The girl that had steped infront of me to fight the old man was a natural beauty. Perfect white skin, a nice shape eventhough she wore some kind of armor. The armor wasn't all metal but it looked tough. She had pink long hair which was held into a half pig tail. For a girl like this to fight on my behalf made me feel kind of wiered bit I just shruged it off. If she wanted to, then so be it.

My chants for a fight stopped however after she gave me a look that wasn't at all friendly.

"I'll just be here and watch the fight. D-don't mind me." I said trembling a little.

She just turned towards the old man who seemed to have the same expression. The old man the faced the girl. His expression was now that of anger.

"Exxxterminator, how dare you interupt my lunch!" The old man said.

"Sorry, but he's off the menu." Was the pink hair's response.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait." I interupted." What is he talking about? What lunch. I don't see no food around? Or did he order for one?"

"Just shut up!" They both yelled at me.

"Okay, okay, gess." I said. I just hoped they weren't talking about me.

"Where were we?" The old man asked, continously liking his lips.

"Oh,we were talking about your lunch." She said and sneaked a glance at me." But enough talking, lets get this over with." She said and moved on the attack.

"With pleasure" the old man didn't also hesitate and attacked.

At first they were just exchanging punches. Nobody seemed to dig really deep. They both just studied their fighting styles. The girl finally made a move when she moved faster than usual, catching him off gaurd. She held onto his arms and threw him into the shed, destroying it completely.

(Finally!) I said, but in my thoughts. I wouldn't want miss pink to turn on me instead.

But the old man wasn't out just yet. He emerged out of the destroyed shed looking really pissed at his surrounding.

"This!-this was my only,my only home!" He said. He emitted some really deadly aura. The pink girl wasn't shaken though. She even let out her own aura but quickly supressed it after sneaking glamces at me.

"This was the only place I could call home after those two brothers kicked me out! And you-" he pointed to miss pink."you destroyed it!" He was no longer shacking, he looked down as if looking for something and picked it up when he found it. What he brought out was one of the most beautiful swords i had ever seen.

*It's a kitana.* The voice told me.

*And it seems to be for an orginization. Look at the ghost symbol on it*. Looking closely i saw the symbol it talked to me about.

Miss pink had a different expression when she saw the kitana.

"You? A crusader?" She asked. She wasn't suprised but hints of fear showed up on her face.

"Ahh... I see you recorgnise this. Well dont worry i'll make sure it's the last thing you see!" He said an shot a huge wave of fire at miss pink. But this was countered by the same kind of attack by miss pink. She then dashed towards the old man whiles drawing out an even beautiful sword. It then occured to me that i wasn't really familiar with swords.

The old man however seemed to have the same idea, dashing towards the girl with his kitana which was now glowing from the fire that now surrounded it. The two swords clashed with heavy sounds. It even blew some dust my way.

(How does an old man move so fast) I thought. They continued this for about twenty to thirty minutes. Turnning the entire alley into a mess.

Miss pink however lost her footing after backing away from a vicious slash aimed at her shoulder since that area was exposed. The old man wasted no time and went in for the kill, aiming for the neck. But this was all part of her plan. She needed the old man to make a mistake and so she faked her fall. She then streched her leg whiles on the floor. The old man who was running at her at top speed couldn't control himself and triped on the streched leg. This act opened a way for miss pink to attack the old man. She put her weapon away an surrounded her fist with fire before rainning punches on him. The old man tried to fight back but his counter attacks seemed to slow down every time whiles the unslaught fro miss pink kept picking up the pace. She side steped a desperate fire ball attack from the old man and slashed at his exposed back.

"ENOUGH!!" The old man screamed.

"What? Tired already?" Miss pink asked.

"No." He answered coldly." On the contrary, i'm just getting started." He said as he advanced forward slowly. If I said his aura was really deadly before, the aura he was producing now was toxic. Even miss pink let out some blood from her mouth. She looked my way and starred at me with a look that suggested shock. I just smiled back to give her some encouragement.

