In st. Micheal's hospital in New PortCity, the group of soldiers could be seen taking their breakfast in the hospital's cafateria after the battle not so long ago. Soldiers that had recieved some injuries during the fight were being taken care of.

Luke walked into the cafeteria and headed for a table that had three people sitting around it. He made for a seat and sat down, breathing in heavily befor sighing.

"Captain or Luke, I must say you are a man of your words." Giles said from the opposite side of the table facing Luke." This cocoa is the best I've ever tasted...and the hot dog too.' He said as he bit into the double hot dog .

"Well I didn't actually pay for them. The millitary did and my name isn't captain or Luke. It's Luke. But you can call me captain, just dont put them together." He said.

"Mm... Whatever." Giles just shrugged his soldier and continued feasting. Whiles they were talking, the women sitting side by side were busily talking. What they were talking about he had no idea but he was happy that they were.

He had known Linda since high school, in fact they had been classmates. They also stayed in the same neighbourhood and walked together to school and back home. They were even teased at some point as lovers. This didn't bother Luke since he knew there was no truth in that. However, Linda gradually grew distant from Luke and even got a boyfriend. He was actually happy for Linda but it only seemed to worsen the case. He then tried to respect her wishes and gave her the neccessary space. He soon found other's who were dying to be friends. He was a very popular student after all. He belonged to multiple sport groups and still managed to come up on top in each of them. He was the best wrestler in school, an excellent gymnast, and football player. He was the best coner back the school had ever seen and soon got a scholarship to play for the national millitary football club. He became a soldier and began climbing the ranks till he became a captain. He has rejected a lot of opportunities to climb even higher since it would mean he would have to release his squad to someone else.he was too attached to them.

He only meet Linda a month ago, when she came to the millitary to request for an escort to san venganzah to make researches on behalf of the central museum. Luke didn't know how to react at first and even turned down the offer thinking it would be the best since Linda wasn't comfortable around him. He only changed his mind when Linda herself insisted on having him and his team.

He slid into the chair and closed his eyes. Everybody needed some rest.


Meanwhile, in the same building, the boy who they had extracted from the rock was waking up in his room on the fifth floor.


I felt backpains and a slight headache as i woke up. The first thing i saw was a white celing. Or was i dead? I looked around and saw tubes connected to my hands. I followed the tube and found it's source to be a transparent bag containing some water of some sort. There was this machine that kept making *beep* noises close to my bed.

Looking at the items for a while my memories kicked in and i remembered seeing these things before. I was in a hospital...again, why? I remembered when i got adopted. My sister, she was dead. A tear fell out of my eyes.the pain in my head grew rapidly and my heart began beating heavily. The pain was unbearable. I wanted to call for help but i couldn't find my voice.

This didn't stop my memories from flooding my mind. I remembered wanting to talk to my sister. I remembered running off that night to the cemetary. I remembered meeting Alexa, I touched her cold fingers, there was this explostion, then a wormhole.

The information was too much for me to handle. The face of my sister kept appearing over and over again till all i could do was shout out her name.


I kept this up till i heard foot steps. I managed to look up and saw doctors a nurses flood into the room. Or not.

"W-what are you guys?!" I asked. Looking at the people all i could see were figures that looked like the guys from the cemetry. Except for the fact that their innards were really showing. I could even see their hearts beat.

"Don't worry mister, you are in good hands."one doctor said.

"I dont think so." I said looking at the guy right beside him.

"Why do you say that?" He asked trying to smile. The smile creeped me out, like some body could attack from behind. I scaned around the room and saw that i could see a couple of rooms to right. This place was made from glass. I looked at the doctors who were inching close.

"Is it natural for me to see your innards?" I asked.

"What,you- you can see our innards?" The doctor said touching himself.

*security is heading for us* I heard some one say.

"Who said that?Who said security was comming?!" I asked. The sound seemed to come from within. I looked to the left and saw some security men in uniform running towards our room.

