Side Story 1: Thousands of Possibilties – Crazy Couple

The matter of Shen Miao waking up almost shocked the entire court.

A person who slept on every day and no matter how another saw her, there was no way one would wake up. When no one any any hope, who knew that it was at this time when Xie Jing Xing brought the two babies out, Shen Miao would wake up by herself. When both of them returned to the Palace, they almost shocked everyone till their teeth fall off.

Shen Xin and wife came out with Shen Qiu and when they saw that Shen Miao was standing perfectly fine in front of them, Luo Xue Yan immediately started bawling. Shen Xin and Shen Qiu stood there blankly for a long time. Even though they did not express themselves like Luo Xue Yan, their eyes could not help but become red.

Luo Tan reached out to touch Shen Miao's hair, "Is this real? Is my eyes alright?" Gao Yang, pinch me and see if this real or not?"

Gao Yang was not there as he was rushing to invite Gao Zhan over.

After Gao Zhan arrived, he took Shen Miao pulsed and clicked his tongue in wonder, "Her Ladyship the Empress's pulse is stable. Everything is alright."

Everyone released a long sigh of relief.

The Shen family arrived at Great Liang shortly after Xie Jing Xing was enthroned and was unable to accept after they came to know that Shen Miao was in a coma. They insisted on bringing Shen Miao around the lands to look for reknown doctors and thinking that it was not possible for Xie Jing Xing to let a sleeping person become an Empress and even though if one was the Empress, in the future, one's heart would change easily and retained an entire Inner Palace of women, Shen Xin was firm in bringing Shen Miao away.

However Xie Jing Xing was not willing and even knelt down to beg Shen Xin. At the end, he even used Mo Yun Army to threathen and almost went to battle with Shen Xin's troops.

It was Luo Tan and Luo Xue Yan that came to persuade and even mentioned Chu Yi and Shi Wu. Shen Xie had no other choice but he was afraid that others would create trouble for Shen Miao and made Shen Miao suffer greviences. Thus he handed over the Shen family army and the Luo family army to Luo Ling and stationed his family in the Palace permanently. It was so that it was easier to watch over Shen Miao to avoid any accidents.

This was actually a violation of the rules and regulation but Xie Jing Xing was happy about it as it was good that there were people chatting and accompanying Shen Miao. For this half a year, the Shen family also personally witnessed Xie Jing Xing treating Shen Miao wholeheartedly, just like in the past, and their hearts gradually settled down.

Speaking of these things, Shen Miao had mixed feelings. She had not thought that upon waking up, she was able to see her loved ones. Seeing everyone well and peaceful was a blessing that she dared not wished for.

"SaoSao." Ji Yu Shu said, "Now that you are awake, those officials would not dared to talk nonsense. You do not know that for the past half a year, the officials of Long Ye had been played by Imperial Older Biao Brother badly."

Xie Jing Xing took a glance at him, "Talk too much."

Ji Yu Zhu quickly coughed. After Shen Miao fell into deep sleep, Xie Jing Xing had no patience with anyone other than the Shen family, Chu Yi and Shi Wu, much less verbally sparing with others. His sinister approach to matters, however, was a higher level thus one dared not provoke him.

"Return after finishing your questions." Xie Jing Xing looked coldly at the talking crowd. "The skies are dark so don't disturb Zhen's Empress's rest."

He emphasized the words 'Zhen's Empress' heavily."

When Shen QIu saw it, he wanted to roll up his sleeves and fight with Xie Jing Xing. In the past six months, both of them would exchange pointers behind the scenes. It was said to be exchanging of pointers but it was in actually showing their dissatisfaction with one another. Shen Qiu's heart was filled with unhappiness that Shen Miao fell into a coma because of Xie Jing Xing and moreoever he was not in good terms with Xie Jing Xing in the beginning. Xie Jing Xing did not like Shen Qiu being nosy. There was no need for outsiders to manage his wife. Even her Eldest Brother could not do it.

