The Power of One, Start


The charred Wo-Chien woke up.

At the sight of Aisha in front of it, it winced in fear.


Aisha couldn't help but look embarrassed at Wo-Chien's face as he looked like it wanted to stay away from him.

Wo-Chien then gave him a look that was so grudging.

Do you know how much psychological damage a Fire Blast can do to a Grass-type Pokémon that is weak to fire?

Oh, yeah.

Not only psychological damage, but physical damage as well!


Wo-Chien let out a cry of pain.

It felt a searing pain spreading all over its body, and even though it had an excellent tolerance for pain, it couldn't hold it in any longer.


Seeing this, Blissey beside Aisha immediately waved its hands and released Life Dew, which contained a surge of life force and healing power.

Ralts followed suit and did the same.


'Healing magic!'

Ralts' mouth chanted the words of magic.

Instructor Ai couldn't help but look at it, his heart filled with joy.

It's good to see that my little princess isn't the Megumin who only uses explosive magic anymore.

In any case, it's too weird to have a foolish chuunibyou explosive magician who only explodes all day long...


After receiving Life Dew's healing, Wo-Chien felt the burning sensation that had permeated his body gradually fade away.

After regaining some of its strength, it spread out a few tiny vines from its body and stuck them into the mud underneath it.

This was a rooting move.

As a result, Wo-Chien, who was receiving the triple recovery effect, was able to recover from its injuries even faster.


Shaking his head, Aisha sighed guiltily.

Afterwards, he took out the best, most expensive and most effective Burn Heal and Potion that he had purchased from his bag, and walked over to Wo-Chien's side.


Seeing Aisha approaching, Wo-Chien couldn't help but feel a jolt.

It subconsciously tried to take a step back, but it had already taken root and was immobilized by the vines, so it could only watch in despair as Aisha came to its front.


It's over...

With its heart in its mouth, Wo-Chien tilted its head over and closed its eyes.

Goo, kill me!

However, the pain that was expected to be fatal did not come.

Although there was a tingling sensation from his neck, the coolness that followed and the softness that felt like fine silk sliding over its skin quickly drove away the original burn and pain from that area.

By the time Wo-Chien recovered from his look of fear, the pain in his neck was no longer there...


Wo-Chien opened its eyes in confusion.

A serious and guilty Aisha poured Burn Heal and Potion onto his beautiful, perfect work of art hands.

He carefully rubbed his hands over its body, and with Blissey and Ralts' Life Dew, gradually healed the burns all over its body...


Wo-Chien's eyes were glazed over.

It was far away just now, so it didn't get a good look.

Now that it was closer, it realized that this kid was really good looking...

He's the human recognized by that stupid leopard, that stupid goldfish, and that stupid deer.

And, the way he healed me was so attentive and charming.


The serious master is so handsome!

Oh no, I've fallen...


You're telling me that my injuries were caused by him?

What a joke!

It's only natural for humans to conquer Pokémon through battle!

I'm only injured because I'm not as skilled as my master!

It's not my master's fault at all!

Chien-Pao: "..."

Chi-Yu: "..."

Ting-Lu: "..."

The remaining three Treasure of Ruin, inside the three Ultra Balls on Aisha's waist, fell silent as they watched Wo-Chien receive Aisha's hands-on treatment while squirming like a maggot with a shy face.

Snail, he's PUAing you!


After using up five bottles of Burn Heal and Potion, Aisha stood up after taking a look at Ralts, who was already a bit tired.

"Sorry, I was too heavy handed just now."


At this moment, Wo-Chien was no longer afraid of Aisha.

In the face of Aisha's apology, it just shook its head with a smile in its eyes.

Then, Wo-Chien, on the contrary, looked very close to him, squirmed over, and rubbed against his palm in its own accord.


Aisha was stunned.

Afterward, he smiled.

Although he didn't know why Wo-Chien's attitude towards himself had suddenly changed so drastically.

However, Aisha was naturally very happy to be able to have a good relationship with his new partner.

Following this reason, Aisha asked something that had been on his mind these days.

"Wo-Chien... Tell me the truth, you have been running around in the forest for the past three days, did you intentionally want me to fight those wild Pokémon?"

Instructor Ai had a complicated expression.

In fact, he realized something was wrong the next day.

Wo-Chien was running towards a large group of wild Pokémon with high combat power.

But when Aisha was stopped by the wild Pokémon, it slowed down and waited for him instead of closing the distance between them.


Aisha couldn't help but think about it.


At that, Wo-Chien nodded openly, recognizing Aisha's suspicion.

Instructor Ai couldn't help but look at the sky.

"Thank you, Wo-Chien..."

