Farm Experience and Wo-Chien

Instructor Ai guided and partners of this wild practice, a practice is hard to practice for three days!

There is no other reason, really this swamp forest covers an area that is too large.

Even with Aisha's footsteps, it would take a lot of time to travel in this area.

What's more, the three Treasure of Ruin in his hand not only helped Aisha lock onto Wo-Chien's position, but the Wo-Chien hiding in the forest probably also vaguely sensed Aisha's position as it approached.

So, it began to move...

Yes, facing the human warrior with three Treasure of Ruin, Wo-Chien didn't fight as openly as Chi-Yu and Ting-Lu.

Relying on its vague sense of Aisha's location, it began to move without stopping!

Now, the situation was getting weird.

Aisha chased, and Wo-Chien fled.

One man and one Pokémon started a great battle in the dark swampy forest.

But in the end, Wo-Chien's ability to sense Aisha's position was not as clear as Aisha's ability to sense his position.

So, Wo-Chien couldn't get away!

However, thanks to Wo-Chien, Aisha's picnic with his buddies went very smoothly in the past three days.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the path it took to escape was always around the large wild Pokémon colony in the swamp forest.

Aisha, who was chasing after him, stepped into these wild Pokémon's lairs again and again.


So what's the point?

Let's fight!

On the first day, Aisha was guided by Wo-Chien into Vileplume's and Bellossom's, Tangrowth's, Victreebel's and Beedrill's groups.

As expected of a swampy forest, although the sunlight is not abundant, the terrain surrounded by trees, with mud and water underfoot, is very suitable for Grass-type Pokémon to breed and survive, and because most of the Pokémon in the mountainous forests are wild, the first day of the field training gave Larvitar and Ralts a lot of pressure.

Instructor Ai has left them with a lot of tough opponents in order to train their strength.

The shiny Haunter was able to fight with a little bit of ease due to its attributes.

The 'Spirit Poison' method it has mastered is a deadly spell for any enemy that fears poison attacks.

Blissey, who had just completed its evolution, handled it with ease.

Not only can it restore the stamina of its teammates, but it can also constantly slow down its opponents with its group attack Icy Wind, and can even open a wall of light in its spare time.

In addition, Instructor Ai was impressed by the way it threw a Tangrowth from the enemy's group with a single Seismic Toss, killing it in a single blow.

Instructor Ai's comment was that it was awesome!

Blissey was so strong.

Not to mention the fact that it can restore the wounds of the enemies one by one after the fight...

That's a lot of health points.

It was only now that Instructor Ai realized that his nanny was a powerful and violent nanny.

The first day passed like this.

On the second day, Wo-Chien turned a corner and led Instructor Ai straight into the swamp forest where the Bug-type Pokémon were based.

The classic combination of Beedrill and Butterfree needed no introduction.

These two types of Pokémon are found in almost every forest in the world, and the size of the group is certainly not small.

In the beginning, Larvitar, Ralts, and shiny Haunter, the three outputters, assisted by Blissey, are able to take down these minions.

However, as the quest progressed, Parasect, Venomoth, Scyther, and even Forretress joined the fray, Instructor Ai was forced to send in his own generals.

If the environment of the swampy forest was just an environment for grass-attribute Pokémon to grow, then the mud pools everywhere, as well as the lush canopy of trees that covered the sky and stretched to the end of the field of vision, were the right for these Bug-type Pokémon, which generally possessed a high degree of mobility and output, to become killers and assassins.

Luckily, the team has two Pokémon with psychic power, Ralts and shiny Metagross.

Instructor Ai himself was also detecting the surroundings with his psychic powers.

This ensured that those who were hiding in the shadows and watching didn't accomplish their intended sneak attack...

However, looking up into the canopy overhead and seeing a dozen or so Fritos with big explosions already brewing is still a shock.

Thanks to the blessing of these self-exploding infantry, this day's battle down, Instructor Ai's team, whether it is a new member or veteran members, the vigilance of the battle is raised a lot.

Instructor Ai had a laugh and a cry...

Moreover, the benefits of this day's battle were even greater than those of the first day.

Blissey's improvement was obvious.

Not only did it have to assist its teammates in the battle, it also had to fight against its enemies, and after the battle, it had to restore the stamina of its enemies so that they wouldn't be in danger of dying, so it was practically exercising its own stamina and its control of energy all the time, and it was utilizing its golden period of exercise during the time when it first evolved to its full potential, and it was getting stronger and stronger every moment.

Ralts is similar.

The little princess always used her mental power to keep herself afloat in mid-air and free from the mud on the ground, and this was also her usual move in battle.

According to Sabrina's calculations, once Ralts had mastered Psychic, it would not be long before it evolved into a Kirlia.

Apparently, with Ralts' will to evolve, its strength, and its moves, this little princess has gradually reached the threshold of evolution.