Now seeing that Xie Jing Xing using his sovereignty upon Shen Miao's return, Shen Qiu's heart did not feel good.

However Luo Xue Yan spoke, "It is correct. Qiao Qiao just woke up but we asked so many questions, thus she would be inevitably dizzy. It is better to let her rest for a while. Anyways there is still a lot of time in the future and we can speak slowly."

Shen Miao actually wanted to listen to the matters of the past six months that everyone spoke about but after thinking about it, she also agreed. It would not be clear for everything to be said at once and it was better to speak slowly since there was time.

After everyone dispersed, Shen Miao returned to the sleeping chambers.

She went to wash up first. Jing Zhe and the few of them were waiting on her as she bathed and as they were serving, their tears rolled down, "Fu… Your Ladyship is finally awake. These servants had previously thought that it would be great is one was able to wait upon Your Ladyship for one more bath. One did not know if Heavens would be willing to give this one more chance. One had not thought that Heavens is virtuous enough and gave these servants a chance… Your Ladyship, in the future these servants would serve you like this everyday…"

She had not knowd that just bathing once, these maids would be weaping and making her esperated. She then had to coax these maids with soft words instead. She knew deep in her heart that her half year of sleep had most likely scared these maids badly.

After wiping her body and wrining her hair dry, Shen Miao put on the clothes and walked out and also instructed the nanny to carry Chu Yi and Shi Wu in. Both children were carried onto the bed and because they were often carried by Xie Jing Xing to Shen Miao previously, both children were no stranger to her scent even though Shen Miao had not woken up before. They smiled as they looked at her and curiously extended their small hands to play with her hair.

Shen Miao's entire heart was almost filled up with the two children. She reached her fingers out to tease the children. As they were twins and they were equally lively, the nannies would not be able to tell them apart normally, thus they put on different clothes for them. Chu Yi wore blue clothes while Shi Wu wore red clothes.

Chu Yi grapped onto Shen Miao's finger and laughed.

Shen Miao also started laughing.

When Xie Jing Xing came back in, he saw Shen Miao lying on the bed with the two little fellows with all smiles.

He walked over and poke fun, "Have become silly after sleeping for half a year? Smile so silly."

"I am looking at my sons." Shen Miao rolled her eyes at him, "What does it got to do with you?"

"That is also my sons." Xie Jing Xing raised his brows, "Without me, how would you give birth?"

Shen Miao could not be bothered with him and played with Chu Yi and Shi Wu happily. Xie Jing Xing took off his outer robes before walking over and reached his hands out to embrace her, "There are nothing good to look at these two silly little fools."

"You have not given them names? The names, Chu Yi and Shi Wu, are just too casual." Shen Miao complained, "You just named them randomly?"

"Who said that I named them randomly?" Xie Jing Xing said, "One wait for you to wake up and name them."

"You are not afraid that I would not wake up?"

Xie Jing Xing said lazily, "Then they would be called Xie Chu Yi and Xie Shi Wu."

Shen Miao, "…"

One did not know if the two little fellows on the bed understood Xie Jing Xing's words as they started calling out 'Ya Ya' sounds.

Shen Miao quickly reached out to coax them but Xie Jing Xing pulled her arms back to his embrace, "After not seeing for half a year, you don't miss me at all? This is so cold."

After a moment of silence, Shen Miao suddenly turned around and shook herself out from Xie Jing Xing's embrace. She crossed her arms around her chest and stared at Xie Jing Xing with a smile but not a smile.

Xie Jing Xing suddenly felt his back going a little numb.

She said, "Little Xie Marquis, do you know what you did?"

Xie Jing Xing was unable to make heads or tails of it, "What did one do?"

Shen Miao smiled coldly.


Summer was good as butterflies were playing and bees were flying around. There were birds chirping everywhere and the pedestrians filled the streets as gorses gallop by. The stalls owner were shouting out their wares from the East to the West of the city, making the entire atmosphere bustling.

