Chapter 231: Return Of An Old Friend (Part 2)

Shen Miao looked towards Empress Xian De. Empress Xian De was wearing a plain white mourning dress and her expression was as usual gentle and calm, as if there was no matter that could shake her heart.

After a brief chaos in court, everything calmed down.

Emperor Yong Le had arranged everything before his head, including the passing of the Imperial Edict and also including the possible turmoil within the court. Even though there were some people that were eager to move, but the people that Emperor Yong Le arranged were not furnishings. Moreover Xie Jing Xing frequently sent good news back and everyone knew that Emperor Yong Le had no sons so the fact that the position would be passed down to this only brother of his had been long known.

It was not that there were no voices of doubt but these voices of doubt would eventually fade away. Xie Jing Xing had shown courage and with Emperor Yong Le's complete arrangement, the Imperial court was actually rather solid and there was not much chaos. Perhaps they knew that once that Prince Rui returned, it would not only victory that he would bring back but the lands of Ming Qi and Qin country. This chaotic situation would be completely be unified and the throne position was not as important as it.

It would be better to be obedient and stay in one's position and wait for this new Emperor to return to the throne and perhaps they would be able to share some credit.

There were only benefits and interests in the courts. So what about the Inner Palace?

When the women of the Inner Palace lost the Monarch they depended on, naturally they were at a loss too. Some were looking for death but there were more who were looking out for the rest of ther lives. Among the consorts of Emperor Yong Le's Inner Palace, most of them were daughters of officials and there were none that he took the initiative to bring in. Moreover Emperor Yong Le naturally had a cold personality and other that the previous favoured Lu Jing, he did not lust for females and thus there were no shackles or love and entanglement with those consorts. After Emperor Yong Le's death, these females took the initiative by requesting help from their family clans, hoping to find a better way out in the later part of their lives.

Empress Xian De calmly handled everything, be it the nation mourning to entering of the Imperial Tombs. There was no request for anyone to be buried together and Emperor Yong Le had already gave instructions to Deng GongGong of the arrangements after death and everything followed his plans.

Shen Miao came to visit Empress Xian De at night. Ever since Emperor Yong Le entered the Imperial Tombs, Empress Xian De was particularly calm. It was also the Mid-Autumn Festival today but she was listening to the Qin being played in Wei Yang Palace.

Shen Miao instructed the palace maid that was playing the Qin to leave and Empress Xian De then saw her and she seemed tired as she smiled and said, "You are here."

"The day is colder. Your Ladyship has to wear more clothes. If one wants to listen to Qin, it is good to warm up the little furnace, else one might catch a cold." Shen Miao said.

Empress Xian De smiled without objecting and pointed at the mooncake on the table, "It is made by the Imperial Kitchens. BenGong wanted to instruct people to send it over to you but afterwards thought that it had already been send and thus no longer thought about it."

Shen Miao smiled, "Your Ladyship should also eat some."

Empress Xian De waved her hands, "BenGong can't eat."

The succession Imperial Edict was issued and after Xie Jing Xing returned to Long Ye, he would be enthroned. At that time Shen Miao would be the Empress. Speaking of which, it was not appropriate for Empress Xian De to use this statuation. However both of them took it to mind.

"These days BenGong kept on thinking about the past. BenGong feels that His Majesty leaving should e a fact that BenGong had long knew and BenGong would definitely be used to it. However as the days passed, one felt even more unaccustomed. One would feel one's heart empty all day, as if something is missing. WangFei, when Jing Xin left, were you the same?"

Shen Miao was startled.

Was it missing? Naturally there was. It was nothing remarkable when one was in front of one's eyes but after truly leaving, she then discovered what one had lost. During separation, most likely one would understand the different emotions of oneself. But… Shen Miao unconsciously rubbed her abdomen. Most likely because there was a little one in her abdomen, it would not be so borning during these long and tomerted days.

"You are most likely not the same as BenGong." Empress Xian De did not wait for Shen Miao's answer and instead said to herself, "Previously His Majesty do not know what kind of person you are and thus investigate all your matters. As BenGong listen, one knew that you are a person who had a mind of her own. You faced the Imperial family of Ming Qi and protected the Shen family so from the start you have your own thoughts of doing things. As for Jing Xin, marrying him was it was something accidential and naturally fell into place. If you did not encounter Jing Xin, you will still be able live your life because your initial goal was not to be someone's wife."

"It is not the same for BenGong." She looked at the ruby on her fingernail protector and spoke, "BenGong's family is wealthy and stable without aby dispute in the Imperial court thus one is born without worries. When BenGong encountered His Majesty, one felt that the most important thing in life was being his wife and live with him for a lifetime." She held her head and slowly spoke, as if she would fall asleep the next moment but she was still speaking.

"Perhaps it is because the first half of BenGong's life was overly worry-free, so one did not know that being a person's wife was such a difficult thing."

Shen Miao did not speak.

It was too difficult for Empress Xian De. These days she did not even speak much but Shen Miao understood that kind of experience. It was because talking about it would not change anything but sometimes, speaking about it was good. For Empress Xian De to speak about it, it was better than hiding it in her heart.

"The Emperor had left and BenGong do not know what to do anymore. The women of the Inner Palace had been dismissed and the Palace that was originally bustling with noise is now so cold and quiet that it made one feel lonely. BenGong was thinking if one had not encounter His Majesty in the beginning, it would be good. Just like you, one would rather fight the Imperial family and protect the Shen family carefully than experiencing such a painful and sad ending."

She spoke too sadly, too desolute that Shen Miao comforted her, "This official wife is also the same. In fact no one would have a safe and smooth life. Ever since this official wife is born, other than one's parents' and Eldest Brother's concern, Heavens did not give one any blessing at all. This official wife does not dare to expect anything, thus one only believed in oneself for everything. Encountering His Highness is this official wife's fortune but if there was no His Highness, this official wife would still walk on no matter how difficult the road is." She paused and continued, "Your Ladyship the Empress is also the same. Even if His Majesty left first, Your Ladyship has to think about oneself and live for oneself. No matter how difficult the road it, one have to walk on and take a look. This is what His Majesty wants to see."

Empress Xian De was silent for a long time, it was so long that Shen Miao thought that she did not hear what she said when she replied, "WangFei, thank you."

"BenGong understand all the logic you mentioned."

"It is just that it is too difficult. Just too difficult."

That night Shen Miao sat with Empress Xian De for a long time. They spoke very little but it seemed that they had spoken a lot.

After Shen Miao left, Empress Xian De sat alone for a long time.

It was until Tao GuGu came over to urge her to rest when Empress Xian De got up. Tao GuGu personally saw her wash up and got to bed before leaving.

After the doors were closed, the person on the bed sat up again.

She lit the lamp and rummaged through the cupboard and clothes. It was not for the Empress's attire but a plain moon white dress. She liked to wear such simple and refreshing colour but after becoming the Empress, she no longer could wear this kind of style because if she do not wear grandly or exquisitely, she would not be able to 'suppress' other consorts.

She looked magnanimous and calm but actually she was just a introverted young lady who did not like to talk.

She wore a simple dress and sat in front of the mirror with lightly swept eyebrows and after putting on some rouge, she looked extremely pretty.

She then took out a brush and paper from the drawer and started to write letters and afterwards place them into the envelope.

Finally Empress Xian De took out a small jade box from the bottom of the cabinet. There was a touch of dust covering the small box.

From the moment she was married to Emperor Yong Le, she knew about Emperor Yong Le's medical condition. To marry a man who did not know when he would die requires a lot of courage.

But she was the bravest Young Lady in Historian residence and look up towards heros. Even though Emperor Yong Le was not considered a hero as he plays with power, tugged people's interest and was not upright, Empress Xian De still find that he was still her hero.

From the beginning to the end.

There was a slender vial in that jade box and she took it out before placing it on her palm.

On the day of marriage to Emperor Yong Le, Empress Xian De had prepared the bottle of medicine for herself. She had told to the Phoenix crown wearing self in the mirror, "Qing Zhen, the people of the pugilist world does things clean and tidily with the word righteously in the first priority and dared to love and hate. Even though you are born in an official's family, you lean towards the pugilist world."

"If there was a day that he unfortunately leaves to the other world, you have to follow. This is your decision."

For so many years, Empress Xian De would take out that bottle every year to look at it and felt fortunate that one did not use it at the end. Each year was stolen from Heavens by her and she was extraordinarly happy about it.

Now, it seemed that it was finally time for it to be used.

She was very timid. So timid that after Xie Chi left, she did not have enough courage to go through the rest of her life.

She was also very daring, so daring that she knew from the beginning that there would be such an ending but still decided to go ahead.

"Xing Zhi, I will go and see you." She whispered and drunk the contents of the bottle of medicine.

The moon gradually appeared from the clouds and hung high up on the willow branches, as if it was watching the world's joys and sorrows with a smile.

It was so round that it made one want to cry.


Shen Miao felt very uncomfortable for this entire night of rest and her dreams was especially complicated. She wanted to see clearly among the chaos but did not understand.

It was until Jing Zhe woke her up and Shen Miao saw the bright skies outside and when she discovered that her forehead was filled with cold sweat and there was unease in her heart.

Luo Tan ran in from outside and her eyes were red. She looked at Shen Miao and spoke softly, "Her Majesty the Empress had left!"

The handkerchief that Shen Miao took from Jing Zhe's hands fell onto the floor.


In less than a month, Emperor Yong Le and Empress Xian De passed away one after another, making everyone under Heavens shocked.

Emperor Yong Le left the living and Empress Xian De followed after, making one feel touched. Those consorts that had been figting till death in the Palace all the time, all rushed over after hearing it. When Empress Xian De was the Empress, she was generous and with addition that Emperor Yong Le did not give her too intimate treatment, thus the consorts did not have any intentions towards the Empress. Thus upon knowing it, they even sighed.

