"What excatly are we searching for captain?" A young soldier asked her captain. The foot captain looked down at his subordinate then answered.

"We." With emphasis on the we "are not looking for anything. They are." He said pointing to the number of men working. They moved around carring supplies. Digging holes with huge escarvators. There were hundreds of tents with people dressed in protective clothings going in and out.

"We are here as security. To make sure everybody is safe. That's the only way we get paid. So quit yaping and start gaurding."

"Sir, yes sir!" She said before walking off yelling orders to other soldiers around.

The captain then walked in the opposite direction towards a tent that looked different from the others. It was bigger and heavily gaurded. Reaching the entrance of the tent aftre ten minutes of continues walking, he was greeted by a soldier who then asked him for his purpose.

"Good morning captain. What is your purpose here?" The soldier ordered. The captain stared at the soldier without saying a word.

"Sir, if you are going to go in i'll need to know your purpose." He insisted.

"Now am in no mood for your sick jokes today Randy, so step-aside and let me through or my only purpose today will be shoving my boots up your ass." He treatened.

"Shees captain, which side of the bed the bed did you wake up today?" He asked with a smile as watched the captain leave.

The captain eventually turned to face Randy before making a right."wasn't even a bed randy."he said" it was a mat." They all laughed before he went on his way.

The captain belived that treating his men as friends would help them stay united. This strategy worked since everybody began to understand each other better. They adapted to their weaknesses and exploited their strenghts. He also impacted discipline into them. He made sure everyone was treated the same. He had no ranks for his men. He would always say."you can pull the trigger and so can I. What then is the difference." With these values, they were close to unstopable . His squadron was considered as one of the best in the country and beyound.

"If it's not my favourit captain. What brings you here?" A woman probably in her mid thirties said when the captain walked in.

"I was wondering when we would be leaving. Our contract expired two days ago."

"Captain luke, i now what the contract said but we haven't found what we came here for. " she answered. She took out a cigar and lit it up with the help of her peronal body gaurds.

"What exactly are you looking for. I saw you guys digging up a lot of valuable artifacts. What more do you want?" Captain luke asked alittle faustrated.

"Luke, my dearest captain. Those are merely another collection for the history museum. What we are looking for is far more prescious." She said.

"What exactly could this thing be. It's pretty dangerous out here. My men are trained to be the best, but against the undead is pretty risky. We sported a group of them close by and it's about only a matter of time before they locate us. I wont risk the life of my men for some stupid ...thing, under any circumstances." The captain said angrily.

"My, my captain,never seen you like this before. No scared of a few ghosts are we? " she said and waited for an answer but go none." I thought so. Don't worry it will be our little secret."

"I'm not scared. Just worried."

"Belive me when i say this , but i understand you. It's because of such fears that the exterminators were brought into the picture. A group of people who would be trained to fight these ghosts with weapons that can actually hurt them. These weapons are created from neocrathuim. A mineral that was created from the blast a million years ago."

"Whats your point Linda."

"The point is we found one here, in san venganzah and i wont leave without it."

"Why is this one so important?" Luke asked.

"Well, unlike the normal neocrathuim this one's radiation is a million times more powerful. I belive this could be a weapon-"

"How so?" Luke interupted

"You don't give up do you? Well i like that about you, keeps me occupied. Have you noticed how this place is a no ghost area?"

The captain then thought of it and realized it .

"This is because of this super weapon. It somehow communicates with the ghost, keeping them out. With this power we could gets things back to dont worry , you can sleep knowing that you wont be haunted by ghosts."

Just as the conversation ended a man in a contractors uniform rushed in shouting.

"We found it mam, we found it."

" Guess you will be going home after all." She said giving him a wink before walking out whiles putting on a dark shade.

Outside , Linda examined the the object they had found. I was clearly a rock but looked like a gaint egg. It gave of dark green glows.

"Iv'e never seen one glow this deep before." Linda said and touched the object.

"Ouch!" She screamed in pain.

"Mam it's hot." The guy called out

"You think!?" She said and cast an angry look at the man." Take it away." She instructed.

A forkl lifter then caried it away. Unfortunately, the heat level of the stone grew rapidly and easily melted through the metal forks hitting the ground and creating a small creator around it. Soon after, cracks appeared on the stone before before it burst open. It released so much steam no one could see through. Some soldiers lead by Luke approached the opened egg till they could see what was in .

"What is it?" Linda called from where she was.

"You have to see these for yourself Linda." With these words Linda made way for the site. She was left speech less at what she saw.

"It's a boy." He said really suprised by her findings.