Shen Miao was wearing a yellow long-sleeved robes and her hair was up in a hundred knots. The robes were brightly coloured and with the addition of a complicated hairstyle, it looked disorderly. Including her gold and silver jewelry and heavy makeup, it looked was exceptionally… Stupid.

The people around took a glance and also put on a look of one watching a joke.

Shen Miao's gaze was somewhat bleak.

She was clearly in the Imperial Palace of Great Liang a moment ago and was in th brink of death, thus she thought that she had died. However at the next moment, she was at this lively street.

She was not a stranger to this street. This was in Ming Qi's Ding capital.

What was going on? From Long Ye to Ding capital, one would not be able to arrive at a blink of an eye. Could it be that she was dreaming?

But Shen Miao did not think it was. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu was following behind and both of them as usual, had looks of being careful. Shen Miao looked at her clothes… It seemed that she had return back to a long time ago. Long enough that… She had just started to fall in love with Fu Xiu Yi?

Could it be that because of the rebirth, this was a dream? Which was then reality? Which was the dream?

Shen Miao felt her head hurt and she reached her hand out to hold her forehead. Gu Yu jumped in shock when she saw it, "Is Young Lady not feeling well anywhere?"

Shen Miao shook her head and was about to speak when she saw a familiar person on the corder of the streets. That person was dressed in rags and there was a horsetail whisk in his hand as he shook his head and one did not know what he was mumbling about. However Shen Miao's eyes brighten up and ran over to that person without caring to speak more.

Jing Zhe and Gu Yu was unable to stop her and could only follow as Shen Miao walked to that person.

"Chi Yan Taoist Priest!" Shen Miao shouted.

That strange Taoist priest turned over and was in all smiles. It was indeed Chi Yan Taoist Priest.

When Chi Yan Taoist Priest saw her, he had a look of surprise, "Furen, why are you here?"

Shen Miao noticed that he called her 'Furen' and not 'Young Lady'.

Jing Zhe said angrily, "Who are you calling Furen? Don't anyhow call. Our Young Lady is not married yet!"

Shen Miao stopped Jing Zhe's words and said to Chi Yan Taoist Priest, "Taoist Priest, let's step aside to talk."

"Young Lady!" Jing Zhe and Gu Yu became so anxious.

Shen Miao's brows became firm, "Listen to me!"

She was so fierce that both maids were startled and dared not speak..

Shen Miao and Chi Yan walked to another part of the temple ruins while Jing Zhe and Gu Yu guarded outside. Shen Miao looked at Chi Yan Taoist Priest and hesitated for a little before finally asking, "Taoist Priest knows me?"

"One has three encounters with Furen." The Taoist Priest showed three with his fingers.

Once in the past lifetime, twice during the rebirth. It was three times. Shen Miao hurriedly asked, "Taoist Priest, do you know what is going on? Why am I here?"

She was clearly losing her life so without any rhyme and reason, why would she return to Ming Qi's Ding capital, to the very beginning? Could it be everything with Xie Jing Xing and everything that happened in Great Liang, like giving birth, were just like a illusion of wealth? If it was a dream, then it felt too real.

"Furen's lifeline is very strange." The Taoist Priest said, "Even though there is an opportunity of rebirth, one's fate is disturbed and one's life is robbed. Now this is the last hurdle to cross. This has nothing to do with other and Furen can only depend on oneself."

Shen Miao frowned, "What is the meaning of Taoist Priest's words?"

"In the previous lifetime, someone request an opportunity of rebirth for you but in the ten of thousands of possibilities, you might be able able to know and fall in love with the people you do in the rebirth lifetime and might also know and fall in love with others. Furen, you have two choices."

Shen Miao clenched her fist, "What choices?"

"Currently Furen's 'body' is most likely in coma. You can choose to stay in this dream and search for another possibility, thus from now onwards, everything would be redone and one could chose another life. However that 'body' would forever sleep and not wake."

"And the other possibility is?" Shen Miao asked.

"You can look for that male in your life and let that male in this dream believe in you and bring him back to Great Liang and to the Imperial Palace of Great Liang. From the moment one step into Great Liang's Imperial Palace, your 'body' would wake up."

