Chapter Four

"A week later"

(Empty street, 10pm).....

Zara:(in a large shirt with shorts inside and bed slippers....... walking, limping a bit, crying not so loudly in pain).........

"Flash back"

Zara:(in a small room filled with boxes and spare supplies and junk)......... (Stretches out a ladder, leaning it against a shelf of boxes labelled 'Jennifer's)............. (Climbs the ladder to the top, pulls a box close to her...... Looking inside it)......... (To her self)....... White envelope..... White envelope (searching)........... White envelope........... (See's something)...........

"After a while if searching "

Zara: (Pulls out a white envelope seemingly filled)................ (Looking at it)....

Jennifer:... (Storms in)......

Zara:...... (Gets scared)..... Shit.

Jennifer:(angry)..... SO YOU HAD IT ALL ALONG!.......

Zara:(speechless)....... No I just.....


Zara :....... (Scared, shaking a bit)....

Jennifer :...... GET OFF THIS LADDER!........(pulls the ladder with full force)....

Zara:(falls on a box of tools, groans in pain).....

Jennifer:...... YOU STUPID LITTLE WITCH!............ OH, I'LL TEACH YOU!.......... (gets a broken broom).....

Zara:...... (Rolling in pain)......

Jennifer:..... (Hits Zara's leg with the broom)....

Zara:.... (Screams in pain)..........

Jennifer:...... (Continues the action, hitting Zara on every part of her body)..... TODAY I'LL TEACH YOU!....

Zara:.... (Screaming and crying).....

"Flash back ends "

Zara:...(now crying, kneeling on the road)............................................

........... (Stops crying suddenly, wipes her tears......... Gets up, continues walking, limping less).......

"C's bakery"..

Lauren:..... (On a call).... No, now I'm coming home...... Choolwe just closed the Bakery some minutes ago............... No, I was held back by a couple of videos. A client of mine just lost his son.....

Zara:....... (Walking towards the bakery, at a distance)........

Lauren:.. (Sees Zara, quickly cuts the call and puts her phone in the pocket of her coat).......... Shit shit shit.......

Zara:..... (See's that the bakery is closed...).......... (Turns, starts walking back... Heading for the road).......

Lauren:..... (Notices her limping)........ (Gets up quickly, starts slowly walking towards Zara)......

Zara :...... (Crossing the road slowly, paying no attention to the car hooting at her).........

Lauren:.... (Starts running, calling out)........ ZARA!....... ZARA!......... ZARA!.......

Zara :........ (See's the car, steps away quickly)............

Driver :........ (Drives passed her without reducing his speed).......

Zara:..... (Breathing heavily, crying, holding her chest)......

Lauren:..... (Reaches her)....... Little girl.......(holds her by her shoulders)......

Zara :......... (Crying)......

Lauren:........ (Watching her cry, overwhelmed).......


"Behind Choolwe's bakery ".

Lauren:........ (A recorder under her coat, beeping).......

Zara:.... (Her back leaned against the wall, her legs folded at her knee and her elbows resting on her knees)....

Lauren:........ (Looking at her arms)....... Your mum did all that.....

Zara:(in a low voice).....yes..... (Ties her hair together in a puff).....

Lauren:.... (See's the marks on her neck).....

Zara:..... And more on my legs..... My back......

Lauren:....... Look at me dear...

Zara:(looks at her)......... Zara..... my name is Zara...(disoriented).....

Lauren:.... I know Zara.......... Listsn ....I have been through this even worse.

Zara:(tears roll down her face).......

Lauren:....... I want you to talk to me....... Tell me everything, don't leave anything out....... I can help you.....

Zara:(crying)....... I just want to die...... I just want all this pain to end....

Lauren:..... No no no. Zara, you're better than that.......... All these days you've passed by me greeting me, giving me cake...... Staying for stories....... You have a big beautiful heart and the world needs people like you.....

Zara :(wipes her tears)......

Lauren:....... I'm here...... I'm here to listen.


Lauren:...... I know you're hurting........ Relieve that pain....

Zara:...... (Tears roll down her face)......

