After a few minutes of staring down at the body of the boy, Luke came around and placed her hand on Linda's shoulder, helping her snap out of her thoughts.

"What is it?" He said pointing at the boy.

"A boy of cause." She simply replied.

"Yeah... I dont think so. Humans dont just pop out of rocks. Especially a rock lying several meters beneath the earth." He said.

"Well do you have any idea what he could be?" She asked looking at him with a look that told the captain that she dared him to come up with anything better.

"Well for starters... That thing is an it. We still dont know what it is." He concluded.

"Well we will find out very soon." With this she motioned and asked for the medic to come with a stretcher since it was now safe.

With the medic team around, they first covered the body with a cloth since it was naked, then placed it on the stretcher before taking it away to a tent with a red cross on it.

A doctor who seemed to be the head doctor came out of the tent about an hour after and aproached the captain and Linda who seemed to be engroosed in their conversation.

"Hi there mam, captain," she greeted.bowing a little.

"Hi there doctor Evans. Didn't hear you coming." Linda said.

"Yeah... I wonder why." He said with a smile on his face." Anyways we run our test and looks like you were right, it is a boy. A human boy." He said to the delight of Linda.

"I wanna see him." She said.

"Yeah me too. I still dont belive that thing is human." He said and followed the two.

"Well you better belive it soldier." Linda commented.

Getting into the tent that was almost the same size as that of Linda they continued till the end before entering the last room to the right.

"He's still asleep so try to be alittle quiet." Doctor Evans cautioned.

The room was quite quiet with no nurse around. The room had only one bed on which the boy layed. Nervously Linda approached the bed till she was looking directly at the boys face.

"Isn't he the cute one?" She said.

Luke walked closer and held the jaw of the boy and examined the face closely.

"He is normal. Might even be human." He said in a dull tone.

"Not jealous are you?" Linda asked with a grin on her face.

"W-um-what?, no-" He was interupted before he could make any sense. Evans was also busy laughing whiles trying to control his noise level.

"Slow down soldier, i like my men matured." She said with a wink. This left Luke with a red face from embarassment.

A young soldier that Luke recorgnised as phil came rushing into the room. The look he had on his face was not that that brought good news along with it.

"Ghost horde, 12 o'clock, a mile about a 1000-2000 of them captain." He said clearly exhauted.

"What do you suggest phil."

"A quick evac sir. We can't take them all. And re-enforcement wont make it in time." Phil concluded.

"Well then lets move have ten minutes to pack.Linda you ride with me... And so does that body. For some reason i think they want it. I think we took the wrong egg."

Once they were out of the tent, they headed for a millitary jeep parked out side the crater. The site was in chaos as people tried to put as much distance between themselves and san venganzah.

Finally reaching the top, Luke placed the body which he had been carrying on his shoulder all along into the back of the jeep. Linda sat at the front passenger seat whiles Evans sat at the back.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked as he saw Evans sitting at the back.

"I'm comming with you." Was his response.

"I don't think so. Don't you have to make sure your crew is fine.?"

"They can handle themselves. My patient is more important." He answered.

"This is really not the time to argue boys. Let's leave now." Linda said really wanting to leave the site as soon as possible.

"I agree." Evans cut in.

"Okay, let me talk to my men then we can go." With those words he headed to his men who were equiping them selves.

"Listen up!" He called for their attention. With everyone finally attentive, he procceded." Randy, suzzy, you are with red squad. Phil, Mona. You take squad blue. Red squard, you will be the vangaurd and make sure everyone stays together. The safety and well-being of these people is our first priority, nothing else. Not even you.

Team blue, you will be our rear will move out five minutes after a complete evacuation. Your job is to slow down the horde. Put as much distance between the horde and the people, but don't fall behind. I wont be burying any one today. You can join the red team once the Exterminators arrive. I on the other hand will be going ahead of you. The boy needs a hospital. " After the instructions, he yelled thier usual chant.

"Fortune favours the brave!"

Fortune favours the brave!!" A loud chorus answer was heatd from the soldiers.

"Hell yeah. Move out." With these words he looked and saw the horde getting closer. Hopinly, the crater would slow them down. He then rushed to the jeep and go it moving at top speed, over taking a lot of vehicles along the way.

When they finally made it to the highg way that lead to off shore city, Evans alerted them of the waking boy. Looking at him Linda saw that he had trouble opening his eyes due to direct sunshine. After God knows how long he had spent down the earth, he would need some time to adjust to the environment.

The boy yawnned openning his mouth wide. Luke looked at the boy thruogh the front mirro still not trusting the boy. After looking at the boy for a while, he began making wierd noises that sounded so high pitched it shattered the front mirro and would soon destroy their ear drums. Acting on pure instincts Luke punched the boy in the face. It stopped the noise for a short time but then he began the noises again.This time Evans took out a dart a stuck it into the boy's neck. Seeing that it wasn't working, he took out a bit more and stuck into his neck. He then went into his unconscious state.

"Why did you punch him!" Linda asked afterwards.

"To shut him up." He answered.

"Not all things can be obtained through violence." The captain said." See it didn'teven knock him out ."he commented.

"Well mostly it works so i thought i had it covered."

"Lets just get to town already." Said Linda.

They made it to town during sunset. It was completely dark when they got tho the hospital. They had him admitted to the hospitals. Evans then asked a few tests to be run on the boy. After the sucessful delivery, Luke headed back to the woods to help his men. Luckily the exterminators should be there to help.