Chapter Three

"Room by the stairs"

Kahilu :(walks out of the room)...

Kudzai:(excited)..... Hey my love.....

Kahilu:(looks at her, with no enthusiasm in his response).... Hi mum

Kudzai :.. Come and give your mother a hug or are you too grown up?..... me, its not about growth....


Kahilu:.... How come you're back early? Two weeks usually means four months....

Kudzai:(in Xhosa)... I just got here and you want to give me headaches......... This is my house now isn't it? I can come and go as I please

Kahilu:yah, I'm aware of your trips....

Kudzai :.. I'm never welcome in my own house...

Kuffi:(from upstairs)..... Mum? How come you're back this early?

Kudzai :... Both of you should stop with your assumptions, I said two weeks or less

Kuffi:(reaches down the stairs with Zara)....

Zara:(to Kudzai)....hi

Kudzai:... Hi dear. Do you see just how unwelcome I am in my own house (in Xhosa)... Both my children don't want me around


Kahilu:.... The fact is that you're never here

Kudzai:.... Don't ruin my mood please.... (Puts her left hand out).... I'm so happy today

Kuffi:.... Why?

Kudzai :I mean are you blind? Look at my hand..... I'm getting married..... (Smiles)....


Kahilu:(upset).... What?..... Are insane?


kahilu:... You don't demand respect you earn it


Kuffi:..... Who are getting married to?

Kahilu:.. The better question is why?

Kudzai: it's my happiness kahilu....

Kahilu:... Fuck it. You're grown, don't you for a second think of that...... And then Kuffi and I, what are we? Ornaments?.... You need our permission for this...


kahilu :.....

Kuffi:.... (irritated )......Zara is here for a bit

Kudzai :okay...

Kuffi:(goes away with Zara)....

Kahilu:..... SHE'S 16 MUM!..... I'M 19....... we don't have the time and space for a father figure.....


Kahilu:..... IT NEVER WORKS LIKE THAT MUM... (Argument continues)......

Kuffi:(in the kitchen with Zara)...

Zara:... You're okay with the marriage?

Kuffi:, no...

Zara:... Why didn't you stay to fight like your brother?

Kuffi:...... She'll just frustrate me, I don't need that right now.

Zara :.... (Breathes out)....

Kuffi:(on her phone)...... I need me some Hakeem

Zara:..... Oh God..... (rolls her eyes)....

"The next day "

(Waterford high school)...

Tandeo:..... So if Zara is at your house how come she's not here?

Kuffi:... She's sick

Jhene :.whats wrong with her?

Kuffi :she has a cold

Tandeo:.... Oh tell her to get well soon.

Kuffi:.... Okay

Kross:(walks up to them)... Hi

Kuffi:... She's not coming anytime soon

Tandeo:(confused).... Who?

Kuffi:... He's here to ask about Zara

Jhene:. Why?..... Aren't you two on some beef or something

Kuffi:.... They are. His bored and he wants to disturb Zara's peace of mind

Kross :(irritated)..... Could you just tell her to text me, thats all I ask.....

Kuffi:... She has a phone crisis...

Kross:... Which is?

Kuffi:.... It broke now go away...


Jhene:..... Okay on an unrelated note, why did Lebana break up with you?...

Kuffi:.... Lebana did what?

Tandeo:.... Her whole story, her highlights, even her bio is about the break up...

Kross:.... Your friend is an attention seeker. I broke up with her..... And yeah, she wants the world to think she broke up with me. I have no time to correct bullshit......

Jhene:... Oh so is this where Zara falls in?.......

Kuffi:.... No its not. Leave Zara alone please

Kross :..... I want Zara not you so whats your deal?....

Tandeo:.... You want who...? (Excited).....

Jhene:... My mind is blown right now...

Kuffi:my deal is that you're shit and she's my best friend. I'm not going to watch her fall into your shit.....

Kross:...... (Calmly).... I'm not shit okay. I was, but I want her and I know I'll be better for her...

Kuffi:..... (rolls her eyes)....

Tandeo:(smiles).... Ooh

Kross:..... Tell her to contact me anyway she can, please...... (Goes)......


Jhene:..... Is that Kross?.....

Tandeo:..... As long as its not Lebana, I'm on team Kross with whoever

Jhene:...... He sounded really mature, not the usual

Kuffi:.... I'm scared for Zara...

Tandeo:.... Just let her text him, he sounds legit and anyway..... Zara is really pretty, she needs a Kross type of guy.....

