Chapter 231: Return Of An Old Friend

Xie Jing Xing only left ten short days but the days seemed to be much slower than he was present. It was obviously still the same Prince Rui residence but it did not seem right.

The Mo Yun Army left a few guards in Prince Rui residence to defend the place. Tie Ye followed along with Xie Jing Xing and so did Gao Yang. Ji Furen did not let Ji Yu Shu go since the Ji family only have a single seedling but knew knew that Yu Ji Shu had an unaffected personality that he left a letter and mixed with the expedition troops and left. When Ji Furen discovered it and wanted to chase, Ji Daren held her back, "Ji Yu Shu is impetuous and ignorant. It is good for him to tempted to sharpen his mind."

And thus in the big Long Ye, most of the people that had good relations with SHen Miao seemed to have left overnight. Gao Yang left so the Gao family send over his younger junior over to look after Ye Hong Guang. Ye Hong Guang was still not awake and just continued sleeping.

Luo Tan seemed to have grown up a lot overnight and no longer provoked or tease others all day or even hang around the streents. Occasionally she would stop and care about the situation at Ming Qi's side. From the beginning, Luo Tan was entangled in the war between Great Liang and Ming Qi thus Shen Miao told her the entire situations and happenings in Min Qi. That included Fu Xiu Yi, Emperor Wen Hui and also included the suppression of the Luo and Shen families. The more she listened, the quieter she became and afterwards she no longer said anything.

Shen Miao did not console her as there are some matters where one would slowly understand clearly. It was only sooner or later.

The days became much quieter and there were no signs of panic within the commoners in Long Ye. Perhaps they were particularly confident with the soldiers that went for the expedition or perhaps were used to the peace for so many years that they had no recollection of war and thus were not afraid.

Nowadays Shen Miao and those noble families's Furens had good relations. This was naturally because of her deliberate enthusiasm and these Furens were also very smart. The Imperial family's biggest threats, the Lu and Ye families, had disappeared from the living and currently only the Imperial family was powerful in Great Liang. Prince Rui residence was related to the Imperial family and Shen Miao had good relations with Empress Xian De, so naturally they were in a hurry to please her.

Speaking of Empress Xian De, Shen Miao would often enter the Palace to visit her. Shen Miao liked to chat with Empress Xian De as Empress Xian De was an extremely talented female and Shen Miao had a wide exposure of knowledge due to her past life of being an Empress. When both of them chat, they could talk about anecodotes all the way to the current situation and their opinions were unexpectedly fitting. Empress Xian De also liked her and everytime they chat, time seemed to go by very quickly.

On this day, Shen Miao wanted to go out again as she planned to enter the Palace to visit Empress Xian De.

The more one enter autumn, the more would one feel the cold. Tang Shu came in with a bowl of goat milk, most likely because Xie Jing Xing left, Tang Shu was just too free every day. Other than being occasionally instructed by Shen Miao to manage the stores, most of the time he had nothing to do. Thus he would think of ideals for meals and even said, "When Master comes back and see Furen become thinner or weaker, he would definitely blame this old servant. It is better to let this old servant make some nutritious meals that will make Furen's health better when taken."

Jing Zhe said, "This goat milk smelled really fragrant."

"If it were other families' goat milk, it would not be that sweet." Tang Shu said, "Furen drink this bowl before going to the Palace so that one's heart would be warm and would not catch a cold during the journey." He then took a look outside, "These days the weather has turned cold."

Shen Miao smiled, "Many thanks Tang Shu." She then picked the bowl up to take a sip.

After only taking a sip, she felt a tumbling in her tummy and almost vomited. She put the bowl down and covered her mouth as her brows wrinkled.

Gu Yu and Jing Zhe jumped in shocked and Tang Shu quickly asked, "Furen, what is wrong?"

Shen Miao shook her head, "Most likely one had caught a cold last night that one felt the goat milk fishy. Since I cannot drink it, I would not drink it."

"In this case." Tang Shu said, "One would instruct the servant to get some medicine. May Furen not drink this goat milk first else one would not be comfortable. Later one will instruct the kitchens to make some lighter soups."

Shen Miao nodded her head and grab onto the cloak as she spoke to Gu Yu, "Let's go."

Mo Qing and Cong Yang were already outside and the carriage was prepared. Both of them did not follow Xie Jing Xing to Ming Qi but they were not able to sleep in comfort without worries. Both of them were highly skilled in martial arts and Shen Miao was comfortable in using them thus they remained in Long Ye to carry out Shen Miao's instructions.

After entering the Palace, Empress Xian De was already waiting for her in Wei Yang Palace as she said with a smile, "You are a little late today."

"There was a little disorder before one came out." Shen Miao smiled as she spoke and asked, "Is His Majesty bestter these days?"

"It is still not bad and could even accompany BenGong for a walk in the gardens. But…" Empress Xian De smiled bitterly, "Perhaps it is all deceiving BenGong. Anyways he loves to deceive BenGong and would not speak of anything at all."

Shen Miao paused and soothed her, "His Majesty fear that you will worry and hope that Your Ladyship would not be worried. This is thinking of you in one's heart."

"Perhaps so." Empress Xian De smiled, "Don't talk about these. BenGong have some new tea leaves today and the kitchens also made some osmanthus cakes. There are ancient text that indicated that the previous dynasty scholars would put tea leaves in osmanthus cakes as the tea leaves have a light fragrant. With tea, it is call tea cusine. One felt it was not bad thus knowing that you are coming today, one instructed the Imperial Kitchens to make it. If the Emperor knows, one feared that BenGong would be teased. BenGong could only thicken one's face and look for you."

"Your Ladyship has praised this official too much." Shen Miao smiled flightly. "This official wife is from a family with military lineage and has always been rough. One do not know anything about these elegant matters."

"Save it." Empress Xian De rebuked, "Even those self-proclaimed civil officials of great erudition and scholarship in Long Ye are not as knowledgable as you. If you are considered rough then won't the entire civil officials be scorn upon?" She handed the tea over to Shen Miao, "Quickly try it. How is it?"

Empress Xian De liked to brew tea as she liked to watch the tea leaves boiling in the water. The water temperature should be just right, a little more or less would not do. Time had to be controlled well. As for what time of tea leaves, what time of spring water, what type of honey, all these required learnings. All these were trival matters but as an Empress, she did not find it troublesome at all. As to why this was as such, one temprement was trained to be that calm. SHen Miao liked to be with Empress Xian De because her peaceful temperament made one feel that the years were peaceful and one had lots of time.

Shen Miao said, "Deference is no substitute for obedience." She then picked the teacup up to take a sip. The tea was very fragrant and the aroma was slightly bitter but the aftertaste is dry and sweet. Shen Miao was just about to speak when she suddenly felt nausea and her hand shoke. Half of the tea was spilt as she covered her mouth to tamp down the nausea feeling.

Empress Xian De was startled and quickly took the tea over from her hands. Seeing that her face was not good, she asked, "What is it? Is there anywhere that you fill uncomfortable?"

When Shen Miao felt that the tumbling in her stomach had subsided a little, she then shook her head, "It is nothing. Apologies to Your Ladyship, one is really sorry. Lately it is most likely because one had gotten a cold that one's stomach always felt uncomfortable. Today when leaving the residence, one also…" Her voice stopped abruptly and an unbelievable expression appeared on her face.

Empress Xian De initially did not understand but after seeing Shen Miao's expression, she seemed to have thought about something and said in shocked, "Could you be…"

Shen Miao's fists tightened before releasing quickly, "This official's wife does not know."

"Quick, call the Imperial Physician over!" Empress Xian De stood up with excitement and called Tao GuGu, "Take BenGong's card and invite the Imperial Physican over!"

Shen Miao looked at the tea on the table but her heart was strike by lighting.

She was pregnant before but she was unable to tell clearly if she was actually pregnant or not. Because Xie Jing Xing left a couple of dozens days and her period had always not been accurate thus she did not put it in her heart. She had only thought that she had caught a cold but who knew… Recalling it back, she felt that lately her appetite had been strange recently.

However she was unable to make any certainty to things.

Shen Miao's heart was somewhat stirred up. Children were considered to her too far away. She was somewhat scared, fear that when the child came to this world, they would face the sorrows and suffering of the people and she was not all powerful and unable to protect them without a single mistake. On the other hand, she was very eager for the child's arrival.

If it is here, this would be the best gift that the Heavens had gifted her.

The Imperial Physician quickly rushed over and Empress Xian De seemed to be even more excited than Shen Miao, instructed the Imperial Physician to immediately take Shen Miao pulse.

The white bearded Imperial Physician took Shen Miao's pulse and after pondering for a long time, he then stood up and bowed towards Shen Miao before bowing to Empress Xian De before smiling, "Congratualtions WangFei of the First Rank. The pulse is like beads, it is an auspicious pulse. One is afraid thtat WangFei had been pregnant for more than a month. There would be a new born in the Prince residence."

Shen Miao was still somewhat incredulous and she asked, "Really?"

It was rare for Empress Xian De to see this kind of dull Shen Miao and started laughing. She then said seriously, "WangFei is asking you, is this real? If there is any mistake, then a heavy punishment would be handed down."

The white bearded Imperial Physician smiled, "This old official does not dare to lie. If WangFei does not believe, then one can invite a few more physians to take a look."

It was orginially a joke but Shen Miao said, "Alright, then one would bother you to invite a few more to take a look.

That shocked the Imperial Physican for a while.

Empress Xian De was unbearably happy and knew that Shen Miao was not willing to believe it and must confirm it again. However when she was pregnant, she too could not believe it. Thinking about herself, her gaze darkened but she quickly recovered to her senses and smiled, "Then follow what WangFei had said and invite a few more Imeprial Physicans over."

Empress Xian De really took good care of Shen Miao and indeed invited over a number of Imperial Physicians to take Shen Miao's pulse. The result of taking her pulse was the same, Shen Miao was indeed expected one month of pregnancy."

This was really a coincident. Xie Jing Xing just headed for the expedition and a few dozen days later, Shen Miao was diagnose as pregnant. Like this, one would at least not be that lonely but it could be also even lonelier.

Empress Xian De was overjoyed. Most likely in the entire Imperial family, there were only Emperor Yone Le and Xie Jing Xing, two brothers. Emperor Yong Le did not have any sons and the Xie family did not have any younger generations. The one that Shen Miao was pregnant with was considered the first of the younger generation of the Xie family. Empress Xian De also instructed people to invite Emperor Yong Le over.