I went behind my bed and kicked the bed towards the doctors with. I didn't know were i go such strenght but i cared little right now. They fell over and i took the opportunity to pull out the tubes in my hands. I made a run for it but stoped in my tracks. I looked at the doctors and pointed to one.

"Your heart doesn't beat right."

I then run through the glasses like they weren't even there into the other rooms. Why they shattered so easily upon impact I didn't know and wasn't intrested to find out right now. I made for the stairs when i realised the security men where still after me. Reaching the third floor, i saw another set of security men coming up the stairs from the second floor. I was trapped. I stood on the corrido, attracting glares from alot of people. If you could call them people.

*The window*

I then realised that i had no choice but to jump through the window if I wanted to escape. At least thats what my conscience told me. I run towards the window even though the people tried to stop me. When i was but a foot away, i jumped head first through, shattering the glass like before to the other side.


"He did what?!" Linda yelled at the head of security for the hospital.

"We tried to get him but he jumped out the window from the third floor. The cameras show him heading towards the western province. We have men looking for him right now including the police. We should have him anytime from now. He couldn't have gotten far with the hospitals gown still on." The head of security said before walking away.

Linda was very worried since her job was on the line.seeing her expression, Micha decided to go around and help find the boy since she was faster.

"I'll go around and try find the boy. I'll be back in a second." She said.

"I'll go with you." Giles stood up.

"No, stay her. I can do this alone. Besides you need to be her when contact is made."


With this understandig she disappeaded into the streets.


After escaping from the hospital, I wondered into an alley a few blocks away to recuperate. I wasn't heavily injured though. I expected some injuries after I jumped from the third floor of the building. I was suprised when I landed on my feet eventhough I jumped head first. The only injury I got was from some glasses that were stuck to my arm after using it as a shield while running through all thoses glass walls.

I thought pulling the glass pieces out would be painful, but I felt nothing. I wouldn't even know I was hurt if there wasn't any blood.

* There is something around.*

"Where?" I asked

* Under the shed*

I looked at a shed where the voice in my head said the person was. I had come to trust the voice, since it had done nothing but helped me so far.

"Come out!... Who ever you are." I said.

"Ssssss, it'ss jussst an old man." A man emerged from the shed looking wrinkly with grey hair. He had a staff which he used to support himself. As weak as he looked, he was emitting a dangerous aura.

"That...dossen't look ssso good." He said. There was something about the way he spoke. Like he saw freezing.

"Let me... Help youu!" He said and got close to me. My consciense wouldn't let me keep my gaurd down. But I was curious to see what he wanted to do. He took my injured arm into his, and cleaned off the blood with his cloth. He then took out a bandage, which kind of suprised me.

"Sssupprissed, don't worry." He continued in his hushed tone." Jussst...hha...loook into my eyess. I wont bite." His eyes displayed continous circular ring expanding and expanding until they vanished out of sight but was quickly replaced by another like those things that magicians do to put people in a trance. I didn't know if that's what he planned but it wasn't working ... Like at all. I was enjoying the show however for some strange reason I can't explain. Going on he opened his mouth, showing me his snake like tongue. The width of his mouth was a-mazing. I could stick my whole head in there.

I then saw this white-ish suckers come out of his mouth and wraped around me. I wanted to ask him what they were for but they fell off me as I landed on the ground. (Wow... I didn't even know I wasn't on the ground.)

The old man hissed in pain while looking in the direction of a building. On top of the buliding stood the figuer of a lady around my hieght. She was in some kind of black armor. She then disappeared and the next I knew she was in front of me.

"Wow, how did you do that." She didn't answere my question though. She just pulled me aside and faced the old man.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." She said.

Wow this is so cool. I'm going to watch my first fight for real and wait, i could see properly again. No more innards.

Since i was a kid, i was always late to the fight. By the time i get there, they would already be done. But now I was going to witness one. I just stood back and began chanting."fight, fight, fight... "