Kuffi:..... Its not about how he looks it's about what he can give, it will either be glorious or disastrous


Jhene:.... So you won't tell her?

Kuffi:............................. I'll think about it


"Random parking lot"

Zara:(waiting in kahilu's car, eating a cup of ice cream)....

Kahilu:(enters the car with a box of the iPhone XS).... Here you go

Zara:(confused)...... (Gets the box).... Uhm...

Kahilu:.... Its yours, Kuffi told me yours broke....

Zara :(shocked).... Uhm, yeah..... Thank you...... (Checking the box out).....

Kahilu:... I didn't know the color you wanted so...

Zara:..... Its okay, like you didn't even have to get me one.....

Kahilu:... I had to so that you can talk to your boyfriends and whatever....

Zara:.... Funny. I don't have a boyfriend......... so I'll just play games on this.... (Puts the phone away)....

Kahilu:...... You're joking right?

Zara :about the boyfriend thing or the games?

Kahilu:...... You have no boyfriend?

Zara:what? I'm suppose to one? .....

Kahilu:(starts the car)....... High school must be different now I guess...

Zara:. (Laughs).... You were in high school just two years ago..

Kahilu:.... Exactly, if you were in my class...... You'd have been cuffed by me.... (Starts driving)....

Zara:..... (Trying not to blush, looking out the window)....

Kahilu:... (Driving)..... Sad that Choolwe wasn't around...

Zara:... Yeah, but thanks for driving me, the heat outside looks unbearable.....

Kahilu:.... Well if you kept being stubborn for another second you'd have been out there?

Zara:......... (Breathes out)....

Kahilu:....... Look, I know you're scared of what will happen if all this is reported but if you don't maybe...

Zara:.... I don't want to talk about that, like at all....... That's why I didn't want you to drive me here actually .....

Kahilu:...... (Nods his head) it..... I'm sorry...

Zara:......(looking out the window)....

"That night"

Kuffi:(on her phone, waiting..... Looking at the door from time to time).....

Zara:..... (Walks in, smiles)

Kuffi:(confused and concerned).... What happened? Where were you?...

Zara:..... I was with kahilu

Kuffi:(looks at her in excitement.....).... What happened?.... Am I suppose to be excited?..... sisters are usually grossed out..... but I'm excited.... What happened?...

Zara:.... (Sits on the bed).....

Kuffi:talk to me....

Zara:.... I liked his face,....... Now I like his smile and his eyes and his voice and his humor and his whole vibe....

Kuffi:.... Eyes?..... Okay.

Zara:....... I'll just end there.

Kuffi:... Please (laughs)..... Lord knows why I was excited for you two...... Its all just gross. I now understand why siblings never want to hear it......never tell me when you start the kissing staff...... T.M.I, and when he bangs you please no, not at all

Zara:(laughs)...... I don't think we'll get together.... (gets her phone off the table from the charger)..... All done.

Kuffi:........ I don't want to be bad, so I'll tell you....


Kuffi:Kross was worried about you. He said to call him when you had the chance to.....

Zara:..... Thanks. You didn't want to tell me?

Kuffi:..... No, I don't like him at all, you know that....

Zara:..... (Puts in a number)...

Kuffi:..... (Laughs in shock).... You memorized it?

Zara:...... Don't judge me, I don't have many friends so yes I know his number.....

Kuffi:.... Wow, I don't even know my own number

Zara:(her phone starts ringing).....

Kuffi:that was quick.....

Zara:(answers the phone, walking away)....

Kuffi:.... Kross my ass.

Zara:(walking to the balcony on the phone)....

"The next day"

(Passage leading to the old chemistry lab, the cafeteria and store room).....

Lebana:(from a distance, angry)..... I can't believe he's taking that bitch to our spot...

Kross :(opens the lab door for Zara).....

Zara:.... (Walks in)....

Lebana:..... She's the worlds biggest idiot.

J'hream:..... Let's just go have our lunch..... (Takes Lebana away with her)....

Zara :(looking around)..... Why are we here?...... Isn't this place out of bounds?

Kross :it maybe out of bounds but, I like it..... Its super private and quiet.

Zara:(stops at one of the experiment stations).....

Kross:... I wanted to talk to you.... (Stands not so far from her)....

Zara:..... Okay. Talk....

Kross:.. I broke up with Lebana

Zara:....... And how does that concern me?

Kross :........ I want to be with you.

Zara:(laughs a bit)....


