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Two months later

My baby girl was finally okay, she was talking again and this time even more than before.

After weeks of therapy and doctors appointments, Zala was finally fine.

Her hair had grown back too. It wasn't to its first length but it was getting there with the help of hair growth products.

Zala recently started going to an extremely strict private school not so far from our house.

This school was crazy. Bullying or any form of disrespect wasn't condoned. A child would strick once and get expelled without any explanation. For that reason I knew my baby girl would be safe always.

Zala didn't really like it there but it was better that High End Elementary school.

Now that Zala was going to a really expensive school, I had to step up in some way.

I got a job at a publishing company. They paid good.

Malcolm was already doing so much for me.

He paid for both Kids schools, he bought groceries.... Gas for my car.

I felt guilty when I just sat at home.