When Emperor Yong Le learned of the news, he could not believe it. Empress Xian De smiled, "Thinking about it, in the future if it is a little boy or little girl, they would be calling you Imperial BoBo and call me Imperial GuGu. Isn't it very interesting?"

"What is so interesting?" Emperor Yong Le was still a little awkward. He did not like Shen Miao in reality because he had a dispute of Xie Jing Xing on Shen Miao. However Emperor Yong Le was unable to change Xie Jing Xing's mind and was helpless towards Xie Jing Xing and thus he had viewed Shen Miao as if she was an evil female.

"You ah." Empress Xian De looked at him, "This is an auspicious matter for our Imperial family. It would be good that WangFei give birth to a few more in the future. It is good that the Prince residence is bustling." There was some envy in her eyes. It was odvious that Empress Xian De liked children a lot.

Empress Xian De's envious eyes were seen by everyone and Shen Miao slightly pause whereas there was a trace of pain in Emperor Yong Le's eyes. After a while he then said, "Tonight pack your things and move into the Palace. This matter cannot be spred out and the Palace can protect you."

Shen Miao was slightly startled

Empress Xian De quickly said, "That is right. Even though Long Ye looks peaceful, there must not be any mistakes in this kind of situation. Also this matter must be treated with the highest confidentiality and must not be known by outsiders. As for Jing Xing's side, send him a personal letter…"

"Your Ladyship." Shen Miao suddenly spoke, "This official wife have a matter to request."

Empress Xian De said, "Speak."

"May this matter be hidden from His Highness." She continued, "His Highness is currently in the expedition and if one come to know about the matter, it would be hard to avoid being worried. If someone sinister makes use of it, one would be in a disadvantage. It is better to be hidden."

Empress Xian De and Emperor Yong Le looked at each other. Empress Xian De said, "What you thought of is not bad but WangFei, if you are not willing to tell Jing Xing then you would need to bear the bitterness and joy of this child alone. One do not know when Jing Xing would be able to return so you have to endure a very long period of loneliness. BenGong had seen many females in the Palace who would also hid the news of pregnancy for many different reasons but the process is filled with grievances. You will need to suffer these grivances."

"This official wife does not feel grievance." Shen Miao smiled gently as both of her hands unconsciously stroke her lower abdomen. Upon knowing that she was pregnant, she felt that there was a life inside her breathing together and that was a wonderous thing. She said, "If the result is good then even though the process is difficult, it would still be worthed it."

"Alright." It was Emperor Yong Le who spoke. He looked at Shen Miao, "Since it is as such, then he would not be told."

Empress Xian De still wanted to say more but Shen Miao had already nodded her head slightly to Emperor Yong Le, "Many thanks Your Majesty."

"Since this is the case then never mind." Empress Xian De sighed, "But from today onwards you will move to the Palace. BenGong will say that one want you to enter the Palace for company so that those Furens would not come to look for you every three to five days and delay you in looking after your health."

This time, Shen Miao did not evade it. It was indeed that there was only her, a female, in the residence of Prince Rui and even though there were some guards from Mo Yun Army protecting, there would inevitably be some people who were watching like tigers. On the contrary, because of the Lu and Ye families matter, the Imperial family'sprestige was unprecedently big currently and it was indeed safer to live in the Palace.

For the piece of flesh in her abdomen, Shen Miao did not mind herself to be like that.

When Empress Xian De saw her agreeing, she immediately instructed Tao GuGu to look for the nearest side hall of Wei Yang Palace and cleaned it up for Shen Miao to stay.

Because of this interruption, it was already at night when one returned back.

When Tang Shu saw her finally returning, he then gave a sigh of relief. Luo Tan had returned from outside and learned from Jing Zhe and Gu Yu about Shen Miao's pregnancy and was both shocked and happy.

Tang Shu was so happy that he did not know what to say. Shen Miao instructed them not to tell Xie Jing Xing as it was the critical juncture of the war thus it was not good for Xie Jing Xing to be distracted. Tang Shu nodded his head continuousy but his heart was sighing and he said that he wanted to burn some incense to Empress Xiao, so that Empress Xiao would also know of this good knews.

Luo Tan was instead very surprised and curious. She wanted to touch Shen Miao's abdomen but she didn't dared. At the end she carefully put her hand on it and felt it for half a moment before vented, "Why is there no movement?"

"It is only a month. How would there be movements?" Shen Miao laughed.

"But." Luo Tan looked at her, "Youngest Biao Sister, we also don't tell GuFu, GuMu and the rest? If they were to know of it, they would definitely be very happy."

Shen Miao thought about it and shook her head, "Now Father, Mother and Eldest Brother are confronting Fu Xiu Yi and at such a time one would become their soft underbelly. If a child in included that it would only be tying their hands and legs. Moreover Xie Jing Xing would reach Ming Qi sooner or later and would be meeting up with Father and Mother. If Father and Mother knows about it then Xie Jing Xing would also know."

Luo Tan thought about it and felt that it made sense before saying, "Even though they do not know, me, the YiMu, knows." She said softly, "Although one do not know if it would be a little nephew or little niece, one really like the thought of thinking about the little meat ball."

Luo Tan seemed to be somewhat quiet these days. She originally had a lively personality and that made everyone in the residence of Prince Rui somwaht surprise. Now she finally regained some liveliness.

"This is a big auspicious event in these days." Tang Shu smiled, "It is necessary to be lively." He then smacked his head, "Almost forgotten. One should take note on some food. Now that Furen is focusing on health, there must not be any mistakes. And also all the corners of doors and furniture, one must cover it up with cloth."

He spoke like he was extremely nervous.

Shen Miao laughed. In her past lifetime when she was pregnant with Fu Ming and Wan Yu, she had not experience this kind of treatment. Even Consort Dong Shu did it like a routine and asked her if everything was alright and sent some supplements. If the Shen family did not show concern, Shen Miao feared that she would be in a mess.

Now she was instead calm but the people in the residence of Prince Rui were all so nervous.

She laughed, "There is no need for trouble. Tang Shu, you too pack up. Because I am pregnant, Her Ladyship the Empress wants me to enter the Palace. Leave some guards in the residence and leave some more people. All the important people will be following me to the Palace."

Tan Shu was startled and seemed to understand Shen Miao's meaning, "Alright, this old servant will arrange it now."

"Youngest Biao Sister, do I also go?" Luo Tan asked.

"Naturally so."

"But I… I don't know any Palace etiquette. Would it not be good?" Luo Tan asked.

Shen Miao said, "How could it not be good? Your footwork is good and everyone knows that your martial arts skills is high and is close with me, thus I would be even safer. The safety of my child and me would all be depended on you for protection."

"Youngest Biao Sister, don't tease me." Luo Tan comprehended, "But you said correctly. With you and me together, two people is better than one. I will follow you to the Palace." She then stood up, "I will pack up first."

After Luo Tan left, Shen Miao stood up.

She did not expect that she would be pregnant at this time but felt that this was also destined.

Pushing open the windows, the autumn mood was very bright and it was beginning to shape to a full moon. After some days, it would be the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Families would have reunion during Mid-Autumn Festival but she was separated with her family. Be it Xie Jing Xing or Shen Xin and the rest, they were all not by her side. This year was destined to be a difficult year but… Sen Miao touched her lower abdomen, because she had a child, because she had become a mother again, she seemed to be able to appreciate the full moon.

Heaves would never treat a person coldly foreer. At least at this momen, the Heaves was a good person. He had gave Shen Miao a rebirth lifetime, bestowed her a man who loved her deeply and a new life.

The past had passed. This was a completely different moonlight.

She asked the child in her womb softly, "Look. You and your Father is looking at the same moon."


Shen Miao entered the Palace.

Empress Xian De treated her very well and gave her the side hall beside Wei Yang Palace. Shen Miao still used her own people thus there was no inconvenience. Normally Empress Xian De would like to talk to Shen Miao and brew tea. Luo Tan also followed along and since she had a lively personality, Empress Xian De also liked her a lot.

The days passed calmly and if there was anything unexpected, it would be about Ye Hong Guang.

Ye Hong Guang was also taken to the Palace. He did not wake for a long time but unexpectedly woke up one day. Upon waking up, his mind was like a three year old child and did not know anything. When the Imperial Physician took a look, they feared that he had nearly gone mad due to receiving such a big shock.

Like this, Emperor Yong Le did not bother to manage it. Raising a fool would not waste too much rice. Ye Hong Guang would chase butterfly and catch crickets all day in the garderns and was very happy.

Sometimes when Shen Miao saw his and Fu Ming's face, she would feel that Ye Hong Guang's life was as miserable as Fu Ming. Both of them were born in good families and it has destroyed their innocent lives.

When Empress Xian De saw her serious face, she thougth that she felt sad for Ye Hong Guang and patted Shen Miao hands to console her, "There is no need to be sad. It is not necessarily a bad thing like this. Now that the Ye family is no longer here, if he was clear minded and knew this when he woke up, one would not know how sad he would be. Even if there was no hatered, there would be pain in his heart. Moreover when the Emperor takes action, it would be cutting the weeds and eliminating the roots thus his life would definitely not be remained. Like this even though he is a fool, he need not need to face those heartbreaking matters and forever be as carefree as a child. Isn't this good?"

Emperor Yong Le had been suspicious if Ye Hong Guang was pretending to be a fool but the Imperial Physician had taken a look and he had also sent people to monitor secretly and Ye Hong Guang was indeed a fool. The most important thing was that he was already poor of health and now with this injury, his health had become worst. It was also unknown how long he could live.

Perhaps Ye Hong Guang's experience reminded Emperor Yong Le of his youth. He was also poisoned heavily during his youth and did not know how long he could leave. Just this same encounter made Emperor Yong Le felt a rare compassion and spared Ye Hong Guang's life.

However Ye Hong Guang was currently a fool and did not know that his life and death was controlled by the Emperor. He had already rolled passed the King of Hell's hall but still smiled carelessly every day.

However not everyone in this world could be like Ye Hong Guang, living like a child and smiling that openly.

Two months later, Xie Jing Xing had reached the edge of Ming Qi and started to fight with Ming Qi's army. At the same time th Luo family and the Shen family had meet up at Han Gu Pass and lured the Qin army to the pass.

Both Qin country and Ming Qi had joined forces and was currently confronting the Great Liang army that was led by Xie Jing Xing.

