WebNovelWith Time34.29%



I was at the hospital as quickly as I could be.

Caesar's mum was alone in the waiting room. I only found out later that she preferred to be alone, waiting for her son.

Caesar's dad was at the hospital too but he was in the car, upset I guess.

The rest of Caesar family was at his house, waiting on any news.

"Hi Mrs Ramìrez. " I greeted Caesar's mum when I reached her.

"Hi Genesis. You can just call me Teri. " she replied.

It was obvious that she was crying before i got here so I avoided too much eye contact. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Is it my fault that his here? " I asked her.

"Why would you think that? " she asked me with slight fear in her eyes.

"Uhm.... We had a big fight two days ago and I broke up with him. " I told her.

She didn't say anything for a while and I hated myself for causing all this.

"No dear. Caesar did this to be with Elaine. " she finally told me.

I still had so many questions to ask but I allowed her to talk.

"He wanted to die on the exact date she did. " she continued to tell me. She looked like she was going to explode in tears but she kept strong.

As she explained everything, all the Nirvana Nairobi bullshit made sense. The family being complete was his mother returning from jail and his best friend was his twin sister.

"They were that close? " I asked wanting to know more.

"Oh yes dear. They were inseparable and they loved each other so much. "She told me.

"He never really told me about her. "I told her.

"He was very picky with what he told anyone dear." She told me."His dad told me that he tried this stunt the week of her passing but he wasn't successful then either."she added to tell me.

Guess death doesn't want Caesar just yet. Two failed attempts.

"I'm sorry about our dinner. " she apologized.

"Its okay. " I told her.

I totally forgot about that anyway. For two hours I sat with Caesar's mum.

She told me so many stories and so did I.

We had a good laugh and I was glad to give her some joy at this moment.

She missed quiet a bit when she was locked up but I got her all caught up.

"So why did you break up with Caesar? " she asked me after a long silence.

That question brought two days ago back in my memory.

I really didn't want to remember any of that but I did.

"We had an argument in which he said something to me that I just couldn't really....... Really uhm.... See how he could tell me that and claim to care about me. " i told her.

She didn't ask what he said and I was relieved.

We continued talking about other things as we waited.

His mum was a really amazing person.

After three hours, Caesar woke up.

That was all his mum needed. She was disappointed and didn't want to see him just yet.

Both his parents went home.

I stayed with him.

With this fool.

"So... "I said trying to start a conversation. I was in the room with Caesar.

Caesar was fine.

He tried to poison himself, but a hand of applause to the great development in the medical field.

He was alive and looked as healthy as everyone else.

"Where's my mum? " Caesar asked.

"Home. " I answered.

I wanted to add the disappointed part but his a threat to himself.

He might try to kill himself again over this.

"Go home Genesis. " he told him.

"Excuse me. " I said to his ungrateful ass. "I waited on you for three hours and you'll just tell me to leave?"

"What do you want me to do? Give you a trophy first? A noble prize? "He asked me rudely.


I waited three hours for this rubbish.

I should have left with his mum.

"You broke up with me. " he continued.

"Oh that's what this attitude is about? Nigga reply the scenes correctly you said shit to me not vice versa. " I defended myself.

"I apologized. "He went on.

He must be joking right now.

His apology was so poor and so demanding.

"I'm not about to argue with you. " I said and stood up. "Just so you know, your sister died and probably went to heaven. If you died today you wouldn't have seen her because suicide is a sin and your ass would have gone to hell. Save everyone the shitty drama and move on. " I told him ad I prepared to leave.

"Oh so me missing my sister is shitty drama huh? " he asked looking pissed off.

After a sigh and calm mind I explained.

"She died for reasons man can't give. But I bet she'd slap the hell out of you if you went to see her after killing yourself. Your mum loves you.... Your dad. Stupid your whole family is at your house right now probably praying. " I told him.

He was quiet. Listening for once.

"They love you. I love you. We aren't together anymore but we are more than our failed relationship and I would have been heart broken if I lost you. " I told him. "Especially to suicide. "I added.

He didn't say anything. That was my cue to leave.