Zara:..... Oh so that's why you've been asking about me....

Kross:....... Uhm, yeah...

Zara:.... Look, its sweet that you broke up with her for me, but..... I don't like your type....... What happened to being friends? I can continue with that....(pours dirty water in a dusty beaker in front of her)

Kross :........ Its Ndasi isn't it?

Zara:.... What does he have to do with anything?...... (Puts the small dish of water away)...

Kross:.... He's holding you back...

Zara:..... No. You're both my friends........ And he has never said anything about liking me so....

Kross:..... What do you mean my type?

Zara:..... Swimmers, basketball players..... Soccer players you name it.

Kross:.... What about us?

Zara:..... You're all the same, its like you all study some book with ways for you to act ........

Kross :..... So because I know how to swim and I'm skilled at it...... Its my fault?

Zara:... Its not about the skill, its the personality....

Kross:what about my personality...

Zara:... No offense but most of you are selfish, competitive, rude..... Jerks...... You want me to go on?

Kross:... Go on

Zara:... You're arrogant, attention seekers..... Bullies..

Kross :.... I'm a bully? I don't remember the last time that happened......... I haven't been that ever since like the seventh grade.

Zara:.... You don't see it. Bullying is not always about laughing at someone directly.....

Kross:.... Okay, maybe I was 30% of those things you said I was with I was with Lebana but I'm done with her....

Zara:.... So that what? You can be 60% of those things with me?...... Anyway, we all know Lebana had no influence on you.

Kross:... (Breathes out)..... I don't get you........ Do you know how many girls at this school would die to have me as their boyfriend....

Zara:.... Well then go to them. (Rolls her eyes)....I don't need some arrogant person in my life...... Its already hectic as is....

Kross:(tense, pacing)....

Zara:(watching him).....

Kross:... (Stops)..... Do you want me to beg?..... Quit swimming? What do you want me to do?

Zara:.... Nothing......... literally nothing....

Kross:....... Kross Kumenda.....


Kross:... Begging for a girl. Wow.... Just wow.

Zara:..... Look I'm sorry

Kross :don't...... Don't be Zara Ahli....


Kross:..... (Upset).... You just enjoy your day, have a great one... (Walks away)....

Zara :.... (Watches him leave)....

"Swimming practice"

Students:(cheering among themselves)...

Firs group of swimmers:(getting ready).....

Kross:.... (Upset, impatiently waiting for the whistle to be blown).....

Lebana:.... He should lose

J'hream :.... I can't back you up on that one, he'll be either first or second..... Facts

Lebana :.....

Tandeo:(sitting on the lowest bench with Jhene, Kuffi and Zara)........ I wonder what Lebana is saying now

Jhene :(laughs)........ Ohhhh they broke up now, sad, I would stop coming if I were her

Kuffi:... She doesn't really have a choice

Coach:.... Swimmers are you ready...

Zara:.(looking at Kross).....

Kross:(puts his goggles on)....

Students:(go quiet).....

Coach:...(blows the whistle)...

Swimmers:(dive in)......

Students:(in loud cheers as Kross takes the lead).............

Swimmers:.... (Swimming).....

Kross:(reaches the other end and stops).....

Students:(go quiet)..........

Swimmers:.... (Start going for their second lap, each at their own speed)....

Coach :.... (Shocked).....

Kross:(comes out of the pool)....

Lebana :(confused)....

Zara :.....

Jhene :whats going on?

Swimmers:..... (Finnish the race to the shock of Kross)....

Coach:.... (To Kross).... Whats wrong son?

Kross :(takes his swimming cap and goggles off, gets his swimming bag and leaves the room)....

Coach:... KROSS!.....

Kross :(now out of sight).....

Students:.... (Talking among themselves)....

Asani :(out of the pool)... Do you know what's up?

Marques:.... Yep, its Zara.....


Ndasi:.... (Shocked, confused)..... What about Zara....

Martin:.. .... Its best you just back off bro...... I mean, its only fair....

Ndasi:... Whats fair?....... (Angry)... He said he hated her but because he suddenly doesn't we all have to worship that bullshit.

Asani:...... Just a warning bruh, you didn't have to get all emotional...


Ndasi:(storms off)....

Kuffi:(to Zara).... Do you know whats going on?

Zara:......... No. (Looks away)...

Kuffi :...... (Suspicious).....

"After school "

Kross:(tosses his bag in the back seat of his car)..

Zara:(watching from a distance)....