War was always ruthless and once it was started, it was not easy to end it. Moreover two countries fighting one, made it evenly matched.

Shen Miao would bring out the military defense map that she gave to Xie Jing Xing to study. Initially she was unable to see any inkling to it but gradually, some sprouts became to form. It was like the chess pieces that had their routes set were moving step by step according to the road designed by the other party.

Shen Miao knew that if one did not guess wrongly, that military map has reached the hands of Fu Xiu Yi.

In Great Liang and Qin Qi's battles, there were wins and losses, thus at the moment others were unable to see who actually won. Xie Jing Xing, unlike previous lifetime, did not sweep all the troops off because Qin country and Ming Qi were not in alliance in the past lifetime. At that time it was Great Liang who attacked Qin country first before destroying Ming Qi. However there was also another point, which was Shen Miao knew that Xie Jing Xing had changed his strategy. He was like a smart and savvy hunter that was leading his prey to his trap.

It was indeed the Xie family style of eliminating in one stroke cleanly without any entanglement.

Fu Xiu Yi was being hooked. At the same time of Shen Miao feeling gratified, she could not help but admire Ye Mei's means. Many things had changed but she could still gain Fu Xiu Yi's heart and present that military map up, making Fu Xiu Yi trust her.

Sure enough, shortly after that, Xie Jing Xing's letter was sent back to Great Liang.

The situation of Ming Qi was stated in the letter.

Emperor Wen Hui was seriously ill and crowned the Nineth Prince, Fu Xiu Yi, as the Emperor. When Fu Xiu Yi was enthroned, he had good relations with the Emperor of Qin and had gotten the support of the Monarch of the Qin country thus both countries had launched an offensive to against Great Liang. The other Princes of Ming Qi, including Prince Zhou and Prince Jing had been imprisoned. When dealing with family, Fu Xiu Yi had always handled the butcher's cleaver with ease.

The Shen family and the Luo family alied with other old familys that were suppressed by Emperor Wen Hui and publicly rebelled, thus crowned as the 'rebel party' in Ming Qi but the commoners did not seem to buy it. The Shen family's clean reputation had exsisted for so many years and would not be discredited that easily.

Xie Jing Xing's people were in secret contact with the people of the Shen family and not too long, the Shen family would surrender and allied with Xie Jing Xing, formalising their change in sides.

At the end of the letter, Xie Jing Xing indifferently added a few more words, as if it was a dispensable rumour and was added at will.

It was said that there was an Imperial family affair that was circulating in Ding capital. There was a beauty that entered the Palace, who was a far relative of an Imperial merchant. She was as beautiful as a fairy, very intelligent and knew how to speak. The new Emperor loved her like precious stones and placed her on his palm. She was even the title of Mei Furen and in a short time, her favour far aceeded the other consorts in the Inner Palace.

Shen Miao floded the letter and smiled.

Luo Tan asked, "Youngest Biao Sister, isn't it just a letter? You have read it over and over again and even smiled three times." Suddenly she looked towards the other side, "Oh. Why did the cat climb till there? And even climb that high?"

Not far away on the tree in the garderns, there was a black cat that was climping up the tree truck and headed towards the taller branches. It was as if the branches could not withstand the weight of the cat, making it swaying and looking dangerous."

"The faster one climbs, the taller one climbs, one would then fall faster and the pain would be worse." Shen Miao smiled, "Just watch slowly."


Another half a year had passed.

Once the war begins, it would not be stopped easily. This was especially true for the war between three countries. Now the fire beacons on all sides were lit, tomorrow the soldiers would meet on the battlefield. There were losses and wins, andn there were retreats and advancements. The Qin country and Ming Qi broke the boat with this war thus their investment to it would be more.

In contrast, the troops that Great Liang brought were considered to be little.

However despite this and the alliance between Ming Qi and Qin country, there was no benefit to be gained from Great Liang. It seemed to be a long and slow tug of war and the pace of Qin country and Ming Qi had gradually discrupted.

It was especially so recently.

In the previous battle, be it small or big, the Qin Qi alliance would win some, especially at the beginning. One would be able to taste sweetness every time and even thought it was not sumptuous, it greatly boost the morale. Both Qin country and Ming Qi troops were very motivated.

Later on, the advantages for the two countries, Qin country and Ming Qi, were no longer obvious. Although there were wins, but there were outward appearance of loss.

All the way to the thirteen mounts of You Zhou.

To Ming Qi and Qin country, the thirteen mounts of You Zhou was the junction of the three countries, Great Liang, Ming Qi and Qin country. It had always been Qin country's land and as to why it belonged to Qin country, one had to go to the period of the founding of the country. For so many years the thirteen mounts of You Zhou had been firmly standing at the border and it wasn't because Great liang and Ming Qi did not have thoughts about it but because the complex landscapt of thirteen mounts of You Zhou, it was easy to defend but difficult to attack. If one wanted to conquer it, one feared that a lot of effort was required and with a mistake, it would even tire one out.

Such a difficult bone to gnaw. Even if one wanted it, other than having ambitions, one had to have great courage.

Xie Jing Xing was leading Great Liang troops and was about to launch an attack on the thirteen mounts of You Zhou. This battle was crucial and critical that it could be said as the key point to determine the entire situation. If Xie Jing Xing successfully conquere the thirteen mounts of You Zhou, afterwards he would be able to end the war quickly and he would be able to ruin Ming Qi and Qin country surprising smoonthly.

On the other hand, if Xie Jing Xing was unable to gnaw this bone down, it would only make the Great Liang troops vulnerable. Not mentioning fighting with Ming Qi and Qin country. It would be difficult to resist the attacks from these two countries.

No matter if it was for Ming Qi or Ming Qi and Qin country, all bets were on this battle. It seems that they had placed everything on this gamble.

When Empress Xian De spoke about this matter to Shen Miao, she even joked with her, "At the end the person who is leading the troops is your husband, why till now there is not a single nervousness from you at all?"

Shen Miao smiled gently, "This official wife naturally trust His Highness." Xie Jing Xing was actually a very sly person. It was Ye Mei's ability to successfully gotten the military map, with the mistakes, onto Fu Xiu Yi's hand and gotten Fu Xiu Yi to believe it. However Xie Jing Xing role in it was not small at all.

At the beginning of the war, Xie Jing Xing had been winning and losing lightly, letting Fu Xiu Yi taste some sweetness. Actually, even during those wins, the Qin country and Ming Qi did not benefit greatly but gave others a wrong feeling, that the Qin Qi alliance was very strong.

As this went, Fu Xiu Yi would increasingly trust the things that Ye Mei provided. Even though Great Liang won a few rounds after that, it was only accidental in Fu Xiu Yi's eyes. He had ignored that the battles that Xie Jing Xing lost were all not important lands and those areas that he won was little but critical. IF one looked even carefully, it was as if it all lined up and there was a faint trend to it.

However Fu Xiu Yi and Emperor Qin would not notice this point because they had some wins in the recent few battles and the Great Liang's troops seemed to be in a low morale and thus their fights became fiercer, is if one could beat the other based on the atmosphere.

Therefore thirteen mounts of You Zhou was particularly important for Fu Xiu Yi. Now from the military map that Shen Miao direw, Fu Xiu Yi seemed to be cautiously arranging his troops according to it.

Nothing was more enjoyable that this news. The more manpower and financial resources Fu Xiu Yi poured into it, the greater the final blow would be. Xie Jing Xing seemed to have created a gambler. First let him win a little and the winning and losing made the gamble feel that one's luck was good and so was one's skill. At the end when the gambler's heart became daring placed all the wealth in his hands, he would not be slow to pull the net back and capture everything in one swop. Naturally the gamble would lose everything and even one's blood.

Fu Xiu Yi has started to fall into the trap. As for the Emperor of Qin country, he was more cautious than Fu Xiu Yi or perhaps he had other arrangements in thirteen mounts of You Zhou. However once Fu Xiu Yi's side start suffering defeat, what was happening with the Qin country was no longer important to Xie Jing Xing. It was as if a gap was opened and each was broken into, thus the subsequent things are much easier.

Luo Tan reached out and carefully placed on Shen Miao's lower abdomen, "Unfortunately the news of the thirteen mounts of You Zhou only reached now. Howevere this little person is growing very fast."

Shen Miao looked down at her belly. The period of eight months passed so calmly. It seemed no different from normal days. Even if there was a war, she could face it with a peaceful attitude. It was only because of her family and loved one's trust and also because she understood that there was a little life that was growing with her.

As a mother, one would become braver and stronger, to be able to take up responsibility and kept one's mind steady.

Just as she was chatting with Empress Xian De, Tao GuGu rushed in from outside. She seemed to be somewhat anxious but there was an unconcealable look of happiness in her face as she said with a smile, "Congratulations to Your Ladyship. Congratulations to WangFei. The court in front had send the news from the thirteen mounts of You Zhou, His Highness has won!"

"Really?" Empress Xian De stood up at once. She had always been calm and steady but was slightly helpless.

Tao GuGu nodded her head fiercely, "His Majesty is very happy and is currently giving general amnesty to the world."

"The Heavens has blessed!" Luo Tan put both hands together and muttered.

The thirteen mounts of You Zhou was conquered and good news were sent. What did it meant? This meant that this battle that lasteted for half a year would perhaps be able to become peaceful not too long after. The soldiers would be able to return hom and at the other side, this chaotic land under Heavens would be united and perhaps the grand design would become true in the near future.

Shen Miao caressed her lower abdomen and her heart was filled with joy. She knew that Xie Jing Xing could do it.

Tao GuGu looked at Shen Miao with a smile, "WangFei do not need to be anxious. His Highness the Prince had instructed people to bring a letter over. In a while the letter would be passed to you by the messenger."

"Really make one enviousl." Empress Xian De teased Shen Miao, "Don't send a letter to BenGong and the Emperor and just think of one's wife. It is just an empty name of brotherhood."

Luo Tan also said, "Yes. Yes. Really don't know how to take other people's feelings into consideration."

"Young Lady Luo need not be disappointed." Tao GuGu saw that there was a happy atmosphere and in a rare occation continued speaking, "There is also a letter for you, it seemed that the Young Master of the Gao family hand instructed people to send over."

Luo Tan wondered, "Gao Yang? For what reason does he send me the letter for?"

Shen Miao and Empress Xian De looked at one another before shaking their head while smiling.

