I stood there not sure of what to do. Except from the fact that I have never witnessed a fight, I have also never been in one. (Except of course you want to count my duel with a rooster as fight.)

(What should I do now?) I asked the voice.

*Fight of course. I belived that was obvious.*

(Yh, I see but I don't have any fighting experience. It would have been easier fighting a rooster.)

"Well!!, are you comming or what!" Kill crock roared from his side.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back. I could see he was a little dumb founded by my outburst.

*Sorry to burst your bubbles but...we are fresh out off rooster. You'll.have to deal with the crock.*

(No kidding.) I said a little down. I stared at the body of the creature before me. It was nothing I had never seen before. He was a hundred percent pure muscle and that skin of his looked really though. What could i possibly do to hurt this guy.

"Well, If you won't come, then I'll be taking her now." He said calmly. He opened his mouth and out of it emerged those white-ish suckers that he wraped around me earlier. The sucker traveled down to miss pink who was still on the ground. The suckers picked her up and wraped itself around her. Kill crock looked my way still with a smile on his face. He shifted his attention to the girl before lifting her alittle above himself.

I got to say, I was a little curious as to what was going to happen , but I also knew if I allowed it to happen then miss pink would be dead.

"I hope this works." I said before charging at the crock who wasn't aware of my sudden move. Upon getting close enough I punched him in his gutts with all the strenght i could get a hold of while my eyes were close.

I was super supprised at the power my punch packed. It actually sent the guy through a couple of dust bins before breaking into a building at the other end. I think there was no one around because no one came to say anything.

I admit I was expecting that but I somehow hoped that it would be enough. My prayers were short lived though, he came out almost as fast as I sent him into the building. What really got me worried was the creepy smile on his face as he came out. He looked at me with an expression that suggested he was happy eventhough he was in pain.

"Impressive." He said after getting raid of the pain. "I was beginning to think all you ever did was talk. Guess I was right after all. I knew you had something extra-ordinary about you. Some thing that I need, something that can help me on my quest for revenge. Something you don't even know you have. Oh well...makes it easier for me to take it all." He said while moving forward little by little. "Just put up a good fight, as much as you possibly can. I would like to see what you are really made of. " he said.

"Heh, careful what you wish for. You might become lizard soup you know." I replied with a grin.

"Haha, so funny... I was thinking the same thing.well here I come." With this he lunched at me... Or not. He actually jumped up in to the sky, way over the alley. His body even blocked the suns rays from reaching me, casting a shadow over me down below.

Just when I was feeling a little confident, i began to panick. I didn't understand why but i was really worried. Was it the hieght at which he jumped? Or the way he spoke earlier? My heart wouldn't stop beating hard inside of me. It was hard and fast and so f*cking annoying and loud.

Was it some kind of trick he pulls? I couldn't even think straight. This fear in me soon turned into fustration and the fustration became rage.

My past experiences kept playing inside my head. From the happy times with Alexa to the fall of old soldier. It all played on and on and on. Over and over again.

Kill crock finally shouted from the top

"Now die!!" With these words he began spinning and spinning. His spinning was so fast it created a lot of electrical charges before moving towards me at deadly speed.

With the mixed emotions going on in my head, and the fact I didn't want to die. I attacked with a punch.


The two attacks clashed, causing a huge electrical explosion. I was thrown back into a wall by the force of the explosion. I fell onto my knees and remained on my knees for sometime. My hospital clothes were all burnt. All that was left was a black shorts that bearly reached my thighs.

Unlike my first attack, i was the one who got blown away. I realised that my emotions made my attack stronger than before but i still got blown away. This was because my emotions also made me unstabled, Like a cannon. When a cannon is loaded and fired without somebody holding it in place, the force from the shoot sends the cannon back, but if it is held it remains in its place.

My emotions made my attack powerful, but made me also focus only on my attacks, forgetting about my stamina. My first attack wasn't this strong but I had my own limits in mind. If I could learn to use my emotions and still be sane then I would be able to pull of some suprised attacks in future. That is if I get pass this guy.

There was still dust in the air which made it hard to see. From the coner of my eye I could see miss pink. She was still down but she was moving.

(She's still alive.) I thought. (I have to wrap this up. Hey there voice.) I said in my mind.

*what.* it replied.

(Do you think we could win this?) I asked.

*one hundred precent. Just trust your instincts more.* it answered.


I was caught off gaurd. Kill croock finally decided to use his shinny sword against me. The attack was surely ment for my neck but i reacted quickly and got hit on the shoulder instead.

Like that wasn't enough, he finally showed up at top speed and swinging that sword of his like a maniac. He sure did look crazy to me but his attacks where precise, aiming for my neck, injured shoulder and chest areas. Probably looking for my heart and lungs. I didn't have a sword so all I could do was dodge his attacks and try to disarm him any chance I got.

"Seriously where is everyone in this city." I unintentionally said out loud. I didn't get how this much noise could no attract any bodies attention.

"I see you are getting worried." Kill crock said after missing me." Don't worry, i'll clear all your doubts. That's the least i could do before i end you. Your friend there." He pointed to miss pink." She cast a sound barrier around this place to keep the noise in. Nobody's coming so just stay still and die!!" He shouted and attacked me with his sword aiming for my head.

"Not today." I said and run his way. He was taken aback by this new move. As the sword came down I was able to get a hold of his wrist, stoping the sword from connecting. My next move would be to pull the sword from his hand and then it would be my turn to attack.

But things don't always go my way so


Whiles holding his wrist he let go off the sword which felt into his other hand below before stabing me.

"Fuck!" I cursed. He pulled the sword out of my belly with a slight push, leaving me falling to the ground.

I could taste my own blood as it came out of my mouth.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He said.

Like before he opened his mouth and let out those white-ish suckers came out. But this time he did it very slowly. The sukers wraped around me even slower. I looked around trying to figure out what was happening and found out that even the wind blew slowly.

(What is this. Why is everything so slow?)

*nothing is slow. Your just fast.*

(Fast ?what do you mean by fast. I'm not even moving.)

*of course you are, your thinking, your brain movements, even your blood is a movement. I'll explain better later, but now just kill this guy be for the girl dies.* the voice said

(Okay. Any ideas how i can do that?)

*see that glowing orb,pierce that spot and take it out. That should do the trick. With your speed that should not be a problem.*

(Okay, here goes nothing.) I said and used my hand like a sword to pierce through his tough skin. I dont remember seeing the orb there before, but I could now. I grabbed the orb from his body which was freezing cold and pulled it out.

After this, everything moved normally. Kill crock withdrew his sukers and steped back till he fell on one knee.

"Y-you... How d-did you do that?" He asked

"None of your bizz." I said while unconsiously squeezing the orb. It finally got crushed into dust which slowly moved into my body through my skin pores.

Kill crock died during this time with a facial expression that suggested shock. I moved over to miss pink and helped her sit up. She was still very weak.

*one of her's is coming this way. We can leave her here. She'll be found.*

(Okay) i said and began moving out of the alley, but I didn't go far. I found my way to the top of a really tall building and looked as people arrived and carried her away.

(My job is done)