Lauren:...... Talk to me......... Tell me how you feel....... What was going through your head when the car hooted so many times but you never heard it?......



Zara:...... I remember my dad standing at the bar speechless....


Zara:....... My mum's lawyer said he hit her......... I wanted to see her pain.....To judge if it was true or not........ But her anger overlapped everything....... It's like she wanted revenge, I don't really know for what.......


Zara:....... She says over and over that he hurt her and I concluded that that's why she hurt me.......... But its more than just a sickness..... Its more than pain...... Its terrifying....... And numbing....


Zara:...(breaks down)..... I don't know what I'm saying....

Lauren :......... You do Zara, just give yourself the time......

Zara:....... (Breathes out)..... My father made my mum a monster....... That's what she said..... you believe it?

Zara:...... No, I loved my dad....... He was gentle and nice.....

Lauren:....... Why did your mum lay her hands on you today...

Zara:.... The same reason she hits me all the time......... Some white envelope.

Lauren:....... What about it?....

Zara:...... (Breathes out).........

Lauren:....... Okay, that's okay..... you don't have to tell me...... But, do you know where your dad is?

Zara:.... Mauritius...... Probably living his life with his new wife and their child......

Lauren:..... How do you know that he has a wife and a child....

Zara:.......... I just figured. My mum said he left us for some other family.....

Lauren:....... How often does she lay her hands on you?

Zara:....... (Breathes out)..... Countless times....

Lauren:..... When does....

Zara:I don't want to keep talking about this......


Zara:(breathes out)......... Should I run away?... (Looks at Lauren)

Lauren:... No.... (Scared).... Not at all..... Look at me.......

Zara:..... (Crying)..... Where do I go then?....... Back to my mother?...... She'll kill me...

Lauren:..... No no no, look....... Just stay strong for a while..... Do you have a friend?..... A close friend who can let you stay over....

Zara:........... (Thinking)..... No.

Lauren:... (Shocked)...... Really, not even one?

Zara:.... No......


Zara:... (Leans her head against the wall, looking forward..... Tears running freely down her face)......

Lauren:...... (Feels bad)....... (Stops the recording).......


"The next day).....

(The drive to school)

Kuffi:(on the phone, the call on speaker)....... Wow, you really slept outside..... That's just mind blowing...


Lauren:.... I'd do anything for my job....

Kahilu:..... So where is she now?

Lauren :I don't know that's why I called. I'm so worried...... Yesterday she talked of running away....

Kuffi:... Oh my God....

Lauren:... Kuffi, I thought you said she was your best friend?

Kuffi:... She is

Lauren:well I asked her if she had any close friends and she said no......

Kuffi:(sighs)..... We're not really talking....

Kahilu:(in anger).... You can't afford to be doing that right now.....

Kuffi:.... Its not on purpose, relax....

Lauren:.... Whatever it is..... Fix it Kuffi. She's not fine at all....

Kuffi:... I know.

Lauren:.... I got her to tell me about her mum. We have audio proof........ And I saw the scars myself..... It won't be a problem to expose that.....

Kuffi:.... Do you need written proof too?

Lauren:..... Written proof?... How will you get her to write it down?

Kuffi:.... She has a journal. I know that has something in it....

Lauren :... Do get it then. We need all the proof we can get...... I don't want this case to have any gaps...... I want Jennifer in jail and fast.....


Kahilu:... What can I do?

Lauren:..... Oh, I almost forgot.... I need you to place cameras in their house..... I want video evidence too....

Kahilu :.... Got it. I have a friend who can help me with that.....

Lauren:.... Good. Now Kuffi, call me first thing when you realize she's not at school..... We can't lose her...

Kuffi:... I will. (Call ends).....

Kahilu:......... (In shock)..... How does she manage to keep smiling with all this shit going on?

Kuffi:..... I really wish I could answer that...... But, I have no idea either. I'd say she's strong but this all beyond messed up.

Kahilu:(breathes out)......

"Zara's house"

Jennifer:(in working clothes, walks out the door and locks it)

Zara:(watching her from behind the house)......

Jennifer:... (Enters her car)...... (Drives out).....


Jennifer:(drives out of sight)....