The good news about thirteen mounts of You Zhou had made the entire Long Ye filled with joy. Emperor Yong Le had also unprecedentedly held a Palace banquet, which had not be held for a long time, making it very lively.

Shen Miao did not participate this Palace banquet.

First reason ws that the news of her pregnancy was not spread out. She had been living in the Palace and although there were some speculations outside, Empress Xian De protected her very well. Afterwards when people's interest slowly died down, they were no longer curious. Second reason was that it was not suitable for the currently pregnant Shen Miao to attend as it would not be good if something happened in the middle.

Moreover, she wanted to return earlier to red Xie Jing Xing's letter.

Ever since the battle situation become astounding and worrison, Xie Jing Xing's letter would not be oftenly sent over. Most likely sending this letter would also be troublesome as he did not send her any letter for the past two months.

Shen Miao opened the letter up.

There was nothing special with the letter. It was written that he was doing well and praised his own achievements before commenting on how worthless Fu Xiu Yi was. He said that other than Fu Xiu Yi having some means in the matter of the heir apparent, he was a mess in terms of ruling the country. The courts of Ming Qi was so chaotic that there was no need to worry at all.

He then mentioned Mei Furen.

It was said that Fu Xiu Yi had held Mei Furen up very highly that there were people in Ming Qi court that were discussing it. Mei Furen previously could be said that the Inner Palace was weaving in. However in some short months, she could enter and exit Fu Xiu Yi's Imperial Study at will. Fu Xiu Yi did not seem to regard her as only a beauty but also an auspicious General. Even some of the 'victory' battles were all due to Ye Mei.

Currently in the courts of Ming Qi, Ye Mei was able to get whatever she wanted. Other than Fu Xiu Yi, she did not take anyone into consideration. Fu Xiu Yi also indulged her, on one hand, he felt that she was beautiful and intelligent, on the other an it was because of Ye Mei's abilities.

It was just that when Xie Jing Xing spoke of those, there were ridicule in his words and directly took Fu Xiu Yi as an idiot. Not mentioning that, he was still full of arrogance and said that everything was prepared and he was only waiting for the other party to get themselves caught in the net. After the win of thirteen mounts of You Zhou, one thought that there would not be necessary for him to take action at Ding capital side as one feared that Ye Mei would be tortured to death by Fu Xiu Yi. Fu Xiu Yi was not considered broadminded. He had previously personally praised Ye Mei as the 'Auspicious General' in front of the court officials and this 'Auspicious General' now made him suffer a disadvantage in the most critical battle so how would Fu Xiu Yi be willing to let it go.

Of course, Xie Jing Xing also arranged an especially interesting thing. He let it out that Ye Mei was a spy of Great Liang and the purpose she came to Ding capital and got close to Fu Xiu Yi so that she could be a chess piece for Great Liang. Fu Xiu Yi could never tolerate betrayal so naturally he would put in all efforts.

Looking at Xie Jing Xing's handwriting, Shen Miao was almost able to see of him lazily writing with a look of rejoice in other's misfortune.

She folded the papter but felt that there was something else in the envelope. Sure enough, two red beans rolled out from inside.

Red beans that inspire the memory of one's love.

He did not write words of yearning in the letter but use two red beans to proof that he did not forget Shen Miao for a moment. One did not know if he was putting on airs or being childish.

After thinking about it, Shen Miao took out a sachet from the side and placed the two red beans carefully inside.

"The fifth letter." She said.


Ming Qi. Ding Capital. The Imperial Palace.

In the dark gloomy dungeons, there were suffocating atmosphere everywhere that seemed to be mixed with something else, making one nauseating.

At the innermost part of the jail, there was a female sitting naken on the floor. Both of her hands were cuffed to the walls and both legs were immersed in ice cold sewage water. There were a few fat mice that were in the sewage water that would call to her legs and gnaw her toes. The flesh and blood of some of the toes were already blurred and the scent of blood seemed to attrct those hungry crazy mice and the more they gnawed.

To watch as one's own body was being eating by mice, not only female, even males would go crazy. But this female did not make a noise. Only she herself knew that it was not because she did not want to scream but one's throat was already hoarse and scream would only gain a worser torture.

This female was no one bu Ye Mei.

In a few short days, it was as if one had fallen from Heavens to Hell. Ye Mei had never thought that she would have such a day that death would be better off than living. She totally did not expect that Fu Xiu Yi was a heartless person.

She only knew about the defeat of the thirteen mounts of You Zhou, her heart started to feel uncomfortable. But she felt that base on her intelligence, she had not necessarily reached the worst point and perhaps could still hold onto Fu XIu Yi. However Fu Xiu Yi did not give her any opportunity at all. He was scarily vicious and direcly capture Ye Mei in front of the consorts of the Inner Palace and brought her to prison.

Afterwards she was tortured till today to force her to speak of the tasks that Great Liang assigned to her.

Ye Mei indeed did not know what was going home and hoped to explain herself. However her appearance was no longer her weapon as from the first day she entered the prison, Fu Xiu Yi hatefuly instructed other to use the red hot iron to burn both of her cheeks.

One of her eyes was burned by it and since there were no medical treatments in the dungeons, she went blind.

Ye Mei was never afraid. She did not fear a hopeless environment and was not afraid of how bad a situation could be. Even if she was trampled by other now, she would still be as vigorous and stubborn like weeds. The only thing that she was afraid of was her appearance because it was her only eternal weapon.

This weapon had no disadvantages and with it, one would be able to survive in a hopeless environment, reverse a bad situation, step on the person who trampled her and live with ease. However once her appearance was destroyed, she would lose the ability to make others feel bonded to her and matters would be hopeless.

She indeed felt the hopelessness and even lost her fighting spirits. She felt that no matter what noise she came out when the mice gnaw on her toes would not make a single change.

A blind person whose cheeks were burnt. She could imagine of how terrible her appearance was. She could seduce others to give up their lives as the world had no shortage of such people since people would even lose their lives to pick the flowers by the cliffs. How that the fresh flowers had become wild weeds, moreover this weed is filled with scars, who would use one's life to pick?

Fu Xiu Yi was really vicious. He was entangled with Ye Mei for so long and perhaps he understood Ye Mei's abilities and simply destroyed Ye Mei's appearance so that she could not do anything.

Ye Mei felt so much hate!

The footsteps were heard coming in from outside and the air of the dungeons felt particially fresh.

She used some effort to twist her neck and use her only working eye to look outside.

Fu Xiu Yi was standing outside.

He said coldly, "Ye Mei, Zhen will give you one last chance to say whatever you know."

"What does ChenQie knos?" Ye Mei asked. She still called herself as 'ChenQie', as if by doing so, she could still prove that she was still Fu Xiu Yi's favoured consort and was like a fish in water in the Inner Palace.

Fu Xiu Yi frowned hatefully and seemingly disgusted by her ugly appearance, he turned his head away, "Zhen had already investigate everything clearly. You are a spy from Great Liang so you should have a channel to communicate with them."

Ye Mei laughed loudly.

Her laughter was hoarse and she no longer had a pleasing voice but instead somewhat pierceful one. She did not know why did Fu Xiu Yi said that she was a spy. Perhaps Fu Xiu Yi gave himself an excuse for losing the batter. He had deployed his troops incorrectly and wanted to push all blames onto her.

She said, "No matter what ChenQie says, Your Majesty is unwilling to believe so if ChenQie talk about the channel, would Your Majesty believe it or not? Or does Your Majesty think that it is this Chen Qie who is lying?"

"Say it and Zhen would bestow your body to be intact." Fu Xiu Yi said coldly.

Ye Mei laughed. Now when she laughed, her appearance look so horrible like she was a ghost but she still did not feel it and said like she was holding a dagger, "Your Majesty, this transaction is just too horrible. What kind of term is bestowing one's body to be intact? If Your Majesty speak about giving ChenQie a route to live and think of ways to treat the injuries on ChenQie's face, ChenQie could take it into consideration and speak of what ChenQie knows."

Fu Xiu Yi was not angry but laughed, "The people who betrayed Zhen would not be alive!"

"So Your Majesty might as well kill ChenQie then?" Ye Mei said, "One had heard that Rui WangFei was initially deep in love with Your Majesty and even pursued but Your Majesty treated her cold and frosty. Afterwards the matter died off."

Now Xie Jing Xing's identity was known to Fu Xiu Yi and naturally he knew about Shen Miao's identity. Upon mentioning of Shen Miao, Fu Xiu Yi's face became uglier. In his entire life, he was used to hold all matters in his hands. However it was only Shen Miao's matter that went wrong. He had initially thought to use the love Shen Miao had for him to bring the Shen family over but there was a setback with Shen Miao and the Shen family was not controlled, making hime going through one big circle. Now the Shen family went against him and made his head ached. In addition to these, Shen Miao gave up on him and in a turn found someone who looked even better and it was as if she was slapping Fu Xiu Yi's face in front of the entire world.Fu Xiu Yi was extremely angry about it. Now hearing Ye Mei bringing it up, it was poking at his injuries.

"I had originally thought that Rui WangFei just had a little luck and was born a little better thus she could be able to become a Prince Consort and live an envious life. Now it seemed that she is smarter than I had originally thought. Perhaps she had long known that by staying beside Your Majesty's side, no matter if she is loyal or not to Your Majesty, at the end, the result would be the same. And that would be not even having a good death." Ye Mei said.

"Impudent!" Fu Xiu Yi said.

"I have lost to Your Majesty." Ye Mei said, "Your Majesty was still in love with me not too long ago but could now make me become like this. One odviously know how precious one's appearance is but made one feel so grieved as to one wish one were dead. But Your Majesty, let me tell you that you are not better off than me. You have pushed all your wrongdoing onto me but do you think that you would have a good ending?"

Fu Xiu Yi's expression became bluish green, no matter who was it was cursed like this, no one would be happy. Moreover now he was extremely adversed towards Ye Mei and the hatred was as deep in one's bone. For Ye Mei to anger him at this time, it made him even angrier.

"You would not have a good ending as you are not their opponent. The fact that Shen Miao did not choose you but chose Xie Jing Xing had proven that in her eyes, you are not worth a hundredth of Xie Jing Xing. So take a look, now even though I do not have anything and ended up as a prisoner, your ending would not be any better than me. You will also lose. The thirteen mounts of You Zhou was just a start and after that you will keep on being defeated. This Ming Qi empire would collapse in your hands and at that time, you are just a Monarch of a fallen nation! I will hereby wish you that your troop would fall like mountains falling and your Fu family's dynasty would end in your hands and would not appear in hundreds of lifetimes!"