Also on the verge of evolving is shiny Haunter.

After two days of frantically releasing poisons, its mastery of the 'Spirit Poison' method has become unrivaled.

All that remained was the excitement of a high-intensity battle before it could completely master this secret technique, which was the result of the life's work of Granny Agatha, who was a king, but whose combat power was no worse than that of a champion trainer, and reach the requirements for evolving into a Gengar.

Enough about the little guys.

In fact, a few of the seniors in the team had really had their fill of fighting in the past two days.

Although there were not many types of Pokémon encountered in the past two days, the number of Pokémon within each Pokémon group living in the swampy forest where there were not many human explorers was frighteningly high, and it was truly overwhelming.

This is a testament to Blissey's status as the team's only designated nurse, as well as the intensity of the battles between Azumarill, shiny Metagross, Umbreon, Charizard, and Rotom.

Instructor Ai, not wanting to go to jail, didn't let Charizard use his fire moves against the enemy, in case he set the mountain on fire...

But don't forget, Charizard has another attribute.

Hurricane, Air Cutter, has the same horrific power over Bug-type Pokémon.

Instructor Ai even abandoned his dignity as a faithful washer and "Fire Coat" believer by turning Rotom into an electric fan to fight with Charizard's Flying-type moves.


With these two terrifying special attackers at the back, Azumarill, Umbreon, and shiny Metagross in front of them can safely play physical attacks.

Azumarill's fast-attacking punches are especially powerful in this kind of melee.

Instructor Ai has often seen Azumarill transform into a blue shadow, wandering amongst the troops without touching a single leaf.

But every time Azumarill throws a punch, at least one wild Pokémon will die instantly.

Not to mention the fact that when Azumarill uses its sweeping moves like Aqua Tail, the wild Pokémon will fall down one by one.

Instructor Ai was always watching Azumarill's battles.

He realized that as the battle progressed, Azumarill became more and more skilled...

The speed and strength of its punches, the dexterity and logic of its maneuvers, were all improving methodically.

A martial arts prodigy indeed!

Umbreon goes without saying.

A tank as always.

It's a mobile tactical fortress after maximizing its dual attack and dual defense with spells and meditation!

Although its speed has been reduced to a minimum.

But with all the monsters here, it can bite a wild Pokémon just by sticking its neck out.

If it can't, it can roar its way through several of them.

Occasionally, it can use its Dark Pulse to make a cameo as a melee mage...

When it's too weak to wait for Blissey's support, it can use Moonlight to recover from its own injuries.

It's a pain in the ass for its opponents.

Shiny Metagross is even heavier.

Transforming into a steel chariot, it doesn't even need to be reinforced, and uses its high durability and output to kill the crowd.

With Bullet Punch, it is able to kill the weakest of the weak with a single blow.

When faced with powerful foes, the Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Arm Hammer, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch will be used.

This is where the benefits of having a good striking surface come into play.

Instructor Ai had a feeling that shiny Metagross would start using Earthquake like crazy if it wasn't afraid to hurt Azumarill and Umbreon, who were also fighting in the crowd...

So, by the end of the second day, when Instructor Ai set up camp in a wider and drier area, the group was all beat.

Blissey was tired.

So Instructor Ai made all the food for the guys.

After eating, they left shiny Metagross and Rotom to keep watch and went to bed.

On the third day, Wo-Chien's movements became more bizarre.

It began to move back and forth.

Instructor Ai was losing patience, and he was speeding up his pursuit.

But the group still managed to take out Cacturne, Breloom, Pinsir and Beautifly, Dustox's pack.

Finally, after taking out a swamp army of Whiscash and Seismitoad, the Wo-Chien stopped running.

It stayed put as if it had been waiting for a long time.

"Heh, it's finally stopped running."

Moving his muscles, Aisha smiled coldly and withdrew all the Pokémon around him.

Then, alone, but in full condition, he ran at full speed towards the location of Wo-Chien in the sensor!


Aisha couldn't help but smile at the feeling of the wind on his cheeks and the scenery around him going backwards.

That's what it felt like...

The feeling that your heart is pounding and your blood is boiling!

Aisha was only missing the final Wo-Chien from her goal of collecting the Four Treasures of Ruin.

Aisha was confident that he could not lose the battle against Wo-Chien!


The distance of a few miles flashed by as Aisha ran at full speed.

As if he saw the sky through the clouds, Aisha finally jumped onto a big tree, and through the dense bushes, he entered an area with a wide view.

Here, it was like a gladiatorial arena.

There wasn't a single tree growing within a distance of several hundred meters.

On the contrary, several hundred meters away from the trees are growing extremely dense, the interval between the trees is very narrow, has reached an abnormal degree.

Trees of varying heights were crowded together in rows.

They surrounded the arena like a natural wall.

At the same time, a series of trees crowded together looked like a roll of bamboo scrolls spread out, full of a strange sense of harmony.