Originally, if Instructor Ai had wandered around this swampy forest on his own, he wouldn't have encountered so many wild Pokémon packs.

Now, thanks to Wo-Chien's help, this field trip was perfect!

Both the little ones and the old ones in the team had gotten a lot of exercise.


Hearing Aisha's thanks, Wo-Chien squirmed.

I'm not that good, really.

Master, you're always praising me.

How kind!

Chi-Yu: "..."

Chi-Yu's blood pressure rose as it watched Wo-Chien in the Ultra Ball.

It wanted to come out and firebomb Wo-Chien twice more.


Aisha was relieved.

In three days, he had subdued the Wo-Chien in the swamp forest.

In addition to his actions in Ting Canyon two days ago, he had conquered Ting-Lu.

There were two days left before Master Mustard gave him and Bea seven days to prepare.

These two days were more than enough for him to return to Magic City to join Master Mustard.


Suddenly, a few white pieces slipped into his sight and caught his attention.

Aisha stretched out his hand and held them.

It was a snowflake!


Aisha couldn't help but stare.

It was the end of summer, how could it be snowing?

There were no Pokémon in this swampy forest that could learn the Hail move.

"What's going on?"

Aisha looked up and saw a large dark cloud in the sky.

Brilliant ice crystals fell from the dark clouds and scattered on the ground.

It was snowing.

But it wasn't normal snow, because the dark cloud quickly drifted off into the distance, carrying the snowflakes it had scattered...


Aisha frowned in silence.

At that moment, the Wo-Chien beside him stretched out a tiny vine and touched Aisha's shoulder.

Aisha looked over, and Wo-Chien chirped.

"You're saying that it's not a Pokémon's move or trait that's working, but that there's a real climate anomaly?"

Aisha double-checked with Wo-Chien.

Wo-Chien gave Aisha an affirmative answer with his body movements.


Aisha fell silent.

"Forget it."

Not being able to think of anything for a while, Aisha put what he had just seen and heard behind him.

He took Wo-Chien back into the Ultra Ball, then Blissey and Ralts, and unleashed his own mount, Charizard.

"Time to go, Charizard."


Aisha patted Charizard's stomach, and Charizard roared violently.

These days in the canopy, the branches of the forest, Charizard can not fly, only a long time to walk, it is really suffocating bad.

After hearing Aisha say that they could finally leave this hellish place, Charizard immediately sprayed a beam of flame towards the sky with great excitement.

The result...


A heavy rain came and poured down on Charizard.

Charizard: "..."

Charizard looked at the sky in silence and felt its blood pressure rise.

Aisha, who was hidden under Charizard's wings and didn't get caught in the rain, looked at the sky with a strange expression on his face.

The rain, like the snow, flickered away and drifted into the distance with dark clouds, which was very strange.

"Forget it, let's go."


Charizard wiped his back and carried Instructor Ai.

On the way back to the city, he and Charizard didn't encounter any more strange weather, which made Charizard, who was innocently drenched in rain, even more depressed.

However, just after returning to the place where there was a signal, Aisha received a call from Master Mustard.


As soon as Aisha answered the phone, Master Mustard's somewhat embarrassed voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey, little Aisha..."

"What's wrong, Master Mustard?"

Aisha frowned, wondering what was wrong with Master Mustard's tone.

Master Mustard sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Aisha, but our trip to Isle of Armor may have to be postponed for a while."

"Did something happen?"

Upon hearing this, Aisha remembered the special weather conditions he had encountered just now for no apparent reason.

His intuition told him that the thing that made Master Mustard difficult had a lot to do with this weather.

"That's right..."

Master Mustard sighed, and explained to Aisha what he didn't know while running around in the field these days.

"These days, the ocean currents at sea have a big problem, although the origin of the problem is the Orange Islands near the Kanto region, but this time the ocean currents problem is very big, almost all over the world are more or less some abnormal changes in the weather, the Dayan region which is nearer to the Kanto region is even more affected by the ocean currents, and with that there is also a big storm... During this time, all ships and airplanes in and out of Dayan have been shut down, and we are unable to travel to Galar for the time being."

Master Mustard explained the problem.

Aisha was frozen.

Orange Islands, ocean currents, weather problems...

The key words together finally reminded him of what this was all about.


Riding Charizard in the sky, Aisha's eyes were complicated.

He'd been so busy that he'd forgotten about it.

By now, Ash should have been traveling to the Orange Islands for some time.

At this time, the incident about the First-level Legendary Pokémon happened just in time.

"Little Aisha?"

Master Mustard called out to Aisha in a guilty voice as he couldn't get a response from him for a long time.