Kross:..... (Closes the back door).... (Opens the front door, enters the car and drives away).....

Kuffi:(reaches Zara)..... Let's go friend....... Kahilu keeps texting me to hurry.... (They both go off)...

"Parking lot"

Kuffi:(gets into the passengers seat)... Hi

Kahilu:... Hi

Zara:(enters the back).....

Kahilu:(adjust the rare view mirror)...... Hey

Zara:... (Smiles a bit)... Hi

Kuffi:(makes a face)...... Okay, can you just step on the gas thank you..... (Laughs awkwardly)...

Kahilu:..... (Starts the car)... Okay...... (Starts reversing).....

Zara:(looking out the window)...

"Kuffi's house"

Kahilu:... (Driving along the drive way to their garage)....

Jennifer:... (Outside the yard of her house in a really bad state, her hair messy, her eyes fatigued...... Wearing a robe and bed sleepers, standing at the centre of the yard)......

Zara:(looking out to her mum).... Wait stop.

Kahilu:(stops the car)....

Kuffi:... Kahilu go on, she's just seeking attention....... Let her suffer for what she did...

Zara:Don't start the car. (Still looking out the window)...


Jennifer:....... ZARA!........ ZARA!....(looks at Kahilu's car, looks away)...... (almost in tears).....

Zara:she can't see us? (Worried).....

Kuffi:.... The windows are tinted so no.

Kahilu:... (Starts driving)....

Zara:... STOP THE CAR!

Kahilu:(stops the car) ......

Zara : I have to go home....... (gets up, Attempts to open the door)...

Kahilu:... (Locks the doors).....

Zara:(still trying to open the door regardless)...... Open this door now...

Kuffi:.... You're clearly not thinking friend...... Kahilu, drive in please (irritated)......


Kuffi:.... (turns to face Zara)... SO THAT WHAT?...... THAT WOMEN ABUSES YOU!.......



Zara :KAHILU OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!.... (bangs her hand on the chair door)....

Kahilu:....... (Looks at Kuffi)....

Kuffi:.................... Open it.......



Kuffi:..... We tried to help her... (Faces the front)...... When her mother fucks her up that's all on her......


Kahilu:(opens the door).....

Zara:.... At least now I know the last place to go to when shit happens to me...... (Storms out of the car with her bag on her back)......

Kahilu:...... (Breathes out)......

Kuffi:..... Please just drive in, I don't want to watch this.....

Kahilu:... (Drives in).....

Jennifer:.... (Sitting on the highest step, watching Zara walk up to her)........

Zara:.... (Reaches her)....... (Nervously).... I'm so sorry mum.

Jennifer:(stands up)...... Go inside right now.....

Zara:... (Walking in)...... I'm really so sorry mum.....

Jennifer:....... (Enters after her and closes the door).......... (Slaps, punches and screaming follow).......

"Kuffi's house, 7:56pm"

(Living room)..

Kuffi:.....I'm so glad you came. She needs help, her mum is very violent....... She yells at her and physically assaults her.....

Lauren :....Your mum and I are very close friends, as such, if her children need my help.... I'll be there in no time............ So how did you know this, the abuse the yelling?

Lauren (female)

-aged 38

-brown skinned

-fair skin

-well carried, slight British accent

-south African

Kuffi:... She told me that her mum didn't treat her so well, but the physical assault........ I saw it when she came over..... Or rather when my brother brought her in........... drenched.

Lauren:(listening taking notes)....

Kuffi:.... She was shivering and barely conscious..... When I was giving her a change of clothes I saw these clotted cuts and sore on her arms....

Lauren:..... Why was she drenched?

Kuffi:.... Her mum told her to stand outside in the rain. She said she'd only get in when she felt the need to.

Lauren:....... How old is your friend and what's her name?

Kuffi:.... 16,She's Zara.... Zara Ahli...

Lauren:..... So she was here but not any more.... Why is this?

Kuffi:.... Her mum made a show of being worried about her........ So she left....... She felt bad. I tried to convince her to stay but she said that that was her mum.

Lauren:.... Do you know how old her mum is?

Kuffi:.. 38

Lauren:..... Any causes of the abuse, mental condition...... Emotional condition...... Purposely?

Kuffi:... She's sick, but Zara believes that its all on purpose....

Lauren:.... Is it?.... Any medication?

Kuffi:... Yes. I don't know it.... But apparently it makes her calm for the day....

Lauren:...... So the abuse occurs at night?

