The next morning
My mum wasn't the type to allow me to miss school, but when I had break downs she did.
Every time I got bullied in DC and actually told her about it, I'd stay home the next day.
It was some sort of healing space I guess.
I didn't go to school today. I just watched movie after movie, stuffing my face with snacks.
My mum was at work and I couldn't think of anything better to do.
Caesar kept texting and calling me so I turned my phone off.
I wasn't trying to relieve yesterday.
The next day
It was the next day already.
My mum only let me miss a day. She wasn't a two day mum.
I hated being here. I was just trying to complete high school and that's it.
Sail solo on some sort of yacht, drinking the most expensive Hennessey. Alone in peace, away from everyone.
I was at my locker when Caesar and I met.
"You didn't text me or call me back yesterday. I was worried. Were you sick? " he asked me looking concerned.
I was terrible at lying so I wasn't tryna lie. " I was upset....... Those freshmen I was chaperoning yesterday pissed me off. " I said trying to walk away but he held me back.
"Chill". I told her as I held her arm to stop her from walking away from me.
How does she do this, I thought to myself.
She's so brief and honest all the time. She doesn't try to fight anything like I do.
I'm always hiding shit and lying about it.
" what did they do? " I asked.
"Some shit about me being you know." She said then paused for a second. "I just wasn't in the mood and I'm a wreck when it comes to my condition. I wasn't tryna cry in front of those fools. "she said looking pissed off.
"What are their names? " I asked already planning how I would fuck them up.
"I don't even know really. I don't even care so... You shouldn't either. " she said and broke away from my hold.
I cared. I cared a lot. So I was going to to do something and I knew just who would help me.
Lunch, cafeteria.
I was sitting alone at our table. This fool was late.
I just sat there attracting the masses.
When I was alone I felt like everyone had their eyes on me.
For someone who feels like this, I sure didn't have that many friends.
I only had one friend, Caesar. If he was home sick, my mouth would be sealed the whole day.
I was the words biggest loner because even Caesar had other friends.
In the middle of my thoughts I saw Caesar with the freshmen I was chaperoned the other day. I knew what was going to happen and I didn't like it.
They were walking up to me.
This fool couldn't just let this go.
"I'm really sorry. " the girl from the trio said to me. I could tell it was forced because of her bitchy facial expression.
The other two dusty looking boys apologized as well, one after the other.
I immediately said it was okay to avoid dragging the situation.
"I just had to. "Caesar said the moment the trio went their separate ways, escorted by the eyes of stares in the cafeteria.
Everyone was probably wondering what transpired.
"Force apologies? " I asked, feeling myself getting mad.
"Why are you getting crazy? They hurt your feelings. They had to apologize and I know they meant it because I talked to them. " Caesar defended himself.
"Boy if I tell you to drop something drop it. I don't need fake apologies blurted to my face like its kindergarten. " I said and then walked out the cafeteria tossing my food into the garbage.
I got detention after school because I ditched school on freshman welcome day.
I was pissed.
How the hell does the principal even remember. More importantly who snitched because the coast was clear when I left.
We had write a one thousand word essay explaining the reasons why ditching school was bad.
We, meaning Benji and I.
He had detention too and I really wasn't trying to talk to his ass.
I was writing my reasons on my sheet of paper when Benji came along putting his chair right next to mine.
"Sup. " he said the moment his was breathing down my neck looking at my essay.
I flipped the paper. He wasn't my crowd and I don't know why he was so close to me right now.
"You should go Benji. We're not supposed to be talking to each other. " I said, irritated by his closeness to my body.
"I like your hair. " he said as he played with my curls that were let down.
I hated people touching my hair. I hated people touching me anywhere.
I wasn't a fun of contact.
"Yah, I'll just move. " I said and moved to another chair.
"So are you gonna burn those kids things too? Huh Judith? " he asked me to clearly annoy me.
Judith. I hated my government name and I know he knew that.
It was one of the reasons I burnt his stuff. He used to call me that everyday in DC to piss me off.
"No I'm not. " I answered without looking at him.
"That's not fair. " he proceeded to say. "You set my favorite bag on fire for a reason so petty bruh. " he added to say. "You should do the same with the freshmen. "
I wasn't going to answer him anymore. I wasn't obliged to anyway
"Answer me you freak! " he said a little loudly banging on the table.
I turned to look at him because I was shocked and a little terrified honestly. Luckily our class teacher walked in and sat at her chair before I could say anything. I was so ready to cuss this fool out because why was he calling me a freak
"Benjamin Scott. That essay won't write itself. " our teacher told Benji.
As I continued writing my essay. I realized that Caesar told Benji about the other day.
Why would he do that?
Detention was over and I walked home. I hoped not to be followed by Benji and he didn't.
Honestly that day in DC was the darkest moment of my life and not even I know how to explain it.
When I walked into the house, I found my mum sitting with Brian on the couch in the living room.
Why is he here on a weekday I thought to myself. I hated his presence around here.
"Sweetheart, a minute please. " my mum called out as I clearly tried to escape the pair.
I sat opposite them only greeting my mum and rolling my eyes at Brian.
Brian was this man that looked barely a day over thirty. I know for sure his younger than my mum.
He had these locks in his head that looked dirty to a degree but what do I know about dreads.
He was skinny and looked sick.
He wasn't too bad in appearance Maybe I thought all these poor things about him because I resented him.
"I'm pregnant, three months and Brian is the father. I don't care if you're not happy about this but Brian will stay here, permanently. " my mum said.
I was going to say shit like over my dead body but this was her house. As much as I hated everything she told me right now, I couldn't do anything about it.
I just left the living room and went to my room without saying a word.
When I was in my room, admiring Winnie Harlow on my walls. I wondered if the baby would have Vitiligo like I do.
If he or she did it would be kinda cool. All my life, I've only seen one person with Vitiligo. I have never really met many face to face.
But then I thought differently. I wouldn't want the baby to experience what I have. He or she would probably be happier with normal skin.
My phone beeped. It was Caesar, he apologized.