

Aisha knows this all too well.

Wo-Chien, just like its position in the Four Treasures of Ruin, was plain and unimpressive, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

The place where it resides is not like Chien-Pao's Mt. Chien or Ting-Lu's Ting Canyon, but is a scenic spot at the same time.

From the information Summer had obtained from her family's ancient books, she confirmed that the Wo-Chien's habitat was located in a swampy forest in the western part of the Dayan region.

It's not near any cities or towns...

That's why Aisha chose it as the last Treasure of Ruin to be conquered.

Well, it wasn't because Wo-Chien was a loser, no!

Wo-Chien was hidden in a place where there was no village in front of him, and the area of the swampy forest where he was hiding was so large that it was really too difficult to search.

Moreover, due to the lack of human exploration in the forest far away from the city, the trees there are very thick, and if you fly to look for it, your field of vision will be limited - when you fly in the sky, there is a huge sea of lush green forests, and you can't see the situation on the ground at all, so you can't look for it on the ground as follows.

So, Instructor Ai chose to take in the easy to find Ting-Lu first.

He had his own considerations.

After all...

"I hope you can help me."

With three Ultra Balls coiled in his hand like walnuts, Aisha's eyes shone with a thoughtful light.

Chien-Pao could give him information about Chi-Yu's location.

The combination of Chien-Pao and Chi-Yu amplified the specificity of the information.

Now that he had three Treasure of Ruin in his hands, the information they could give him would be the greatest help in finding Wo-Chien.




Chien-Pao, Chi-Yu, and Ting-Lu each responded to Aisha's call for help.

The voices were different, but the determination hidden within them was the same.


Aisha couldn't help but smile at their feelings.

Even though they were Treasures of Ruin, the three of them gave him the impression that they were all close and talkative Pokémon.

Now, he was looking forward to Wo-Chien's character...

For Instructor Ai, the character of a Pokémon was more important than its ability.

Ah... That's mainly because Wo-Chien's abilities really aren't anything to write home about.

Chien-Pao is the opposite of Chi-Yu, and Ting-Lu is the opposite of Wo-Chien.

Chien-Pao and Chi-Yu are two Pokémon that have their own specialties, and both are extremely powerful.

But this is not the case with Ting-Lu and Wo-Chien, as Ting-Lu crushes Wo-Chien in almost every way!

There's no need to talk about Ting-Lu.

Wo-Chien's Special Defense of 135 is not bad, and its Physical Defense of 100 is increased by Tablets of Ruin trait, which lowers the Physical Attacks of all Pokémon in the room, making it a very good shield Pokémon at first glance.

However, its 85 blood count limits its effectiveness.

In addition, the combination of the Grass and Dark attributes gives it six Double Weaknesses and one Quadruple Weakness!

This is the problem with Grass-type Pokémon, their resistance is extremely poor.

Fire, Fighting, Ice, Flying, Fairy, and Poison are the six attributes that it is twice as afraid of, and with the exception of Poison, the other five attributes are all popular offensive attributes that have been used in the environment for a long time.

This directly sentenced it to death.

The four times weaker bugs also puts it in a very awkward situation, because any high output center turner in the environment can make it seriously injured with a quick turn back.

Plus, Wo-Chien's skill pool has very few redeeming qualities.

He can use Poison Powder and Stun Spore, but he can't learn Sleep Powder, which is the most important of the three...

The 85 and 95 attack of the twin swords, the distribution of special attack is particularly poor, and the 70 speed is not right.

Instructor Ai could only shake his head at Wo-Chien.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't use it to fight against people."

Aisha had come to his senses.

According to the strength of Wo-Chien's combat, it could only be used as an accessory for his own physical body to fight monsters in the future.

Well, it's also an enhancement.

After all... After all, it's just a Second-level Legendary, so it's probably not going to be able to play any high-end games in its lifetime.

But if it becomes Instructor Ai's accessory, it might even be able to fight the First-level Legendary Pokémon in the future!

"Well, it has me to thank for that..."

Instructor Ai gave a heartless smile.


Alola Region, Aether Paradise, Aether Foundation.

The sound of high heels hitting the ground echoed in the underground corridors, and Lusamine, with a figure too delicate and beautiful for her age, waved her blonde hair and walked through the second basement without expression, her eyes glaring.

She arrived at the door of a laboratory, passed the iris authentication, and the steel door opened.