Shen Miao was startled.

"But this is very difficult." The Taoist Priest stroked his beard, "Now to this male, you are a stranger. It is very difficult for you to convince him to go with you to Great Liang."

Shen Miao's head hurt, "This is just not possible."

With Xie Jing Xing's personality, his acuteness and suspicions, he would not believe others easily. Even the Shen Miao after rebirth was in a stalemate with Xie Jing Xing for a long time. Currently… Shen Miao looked at her current appearance. It would be strange if Xie Jing Xing believed her.

"Furen, speaking of that." The Taoist Priest spoke, "Furen naturally can remain in this dream. There is no different in this dream and reality. Furen can live one's life here and restart, making things easier. If one were to choose the second choice, it would be very difficult."

Shen Miao lowered her head and asked after a moment, "Does Taoist Priest still have red strings? How about giving me two?"

Chi Yan paused and sized Shen Miao up like he did not know her before suddenly smiling, "Furen still want to choose that route?"

"I can live like this. It is also good like this." Shen Miao smiled gently, "But even if there were ten of thousands of possibilities, I am not willing to let him feel sad in even one due to me. I will go and get acquainted with him first."

"If the mountain doesn't come to me then I will go to the mountain. The predestined fate that Taoist Priest bestow to me, when it disappears, I will look for it myself." She said.

Chi Yan said, "What a emotional fool! In this case, this poor priest would bestow you a way out!" He found two red strings from his clthes, "Furen, one wish you all the best."

Shen Miao bowed and turned around to leave.

Jing Zhe and Gu Yu felt somewhat strange these days.

First it was that Shen Miao had changed her love for wearing gold and silver in the past and started to wear more matured colours but it was strangely good. Second was that she no longer went along with the usual treatment of Second and Third household and most of the time would be disdainful of them.

The third one was that in the past she would secretly instruct people to enquire about Prince Ding's news but she did not mention anything these days, as if she did not remember such a person.

Finally was that she was always walking around on the streets.

Xie Jing Xing was one who like to go around. Today he would go to brothels, tomorrow he would attend banquets. Even though she knew that it was his disguise, Shen Miao's state of mind is now different. Upon seeing Xie Jing Xing attracting bees and butterflies like this, she hated that she could not trample both his legs.

However as she was making discreeept inquiries of Xie Jing Xing's whereabouts, she could only follow secretly. For this past half a month, there were no repeats and he almost went around the entire Ding capital.

There was one evening that Shen Miao let Jing Zhen d Gu Yu said at one side while she personally went up to the entrance of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An.

There was a refreshing look when she was dressed like a male and in additional that the people in Ding capital veiew her as an idiot who wear gold and silver, naturally she would not be associated with the Fifth Young Lady of the Shen family.

From afar, one was able to see Xie Jing Xing returning on horseback.

There was Gao Yang and Ji Yu Shu that were following behind him.

He was indeed a playboy who frequent brothels and he would see with one glance that she was dressed in male glothes. Ji Yu Shu even whistled as he smiled, "Third Older Brother, there is another beauty throwing herself again."

Shen Miao, "…"

Xie Jing Xing flipped over and gotten off the horse. He glance at her but one did not know what it meant before he headed towards the doors. Shen Miao grabbed onto him, "Little Xie Marquis!"

Xie Jing Xing stopped.

"Let's talk." She said.

In the room, Xie Jing Xing poured a cup of tea for her and stared lazily at her, "Shen Miao, the Fifth Shen Young Lady, has been following me for half a month, could it be that you have really fallen in love with me?"

His words were frivolous but his gaze was sharp and arrogant like always. He had long investigate her background thoroughly but did not say anything.

Shen Miao's head ached.

To let the Great Liang's her wake up early, then one had to get this Xie Jing Xing to Long Ye then one would wake up from the dream. But in this dream, Xie Jing Xing was just as stubborn and suspicious. So what should she say?

