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Story of My Life



History class. The most boring class for me. This man's voice was like a lullaby.

Our history teacher Mr Wellies cared less if we paid attention or not. I bet he too knew that his teaching was boring.

"I think we have learnt enough of the worlds history this term. We are far ahead anyway...... so I was thinking we do short presentations of our own history. " Mr Wellies told us with his failed enthusiasm skills.

The class whined loudly. But Mr Wellies continue talking.

"Everybody should pick a partner. Both of you will make power point slides of the stories of your lives. " Mr Wellies continued.

He continued to tell us the the value of this project and made it grade worthy just to make us take it seriously.

He said we should know each other and blah and blah.

I really didn't care. I don't mind getting an F, I don't like presentations in front of the class.

Then a thought popped up in my head. This could be an opportunity to get Caesar to tell me about him.

His father was a good grade addict so Caesar shouldn't have a choice but to tell me.



Genesis was in my room, she was sitting on my bed flipping through my photo album . We were obviously partners. By the look on her face as she looked at the pictures I could see that she was very thirsty to know everything about me.

This was the moment she's always wanted and I couldn't fail so I just had to tell her.

"So whose story are we starting with? " I asked knowing what she'd say.

"Yours. " she answered.

I sat next to her. After a sigh I started explaining.

"We used to live in Atlanta, Georgia before new York. Before this tiny town. " I started explaining.

She was sitting right next to me listening. I like how close she was to me.

Though we weren't together I felt a pleasure fill my body up.

"When life took a turn for the worst we moved here. " I told her.

"What happened? " she asked me.

Vulnerability wasn't my place. I didn't like people feeling sorry for me but she wasn't people.

She was more important than many people in my life.

"I had a twin sister. She died in a car accident when we were thirteen. " I explained.

I saw her face darken after what I said. She put her hand in mine and said she was sorry.

"Its okay. I'm over it. " I said not knowing if I really was. I just loved her tiny hand in mine. "My mum was arrested that year too. " I added. "We couldn't afford living in our house anymore so, we moved. "

I continued to break down the events, the seizure of property, the reporters that flooded our yard, the threats from my dads colleagues.

I told her how the car accident happened. How I was in that car but I survived and my sister and the driver didn't.

I explained how that day left me numb and powerless.

I told her of other things too, happier things and we found ourselves laughing rather than feeling gloomy and shit.

"You were unbelievable I swear. " Genesis said when I finished my stories. "But I was just like you though. Before the world tore me of my happiness. "

I knew what she meant by that statement. She always told me of how she was so jumpy and this silly, funny kid and just this child everyone wanted around before she was diagnosed with Vitiligo at the age seven.

"Anyway. We move. Can't complain forever. " she said with her sad face.

She was so beautiful to me and I wanted to shout that from my roof top. I wanted her to know that I loved her and I loved everything about her that she hated.

Fuck it, today was going to be the day I told her.

This minute, this moment. I was going to let her know how I felt.

"Hey can I tell you something? " I asked her quickly before I lost my courage.

"Uhm yah. Since when do you ask me for permission? " she answered laughing a bit.

"Just. Don't get mad or laugh in my face. " I told her.

She just laughed again and asked me to tell her. I was freaking out.

What if this ruined our friendship.

What if it didn't I thought again. What if she liked me too.

I was backing out. This was a bad idea.

"Talk fool. " she said waiting on me. " You know I hate suspense. "

Fuck it. Whatever.

"I like you. " I finally said. "Like you. Like I want us to be together. "

She didn't react really. She just sat there looking at me.


What the hell is this negro all about.

Caesar Ramìrez. Likes me... Why?

I didn't know how to feel about this and I didn't want to keep quiet for too long either because it would make things awkward.

But I had nothing to say.

"I knew I should have just said nothing. Cause now you think I'm weird and you probably don't feel the same way about me. This is all just hella embarrassing. " he said clearly embarrassed.

Luckily my mum called my phone and I answered it immediately.

"Uhm. My mum wants me back home. We can uhm.... We can continue this tomorrow yah? The project. " I said as I picked my bag up to leave.

That was a very awkward moment for me and for Caesar. When I walked home that's all I could think about. His proposal.

What should I have said.

7:40 pm

It was dinner time at my house. Brian was here, again and there was no where he was going.

My mum made that pretty clear.

"So how was school Genesis? " Brian asked me after multiple eye and gesture interactions with my mum.

"Great. " I answered without looking at him.

I wasn't trying to have a step father. I didn't even know about my dad that clearly.

"So baby how was the project with that Caesar boy? You should have done it here, I don't trust him. " my mother added to say.

I was going to say something in spite but I wasn't up for the argument. "It was great. " was my reply again before I asked to be excused.

I hated this change of life.

Brian was the weekend fantasy, not a permanent guest.


I was still awake at 10.

I was being haunted by the silence I gave Caesar earlier.

My phone was right next to me and I was wondering if I should text him.

However I found myself sleeping.

School was going to be awkward tomorrow for sure.

The next day

Half of this school day was awkward. For me alone though.

Caesar was acting like he always does. He was acting like he didn't say anything to me yesterday.

The whole time in class I glanced at his ass. He was cute.

I never looked at him like that but his confession yesterday opened doors in the middle of nowhere.

As usual he waited for me to pack up after school. He was talking to his friends.

Everyone else was leaving. I was ready to go too, but after we talked first.

"Can we talk about yesterday? " I asked when everyone left.