Zara:(makes her move, rushes to the door, gets the key out her pocket and opens the door)............................................ (Walks into Jennifer's room holding an empty white envelope in one hand and a handful of papers in the other)............... (searching for the specific white envelope from the previous day)....

"A while of looking"...

Zara:(sits on the floor in defeat, drops the envelope and papers on the floor)................... (Looks at Jennifer's bed............ Bends to look under the bed, sees the white envelope.......)

"Zara's room"

(Zara's bathroom)......

Zara:.... (Spreads the pictures, documents, notes and other papers on the bathroom floor............. Looking at them with no definite emotion)........

"Mauritius "

(Ermias' luxurious house, the kitchen)....

Ermias:... (Sitting at the breakfast counter, on his laptop)......

London:(frying up eggs)..... Babe.

Ermias:.... Yeah... (Looks off his laptop).....

London:..... Are you doing research on Zara?

Ermias:.... Yes.

London:... Anything?

Ermias :.... No. She can be anywhere....... I don't even know where to start.

London :... (Serving the eggs)

Ermias:(closes his laptop).... Does your mum know I'm back?

London :(laughs a bit)..... She does, be patient.....

Ermias:...... I can't, I want to see my daughters......

Vanessa:(storms in with excitement)...... DADDY!......

Ermias:(smiles, spreads his arms out).....

Vanessa (female)

-6 years old

-long black hair with light curls

-light skinned

-brown eyes

-beautiful smile with dimples

Vanessa:(hugs Ermias)....

Ermias:(lifts her off the ground, standing)...... I missed you so much..

Vanessa:... I missed you too daddy.... (Hugs him).....

Emani:(walks in, pushing a suit case slowly)........

Emani (female)

-10 years old

-brown in complexion

-brown curly hair, fairly long



Emani:..... (Walking to the stairs).....

Ermias:..... Emani?

Emani :(stops, looks at him, indifferent).....

London:.... You were really going to walk passed your dad like that?....... That's no way to welcome him.......

Emani:....... His out now right?....


Emani:..... I have all day to welcome him London.....

London :.......

Ermias:..... DON'T CALL YOUR MOTHER BY HER NAME!.........

London:... Babe...

Ermias:... No. (Puts Vanessa down)...... She won't disrespect you right now...... Not in front of me....

Emani:...... She's not mother..... How is that for disrespect....

Ermias:..... Emani, she took care of you when I was in prison..... She treated you no different....


London:Ermias..... Its fine. Really it is....


Ermias:she's your mother do you hear me?

Emani :..... Look at me? Look at Vanessa?............ Even if Rose didn't tell me..... I already saw that there was something up...

Ermias:.... You're so ungrateful.....


London:.... Girls, you can go refreshen up........



Ermias:.... Why do you tolerate that?...... And what right did your mum have to tell Emani all that?....

London : I can't force her to see me as the mother figure she once did........ And my mum has no stop button and I'm really sorry on her behalf....

Ermias:.... I can't watch her disrespect you like that..

London:better get used it....... It happens everyday.......


London:....... (Serves him his breakfast)...... Here you go... (Kisses him on the cheek)......

Ermias:(sits down)....

London :.... (Goes up the stairs)....



(Zara's class)....

Kuffi:(in a state of panic, checking her phone between her book at intervals)......

Kross:(looking at Kuffi,wondering).

Teacher:(phone starts ringing)....... (Checks her phone).... Just a minute....

Students :....

Teacher:..... (Walks out).....

Kuffi:... (Gets a text, checks her phone).......... (Gets her books in her bag and walks out of class)....

Students :..... (Talking among themselves)....

Kross:(also walks out of class)....

Lebana :........ I can't believe all this you know.....

J'hream :.... He'll come again...... He'll realize what he's missing. You know Kross.....

Lebana :.....


"The exit behind the school "

Kuffi :(rushing towards the small gate).....

Kross :... (Calls out).... KUFFI!....

Kuffi :(stops and turns)..... What?

Kross:... Are you ditching class?

Kuffi :... (Panicking, shaking)..... I have no time for this I have to go.......

Kross:(worried)..... Are you okay?

