The next morning was beautiful.
Malcolm was there for breakfast and the kids loved it.
These three were certified clowns that hyped each other up.
I laughed so hard I had a migraine.
I loved to see Trey so happy even though it was clear that he didn't really understand most of the jokes.
"Eat quickly so that I can take you to the meeting. "I told Zala making her whinny.
Zala attended a group meeting every Saturday with other kids. They were all sorts of kids at the meetings.
Lame, bullied kids etc.
It was a fruitful environment.
Zala on the other hand hated going there.
"I don't wanna go. "Zala told me and rolled her eyes.
"Excuse me!.... Did I sound like I was asking!... And who the hell are you rolling those eyes at like that! "I yelled scaring Trey.
"Babe calm down. "Malcolm told me.
Malcolm loved to play the cool and chill parent.
I wasn't going to let Zala disrespect me.