Fu Xiu Yi stared at her coldly, "Are you finished? Zhen had already given you your last chance."

Ye Mei gave a long sigh and no longer speak.

There was an air of hatred stuck in her heart as she had never hated someone like this before. Fu Xiu Yi ruined her appearance and she knew that there was no hope of turning things around for her thus she poured out all her anger and hatred before she died. However after that pleasure she woke up. She had forgotten what kind of person Fu Xiu Yi was…

However it was already too late to regret it. Moreover Fu Xiu Yi was never a person who gave another a chance to regret. That year he did not lose anything due to Pei Lang but he treated him like that. Now because of Ye Mei, he lost thirteen mounts of You Zhou and after hearing Ye Mei cursing him like this, Fu Xiu Yi would definitely not let her die that easily.

He said, "Since you care about your appearance that much, Zhen would help accomplish it."

He said to the jailor beside, "Cut off her four limbs and make a Beauty Basin. Place her in the East of the city for thousands of people to appreciate."

"Great Liang's spy that has such talents for singing and dancing. Zhen would fulfill you and make you a plaything to bring others joy and let you have a good life." After he finished speaking, he turned around and strode away, not caring of the heart-rending cries behind.

Beauty Basin. That was a plaything for the nobles of the previous dynasty. One would choose a beauty to rear at home and they would be squatting at the corner of the room. If the master wanted to spit or dump the discarded tea, they would pinch the beauty chin and let the beauty's mouth swallow everything down. It was like a living spittoon.

This was treating a person as an animal, actually even worse than an animal. Because it was too cruel, these kind of beauty would generally not live long thus the previous dynasty's Emperor and Empress abolished it.

Now Fu Xiu Yi brought out this already abolished method and used it on Ye Mei. A beauty basin without four limbs was the most inferior of all as they would have lost their beauty.

Commoners would be afraid of such strange things and would definitely come to scold and slam it. This was even more tomenting to Ye Mei than death as she had always regard her appearance more important than life. As for her who always wanted to climb up, she was even lower than the civilians that she looked down upon that she was not even considered 'human'. Fu Xiu Yi really knew her well.

Thus dealing with her would be beating a snake seven Cun (1 Cun = 1 Inch), aiming for its heart.

The once famous Mei Furen who was respected in the Imperial Court and Inner Palace was ruined like this. Her appearance, abandonment and demised was just too fast and what remained was her reputation of a beauty and being Great Liang's spy.

But what about Fu Xiu Yi?

Ye Mei's curse had been fulfilled.

Even though he had pushed all faults to Ye Mei, everyone under Heavens looked at him like one was looking at a joke. As a Monarch, one had a spy beside but did not discover her due to the beautiful appearance and at the end lost the thirteen mounts of You Zhou. The reputation of 'fatuous ruler' gradually spread among the commoners.

The commoners did not see the process and they only look at the results.

Fu Xiu Yi had become a complete joke, from the beginning to end. The worst was that just like everyone predicted, from when Great Liang obtained the thirteen mounts of You Zhou, they became more courageous and kept on winning. Ming Qi kept on retreating and continuously lost, like the previous victories were just a dream. Great Liang's strength was indeed just too fearsome.

When it rains, it poured. At this time, Qin country started to gradually take up the route of self preservation. It seemed that they had the intention to surrender to Great Liang and currently Great Liang's spearhead was now aimed at Ming Qi, making Fu Xiu Yi's head beaten and brow schorched.

It was thoroughly awful.


The situation of the war was always changing.

Great Liang had gained the thirteen mounts of You Zhou and using the thirteen mounts of You Zhou as the base, they started to counterattack. They chose not to confront the Qin country but started with Ming Qi.

The Qin country had chosen to protect themselves when Great Liang launched an offensive attack against Ming Qi and even sent messenger to try to negotiate, willing to compensate instead. Qin counter was weaker in terms of military affairs and dragging the war for so long had emptied the Qin country's treasury and the taxation for the commoners made them start to be chaotic.

The Qin country was aware of the seriousness of it. Compared to the collapse of a country, compensating through land naturally did not matter.

For Qin country to pick such a time to flip, it was not a good thin for Ming Qi. However irregardless of Fu Xiu Yi's soft or hard approaches, Qin country did not pay any attention to it.

This naturally had to be credited to Xie Jing Xing. First he drew a big biscuit for Qin country and let the Qin Emperor think that Great Liang did not have the extra energy to deal with Qin country and currently only wanted to take Ming Qi down. Xie Jing Xing did it seamlessly.

It was necessary to break them apart and this method was played well.

Great Liang's troops quickly fought all the way to Ming Qi's Ding capital.

And in Wei Yang Palace in Long Ye, Empress Xian De instructed the palace made to pour wine.

This was a 'palace banquet' but there were no hundreds of civil and military offices, no consorts of the Inner Palace. There was only Shen Miao, Luo Tan, Emperor Yong Le and Empress Xian De. Empress Xian De said, "Tak this as a family banquet and consider it that a celebration for Jing Xin's accomplishment."

Once Xie Jing Xing take Ding capital down, it would be considered as setting the dust for Ming Qi. Naturally Xie Jing Xing would not let Qin country off. To remove the weeds, one had to eliminate the roots thus getting it done once and for all was the best policy. Without Ming Qi to support Qin country, it was like an arrow at the end of its flight. Xie Jing Xing had dragged the battle for so long and only used strength now because this was the moment.

It would not be long before this long and cruel war end. At that time, the four seas would be stabilise, there would be peace under Heavens and it would be truly the realisation of everyone's wishes.

"Youngest Biao Sister, drink this." Luo Tan placed the plum juice in front of Shen Miao and looked at Shen Miao's small abdomen and said, "The Imperial Physican had said that that it would be time for birth in two months. One do not know it would be a little nephew or little niece."

Shen Miao's eyes hang down and her lips widen, "Very quiet, most likely a female."

"That may not be true." Empress Xian De said, "There are also sons that are quiet and daughters that are naughty. But when Jing Xin returns and discover that he had become a Father, one do not know how much ruckus he will cause."

When Shen Miao thought abt that scene, her head did not ache. If Xie Jing Xing knew that she had hid it from him for so long, he would throw a tantrum.

But… One would take a step at a time.

Just as they were chatting, Emperor Yong Le walked in from outside.

Shen Miao did not see much of Emperor Yong Le and most likely Emperor Yong Le still did not like her as his attitude towards her was not good. However lately because of the child in her womb, he had warmed up to her a lot. Perhaps it was also Empress Xian De's persuasion that he would instruct others to send over any good medication when he gets it.

Luo Tan was somewhat afraid of Emperor Yong Le and immediately sat up in alarm.

Four people were sitting at the table eating. Luo Tan was in a somewhat predicament but Shen Miao was alright. Emperor Yong Le had a cold expression and it was Empress Xian De that was the happiest. She said, "This time Jing Xin had achieve a big meritorious deed. When he return in triumph, one have to celebrate it well. From BenGong's view point, just give WangFei a title of 'Gao Ming'. Their Prince residence is not short of anything so it is good to have a 'Gao Ming' title."

Emperor Yong Le paused and made an "En" sound.

Empress Xian De asked, "Don't you think it is good?"

Shen Miao, "…"

How could this be answered? If one said "yes", Emperor Yong Le would obviously not be happy. If one said "no" then wouldn't it be like slapping Empress Xian De's face in front of everyone? These Emperor and Empress were indeed interesting to give her such a question to answer. Shen Miao smiled and said, "About all these, it is better to talk about it when His Highness returns."

"That is also true." Empress Xian De nodded her head, "Perhaps he has other ideas." She then looked at Luo Tan, "About Young Lady Luo's side, when Gao Yang returns, is it good for BenGong bestow a marriage for you both?"

Luo Tan almost choked on the cakes in her mouth. If it was others, she would have gone back but she was facing the Empress and could only look at Shen Miao pitifully.

Shen Miao suppressed her laughter, "Your Ladyship, these are not in a rush. It is better to wait for Gentleman Gao to return. Perhaps Gentleman Gao has other plans."

When Luo Tan heard Shen Miao helping her speak, she felt relief but she felt strange after Shen Miao finished. What were those words? It seemed that Gao Yang was not attracted to her. She was a young lady that was like a flower and jade, she was also a Young Lady of the Luo family of Xiao Chun City… That was wrong. Why was there a need to compare? She did not have any intention towards this side of matters.

Emperor Yong Le looked at Empress Xian De and said deeply, "Eat."

Empress Xian De started blaming, "Already mention that it is a family banquet so it should be carefree. Why so serious?"

Ever since Xie Jing Xing started reporting frequently, all the high ranking officials in the imperial court were settled down, seeming to see clearly the ambitions and methods of the young Emperor. Even though there are only two brothers in the Xie family, but neither brother were kind hearted. One was good at balancing the courts, one was good at expanding the frontier. As for the hearts that were filled with awe, it made the court much quieter.

Even the memorandums criticizing Emperor Yong Le having no descendant were only a few.

Empress Xian De had a rare quiet day and there were some subtle changes with her feelings of Emperor Yong Le. It seemed that the formally Emperor and Empress that treated one another as honoured guests had started becoming a pair of ordinary couple. Emperor Yong Le was a very principled person and he would always be rule abiding towards his treatment to Empress Xian De. These days, Empress Xian De would occasionally make some willful actions and Emperor Yong Le would go along with her. Although it was not intimate, it was rare.

It was always said that the observer saw things the clearest. Shen Miao felt that Emperor Yong Le was very affectionate to the Empress. It was like everything was headed towards the correct direction and upon Xie Jing Xing's return, perhaps for a long period of time, one would be this fortunate.

Empress Xian De suddenly thought of something and said, "Tomorrow one would dig up the two earthern jugs of snow wine that I buried under the plum trees last year. It would most probably be very fragrant when it is open. Your Majesty should come with me and at the same time bury this year's one in. WangFei and Young Lady Luo should also come. After digging it out, let us go to Cui Hu Pavilion in the evening to drink and appreciate the lotus flowers while tasting the snow wine."