Empress Xian De's father seemed to be very calm from the beginning to end, seemingly long expected that Empress Xian De would make this decision. Even though he was painfully said, it was not unacceptable to him.

Shen Miao followed the procedure of an Empress burial and buried Empress Xian De with Emperor Yong Le in the Imperial tombs. Thus a wise Monarch and virturous Empress could only remain in the history books of Great Liang.

What followed after were a lot of matters.

When Emperor Yong Le left, there was still Empress Xian De but with Empress Xian De passing on, who could make decisions in court? Even though Emperor Yong Le had left behind a succession Imperial Edict, but Xie Jing Xing had yet to be enthroned thus it was not possible to call Shen Miao an Empress. However Emperor Yong Le did not have any other sibilings and Xie Jing Xing was the only one that has a blood relationship with him.

There was no one Imperial court that was completely stable, especially during an absence of a dragon.

The originally calmed Imperial Court started to move again. There were always some restless officials that would try to create something. They had ambitions but no guts and yet unwilling to let this opportunity go.

Shen Miao asked Deng GongGong, "Currently the Imperial courts are quarrelling very badly?"

Deng GongGong said, "Exactly so. Now the Imperial courts want to recommend someone to temporarily supervise the Empire and plans can been made again upon His Highness Prince Rui's return."

"Impudent." Shen Miao's lips pursed, "Really think of stealing the Empire and make one a duke!"

Deng GongGong went mute.

One did not know why but he had always felt that this young WangFei had an indescribable temperament. This temperament was very similar to the previous Empress Xian De but was much sharper than Empress Xian De. Normally she looked warm and easy to talk with but if there were any matters that she did not like, once her expression became cold, it would make one feel daunted.

This feeling was very similar to that of Prince Rui, Xie Yuan.

However Emperor Yong Le did instructed Deng GongGong several times before he left that when Xie Jing Xing is back, he would assist Xie Jing Xing.Deng GongGong had grew up in the Palace of Long Ye since young and thus would be able to help in many matters. Now that Xie Jing Xing had yet to return, naturally Deng GongGong dare not be sloppy on matters instructed by Shen Miao.

"Deng GongGong. Tidy things up. I will go to the Imperial court." She said.

Deng GongGong was startled and said, "Furen…"

"For chaos to begin in court, this is the critical point. If it is spread out, it would be a bad message and inevitably the people in Long Ye would be upset and create problems. It is better for me to be the wicked person. It does not matter what others would think, first thing to do is to comfort the restless hearts of the people."

"But." Deng GongGong looked at Shen Miao's lower abdomen and said, "You are still pregnant."

"It is because of this child that one can control the Imperial Court." Shen Miao smiled slightly, "With the Imperial bloodline, they have to worry about their reputation if they want to take any actions. Since I am a person from Ming Qi, they would definitely use this to kick up a fuss but the child in my abdomen is of the Imperial bloodline so no matter what, they would not dare to disrespect me."

Deng GongGong thought for a while and said, "This can indeed temporarily calm things down but like this WangFei would not be able to conceal your pregnancy."

"I initially hide it because one did not want to let His Highness be distracted on the battlefield. Now that the war is coming to an end, the dust is settling and victory is in one's hands, there was no more need to conceal it." She then looked that the still frowning Deng GongGong and smiled, "You fear that this Palace would not be peaceful and someone wants to harm me."

Deng GongGong quickly lifted his sleeves, "This servant would certainly protect the safety of WangFei and the little heir!"

Shen Miao bowed, "It is tough for you."

After Deng GongGong withdrew, Shen Miao than gave a sigh of relief before sitting down on the chair to look at the falling leaves outside.

Empress Xian De had left too hasty and there were many problems that were revealed. In this bustling Palace in spring, at the moment it was cold and desolute that it made one feel a sense of chilliness. However she knew that matters were far from over. Before Xie Jing Xing return, it was she that had to settle this somewhat chaotic court.

"Ever since you are in my tummy, there is really no good moments." Shen Miao said to her abdomen softly, "But everything would get better."


Five days later, the Imperial Court publicly released the succession Imperial Edict. There were doubters but the high ranking officials were witnesses. Before Emperor Yong Le left, he had arranged everything wellm making the hundreds of official speechless.

With there were no leader in the group of officials, there were requests for a few ministers to be regents and supervise the court. However it was being rejected as Rui WangFei, Shen Miao,will be handling the court affairs.

In a moment, memorandums were send everywhere and rumours flew everywhere. It was all about Shen Miao being a person from Ming Qi and it was odvious that she was a spy sent from Ming Qi. Now she even wanted to take advantage when there was no one in court. One really had an ambition of a wolf.

This rumour spread very quickly but it was also settled quickly because Shen Miao's pregnant self appeared in front of the Imperial Courts. Moreover Deng GongGong, Tao GuGu and a bunch of people was able to prove that Empress Xian De brought Shen Miao into the Palace so as to protect this only Imperial bloodline well.

With this child, on paper and namesake, there were no issues. In addition on the day that Shen Miao appeared, her methods were lightly and she blances everything exquisitely, making it a slap to the faces of the troublemakers. She punished and rewarded accordingly, making people have the feeling that if one create any problems at this moment, when Xie Jing Xing return, one feared that one would have bitter fruits to eat.

Half were jealous of Shen Miao and the other half feared Xie Jing Xing, thus the storm was quickly subsided.

However Shen Miao was not living leisurely.

When it comes to doing what was spoken, since she was responsible for this burden, it was not just talk. During these days she had been reading memorandums. After Emperor Yong Le died, there were many memorandums accumulated and in addition to Empress Xian De 's death, the memorandums pilled up very high. She would read everyone and sometimes late into the night.

It pained Jing Zhe and the few of them to see her like this but no matter how much they persuaded, she did not move and they could only accompany her.

As Luo Tan yawned, she asked, "Youngest Biao Sister, why is there a need to read it yourself? If you do not trust those people, you should be able to trust the late Emperor's confidants. Isn't it good to pass all these memorandums to them and let them read? Why the need to do it personally? You are carrying a child in your abdomen."

Shen Miao shook her head, "Hearts can change easily and power cannot be anyhow placed. I am not a person of Long Ye thus in such a short time, one would not be able to see another's heart. And since one is unable to predict if there are any varables in the future, it is better for one to read this myself. It is not easy to rectify mistakes."

Perhaps Emperor Yong Le did have confidants but after Emperor Yong Le's and Empress Xian De's death, no one could predict if these people would have other thoughts.If this was Ming Qi, Shen Miao would have an understanding of these people and it would not be any issues but this was Long Ye. The time she was in Long Ye was not long so how could she be able to understand people's character in such a short period of time?

At the end, there was no one that was trustworthy.

Deng GongGong was at the side serving and nodded his head with approval. At that time Shen Miao said it so easily that Deng GongGong was inevitably filled with doubt. If one just talked about it, then wouldn't it be slapping the face of the Imperial family if it was spoken in front of so many officials? Females would always be delicate and what Empress Xian De could do previously, it was because she was Empress Xian De. However Shen Miao had never done these before but still read those memorandums till late at night like men and worry about plans for the Empire. To her, this was somewhat overly difficult.

The fortunate thing was that Shen Miao did a good job.Her handling of a new matters were considered satisfactory. Although Deng GongGong did not understand the affairs of court, he was most proficient in observing expressions and mood. Those officials that objected or suspicious at the beginning had became warmer and that mean that Shen Miao was doing well else it would be impossible for these people, who were picking bones from eggs, not to find any fault till now.

Deng GongGong was somewhat gratified. If Shen Miao was such a person then she was comparable to Empress Xian De and perhaps the Great Liang's empire would be like what Empress Dowager Jing Xian had hoped to be and it would last for tens of thousands of years.

"This is just too exhausting." Luo Tan said, "But one heard them discussing after court, saying that you are lucky and made a few decision that has satisfactory results." Luo Tan then said disdainly, "How could it be luck? It is odviously genuine ability. Youngest Biao Sister, how do you know everything? You can even read all these messy memorandums, what can you not do?"

Shen Miao rolled her eyes, "There is a lot that one does not know."

"For example…" Luo Tan rush up in interest.

"For example, not like you, curious of everything."

Luo Tan sulked and then continued, "In any cause… The hardship is about to end and it is almost time for you to give birth. MeiFu is about to win the war. At that time GuFu and my Father would also come over and our family would be reunited. Thinking about it, all these hardships is nothing."

Shen Miao smiled gently, "Yes."

The hardship now was always worth it.


Xie Jing Xing's information came over continuously. Ming Qi was exterminated and the Qin country saw that seeking peace was hopeless, thus the Qin Emperor fled to the North. Now Great Liang troops were rushing over to occupy the Qin country. After occupying the city, Xie Jing Xing could then return to Great Liang.

In some sense, the war was already over and now one was waiting for the hero to return in triumph.

This was the best news that came recently.

It was just… Shen Miao sighed. Xie Jing Xing most likely had known about Emperor Yong Le's and Empress Xian De's news. After he returned to Great Liang and went to the Imperial Tombs, one did not know how he would feel. In this world, the last person who had blood relations with him had left. From that onwards, he was truly a lonely person.

However… He was not considered lonely as there was still Shen Miao and the child.

Tao GuGu smiled, "WangFei's day of delivery is estimated to be the first day of next month. There are still ten more days and everyone have to pay more attention."

Luo Tan rubbed her hands together, "I am so happy. One do not know if it is a little niece or a little nephew. This really makes one curious to death. I guessed that it would be a little niece as she is so obedient and don't make a fuss."

"That might not be necessarily so." Tao GuGu said, "WangFei's abdomen is pointed and looked like it could be a little heir."

Shen Miao smiled as she listened to their conjectures but her heart felt a calm that she had never felt before.

After giving birth and upon Xie Jing Xing's return, perhaps the hardship of the past year and the chaos of the war would finally end. The future would be welcome good times.

However in this world, there would not be such a perfect thing. Even at a good result, there would be eighteen twists and danger would spring up continuously and troubles would add into the chaos. It was like this could then show the previousness of the result and it was difficult to gain happiness.