Kuffi:.... No. And I won't be if I'm still here...

Kross :.... Yo.... Whats going on?

Kuffi:...... We don't know where she is..... I have to go....

Kross:..... Whose we?......who are looking for?

Kuffi:...... Zara.

Kross:(alarmed)........ What?.....

Kuffi :.... That's all I can say...

Kross:..... Wait wait wait...... Break all this down........ What the hell is going on?

Kuffi:... (Going)..... I need to go, sorry........

Kross:(watching her leave)...... Kuffi.....

Kuffi :(goes out of the gate).....

Kross :(gets his phone from his pocket quickly)......

"Abandoned building "

Zara:.... (Sitting at the edge of the roof.... Her hoodie over her head, her legs crossed....... In a posture of reflection).....


(That night)

Emani:(under her covers, on her phone).......... (A knock on the door)....... Its open.

Ermias:..... (Walks in)........

Emani:.... (Puts her phone away).....

Ermias:.... (Reaches her bed side in silence and seats at her side).....


Ermias :........... From the day I was sentenced......... All I thought about was my daughters.....

Emani :(looking at him).....

Ermias:..... I wished to be home.... To be there for both of you.......

Emani:.... I'm sorry. Rose made me mad........ I didn't mean it act the way I did....

Ermias:.... You mean your granny Rose?

Emani:.... Nope. She made it clear to me that I'm not her grand daughter....


Emani:....... She doesn't like me...... Neither does any other relative of London's.....

Ermias:(breathes out)..... What happened to you calling her mum?


Ermias:... She never ever treats you different....

Emani:..............Maybe.......... But, where's my mum?

Ermias:...... That's not relevant and it will never be..........

Emani:...... (Surprised)....

Ermias:.... What's important is that I'm here..... London too. And soon..... I'll find Zara... And we'll be one big happy family.......

Emani:(looks down).....

Ermias :(looks at her)........(puts his arm around her)..... I love you.

Emani:...... (In a low voice)..... Love you too.

"The next day"

(Waterford high school)...

Zara:.... (Getting books from her locker).....

Kross:....... (Pops up).... (Worried)....... Hey


Kross :(confused)...... Are you good?

Zara :yeah..... Are you?

Kross:... Yes. Why didn't you come to school yesterday?

Zara:... (Closes her locker)..... I over slept...... My phone was drained so my alarm didn't.... You know...

Kross :(not convinced)..... Then why was Kuffi all worked up?...

Zara:..... Kuffi was worked up?

Kuffi:(spots Zara and Kross, rushes up to them)...

Zara:..... What are you talking about....

Kross :....

Kuffi:(reaches them).... Hey you two....

Kross :.... Hi


Kuffi:... Still not talking to me, got it....... (The siren goes)...

Zara:(to Kross).... Are you going?

Kuffi :.. Can I just borrow him for a second?


Kuffi:(panicking)....... I hope you didn't say anything about yesterday.......

Kross :... I will if you don't tell me what's going on......

Kuffi:..... Bro....

Kross :.... Whats going on with Zara?...... You said you were searching for her yesterday...... She told me that she over slept.... (Confused)........ Why would you be searching for someone whose at their house.....


Teacher:... (From a distance)..... GET TO CLASS!....

Kuffi:....... Lunch.... (Walks away)....


"After school"

(The usual walk home)....

Kross :(walking quietly, thinking)...

Zara:.... Choolwe is practically family, I don't want to say he's like my dad cause he doesn't quite have that quality...... Maybe my uncle....

Kross:(agrees).... Yeah.

Zara:..... Are you okay?..... You're always the one saying something so...... Whats happened toady? ....

Kross:...... I talk about myself a about today we talk about you?

Zara:.... (Humorously).... There's nothing about me.... Everything is the usual, nothing exciting...

Kross:(stops, breathes out).....

Zara:(also stops)..... (Laughs a bit)...... I mean it........ (Notices the look on his face)...... Whats wrong?

Kross :..... (Upset).... What do you have on today?..... A short or long sleeved shirt?......

Zara:..... Short sleeved........ Why would you ask me that?

Kross :... Take your blazer off.....