Kuffi:.... Almost every night....

Lauren:........ I want you to tell me everything you know..... whether you place it as relevant or irrelevant..... I need all the details....... I have a plan at my hands but I need your full cooperation and aid....

Kuffi:(nods her head).....

"The next day"

Zara:(alone at her desk, doodling in her note book).....

Students:(talking in groups)......

Kross:(sitting alone at the far end of the class, making a paper plane).......

Zara:....... (Still doodling)............. (A paper plane falls by her side, looks at it...... Looks away, continues doodling).....

Kross:(shocked)..... Wow... (Gets another paper)......

Zara:... (Looks up)....

Kuffi:(talking and laughing with Tandeo and Jhene by her desk)....

Zara:(gets back to her doodling, sad).....

Kross :..... (Launches the paper plane).....

Zara:...... (Looks at the plane, looks away).....

Kross:.......... Oh my God.

Zara:.......... (Picks both planes off the floor and opens them)......

Kross:........ (Waiting nervously).......

Zara:..... (Laughs a bit to herself)........

Kross:... (Smiles)......

Ndasi:..... (Notices the transaction, rolls his eyes).....


Kross:.... (Saucing his food).....

Zara:....(sitting opposite him)......... (To herself)..... I think I forgot to get a straw......


Zara:(notices Kross has two)....

Zara:...... Can I have a straw?

Kross:....... (Finishing up with his saucing).....

Zara:..... Never mind... (Stretches her arm out to get the straw)....

Kross:.... Patience, I was going to do it..... (Hands her the straw, notices her wrist)....... Whats on your wrist?

Zara:.... (Moves her hand away with the straw, pulls her blazers sleeves down)...... Its uhm....... Its a rush...

Kross:..... For real?it looked more like a tattoo or something ....

Zara:...... I'd never get a tattoo


Kross:.... really? Why?.....

Zara:.... Why should I, its painful....... And what would I get done, my husbands name?

Kross:(laughs a bit)...... That's a little too far...... Maybe your own name

Zara:...... I'll forever know my name is Zara Ahli...... Its not like I can ever forget. I don't need it engraved on my skin......

Kross:..... They're just cool, its not about forgetting anything......

Zara:..... Would you get a tattoo?

Kross:... Yeah definitely...

Zara :..... A tattoo of what?

Kross:..... Most likely my mum's name.....


Kross:..... What?

Zara:..... You're such a mummy's boy....

Kross:..... I won't deny it really, you're not the first one to tell me that.....

Zara :................ Sorry to bring this up...... But, were you okay yesterday?

Kross:.... No. (Looking down)......

Zara:...... (Awkward)......

Kross:(starts eating)......

Zara:..... (Also starts eating).....

Kuffi:.. (Walks up to Kross and Zara with Tandeo and Jhene).....

Tandeo:.... Hi you two?...... (They sit).......


Jhene:.... Hope we didn't disturb much......

Kross:.... No its good, are you here for the year book thing?

Jhene:... Yeah. Lunch was the best time..... You have practice later yeah...

Kross :... Yeah I do.

Jhene:..... Let's eat first shall we...

Zara:.... (Eating, pulling her sleeves down at intervals).....

Tandeo:...(notices Zara)... Why do keep pulling your sleeves down?....

Zara :.....

Kross:..... She has a rush....

Kuffi:... A rush?..... (In a low voice)... must definitely be that......

Zara:(rolls her eyes)....

Tandeo:... Well sorry for asking....

Zara:.... I wasn't doing that to you..... Ugh, whatever.....


Jhene:.... Okay. I think I should get on with this so that we leave.........


Jhene:.... So Kross how do you feel about your last swimming competition in this school?

Kross:(smiles)..... Uhm..... Ive never thought about it like that, you just rose a lot of excitement in me....

Jhene:... (Laughs a bit)....

Kross :.... I feel ready firstly.... Ready to swim my last, ready to win again..... Ready to... (Continues explaining)....

Kuffi:(looking at Zara).....

Zara:...... Stop looking at me....

The others:(all look at Zara)....



Jhene:....... Uhm. I think I can work with what you've told me Kross, thank you...

Kross:.... Sure

Jhene:.. (Gets up)... We should go.... (She goes, Kuffi and Tandeo follow)....

Zara:... (Upset)....

Kross:...... (Looking at Zara)... Are you good?

Zara:.... Couldn't be better....


Zara:..... (Looks at her wrists under the table)....