Behind the door, there was a sci-fi style furnishings, this was the laboratory used by the Aether Foundation to research Ultra Space.

Several researchers in white coats were sweating profusely in the lab, recording and calculating various values, unaware of Lusamine's sudden visit.


Lusamine wasn't angry with these people for ignoring her.

She briefly glanced at them, and realized that there were a few more stacks of reports on the lab desk compared to the last time she was here.

They were all the conclusions the researchers had drawn from the Aether Foundation's study of Ultra Space.

Lusamine was pleased.

Without the League's knowledge, the Aether Foundation's research on Ultra Space had gone ahead of the rest of the world.

"As long as we master Ultra Beast..."

Looking at the holographic impact of the Ultra Beast projected on the projector in the center of the lab, Lusamine's bright emerald-like eyes reflected the outline of this wormhole-like wonder.

Her eyes turned wild.

Opening her slender legs and pacing in front of her desk, Lusamine looked at the information on the desk.

It contained information about the Ultra Space, the Cave of Ultimate, as well as a small amount of information about the Ultra Beast.

At first it was fine, but after she saw the lab's update on the Ultra Beasts' strength and performance, Lusamine's expression gradually turned cold.

The strength of the Ultra Beasts was like a pot of cold water poured over her head.

The joy she had felt was dashed.

That's right...

In the end, no matter how much information she had, the Aether Foundation hadn't been able to capture Ultra Beast's power directly.

On the other hand, why was the speed of information gathering on our side so slow?

It was because the trainers under their command were too weak to fight Ultra Beast head-on, so they could only gather information carefully.


An unhappy color appeared on her beautiful face.

Lusamine's heart was in deep sorrow.

"The 'Type: Null' experiment had been delayed, and the Aether Foundation would not be able to rely on the Beast Killer to defeat the Ultra Beast on its own anytime soon.

It was a frustrating experience to be sitting on a mountain of treasure, but unable to mine it, and only able to sigh in frustration.

So, she had to hope that she could recruit other powerful trainers.

And only trainers who are not under the control of the League.

That is... Aisha!

Lusamine hadn't given up on Aisha.

The more she got to know this boy, the more shocked Lusamine became.

This was the perfect trainer, a perfect human being, and he's the absolute best in terms of looks and ability.

And not bound by the League.

Sometimes, Lusamine couldn't help but feel.

Aisha was like a gift from the gods, a perfect fit for her, a solution to her problems.

No, more than that... Maybe they can even work together for a long time!


Remembering the results of Aisha's investigation, Lusamine put a smile back on her face.

The frustration caused by the "Type: Null" manufacturing problem had been cleared away.

After all, there was no guarantee of the Type: Null's performance.

But Aisha's strength was obvious to everyone!

At first, Lusamine wasn't sure about Aisha's strength.

Aisha had beaten Blue in the Viridian Gym Challenge, but that was just one fight, and it didn't mean much.

However, after watching Aisha's battle against Master Mustard, Lusamine decided that Aisha was a champion trainer!

The kind that doesn't lose to Blue...

She was pleasantly surprised.

With Blue's strength, Aisha would be able to compete in Ultra Space like a fish out of water.

Not even the Ultra Beast can stop him and the Aether Foundation he protects.

At the same time, Lusamine had the confidence to recruit Aisha.

She knew that after reaching the Champion level, the things that were so tempting to ordinary trainers would be meaningless to Aisha.

Therefore, the original plan to recruit Aisha had to be modified.

As it happened, she realized that Aisha was very interested in the myths and legends of various regions, as well as the Pokémon of Illusion.

Now, Lusamine was sure that Aisha was a trainer who was looking for a special Pokémon.

That's good to know.

Special Pokémon... What Pokémon could be more special than the Ultra Beast?

Lusamine is even more of a "no child, no wolf" kind of guy.

Not to mention the fact that there's no shortage of Ultra Beasts in Ultra Space.

If we offer Ultra Beast as a reward for recruiting Aisha as our fighting force, it's a sure thing!

All the problems were solved, and Lusamine felt a sense of relief as she saw the light of day...


With a light laugh, Lusamine walked out of the lab with elegant steps.

The next thing she had to do was to start contacting Aisha...

As long as she could gain his friendship, all the problems that followed would be solved.

For that, she would do anything!