And for Shen Miao, just when she thought that she was approaching fortune and happiness, a big issue was ushered in.


In the authum, the skies were clear and the wind was blowing smoothly. It was a rare good weather.

Shen Miao sat on the side of the courtyard as she had, on a rare occation, finish reading all the memorandums early. Luo Tan had found a kite from who knew where. Her childlike heart did not decrease as she played with the female officials heartily. Shen Miao was infected by her laughter and could not help but smiled.

However one saw Deng GongGong walking in quickly with a seriousness not seen before. Upon seeing Shen Miao, he signaled her to go into the hall.

Shen Miao saw that he had important things to say and let Jing Zhe support her to the inner hall. Upon reaching the inner hall, Deng GongGong said, "WangFei, it is not good. The remaining forces of the Lu family are attacking the city!"

"The remaining forces of the Lu family?" Shen Miao frowned, "Didn't everyone of the Lu family been completely eradicated in Fu Yang?"

"Among the Lu family, the Second Lu Young Lady's husband is a military officier and had raise a group of private soldiers. At that time they were not in Long Ye but outside Long Ye, posing as ordinarly folks. These people had contact with the Ye family. At that time when the Ye family got into trouble, Ye Mao Cai gave these people a huge fortune. Now these people had prepared resources and planned to attack the city and are currently exchanging moves with the guards at the ciy." Deng GongGong said.

Shen Miao's eyes congealed and she spoke coldly in half a moment, "A centipede dies but never falls down. The Lu and Ye familys had really racked their brains in dealing with the Imperial family." She looked towards Deng GongGong, "They are coming for me."

Deng GongGong wiped the sweat on his forehead, "WangFei…"

Even with both the Lu and Ye families' 'residual power', it was not possible for them to complete wth Xie Jing Xing's army. The reason why they choise this time to attack the city was all to fulfill Ye Mao Cai's and Lu Zheng Xuan's last wishes and make the situation into either the fish died or the net split. Now that there was only Shen Miao, the only person who chould make decision in the Palace and Shen Miao was even carrying Xie Jing Xing's child. Perhaps from their viewpoint, upon killing Shen Miao and losing the child, Xie Jing Xing would feel so much pain that he did not want to live.

For Xie Jing Xing, this was the best revenge.

Was this Ye Mao Cai's and Lu Zheng Xuan's method? They were already dead but they still had to make another feel disgusted at the end.

"How amny troops are there in the city and how many guards are there in the Palace?" Shen Miao asked.

"The guards in the Palace are enough to protect WangFei but those people had started to slaughter the people outside Long Ye. Once they enter the city, they would definitely kill everyone. These people are cruel and are mixed in the crowds. If one wants to deal with them, lots of people are required. Like that, then the people in the Palace are not enough and it would be easy to be exploited."

Shen Miao frowned, "That is to say that one has to choose between the Palace and the commoners?"

Deng GongGong was silent. He did not know how to answer such a direct question like that.

"Understood." Shen Miao nodded her head, "Take the guards out. Protect the people first."

"WangFei!" Deng GongGong was startled, "You cannot discount your life and death. If you encounter any dangers, how could I tell His Highness the Prince!"

"It is not that I have discounted my life and death." Shen Miao said, "It is just that do you think those people are only outside the city? One feared that there are also people mixed in the city. What they are doing is nothing more than arising fear from the commoners. If at this time the guards only guard the Palace, they would say some words and the commoners would be moved easily. When the people's heart are not stabled, this Imperial Palace is just a bowl of soup that can be scattered quickly. It is especially so that His Highness is about to return, there must not be any chaos." Seeing that Deng GongGong disagreement, Shen Miao said, "Besides I would not take my life as a joke. Before His Highness left, he had left some peoplefor me. They will protect me."

Those few Mo Yun army who was left behind had later following Shen Miao into the Palace. She knew in her heart that there was no room for any choice at this moment. Lu Zheng Xuan's and Ye Mao Cai's last move was to deliberately make the others disgusted. If Shen Miao only care about herself and not the commoner's life and death, once this matter had passed, even if Xie Jing Xing was enthroned, there would only be a cold and selfish reputation. During an Emperor's initial period of their rule, the most important was the commoner's hearts of support. If one lost the hearts of the people, then the foundation would not be stable from the beginning.

For Xie Jing Xing's sake, one could not let the guards guard only the Palace.

When Deng GongGong saw that she had a decision made, he no longer insisted and arranged according to her instructions.

Shen Miao did not seem as tranquil as she looked. She frowned tightly. If it was in the past, it would not be a problem but at such a juncture, it was time for her to give birth. It might be that these remaining forces had picked this time for this opportunity.

In any case, she must protect the child in her abdomen.

Luo Tan rushed over after knowing of the news and she was filled with worry as she persuaded her, "Youngest Biao Sister, it is better to find a place to hide. Let's hide first, until the child is born. Currently this Palace is no longer save as everyone knows that you are in the Palace and naturally those rebels also know. Once the guards in the Palace reduce, they would definitely attack."

Shen Miao shook her head, "If I were to leave, one fear that on the second day, these people would have said that I fleed. This Palace is like a battleground. If I were to withdraw first, once the rebels come forward, the Imperial family could no longer stand up."

"But…" Luo Tan still wanted to speak.

"There are no buts. Just wait for a few more days and Xie Jing Xing will return." Shen Miao said, "As long as one survives this period."

Just as Shen Miao expected, just barely the second day, rumours began to spread on the streets saying that Rui WangFei had fleed with her people and did not care about the life and death of the people. Now there is not a single person that could make decision in Great Liang's court and the rebels were fighting with the city guards at the city gates. It was unknown when they would enter the city and at that time blood would flow like the river.

The commoners were kind and kind people were most easily made used by others. No matter if it was a rumour or something of substance, what they could rely on was nothing more than the protection of the son of Heavens. However upon hearing this rumour that the person who made decisions had fleed and left them to the knives like fish meat, it made one feel hurt.

For a period of time, they scolded the Imperial family for being ruthless and curses of Shen Miao's coldness were endless. Xie Jing Xing was scolded for only caring about his merits and not taking the lives of Long Ye's commoners in regard. They also scolded Shen Miao for being without virtue and heart by fleeing from the city.

Shen Miao sat at the side of Jin Yu Hall. She was dressed in a purple shimmering robe wth a Palace styled hair. She was obviously young but managed to hold the colour down. She said, "Head towards the top of the Palace city."

The officials looked at each other and one of them came forward, "WangFei of First Rank, is this move too risky?" This person had opposed to Shen Miao overseeing the court initially and he opposed to it the most. However in recent days, he had been much more obiedent.

"One has to take risk then the commoners would believe that one would not give them up in times of danger." She stood up as Jing Zhe and Gu Yu quickly supported her. She was currently at full term and thus it was inconvenient to walk around.

Even though it was called the Palace city, it was better to call it a Palace tower. When Shen Miao and the hundreds of officials were up on the tower, there were some commoners gathered below and more and more gathered. Mo Qing brought the Mo Yun army over and the guards in the Palace were also activated to prevent assassins from attacking.

Some of the commoners recognized Shen Miao and someone immediately called out, "It is the WangFei of First Rank!"

In a short period of time the space below the tower were filled with so much people that water could not pass. One feared that half of Long Ye's commoners had come over. Shen Miao looked down and slowly spoke.

"To every ordinary folks, lately there are many rumours. The dregs of the Lu people and the Ye rebels are entagled, intending to confuse the people's heart."

In the wind, her voice was neither high or low but seemed to have the power to appease others yet able to be firm, making others feel the decisiveness in her tone of voice.

"Everyone must not be in a rush to be convinced by it. I swear on the name of Rui WangFei of First Rank that if the city stands, I stand, if the city falls, I will fall. I will exist with you and fight together with you!"

There was a blanket of awe at the bottom of the city but there were doubters and believers.

"The troops of Great Liang are currently in an expedition outside and I am in Long Ye, part of the Xie family of Long Ye. The Xie people's glory is not extinguished and I would not flee. Being in a family of military lineage, there are no cowards. One can be deafeated but cannot flee. Not to mention that this is just some dregs, how could they make a mess in court? What a joke!"

She spoke loudly but not flowery. Everyone looked up that that female wearing a golden purple long robe. Her chin was slightly lifted up and for a short moment, made one saw a glimpse of the young Prince of First Rank that was in a war expedition. It was arrogant yet was qualified to do so.

"So don't believe, don't speak, don't fear and don't cower."

"I am here in this Imperial Palace, let's see who dare to come."

The purple cloak fluttered with the wind as the flag behind her flew up high.

The commoners below were silent for a moment before cheering together with voices so loud that it seemed to have broken through the clouds!

There was no one did not like victory. The commoners need to be appeased and they especially need a domineering promise. The Monarch was not present but this female could pick up this great cause with such courage and bravery. It made one admire and felt reassured.

It was a very protective appearance.

The civil and military officials that were standing behind her were moved upon seeing the scene.

This was the power of speech. This female could move people's heart. She had picked on the most enthusiastic part of one's heart and made the people's blood boil. As such, the city gates of Long Ye were firmly strengthened.

Shen Miao turned and left.

In the next few days, the rumours in Long Ye had calmed down. Even when those people tried to provoke dissent, the commoners would immediately refute it. After all that day Shen Miao had personally went up to the Palace tower even in such a dangerous situation and spoke those inspiring words. As long as the commoners were settled, the human heart could be revealed.

However the Lu and Ye forces outside the city had intensified its offensive attacks, as if they had gone crazy.

As Shen Miao read the memorandums normally, she had made arrangements for the guards to reinforce the forces at the city, making herself very busy. She was pregnant and felt a little less capable than she desired to be.

On this day, she just woke up early in the morning when she saw Luo Tan running in. Upon seeing her, she said, "Youngest Biao Sister, someone is here to see you."