Luo Tan was gluttonous so naturally she agreed to it. Shen Miao also nodded her head but Emperor Yong Le was somewhat helpless. Empress Xian De only had nterest in brewing tea and wine so when she was happy, she was like a child. But at the end he nodded his head. When Empress Xian De saw it, she was very satisfied and continued eating while chatting with Shen Miao on some interesting matters.

The next day happened to be a sunny day. Summer usually came earlier in Long Ye but fortunately the mornings were the coolest so Shen Maio and Luo Tan went over early. Shen Miao was heavily pregnant and could not accompany Empress Xian De to dig out personally. Luo Tan was loud and had big movements thus fearing that she would mess things up, Empress Xian De and Tao GuGu dug it up.

Emperor Yong Le said, "Quickly get up, it is not good to hurt one's hands."

"In the past years it had always been ChenQie and Tao GuGu that dug out together." Empress Xian De's forehead had beads of sweat shimmering but she was in all smiles when she continued, "Snow wine had to be personally dug out for it to taste fragrant. In the future if Your Majesty have interest, one can also personally bury one and dig one out, then one would know how it is experienced." When she spoke, she and Tao GuGu had dug out another jar.

Emperor Yong Le suddenly frowned and paused before pressing his chest in silence.

Empress Xian De carried one of the earthern jug. That jug was particularly small and adorable thus one did not need much effort to carry it. She did not find it dirty and did not fear that the soil would get onto her clothes, as if one was carrying a treasure, she lifted it to Emperor Yong Le and unblugged the jug under Emperor Yong Le's nose and asked, "May His Majesty smell if it is fragrant or not?"

"It is very fragrant." Emperor Yong Le said with a frown.

Empress Xian De looked at him, "Is Your Majesty not find it good? Else why would there be such an expression? Could it be that it had gone bad?" She was somewhat suspicious and went to smell it.

Emperor Yong Le smiled gently and just as he was about to speak, his eyes went black and he missed a step and fell down!

"Your Majesty!" Empress Xian De jumped in shock and the little jug of snow wine fell onto the ground. The grangrant aroma was mixed with the debris, making the area smell lightly bitter.

"Quick call the Imperial Physician!" Shen Miao quickly instructed but there was an inauspicious hunch that rang in her heart.


The gauze was put down and the master of the Gao family had finally arrived.

This was Gao Yang's grandfather, Gao Zhan.

The Gao family was a lineage of family that practiced medication and was also quite famous in Long Ye. Among the youngest generation in the Gao family, Gao Yang's medical skills was the most outstanding one he was one that was restless and wholeheartedly wanted to enter officialdom. The Gao family's leader saw that he was so stubborn and thus simply drove him out of the Gao residence. Empress Xian De was sympathetic to Gao Yang's talents and afterwards arranged him to head to Ming Qi and become Xie Jing Xing's good friend and also assisting Xie Jing Xing.

At the beginning Emperor Yong Le's poison was discovered by Gao Zhan himself. If it was not Gao Zhan that had such high level of medical skills, Emperor Yong Le would not have lived for so many years. However the curse of thirty five years had passed and those who knew felt that it was a miracle but this miracle was not easy to create.

Gao Zhan shook his head towards Empress Xian De.

Empress Xian De's tears suddenly fell.

Luo Tan did not follow but Shen Miao was present. Upon seeing Empress Xian De tearing, Shen Miao's heart was sour. Those with clear eyes knew clearly what Empress Xian De's feelings towards Emperor Yong Le. Moreover Emperor Yong Le was not an unfeeling Emperor. Both of them were introverted but deeply affectionate. Once they lost one, it must be a fatal blow to the other.

"Gentleman." Empress Xian De suppressed her sobs and said, "His Majesty… How long does His Majesty have?"

Gao Zhan saw everything and sighed deeply, "At most, one month."

"How can it…" Shen Miao was shocked.

"The Emperor's illness was accumulated since the early years. In this one year, the toxicity had already invaded the internal organs and he is currently supported by his own sheer will. The Emperor had bore a lot of pain and it is very strong to last till now." Gao Zhan said, "This old one had had previously seen the Emperor's sickness. The Emperor is a tough person and bore too much. Even now he is still maintaining his strength. If Your Ladyship have a heart, do persuade His Majesty. He had walk too difficulty and now is suffering too much. He had planned for other for an entire lifetime and sometimes one has to be selfish." He then bowed to Empress Xian De and spoke solemnly, "These days, may Your Ladyship accompany His Majesty well."

After Gao Zhan left, Shen Miao wanted to console Empress Xian De but she did not know where to start.

In the matter of pain, it would be no avail for others to comfort. The blade was not at oneself thus one would not be able to feel the pain. People would console lightly for a few sentences like it could solve everything. But it was not always the case.

Empress Xian De forced a smile and said, "You go back first. BenGong… BenGong is good."

Shen Miao did not say anything and only told her to take care of her health before withdrawing.

Upon returning to her room, she could not help but caress her abdomen and open a sachet on the table.

The red beans looked smooth and whole.

There were so many separantion in life and death in this world. One moment a person was smiling with joy and collapsed the net moment. Heavens was too cruel and was not willing to give humans a good time and good luck. One could only depend on oneself.

She would protect her lover and her loved ones.


Empress Xian De sat in front of the bed as Emperor Yong Le had woken up.

She looked down deep in thought and her face was so gentle that it was as if time had turned back and everything was at the beginning.

"Jing Zhen." Emperor Yong Le opened his mouth to speak.

Empress Xian De recovered to her senses and looked at him, "The Emperor has woken. Does one feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No." Emperor Yong Le shook his head.

Both of them were silent for a while before Emperor Yong Le spoke, "Jing Zhen, Zhen do not have much time left."

Empress Xian De looked at him without speaking.

"Zhen…" He paused before continuing, "It seems that one cannot accompany you to bury snow wine this winter."

"Even though one had smashed a jug, there is another jug. If Your Majesty does not despise, one can find a cool day to go to Cui Hu Pavilion. ChenQie is wiling to drink with Your Majesty. It is just that there is no share with WangFei and the rest. The scenary at Cui Hu Pavilion is very good as the lotus flowers that bloom this year is…" It was like Empress Xian De did not hear Emperor Yong Le's words at all and continued speaking by herself.

"Jing Zhen." Emperor Yong Le interrupted her words, "Zhen cannot accompany you anymore."

His face was pale but it was as beautiful and flawless as before. However there was none of the domineering and coldness of an Emperor but instead was like some noble gentleman. However he was very thin, very weak and looked very sad.

Empress Xian De turned her head and Emperor Yong Le was unable to see her expression and only hear her voice like it was a mist. However it made one's heart sour as she said, "Your Majesty is always so heartless and unwilling to deceive ChenQie for even one sentence. This is also true. This is a beautiful dream and now one should wake up."

Emperor Yong Le hesitated before speaking, "Sorry."

"Your Majesty need not apologise to ChenQie as there is nothing to be sorry about. ChenQie will live one's own life and it would not have anything to do with His Majesty." Empress Xian De said, "Just now Gentleman Gao had came over and told ChenQie that His Majesty had been struggling for this one year. ChenQie want to ask why did Your Majesty do so? Why endure the pain with such difficulty?"

"For Great Liang." Emperor Yong Le said, "Zhen want to see XIe Yuan conquer the Emire and protect Great Liang. Zhen want to see the day where everything under Heavens would be peaceful. With regards to Imperial Mother's wish, Zhen hope that one would be able to finish it in one's lifetime. It just that… Zhen do not have much time life and feared that one cannot wait till that day."

Empress Xian De was silent for a long time before replying, "As such ChenQie understands."

"Jing Zhen." Emperor Yong Le said, "You… You should plan for yourself."

"What does Your Majesty want ChenQie to plan?" Empress Xian De suddenly turned around and there were tears in her eyes as she spoke, "Wwant to let ChenQie wildfully hide one's name and live on ordinarily? Or simple stay in this Palace for the rest of one's life? Or find another husband to remarry?"

Every sentence she spoke, the pain in Emperor Yong Le's eyes got deeper. He grasped the blanket in his hands quietly but said faintly, "As long as you are happy."

Empress Xian De turned her head suddenly but Emperor Yong Le could see a large drop of tear falling onto the back of her hand. When she spoke again, her voice was however calm and waveless, "ChenQie understands. Many thanks to Your Majesty for thinking so considerately for ChenQie. ChenQie will definitely do it. Your Majesty better think of how the Imperial Edict should be written. Some things have to be arranged earlier."

She then stood up, "ChenQie still have other matters and will leave first. May Your Majesty take care of one's body. When one's health improves, remember to have a drink at Cui Hu Pavilion with ChenQie."

She then withdraw.

Empress Xian De rarely got angry. It was especially these days where she got along well with Emperor Yong Le and would smile softly every day. However no matter how soft and gentle water was, once it got angry, it would be like a piece of ice and be stubbornly angry.

However one could not bear to be really angry.

After Empress Xian De left, Emperor Yong Le coughed violently. He used the handkerchief under the pillow to wipe his mouth. Deng GongGong who was standing at the side quickly served the hot water up, "May Your Majesty be careful."

"Deng GongGong." Emperor Yong Le frowned, "Is Zhen wrong?" An unusual teen like confusion appeared on his face, making Deng GongGong's nose sour.

Deng GongGong had served Emperor Yong Le for many years as he watched Emperor Yong Le grew up. Emperor Yong Le current appearance made him think of the time long ago where Emperor Yong Le was poisoned by the favoured consort of Emperor Xiao Wu and Empress Xiao learned from the Gao family's head that he would not live pass thirty five before hugging Emperor Yong Le and crying painfully. At that time it was the young Emperor Yong Le who comforted Empress Xiao and asked Deng GongGong in confusion, "Deng GongGong, is BenGong's poison very serious?"

The youth grew up from a gentle and elegant Crown Prince to an unfathomable Emperor. But was still a day where he would still ask the people beside him in confusion if what he did was wrong.

Deng GongGong did not speak so Emperor Yong Le sighed again, "Zhen is envious of Xie Yuan."

"Even though Zhen and Xie Yuan had it difficult, that kid has a little better luck than Zhen. If Zhen can live…" He did not continue it.

There were many things in this world that only ends with the word 'if'.

It was because there was no 'if'.


In a period of ten days, Xie Jing Xing seized Ding capital.

Ming Qi Emperor, Fu Xiu Yi, was shot date on the city tower in the chaos.

