"Gabe, Gabe." Nine year old Alexa called out but got no reply. She barged into a room that had two beds. She went over to the bed close to the window that overlooked the city.

"Gabe, wake up already." She continued whiles shaking the body on the bed.

"Go away Alexa. I want to sleep some more." He said and pulled the sheets over his head.

"But the lantern show is about to begin!" She complained." Wake up!!" She kept on shaking." I already got a lantern for us on top of old soldier."

I sat on my bed and looked at her." Why old soldier? Alexa I told you he wasn't strong anymore." I said looking into her eyes.

Alexa was my little sis. We became orphans during the civil wars and I'd been taking care of her ever since. We looked alot alike but I was six years older. She had golden brown skin with green eyes. She wore a pink hood over her thick black afro .

I looked out the window and saw the street almost empty. Looks like everyone left already. The lantern was to remember those who died during the war. Growing up I didn't really see it as important, it wouldn't bring them back anyways, but Alexa wanted it and that's what we were going to do.

"I'll find somewhere better for us to fly our lantern okay?" I said but got no answers in return. I turned in her direction but she was gone.

(I wonder where she got her stuborness from. Mom probably.) I thought.( I better get to old soldier before something bad happens.)

Upon arriving on top of old soldier that night , I saw Alexa standing in the middle of the roofing structure, not moving.

The roof of old soldier was built flat in the form of a secret roofing. He used to be a cotholic church but got damaged during the final battle between the two royal brothers. After two years of blood shed the battle was decided on a duel that took place inside the church(old soldier). After a devastating fight between the two, the younger won. He should have renovated the church but decided to keep it that way. A symbol of his strenght and victory.

"Where is the lantern?" I asked after scanning the enironment. I ran my hand through my hair which was just like my sister's except it was pliated. We called it dreadlocks.

She finally pointed in the direction of a floating lantern.

"You released it already? Without me? Bummer." I said and laughed a little but she didn't. Like, at all.

"What's wrong." I asked. I knew something was wrong but what?

I walked towards her but she yelled at me.

"Stay back!"

"Why?" I asked and took yet another step forward but then my question got answered

*creek* It was the roof it was no longer capable of holding us. I know understood why she didn't wont to move.

"Alexa, don't move an inch. I'll- i'll figure a way to get you back safely. I began thinking of a way to save her. Every step that I took gave out a creek. I was confused, how, why, why today? I should get a rope or stick or something to pull her in but wgere do i find one. Every second wasted was a threat to her life.

" Alexa don't worry. I-I'll ... Look at me. Don't worry, everything will be alright." I said. Out of desperation I shouted on top of my voice and knelt down weeping. I cursed this day. I cursed the prince too. What i would give to get a hold of him, to bring him back from the dead only to kill him again. I wept like never before.

"Gabe, don't cry, please. I can't see you cry.

Remember what you said to me? You said everthing will be alright, right?" She asked.

"R-right?" I replied

"Everything will be alright." Those were the last words I heard before we fell into old soldier. His walls, finally falling.