Shen Miao frowned, "Who?" She was in the Palace and now other than speaking to those court officials during court, no one would specifically come to to see her. She had no good friends in Long Ye and those with the best relations were all in the Palace.

"I will help you out to take a look." Luo Tan said.

Luo Tan supported Shen Miao out and upon arriving at the main hall, she saw a person sitting in front of the table as Jing Zhe poured tea for the person. The person was wearing a green simple robe, just as pure and unyielding as her memories.

Shen Miao called out, "Gentleman Pei?"

Pei Lang turned his head.

There were just too many things that happened in the past year. At the beginning Pei Lang chose to leave and from some ways, it was considered the best choice. Afterall the memories of one's past life still exsist and no one knew what kind of emtions they should use when facing one another.

When he saw Shen Miao, he smiled gently, "One heard that Long Ye is facing some difficulties and the Palace is in a dangerous situation. Even though I do not have any special skills, at ,ease I can share some burden."

Shen Miao frowned and did not speak for some time.

Pei Lang smiled, "No need to think too much. I am from Ming Qi and in Great Liang can be considered as a fellow countryman. Moreover at the beginning there was a teacher and student relationship thus it is not that there is completely no relations. This time just treat me like I am helping a friend from hometown."

He smiled gently, as if everything had not happened. Shen Miao looked at him carefully and saw his calm expression, as if he had let go of the past and her heart relaxed.

For Shen Miao, the past seemed to be something very long ago. She was more concern of the future and Pei Lang's appearance could indeed help her offload many problems.

She said, "I have to owe you a favour again." The last time it was Pei Lang that took a knife for her.

Pei Lang said softly, "Owe?" Then he smiled again, "It is good to think it like this." After looking up at Shen Miao, he continued, "There is no time to waste. Now let's deal with the most pressing matter in Long Ye."


What was the most pressing matter in Long Ye at this moment? It was naturally cleaning up the rebels and ensuring the safety of the people in the city. Because of the war and many other court affairs, there were numerous memorandums. They all depended on pregnant Shen Miao to settle and this was just too much. Moreover her delivery date was around the corner and she could not afford to make big movements.

After Pei Lang arrived, the burden on Shen Miao's shoulder was a little lighter.

Pei Lang was originally Fu Xiu Yi's aide and naturally had an understanding of these court matters. Moreover he had a natural born talent in this area that even if entering Great Liang's court first time, he was able to handle it well.

However there was a problem, which was the manpower in Long Ye. It was possible to protect the people in Long Ye but one would not be able to cover one's tail if some resources were moved to clean up the rebels. No one dared to take this risk and it was not a good thing to stay on such a stalemate.

"Just delay it by a month. When Xie Jing Xing returns, these rebels would be cleared." Shen Miao said to Pei Lang, "As long as one persist for these days."

Pei Lang was helping on the memorandums. They did not mention any related matters of the past lifetime, as if boh of them had an unspoken past. There was no advantage of bringing it up and sometimes, being stupid was the best way of getting along.

Pei Lang was also stunned for a long time upon seeing the foolish Ye Hong Guang. Most likely because Ye Hong Guang and Fu Ming were just too similar in appearance. Thus he treated Ye Hong Guang particularly warm and Ye Hong Guang liked to play with Pei Lang.

"Even so," Pei Lang was somewhat worried, "But the Lu family rebels also know of this logic. In previous days, the soldiers guarding the city had reported that the Lu family rebels had not move till now. When things are not moving as expected, it is not normal. One felt that they are preparing for something."

"No matter what they are preparing, there would be no change in our current situation." Shen Miao sighed, "At the beginning one had thought about the strong Great Liang border. Long Ye is the golden throne and thought that even if there were movements it would all be due to the mutal suspicions in the Imperial courts. Who knew that the Lu family had retained this method."

"The Lu family hates the Imperial family to the bones and knkowing that there was no more opportunities of winning, they actually hid this move at such a critical time."

"It is not enough for the old thief to die like that." Shen Miao had a memorandum in her hands but her gaze was outside the windows, "Long Ye cannot be lost. Not even one step can be given in."

Luo Tan walked over with a food basket and smiled, "Both of you had read the memorandums for so long and need to eat. This is especially so for Youngest Biao Sister. You are no longer one person and you have a child. You being hungry means my unknown little niece or little nephew have to be hungry too. What kind of mother is this?" She took out the snacks and soup from the basket and said, "Gentleman Pei should also eat a little. I watched as the kitchens prepare these things. It is guaranteed very safe!"

Luo Tan was in the Palace all day and seemed to be somewhat doing nothing. Shen Miao and Pei Lang read memorandums and she could not help, thus all her efforts and thoughts were placed on Shen Miao's child. There are many people in the Palace and more hands equates to more complication thus meals would require a lot of attention as lots of childen were lost just because of food. Luo Tan would move a small tool everyday to the Imperial Kitchens to guard that even Tao GuGu, Jing Zhe, Gu Yu would not pass, watching all the food prepared personally.

Shen Miao smiled gently, "Have troubled you."

Pei Lang's gaze fell onto Shen Miao protruding abdomen and hesitated for a bit before asking, "It is estimated… To be in these few days?"

"It is not easy to predict." Shen Miao said, "But I felt that it should be soon." She caressed her lower abdomen and there was a flash of gentleness in her eyes, "To be born in such a chaotic time, it is tough for him."

"What chaos?" Luo Tan said, "Youngest Biao Sister words are wrong. One had to know that the land under Heavens are not peaceful today and when the chaos are settled and world is stablised, it would be a time of prosperity. When MeiFu returns, then that little fellow would have a victorious Father and everyone under Heavens would cheer of his birth. Such a fortunate thing is not something that anyone could encounter. Why does such a good thing become a bad thing from your lips?"

Shen Miao laughed, "You are so good with your words so why don't you go be a storyteller?"

Luo Tan said proudly, "If I am a storyteller, then one would be able to be the best in the world."

Pei Lang saw both of them speaking with excitement and shook his head with a smile, "It is good after these days past. One only hope that the rebels would not create any issues at this time."

Heavens did not go according to human's wishes. Pei Lang's words accidentally came true after two days.

The more critical tme was, the more one could not make a mistake, as long as one pass these days, Xie Jing Xing returned and resolved the dangers in Long Ye, no matter if there were rebels of thieves, they would disappear without any traces in this Great Liang Empire. From then onwards, there would not be Ming Qi or Qin country. There would only be one Great Liang under Heavens and all these mountains and lands would end up in Xie Jing Xing's hands.

Even if one escaped to the ends of the Heavens and corner of the seas, these people would be like ants, like dogs of departed family, never able to have peace.

From the start they had never intended to leave alive, otherwise they would not have attacked Long Ye. However if one was able to kill Shen Miao or the child in Shen Miao's abdomen, then this suicide battle would be worth it. Now seeing that each day passed with the commoners were not incited successfully and the Imperial family was still stable, the rebels were anxious. They were anxious to make the entire Long Ye in chaos so that when Xie Jing Xing returned, he would face a mess as well as the tragc death of this wife and child.

Thus they launched a frenzied attack on Long Ye two days later.

Just like Pei Lang had predicted, things that were not moving as expected, it is not normal. They had originally made an arrangement and this arrangement was made by Lu Mao Cai to force the Imperial family. One had not expected that it would be used to deal with this Imperial city.

But just like Shen Miao had said, no matter what happened, their situation would not change a little bit.

In Lu Mao Cai's plans, it was the Lu family troops dealing with the Imperial guards. Now these forces are not as fierce as the Lu family's troops and the Imperial guards were not as many as during Emperor Yone Le's period, coincidentally, both made up to a tie.

By setting aside guards to protect the commoners, naturally there were much lesser people in the Imperial Palace. Shen Miao's situation became very dangerous.

"WangFei, how about recalling some people back to the Palace?" Deng GongGong said, "One fear that it is more critical in the Palace."

"It is useless for one or two people and if there are more people, there would be none outside. Let it be." Shen Miao said, "Just leave it like this. It would be alright after tonight. Those rebels also need to recuperate. If tonight's attack n the city is not successful, then their troops' morale would dropped by half. Tonight is the most stressful time, after tonight, everything would become much easier."

Tao GuGu was somewhat restless, "One could not help but worry upon listening. WangFei, is the child in one's abdomen really alright?"

Shen Miao unconsciously stroke her abdomen the next moment. Most likely because mother and child were of one heart, these days, she was able to clearly feel the child moving and kicking in her womb but tonight it was very calm. She then smiled, "Most likely it is asleep and know that it should not create a mess at this moment. It is very obedient."

Pei Lang said, "Since one has made up one's mind, then just guard here. However one have to be prepared. Once something goes wrong, then let everyone in Mo Yun Army come here to protect you and escort you to a safe place. Even though this Imperial Palace have to be guarded, one's life is still the most important. Even though the commoners know that you flee at the end, it would only be that you fled at the last moment and would not blame you since you are protecting the Imperial family's blood."

Shen Miao nodded her head, "This is also what I thought."

"Then everyone should raise their spirits." Luo Tan said, "It is currently the most crucial night. We are all in the Imperial Palace and at such a time must be unite. There is nothing that one cannot get through. This year is almost over and all these are nothing more than some nameless rats. Would one even fear those?"

Luo Tan grew up in the Luo family and had a type of pride and courage in her bones. The more dangerous it was, the more unafraid she became. Her words made those in the palace feel hot blooded. Even those eunuchs and palace maids in Wei Yang Palace all knelt down and said that they would live and die in this Imperial Palace.

The situation was not that desperate yet.

Shen Miao sat in the middle of the hall. The big hall was very spacious that it was somewhat deserted. Pei Lang sat at the side flipping through memorandums while Shen Miao waslked at the officials brought some document at ShangWu (aka noon). As for Luo Tan, one did not know where she found a nine ring puzzle to play with. Tao GuGu and Deng GongGong was at the side, continuously pouring warm tea. It looked like everyone had their things to do and seemed to be busy.