"That night, 9:12pm"...

Zara:.... (In a hoodie and sweat pants, sitting at one of the tables).... I'm so sorry about the phone Choolwe. It was really reckless of me...

Choolwe:.... Its okay, you don't have to beat yourself up.... (Puts a small box on the table in front of her)...

Zara:.... Whats this?

Choolwe:..... Cake, to sweeten your night... (Smiles)

Zara:(smiles back at him)..... Thank you....

Zara:...... (Looking out the glass)..... Whose the women by the door outside?

Women:(sitting on the ground on a mat, wearing shaggy clothes)....

Choolwe:... A homeless woman from Durban........

Zara:... How do you know that? You talked to her?....

Choolwe:..... Yes. She's a very nice lady. Life truly is cruel.....


Choolwe:.... You should say hey as you go by....

Zara:...... (Looks at the wall look).... Speaking of leaving, its almost 9:30.... I have to go home

Choolwe :that's your curfew?

Zara:.... (Smiles)..... Not quite... (Gets up l

Choolwe :... (Confused).... Okay.

Zara :(hugs him).... Goodnight.

Choolwe :(surprised).... (Hugs Zara back)... Good night.

Zara :(breaks the hug, get her box and leaves)....

Choolwe:... Come soon

Zara:... Sure will.. (Walks out of the bakery)....

Woman:(shivering, hugging herself)......

Zara:..... Er, hi....

Lauren:.... Hello.

Zara:(pulls one of her sleeves up, whispers to herself)...... Shit its a short sleeved shirt....... Uhm, you can have some cake..... Its really good

Lauren:(takes it).... Thank you dear.....

Zara :.. (Going)....

Lauren:..... (Calls out)... Wait dear....


Lauren:...... A small favor please.

Zara:....... Yes.

Lauren:...... That man there... (Points at a man in the car park)....

Zara:(looks at the man)...

Man:(looking suspicious, on a call)....

Lauren:.... Can you stay for a while till he leaves?

Zara:..... Uhm...... Sure.

Lauren:.... Thank you, you're such a darling, my God bless you....

Zara:..... (Sits on a brick near Lauren)..... (Awkward and scary)....

Lauren:...... I'm homeless not harmful.......

Zara:(smiles nervously)......

Lauren:.... I'm Lauren... what's your name?

Zara:..... I don't know if I can disclose that...

Lauren :its okay dear....



Zara:(feels bad)..... So, how did you find yourself here?

Lauren:..... I run... (Laughs)...

Zara:......... No like, without a home.....

Lauren:.... I run away from home when I was 10 years old, yes ten years old.....

Zara:.... Why?


Zara:.... You don't have to tell me if it's personal...

Lauren:.... No its not, its just sad......... But I'm alive and at peace now. That's what matters...


Lauren :my step mother used to abuse me....


Lauren:.... She would slap me, punch me....... She'd do everything to inflict pain on me.


Lauren:.... My dad died years ago and I was an only child so, I run away......... They're was no one to help me....... No one to cry to, no one to pat my shoulder....

Zara:(looking down).....

Lauren:.... No child should ever be exposed to abuse, its evil and life threatening......

Zara:..... Sorry.

Lauren:....... Its okay.

Zara:.... You were raised by British parents?

Lauren:(laughs a bit).... The accent I'm guessing?....

Zara:... Yeah

Lauren :.... Yes I was..... And I watched a lot of British documentaries..... I've always wished to go there....

Zara:(nods her head)....

Lauren:..... And you? Who do you live with?....

Zara:.... My mum

Lauren:where is your father?

Zara:.... Out the country.

Lauren:.... You must be mummy's baby girl.....

Zara :.........

Lauren:.... How old are you 15... 16?

Zara:... 16.

Lauren:.... You are a really beautiful girl

Zara:(smiles a bit)...

Lauren:.... Probably so many boys are chasing after you.

Zara :(laughs a bit).... No quite...


Zara:(looks up).... The man's gone...

Lauren:... Oh really..... Thank you dear

Zara:... You're welcome. (Gets up)......

Lauren:.... You have a lovely night...

Zara:... Thank you... (Going)......

Lauren:(watches her leave till out of sight)....... (Gets her phone).......... (Makes a call)..... I managed to talk to her......... Please do I'm freezing out here.....

Choolwe:... (Walks out of the bakery and locks it)..... How did it go?

Lauren:.... Well enough.