Speaking of which, it was funny that Fu Xiu Yi became a Monarch of a collapsed nation. He initially said ambitiously that he would exist and perished with Ming Qi and would definitely fight to the last moment with the troops. As long as the fire of Ming Qi was not extinguished, he was still the Emperor of Ming Qi and would not surrender.

However at the last moment, somehow one had changed the mind and wanted to sneak away, perhaps having the idea to stage a comeback in the future.

However, even though Fu Xiu Yi had planned everything, he did not add the people's heart into the calculation.

Those aides of his had long seen clearly Ming Qi's situation before him. Those aides knew that Fu Xiu Yi had created an illusion that he would perish with the enemies but escape instead and they became furious.

Speaking of Fu Xiu Yi, he was enmeshed in a trap of one's own devise. These group of aides were the ones that he had spend gold or use beauties to win over. Those so called heroes would not question one's origin and Fu Xiu Yi was self declared one who cherished talents and would not look at one's identity, thus there were people from all trades among his aides. There were robbers, mountain thieves and even people kill others without blinking. There were no distinction between good and evil with these people and they followed Fu Xiu Yi because Fu Xiu Yi could provide them with the wealth and women they wanted and even contribute to a great cause.

Now that the great cause had been destroyed and Fu Xiu Yi wanted to flee, how could one let this be?

The most courageous and ferocious character in those aides thought of tying Fu Xiu Yi onto the city tower and personally took the bow and arrow to shoot Fu Xiu Yi. At the end, he cut Fu Xiu Yi's head off and presented it to Xie Jing Xing for credit, hoping that one could defect.

One feared that in Fu Xiu Yi's entire lifetime of scheming, he had not thought that he would end up like this. It was not like how a Monarch would be like. Perishing with the country would at least retain one's integrity. He did not save his life and could not stage a comeback in the future. Instead he was like a prisoner, shot to death by the people he spend a lot of money on, in front of Ding capital's commoners and became a token for the enemies.

The last thing he saw was the youth in front of thousands of troops under the the city towers, on a tall horse. His hands was holding the reins as he looked lazily over, as always a frivolous manners but the disregard was clear in his eyes.

However before he could think of anything, he could not see anything else.

His great Empire and his ambitious plans had all stopped at this moment. Till the end he still did not understand. He was obviously the Emperor and this was what he planned long ago but why was it that he lost to an opponent that he had wanted to eradicate?

Most likely this was due to the Heaven's unfairness. Most likely it was his bad luck that he would lose.

Down below, Xie Jing Xing clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, "To scatter hearts till like this. Fu Xiu Yi really had such an ability."

"People's hearts that are tempted by gold and silver are naturally not long lastly." Gao Yang laughed, "Lets go! Enter the city!"

"Right." Ji Yu Shu said, "Princess Rong Xin and the few of the Su family had been rescued. Now…"

Xie Jing Xing's expression did not change, "Protect them. As for the rest, let them be."

When Shen Miao gotten the news, she was in a daze for a long time.

She had not thought that the enemies of her previously were all been cleaned up that tidy. However she also felt that all these were ought to be as such.

Fu Xiu Yi had planted the evil seed very early on which there would be a day that it would be harvested. Mei Furen as a tiger for it's skin and definitely would be devoured by the tiger. They were always making use of others, using gold and beauties to exchange for things that they wanted and these kind of people's heart looked like everything was possible, but it would not last long.

Therefore Fu Xiu Yi would be betrayed by his own aides at the end and Mei Furen would die in the hands of the man that used to pamper in her previous lifetime.

Shen Miao thought that upon learning of these two people ending, she would be inevitable shout out of joy but at this moment, there was not much emotions in her heart. It was as if she had done the things that she should do but no longer need to take revenge for the next half of her life.

She looked down at her abdomen. It was because she had more important possessions.

In the hatred and sorrow, it was oneself who could not walk out of it. However Xie Jing Xing and this child had led her out of that long nightmare. The longer one lived, the calmer one's heart would be. She always felt that she could do it and did the final thing for Fu Ming and Wan Yu. As for this lifetime, she must live well.

Luo Tan looked at the flowers outside and said, "The lotus flowers are really good. Youngest Biao Sister, lets' go for a walk later."

Shen Miao nodded her head.

Lotus flowers were very good. Empress Xian De liked to look at lotuses the most.

Emperor Yong Le's health was not as good as the days passed.

The Imperial Edict on succession had been disccessed private with Emperor Yong Le's confidants. Emperor Yong Le did not hid his condition and the few high ranking ministers had arranged everything secretly. If there was really such a day that Emperor Yong Le no longer wake up, everything would go smoothly and the Imperial Edict would be announced to the world. When Xie Jing Xing returned from the expedition, what would be waiting for him would be the responsibility of the entire Great Liang.

Naturally Emperor Yong Le's condition was hidden from Xie Jing Xing.

At such a time, Empress Xian De seemed to be the calmest one. She still read books, brewed tea, played chess and wrote like usual. The things that were spoken to Emperor Yong Le were those common and occasionally poke fun at Shen Miao. If one ignore the paler Emperor Yong Le, on the surface, there was no difference than normal.

In Wei Yang Palace, Empress Xian De looked outside, "It had rain a little just now so it would definitely be very cooling at night. ChenQie is reluctant to drink that jar of Snow wine, why not His Majesty accompany ChenQie to drink it today?"

Emperor Yong Le sat on the chair and glanced at Empress Xian De before laughing, "One jar. Could it be that you want to get drunk?" His words were however very gentle.

"Who doesn't want to get drunk and not wake up?" Empress Xian De muttered to herself before saying, "One jar of wine would not get one drunk. ChenQie has a good tolerance of alcohol. When one was young, one would often steal wine to drink with one's Older Brother."

When Emperor Yong Le heard it, he showed a rare interest and said, "That is not like what you would do."

"What can this be considered?" Empress Xian De was somewhat proud when she spoke, "When drinking with Older Brothers, ChenQie had never lost before. At that time Father even boasted that he would find an alcohol that ChenQie would get drunk with just one sip but after finding for some time, he could not find it. Afterwards, ChenQie entered the Palace and feared of losing one bearings after drinking and thus no longer drinks."

"First it is tea. Then it is wine." Emperor Yong Le signed, "Your interests are so far apart."

"Drinking tea keeps one awake, drinking alcohol is an indulgence." Empress Xian De smiled, "So tonight, Your Majesty must not put up airs anymore and indulge once. The Snow Wine is personally brewed by ChenQie. Even though it is not comparable to bejeweled nectar, it could still fit to the atmosphere."

"Alright." Emperor Yong Le said, "Zhen will accompany you to indulge once."


In the late summer, the winds at night were bowling gently and the lake appeared green. Long Ye had long summers that even till on the eighth month, there was no signs of cooling down.

In the small pavilion on the lake, there was a small pot of wine on the table with a few snacks and two wine bowls.

Emperor Yong Le looked at the round wind bowls in front of him and his brows raised, "Use these?" He had used an expression that Xie Jing Xing loved to do, making him look very similar to Xie Jing Xing.

"By sipping with small mouthfuls, one would not be able to taste the Snow Wine." Empress Xian De smiled, "By using this kind of wine bowl to drink, it would then taste sweet."

"You used to drink like this in the past?" Emperor Yong Le frowned, "Nonsense."

"Afterall it is ChenQie drinking alone and no one sees it, so why care so much?" Empress Xian De did care about it and poured for Emperor Yong Le as she held the small jar in one hand.

Emperor Yong Le wanted to say something but stopped and glanced at Empress Xian De in silence.

Empress Xian De had been brewing Snow Wine every year but it was the first time Emperor Yong Le was accompanying her to drink. For so many years she had been brewing tea alone and making wine alone. As flower blossomed and wiltered, she just lived like that deep in the Palace. She did a good job as an Empress but one had almost forgotten that she was just a female who could feel lonely. Most of the time, she would only taste the loneliness as if one was tasting the wine.

Tao GuGu and Deng GongGong was standing far away, seemingly leaving this rare moment to the Emperor and Empress. Empress Xian De handed a wine bowl to Emperor Yong Le and said, "Everytime when Jing Xing come over for a Palace banquet, he would like to use wine bowls to drink. ChenQie saw that Your Majesty seemed to be envious so one do not need to worry tonight. There is only ChenQie here and ChenQie would not laugh at Your Majesty."

"What a joke. What can Zhen be envious about?" When Emperor Yong Le finished, he picked up the wine bowl and looked at it with some discerning eyes but still took a sip from the bowl.

When Empress Xian De saw it, she could not help but laughed, "What is Your Majesty doing? One should learn from ChenQie." She picked up the wine bowl and lean her head back to drink. Even such an action from her made it looked very elegant and pleasing to the eyes.

Emperor Yong Le lightly coughed, "Nonsense." His gaze however, followed Empress Xian De and it was very soft.

Empress Xian De poured another bowl for herself and smiled, "When ChenQie was young, one followed Father to read the history books and envied those great heroes in the books. They stood up in the chaos and were heroic as they eat meat and drank in big mouthfuls as they faced the world. One had felt that those types of lives would then be considered as living in the world. ChenQie had thought that in the future, one must marry to such a hero and brew tea for him during the daytime and drink with him at night." As she spoke, her eyes was glittering, as if she had returned to her youth, bugging her Older Brothers to drink.

"And afterwards?" Emperor Yong Le asked.

"Afterwards, ChenQie married to Your Majesty and Your Majesty refused to eat meat or drink wine in big mouthfuls. Even though it was not rough, it was very cold instead. ChenQie is very regretful."

Emperor Yong Le looked at her. Her cheeks gradually became faintly stained in red, making one unable to know if she was drunk or not. Emperor Yong Le thought that she was definitely drunk as an awake Empress Xian De would not be so childish and criticise him.

He said, "Didn't you said that you have a good tolerance of alcohol? How could one be crazy drunk in front of Zhen?"

"ChenQie is not drunk." Empress Xian De said, "ChenQie wants to be drunk but for so many years ChenQie had to be awake."

Emperor Yong Le could no longer smile.

"It is ChenQie's bad luck to marry to Your Majesty. It is all perfectly fine but one had to share one's husband with countless of women. Even though there are concubines in those high ranking families, the official wife would have children. But ChenQie do not even have one's own children. This marriage is really not considered good." Empress Xian De smiled, "So ChenQie is very envious of WangFei of First Rank. It is not easy for WangFei to live and she have so many things to worry about but she is more fortunate than Chen Qie as she has choices. Jing Xin also treats her well. Jing Xin is not as heartless like Your Majesty."