To say that she was Xie Jing Xing's wife? Or say that she had gave birth to two children for him? Would Xie Jing Xing think that she had gone crazy?

She said, "Little Xie Marquis, can you… Accompany me to Great Liang?"

Before the voice landed, a strong wind approached and before Shen Miao could react, her throat was grasped tightly His voice was indifferent and there was a silent killing intent, "What do you know?"

Shen Miao was somewhat unable to breath.

She knew that it would be like this! With Xie Jing Xing's overbearing temperament, no matter what was said, nothing would go in. Even if she wanted to explain, it would not be possible!

Seeing her gasping with difficulty, it seemed that she did not have martial arts skills thus Xie Jing Xing slightly loosen his hand. Shen Miao was angry and anxious as she fumed, "Soundrel!"

Xie Jing Xing's gaze was biting cold, "Your guts are sure big."

"Soundrel! Skirt-chaser! No sense of shame! Destoy the bridge after crossing the river! Heart of wolves and lungs of dogs…" She did not stop scolding.

Xie Jing Xing was stunned and unconsciously released his hands. After a while he laughed, "Fifth Shen Young Lady, I don't seem to have offended you."

Shen Miao covered her neck and said, "Bring me to Great Liang."

Just as Xie Jing Xing was about to flare up, one heard Shen Miao speaking, "When you bring me to Great Liang, I will tell you what I know."

Xie Jing Xing crossed his arms and looked coldly at her before he smiled slightly, "Apologies. I have totally no interest in what you know." He sat down on the table and drank the tea unhurriedly, "But I will spare your life today. If one discover if you have other conspiracies… Fifth Shen Young Lady should also know that I am not a good person."

Shen Miao was slightly dazed.

This 'I am not a good person' sentence was said to her by Xie Jing Xing previously.

"Fifth Shen Young Lady still does not want to leave? Want to stay overnight in my Marquis residence?" He said with a smile but not a smile, "There is no problem for me."

Shen Miao said, "No sense of shame!" And she walked away in anger.

After Shen Miao left, Xie Jing Xing became cold as he called out, "Tie Yi."

A person clad in black appeared in the room.

"Investigate Shen Miao of the Shen family." He said.

The black clad person complied and left.


It was very difficult for Shen Miao to chase Xie Jing Xing.

No matter if it was the real Xie Jing Xing or the dream Xie Jing Xing, both of them were equally hateful and would make Shen Miao grit her teeth in anger. It was especially so in the dream.

Now in the dream, Shen Miao was considered as a stranger to Xie Jing Xing. Previously one was notorious for being stupid and liking Fu Xiu Yi. Now that one changed the target, one would find that she was inconsistent to other's description and would find that she had very deep schemes. Moreover she might even know about his true identity and one did not know what she was scheming about.

Xie Jing Xing was wary of her and it was no easy to get close to him. Shen Miao could only follow him secretly every day and find of ways to say a few words to him.

Xie Jing Xing also knew that she was following but pretended not to know. It was Gao Yang and Ji Yu Shu would often laughed at him with provoking words.

On the third day of the seventh month, it was Xie Jing Xing's birthday.

She felt that in reality during Xie Jing Xing's birthday, she was squabbling with Xie Jing Xing because of Mei Furen and afterwards when she stopped squabbling, Xie Jing Xing was in shock and fear due to the assassin. Thinking that since it was as such, it would be good to make up a birthday celebration with Xie Jing Xing in the dream.

She went out early to book a banquet at Yan Yu Pavilion.

She had a lot of gold and silver jewelry that she pawned all away. One banquet table in Yan Yu Pavilion cost a thousand of gold and even though Jing Zhe and Gu Yu was so anxious that their eyes turned red, Shen Miao did not listen at all.

It was just a dream and money were merely worldly possessions, what more in a dream?

She had thought that when it was evening, she would drag Xie Jing Xing over and in this banquet, perhaps they could talk and discuss about the matter of Great Liang. The implications were rather complicated and even if it was explained, Xie Jing Xing might not understand or perhaps thought that she was spouting nonsense.

