Luke made his way back to the woods that they just came out of. It was forty- five minute past nine when the woods came into view. He was alittle happy at the time he used in getting back. The woods were miles away from the city of new port or New Port City as it was normally called. He increased the speed of the jeep as he moved past other cars on the highway.

Getting closer he heard noises comming from the wood. Having heard such sounds before, he new what was causing them. The sounds were that of gun shots.

'They were still fighting the ghosts? Not good. I sure hope no one is hurt.' These thoughts passed through his minds as he got closer.

He spoted a glow of light comming from the woods. It glowed brighter until he saw the caravan comming out of the woods. He made for them stoping when he reached the dirt road.

Going out to meet the group that had also come to a stop, probably because they recorgnised him, Randy jumped of the top of a millitary van and walked towards his captain. Suzzy was not far behind him.he gave a salute but recived a pat on the head instead.

"What's going on?Where's blue?" Luke asked.

"Still in the woods Luke." He responded.

"And backup? When will they be here?"

"Can't tell sir." Suzzy answered. "New port city doesn't have an exterminator core. The closest is from the capital which several miles away from here."

"Gad!" Luke screamed out. He looked around and saw the civilians still around.

"You guys are on your own now. There's no danger up ahead. Linda is in New Port City at st. Micheals hospital, you guys can head over there." He said and turned to his men.

"I'm going in to help blue out. You can come if you want , i wont hold it against you if you dont want to come." He said and got into his jeep and started for the woods. He wasn't suprised when he saw all his men follow from behind him. A smile crept onto his face before he steped on the gas.

In the woods, the blue squad had been totally surrounded by ghosts. They were currently in a ring formation. They parked their vehicles to form a circle whiles they opened fire from behind the vehicles. Some even stood on ontop of their vehicles. The strategy was working as long as they could keep the ghosts from getting to close.

You see, on a normal day this group should have been dead since ghost can't be killed with ordinary weapons but there was something different about this group. Instead of metalic bullets, they were using bullets made from neocrathium. Luke had asked for these bullets as requirement before he would accept the mission and it seemed to be working since they were actually killing some ghosts even though it required a lot of hits.

Unfortunately for the blue squad, their amunition wasn't everlasting. They soon run out of bullets and all they could do was brace themselves for a fight to the death.

Seeing this, the ghost didn't let the opportunity slide and attacked the group even fiercer than before.

When the ghost thought that they could already taste sweet victory, Luke and the red squad appeared and formed another ring. The shocked ghosts stoped and looked at each other.

"Light them up?" Randy asked still on top of the van holding on to a stationed machined gun.

"Yeah." Luke anwsered. With that confirmation, the red squad opened fire on the shocked ghosts. More and more of ghost died after being impaled with neocrathium bullets.

The blue squad didn't stand there doing nothing. Those with magical abilities attacked the ghosts. Some formed fireballs and shot it at them whiles others attacked with water and ice. The level of power behind their abilities weren't very powerful since they didn't specialise in magic but it did the trick. The ghosts were utterly confused after being boombarded by attacks from both teams. Slowly they backed away and sank into the ground.

"Did we win!?" Some one shouted.

They looked around trying to predict were a sneak attack could come from but everything stayed still. For five munites straight nothing happened. Just then suzzy who was looking at her laptop screen found something strange.

"Captain, come take a look at this." She called out.

"What is it?" Luke asked after reaching suzzy.

"Well, i started picking up heat tempratures droping sir."


"Well ghost don't have heat singnatures. When a ghost is looked at through a heat vision google, all you see is black. The horde we fought had the same heat signatures. "

"What are you driving at?" Randy asked from the top.

"Just moments after the horde disappered i picked up this same signatures underneath the earth. They have been moving around us the whole time." She answered only lifting her head once to give Randy the get lost kind of smile.

"Where are they heading?" Luke asked.

"Wait they stopped."

"Where?" Luke asked kind of desperate

"Right underneath us sir and they are comming up real quick."

After hearing this he went out and shouted their next course of action.

"Move out. Now!"He Said and got into his jeep. Just as they drove away the ghosts came out of the inner cicle they had formed and shot into the sky.

The ghosts began fusing together to form a gaint ghost. It glowed light green in colour and immediately went after the group.

"A titan! They formed a titan!" Phil alerted the others. They accelerated through the woods hoping that by some miracle they would live to tell the tale.

"How did we get so unlucky?" Mona said looking at the ghost titan from the side mirro.

"Suckers!" A shout was heard and everybody new what it meant. Sucker were greyish like flexible straws that ghosts used to juice up or take possesion of human body according to the type of ghost it was.

When the group thought it was all over for them, they saw a huge fire ball the size of a meteor fly across the sky and impact with the titan. A guy then appeared out of nowhere and held onto Luke's moving jeep. A girl also showed up in the same fashion.

"You must be captain Luke." He said

"Just luke or captain would be fine."

"Okay Luke or Captain, I am giles and this my partener micha." He said adressing the young lady now sitting in front passengers seat who waved at the mention of her name." Haha, we are from the Exterminators Core, New Found City. We were sent to assist you and you honorable men." He said looking back at the titan who was still in hot pursuit of the group." By the way, why are you driving away from the ghost? Shouldn't we be... You know what? Let's forget about it. You guys carry on while i and little miss Micha here handle this...thing here. And oh we will race you to the exit. The losser buys breakfast, deal?" He said while holding his had out for a shake. Luke just looked at the guy with eyes of shock.

'How can they be so calm knowing that such a monster is after them.' Luke thought.

"I'll take that as a yes, Micha! lets finish this gringo up."

"Now we talking." She said before disappering from the front seat. Luke looked at the guy who just shruged his shoulder and let go. Luke looked back and saw the two take on the titan.

Giles and Micha run towards the titan at an amazing speed , disappearing and reappearing at different places. This made the titan confused and unable to attack. Giles then appeared in front of the titan and summoned one of his meteors. This one was much bigger than the first. And it struck the titan right on its face, sending it flying a few meters away.

It quickly stood up and upon realizing the threat the two possed began to retreat.

"Your turn." Giles said to Micha.

Micha then jumped up and summoned what looked like a giant firey eagle and threw it at the titan at an amazing speed. The titan however realised the bird comming and in a last inch effort to save it's life, it dispersed back into the many ghosts it used to be and they started running in all directions.

"Bingo" Giles said and looked at Micha.

"I bet i can kill more than you can." Giles said.

"No you can't." Micha replied.

"Of course i can"

"Not a chance.

" wanna bet. I win i get a kiss." Giles said.

"okay, i win... you get your ass kicked."

"Deal. On three"

"Three!" And they both moved around killing every ghost in their way without even looking. They did this with their neocrathuim weapons. "Four thousand! Beat that." Giles called out.

"Four thousand and one!" Micha replied.

Giles then appeared and looked at her scores from an instrument that counted their number of kills and ghost orb obtained.

"Damm it!" Giles said before Micha disappeared and reappeared behind Giles before kicking him in the rear.

When luke and his group finally made it to the exit at about mid-night, they found the two exterminators waiting. They joined the captians jeep and headed for New PortCity.

"So... Captain or Luke, about breakfast-" the rest of the trip continued with the two describing what they wanted for breakfast. Eventhough Luke was still shocked, he was going to make sure to get them what they asked for. It was the least he could do for them for saving their lives.