This lightened the tense atmosphere a little.

But it was only a little. This was because the guards would report from time to time about the current situation of the city. Those rebels were really ferocious as they were killing commoners everywhere. Thus whoever that stood with the Imperial family would panic. Fortunately Shen Miao had reallocated most of the guards and city garrison to fight with these Lu family people endlessly. At this time, one could not see who would prevail.

These thieves were very sly. A part of them would confuse the hearts of the commoners and a part of them would be secretly hide and attack the Imperial Palace. Hearing the noises of some soldiers fighting outside, there seem to be some shouts occasionally. No one could really calm down.

It was as if a bow was fully pulled. Every lsight move would affect one's heart, making one unable to be settled down.

This night was particularly long. It was so long that the green smoke from the incense burner was also particularly slow as it scattered in the air, producing a light fragrance. However one was able to smell it.

When the dawn broke, the noises outside gradually got softer.

Deng GongGong and Tao GuGu showed expressions of relief.

The head of the guards came in from outside and said to SHen Miao, "Reporting to WangFei, the Lu family rebels had already withdrawn to the outskirts of the city and the thieves in the city were cleared. The city garrison is currently claming the commoners down."

This meant that the crisis had passed.

Luo Tan stretched out. The nine ring puzzled that she had been playing with the entire night was not undone. It was not because she was stupid but because the entire night, her mind was not on the nine ring puzzle, thus it would be a wonder if one managed to solve it. She yawned. Even though she was excited, she was unable to hid her fatigue, "Youngest Biao Sister, since the crisis is resolved and I have accompanied you an entire night, this is considered a little merit right?"

Shen Miao lifted her head up. She was comparably better than Luo Tan. Even though she looked somewhat tired, she was not that sleepy. She said with a smile, "Everyone has suffered. When His Highness returned, those who have merits would be rewarded."

The head of the guards also smiled, "WangFei has also suffered."

To be able to calm down in such a critical juncture like this and even staying in the Palace all night, in some ways, it was almost as good as fighting with them. For a female to be able to do these, this was very admirable. Moreover what kind of person Shen Miao was during these days, everyone could see it clearly. Without her leading Long Ye, one feared that Long Ye would still be in a mess now.

Pei Lang looked up from the memorandums and smiled gentlyat ShenMiao with some expression of ease.

Tao GuGu was the most concerned about Shen Miao's health, "Since it is alright, it is better for WangFei to rest first. Even normal people would not be able to handle an entire night of not closing one's eyes, much less someone pregnant." She went over to support Shen Miao.

Shen Miao was supported by Tao GuGu and as she took a step out, she felt her abdomen fell and she suddenly stopped.

When Luo Tan saw it, she said, "One's body stiffens after sitting for too long right? I will come and massage for you. When one's legs become numb, it is difficult to take a single step."

"It is not that." Shen Miao forced herself to come down before saying, "Go and invite a midwife over first."

Tao GuGu and Luo Tan was first startled. Tao GuGu however immediately reacted but she was unable to say she was more excited or horrified as she said, "Quick! Bring the two midwives from the Palace over!"

The midwives were the best of all midwives. All the famous midwives were call upon before shortlisting to those who went through difficult births like small matters. In order to be safe, Tao GuGu found two of them.

The one in front, Li Po-zi said, "WangFei don't be nervous. A female would always find the first birth difficult but as the saying goes, first is strange, second will be familiar. After giving birth the first time, one would not be scared later and it would be very smooth."

Liu Po-zi was older than Li Po-zi, scolded, "What nonsense are you spouting in front of these nobles?" She then looked towards Shen Miao and said in wonder, "But WangFei is indeed very calm. This Po-zi had seen many young ladies given birth but it is the first time one see one that is this calm."

Shen Miao was already supported to the bed to lie down. She looked calm, as if she did not put this matter to heart. From the beginning to the end, she did not display a panicked look at all, almost making others think that it was not her first time giving borth. Even it was the second time giving birth, those women would not be as relax as this."

Shen Miao knew in her heart clearly that she was not as calm as she appeared to be. The memory of childbirth was so long ago and at that time Fu Xiu Yi did not care about her. The birth of the child was very difficult and she gave birth with great unease.

Now this child came to the world with everyone's expectation. No matter if it is Xie Jing Xing and herself or Empress Xian De and Emperor Yong Le, when the Shen family knew of her being pregnant, they would definitely be very hopeful for the child. The more something is precious, the more one fear of it being broken.

Too much concern would become chaotic. She forced herself to breath in and exhale deeply, abandoning all the mess to the back of her head.

"May WangFei get up to eat something first." Li Po-zi picked up a brown sugar soaked egg at the side to Shen Miao, "Only upon eating would one have energy. It takes some time to deliver thus one have to wait for a while."

"WangFei is not at all delicate." Liu Po-zi praise, "In the past those little daughter-in-laws would have tempers. Even those Furen of noble families would be exceptionally picky. They would not be willing to eat anything, saying that it is not comfortable but afterwards do not have strength to give birth. At the end the person suffering is oneself. WangFei is however is very sensible. Like that, the delivery would be smooth."

She saw Shen Miao's gentleness and was not picky of their countryside background. When she spoke she felt closeness and thus felt good.

Shen Miao knew that both of them were talking to help distract her, so that time could move faster. Afterall the delivery have yet to start.

Outside, Tao GuGu and the rest were waiting. Luo Tan said, "My heart is beatin very fast. One do not know if Youngest Biao Sister will give birth to a boy or a girl. After being curious for so long, one can finally have an answer."

"No matter if it is a little heir or little princess, when His Highness the Prince returns, he would be very happy and dotes a lot." Tao GuGu, "It is just that one do not know how long one would need to wait."

Deng GongGong was somewhat nervous, "This is afterall the first younger generation of the Imperial family. The Emperor, Her Ladyship the Empress and Her Ladyship the Empress Dowager would be very happy in Heavens."

It was so at this side, much less the people of Prince Rui residence.

Even Mo Qing, one who did not show much different between happiness and anger, seemed to be flushed red. Cong Yang kept jumping around and said, "Before the departure, Tie Yi had made a bet with me. I bet that it would be a little princess and had bet my entire fortune. If one lost this time, one's funds for marrying a wife cannot be saved."

Jing Zhe happened to hear it and became scornful, "I see that it is a little heir."

"Hey. Why should it be a little heir?" Cong Yang asked, "I see that it is a little princess."

"A little heir is a little heir!" Jing Zhe could not be outdone.

"Don't be noisy." Gu Yu defused the situation, "Still quarrel at this moment. Where is Tang Shu?"

Tang Shu was at the corner, repeatingly chanting Amitabha and whispering softly, "Seeing the Xiao family ancestors to bless WangFei and son safe and sound, WangFei and daughter safe and sound, everyone is safe and sound…"

From the early afternoon to late afternoon and only when evening came, Shen Miao finally began her delivery.

The Po-zi instructed the palace maids to prepare clean water, towels, clean scissors and a variety of nessassary things. Luo Tan wanted to enter but Tao GuGu stopped her. Tao GuGu and a few palace maids enter and so did Jing Zhe and Gu Yu, to ensure that nothing happened.

Shen Miao moaned lowly.

She had tired to endure it but the pain came in waves. Afterwards, it was almost constant severe pain. This pain was even more painful than any physicial pain she felt after her rebirth. It almost seemed that someone was stabing her abdomen with a pair of scissors.

"WangFei, keep it up and use more strength!" Li Po-zi said, "One can see the child already!"


Outside there was a line of people with Pei Lang, who was waiting anxiously, like a day was a year.

From time to time, there were palace maids that carried silver basins in and out and the blood in the basin was shocking. Luo Tan anxiously grabbed onto the MoMo beside her and asked, "What is going on? Why is there so much blood?"

Pe Lang's heart was transported far away.

In the previous lifetime, Fu Xiu Yi did not care about the birth of Fu Ming and Wan Yu at all. At that time, he coincidently passed by so Fu Xiu Yi let him represent him to take a look.

When Shen Miao gave birth in the previous lifetime, in some ways, it was Pei Lang that accompanied her. He did not expect that in this lifetime, Xie Jing Xing was not by her side and it was him who accompanied her.

This was also very good. At least in such a time, she was not alone. At lease he accompanied her at such a time.

Each moment was particulary long and he did not know how long had passed when he heard the Po-zi from the room exclaiming, "It's coming out. It's a little heir! Oh, there is another one!"

"It's twins! Twins! WangFei has a good blessing!"

Not after a moment later, one heard another cry from inside and the baby's cry was very resounding.

Everyone was so happy and Luo Tan almost faint in happiness! But before they could take a breath, they heard Li Po-zi exclaiming, "WangFei, you must hold on and don't sleep! Don't sleep!"

Pei Lang's heart tighten and before he could respond to it, one heard Tao GuGu's sad voice, "WangFei, hold it in!"

Luo Tan had a anxious temprement and did not care about being afraid and just went into the room. Pei Lang hesitated and heard Tao GuGu speaking, "Gentleman Pei! Come in Gentleman Pei!"

Pei Lang rushed into the room. Shen Miao was covered with a blanket and her face was exceptionally pale. She said to Liu Po-zi and Li Po-zi beside, "It is alright. It is good that the children are saved."

"WangFei…" Liu Po-ze and Li Po-zi wanted to say something but they were unable to speak.

"What is going on exactly?" Luo Tan was so anxious that she was about to cry, "Youngest Biao Sister, what is wrong? Why say such words?"

"WangFei's health was weak before and she was pregnant with twins. Before delivery, she was distracted and had used lots of energy and the fetus became unstable. Now the body is exhausted and bleed too much…" Liu Po-zi could not carry on speaking.

"This delivery is indeed difficult. I… I feel that I cannot go on. Older Biao Suster, upon seeing my Father, Mother and Eldest Brother, tell them that I am not filial for me and could not serve them in their old age."