Zara:..... Why?.. What's all this about? .......

Kross:.... I promised to hold all this in but I just can't......


Kross :.... You have this smile on your face most of the time........ But that smile is nothing more than a fake gesture...... It doesn't mean what it's suppose to.....

Zara:(hugging herself, looking down).......

Kross:........ My mind is still blown by all this......... literally the whole time after lunch I kept looking at you........ I saw you talking to Jhene and I just kept thinking to myself like..... How does she do that? .....

Zara:(angry)..... Who told you huh?...... Was it Kuffi?......

Kross :.... Who else was going to Zara?.....



Zara :.......

Kross :..... What am I doing if the person I walk home with every single day is hurting and I don't know shit?......

Zara:..... I'm fine..... (Holding back her tears).....

Kross:.... Look at you......

Zara:.... (Looks away, breathes out)......

Kross:..... I know you're independent and I admire that....... But this isn't something you can go through all alone.....

Zara:...... (Tears roll down her face)........ I can... (Voice cracking)........ I can get through anything.....

Kross :.....

Zara:..... If so many people know all this my mum to go to jail.... (Breaks down)...... I can't let that happen...

Kross:... (Hugs her).....

Zara:(hugging him)......

People around:..... (Trying hard not to pay so much attention)......


"That night"......

(Kuffi's house, dinning room)...

Kudzai:(passes by, very confused).....

Lauren:.... (On her laptop, Kahilu and Kuffi sitting at her left and right side).....

Kahilu :how did you get her to open up to you?

Lauren :(as she types and scrolls)..... She went to Choolwe's a lot, she always said hi..... And that led to brief talks..... I'd share stories related to hers... To you know.... Get her comfortable. Then that one day... I stayed longer than usual........ I saw her in the worse state yet and took advantage of it

Kahilu:.... (Breathes out).....

Kuffi:..... Oh got something for you...... (Leaves quickly).....

Lauren:.... She's so helpful...

Kahilu :.... Yeah...... Okay, so I've gotten us access to the cameras in the laptop will automatically save everything and we'll watch them later....

Kuffi:(comes back with papers in her hands)..... These are copies of pages in her journal........ I got someone to distract her... (Puts the papers on the table)....

"Flashback "

Zara:come on let's go to class....

Kuffi :(watching from a distance).......

Kross :...... Or we can go to the swimming room....


Kross :.. Er....... I forgot something there. Sorry.....

Zara :....

Kross:we'll be quick.......

Zara:.... Okay (they both leave)....

Kuffi:(rushes into the classroom, goes to Zara's bag....... Finds the journal)....

"Flashback ends "

Kuffi:(now sitting)....

Lauren :(showing them pictures)..... That's Ermias.... His wife London....... And those two are Emani and Vanessa. The younger one is Vanessa..... She's six years old..... Emani is ten. Listen to this....... Ermias had Zara with Jennifer..... Had Emani with Linda.... And the Vanessa with London.....

Kuffi :..... Wow. His got some gaming up his sleeves.....

Lauren:.... His affair with London actually pushed Jennifer to press charges.......

Kahilu:.... His in jail?

Lauren:was..... He was released not so long ago......


Lauren:She accused him of child neglect and abuse....

Kahilu:...... Was it true?....

Lauren:..... I looked him up.... His friends....... He seemed to be a good man....... And from the comments when he was jailed..... He had nothing to do with it.....

Kuffi:then how come he got jailed?....

Lauren:..... From my opinion..... He had a poor lawyer....... When I watched the case....... It was pathetic.

Kahilu:... They had it filmed?

Lauren:... Yes. Mr Ahli is well known...... His an honorable professor at one of the largest universities in Mauritius, or rather was.......

Kuffi:....... How did he abuse Zara?

Lauren:.... The abuse was not on Zara..... It was on Jennifer.....

Kuffi:(breathes out).....

Lauren:..... He was a man of good Will....... This whole case seemed unusual..... Even the judge was under some sort of influence..... Its like she paid these people...


Lauren:.... I had a good look at his Instagram........ It's all prayers about Zara...... Pictures of her when she was younger....... How he hopes to find her...... His a real family man, he really loves his wife and daughters......