"Ah." Aisha hurriedly responded, saying, "It's okay, Master Mustard, I don't care about that, it can't be helped anyway, we'll wait for the storm to end before we leave."

"Well, well..."

Master Mustard sighed again over there.

"Aye, it's all my fault, if it wasn't for my master's greed, we'd have left on a plane a few days ago."

Master Mustard is a game maniac who can make him say such words.

It seems that this old man, who is occasionally eccentric and a childish old man, really felt that he had delayed Aisha and Bea's time this time.

Aisha couldn't help but laugh.

Master Mustard was respected for good reason.

The ability to reflect on one's own problems is not a virtue that every Master can possess.

"Don't worry Master Mustard, it's not your problem."

Instructor Ai smiled and comforted Master Mustard.

Afterwards, he held up his cell phone, the corner of his mouth raised a light smile, gazing at the dark sky in front of him.

"Besides, this storm will soon be over..."


It's about to end.

With his own hand!


Aisha was still searching for Wo-Chien in the swamp forest.

Far away, near the Orange Islands on the border of the Kanto region, an unexpected visitor came.

"The Gods of Thunder, Fire and Ice are not to be touched without authorization, or the wrath of the heavens and the earth will bring about the end of the world. The God of the Sea will only appear to save the world from extinction, but will not be able to stop the world from dying, and only the emergence of a good 'controller' will be able to quell the wrath of the Gods."

Inside the luxurious hall, a man in a long robe stood elegantly before a special machine.

He had a faint smile on his face, and his eyes were proud.

"What I want is not the God of Fire or the God of Thunder, nor the God of Ice."

Looking out at the blue sky from between the cracks in the walls of the great hall, he spoke of his ambitions in a flat tone, saying, "But the God of the Sea."


A mechanical tone caught his attention.

"After a rigorous investigation, it has been concluded that the God of Fire is the Mythical Pokémon Moltres, and that it is a special type of Moltres that inhabits the neighborhood of Shamouti Island in the Orange Islands."

A mechanical report came from the machine behind the man.

A lifelike projection of a Moltres appeared from the machine.

"Likewise, the God of Thunder is Zapdos, and the God of Ice is Articuno."

As the mechanical voice spoke, the wing-flapping Moltres in the projection transformed into Zapdos and Articuno one by one.

These were the three sacred birds of the Kanto region!

"Zapdos and Articuno, I guess either one of them is the same as the Moltres, and can only be a special kind that inhabits the neighborhood of Shamouti Island."

At these words, the man took a step, and calmly walked up the steps.

Sitting on a mechanical chair with his hands resting on the sides of the chair, the man's expression remained as calm as ever even in the face of the legendary Phantom Pokémon, and there was also a hint of arrogance that went hand in hand with his demeanor.

"They're all here on Shamouti Island."

A projected map unfolded in front of him.

Soon, a holographic 3D projection of four islands, one large and three small, appeared on the map.

"But, my goal is further away."

A mechanical voice sounded at the right time.

Three bright red inverted triangles appeared above the three small islands on the map.

"Three Phantom Pokémon-like life reactions detected, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres."

The AI clearly marked for the man the location of the island where the three birds of prey were located.

The man smiled softly .

"There it is."

With the press of a button, the mechanical chair beneath the man raised up to the second floor.

His silhouette disappeared into the passageway, and above the ceiling of the first floor, there was a lifelike mythological picture painted on it.

"What's closest to us?"

"It's Moltres of Fire Island."

The man spoke to the AI in the passageway.

A simple conversation decided the target of the next hunt.


Beyond the passageway, the mechanical chair rose to the top of the room with a wide view.

The blue sky and white clouds caught the man's eye.

But what attracted his attention even more was the endless sea below, and the four islands situated on the turquoise blue ocean.


With his eyes locked on the island closest to him, a proud smile rose on the man's face.

The sound of the engine was incessant, and the vehicle he was driving was a huge and incomparably huge flying palace that was like an alien flying saucer that had gathered the essence of human craftsmen's wisdom and could be called a technological crystallization!


A loud boom resounded from the clouds, and the flying palace quickly traveled to the sky above the Island of Fire.

The roar of artillery fire resonated through the sky and earth as several shells landed on the highest mountain in Fire Island, causing a landslide and frost to spread.


The man at the top of the flying palace had a normal expression.

He was a collector who prided himself on his elegance, and in his eyes, whether it was the Three God Birds or the God of the Sea, they were all ultimately his collectibles.


I wonder, has he underestimated the power of the gods?


An angry bird's cry came from the valley.

Deep in the darkness of the cave, the God of Fire opened his eyes!