She followed behind Xie Jing Xing to Qian Jin Lou. Xie Jing Xing was drinking wit a few of the Ding capital's noble sons but one also saw Qin Qing.

Qin Qing was the young lady of the Left Imperial Censor family and had painted with Shen Miao during the academy examinations. Qin Qing appeared beautifully and was wearing blue wide-sleeved embroidered robes with a goose yellow belt around her waist, showcasing her slender waistline. The fluttering of her clothes gave her some fairy like look.

Qin Qing had always been proud of her beauty and ordinary people would not enter her eyes but at this oment she followed her Eldest Brother and sat down. Her gaze would also unconsciously land on Xie Jing Xing. There was only tender sentiments and where would there be the usual pride?

Only fools would not be able to see that Qin Qing had interest in Xie Jing Xing. Eldest Qin Brother had the intention to pull strings and deliberately kept a sitting position open so that Qin Qing and Xie Jing Xing could sit together.

Shen Miao looked at the other side and did not know what Qin Qing and Xie Jing Xing was talking about that Xie Jing Xing laughed amourously while Qin Qing turned her head shyly. From afar, they were really like a couple.

The rims of Shen Miao's eyes were somewhat sour.

She knew that this was a dream and also knew that the current Xie Jing Xing did not recognise her or like her. She knew that he was putting an act for others and would not be able to manage him but she just felt sad. She thought of the reality in Great Liang if there would be a beauty beside Xie Jing Xing in the future with fragrant clothes and beautiful appearance.

In tens of thousands of possibility, it was not possible for him to keep on choosing her.

She closed her eyes as she felt that that the toasting scene was especially offensive and could no longer watch on, thus she turned around and left.

She walked away but walked to Yan Yu Pavilion.

The banquet that was booked in Yan Yu Pavilion was the best feast and the location was good as it was located at the highest level. When one look out the window, one could see the fireworks and moon.

Shen Miao went in alone. In the huge banquet, there was only her sitting alone. Exquisite dishes filled the table and they looked gorgeous but were unable to hide the loneliness of the banquet.

She poured a cup of wine for herself.

The wine was indeed a good one. It was fermented very long and the light sweet taste was long lasting.

She slowly drank it and would look at the moonlight every cup.

The moonlight in the dream was really beautiful. In the real world, who was Xie Jing Xing accompanying to look at the moon?

She drank so much that her head was dizzy and she did not even hear that there were footsteps behind her.

She however heard a teasing voice behind her.

"Wow. The Shen family indeed a big household with great undertaking. Even when the Fifth Shen Young Lady eat alone, one have to eat a banquet at Yan Yu Pavilion."

Shen Miao turned around to look and saw Xie Jing Xing walking casually over with a laugh in his lips.

Shen Miao frowned.

Xie Jing Xing took a glance at the empty wine jugs. There were a few empty jugs that were a few fallen and another turned over. He teased, "To drink so much, is Fifth Shen Young Lady in a bad mood?"

Shen Miao stared straight at him.

Xie Jing Xing leaned forward slightly till his line in sight matches Shen Miao. Upon seeing her slightly red eyes, he was slightly stunned as he continued, "Could it be because of me?"

Shen Miao still did not speak.

Xie Jing Xing said softly, "Because of Qin Qing?"

Before the voice fell, Shen Miao suddenly threw herself at him.

Both of her hands were hooked around Xie Jing Xing's waist and her face was buried in his embrace. It was clearly a familiar stature but why was an unfamiliar tone of voice used towards her?

She sobbed spasmodically as she scolded, "No sense of shame. Is it that you want to annual the marriage with me? In the beginning when you marry me, you said clearly that there would not be any other women in the future and we would be a pair for ones' entire lifetime. Xie Jing Xing is a liar! Swindle me into the family and now still attract bees and butterflies. My Eldest Brother and Father will definitely beat you up! Scoundrel bastard asshole!" (Translator: Author repeated HunDan 混蛋 three times but I took the advantage to use 3 different translations of it… Hehe…)

Xie Jing Xing was horrified, "Since when did I say…"

But Shen Miao was crying so tragically as she held him that Xie Jing Xing swallowed his remaining words.