Kahilu:... Did you manage to get his address. ..

Lauren:.... Yes. I leave for Mauritius tomorrow...

Kuffi:.... (Happy).... Really?


Lauren:... I will get the Ahli's to south Africa as soon as possible....

Kuffi:(hugs Lauren).....

Lauren:(hugs her smiling).

Kuffi:.... Thank you

Lauren:... Don't mention it....

Kuffi:(breaks the hug)......

Kahilu:finally all this will be over...

Lauren:..... Honestly its all God..


Lauren:... This has been my best work yet........ She's a beautiful girl who deserve beautiful things you know....


Lauren:... I admire her strength, The love that she has for a mother that does nothing but kill her inner soul...... she has such a big heart...


Kahilu:.... It's actually so crazy.....


Lauren:..... Till Jennifer is in jail, I will not rest....... I will make sure I free Zara.....

Kahilu :(smiles).....


"The next day"


Zara:.... (Going to class).....

Kross :.... (Ahead of her, talking to his friends)......

Asani:... All the best

Kross :thank you...... (Leaves them, walks up to Zara and smiles)....... Hey...

Zara:(smiles)..... Hi

Lebana :(not so far away, sad)..... I think I've lost him J'hream....

J'hream:....... You have to move on Lebana..... Your worth more than this sad person you've become....

Lebana :...... I loved him you know that....

J'hream :.... Yeah, but he clearly doesn't care so........ Come on, let's just go somewhere he's not....

Lebana:...... (Follows J'hream's lead)...

Roshai:... (Follows them)....

Zara:.... I get that you know now, but....... Can we just be the way we were before....... I don't want you feeling pity for me.....

Kross:.... I'm not acting different.....

Zara:......... I know you are. I know you....... So stop acting like that......

Kross :okay, redo..........


Kross:...... (Excited)...... Are you ready...

Zara:(laughs a bit)...... Stop being dramatic. What's the big news.....

Kross :...... Drumroll..... (mimicking a drumroll)...

Zara:(laughs)..... I will walk away, I swear.....

Kross :...... I have been chosen to be in the team representing cape town in the swimming competition..........

Zara:(smiles)...... For real?


Zara:(excited)..... how do you feel?..... Oh my God......

Kross:.... I don't know..... I've been up all night...... I'm so happy, I can't explain it.

Zara:.... You knew last night?.... Why didn't you tell me? .....

Kross :......................

Zara:...... Oh yeah.......Anyway........ (Smiles).... Congratulations......

Kross :...... And even bigger news........

Zara:...... There's more?....

Kross :..... You are the lucky girl who will watch all my shitty practices during free period......

Zara:..... (Whining)..... Ugh...... Do I really have to?.....

Kross:.... Need to.

Zara:........ Okay....

Kross :... (Smiles)..... More news...

Zara:.... (Smiles).... What else?

Kross :.... The staff went out for some meeting....... Except the coach........ My practice starts immediately the first siren goes........

Zara:.............(the siren goes).....

Kross:.... (Holds out his hand)...

Zara:..... (takes his hand)....... (They leave together).......

"One long swimming training later"........

Kross:..... (His cap and goggles off, at the centre of the pool treading water)......

Zara:... (Standing at the edge of the pool).......... How aren't you tired?......

Kross:...... I've been swimming my whole life...... It never makes me tired....

Zara:(rolls his eyes)...... Oh please.....

Kross :(in pain, yelling).... SHIT SHIT SHIT......

Zara :(scared)......

Kross:(groaning in pain, struggling above the water)......

Zara:..... (Looking around)...... COACH!...... COACH!..... (Panicking)..... Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God.........

Kross :..... (Between struggles).... FUCK....... MY LEG...... FUCK....

Zara:..... What do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do......

(Jumps in).....

Kross :(shocked, laughing)...... Oh shit.........

Zara:..... (Comes up the water, treading)....


Zara:..... Are you serious... (Upset)....

Kross:(laughing).... I didn't think you were going to jump in.....

Zara:...... (Swimming back)....

Kross:..... Zara.... (Following)..... Zara.....