The old man kept advancing while touching his back. Taking a closer look, he wasn't bleeding. Not even a drop of blood soiled his dress.

(Thats strange.) I thought.

*what's strange?*the voice asked.

(There's no blood. The old man isn't bleeding.)

*so you really are clueless."

(Wha-what do you mean by that?)

*you'll see.* was the response i got.* Look*

With that my attention moved to the still advancing man. This time I was freaked out at what I saw. The old man kept ripping off his skin like it was some kind of costume. Miss pink was finally up but I doughted she could take on the monster that emerged from underneath the old mans skin.

"So you, you are kill crock." Miss pink said. She seemed to know him. "To think you would take possesion of an old man's body. How pathetic." She hissed.

(What was The plan here, was try to get herself killed by making him angrie?) I tought as i watched the fight resume. This time it was this kill crock guy who was one the offense. The guy was an eight feet tall crocodile that could stand on its hind legs. Its mouth was like three feet long.And I thought his mouth was bigger when he was the old man. His overall appearance was kind of greyish greenish colour. Very pale for a crocodile.

The fight continued as both of them tried to gain the upper hand. Miss pink even managed to cut the crock dude but it did little damage to it. It's skin proved to be tough, repelling most of the sword attacks. It then hit the sword out of her hand before spitting out some kind of acid onto the sword. The sword disintegrated immediately after it made contact with the sword.

Kill crock then spinned around really fast and used it's tail to wack Miss pink half way across the alley before stopping only when she crashed into a metalic dumpster.

*You should help her.*the voice told me.

"No... She came to save me. Not the other way around." I answered.

*If you don't do some thing she might not survive.*

"Oh please, with that armor of her's she could kill an army." I replied. I reality I was scared when it came to fighting. You could never now their out comes and you might do something you would regret. As if sensing this the voive didn't persist.

Miss pink looked at the advancing crock and tried to stand up. She wasn't going to let anyone look down on her. That was the main reason why she became an exterminator. She couldn't however because of her shoulder. She seemed to have dislocated her soulder after the hit. She just looked at the crock asif accepting her fate at a moment but she began shooting huge bars of earth at the crock. It held him off long enough for her to turn on her help signal. Even if she died, they would find the body. When the crock got to her location, it raised it's foot and stomped on her. She spilled out more blood which covered her face. She turned her head an looked at me dead in the eyes but i was still scared of a fight.

I crouched and hid my face so i couldn't see more. (Stop, stop, stop.) I said in my head.

* This won't stop untill you help her.* the voice said.

(I-I can't.)

*I now that you are scared of hurting people because of your past, but sometimes that's the only way. Look at her* The voice instructed.* This wasn't her fight, but she steped in for you. Would you watch her die? Look at her vitals* at the moment i saw her innards. She was badly injured, and her heart beat was slowing down.* You might not have been able to save your sister, but you can save her.*

I glanced at her again and this time i saw my sister.

"Stop!!" I sceamed out. Kill crock looked up at me.

"Are you crying?" He asked. I was actually crying.

"No... Just-just some... Sand in my eyes." I said while turning around to clean my tears. I turned around and faced him.

"Seriously, you are crying." He teased.

"Ay! I said i wasn't crying okay... Just let her go men.just look at her." Kill crock actually looked at her." You are crocodile right?" No response came." So why don't you go to the jungle and live there. You could even overthrow the king of the jungle and start an empire or some thing." I said.

"Or ...I could eat her up. Then i'll eat you too up." He said in his terrifying crock voice.

"No, no,no. Nobody is getting eaten. I'm sure there's a restaurant close by, we could always get you some pizza." I said, trying to solve the issue without any violence.

"If you want her so bad? Then come get her." He said and steped forward.

(Finally, he took his leg off her.)

"Are you sure?" I asked just in case he was planing something. Off course i knew i couldn't trust him, but as long as it kept him from harming her, i had no problem doing it.

"Yeah" crock answered. " but you'll have to go through me first." He said with a wicked grin that spread from one end of his face to the other, literally.

(Violence, the world thrives on violence. Well, her goes nothing.)