He stood in front of me. He clearly didn't want to talk to me about that of all things.

"I'm really sorry I didn't say anything yesterday....... When you uhm..... When you told me you liked me. " I said.

"We don't have to do this okay. Look yesterday was that. You don't feel the same way so let's move. " he said.

" I want us to try this. " I said.

He just looked at me like I was going insane.

"I want to try to be together. " I said now smiling for some reason.

"Why the sudden change in thought. " he asked me.

"I didn't turn you down yesterday or accept your proposal either. I had to think about it first. " I answered.


Why did she suddenly want to do this?

As happy as I was at that moment I didn't really show it because all this was crazy.

"Okay then. " I said not really knowing what else to say.

We walked out of the classroom and headed home.

"Should we hold hands. " Genesis asked for the third time as we walked. "I think we should. Isn't that what they do. " she added.

I was feeling it too. This urge to cut the friendly shit and be a couple couple but it wasn't as easy a move as I thought.

"Let's just walk. " I said laughing a bit. "Let's not make it seem like we're following a script. Let's let everything flow freely. " I told her.

We walked quietly. It was an usual.

We usually talk and laugh the whole way. This dating thing was a bad idea I thought to myself.



When I reached Genesis at her stop I wanted to kiss her.

I wanted to feel her lips against mine.

I wanted to mark my territory but her mum came outside.

She'd shoot me for sure if I ever laid a finger on her daughter in her presence.

Later that day we continued our projects at Genesis' house and not mine because her mother insisted we did.

I was going to get that kiss.

"Done. " Genesis said and closed her laptop.

I was using her spare laptop and I was done too. A while ago actually.

I was looking at her baby pictures. She was everything she always talks about.

"I'm done too. " I said. "I think I need to go too, my dad has dinner early nowadays. "

"Oh okay. I'll send your project through email. " she told me.

"Yah okay. " I said then stood up. She stood up too.

I could tell from the way she looked at me that she wanted this as much as I did.

I don't remember the last time I kissed a girl. This kiss had to be perfect.

"What's your ass thinking about? Go! " she told me laughing.

I just chuckled and left. I read her wrong.


He had that face boys have before they make their move.

I wasn't ready for none of that.

This was real. It wasn't seven minutes of heaven.

Things were a lot easier via text. Caesar and I texted all night. Literally.

I slept at five in the morning.

It wasn't a weekday so lucky me because I would have been fucked for sure.

I smiled down at my phone the whole night, it was crazy.


I don't know why I woke up so early but I did.

Brian was here again. He was vacuuming the house.

In their relationship he was more of the female than my mum was.

He looked like she bossed him around.

Anyway, I was planning on going Caesar's, I couldn't stand seeing Brian all day.

In twenty minutes I was at Caesar's house.

I didn't knock just in case his dad was still sleeping.

I spammed Caesar with text messages and called him more than a hundred times.

He finally got out.

"Why? " he asked when he opened the door, rubbing his eyes.

He had this sleepy face and confused look on him.

"I wanted to see you.......... You don't want me here? " I asked trying to get him to say some cute 'I want you here' shit.

"No I do. I want you here." He said as I thought he would and let me in.

After waiting on him to freshen up.

He came out and we laid on his bed in a cuddle, talking.

I loved his embrace as always, but this particular moment was even better because we were together.

After the hours of cuddling I sat up and so did he, we continued talking but I knew why I sat up.

I wanted him to kiss me.


We slept at five thirty in the morning.... Today.

Was I talking to someone else as she slept cause I was mad tired.

I loved that she was here though.

Today was better too, no awkwardness at all.

And when she sat up from my hold, I was glancing at her lips in the middle of our conversation.

I wanted to kiss her and this time I wasn't going to hesitate.



I saw him looking at my lips. I was looking at his too.

God they looked so soft and I just wanted him to kiss me at that moment.

He was sitting up, leaned against his bed, his legs spread out in front of him.

I was sitting close to him with my legs crossed.

I wanted to get on top of him and all but I thought that would be a little too much for the first kiss.


She was sitting in a way that made it hard for me to initiate my move.

I didn't want to fuck this up because I'd be embarrassed for sure.


Why am I thinking too much? I thought to myself. This is Caesar and I know damn well by the way he was looking at me that he wanted to kiss me too.

So I made my move.


To my surprise Genesis made her move..... Slowly moving close to me and then sat on top of me.

We've never been this close before, sharing the same breathe.

I wanted to make the first move and 'kiss her' but this was equally amazing.


I sat an inch away from his middle. I wasn't trying to feel none of that just yet.

I knew this kiss would stir up some hormonal substances.


I pecked on his lips twice before I went in for a longer kiss.


Her lips were as soft as I imagined. I loved that she pecked my lips before the final kiss. It was a teaser of preparation.

She had her hands on the my jaw, cupping my face, taking charge of the movement.

My hands were on her waist, tempted to go lower to her ass.


His hands were on my waist. Not on top of my shirt but under it.

I could feel his fingers closing in.

When I felt like the kiss should end now, I felt Caesar's tongue teasing mine.

This was new.

I had never kissed any guy with tongue. I didn't know what to do really but I think I handled it as expected.


She just knew what to do.

I loved this.


Then my phone rang.

Ending the moment even though it was seemly going to at that very second.

She proceeded to kiss my forehead before I attended to the call.

It was my dad.

Genesis got off me and crossed her legs where she sat before....