Zara:(reaches the bar, coming out)......

Kross:(reaches her)..... Wait wait wait........ (Pulls her back into the water gently by her waist)......

Zara:... (Back in the pool, faces him........ Upset)....

Kross :...... I'm sorry........

Zara:....... I can't even swim all that good........ Are you crazy doing something like that?......

Kross:(sincerely)..... It was immature, I'm sorry........


Kross :....... (Smiles)..... Sorry.....

Zara:(smiles)....... You loser....

Kross:....... (Looking at her eyes)......


Kross :.......... It's nice to know that you'd dive into the pool to save me even if you're not that good........


Kross:...... (Licks his lips)....

Zara:... (glances at his lips then looks up to his eyes)....

Kross:(pecks her lips..... Pecks her lips again and again and again and again)....

Zara :(following his lead)....

Kross :(kisses her)......

Zara:(kissing him, her arms around him)....

"After a while"......

Zara:(walks in with a towel over her shoulders).......

Kuffi:(sitting on Zara's desk)..... Hey.

Zara:............... Uhm, hi...... (Reaches her).....

Kuffi :...

Zara:...... Warren told me you were looking for me

Kuffi :yeah....... I want to talk to you....

Zara:....... (Sits on the car, faces Kuffi).......

Kuffi :..... I get a little too extra and I'm sorry............


Kuffi: I'm sorry I said what I did that day about you and you mum.......


Kuffi:..... I kept trying to push myself on you without apologising and that was immature of me.....

Zara:..... (Breathes out)..... I was also just being a little extra..... Ignoring you..... Not talking to you

Kuffi:(smiles)...... I missed you.....

Zara:(smiles, gets up)....... I missed you (hugs her)......... I really missed you.... (Breaks the hug)...

Kuffi:..... Did you really with all that attention from Kross....

Zara :... (Smiles)..... I did.

Kuffi:.... I saw you walking together a lot.......... Are you two?.......

Zara:... No.

Kuffi:... But you like him yeah?....... Come on tell me friend....

Zara:...... We kissed in the pool like ten minutes ago.....

Kuffi :(screams in excitement)..... Are you being a hundred right now?

Zara :.... Yeah

Kuffi :....... Wow...... (Hugs Zara).... My baby is growing up......

Zara:(laughs)....... (Breaks the hug) did he get you into the pool?

Zara:..... He pretended to be having a cramp......

Kuffi :.... Genius (laughs)....


Kuffi:..... (Clears her throat)..... I kinda told him about you and your mum..... I'm sorry.....

Zara:..... It's okay. He told me yesterday........

Kuffi:... He kept bugging me....... So.......

Zara:... It's okay.

Kuffi:...... Are you okay?

Zara:..... Uhm, yeah............. My mum laid her hands on me....... But,it was nothing I'm not used to......

Kuffi:..... Sorry.

Zara:.... I'm good.....

Kuffi :I'm so happy you're in love now.......

Zara:(laughs)...... I'm not in love with Kross....

Kuffi:(smiles)..... Power couple...

Zara:..... I won't argue with you....

Kuffi:.... So Kahilu has lost the race?...

Zara:..... there was never a race Kuffi.....

Kuffi:.... May the best man win.....

Zara:(rolls her eyes and chuckles).....

"Stairs leading to the hallway"

Zara:(walks out of class with Kuffi both with their school bags over their backs, walking to the stairs)......

Lebana:.... (Walks out of the genitors closet)....... (Buttoning her shirt).......

Kuffi and Zara:... (See Lebana)...

Kross:(comes out of the genitors closet as well).......


Kuffi:(also freezes)....... Well fuck.....

Kross:(leaning on the door, straight faced)....

Lebana :........ (Talking)....


Zara:......... (Upset)...... You know what..... I shouldn't even care...... We weren't together.....


Zara:........ Let's just go home..... (Starts walking).....

Kross:..... (See's Zara).... Shit.

Lebana :(looks in Kross' direction)...... (Smiles).......

Zara:.... (Walks passed Kross and Lebana)..........


Lebana :(watches the two of them of....


Lebana :.... Call me.