Choolwe:..... I hope you help

Lauren:.... Me too. I really need to interact with her more....

Choolwe:... She comes here a lot. That's no problem......

Lauren:..... I need her to trust me....... Otherwise this won't work...

Choolwe:.... You told her the story didn't you? She has a similar story so you told me...... When I find someone out there who is homosexual and proud and has a story of being judged by society....... I don't need to know their background for me to relate to them........ Because that's my story. If anything I feel more comfortable expressing myself to such people than to my friends and family....

Lauren:(nods her head)..... I really want to help her and soon. I need it from her own mouth..... I was told that she knows its bad but she'd never report it......... It won't be a case if she doesn't admit to it......... We have scares but, she can make up a lie to protect her mother....

Choolwe:..... You'll handle this,

you're smart....

Lauren:(smiles)..... Thank you. I'm glad she's you're friend, its made things easier for me....

Choolwe :(smiles)......

"A week later"

(Swimming room)....

Students from Waterford and eight other schools :(others cheering to their loudest, others talking and laughing among themselves).....

Coach:(sitting at the announcers tables with four judges)....... (Speaking through a microphone).........some silence please.....

Students:(go quiet slowly)....

Coach : Today has been a long day with great talent. We have witnessed the girls and boys of nine schools compete to their fullest.....

Kross:(at the start with eight others)......

Swimmers:(getting ready)......

Kross:..... (In a posture of thought, bending..... His hands on his knees, looking at the water carefully)....

Coach:... Finally we have the last race......

Students:(getting excited).....

Coach :... The determinant.....

Students:..... (All excited)....

Coach:..... The race that will decide which school will take home the trophy......

Students:(cheer for their swimmers).....

Zara:(looking at Kross).....

Jhene:.... (To Zara).... Are you scared for Kross? ....

Kuffi:... She's probably not...

Zara:..... (To Jhene).... I feel so scared right now, I feel like I'm the one there....

Tandeo:.... He doesn't look scared at all...

Kuffi:....... (Whispers to herself).... Okay.

Zara:(in thought).....

"Flash back"

(Two days ago).....

Zara:(talking, walking with Kross)..... You never look scared.

Kross:... Because my scared look is not like everyone's....

Zara:... Oh really, how's your scared face...

Kross:.... My face gets so serious, I have this serious look like I'm at the panel for a questioning....... Like any question I fail to answer will cost a life

Zara:..... what? (Laughs)...... Why?

Kross:..... I don't know, I've just always been like that....... I never really give people the pleasure of seeing me scared.

Zara:.... Pleasure....

"Flashback ends"

Zara:.......... Yeah, we can say that...

Coach :..... This is the last race, therefore the stroke to be done will be decided by........ (A drum roll).......... (The screen indicating the marks now showing a spinning wheel with the four strokes).....

Students:(get excited).....

Kross:.... (Breathes out, scared)....

Swimmer:...... (Thinking out loud)..... This is a 16 point race... So when I beat you losers I'm good to go.....

Guys:..... (Look at him in shock and amazement)......

Kross:(rolls his eyes).....

Students:...... (Anxious).....

Kross:(looks up at the screen as the wheel pins).....

Swimmer:.... This 16 points will get me to the top......


The other swimmers:.... (Ignore him).....

Zara:..... (Scared)....

Kuffi:........ Why are you so scared when you don't like him?.......

Zara:(ignores her)......


Jhene:.... Well...............

Kross :(see's the wheel stop on the front crawl)........ (Breathes out in relief)......

Students:(clap and cheer on their swimmers)........

Lebana:..... (Angry)....

J'hream:why are you so mad?

Lebana:...... I was hoping it was breast stroke cause he sucks at that but no........ It had to be this stroke.


Zara:...... He'll be sad if he loses....

Jhene :..... Yeah probably....

Kuffi:.... That's what happens when you're a winning addict. You don't accept defeat so lightly....


Tandeo:..... Okay.

Coach:...... You've seen your stroke swimmers...... Get on your marks....

Students:...... (Cheer them on).....

Coach:..... Silence please.....

Students:..... (Go quiet eventually)......

Swimmers:.... (All at their marks, their googles and cap on......... All ready).......

Coach:..... (Blows the whistle)......

Swimmers:.... (Dive on).....

Students:..... (Off their feet, cheering).....

Zara:...... (Scared, expectant).......

Swimmers:..... (Swimming at almost the same pace)......

Lebana:..... He'll lose, do you see him slacking?.....