Luo Tan shook her head desperately, "Youngest Biao Sister, these kind of words cannot be said by me. Stop talking nonsense. You will be well and lively to see GuFu and GuMu. Those words you said are not filial at all. Stop talking. Stop talking!" When she spoke till the end, she was already bawling and could hardly control herself.

Shen Miao smiled helplessly before looking at Pei Lang.

Pei Lang had a stunned expression and his lips were trembling slightly. There was not even the usual calm look.

"No you can carry on." He said, "I have not paid off your debts yet. You have to live a hundred years, healthily and worry-free." It was as if he was forcing himself to believe in it.

"Gentleman Pei no longer owe me anything. If one really want to pay back then… Then promise me to protect my children. One hope they can grow up healthily." She pasped with all her strength, as if she had ran out of it. "Upon seeing Xie Jing Xing, tell him that I am sorry and could not wait. Thank him for protecting me willingly all this time and tolerate me. To be husband and wife with him, I… I am very happy…"

"WangFei!" Tao GuGu called out.

"Let me see my children…" She said.

The two children were wiped cleanly and were wrapped in blanket before bringing over to Shen Miao's side. Tao GuGu said in tears, "It is two heirs. They are very healthy."

Shen Miao tearful gaze landed on both children. She struggled to reach out and traced both children's brows as she said lightly, "When these two children grow up, their brows must be very good looking. No matter if they take after the father or mother… Xie Jing Xing and me had suffered lots of hardship and if Heavens is a good person, they would not let them suffer any."

Tao GuGu had begun to wipe her tears.

Luo Tan turned her head away and used the back of her hands to wipe her tears.

"I really want to watch you both grow up…" Her eyes landed on both children and it had a deep attachment to it, as if looking past both babies' appearance, seeing the person behind.

"Really miss you…"

Her voice gradually weakened.

In a big tent thousands of Li (1 Li = 1 mile), the young Generald suddenly felt a pain in his heart. That kind of pain spread from his chest to every corner of his body, making the person bend down uncontrolly due to the pain. He use the table to support himself as he gasped for air.

Gao Yang was walking into the tent and was shocked upon seeing this scene. He quickly reached out to take his pulsed but said curiously after feeling it, "There is so issues. What happened to you?"

Xie Jing Xing frowned and suddenly said, "Attack Xun Yang tomorrow."

"Why the sudden decision?" Gao Yang jumped in shock.

"Quickly start and finish the battle." Xie Jing Xing turned around and headed out.


Great Liang had occupied the Qin country's Xun Yang and from that point onwards, the situation of three divided nations had finally been broken by the young Prince Rui of First Rank. The chaos had came to an end and the grand plan was accomplish as the flowers land on Great Liang.

The losers were defeated and the winners were kings. The Qin Emperor were defeated and eliminated by the enemy. There was only the Great Liang Emperor and there would no longer be any Emperor of Ming Qi or Qin country.

History would only remember the winners. The defeated country would be sad but if the previous Monarch was tyrannical and the new Monarch was wise and generous to the commoners, then the commoners' heart would naturally fall towared the generous side.

Commoners were not fools and would always show gratitude since ancient times. Whereever the wise Monarch went, there would always be support by the people.

Great Liang's troops was about to return home.

It was always a glorious thing to return back upon a victory. Those families, who had members that joined the army and were still alive, were naturally proud. Even those who died on horseback would also feel proud despite some pain and sadness.

The commoners in Long Ye were all rushing all over the place, wating for the victorious troops to return.

As compared to the hustle and bustle among the commoners, the Palace was cold and desolute.

Luo Tan sat at the courtyard. During autumn, it was rare to have such a warm and radiant sun that make people feel warm. There were piles of books in the courtyard that Jing Zhe and Gu Yu was sunning.

Luo Tan was watching on and smiled, "When one was in Xiao Chun City, she always bring out these books to sun. I always felt that the books would not spoil so why the need to sun them and be that detailed. One did not think that now it is me who took the initiative to help her to do these things."

The green clad male by her side did not speak.

Pei Lang seemed to be much older overnight. He did things silently but because without Shen Miao's instructions, he was unable to read memorandums. Everyday he would read books and could not do anything else. These kind of futile days seemed to be very painful for him.

There was not a single happy atmosphere in the Palace.

Tao GuGu carried both children over. Luo Tan quickly stood up and took one over.

"The Young Masters are very healthy." Tao GuGu smiled, "The nanny mention that they are very obedient at night and would not make a fuss."

There were also some smiles on Luo Tan's face, "So obiedent, it is similar to their Mother's temprement." Then her voice stopped.

Pei Lang's gaze landed on both children and his eyes dimed a little.

"Which one is the Older Brother? Which one is the Younger Brother? I really cannot tell at all." Luo Tan diverted the topic, "Both of them have identical appearance. It is like this now, how would it be in the future?"

Tao GuGu smiled, "It is nothing. In the future one can use clothes to differenciate them. Moreover when children grows up, their character would be different and naturally one can tell them apart."

"But what to call them?" Luo Tan was annoyed, "Which one is the Older Brother? Which one is the Younger Brother? Youngest Biao Sister did not have time to give them a…" She immediately paused and afterwards smiled in annoyance, "I kept on saying not to mention it but always mention it. Never mind."

When Tao GuGu saw it, she wanted to say some words of consolation but saw Gu Yu and Jing Zhe rushing in from outside. Gu Yu said, "The Prince of First Rank has returned!"

"What?" Pei Lang and Luo Tan were in shocked. Based on Great Liang's troops' speed, it would take about a month before their return to the capital.

"The Prince brought his own people back first." Gu Yu said softly, "But Furen…"

After a pause, Pei Lang then said, "Let's go over to take a look."

Xie Jing Xing strode towards the Palace. In a short timespan of a year, too many things had changed. Emperor Yong Le and Empress Xian De had passed away and the Palace seemed to be much colder.

Deng GongGong smiled, "May Your Highness go and take a look at the two little Young Masters first. Tao GuGu and Young Lady Luo are currently playing with them."

Xie Jing Xing frowned, "Where is Shen Miao?"

As the voice fell, he then saw Luo Tan and Tao GuGu walking over from behind the folding screen carrying the children and Pei Lang following behind.

Xie Jing Xing paused in his steps.

"Shen Miao?" He said slowly.

Pei Lang stepped forward and said softly, "Go and take a look at her."

Gao Zhan stroke his white beard and shook his head, "This old physician had done one's best to save her life. The body was already dried up but she has a strong will to live and perhaps would not take one's last breath. With one last breathe, this old physician had sealed her acupuncture points and saved her life but it just merely her life."

"Zu Fu, what does that means?" Gao Yang asked. He had left the family for many years and from the start when he began his official career, he had went against the Gao family's family rules and was kicked out of the family and thus did not keep contact with the Gao family for many years. This 'Zu Fu' term made Gao Zhan tremble slightly.

"The meaning is that she might sleep forever. Although there is breathing and pulse, she would never wake up and never ope her eyes. Even if she were to wake up," He looked at Gao Yang, "Just like how you treated the Young Master of the Ye family, no one would know how would she be after she wakes up."

In other words, after Shen Miao wakes up, perhaps she would become as silly as Ye Hong Guang. But it was more likely that she would be like this and sleep year upon year and not even open her eyes to see Xie Jing Xing even upon becoming old.

"Isn't that being a…" Ji Yu Shu swallowed the words 'living dead'. But even if he did not say it, everyone around understood Gao Zhan's meaning.

"In such a case." Gao Zhang asked Xie Jing Xing, "Is Your Highness willing to wait?"

"It does not matter how long it takes." Xie Jing Xing said, "She had fulfilled her promise and waited till I have returned so what matters if I wait for her for the entire lifetime? Her life is mine. Without my permission, even the King of Hell cannot take her away." When he was speaking, his eyes were cold, like the coldness of Emperor Yong Le but he still had his own arrogance, like nothing entered his eyes.

Everyone was silent.

Shen Miao's eyes were closed and did not hear those words. It was as if she was sleeping very well. Luo Tan said, "Let's go out and let her rest for some period of time. In the past year, she had not had a good rest at all."


Xie Jing Xing treated the pair of babies very well.

Those subordinates and good friends that followed him for so many years were so shocked that their chins almost fell off when they saw him like this. It was said that even though young fathers would feel happy when they become fathers, but due to their clumsy and rough nature, they would always resist in raising them.

Moreover with Xie Jing Xing's personality, there was no way that it would be even near the words 'patient and gentle'.

But he did indeed surprised everyone and spend time with the two children. He would not disdain their urine or stool and was even picky of their nanny and managed things that a male would not do. The two children to not have official names yet and only nicknames that Xie Jing Xing gave. One was called 'Chu Yi' and the other was called 'Shi Wu'.

Everyone felt that the names were just too casual but Xie Jing spoke convincingly, "The moon is the rounded on the first and fifteen day of the month. Moreover these are my sons, what does their names matters to you? Get lost."

Chu Yi (初一) means the first day of the month and Shi Wu (十五) means fifteen, or in this case, the fifteen of the month. The moon is the roundest at the night of the first and fifteen night of the lunar calendar. The round moon also represents family reunion and in this case XJX hopes of a family reunion…

Everyone could only get lost.

No matter what, even though one do not care about anything like naming of the children or him taking care of the babies, things that should be done had to be done.

Emperor Yong Le's Imperial Edict for succession was known to the courts and now that the world was peaceful, Xie Jing Xing would be enthroned. It was naturally that it would be done smoothly but what about the establishment of the Empress?

Who should be established?

Shen Miao was still currently lying down and perhaps would not wake up in this life time or perhaps upon waking up, she would become crazy. There was no such precendents in history of Monarchs to have such an Empress.

It would seem unlikely. The future was just too long and one's heart was easily swayed. Xie Jing Xing could say now that he was loyal to Shen Miao but how could one be clear of the future?