The young girl in his arms cried so sadly and she was thrashing him, illustrating that he was really angry. Both of her hands were tightly clasped around her waist, just like a child, unwilling to even let go a little. Xie Jing Xing hesitated for a moment before reaching out, wanting to pat this young female's shoulder.

She was the Fifth Young Lady of the Shen family, with the well known reputation of being an idiot. The Shen family had nothing to do with him thus he did not take any notice. Who knew that one day he would be fixated by Shen Miao and even seemed to have good relations with him. Xie Jing Xing was unable to make head or tail of it and was very suspicious of it as Shen Miao seemingly knew about his Great Liang secret.

However it seemed that he was unable to harden his heart to her.

Upon hearing from Tie Yi that she was drunk in Yan Yu Pavilion, he went there like demons and gods were at work.

Xie Jing Xing frowned as he stared at the person in his embrace. This body is warm and delicate and it seemed that his heart was also heated up a little. However he felt a bit strange as this posture was somewhat familiar, like he had done this before.

But where did he do it? In one's dream?

He hesitated and spoke uncentainly, "Shen Miao, did I previously… Hug you like this before?"

The crying in his embrace stopped short.

Shen Miao lifted her head out from his embrace and stared at him.

Under the moonlight, her rims of her eyes were red and swollen but her eyes were sparkling, as if there was a new hope in the despair, making it look very moving.

She stood on tiptoe and pulled Xie Jing Xing's collar to bring him closer to her and kissed him fiercely.

"You even kiss me like this." She said.


Afterwards, it was Shen Miao who annoyed Xie Jing Xing till he had no choice but to finally agree to bring her to Great Liao.

Perhaps in that dream when Xie Jing Xing and Shen Miao disappeared, most likely the commoners of Ming Qi would think that they had eloped.

But so what about it. Upon reaching to Great Liang's Imperial Palace, one would wake up from the dream.

In the nearly half a year journey, Shen Miao had told the dream Xie Jing Xing of her story. She did not know whether Xie Jing Xing would believe her or not.

After Xie Jing Xing listened, he did not say anything but later there was one night that he spoke to Shen Miao.

He said, "That Taoist Priest did not speak correctly."

Shen Miao was doubtful, "What?"

"In ten of thousands of possibilities, I will only choose you." His lips hooked up to a smile as he took a red string from Shen Miao's hands and tied onto himself, "Hurry along. Shen Jiao Jiao, don't let the me in reality wait for too long."


Xie Jing Xing's eyes were buldging as he listened stunned.

Shen Miao squiented her eyes at him, "In that possibility of a dream, you are attracting bees and butterflies, going to brothels daily and kept on bullying me. You do not believe what I said to you and even doubt me that you strangle my neck. Xie Jing Xing, do you know what you did?"

Her tone of voice was one of condemnation and it made Xie Jing Xing silent. After a long while, he then said, "The me in the dream is not me."

"It is still you in the dream!" Shen Miao said angrily.

Xie jing Xing quickly held her to soothen her feathers, "At the end, the me in the dream believed you and brought you back to Great Liang. This shows that there are only you in one's heart." He then touched his chin and said unhappily, "But that kid is really fortunate since you actually took the initiative to kiss him."

Shen Miao, "…"

Under Heavens, only Xie Jing Xing would drink his own vinegar.

"In this case, I would definitely apologise to Furen." Xie Jing Xing said seriously and suddenly swoop Shen Miao up,"One deservice to die for treating Furen coldly. Today Furen can do whatever one want."

"Chu Yi and Shi Wu…"

"Let the wet nurse look after." Xie Jing Xing carried her and headed out. However his lips could not help but hooked up, "Even though that person is very hateful in the dream, there is one thing that is not wrong."

Shen Miao looked at him, "What thing?"

"In ten of thousands of possibilities, I will only choose you. Only you" He said.