Standing on top of a branch of a large tree extending outwards, Aisha's hand wearing a kojutsu held onto the trunk of the tree and looked towards the center of the arena.

Although there is not a single tree within a few hundred meters of the arena, there are also not many places for people to land.

Because, almost 80% of the area here was a deep, deep swamp!


Suddenly, as if sensing his uninvited guest's visit, the sound of water rushing under the mud was heard.

Aisha saw that the dead leaves floating on the ground, along with the sound of water flowing, gradually converged.

After a burst of mud rolling, dark grass and yellow leaves cohesion together, gradually bulging, a circle of bamboo like a shell wrapped around its body.


Under the pile of dead leaves and grass issued a dull sound like swallowing something.

Aisha clearly saw four tiny vines poking out from between the dead leaves.

They were intertwined, as if there was light flickering between them.

Eyes filled with an evil aura opened...


Slowly raising his head, Wo-Chien saw the young man standing in the trees in the distance.


The swamp around it violently broke open, and several thick vines broke through, and violently threw themselves at Aisha's position like whips.

Powerful whip!

Without saying a word, Wo-Chien attacked.


Aisha sneered and jumped up.

Wo-Chien's powerful whip swept away a dozen trees in its place, and then immediately chased after Aisha in the sky.

Aisha and Wo-Chien met eye to eye.

Tablets of Ruin, Sword of Ruin, Jade of Ruin, Vessel of Ruin.

The exclusive characteristics of Four Treasures of Ruin were released at this moment, together, completely.


Aisha felt the bronze sword in her hand lighten, a sign that her attack had decreased.

Wo-Chien, who was lying in the center of the arena, violently trembled, and its special attack, physical defense, and special defense were lowered together!


The sound of thick vines tearing through the air and attacking Aisha overlapped with the sound of Aisha swinging her sword.

The bronze sword that crossed the mid-air violently released a cold air that looked like the cold Hurricane snow and whistled out completely.


That was the sound of ice cracking.

The vines operated by Wo-Chien's powerful whip were frozen into ice by Aisha in one breath, and then shattered into ice dust in the sky.

Moreover, the Absolute Zero used on the Bronze Sword gushed all the way to the swamp on the ground, and the ice layer spread out in one breath and covered the entire gladiatorial arena!


With a crunch, Aisha landed on the ground in style.

He stood on top of the muddy ice layer formed by the swamp's sewage, smiled at Wo-Chien, who was also frozen in the ice in the distance, and raised his left hand.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Fire Blast!


The hot breath was released along with the sound of flames blossoming, and a huge ball of fire erupted from between the spinning kunai.

The fireball transformed into a "big" shape on its way, and slammed into Wo-Chien, who was stuck between the ice layers, unable to get out for a while.


The violent explosion shattered the ice that encased Wo-Chien, as well as hitting it within the ice.

Wo-Chien's body was soaking in the hot water that had melted into sewage, and it was only then that he regained his senses.

But the hot breath that came immediately afterward put him in danger once again...


The hot wind whipped up and engulfed Wo-Chien's body.

"This one, is probably the easiest battle I've ever fought when I subdued Four Treasures of Ruin..."

Instructor Ai couldn't help but sigh.

Instructor Ai, who stood still and set fire to the ground with impunity, finally realized the joy of the Charizard.

The advantage of firepower was displayed to the fullest in its body!

After the hot wind, Aisha first hung a provocation to Wo-Chien, preventing it from rooting back to blood and opening a wall of light to block damage.

After that, it's a reckless bombardment of Flame Blast, Hot Air and Fire Blast!

I was able to lock onto Wo-Chien's position, so I was able to hit it with my eyes closed.

Instructor Ai didn't feel like hitting Wo-Chien enough, so he let Chi-Yu stack a trick shot of his own.

Instructor Ai's firepower suppression was out of control.

Ten minutes later, when the ice under Instructor Ai's feet was about to melt into water, with a wail, Wo-Chien collapsed.


At this moment, Wo-Chien's body was already charred and black, and it was in a terrible state.

Instructor Ai laughed and threw out the Ultra Ball, and Wo-Chien "accepted" it without any resistance or reaction.


Excited heart, trembling hands.

Instructor Ai picked up Wo-Chien's ball with a wild smile, and raised it up.

"Four Treasures of Ruin, I've collected them all!"


The jades on his wrist clashed with each other as if they were cheering him up, making a clear and pleasant sound.

There was also a long chant from Chi-Yu.

Chi-Yu: "Yes!"

Chien-Pao: "..."

Ting-Lu: "..."

The remaining two were trembling, not daring to speak.

After all... The way Instructor Ai bombed Wo-Chien was really scary.

Chi-Yu just laughed at that.

Chi-Yu: "So what, I love crazy beauty, it's awesome!"

  1. reference of Uchiha Madara from Naruto