When Luo Tan learned of this news, she was not reconciled to it. The Shen family army had returned with the Great Liang troops and had not reached Long Ye yet. At this moment they had no knowledge of Shen Miao's matter yet. Luo Tan, as Shen Miao's only family, was unwilling to see Shen Miao being wronged and could not reconcile if Shen Miao was unable to gain anything after sacrificing everything.

It was not ideal to scold or blame Xie Jing Xing because Xie Jing Xing himself did not do anything wrong, thus she poured out all the hard work that Shen Miao did in the past year. She said that Shen Miao guarded Long Ye with a pregnant abdomen for him, guarded the Imperial Palace and protected the dignity of Great Liang's Imperial family. Even in a critical and dangerous time, Shen Miao was able to hold it up and she need not have to do so.

Xie Jing Xing listened to Luo Tan words in silence and looked at her for a while with a smile but not a smile before saying, "So?"

Luo Tan was somewhat at a loss of what to say, "So, you should know about it in your heart." She was unable to tell what kind of feeling she was feeling but just that it was like something was block but she did not know how to unblock it. She ran away and knocked onto someone. When she looked up, she saw that it was Gao Yang.

Gao Yang was curious and asked her what was wrong. Luo Tan glared at him fiercely before leaving.

Xie Jing Xing walked to the side of the pond and initially wanted to drink tea but at the end called Deng GongGong to clear the tea away and bring a pot of wine.

By the side of the pond, under the cooling pavilion and moonlight, it was the place that Empress Xian De and Emperor Yong Le drank the last snow wine. The world had lement that the Heavens was unfair to the deep love of the Emperor and Empress and on the surface, he was indeed more fortunate than Emperor Yong Le. At least he was alive and because he was alive, anything was possible.

But what if Shen Miao did not wake up in this lifetime? To live like this, wouldn't one lose a lot of things in life? Xie Jing Xing did not have too much enthusiasm to be the Emperor of this empire and if the person beside was lost, it was actually a very sad thing to live a life that boringly.

Someone footsteps were heard and as he looked towards it, he saw Pei Lang.

The moonlight shone on Pei Lang and he looked like a modest gentleman. He seemed not to have drunk any wine for a lifetime, and upon seeing such a person, one would feel that this would be a proud literary person who would drink tea and play Qin but he sat in front of Xie Jing Xing and found a wine cup before pouring a cup of wine for himself.

As the jade wine cups shimmered under the moonlight, it made one drunk before drinking.

Pei Lang said, "Tomorrow you will be enthroned. Congratulations."

Xie Jing Xing's lips hooked up but he did not seem to be happy.

"How about her?" Pei Lang was straightforward and asked, "What do you plan to do?"

Xie Jing Xing turned his head slowly and stared at Pei lang for a while before speaking, "Gentleman Pei is so concern?"

"Previously one had a teacher and student relation with WangFei." Pei Lang was unmoved and continued speaking, "Afterwards the Imperial city is in danger thus one can be friends in troubled times. I do not plan to place blame or change anything. Just being curious."

"Oh?" Xie Jing Xing's head lowered and he said faintly, "What do you think it should be?"

"WangFei had once mentioned that she had no greed for the position of the Empress or any position of power. However if this was her responsibility, she will take it on. She was not a person that could worry for everyone under Heavens but willing take the responsibility for the important people in her heart."

"That important people includesthe Shen family, the children in her abdomen and you."

Peo Lang said, "WangFei had said that her life is especially rough and Heavens had been very strict with her. Sometimes thinking from the beginning, it seemed that one did not encounter anything good at all. Thus one had never dare of expect anything from Heavens. The only wish that one have was that all her loved ones were safe and happy."

Xie Jing Xing's gaze slightly moved.

Pei Lang turned around and looked at him and smiled, "She had not experience anything good. The things that others could gain easily, she had to work very hard to obtain it. Even her tiny wishes were harder than others. Now that the hardships are over, before she could taste the nector, she fell into a deep sleep. The Heavens is really unfair to her. However it is because so she had never asked for anything, making one feel respectful and pitiful."

"Your Highness," Pei Lang held the wine cup and said with a gentle smile, "Now that your great carrer is completed and you will be enthroned and sit on top of the Empire, perhaps there would even be beauties in the future but I still want to remind you not to let yourself regret." His voice was very soft, "If one regret, there is no chance of a redo and it is a torture to suffer pain everyday."

Xie Jing Xing looked at him thoughtfully and asked, "Have you regretted before?"

"Used to and had spent one's entire life to redo it. Even though some was recovered, things that were lost cannot be returned." Pei Lang sighed.

Both of them were silent and just at this time Tao GuGu rushed over. Upon seeing that Xie Jing Xing and Pei Lang was discussion in discretion, she awkwardly spoke, "Your Highness, both Young Masters are crying nonstop and the nannies have no way to deal with it. It is better for you to take a look."

Chu Yi and Shi Wu had been coax by Xie Jing Xing everyday that even their temperament became prideful. No matter how other people coaxed them, they would not respond until Xie Jing Xing coaxed. It was also strange as Shen Miao's had a quiet temperament and would not give others trouble but these two children that she bore seemed to be collecting debts. It was still alright before but once Xie Jing Xing returned, their temperament started showing up. It was fortunate that Xie Jing Xing had patience with the children. If it was other young fathers, one feared that they would have longed shook their sleeves and left.

Xie Jing Xing got up, "I will take a look." He then seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at Pei Lang, "You are indeed an interesting person. But thanks for your reminder." He drank the remaining wine in the cup and said, "I have never done anything regretful and would not do anything that would make another regret. You have worried too much."

Xie Jing Xing and Tao GuGu left and Pei Lang shook his head as he watched both of their retreating back. He laugh in a self-depreciating manner, "Think of what?" His expression gradually became bitter, "Really don't even give one a chance at all. It is truly evil…"


On the day that Xie Jing Xing was enthroned, the skies were bright and the weather was warm.

He was named as Xiao Jing.

The Palace stood hall as the golden dragon danced around the golden hall. Hundreds of officials were in front with ministers surrounding as the young Emperor changed into a golden robe that is embroidered with golden threads with dragon patterns. The corners of the robes were exquisite and prestiagous that it made other unable to see it.

And he had a beautiful appearance with the crown but he had a pair of cynical peach blossoms eyes. Even so, everywhere that his eyes had passed, it seemed that there a light breeze of killing intent.

No one dared to underestimate this young Emperor. Even though he was the youngest Emperor in Great Liang's history, but he had genuinely carried the battle flag and went into the battlefield and wiped out Qin country and Ming Qi. He was even better in using plots in court, making others be in a poor state.

The Imperial Edict for succession was fized and with the transferring of the Imperial seal, from then onwards, Great Liang and everything under Heavens ushered in a new master.

After his enthronement ceremony, he unexpected walk to the side. The officials dared not look up until they heard the Emperor's voice, "Establishing the Empress."

Everyone new that Rui WangFei was currently in a coma so establish what Empress? Everyone did not understand and upon looking up, they saw that young Emperor carrying a female and placed her on the Empress's seat and his actions are so cautious, as if it was a valuable treasure.

Other than Gao Yang, Ji Yu Shu and a few of them, the rest of the officials were all full of shock. Someone stood forward, "Your Majesty cannot do it!"

"Oh?" Emperor Xiao Jing turned his head and looked at him. His gaze changed and he smiled, "Why not?"

"Wang… Furen has not wakened up now so how could be a Mother of a nation be unconscious?"

It was unheard that an Empress of a nation was someone that had not woken up.

"Why not?" Emperor Xiao Jing seemed to be deliberately teasing him, "Zhen want it so, so what can be done?"

That official was an old official and when Emperor Yong Le was alive, he would be very respectful to him. He had some weight and thus said, "Could it be that Your Majesty want to keep the Inner Palace empty for her?"

All the officials were stunned.

To establish a person who would not wake up as the Empress, one fear that even just for namesake, there was a wide variety of representation. In the future even if there were new beauties that entered this palace, as long as this Empress position was occupied, then all these female's children would never be able to exceed Chu Yi's and Shi Wu's.

Empress Xiao Jing smiled softly and continuously that the officials were somewhat in a daze. The officials that spoken previously somewhat panicked at the smile..

One only heard the Emperor speaking, "The Inner Palace is empty? Zhen's Inner Palace only have a woman so why is there a saying that it is empty?"

Everyone was shocked!

"Your Majesty…" That old official still wanted to speak.

"Beloved Xu Official, Zhen remember than there are two young granddaughters in your house and they are of age." Emperor Xiao Jing said.

That person was stunned and his heart became nervous but there was a little joy that peeked out. It was just that in the next moment the joy flew away as he heard the Emperor saying, "How about Zhen bestow them to the Young General Song at the Wu border?"

That young General Song was young and promising but unfortunately he was blinded in one eye on the battlefield and it was impossible for him to have any future.

'Beloved Xu Official' expression became like the soil.

"Zhen is not here to listen to your view or here to listen to your criticizing. Zhen is informing you of the result." He sat on the throne and looked down at all the officials, "Zhen is the son of Heavens and the Master. If everyone have any opinion about court matters, just speak about it but if there is any words on managing Zhen's Inner Palace or Zhen's personal affairs, then Zhen will definitely," He thought for a moment before continuing, "Pay it back with interest."

"At that time, do not blame Zhen for disorderly creating married couples." He said in a smiling yet not smiling manner.

He indeed was not like an Emperor as he was not serious or solemn enough but was even more dangerous than the Emperors of the past. He was not inferior in any respect to Emperor Yong Le. The more he appeared to be this indifferent, the more it made another's heart thump. Everyone knew how black bellied this Prince Rui of First Rank was and once he targeted one, one would not even know how they died. The most important thing was that he completely disregards traditions and reputation, unfearing anything. Everyone believe that this Emperor Xiao Jing would definitely marry this high ranking official's granddaughter to another official's younger brother or making some other high ranking official's grandson marry a daughter of their sworn enemy.