Kross :........... (Continues going)....

Lebana :.... (Angry).......

"Drive home"....


Kuffi :(upset looking out the window)....

Zara:(Also looking out the window, upset).....

Kahilu:..... Are you two good?....



Kahilu:.... Okay, noted........ (Turns)...... We have to do groceries hope you both don't have anywhere to rush to....


Kuffi :.....

Kahilu:..... I guess not.....

"Grocery store".....

Zara :....... Your wife will love you. Groceries....... Not even I know how to get what's needed....

Kahilu:(laughs a bit)........ Oh wow. Its nothing so major even a kid can do it.... (Pushing the trolley).....

Zara:(following him)....

Kuffi:(looking at them from a distance)...... Ewwwww.....

"Later on"

Zara:(talking and laughing with kahilu by the car)....

Kuffi:...... (Packing the groceries in the back)....... Annoying ...they both are........ You bet...

Zara:(laughing) ...... Are you serious?...

Kahilu:.... I wish I wasn't but that did happen..... (They both laugh)....

Kuffi:(rolls her eyes)....... Oh please..... (Puts in the last bag)..... Okay let's go now...... I appreciate the help you offered me.....

Zara:..... We did the shopping...

Kahilu :tell her....

Kuffi:(laughs)...... And that was hard?.....

Kahilu:.... Pushing that trolley requires muscle.... (They all laugh).....

"That night, 9:45pm "

(Zara's street).......

Zara:(listening to music through her air pods , sitting on the pavement outside her gate... Her legs crossed, wearing a hoodie and leggings)......

Kahilu:...... (Walks up to her)....

Zara:(notices him, takes her air pods off...... Music stops)..... Hey

Kahilu:(sits next to her)..... Our street is pretty safe huh?....... Its going to 10....

Zara :...... I didn't notice, I was going to go in.......... And anyway, I have bigger problems than murderers or rapists.....

Kahilu:..... The usual?

Zara:.... Yeah, my mother is........... Sick..........

Kahilu:...... Are you okay?.....

Zara:.... No......... My dad has three daughters...... I only knew of one....... But apparently there's another one.....

Kahilu:.... How did you find out?

Zara:..... I saw pictures.....


Zara:.... I always thought it was hyperbolical of my mum to call my dad names of all sorts of animals.......but, he was pathetic I guess.....

Kahilu:... What's your opinion about him

Zara:.... Kind, understanding.... Funny........

Kahilu:..... If you had a choice to choose between your parents who would you choose?....

Zara:..... Neither, I can't choose..... I seem not to know neither of them........... Its a new truth each time. A scary truth...

Zara:...... We look nothing alike, its like we all look like our mothers...... The younger one has this lighter skin..... Like compared to me...... And then the one I found out about recently must be darker than me.....

Kahilu:(listening, acting an aware).....

Zara:.... I wonder how his wife still loves him despite all this....

Kahilu :.... Who are we to challenge love.

Zara:.... Yeah.

Kahilu:.... I admire you, you know....

Zara :..... Why? (Looks at him)....

Kahilu:..... I get upset when my mum literally just tells me something I don't want to hear...... But then you.....

Zara :......

Kahilu:..... You keep going back...... And you love her so much....... It's like she does nothing.....

Zara :(looks away)..... Everyone has a story..... And this is mine. I have to embrace it....... It's unhealthy that I love my mother so much...... it's Toxic..... but she's all I've ever known so...




Zara:.... (Looks at him, smiles ).....

Kahilu:that's what attracts me the most actually....

Zara :(smile fades slowly)..... what? smile?......

Kahilu :(gently grabs her chin and kisses her)...

Zara:(kisses him).......

Kahilu:(pulls away)....

Zara:......... 11 year old me would have been out of breath right now....

Kahilu:(laughs)....... And the 16 year old you?

Zara:...... (Laughs a bit)....... Excited. Probably sleep with a smile on her face.....


Zara:(gets up)....its late...

Kahilu:(gets up).... Yeah it is...

Zara:(shyly)..... Goodnight.....

Kahilu:..... Goodnight.

Zara :(enters her house).......

Kahilu:(goes his way)......