Roshai:.... His not even slacking.

Lebana :.... You're better off quiet Roshai

J'hream:........ Let's just wait till its over....

Swimmers:... (Do a tumble turn for the next lap, all under the water).....


Students:(cheer louder as the swimmers come up the water in defined positions)......

Kross:... (Leading the race).......

Waterford students:(cheer in excitement, shouting Kross' name)....

Zara:... (Excited)..... Oh my God

Tandeo:... (Smiles)..... (Tugging onto Jhene's blazer)....

Jhene:(pulls away and laughs)....


Coach:..... (Excited).... I don't want to make assumptions but from what I'm seeing........ Waterford might just keep the trophy.......

Waterford students :(excited).....

Kross:...... (Reaches the end first)...

Kross :(smiles in satisfaction)...

Swimmers:(finish the race)........

Kross :(comes out of the water)....

Waterford students:(rush to him in celebration)......


Coach :.... (Happy)...... There you have it......... For the seventh time, Kross has brought victory to Waterford high....

Other students:(clapping in their seats)........


students:... (Cheering around Kross).....

Kross:(smiling in happiness).....


Jhene:.... You won't go there?

Zara:.... No....... I don't want to be a spot in that large crowd. I'll just wait.......


Kross:(looks at Zara and smiles).....


Tandeo:..... Ooh.......

Kuffi:........ (in mockery).....How come I missed this story best friend?....... (Laughs a bit)....

Zara:...... (Smile fades, irritated).....

Students:(still celebrating)........

Jhene:(gets up quickly)..... Oh shit.......... I'm suppose to get a comment for yearbook...... (Rushes off).....


Kuffi:...... (Humorously).... Zara, whats up....... Why aren't you talking to me?

Zara:(gets up and goes).......

Tandeo:....... (Watches Zara leave).... Are you two good?

Kuffi:(confused)....... I guess not.....


"Walk home"

Zara:....... I don't understand why you keep wasting you drivers time....

Kross:.... He's wasting his own time, I've told him over and over that I'll be walking home. I don't get his pressure.......

Zara:....... (Sighs)....... Today must have been your favorite day yet....

Kross:.... Not really....

Zara:how does it feel to have everyone calling out your name...... Cheering you on...... Praising you?

Kross:.... The usual. Its not the first time...... It didn't feel as great as seven years ago.....


Kross:..... I used to get bullied, over and over, people told me that I was worth nothing........ And then I dive into the pool at Waterford high.......... And everyone gets all crazy, even the seniors...... It was magical if I can say

Zara:..... Must be nice.

Kross :....... You had it too

Zara :(shocked)..... When did I have people screaming my name?

Kross:.... They weren't screaming it but everyone was talking about you when you came to Waterford......

Zara:.... Me?

Kross:....... You are not going to act all shocked right now. I know you know............ Everyone went on about the new girl from Mauritius......

Zara:...... That's it. I was just new....

Kross:....... And very pretty too...


Kross:...... Every boy in that class fantasied about dating you...

Zara:..... We were in fifth grade...

Kross:..... Maybe but...... We grew up a little too fast.

Zara:....... Anyway...... The attention died after a while.

Kross:..... Because you were so rude........ Like wow

Zara:...... Wouldn't you be if so many people kept asking you the same questions. "Are you really from Mauritius? "..... "Is it fun in Mauritius ".............

Kross:..... I wasn't when I was new.....

Zara:.... Whatever. I was kind enough......

Kross:..... I remember really hating you after first term.....

Zara:..... I remember too. You never walked by me without making a rude comment.......... You made me hate the whole year of school.

Kross:...... For real?

Zara:..... Yeah....... I remember the day you called me a refugee right after we learnt about it....

Kross:...... (Laughs)......

Zara:..... Its not funny.... (Laughs a bit)....... It wasn't that time either.........

Kross:.... You didn't seem so bothered....

Zara:..... Well I was..... I cried in the bathroom the whole period after lunch.......

Kross:..... But I saw you laughing with your friends.....

Zara:.....yeah. I've never been the type to cry out to my friends.....

Kross:...... Till now?

Zara:..... Yeah. I just write my heart out in my journal......

Kross:...... That's never healthy....

Zara:.... For others not me......

Kross:.... A journal never gives you the comfort of words or a hug that a person can......

Zara:...... I prefer no words or hugs......

Kross:..... Wow, okay......

Zara:.... Yeah and that's just me...

Kross :.... Noted........