It was alright if the couple was mismatched. One feared that this was a method of control. If this was a way to contain them then, they would not even know how the family clan would weaken and die off.

No one would dare to gamble with the entire family clan as stakes.

Everyone was thinking to give it up. Currently it was a time of sweetness so just let Emperor Xiao Jing do whatever he wants. Maybe in some days' time he would be tired of it or perhaps be fascinated by some new beauties. Men would be in true love at times of love and when they did not love, they would really have no love. Why do they need to do such thankless things here?

With such thoughts, all the officials seemed to have understood. They no longer said anything and some even started flattering, saying Emperor Xiao Jing and Furen's deep love was like a legent.

Xie Jing Xing looked on coldly at the officials' faces, as if looking at colourful masks that covered the world. He felt ridiculous but also somewhat in pity.

He half knelt down in front of Shen Miao.

The male that was kneeing down had gold under his feet and even if it was an ordinary male, it would be surprising to make such a move. Thus everyone was shocked as he was not an ordinary person but Great Liang's Emperor, the master of the lands under Havens. But he was kneeling down in front of a female that devoutedly.

Shen Miao was supported by him well and seating at the highest position. She was changed into a gorgeous noble Palace robes by Tao GuGu and there were fine gold powder that was sprinkled at the end of her eyes, making her look full of arrogance. She wore the brightly golden robes of an Empress with eyes closed and long lashes hanging down, seemingly deep in sleep.

She was really very beautiful and tough female. Gao Zhang said that Shen Miao had an unfulfilled wish so she had the will to survive to her last breath and Gao Zhang was able to save her life.

And what was her last wish?

It was to see Xie Jing Xing one last time, to see Chu Yi and Shi Wu grow up or to say goodbye to Shen Xin and the rest?

Xie Jing Xing leaned over to her ears and joked, "Brought you to be an Empress, why not open one's eyes to take a look?"

Shen Miao did not listen to his words. She was sleeping in her own world, as if she would be sleeping for a long time or her entire life.

Xie Jing Xing stared at her, "One know that you are tired. Wake up when you have enough sleep. Chu Yi and Shi Wu is looking for their mother." He reached out and held onto Shen Miao's cold hands, "I also miss you."

The officials watched quietly as the young Emperor did everything. They had been swimming in this Imperial Court for so many years and the political seas were deep. Real and fake, genuine and pretense. Some times one was unable to differentiate one's heart, much less being moved by others. Moreover Prince Rui had never been a good person previously and many of the officials here were almost ruined by him that they would gash their teeth with hate.

But at this moment they were somewhat reluctant to disturb this scene. As if through this scene of the Monarch and female, one saw some shadows of their youth.

Everyone had loved before. It was just whether the love would be able to last a lifetime or not. Beause it was too difficult thus many people given it up halfway. It was rare to be able to go all the way to the end.

Could Emperor Xiao Jing do it?

Xie Jing Xing placed the heavy Empress crown properly and stably on Shen Miao's head. His movemnts were gentle and solemn, as if was like other actions.

He leaned over slightly and kissed the female's eyes.

Time was blurred and went backwards very quickly, like it had returned back to a certain day before. He was riding a horse and still the arrongant youth and she was planning each stept against the Ming Qi's Imperial family and protecting the Shen family. He asked, "Shen Miao, you want to be an Empress?"

No one had thought that he would become an Emperor at the end and she indeed became an Empress.

There were many twists and turns in the world but everything returned to the beginning.

Behind the golden hall, Luo Tan who was watching sneakingly covered her mouth, seeming to be crying and laughing as she whispered, "He really established Youngest Biao Sister as the Empress… Youngest Biao Sister did not see wrongly…"

Behind, Pei Lang was also smiled gently. That smile was filled with relief and some sorrow but it had more gratitude, "It is good."


During spring the apricot blossoms were in full bloom that when the breeze blew by, the petals would flutter down, spreading the flower scent around. The birds were perched on the branches chirping with eyes full of bustle.

Half a year was fleeting, so fast that almost no one could catch it.

For Long Ye's commoners, the past half a year was pleasantly passed. Perhaps because Qin country and Ming Qi was wiped out, or perhaps because the new Emperor's thoughts was just not the same. All in all, Emperor Xiao Jing was very competent.

He was very generous to the commoners and some of the new Imperial orders made everyone under Heavens clap their hands in joy. There was a rumour in the marketplace that because Emperor Xiao Jing like to travel around the country when he was young, he understood the hardships of the people and thus always put himself in the shoes of the commoners.

In any cause, Emperor Xiao Jing's reputation among the commoners was one of protectiveness.

However in the Imperial court, it was not the case.

Ever since Emperor Yong Le was in power, he would take into consideration their face no matter what he did. However this Emperor Xiao Jing was a lawless master. He was generous to the commoners but harsh towards the court officials, much less talk about any feelings. Even those veteran officials would not be able to gain any benefit with him.

What was more frightening was how he balanced the powers everywhere and his scense of smell was more power than a mouse. Not to mention about any movement, even if there was any subtle thoughts, it would be discovered by him. The officials kept on being suspious if there were any traitors in their residence and would often clean up their residences.

The most dissatisfied thing that the officials had with him was that in this half a year, Emperor Xiao Jing really did not accept any beauty. There was only a sleeping Empress Shen in the entire Inner Palace.

This was indeed puzzling. At the beginning there were people that thought that he felt guilty towards Empress Shen and thus made that promise, moreover even if the position of the Empress was unshakable, there would not be any problem in accepting other females. However as the days went by, this Empress Xiao Jing's Inner Palace was so clean that birds could be breed. Everyone then knew that he was not putting up an act.

Some people were suspicious that he was full of talk before and now was unable to pull himself down as it meant slapping himself. Thus they 'considerately' gifted the daughters in their residence but on the next day Emperor Xiao Jing bestow marriages to their sworn enemy's sons. With that, the officials blew up.

Emperor Xiao Jing's means was really toxic when he would bestow marriage to one's sworn enemy. No only he would kick away all the females he did not want, he had smoonthly controlled the situation and warn all those officials that were itching to move… It was an arrow that pierced three eagles. He was just so evil.

Over time the officials dared not send beauties to Emperor Xiao Jing.

However rumours were not lessened. A hot blooded young man who did not have any female than a wife who is in a coma, it made others wonder if he was a broken sleeve.

But when the rumours were out, it did not seem to affect anything. The Emperor was a broken sleeve? He had two sons and one did not worry about who would be inheriting the Empire. Moreover this person was evil and the saying goes that evil ones would live for thousands of years, so one fear that he would live long.

All in all, the commoners took it as nothing and the officials became obedient.

The morning sun was shining particularly brightly as Tao GuGu carried two children to Xie Jing Xing and said worriedly, "Your Majesty is really bringing the two Princes out… For a trip?"

Xie Jing Xing had a baby in each hands and walk onto the carriage saying, "En."

In the carriage, Shen Miao was sleeping. Xie Jing Xing looked at her with a headached and said, "Already slept for half a year, are you a pig?"

Chu Yi and Shi Wu waved their little hands and looked at Xie Jing Xing curiously. Xie Jing Xing said towards the people outside, "Depart!"

Tie Yi picked up the horse whip. After Master became the Emperor, he, the leader of Mo Yun Army, had become a horse keeper.

Xie Jing Xing was very fond of bring the children for trips outside. Even though Deng GongGong and Tang Shu did their best to stop it, they was unable as his martial arts skill were higher than them and was simply unstoppable. He had always said that by letting the children look at all the landscapes when they were young, then in the future they would not be blinded easily by the flashy world and thus able to know what they truly want in life.

This was in fact just an excuse. He just wanted to take Shen Miao out to play.

The horse carriage stopped at the shady part of the mountain. The scenery at the foot of the mountain was good.

Xie Jing Xing carried the children out and Mo Qing considerately brought out small plates of rice paste. Lately Chu Yi and Shi Wu was learning to eat rice paste and both children were so picky that getting them to eat it was harder than getting to Heavens.

Tie Yi carried Chu Yi and Mo Qing carried Shi Wu as Xie Jing Xing fed both of them the rice paste. Both of the children were not happy with it and it made one's heart hurt.

Xie Jing Xing became angry and said, "Pass the children to me."

He causually found a red strip of cloth that Jing Zhe used to tie the food basket and put Chu Yi in the basket to carry on his back and carried Shi Wu in front, 'forcing' Shi Wu to eat the rice paste.

Shi Wu kicked up a fuss and Xie Jing Xing pushed the Mo Yun Army people away and did not allow them to intervene. He really started fighting with the two kids.

A Monarch of a country had a baby tied to his back and carrying another in his arms. There was also a red flower strip of cloth that was tied as he fed the baby as if with great enimity.

Everyone in Mo Yun Army could not continue watching.

Shi Qu burst into tears and Chu Yi who was at the back seemed to have sense it and also started bawling. It was not only that as Xie Jing Xing felt a stream of warm on his body.

That was just great. It was pee.

He was so angry and was just about to tech those two stinky fellow when he suddenly heard Jing Zhe explaimed in shock, "Someone laughed!"

Everyone was startled.

Jing Zhe's voice was somewhat trembling with excitement as she pointed to the horse carriage, "I just heard it!"

Shen Miao was sleeping in the carriage.

In a moment, the surrounding became quiet.

The breeze at the mountains seemed to touched everyone's face and it was warm, yet brought a slight itch along, as if the sunlight was too handsome.

In the silence, one had heard clearly this time that there was indeed someone laughing. It was a gentle and familiar laughter with some closeness to it.

After a long time later, Xie Jing Xing strode over.

His hands was somewhat trembling but at the end, he made up his mind and pull open the carriage's curtain.

The female's brows were mild, as if it was the first bloom of the begonia and her voice was still lazy but the faint brightness in her eyes gave away her excitement.

She turned her head and smiled gently, "Long time no see, Young Marquis Xie."