Emperor Yong Le was silent for a long time, so long that one could hear the frogs in the pond croaking and the crickets on the tree chirping. He said, "You also have choices. Jing Zhen…"

"From the start, ChenQie had no choice at all." Empress Xian De interrupted his words, "ChenQie's entire heart is all on Your Majesty, so how could one have the heart to make other choices?"

Emperor Yong Le was startled. Empress Xian De raised her own bowl of wine and drank the entire second bowl of wine.

"Is there any difference from how Your Majesty look at Chen Qie?" Empress Xian De looked at him, "Don't one think that this choice of ChenQie's life is inevitable?"

"Yes." Emperor Yong Le paused before speaking, "You are very good. You are the best Empress in Great Liang and no one can do it better than you. At the beginning Imperial Mother liked you a lot, Zhen also like you. You are smart, generous and steady. The entire Inner Palace was managed by you very well. It is correct for Zhen to choose you."

Empress Xian De laughed and as she laughed, it seemed that tears also camed out. She said, "It is indeed so. Your Majesty's inevitable choice is actually 'Empress Xian De' and not 'Qing Zhen'. ChenQie understands." She looked at the moonnight up in the skies and the corner of her eyes were glittering but upon turning her head back, she was her normal gentle and calm self. She said, "The matters that Your Majesty had mentioned, ChenQie has taken into consideration. One felt that Your Majesty words are not bad. Since it is one's life, one has to go on."

Emperor Yong Le stared at her and felt his throat was somewhat hoarse. After a while he take said it with great difficulty, "The other person… Have you found it?"

"For the time being, no." Empress Xian De smiled gently, "But these things are not urgent. In the future if there is such a day, it would naturally be done smoothly."

Emperor Yong Le seemed not to have any words.

Empress Xian De picked up her wine bowl and said, "This bowl of Snow Wine, ChenQie would toast to Your Majesty. After so many years of husband and wife, it is the fate that was accumulated in one's past life. No matter if it was destiny or ill will, even though ChenQie did not live particularly well these years, it was absolutely not bad. Many thanks to Your Majesty."

Emperor Yong Le also raised his wine bowl but upon looking carefully, one could discover that his fingers were slightly trembling, as if it was unstable. However he concealed it well and immediately used his sleeves to cover it as he drank from the wine bowl.

To drink an entire big bowl like this, one would not be tempted by the light fragrance. From one's eyes, throat and all the way to one's internal organs were hot and the pain of his burning heart made him feel exceptionally bitter.

He saw Empress Xian De stood up and smiled towards him, "Actually this jar of wine looks a lot but it became empty after a few bowls with Your Majesty. It is a pity for such a good scenery tonight. But it does not matter since the days are long. ChenQie is happy to drink with Your Majesty today and will now go out for a walk. May Your Majesty take a rest but do be careful and be careful of not catching a cold." She then left.

Her departure was so brisk and thinking of those words that she said before, it was clearly saying one's goodbye. Now that the words of farewell are spoken, the farewell wine was gone, what remained was like now, leaving from his world step by step, never to return.

Emperor Yong Le turned his head to watch Empress Xian De's retreating back.

Her back view disappeared in the long corridors and she did not even turn her head around, each step of hers were especially firm.

Suddenly his heart felt a pain, an unspeakable pain that slowly spread from his heart to his limbs. His heart thumped very fast that it was practically twitching. He could not breath and could not say a sentence.

He fell down his seat!

Deng GongGong was at the side waiting and when he saw this scene, he jumped in shock as he rushed over. He supported Emperor Yong Le and saw that the other party had a scarily pale face and his lips coule not help but tremble. He held his heart and immediately called for the Imperial Physician and instructed the guards to send Emperor Yong Le back to Yang Xin Hall.

Empress Xian De was walking in the night. As the wind blew, the wine that had been drunk seemed to be overflowing and the dizziness that she felt for a short time disappeared, making one distressingly awake.

She held onto the railing by the pond and sighed with some exhaustion.

She knew that what the words she said today were all in pique. But just how long could Emperor Yong Le live on? She was also extremely fearful and wanted to avoid that ending, unwilling to see or hear, blocking her ears but everytime Emperor Yong Le would take the initiative to bring it up to make her face the things she did not want to face.

There were not only three inches of soil on the ground, much less a person.

Tao GuGu said, "Your Ladyship, it is cold outside. It is better to return."

Empress Xian De shook her head. There was a string of Buddhist bead on her wrist and it was requested for Emperor Yong Le from the temple. Everyday she would chant Buddhist scriptures, praying to the Heavens to pity the world and let miracles happen.

Every Buddhist beans were smoothen till it is bright, it was obvious that Empress Xian De had been wearing it for many years. She looked at the moon in the skies. The moon was very round and this war would almost reached to a year not long later. After a year of full and new moons, this was a good result. Seeing that the results were near, it was her that could not keep a lid on and made rash moves.

She was a bit disgusted of herself in her heart. After turning around, she wanted to walk forward but heard the sound of pitter-pattering. Upon lowering her head, she did not know when did the string of Buddhist beads broke and all of it fell onto the ground, making such crisp sounds.

It was perfectly fine so how could the Buddhist beads break?

"Tao GuGu…" Empress Xian De muttered and an uneasiness feeling appeared in her heart. It was as if one heart had tightened and in a flash one was unable to breathe.

"Your Ladyship!" Tao GuGu jumped in shock and quickly went over to support her but Empress Xian De waved her hands and squatted down in panic, "Quick. Quicly help me to pick up…"

Tao GuGu just squatted down when she saw Deng GongGong rushing over with a young enunch and said in a shocked expression, "Your Ladyship, His Majesty is somewhat not good. Quickly go and take a look!"

Empress Xian De had only picked up one bead when she heard it and her hand wavered and that Buddhist bead slid down to the ground and onto the pond. There was not even a splash heard and it was no longer seen.


In Yang Xin Hall, all the eunuchs and palace maids were all kneeling.

Deng GongGong stood at the corner with his head hung down with a sad expression.

When Empress Xian De entered, Gao Zhang just came out and shook his head when he saw her.

Empress Xian De stumbled and if it was not Tao GuGu's supporting her, she would have fallen down.

After a while she said, "All of you withdraw."

Emperor Yong Le also waved his hand from the bed.

Everyone in the room withdrew.

Empress Xian De stepped forward.

She walked very slowly and seemed to resisting an ending that she did not believe in. But she had to go forward. As she reached the bed, she half knelt down as she looked at the person on the bed.

Emperor Yong Le also looked at her and after a moment, he smiled instead, "It is alright. At least before leaving, one can drink the Snow Wine that you brewed."

"Xing Zhi…" Empress Xian De looked at him in tears.

She called out 'Xing Zhi' and it was Emperor Yong Le's styled name, not 'Your Majesty'. When she was still a young girl, Empress Xiao liked her and told her Xie Chi's styled name. Empress Xian De like Xie Chi's styled name and felt that this person was very upright.

Even though in the long years, he had given her unerasable injuries but there was no way for Empress Xian De to watch the other party leave.

Wasn't life destined to have such a fate? This fate was not perfect and was considered a doomed fate but when this doomed fate was about to end, she was stubborn and unwilling to let it go. It was like moths attracted to fire and would not let go till the last moment.

"Qing Zhen, I cannot accompany you." Emperor Yong Le apologised, "When you married me, one had thought that you will be protected but in fact for so many years, you had not gained anything." He spoke very slowly and had to rest a while after a sentence, seemingly very difficult for him.

Empress Xian De said, "Don't speak anymore."

For the both of them, when they had became the Emperor and Empress, one had called himself 'Zhen' and the other called herself 'ChenQie' and only when life was about to come to an end and there would never be a reunion anymore, then they used 'you' and 'me', like a pair of ordinary couple.

He said, "Go and live your life. You are so good so in the future you will be fortunate. Marry to another and don't choose such a selfish husband like me. Find one who would love you, dote you…"

Empress Xiand De was crying silently.

She suddenly felt her hand was being grabbed and saw Emperor Yong Le staring straight at her. He gritted his teeth and said, "But I cannot be resigned. I do not wish… I am very selfish. You are my woman. I am not willing for you to follow someone else."

Empress Xian De was startled.

"This year I had been working hard to stay alive, hopping to last a few more days. It was not because to see Xie Yuan ruling everything under Heavens. The empire has been settled and there is nothing that I cannot let go. It's just that I… Cannot bear…" He used his energy to breath, "I cannot bear to part with you… To be able to be husband and wife with you for half a day more or even a moment more is good."

"At the beginning when I first saw you and afterwards you were called to enter the Palace, it was actually not Imperial Mother's intention. From the beginning it was me. It was me who told Imperial Mother that one felt that you are good. For so many years you had thougt that I was satisfied with 'Empress Xian De' but it was not true. I said that anyone could be this Empress as long as it was done well but it is not true. From the beginning it was always you. Those words… Are all to deceive you…"

Empress Xian De covered her mouth and said, "Why did you not say it earlier?"

Emperor Yong Le's face became paler and his voice was almost inaudible. He said, "It is a pity that my life is not good and it had implicated your entire life…" He reached his hand out, seemingly wanting to wipe the tears on Empress Xian De's face but the action was only done halfway through when it suddenly hang down.

His eyes were closed.

Empress Xian De covered her mouth and buried into the blanket to cry painfully. She cried with all her heart but no one outside could hear it. She buried her voice into the thick bedding and hated that she could not bury her entire self inside and from then onwards she did not need to listen, see, blame or think.

The incense in the copper furnace raised and spread out in the air. There was only restrain in the room and repressing cries as the moon out the window was so bright and gentle, like it was so perfect that it was unreal.

After a long while, Empress Xian De stood up. She gently tided up Emperor Yong Le's blanket and stablised her lips. She tidied up her hair in front of the mirror and wiped away the tears before opening the door slowly.

The entire roomful of eunuch and palace maids were kneeing outside as Deng GongGong went up and Empress Xian De said calmly, "His Majesty is gone."

Deng GongGong was stunned before he immediately fell onto his knees. He place his horsetail whisk aside and knowtow onto the floor loudly.

When the eunuchs and palace maids saw it, they all knelt down to kowtow and their cries resounded throughout the Heavens.

"His Majesty —— Has left ——"
