Waking up was a bad idea. The moment I opened my eyes I felt immeasurable pain all over. The pain i felt was so much that i fell unconscious shortly after.

The second time i awoke, i felt the pain again but this time it was less painful. A nurse rushed out and came back with a doctor and other nurses. They checked my vitals and did alot of talking. They tried talking to me but i couldn't make it out. I saw the doctors lips move but heard nothing. I fell unconscious yet again. This time i'm sure it was because i was boared.

The third time i awoke i felt back was sore from lying on my back for so long. Taking a look at myself i saw that my right arm was bandaged. My mid- section was also bandaged. I pulled myself into a sitting position with my left arm. I sat there staring at the door until the door opened with a nurse emerging.

"You are awake. Hold on i'll go get the doctor and please don't pass out this time!" She said while running to get the doctor.

She returned shortly after with the doctor from before. He was a little too young to be a doctor if you asked me, but no one asked so i said nothing.

"Finally you are awake. The whole town is going to be happy when they find out you are awake now." He said as he began checking my vitals again. You know the normal doctor things. What really caught my attention was the mention of the whole village.

"The whole village?"

"Yes. The whole village. Everyone has been worried sick about you." He said. He continued with his tests. "Do you remember what happened to you?" The doctor asked.

Just then I began remembering what happened that night. Scenes of the collapse of old soldier floated into my head. I remembered everything. Then it struck me, where wss Alexa?

"Doctor, if I may ask you a question, please were is Alexa ? My little sis. She fell in with me on that day." I said.

Instead of an answer all i got were stares at me and at each other.

"Come on, tell me. Where is she? Is she in another room. I want to see her." I decleared.

The doctor stepped forward a little as if he had been chosen by the people around to explain to me where Alexa was.

"I'll come out straight kid. You the only one who survived the accident. Your sister, she died before the town's people could rescue you. I'm sorry kid." He said.

I tried not to cry but I couldn't stop myself from doing so. I cried like a baby but finally got a hold of myself. The fact that I couldn't save her made me feel like the worst brother ever to exist.

"Where's she now?"

"We buried her at the cemetry." He replied.

"At least she's at rest." I commented.

I was Adopted by a rich family some months later. I never went to visit Alexa's grave. I didn't want to go against her wish. She said not to cry and visiting her would definately not help bit. On this night, I felt like going to her more than ever.

Tonight was exactly a year since the accident. Almost everything around reminded me of her and when i had had enough i decided to go to the cemetry that night eventhough it was against the laws of the town. It is belived that the souls of the dead woke up on this night and so no one was allowed into the cemetry.

I made my way to the cemetry. Avoiding contact with people. I wasn't going to keep long in the cemetry. I'd only drop a flower on the grave say what ever i want to say and then get out of there. What could go wrong? I mean i'm still alive. I somehow survived old soldier how bad could the cemetry be.